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Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management






It is the process of separation of suspended particles from water that is heavier than water by gravity. Simplest method of removing suspended impurities.

Characteristics of solids

Characteristics of liquid

Characteristics of settling basin

Types of Settling
Three basic classifications, depending on the nature of the solids present in suspension: 1. Discrete Settling 2. Flocculent Settling 3. Zone Settling

1. Discrete Settling
Low concentration Particles act independently No increase in size & shape Settle with constant velocity

2. Flocculent Settling
Particle particle interactions are significant Particles may collide and stick together (form flocs) settle quickly Change in size & shape

Comparison of discrete & flocculent settling

Settling of Discrete particles

Discrete particles are those particles which do not change their characteristics or properties i.e density or size.




Settling of Discrete particles

Settling of discrete ,non-flocculating particles can be analyzed by Newton & Stokes law. Newton s law yields that the terminal velocity of particle can be obtain by equating gravitational force of the particle to the frictional or drag force b/w particle and fluid.

Settling of Discrete particles

The gravitational force of the particle can be obtained by Newtons second law.

Settling of Discrete particles

Frictional or drag force depends upon the : 1. Particle velocity 2. Fluid density 3. Particle diameter 4. Drag coefficient

Settling of Discrete particles

CD is the function of Reynold No., its value decreases as RN increases. RN< 1 Laminar flow RN > 1000 Turbulent flow

Settling of Discrete particles

RN define as the ratio b/w inertial forces & viscous forces

For laminar flow

Settling of Discrete particles

Vp gd 2 18

Vp = Settling velocity, cm/sec g = Acceleration due to gravity, cm/sec2 = Absolute viscosity, g/cm.sec (centipoise) p = particle density of fluid, gm/cm3 = Density of fluid. gm/cm3 d = Dia of particle, cm

Settling of Discrete particles

For turbulent flow CD is constant=0.4



Sedimentation Zones
Outlet zone

Influent with suspended load

Inlet zone

Settling zone

Clarified effluent

Sludge zone

Sludge out

Inlet Zone
Provide a smooth transition from the influent flow and should distribute the flow uniformly across the inlet to the tank.

Settling Zone
The settling zone is the largest portion of the sedimentation basin. This zone provides the calm area necessary for the suspended particles to settle.

Sludge Zone
The sludge zone, located at the bottom of the tank, provides a storage area for the sludge before it is removed for additional treatment or disposal.

Outlet Zone
The basin outlet zone should provide a smooth transition from the sedimentation zone to the outlet from the tank. This area of the tank also controls the depth of water in the basin. Weirs set at the end of the tank control the overflow rate and prevent the solids from rising to the weirs and leaving the tank before they settle out.

Ideal Settling tank




L=length of settling zone D=depth of settling zone W=width of settling zone Vs=settling velocity of particle Vw=horizontal velocity of water Q=inflow to tank V=volume of tank As=surface are of tank

Ideal Settling Tank

Assume that particles of various sizes are uniformly distributed over the entire depth of the tank at the inlet. 1. All the particles with the settling velocity equal to Vs is entirely removed. 2. Particles with < Vs , removed in the ratio of V/Vs. Note: Removal efficiency depends upon overflow rate

Column Test

Given the following settling velocity data of discrete particles in a column with the depth of 1.2m.Develop removal efficiency Vs detention time & removal efficiency Vs overflow rate curves under ideal conditions.

Time ,t Conc Settling velocity Fraction of particles <stated value 1

min 0

mg/L 400

m/min -

cm/min -

30 60 120 180 240

192 148 76 20 8

0.04 0.02 0.01 0.006 0.005

4 2 1 0.6 0.5

0.48 0.37 0.19 0.05 0.02

2.Flocculent Settling
As the flocculent settling occurs the mass of the particle increases & it settles faster. The extent of settling is dependent upon the:

1. Depth of the basin 2. Conc. Of particles 3. Over flow rate

2.Flocculent Settling
As a general rule coalescence of a suspension of solids becomes more concrete with detention time .This increases the settling rate ,yielding curvilinear settling path as shown below:

Design Criteria Sedimentation Tank

Min. # of tanks Two

Water depth

3-5m (2m or deep tanks 6.5m also

2~8hrs 20~33m3/m2/day 250m3/m/day 20% extra volume required

Detention time Overflow rate weir loading rate Sludge storage

Design Criteria Rectangular Sedimentation Tank

Length Width L:W Bottom slope 30m 10m(13m max) 4:1(2:1 generally ) 1-2%(w/o scrapers)

Design Criteria circular Sedimentation Tank

Dia Depth Bottom slope 30m(max) 3-5m 8%(hopper bottom + scrapers)


Numerical 1 (Sedimentation)
Design a sedimentation tank to treat a flow of 25000m3/day; Surface Overflow rate (SOR)=25m/day; D.t=2hrs;sludge storage capacity 20% of effective volume. Under ideal conditions what particle size will be removed if =1.2 x10-2 cm2/sec ; SS=2.65

Numerical 2 (Sedimentation)
Determine the number and size of sedimentation tank to treat a water flow of 20000 m3/day using an overflow rate of 24 m/d and detention time of 4 hrs. Under ideal condition what size of particles will be completely removed, if =1.2 x10-2 cm2/sec ; SS=2.65.

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