Anatomy: Lungs and Plurae
Anatomy: Lungs and Plurae
Anatomy: Lungs and Plurae
‐ Most superior part is below the 1st rib but •LDH 0.6
never above the neck of the 1st rib •Unilateral or Bilateral
‐ Extends in the superior thoracic aperture
to go to the neck
‐ Dome shaped groove Transudate Exudate
‐ Because of position,if there is injury to (high pressure)
neck (laceration, gunshot wound, ice Common causes: Common causes:
pick), the pleural may also be injured and •Congestive heart •Infection
also the underlying lung. failure •Malignancy
•Renal insufficiency •Treatment:
Pleura reflection ends 2 finger breaths above the •Cirrhosis •Drainage
most inferior costal margin Treat the primary •Antibiotics (for
cause- Correct fluid parapneumonic effusions
Pleural Recesses balance and empyemas)
•On full inspiration – lungs fill up cavities •Pleurodesis (for
•Quiet respiration – 3 parts not occupied malignant effusions)
•Area of acute P R – “parietal on parietal pleura
-R&L Costodiaphragmatic recesses • Draining the fluid in the thorax w/ a
-Costomediastinal Recess needle
• Patient’s back to Physician w/ elbows
Disorders of the Pleura forward & raised 90°
• Allows to move scapula tip laterally –
Hydrothorax away from field of puncture
-fluid accumulation in the thorax or pleural • Insert needle on appropriate ICS~top of
cavity rib (decrease chances of hitting the VAN
-can be anything ie. blood, chyle, pus bundle)
-as fluid increases the lungs will be more
collapsed and near the hilum Pneumothorax
-if you want to breath you can’t utilize the whole -normal parenchyma balloons
parenchyma because its squished • Usually due to rupture of subpleural cyst
-the fluid prevents expansion or bulla
• Air in the pleural space
Classic signs: • Primary: it just happened
•Dullness on percussion • Secondary: pt has an already existing
•Decreased breath sounds lung problem
•Mediastinal displacement • Pt is usually dyspneic, breath sounds
- (organs are pushed to the other side) absent or decreased
•Transudate vs Exudate • Other PE…??? Tachypnia, eyes are
•Total protein 0.5 enlarged, engorged neck vein
1.) Costal - curvature of the ribs
2.) Medial
a. Mediastinal
-contains root/hilum of lung
-Cardiac impression
b. Vertebral
3.) Diaphragmatic -“base”
1.)Anterior - Overlaps pericardium
2.)Posterior - Thick & rounded
3.)nferior - Thin & sharp
- Costodiaphragmatic recess
Lower Lower
Brochopulmonary Segment • superior basal • superior basal
•Pyramidal-shaped lung segment
•Largest subdivision of a lobe
• medial basal • anterior basal
•Supplied independently • anterior basal • lateral basal
-Segmental bronchus
-Supplied by 3° branch of pulmonary • lateral basal • posterior basal
• posterior basal
-drained by intersegmental parts of
pulmonary vein Apico-posterior : merged as one segment
•Named acc to segmental bronchus supplying it Superior-inf: lingular segment
•Surgically resectable
• posterior • anterior
• anterior • superior
• lateral • inferior
• medial
Bronchiectasis Management:
•Persistent abnormal dilatation of the bronchi •Optimize secretion clearance
generally at the subsegmental level •Use of bronchodilators
•Localized or diffuse – medium-sized airways •Correct reversible underlying causes
•Congenital or acquired •Chest physiotherapy
•Chronic cough with purulent sputum •Acute exacerbations ~ broad-spectrum antiBx
•50% present with hemoptysis •Surgical resection – refractory to Med tx