February 2014 Newsletter
February 2014 Newsletter
February 2014 Newsletter
THE SCHOOL DAY 8:55 Yard Supervision Begins 9:05 Entry Bell Ring 9:05 Classes Begin 11:35 11:55 Lunch 1:35 - 2:15 Recess 3:25 Dismissal
March Break You will be able to relax and enjoy yourself during March 10th to March 14th our break time. We will look forward to seeing everyone back at The Stewart School on Monday, March 17, 2014. Bus Cancellation/Walking Students Attention walking students. Reminder if the buses are cancelled and your child is a walking student, please remember to call the office and let the staff know that your child will not be attending school that day. Under the safe schools policy our office staff are required to phone parents/emergency contacts for any walking students absent on snow days. Please assist us with this timely task by calling the school if your child is a walking student and is not attending on a snow day. Also, remember if your child is away on a regular school day to call the office to inform us of their absence. Hot Lunch Snow Day Reminder This is just a reminder to parents that if the buses are cancelled on a hot lunch day or special day you will need to send your child with a lunch. Start of Day/End of Day/Dismissal Supervision on the yard begins at 8:55 a.m. Please do not send your child to school before this time as supervision is not available. Official dismissal time is 3:25 pm and parents are urged to respect this time frame. If you need to pick your child up early, write a note in your childs agenda, check in to the office when you arrive and your child will be called down to meet you.
Extra Clothing Every day students play outside during the winter months. Warm clothing such as hats, mittens and socks are required to stay warm. Please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing to school and we'll do our best to encourage your child to wear them. It would be helpful if the younger children had an extra change of clothing with them to put on if they get wet or muddy. Extra clothing can be removed but additional clothing cannot be added if it's not brought to school. This will enable all students to be comfortable and warm for a fun recess. Extra socks are sometimes needed during the winter. School Visitors We welcome all parents/guardians and guests to our school. Just an additional reminder that all visitors to our school will be required to sign the Visitors Book located at the front office. After signing our book, all visitors will then be issued a Visitor Pass that will be visible to staff, other visitors, and students. Once again, this policy supports the safety and well-being of all children at The Stewart School. PDCI Information Night On Thursday, February 6th from 6pm to 7:30pm there will be a parent information night at PDCI. Both parents and their Grade 8 students are invited to attend. If there are any weather challenges for this day, it will be moved to Monday, February 10th at the same time. Grade 8 Graduation Photo On Friday, February 14, 2014 the photographer will be here to take our Grade 8 graduation pictures, beginning at 9:15 a.m. Please try not to book any appointments for your child during this time
Bake Sale for CHEO Mrs. Bells grade 2 students are having a bake sale on Tuesday, February 18th. During our class writing about New Years resolution for 2014, one of our students came up with a plan to help people in our community. We are raising money to help children and their families who need to go to the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). All items will be $1.00. Please help us help the children at CHEO in the next few weeks. Spirit Week At TSS we are not having a spirit week, but a spirit month. We are starting off with Olympic Day on February 6th to celebrate and support our Canadian Athletes. We are asking students to come in Canadian or Olympic colours. We will also be following and tracking the athletes throughout the Olympics. Then on February 7th we have crazy hair or hat day. We have winter carnival for grade 4-8 on February 11, and Grade 1-3 on February 12th and 13th. On the 14th we have Valentines Day and will be celebrating with Red or Pink day. We will be having 60s day on February 21st. February 28th will be Bonhomme Carnival Day. We are celebrating French Canadian Winter Carnival. So come dressed as Bonhomme de neigh or in Canadian colours and get ready to celebrate being French. What an exciting month at TSS. Lets have some fun Stallions.
Kindergarten Registration The Upper Canada District School Board invites parents of Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten aged pupils to register for the 2014-2015 school year. Senior Kindergarten pupils must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2014. Junior Kindergarten pupils must be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2014. If you have a child or know of a child who will be of Kindergarten age, please call the School at 613-267-2940 for information regarding dates for registration.
Criminal Reference Checks It is required by the Upper Canada District School Board that criminal reference checks are on file at the school. If you plan on volunteering at the school or accompanying your child on a class trip you must have a criminal reference check on file at the school office. Please contact the school office for the necessary forms. We would ask that you attempt to deal with this important paperwork as early as possible to avoid disappointment if it does not get processed in time.
Spend March Break at the Railway Museum! Once again, the Railway Museum is hosting a week full of fun and engaging activities for your child! This year, weve extended our programming to include 4 and 5 year olds too! Junior Engineers program (ages 4 6) runs from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Senior Station Masters program (ages 7 11) runs from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Each day has a different theme with all new activities, games, crafts, and stories! Monday: Working on the Railroad Tuesday: Structures, Gears, & Signals, Oh My! Wednesday: Cabooses and Locomotives Thursday: The Story of Our Station Friday: Polar Express The cost is $12 per program per day, or $55 for the week per child (taxes included). Members get a discount. Pre-registration required. Space is limited! To find out more, go to www.rmeo.org or call (613) 283-5696