February 2014: Zion'S Lutheran Church
February 2014: Zion'S Lutheran Church
February 2014: Zion'S Lutheran Church
As Gods people of Promise made their journey throughout the Old Testament story, we find that often God spoke to the people to remember the less fortunate among them. The essence of Gods Law, according to Deuteronomy 10, is: For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, people forgot this, the prophets would remind them. The king was to execute the justice for, not against, the unfortunate and to make sure that the least among the people were always received their welfare.
mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. When the
At the beginning of the 21st Century, the world started the ONE Campaign and was a direct result of the world-wide recognition of this biblical concept. As a matter of fact, the ONE Campaign started in recognition of something called the Jubilee Year. In the Old Testament book of Leviticus, chapter 25, there is a long explanation of the Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Year. Concisely, for six years, Gods people could plant, prune and harvest, but in the seventh year (the Sabbath year), the people allowed the land to rest. Food that had been stored throughout the growing years was used up in the seventh. Finally, every 50th year, a trumpet was sounded and the people declared a Jubilee Year. Not only would land rest, but all debts were forgiven and people who had been enslaved for debts were freed. All land was returned to the original owners and the people lived off the fruit of their labors. The whole year was one of celebration. There is considerable discussion among theologians and historians whether the people of God ever celebrated a Jubilee Year. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II declared a Jubilee Year for the Church. The United Nations followed the Popes declaration and started the ONE Campaign. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America also signed on to the Campaign and many people wore a white wristband with ONE printed on it. I wore one for a long time, but, as it wore out, I never got another one. The other day, when I cleaned out my wallet, I found a small card about the ONE Campaign. It listed the goals of the campaign. Its been several years since its inception but the goals for the ONE Campaign are still needed in the world. There are 8 UN Millennium Goals, as they are called:
Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Achieve Universal Primary Education Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women Reduce Child Mortality Improve Maternal Health Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases Ensure Environmental Sustainability Create a Global Partnership for Development
I hope this is not the first time you have heard of these Millennium Goals. The white wristbands with ONE printed on them stood for the need for developed countries to give one percent of their annual budget to meet these Millennium Goals. Just recently, it has been reported that the US has given greatly to help meet all of these goals! We still have quite an uphill challenge to bring the effects of poverty to an end, but just think that even congregations such as Zions helps in this challenge: through our ministries here in Defiance
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Please see Deb Shockey for more information. ICE SKATING PARTY
Join fellow Zion's members on Sunday, Feb. 16 at Canlan/Lutheran Health Sports Center in Fort Wayne. The church bus will leave the church at noon. The public skate is from 1-3 pm., and bouncy houses go until 4 pm. We will eat afterwards upstairs in the restaurant. Cost is $6 for ice skating and bouncy houses (that includes skate rental). Please bring additional money for food afterwards if you like. There is a seating area for those who do not want to skate. The rink is located at 3869 Ice Way in Fort Wayne if anyone is interested in meeting us there.
VBS will be July 7-10 at the Defiance College again with our partner churches. The cook out will be on the 11th. The theme will be the Workshop of WondersImagine & Build with God. Really cool science experiments. We will need volunteers willing to work on the following committees: registration, recreation, craft, science, Bible story, food and cookout, music/drama, marketing, volunteer coordinator, decorating, service squad, & preschool. If interested, please see Vicki Stephens or Kelly Worline. VBS meetings will be on the 4th Thursday each month at St. Paul's Methodist church. The next meeting will be on Feb. 27 at 6:45 pm., then the 4th Thurs. of March.
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Zion's members will be stuffing backpacks for the Backpack Buddy program run through the United Way and Defiance College. We will be on a six week rotation and our first stuffing will be Thursday, March 6, at 5:30 p.m. at the United Church of Christ church on the Defiance College campus. With 15 or more volunteers it will take about 35 minutes! Hope we can get a great group going for this worthwhile community project! For more information, please contact Patty VanDemark.
Lenten Study on the Prophets: "Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture"with Pastor Walter Brueggeman (arguably the greatest living authority on the Old Testament and especially the prophets). This is a six week class meeting at 5:00 pm on Sundays during Lent, including Sunday of the Passion - March 9 through April 13. Fall Bible Study - a 12 week class entitled "Jesus, the Forgiving Victim" will meet on Tuesdays in 2014 at 7:00 pm on September 2, 9, 23, 30; October 7, 14, 21, 28; November 4, 11; December 2, 9. Books are available and helpful for this class. It is a set of 4 books entitled Jesus the Forgiving Victim by James Alison. The books can be ordered through Amazon.com or through the church office. All orders through the church office must be placed by July 1st. In this class, James Alisons thought provoking books help us focus on the importance of Jesus self-giving example. What does it mean that Jesus emptied himself? How important is Jesus death on the cross and what does it mean for you and me today? These and other questions will be tackled in the group discussion and the books.
(continued from page 1) and in the congregation; by our engagement with the ELCA and with congregations like Salem and Redeemer in Toledo; in our giving to the Northwest Ohio Synod and to the ELCA; through the daily lives of us as individual followers of Jesus, as we meet challenges in daily life. The ELCA motto, Gods work. Our hands reiterates the importance of individual and corporate involvement in sharing the Good News of God in Christ Jesus. Imagine what the world could look like if the whole Church decided to achieve these goals! Let us always have these goals in front of us because they reflect the heart of Jesus. Let us always be about the business of God sharing the good news of the kingdom, caring for the widows, orphans and strangers among us. Peace, Pr Tim
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Our Innkeeper guests are continually thankful for the food and supplies given by our members and others throughout the community. In order to continue to serve their needs, we ask that you consider giving the following items: first and foremost CANNED FRUIT & DRY CEREAL, but also important are chicken noodle soup, toothpaste, shaving gel, pudding, paper towels, toilet paper, detergent, boxed skillet meals, box potatoes, spaghetti and dry pasta noodles, bottled water, canned meat tuna, sausage, chicken, Ramen noodles beef, chicken & shrimp, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, bottled fruit juices, microwave popcorn, salad dressing and cooking oil. On behalf of Diana Groll and myself, we thank you for your ongoing generosity. Dick Anderson
Our overstuffed no longer used library books are being sent to LOVE PACKAGES in Butler, Illinois. Materials that would have sat collecting dust on shelves or been thrown away are now being sent to ministries in many poor countries to distribute freely to people hungry for the Word of God. This ministry was started in 1975, and has now sent over 1,000 tons of literature. The Christian literature is sent to missionaries and Christian workers around the world. Love Packages currently sends 20 foot ocean going containers to port cities around the world. These locations act as distribution points and have the capability to distribute these materials to thousands of churches overseas. Statistics say that every piece of literature will be read by an average of 20 people. If you would like more information about Love Packages visit their website at www.lovepackages.org Over the next few months, we will start organizing and displaying the books that we kept and those that have already been donated. If you have any questions or would like to assist with the library setup please let me know. Thank you, Sue McKibben
Bringing Help and Hope to the Hurting Sunday, February 2nd at 12:00 p.m. at Zions Lutheran Church
Whether you are an expert quilter or have never tried quilting before, we have an opportunity available to make a difference in the life of someone who is in need or suffering. Please bring your sewing machines, notions, supplies, fabric and a lunch to our quilting. For more information, please see Shawn Farnyiarz.
Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:45 am
You may watch Zions Lutheran Worship services on Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 8:00 a.m. on DCTV 5 Defiance, OH.
Lutherans of Long Standing FEBRUARY 4, 2014 2:00 p.m. In Luther Hall
Young at Heart
meets on WEDNESDAY, February 12th, 2014 at 11:30 am, at Leftys Pizza
Sisters in Christ
The Book Group meets on Monday, Feb. 10th at 7:00 pm in the Shepfer Room.
The next meeting will be February 16th after the Worship Service. Cards will be placed in the Narthex to be signed during Fellowship Hour on Feb. 23rd.
Worship and Music Committee
Meets on February 13th at 7:00 p.m.
Scrapbook Club
Meets Saturday, February 1st, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Hofer Room. Bring your own drink and a snack to share.
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT Every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. (unless otherwise noted) March NEWSLETTER DEADLINE February 21st
February 2014
7:30 a Weight Watchers 8:00a Scrapbooking
5:00 p Worship
9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 2:00 p LLS 5:30 p Lighten Up
7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 5:00 p Worship 5:30 p Community Dinner 6:00 p Hand Bells 6:30pConfirmation 7:00 p Choir
9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS 5:30 p Backpack Buddies at DC
7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship
9:00 a Adult SunPastors Day Off day School 8:00 p Barber9:00 a Youth shoppers Breakfast Club & God Squad Gr 3-5 9:45 a Worship & God Squad Pr-Gr 2
12:00 p Quilts of Compassion Shut In Communion
9:00 a Adult Sunday School 9:00 a Youth Breakfast Club & God Squad Gr 3-5 9:45 a Worship & God Squad Pr-Gr 2
9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Lighten Up
7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 11:30 a Young at Heart at Leftys 5:00 p Food Pantry Sign Up 5:00 p Worship 5:30 p Community Dinner 6:00 p Hand Bells 6:30pConfirmation 7:00 Chancel Choir
9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p Worship & Music Meeting
7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship
8:00 p Barbershoppers
9:00 a Adult Sunday School 9:00 a Youth Breakfast Club & God Squad Gr 3-5 9:45 a Worship & God Squad Pr-Gr 2 11:00 a Sisters in Christ 12:00 Bus leaves for Ice Skating
9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Lighten Up
7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 5:00 p Worship 5:30 p Community Dinner 6:00 p Food Pantry Pick Up 6:00 p Hand Bells 6:30pConfirmation 7:00 Chancel Choir
9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p COUNCIL MEETING
21 3:00 p.m.
7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship
9:00 a Adult Sunday School 9:00 a Youth Breakfast Club & God Squad Gr 3-5 9:45 a Worship & God Squad Pr-Gr 2 11:00a Sign Cards
9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Lighten Up
27 9:00 a Bulletin 7:00 a Women @ Announcements Cabin Fever due 5:00 p Worship 5:30 p Community 5:00 p TOPS Dinner 6:00 p Hand Bells 6:30pConfirmation 7:00 Chancel Choir
USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am
John Diehl Shawn Faryniarz Laurie & Dwaine Schey Tom & Mary Boals
1 8 15 22
2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23
* Linda Hardy, Cindy Wendell Cyndi Ensign * Craig McKibben, Audrey Eis Marsha Deniston Audrey & Jim Eis Judy & Duane Engel Elaine & Gaylon Davis Laurie & Dwaine Schey Acolytes Sadie Worline Zack Stephens Luke Reynolds Ashley Hubbard Crucifers Jared Raines Elizabeth McNeely Lexie Eis Austin Hubbard
Marv Widmer, Jim Eis, John Jacob, Gene Vogel
Doug Eis, Dale Worline, Shaun Holley, Stormy Gutman.
Driven by Gods spirit we will grow in faith and make Christs love known
DEACONS Dick Anderson Tom Boals Audrey Eis Doug Eis Linda Hardy Craig McKibben Dawn McKibben Patty VanDemark Cindy Wendell
Find us and Like us we need more followers to spread the word! Are you friends with a former member? invite them too we love staying in contact! Have a question about an upcoming event? you may find your answer. And, you can add your comments, too! (If you have trouble searching type in Zions Lutheran Defiance and that should find it for you). If you would like to post an event you may email it to zionlutheranfbpage@gmail.com.
Prayer List
Church Council has enacted a policy regarding the names placed on the church prayer list in the bulletin. If you would like prayers on the list for longer than 3 weeks, please make another request. Requests can be sent to the church office via phone 419782-8781 or by email at: zion111@embarqmail. com
2014 Tom Boals, President Deb Shockey, Vice Pres. Gwen Anderson, Treasurer Laurie Schey, Secretary Mary Boals John Diehl Lenore Doctor Alexis Eis Jim Eis Shawn Faryniarz Stormy Gutman Roxanne Maxson Carl Snyder Mark Stephens
the third Thursday of each month (except July) at 7:00 p.m.