Closed-Loop PI/PID Controller Tuning For Stable and Integrating Process With Time Delay
Closed-Loop PI/PID Controller Tuning For Stable and Integrating Process With Time Delay
Closed-Loop PI/PID Controller Tuning For Stable and Integrating Process With Time Delay
Closed-Loop PI/PID Controller Tuning for Stable and Integrating Process with Time Delay
Mohammad Shamsuzzoha
Department of Chemical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, 31261, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to develop a new online controller tuning method in closed-loop mode. The proposed closed-loop tuning method overcomes the shortcoming of the well-known Ziegler-Nichols (1942) continuous cycling method and it can be an alternative for the same. This is a simple method to obtain the PI/PID setting which gives the acceptable performance and robustness for a broad range of the processes. The method requires a closed-loop step set-point experiment using a proportional only controller with gain Kc0. On the basis of simulations for a range of rst-order with time delay processes, simple correlations have been derived to give PI/PID controller settings. The controller gain (Kc/Kc0) is only a function of the overshoot observed in the set-point experiment. The controller integral and derivative time (I and D) is mainly a function of the time to reach the rst peak (tp). The simulation has been conducted for a broad class of stable and integrating processes, and the results are compared with a recently published paper of Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad (2010).1 The proposed tuning method gives consistently better performance and robustness for a broad class of processes.
1. INTRODUCTION The proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller is widely used in the process industries due to its simplicity, robustness, and wide ranges of applicability in the regulatory control layer. The stable and integrating processes are very common in process industries in ow, level, and temperature loop. On the basis of a survey of more than 11 000 controllers in the process industries, Desborough and Miller2 reported that more than 97% of the regulatory controllers utilize the PI/PID algorithm. A recent survey of Kano and Ogawa3 shows that the ratio of applications of a dierent type of controller, for example, PI/PID control, conventional advanced control, and model predictive control is about 100:10:1. Although the PI/PID controller has only few adjustable parameters, they are dicult to be tuned properly in real processes. One reason is that tedious plant tests are required to obtain improved controller settings. Because of this reason, nding a simple PI/PID tuning approach with a signicant performance improvement has been an important research issue for process engineers. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to develop a method that should be simpler with enhanced performance in closedloop mode. There are variety of controller tuning approaches reported in the literature,421 and among those two are widely used for controller tuning; one may use open-loop or closed-loop plant tests. Most tuning approaches are based on open-loop plant information, typically the plants gain (k), time constant (), and time delay (). One popular approach is direct synthesis (Seborg et al.4) and the direct synthesis for the disturbance (DS-d) method proposed by Chen and Seborg,5 in which they obtained the PI/PID controller parameters by computing the ideal feedback controller which gives a predened desired closed-loop response. The IMC based PI/PID tuning method was proposed by Rivera et al.,6 Skogestad,7 and Shamsuzzoha and Lee8,9 for dierent types of processes. Although the ideal controller for both the approach are often more complicated than the PI/PID controller for time delayed processes, the
XXXX American Chemical Society
controller form can be reduced to either a PI/PID controller or a PID controller cascaded with a low order lter by performing appropriate approximations of the dead time in the process model. The PI/PID tuning method based on both the approaches is simpler in use with signicantly improved performance. It is well-known that the PID tuning based on both the methods give very good performance for set-point changes but sluggish responses to input (load) disturbances for lag-dominant (including integrating) processes with / < 0.125. To improve load disturbance rejection, Skogestad7 proposed the modied SIMC method where the integral time is reduced for processes with a large value of the time constant . The SIMC rule has one tuning parameter similar to IMC, the closed-loop time constant c, and for fast and robust control it is recommended to choose c = , where is the (eective) time delay. Shamsuzzoha and Lee9 developed the PID controllers in series with lead/lag compensators for stable, integrating, and unstable processes. This method gives signicantly better performance for dierent types of second order process. However, these approaches require that one rst obtains an open-loop model of the process and then tuning of the control-loop. There are two problems here. First, an open-loop experiment, for example a step test, is normally needed to get the required process data. This may be time-consuming and may upset the process and even lead to process runaway. Second, approximations are involved in obtaining the process parameters (e.g., k, , and ) from the data. The main alternative is to use closed-loop experiments. One approach is the classical method of ZieglerNichols,10 which requires very little information about the process; namely, the ultimate controller gain (Ku) and the period of oscillations (Pu)
Received: December 23, 2012 Revised: August 7, 2013 Accepted: August 12, 2013
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research which are obtained from a single experiment. For a PI-controller the recommended settings are Kc = 0.45Ku and I = 0.83Pu. However, there are several disadvantages. First, the system needs to be brought to its limit of instability and a number of trials may be needed to bring the system to this point. To avoid this problem one may induce sustained oscillation with an on o controller using the relay method of strom and Hag glund,.11 However, this requires that the feature of switching to on/o-control has been installed in the system. Another disadvantage is that the ZieglerNichols10 tunings do not work well on all processes. It is well-known that the recommended settings are quite aggressive for lag-dominant (integrating) processes (Tyreus and Luyben,12) and quite slow for delaydominant process (Skogestad7). To get better robustness for the lag-dominant (integrating) processes, Tyreus and Luyben12 proposed to use less aggressive settings (Kc = 0.313Ku and I = 2.2Pu), but this makes the response even slower for delaydominant processes (Skogestad7). This is a fundamental problem of the ZieglerNichols10 method because it uses only two pieces of information about the process (Ku, Pu), which correspond to the critical point on the Nyquist curve. This does allow one to distinguish, for example, between a lag-dominant and a delay-dominant process. A x is to use additional closedloop experiments, for example, an experiment with an integrating controller (Schei13), and this does allow one to distinguish between a lag-dominant and a delay-dominant process. A third disadvantage of the ZieglerNichols10 method is that it can only be used on processes for which the phase lag exceeds 180 deg at high frequencies. For example, it does not work on a simple second-order process. Luyben14 proposed modied RelayFeedback method for the identication of the process by using information of the shapes of the response curve. The method provides approximate model for the processes that can be described by a rst-order lag with dead time. His method works on some higher-order systems, but it is not applicable for inverseresponse and unstable processes. Recently, Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1 developed a new procedure for PI/PID tuning method in the closed-loop mode. Their method is based on the SIMC tuning rule and provides satisfactory results for both performance and robustness. For the PID tuning parameter they need to repeat the experiment with the PD controller based on the prior information obtained from the P controller test. They recommended adding the derivative action only for a dominant second-order process. Haugen15 developed the Good Gain method in which one must nd the suitable controller gain in closed-loop mode. Like in the Set Point Overshoot method1 the system is not brought into marginal stability during the tuning, and that is the advantage of this method. The Good Gain method has a signicant drawback, as the method may not be quick to use because of the number of trials needed to nd a good value of the controller gain and eventually suitable tuning parameters. Dales closed-loop16 PI tuning technique is mainly for an industrial practitioner, and it is based on the trial and error approach in which one should have controller gain (Kcd) in a closed-loop for the critically damped output response. In a repetitive process the suitable controller gain (Kcd) for critically damped output response is obtained, and then the nal controller gain is given based on the desired response. The suggested nal controller gains are Kc 1.2Kcd and Kc 0.8Kcd for desired underdamped and overdamped responses, respectively. A large integral time (I) is recommended for the oset
removal, and if required derivative action can be added in the nal setting. Hu and Xiao17 have tried to develop an analytical PI tuning method, which resembles Set Point Overshoot method.1 They derived an analytical PI-tuning rule for integral plus time delay (ITD) and rst-order plus time delay (FOTD) processes using the Set Point Overshoot method.1 The rule expresses the PI parameters in terms of the steady-state oset, peak time, and overshoot or rise time, as recorded in a closed-loop experiment.1 The rule turns out to be applicable to a broad range of processes typical for process control, and it gives comparable performance to the PI tuning rule proposed in the recent work of Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad.1 Yuwana and Seborg18 originally proposed a two-step tuning procedure based on a closed-loop set-point experiment with a P-controller. They identied a rst-order with delay model by matching the closed-loop set-point response with a standard oscillating second-order step response. They used rst-order Pade approximation for the time delay term in the process. They identied rst overshoot and undershoot and second overshoot from the set-point response, but the method may be modied to not using the second overshoot, as in the present study. In next step for the controller setting they used the ZieglerNichols10 tuning rules, which as mentioned earlier may give a rather aggressive setting. Veronesi and Visioli19 recently published another two-step approach, where the idea is to assess and possibly retune an existing PI controller. From a closed-loop set point or disturbance response using the existing PI controller, they identify a rst-order with delay model and time constant and use this to assess the closed-loop performance. If the performance is worse than what could be expected, then the controller is retuned, for example, using the SIMC method. In another paper, Seki and Shigemasa20 proposed to retune the controller based on a comparison of closed-loop responses obtained with two dierent controller settings. It is important to note that often it is dicult to carryout open-loop tests. There is always the possibility that a control variable may drift, and an operator may need to intervene to prevent product qualities o-specication. In the case of closedloop tests, one can easily maintain control on the process during the experiment and reduce the eect of disturbances to the process operation. The PI/PID controller design method was discussed extensively in the literature, and it shows that most of the tuning method is based on the two-steps procedure. The rst step is to nd the process parameters (e.g., k, , and ) by using an open-loop or closed-loop test. The second step is to use a suitable tuning method to obtain the PI/PID controller setting. The design method, which gives the PI/PID controller setting in a simple and eective way has always been an important research issue for process engineers. Therefore, the present study is focused on the design of the PI/PID controller to fulll the various objectives: (i) Proposed controller tuning method should be in closed-loop mode. (ii) The PI/PID tuning rule should be simple, analytically derived, and applicable to dierent types of processes with a wide range of process parameters in a unied framework. (iii) The proposed closed-loop tuning method should overcome the shortcoming of the ZieglerNichols continuous cycling method. (iv) The method should be applicable to the wide range of the overshoot (approximately 1060%) with the initial controller gain Kc0. | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
2. IMC-PID CONTROLLER TUNING RULE The motivation of this section is to give a brief description of the concept of the IMC-PID (Seborg al.4) controller tuning for a rst order process with time delay. In Figure 1, the block diagram of a conventional feedback control system is shown, where g denotes the process transfer
g (s ) =
k 1 2s
(s + 1) 1 + 2 s
The resulting IMC-PID tuning formula (Seborg et al. ) after simplication is obtain in eq (8) for the rst order process with time delay in eq 2.
Kc = 2 + k(2c + )
I = +
Figure 1. Block diagram of feedback control system.
function and c the feedback controller. The other variables are the manipulated variable u, the measured and controlled output variable y, the set point ys, and the disturbance d, which is assumed to be a load disturbance at the plant input. The closed-loop transfer functions from the set point and load disturbance to the output are cg g ys + y= d 1 + cg 1 + cg (1) In process control, a rst-order process with time delay is a common representation of the process dynamics:
D =
2 +
The IMC-PID controller designed on the basis of the IMC principle provides excellent set-point tracking, but has a sluggish disturbance response, especially for processes with a small / ratio.1,48 To improve the load disturbance response, Skogestad7 recommended modication of the integral time as
I = 4(c + )
g (s ) =
k e s s + 1
In the proposed method, the objective is to obtain the improved disturbance rejection response. Therefore, the integral time in eq 8b is modied similar to SIMC7 for the improved disturbance and given as
I = min + , 4(c + ) 2
where k is the process gain, is the lag time constant, and is the time delay. Most processes in the chemical industries can be satisfactorily controlled using a PID controller:
1 c(s) = Kc1 + + Ds Is
c = is the recommend setting for this tuning rule which gives maximum sensitivity (Ms) = 1.70, approximately. The resulting simplied tuning rule for the PID controller setting after c = is given as
Kc = 2 + 3k
The other structure of the PID controller-like series form of the PID can easily be transformed from eq 3 (Seborg et al.4). The following relation can express the conventional feedback controller, which is equivalent to the IMC controller. q c(s) = 1 gq (4) where g denotes the process transfer function and c and q are the conventional controller and IMC controller, respectively. The IMC controller is designed in two steps (details are available in Seborg et al.4): Step 1: The process model g is decomposed into two parts: g = pM pA (5) where pM and pA are the portions of the model inverted and not inverted, respectively, by the controller (pA is usually a nonminimum phase and contains dead times and/or right half plane zeros); pA(0) = 1. Step 2: The IMC controller is designed by
q = pM 1 f
I = min + , 8 2
D =
2 +
The IMC lter f is usually given as f = 1/(cs+1) where c is an adjustable parameter that controls the trade-o between the performance and robustness; r is selected to be large enough to make the IMC controller semiproper. The rst order Pade approximation has been utilized for the approximation of the dead time term in eq 2.
3. CLOSED-LOOP EXPERIMENT This section is devoted for the development of the PI/PID controller based on the closed-loop data which resembles the PID tuning method in eq (11). The simplest closed-loop experiment is probably a set-point step test (Figure 2) where one maintains full control of the process, including the change in the output variable. The simplest to observe is the time tp to reach the (rst) overshoot and its magnitude, and this information is therefore the basis for the proposed method. The proposed procedure is as follows:1 (1.) Switch the controller to P-only mode (for example, increase the integral time I to its maximum value or set the integral gain KI to zero). In an industrial system, with bumpless transfer, the switch should not upset the process. (2) Make a set-point change that gives an overshoot between 0.10 (10%) and 0.60 (60%); about 0.30 (30%) is a good value. Record the controller gain Kc0 used in the experiment. Most likely, unless the original controller was quite tightly tuned, one | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
will need to increase the controller gain to get a suciently large overshoot. Note that small overshoots (less than 0.10) are not considered because it is dicult in practice to obtain from experimental data accurate values of the overshoot and peak time if the overshoot is too small. Also, large overshoots (larger than about 0.6) give a long settling time and require more excessive input changes. For these reasons we recommend using an intermediate overshoot of about 0.3 (30%) for the closed-loop set-point experiment. (3) From the closed-loop set-point response experiment, one can obtain the following values (see Figure 2): Controller gain, Kc0; overshoot = (yp y)/y; time from set-point change to reach peak output (overshoot), tp; relative steady state output change, b = y/ys. Here the output variable changes are given as: set-point change, ys = ys y0; peak output change (at time tp), yp = yp y0; steady-state output change after set-point step test y = y y0. To nd y one needs to wait for the response to settle, which may take some time if the overshoot is relatively large (typically, 0.3 or larger). In such cases, one may stop the experiment when the set-point response reaches its rst minimum and record the corresponding output, yu, (Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1).
y = 0.45(yp + yu )
more oscillatory as the overshoot increases. As mentioned earlier the recommended intermediate overshoot of about 0.3 (30%) is the best choice for the closed-loop set-point experiment. Figure 4 shows set-point responses when the P-controller gain Kc0 has been adjusted to give an overshoot of 0.3 for a wide range of rst-order plus delay processes with a unit time delay ( = 1), g(s) = es/(s + 1). The process time constant varies from 0 (pure delay process) to 100 (almost integrating process). The time to reach the rst peak (tp) increases somewhat as we increase , but the most striking dierence is that the steady-state output change (b-value) approaches 1 as increase. Thus, the b-value provides an indirect measure of the value of /, which will be utilized in the next section.
To make the proposed set-point experiment more understandable, simulation has been conducted for six dierent controller gains Kc0. The resulting closed-loop response is shown in Figure 3, which gives the overshoots of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60. A typical process g(s) = es/(10s + 1) is considered for this analysis which has a unit time delay ( = 1) and has a 10 times larger time constant ( = 10). As expected, the closed-loop response gets faster and
4. CORRELATION BETWEEN CLOSED-LOOP SET POINT RESPONSE AND THE PID SETTINGS The objective of this paper is to provide a procedure in closedloop for controller tuning similar to the Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1 and Ziegler-Nichols10 method. Thus, the goal is to derive a correlation, preferably as simple as possible, between the set-point response data (Figure 2) and the PID settings in eq (11), initially with the choice c = . For this purpose, consider 15 rst-order with delay models g(s) = kes/(s + 1) that cover a wide range of processes; from delay-dominant to lag-dominant (integrating): / = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 7.5, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0 It is always possible to scale time with respect to the time delay () and since the closed-loop response depends on the product of the process and controller gains (kKc), so without loss of generality k = 1 and = 1 were used in all simulations. | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 3. Step set-point responses with various overshoots for rst-order plus time delay process, g = es/(10s + 1).
Figure 4. Step set-point responses with overshoot of 0.3 (30%) for eight rst-order plus time delay processes with / ranging from 0 to 100 (g = es/(s + 1), = 1).
For each of the 15 process models (dierent values of /), the PID settings were obtained using eq (11) with the choice c = . Furthermore, for each of the 15 processes, six closed-loop step set-point responses were generated using P-controllers that give dierent fractional overshoots. overshoots = 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60 In total, it has then 90 set-point responses, and for each of these four data were recorded: the P-controller gain Kc0 used in the experiment, the fractional overshoot, the time to reach the overshoot (tp), and the relative steady-state change, b = y/ys. Controller Gain (Kc). Initially the aim is to obtain a relationship between the above four data and the corresponding proposed controller gain Kc. Indeed, as illustrated in Figure 5, where kKc was plotted as a function of kKc0 for 90 set-point
experiments, the ratio Kc/Kc0 is approximately constant for a xed value of the overshoot, independent of the value of /. Thus, it is possible to write
Kc =A Kc0
where the ratio A is a function of the overshoot only. In Figure 6, the plot of the value of A as a function of the overshoot is given, which is obtained as the best t of the slopes of the lines in Figure 5. The following equation (solid line in Figure 6) ts the data in Figure 5 well and is given as
A = [1.55 (overshoot)2 2.159 (overshoot) + 1.35]
(14) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 5. Relationship between P-controller gain kKc0 used in set-point experiment and corresponding IMC-PID controller gain kKc in eq 11a.
Conclusion. The controller gain (Kc) from the closed-loop step test is obtained from the following nal eq 15. It is only a function of initial controller gain (Kc0) and overshoot.
Kc = Kc0[1.55 (overshoot)2 2.159 (overshoot) + 1.35]
Integral Time (I). It is interesting to nd a simple correlation for the integral time. The PID method in eq 11b uses a minimum of two values for the integral time. Therefore, it is reasonable to search a similar relationship, that is, to nd one
value (I1 = + /2) for processes with a relatively large delay, and another value (I2 = 8) for processes with a relatively small delay including integrating processes. Case I: (Process with Relatively Large Delay). This case arise when processes have a relatively large delay i.e., / < 8, the integral action in the proposed tuning rule is to use I = ( + /2). Rearrangement of eq 11a is given as
= 3kKc 2
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Adding both the side /2 in eq 16 and substitute ( + /2) = I, the resulting equation is
I = 1.5kKc
In eq 17, it is also required to balance the value of the process gain k, and to this eect write
kKc = kKc0Kc/Kc0
Here, the value of the loop gain kKc0 for the P-control set-point experiment is given from the value of b:
kKc0 = b (1 b)
To prove this, the closed-loop set-point response is y/ys = gc/(1 + gc) and a P-controller with gain Kc0, the steady-state value is y/ys = kKc0/(1 + kKc0) = b. The absolute value is included to avoid the problems if b > 1, as may occur for an unstable process or because of inaccurate data. It is possible to obtain the value of time delay directly from the closed-loop set-point response, but usually this is not always an easy task. The reasonable correlation has been developed by Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1 for and the set-point peak time tp, which is easier to observe. For processes with a relatively large time delay (/ < 8), the ratio /tp varies between 0.27 (for / = 8 with overshoot = 0.1) and 0.5 (for / = 0.1 with all overshoots). For the intermediate overshoot of 0.3, the ratio /tp varies between 0.32 and 0.50. A conservative choice would be to use = 0.5tp because a large value increases the integral time. However, to improve performance for processes with smaller time delays, it is reasonable to use = 0.43tp which is only 14% lower than 0.50 (the worst case). In summary, the integral time (I) for a process with a relatively large time delay is
I = 0.645A b tp (1 b)
Figure 7. Ratio of process time delay () and set-point overshoot time (tp) as a function of overshoot for four rst-order with delay processes (solid lines). Dotted lines are values of /tp used in nal correlations, (Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1).
Derivative Time (D). A signicant number of the PID controllers switched o their derivative part, but proper use of derivative action can increase stability and improve the closed-loop performance. The derivative action is very important for slow moving loops where overshoot is undesirable, for example, temperature loop. The motivation of this section is to develop the approach for inclusion of the derivative action from closed-loop data. In this study the derivative action is recommended for the process having / 1. The addition of the derivation action in that kind of slow process could be useful for the performance and stability improvement. Substitute the value of = I 0.5 into / 1, and after rearrangement the resulting equation is given as
(I 0.5 ) 1
Case II: (Process with Relatively Small Delay). The proposed tuning rule and the Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1 method have the same integral action for the lag-dominant process. For the integral time for a lag-dominant (including integrating) process with / > 8, the recommended tuning rule has the integral time
I2 = 8
After simplication it is I/ 1.5 and the resulting constraint is kKc 1.0. The corresponding closed-loop condition for the derivative action is given as
A b 1 (1 b)
For / > 8, Figure 7 shows that the ratio /tp varies between 0.25 (for / = 100 with overshoot = 0.1) and 0.36 (for / = 8 with overshoot 0.6). It is reasonable to select the average value = 0.305tp which is only 15% lower than 0.36 (the worst case). Also note that for the intermediate overshoot of 0.3, the ratio /tp varies between 0.30 and 0.32. In summary, the integral time for a lag-dominant process is
Case I. For an approximately integrating process ( ), where integral time is I = 8, in the closed-loop the time delay and tp relation is = 0.305tp, the derivative time D1 in eq 11c can be approximated as
D1 = 0.305t p = = = 0.15t p 2 + 2 2 2
I2 = 2.44t p
Conclusion. Therefore, the integral time I is obtained as the minimum of the above two values as recommended in eq 11b:
Case II. The process with a relatively large delay, for this case integral time I = ( + 0.5), and time delay in a closedloop is = 0.43tp. For such cases, the derivative action is recommended only if / 1. Assuming the case when = , the D2 is given from eq 11c as | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Table 1. PI/PID Controller Setting for Proposed Method (F = 1) and Comparison with the Set Point Overshoot method (hereafter, SOM method1)
resulting PI/PID-controller with performance and robustness index P-control set-point experiment methods overshoot 0.322 0.322 0.131 0.131 0.314 0.314 0.304 0.304 0.292 0.292 0.301 0.301 0.309 0.309 0.307 0.307 0.321 0.321 0.301 0.301 0.344 0.344 0.308 0.308 0.302 0.302 13.67 13.67 0.836 0.836 2.20 2.20 8.425 8.425 3.85 0.50 0.889 0.889 0.583 0.583 0.938 0.938 0.826 0.826 3.85 0.50 6.19 1.0 6.19 1.0 0.357 0.485 0.603 0.82 4.966 6.754 0.817 1.112 9.22 12.54 2.9 4.0 5.98 0.286 0.334 5.98 0.286 0.245 1.263 1.286 15.10 15.10 1.995 2.033 20.56 20.56 9.602 9.786 2.04 2.04 5.367 5.367 0.308 0.12 1.91 1.18 0.87 4.987 1.0 0.675 12.17 4.987 1.0 0.496 12.17 12.17 0.615 0.867 5.57 1.50 0.086 0.615 0.867 4.093 1.50 5.250 0.556 1.05 3.55 0.735 5.25 0.556 0.77 3.49 1.56 1.37 1.59 1.26 1.77 1.28 2.13 3.15 1.75 1.34 1.58 1.92 1.62 1.35 1.59 1.44 1.75 1.92 1.76 2.56 no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply 0.527 0.909 4.14 1.29 0.074 1.36 0.527 0.909 3.043 1.287 1.70 0.43 0.37 4.50 3.43 0.46 0.347 4.74 4.39 7.04 8.80 6.21 5.73 3.31 3.04 5.92 5.69 11.72 9.27 0.92 0.82 2.88 2.51 5.31 0.46 1.263 3.62 0.623 1.87 2.89 5.31 0.46 0.688 3.14 1.41 4.56 1.20 2.13 7.16 8.64 1.49 1.69 9.13 11.11 1.29 1.47 1.57 2.77 0.90 1.05 1.27 2.09 10.99 13.74 1.60 1.91 21.54 33.60 6.60 14.98 0.393 0.937 12.29 0.958 0.055 1.20 0.26 27.19 0.393 0.937 9.03 0.958 1.74 0.30 23.72 IAE (y) TV(u) SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed 4.75 4.75 15.0 15.0 1.40 1.40 8.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 0.58 0.58 0.40 0.40 0.80 0.80 6.50 6.50 1.25 1.25 5.0 5.0 0.85 0.85 15.0 15.0 Kc0 tp b Kc Ms I D IAE (y) 0.11 0.78 4.57 2.87 0.43 0.312 4.50 3.38 0.37 0.27 24.51 18.03 8.62 10.56 42.33 31.13 3.31 2.53 4.14 3.042 11.78 8.831 0.23 0.167 1.85 1.35 set point load disturbance TV(u) 1.81 1.35 1.01 1.043 1.48 1.21 1.09 1.0 1.42 1.15 1.81 1.41 1.83 3.10 1.72 1.38 1.04 1.43 1.34 1.11 1.09 1.06 1.26 1.53 1.20 2.58
process model
1 (s + 1)(0.2s + 1)
1 (s + 1)4
2s + 1 (s + 1)3
1 s(s + 1)2
e s (s + 1)2
e s (20s + 1)(2s + 1)
s + 1 s
Table 1. continued
resulting PI/PID-controller with performance and robustness index P-control set-point experiment methods overshoot 0.285 0.285 no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply 0.51 0.51 no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply no oscillation with P-controller, method does not apply 16.0 16.0 4.0 4.0 0.90 0.90 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.80 0.80 0.26 0.26 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.25 0.25 0.303 0.302 0.302 0.304 0.304 0.296 0.296 0.303 0.301 0.301 3.293 3.293 2.563 2.563 3.282 3.282 4.989 4.989 9.685 9.685 0.30 2.0a 0.30 2.0a 0.30 2.0 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.99 0.99 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.30 2.0 0.231 0.292 2.0 0.231 0.257 0.187 0.254 0.187 0.254 0.496 0.675 0.161 0.217 0.496 0.675 0.495 0.673 0.156 0.213 0.292 2.0 0.231 0.189 0.326 2.40 0.474 0.733 0.326 2.40 0.474 0.538 1.111 1.132 0.325 0.331 0.321 0.327 0.321 0.327 8.034 8.034 6.255 6.255 8.008 8.008 12.173 12.173 23.632 23.632 1.356 1.718 0.46 0.359 0.461 0.298 3.05 0.80 3.391 6.658 0.298 3.05 0.80 2.494 6.538 0.427 0.309 0.174 0.941 13.36 0.425 0.0244 0.309 0.174 0.941 9.819 0.425 1.63 1.73 1.56 1.66 1.58 1.93 1.67 2.08 1.61 1.98 1.53 1.84 1.68 1.72 1.96 2.35 1.70 1.72 1.77 1.28 1.77 1.27 0.16 0.15 2.62 1.97 2.09 2.02 1.88 1.93 1.74 1.69 1.72 1.46 3.79 3.36 3.85 3.29 3.94 3.47 4.76 4.41 9.46 8.68 22.08 30.64 4.96 7.60 1.23 1.98 1.12 1.58 1.02 1.39 1.07 1.35 1.18 1.70 0.43 0.75 1.21 1.73 1.29 1.48 0.41 0.502 0.043 0.032 2.62 1.96 2.06 1.64 1.87 1.90 1.74 1.69 1.72 1.46 16.19 11.9 42.74 30.91 16.15 11.87 24.61 18.1 151.3 111.2 1.32 1.26 1.04 1.22 1.03 1.38 1.10 1.55 1.01 1.39 1.02 1.35 1.50 1.51 1.51 2.22 1.55 1.53 1.81 1.41 1.82 1.57 0.31 1.55 0.338 0.433 0.432 12.29 0.31 1.55 0.338 0.314 0.418 3.90 4.12 11.78 3.88 14.52 5.26 13.2 4.41 15.22 1.655 1.0 0.60 4.04 2.91 2.54 2.87 1.655 1.0 0.445 4.04 2.01 3.58 1.74 IAE (y) TV(u) SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed 0.70 0.70 Kc0 tp b Kc Ms I D IAE (y) 11.63 8.26 set point load disturbance TV(u) 3.40 4.14
process model
E14 (a)
( s + 1)e s
s + 1 (s + 1)
E15 (a)
( s + 1)e (s + 1)
1 (s + 1)
E16 (a)
e (s + 1)
e s (5s + 1)
e s (s + 1)
e (0.2s + 1)
e (0.05s + 1)2
e s
100es 100s + 1
e s s
Table 1. continued
resulting PI/PID-controller with performance and robustness index P-control set-point experiment methods overshoot Not possible to stabilize with PI controller Not possible to stabilize with PI controller 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.75 0.12 0.12 4.0 4.0 0.30 3.67 1.333 3.383 0.30 3.67 1.333 2.487 7.852 7.996 0.514 0.30 15.04 0.519 0.101 8.826 0.30 15.04 0.519 0.074 8.667 0.31 1.40 0.429 0.626 0.564 0.31 1.40 0.429 0.460 0.554 0.322 1.40 0.556 1.023 0.922 0.196 1.62 2.18 3.72 1.61 1.97 2.33 1.80 0.322 1.40 0.556 0.752 0.905 1.72 0.304 11.99 0.286 0.336 2.594 1.15 0.304 11.99 0.286 0.247 2.547 1.70 11.66 12.28 1.26 1.03 1.53 1.89 12.74 12.12 7.96 5.75 0.309 5.98 0.286 0.334 1.286 3.15 8.80 0.309 5.98 0.286 0.246 1.263 2.14 7.04 1.56 2.77 1.17 1.74 1.57 1.97 1.53 3.40 0.16 0.23 10.15 10.88 8.62 10.56 11.63 11.87 1.23 0.92 1.60 2.0 119.4 91.13 3.81 2.44 1.83 3.10 1.18 1.69 1.21 1.23 1.77 3.74 1.17 1.59 3.12 2.24 IAE (y) TV(u) SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed SOM proposed Kc0 tp b Kc Ms I D IAE (y) set point load disturbance TV(u)
process model
e s2
( 2s + 1) (s + 1)3
( s + 1)e2s (s + 1)5
9 (s + 1)(s 2 + 2s + 9)
9 (s + 1)(s 2 + s + 9)
e s (5s + 1)
For pure time delay process (E21), obtain tp as end time of the peak (or add a small time constant in the process for the simulation). Note: Detuning is required for the case E15 (a).
Figure 8. Responses of the simple second-order process (1/((s + 1)(0.2s + 1))) E1. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 5.
Figure 9. Responses of high-order process (1/((s + 1)(0.2s + 1)(0.04s + 1)(0.008s + 1))) E5, Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 10. D2 = 0.43t p 2 2 = = = = 0.1433t p 2 + 2 + 3 3 3 (28)
Note: The derivative action is only recommended for the processes which have / 1. The resulting criteria in the closed-loop to add derivative action is A|b/(1 b)| 1. Summary. The derivative action for both cases, that is, D1 and D2 are approximately the same, and the conservative choice for the selection of D is recommended as
D = 0.14t p if A b 1 (1 b)
Figure 10. Responses of third-order integrating process (1/(s(s + 1)2)) E8. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 100.
Figure 11. Responses of a third-order with positive zero and time delay process (((s + 1)es)/((6s + 1)(2s + 1)2)) E11. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 100.
resulting overshoot OS1 is achieved that is between 0.1 to 0.60; this is not close to the recommended value of overshoot 0.30. Let the target overshoot be OS and the target P-controller gain be Kc0. In the proposed closed-loop tuning method the goal is to match the performance with the PID tuning rule. This can be achieved only by maintaining a constant proportional gain Kc, regardless of the overshoot that resulted from the closed-loop set-point test. Ideally, Kc should be the same as that determined with dierent overshoots from various closed-loop set-point tests and the resulting correlation is given as
[1.55(OS1)2 2.159(OS1) + 1.35]Kc01 = [1.55(OS)2 2.159(OS) + 1.35]Kc0
The above eq 30 gives a general guideline for choosing the P-controller gain for the next closed-loop set-point test. As mentioned earlier, the proposed method is in good agreement with the PID setting for the overshoot around 0.3. Therefore, the overshoot in eq 30 is set as 0.30, and after simplication the gain for the next closed-loop test is recommended as
Kc0 = 1.19(1.45(OS1)2 2.02(OS1) + 1.27)Kc01
Note: It is not so important to achieve the precise fractional overshoot of 0.3; therefore a few trials are sucient to get the desire overshoot around 0.3 from eq 31. A high order process given in example E2 is considered to show the eectiveness of the proposed eq 31 for the calculation of the | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
on the closed-loop time constant equal to the time delay ( c = ). In real practice one may want to use less aggressive (detuned) settings ( c > ), or one may even want to speed up the response ( c < ). To this end, we want to introduce a detuning factor F, where F > 1 corresponds to less aggressive settings and F < 1 to more aggressive settings.1,21 The detuning factor F has been included in the controller gain and integral time, and in conclusion the nal tuning formulas for the proposed method are
Kc = Kc0A /F
b I = min0.645A t pF , 2.44t pF (1 b)
D = 0.14t p if A b 1 (1 b)
Figure 12. Responses of rst-order with time delay process (es/(5s + 1)) E17. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 40.
desired overshoot in the step test experiment. First trial: Let us suppose that the P-controller is applied with an initial controller gain Kc01 = 0.85, and after the step test the resulting overshoot comes out to be OS1 = 0.13. From eq 31, the resulting controller gain for the next trial would be 1.042. Second trial: similar to rst trial, use a controller gain of 1.042 in the second test and the resulting overshoot would be 0.18. On the basis of these two new pieces of information the controller gain would be 1.182, and corresponding to this controller gain the overshoot will be 0.22.
where A = [1.55 (overshoot) 2.159 (overshoot) + 1.35] and F is a detuning parameter. F = 1 gives the fast and robust PI/PID settings corresponding to c = . To detune the response and get more robustness one can select F > 1, but in special cases one may select F < 1 to speed up the closed-loop response.
6. FINAL CHOICE OF THE CONTROLLER SETTINGS (DETUNING) The proposed method has been derived to match the performance with the PID tuning rule in eq (11). It is based
7. SIMULATION STUDY This section deals with the simulation study conducted on the dierent types of representative model to cover several classes of process. The closed-loop simulations have been conducted for 33 dierent processes and the proposed tuning method provides in all cases acceptable controller settings with respect to both performance and robustness. Several performance and robustness measures have been calculated for all 33 processes and are listed in Table 1. The brief overview of the performance and robustness measures is mentioned here.
Figure 13. Responses of pure time delay process es E21. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 15.
M | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 14. Responses of integrating process with time delay (es/s) E24. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 50.
Figure 15. Responses of rst-order unstable process g=(es/(5s 1)) E33. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 40.
Output performance (y) is quantied by computing the integrated absolute error, IAE = 0 |y ys|dt. Manipulated variable usage is quantied by calculating the total variation (TV) of the input (u), which is the sum of all its moves up and down. If we discretize the input signal as a sequence [u1, u2, u3 , ..., ui] then TV = i = 1|ui+1 ui|. Note that TV is the integral of the absolute value of the derivative of the input, TV = 0 |du/dt|dt, so TV is a good measure of the smoothness.1,79 To evaluate the robustness, we compute the maximum closed-loop sensitivity, dened as Ms = max|1/ [1 + g c(j)]|. Since Ms is the inverse of the shortest distance from the Nyquist curve of the loop transfer function to the critical point (1,0), a small Ms-value indicates that the control
system has a large stability margin. It is recommended to have IAE, TV, and Ms all to be small, but for a well tuned controller there is a trade-o, which means that a reduction in IAE implies an increase in TV and Ms (and vice versa). For each process, PI/PID settings were obtained on the basis of step response experiments with three dierent overshoots (about 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6) and compared with the recently published method the Set Point Overshoot method.1 The results in Table 1 are only listed for the case of an overshoot around 0.3, but one can easily obtain the result for other overshoots. The closed-loop performance is evaluated by introducing a unit step change in both the set-point and load disturbance (ys = 1 and d = 1). | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 16. MV plots of E5. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 10.
Figure 17. MV plots of E8. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 100.
The results for 33 example processes, without detuning (F = 1), which were studied by Shamsuzzoha and Skogestad1 are listed in Table 1. For rst-order processes (E14, E15, E16), a small delay must be added (E14a, E15a, E16a) to be able to get the closed-loop overshoot needed to apply the proposed method. The comparison of the performance and robustness matrix for an overshoot around 30% shows that the proposed controller setting response gives both smaller overshoot and faster disturbance rejection than the set point overshoot method. It also gives signicant advantage in overshoot and settling time, particularly in disturbance rejection. The closedloop response for both the set-point tracking and disturbance rejection conrms the superior response of the proposed method. It provides the better controller setting for all cases with respect to both the performance and robustness. To show the
eectiveness of the proposed method eight cases of the simulation are shown below, which covers a wide range of the processes. The simulations illustrated in the gures for two dierent overshoots (around 0.3 and 0.6) are compared with the Set Point Overshoot method1 for the following examples.
1 (s + 1)(0.2s + 1)
(E8) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 18. MV plots of E17. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 40.
Figure 19. Responses of rst-order with time delay process (e0.1s/(s + 1)). Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 2.
e s (5s + 1)
e s
(E17) (E21)
e s s
e s (5s 1)
Figures 815 present a comparison of the proposed method by introducing a unit step change in the set point and an unit step change of load disturbance at plant input. It is clear from Figures 815 that the proposed method constantly gives better closed-loop response for several types of processes. There are signicant performance improvements in all the cases for the disturbance rejection while the set-point performance is maintained. Figures 1618 show the manipulated variable (MV) response of E5, E8, and E17 as the representative cases. In the beginning of Figure 16, the sharp spikes in the manipulated variable is due to the derivative action. As mentioned earlier, TV is a good measure of the smoothness of an output signal. The values of TV are also provided in Table 1 for all 33 processes. | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 20. Responses of rst-order with time delay process (es/(s + 1)). Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 10.
Figure 21. Responses of rst-order with time delay process (e10s/(s + 1)). Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 60.
The proposed method has been also compared to the Lubyen14 Relay-Feedback test method for a rst-order lag process with k = = 1 and deadtimes of = 0.1, 1, and 10. The parameters of the PI controller settings for the ZieglerNichols (ZN), IMC, and TyreusLuyben (TL) were taken from Lubyen.14 Although the results for the proposed method have been compared for three dierent overshoots (around 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6), only overshoot around 0.3 is shown in Figure 1921. For the result of the lag dominant process, that is, / = 0.1, the ZN method shows aggressive response while IMC and TL exhibit similar responses. For the large / ratio, the closedloop response of the ZN and TL methods are very sluggish as shown in Figure 21. From Figures 1921, it is clear that the proposed method consistently gives better performance for a wide range of / ratio.
Even though the response is not shown, simulation has been conducted for the process g(s) = (1/8)es/(s + 1)3 for deadtime = 0.1, 1, and 10. It clearly shows that the proposed method has a signicant advantage over the Lubyen14 method for the high-order process as well. It is important to mention that the overshoot around 0.1 typically gives slower and more robust PI/PID-settings, whereas a large overshoot around 0.6 gives more aggressive settings. It is good because a more careful step response results in more careful tunings settings. The eect of using the detuning factor F is illustrated in Figure 22 using a rst order process with time delay (E18). As expected, using F > 1 results in more robust controller settings. A standard practice (Shamsuzzoha and Lee;8,9 Chen and Seborg5) of using a lead-lag set-point lter is recommended to | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Figure 22. Eect of detuning factor: Responses of rst order process with time delay (es/(s + 1)) (E18). Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 20.
remove the excessive overshoot from the set-point response in the proposed method if it is required.
8. ANALYSIS The proposed closed-loop method is based on the IMC-PID tuning rule given in eq 11. Therefore, it is interesting to compare the results of both the methods and ensure the eectiveness of the proposed closed-loop method. To compare the results of both methods, three typical process models have been considered:
( s + 1)es (6s + 1)(2s + 1)2 e s 5s + 1 100es 100s + 1
E17 and E22 are rst-order plus delay processes, similar to those used to develop the method. E22 is almost an integratingwith-delay process. The output responses of the proposed method are similar to the IMC-PID responses which are shown in Figures 23 and 24. It seems that the response is almost independent of the value of the overshoot in all three cases. The comparison of the proposed and IMC-PID method has been conducted for the high-order process E11, and the result is shown in Figure 25. The model reduction technique (half rule, Skogestad7) has been utilized to obtain the rst-order plus delay process, and the resulting process parameters are obtained as k = 1, = 7, and = 5. As expected, the output result of the proposed method and approximated IMC-PID is close enough, its agreement with the IMC-PID method is best for the intermediate overshoot (around 0.3). The proposed tuning method is based on the IMC-PID tuning rule given in eq (11) whereas the Set Point Overshoot method1 is based on the SIMC rule.7 It is important to note that the performance of both the proposed method and the Set
Figure 23. Responses of rst-order with time delay process (es/(5s + 1)) E17. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 40.
Point Overshoot method mainly depends upon their original tuning rule. The performance of the SIMC and IMC-PID has been compared and also shown in Figure 25 for the high order process plus time delay E11. The gure clearly shows that the IMC-PID tuning rule gives better performance than the SIMC rule. The same observations have been found for the several other processes, though it is not shown. It is assumed that the best controller tuning method results in the best closed-loop output response. However, since both the methods utilize some kind of model reduction techniques to convert the PI/PID controller to the closed-loop method, an approximation error necessarily occurs. On the basis of the above observation, it is clear that the proposed method has better performance because of superior performance in its original IMC-PID tuning rule. The proposed method has advantage over other PI/PID tuning method because of its simplicity and consistently better performance and robustness for a broad class of the processes. | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
controller tuning. It is not recommended to use the large test signal amplitudes because that will cause o-specication of product and/or will excite nonlinearity.
Figure 24. Responses of the rst-order with time delay process (approximately integrating process with time delay) (100es/(100s + 1)) E22. Setpoint change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 50.
9. CONCLUSION A simple approach has been developed for PI/PID controller tuning by the closed-loop set-point step experiment using a P-controller with gain Kc0. The PI/PID-controller settings are obtained directly from three values from the set-point experiment: overshoot, (yp y) /y time to reach overshoot (rst peak), tp relative steady state output change, b = y/ys. If one does not want to wait for the system to reach steady state and speed up the closed-loop experiment, it is recommended to use the estimate y = 0.45(yp + yu). In conclusion, the nal tuning formula for the proposed Shams closed-loop tuning method is summarized as
Kc = Kc0A /F
b I = min0.645A t pF , 2.44t pF (1 b)
D = 0.14t p
b 1 (1b)
where, A = [1.55 (overshoot)2 2.159 (overshoot) + 1.35] F is a detuning parameter. F = 1 gives the fast and robust PI/PID settings corresponding to c = . To detune the response and get more robustness one can select F > 1, but in special cases one may select F < 1 to speed up the closed-loop response. An overshoot of around 0.3 is recommended for the better response in the proposed method. The initial controller gain (Kc01) which gives an overshoot around 0.3 in the closed-loop test can be obtained from
Kc 0 = 1.19(1.45(OS1)2 2.02(OS1) + 1.27)Kc 01
Figure 25. Responses of third-order with positive zero and time delay process (((s + 1)es)/((6s + 1)(2s + 1)2)) E11. Set-point change at t = 0; load disturbance of magnitude 1 at t = 100.
The proposed method works well for a wide variety of the processes typical for process control applications, including the standard rst-order plus delay processes as well as integrating, high-order, inverse response, unstable, and oscillating process.
It also has limitation because of the step test experiment in the set-point change, which might perturb the process even for a short period of time. Sometimes in the chemical process industries, the set-point step test experiment is not desirable due to several reasons. For example, changing the set point of a column temperature loop is not recommended because of o-specication of the products. Because of this reason, occasionally we may have limitations in the set-point step test in chemical process industries. The proposed method is based on the step test in a closed-loop with proportional controller (Kc0). Suitable selection of initial controller gain (Kc0) and subsequently number of trials can signicantly reduce the time of the step test experiment and eventually o-specication in the product. One can stop the closed-loop experiment just after obtaining the information of rst peak and valley. The required information (overshoot, tp) can be obtained after the rst peak and valley, and then eq 12 can be utilized to obtain parameter b. Along with these lines one can reduce the o-specication of the product during
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the support (Project Number: IN101012) provided by the Deanship of Scientic Research at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). The research facilities by KFUPM are gratefully acknowledged. I would also like to thank Prof. William L. Luyben for his helpful comments. REFERENCES
(1) Shamsuzzoha, M.; Skogestad, S. The setpoint overshoot method: A simple and fast closed-loop approach for PID tuning. J. Process Control 2010, 20, 12201234. (2) Desborough, L. D.; Miller, R. M. Increasing customer value of industrial control performance monitoringHoneywells experience; | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX