Industrial Waste Management Introduction

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Course Outline
Introduction to IWM Sources & Characteristics of IWW Waste Characterization Environmental Standards & Regulatory Loading Limits Physical , chemical & biological treatment process Introduction to manufacturing processes

Industrial Waste Management

Introduction to industrial Waste Management

Lecture 1 By: Engr.Gul-E-Hina

IWM has a lot of concern. It involves the collection, transport, processing, recycling and / or disposal if waste materials. It is basically carried out in order to reduce the effect of waste in the environment. If it is left unattended it can be hazardous to life of human beings.


What is a Polluted Water Body?

All industrial wastes affects the receiving waters. When the effect is sufficient to render the stream UNACCEPTABLE for its Best Use, it is said to be polluted.

Standards of stream Water

Pulp Paper Industry Pulp Paper Industry



Water Supply Intake

A plant located on a stream above the water supply intake of a municipality would be Excepted to provide more complete treatment than a similar plant discharging waste Into the same stream, below the water supply intake.

Effluent Standards vs. Stream Standards

Effluent Standards All effluent from a certain type of industry, the waste discharge be kept below either a fixed percentage or a certain maximum concentration of pollution. No control over the total volume of pollution substance added to the stream each day. Large Small
Industry Industry

Source of Industrial Wastewater

In most industries , wastewater effluents result from the following water use 1. Sanitary wastewater (from washing, drinking, etc) 2. Cooling (from disposing of excess heat to the environment) 3. Process wastewater (including both water used for making and washing products and for removal and transport of waste and by-products) 4. Cleaning (including wastewater from cleaning and maintenance of industrial areas)

Stream Standards The stream standard system is based on establishing classification or standards of quality for a stream and regulating any discharge into the extent necessary to maintain the established stream classification or quality. The main advantage of this system is the prevention of excessive pollution, regardless of the type of industry or other factors such municipalities. The difficulty regarding this system is the need for a complex, costly and thorough stream survey prior to classification.

No need of water quality modeling or detailed monitoring programme.


Source of Industrial Wastewater

There are many possible in-plant changes, process modifications and water-saving measures through which industrial wastewater loads can be significantly reduced. As the rule, treatment of an industrial effluent is much more expensive without water-saving measures than the total cost of in-plant modifications and residual effluent treatment. Industrial wastewater effluents are usually highly variable, with quantity and quality variations brought about by cleaning discharges, operation start-ups and shutdowns, working-hour distribution and so on. A long-term detailed survey is usually necessary before a conclusion on the pollution impact from an industry can be reached. .

Source of industrial wastewater

The volume and strength of industrial wastewaters are usually defined in terms of units of production: Gallons/ton of pulp m3/ton of pulp Lbs BOD/ton of pulp Kg BOD/ton of pulp

Physical Characteristics Industrial Wastewater Characteristics

The principal characteristics of wastewater include: 1. Solid Content 2. Color 3. Odour 4. Temperature


Physical Characteristics
1. Solid Content Consists of Suspended & Dissolved Solids Suspended solids content is found by drying and weighing the residue removed by the filtering of the sample. Between 40-65% of the solids in an average wastewater is suspended Settleable solids(60% SS in municipal WW) , expressed as mL/L, are those that can remove by sedimentation. Volatile Solids (volatilized at high temp.(600C))& fixed solids

Physical Characteristics
2. Color Qualitative characteristics, used to assess the general condition of WW. Light brown Light-to- Medium grey Dark grey or black ( due to formation of various sulphides, particular, ferrous sulphide) Color is measured by comparison with standards

Physical Characteristics
3. Odour Determination of odour has become increasingly important , as it is related to the proper operation of treatment facilities. Odor of fresh WW is usually not offensive , but a variety of odorous compounds are released when WW is decomposed biologically under anaerobic conditions.

Physical Characteristics
3. Odour
Table: Unpleasant Odours in some industries Industries Cement works, lime kilns Pharmaceutical Industries Food industries Food industries (fish) Rubber industries Textile industries Paper pulp industries Organics compost Origin of odours Acrolein, amines, mercaptans, dibutyl sulphide,H2S, SO3, etc. Fermentation produces Fermentation produces Amines, sulphides, mercaptans Sulphides, mercaptans Phenolic compounds H2S, SO3 Ammonia, sulphur compounds


Chemical Characteristics
Industries discharges different types of chemicals such as: 1. Inorganic Chemical 2. Organic Chemical 3. Volatile Organic Compounds

Chemical Characteristics
1. Inorganic chemicals The principal chemical tests include free ammonia, organic nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus. Other tests, such as chloride, sulphate, pH, and alkalinity, are performed to assess the suitability of reusing treated wastewater and in controlling the various treatment processes. Trace elements, which include some heavy metals, are not determined routinely, but trace elements may be a factor in the biological treatment. All living organisms require varying amounts of some trace elements, such as iron, copper, zinc, and cobalt, for proper growth Measurements of gases , such as hydrogen sulphide , oxygen , methane and carbon dioxide, are made to help the system to operate.

Chemical Characteristics
1. Inorganic chemicals(Heavy metals discharge) Chromium Lead Mercury Copper Cadmium

Table: Heavy metals found in major Industries

Heavy metals A As Cd Cr C Hg Pb Ni Zn

Industry Pulp & paper mills Organic chemical Alkalis ,Chlorine Fertilizers Petroleum refining Steel works Aircraft plating , finishing Flat glass, cement Textile mills Tanning Power plant

Heavy metals in discharge


Chemical Characteristics
Table : Heavy Metals found in major industry
Industry Pulp & paper mills Organic chemical Alkalis ,Chlorine Fertilizers Petroleum refining Steel works Aircraft plating , finishing Flat glass, cement Textile mills Tanning Power plant A As Cd Cr C Hg Pb Ni Zn

Industrial Wastewater Characteristics

Thermal Pollution
The addition of large quantities of heat to a water body can harm ecological life. Large number of power plant currently require approximately 50% more cooling water for a given rise than that required of fossilfuelled plants of an equal size. The degree of thermal pollution depends on thermal efficiency, which is determined by the amount of heat rejected into the cooling water. The generally accepted maximum operating conditions for convectional thermal stations of 2.5 kWh,1.0 kWh resulting in power production and 1.5 kWh being wasted. Nuclear power plants operate at temperatures of from 250 to 300C and pressures of up to 7 MPa, resulting in a heat rate of approximately 3.1 kWh(1.0 kWh may be used for useful production whereas 2.1 kWh is waste0

Industrial Wastewater Characteristics

Thermal Pollution
Most steam powered electrical generating plants are operated at varying load factors, and consequently, the heated discharges demonstrate wide variation with time. Thus, the ecological life is not only subjected to increased or decreased temperature, but also to a sudden , or shock, temperature change. The possible effects of heat on fish may be summarized here: 1. Direct death from excessive temperature rise beyond the thermal death point. 2. Indirect death due to less oxygen available, decreased resistance to toxic materials, decreased resistance to disease and predation from more tolerant species. 3. Increase in respiration and growth 4. Competitive replacement by more tolerant species 5. Sub-lethal effects

Industrial Waste Survey

Lecture 2 By: Engr. Gul-E-Hina


Variation in Waste Flow and Characteristics

Wide variation in waste flow and characteristics will also appears among similar industries The reason is difference in house keeping and water reuse as well as of variations in the production processes. Very few industries are identical in their sequence of process operation. Therefore Waste Survey is required to establish waste loadings and their variations

Industrial waste survey

1. 2. 3. 4. Develop a sewer map Establish sampling and analysis schedule Flow and material balance Statistical analysis of industrial waste data

Flow Measurement(step 2)
Flow is measured at the sampling point by : = In sewer; Average velocity=0.8 of surface velocity In open channels, either a small weir can be constructed or the flow can be estimated above measuring the velocity and the depth of flow.

Graph :Determination of waste flow in partially filled sewer

1.0 Area=A 0.5 Area=a a/A 0.1 0.05 d D


0.05 d/D





Lab 1

Flow and Material Balance (step 3)

Trimmer Washers Cutters Separator Line from To Flow
gal/min L/d 21.7

Waste Flow Diagram and Material Balance at a Corn Plant 1 Washer 2 3 4 Cutters Reel Reel 5 Blancher 6 7 8 9 10 Cooling Holding Shaker Sewer Screen reel pit Screen Treatm ent

2 Scavenger Reel Foam buildup Tank Floating Washers











BOD COD SS VSS 9830 14000 6950 6690 7112 14400 7660 7290 3130 4450 1460 760 4600 4780 1300 420 11300 16100 2670 1710 5630 7280 1830 910 918 950 250 190 5730 8678 3670 3140 6200 6030 1170 1030

To Treat 8 To Production Screen Holding Pit Cooler Reel 7 6 5 Balancer Separator Reel 4 Wash Reel

Load (lb/day)
BOD COD SS VSS NOTE: gal/min = 3.78 L/min lb/day= 0.45 kg/day

Table 1 :Variation in flow & waste characteristics for some representative industrial wastes
Waste Flow Diagram and Material Balance at a Corn Plant Line from To 1 Washer 2 3 4 Cutters Reel Reel 5 Blancher 6 7 8 9 10 Cooling Holding Shaker Sewer Screen reel pit Screen Treatm ent Waste Flow, gal/production unit % frequency 10 Pulp & paper Paper board 50 90 BOD, Suspended solids, lb./production unit lb./production unit % frequency % frequency 10 17 10 3.8 0.8 575 50 58 28 13 2 975 90 110 46 44 44 1400 10 26 25 3 0.25 600 50 105 48 9.8 1.2 1900 90 400 66 31 2.45 3200

11,000 43,000 74,000 7,500 11,000 27,500 800 370 9.0 4,300 600 13.6

gal/min L/d 21.7 27 10.4 18 4.5 24.5 16.9 2.1 125.1 121

Slaughter 165 house Brewery tannery 130 4.2

BOD COD SS VSS 9830 14000 6950 6690 7112 14400 7660 7290 3130 4450 1460 760 4600 4780 1300 420 11300 16100 2670 1710 5630 7280 1830 910 918 950 250 190 5730 8678 3670 3140 6200 6030 1170 1030

Tons paper production 1000 lb live weight kill bbl beer Pounds of hides: sulphides as S vary from 260 mg/L (10%) to 1230(90%) gal= 3.7810-3 m3, lb = 0.45 kg, Ton= 907 kg, bbl beer= 0.164 m3


Industrial waste survey

As discussed in step 2 ,the variation in waste characteristics is significant for waste treatment plant design. Data should be prepared on probability graph for showing frequency of occurrence. Data are reported in terms of frequency of occurrence for a particular characteristics, which may be excepted to the equal or not exceeded 10,50 0r 90% of the time. Wastewater treatment plant designed on 90% of frequency of occurrence.

Industrial waste survey

Example The following BOD measurements were taken from an industrial wastewater stream. 315,365, 350, 490, 430, 200, 225, 460, 260 mg/L. Determine the 10%, 50%, 90% values of BOD.

Statistical Analysis of Data

Mean Mean ,average and arithmetic mean are the terms used for same measures of central tendency . =

Statistical Analysis of Data

Median Median is the middle value in a series of values. Note: If there is an odd number of values then median is the one directly in the middle while if there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the two numbers in the middle


Statistical Analysis of Data

Standard Deviation A measure of spread of related values in a data set. It can also provide a measure of uncertainty in a value or its precision, such as a concentration of

Statistical Analysis of Data

Confidence limits Often we are interested primarily in the true mean for a set of data ,however we never know the exact value of the mean because this would require an infinite number of observations. By using statistically theory, estimate the range about an experimental mean where the true mean is expected to lie within desire level of probability

constituent in a water sample when analyzed several times. = 1


The limits obtained in this measure are called confidence limits (CL) and the interval called confidence interval (CI). =

Statistical Analysis of Data

Confidence limits For CL;

Statistical Analysis of Data

Coefficient of Variation, CV How much percentage of the data is varying from the mean.
= 100

Where; = true mean X = experimental mean n = no. of series SD= standard deviation t = student t



Statistical Analysis of Data

Example 20 COD measurements were made on a sample. The data are : 120,102,94,129,111,91,139,146,136,96,125,131,1 21,113,143,132,133,143,123,138 Calculate CI & CL at 95% confidence level

Statistical Analysis of Data

Example A series of measurements of replicate analysis on an influent and effluent yielding the following results for TSS. Calculate standard deviation and coefficient ofSR.NO variation. EFFLUENT INFLUENT TSS
TSS(mg/L) 1 2 3 4 5 10.5 11.7 12.6 9.8 11.4 (mg/L) 245 230 255 247 253

Statistical Analysis of Data

Experimental errors The relationship between the values n and the observed (measured) value Yi is
= +

Statistical Analysis of Data

Example Laboratory measure process is assessed by randomly entering 27 specimens having a known concentration of 8 mg/L of NO-3 over a period of two weeks( analyst did not know) about the assessments) the results were in the order of observations 6.9,7.8,8.9,5.2,7.7,9.6,8.7,6.7,4.8,8,10.1,8.5,6.5,9.2,7.4, 6.3,5.6,7.3,8.3,7.2,7.5,6.1,9.4,5.4,7.6,8.1 and 7.9 mg/L Determine the experimental error for each.


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