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02 ADempiere Installation

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Module 2

Getting and Installing ADempiere

2010 ADempiere.ASIA. All rights reserved.

Module Objectives

Know where to get the latest version of ADempiere Understand the core software component Know how to install software on server / client

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Installation Options

Opensource ERP - ADempiere


Software component download

1. Java Development Kit - Get the latest from


2. Postgre SQL - Get the latest from


3. ADempiere Latest Release Download the latest Adempiere

from http://sourceforge.net/projects/adempiere/files/ADempiere Official Release.

4. ADempiere Patches From http://sourceforge.net/projects/adempiere/files/ADempiere Patches/ download the patches for the version of ADempiere downloaded above. The patches come in two files, a *_patches_*.jar and a *_migra_*.zip. You will need both

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Installation Steps Overview

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Install ADempiere


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STEP 1: Install 3 Software Components


1. Install Java into C:\Java 2. Install Postgresql into C:\Postgresql

Account name: postgres Password: postgres Port: 5432 (the default port)

3. Install Application Server, extract the

Adempiere zip files to C:\Adempiere

4. Apply patch to Application Server, copy

the *_patches_*.jar file to C:\Adempiere\lib\patches.jar, overwriting the existing file
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STEP 2: Setup System Variable

1. ADEMPIERE_HOME: C:\Adempiere 2. JAVA_HOME: - C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_xx (your version) 3. Path: add the following to the existing string
- ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\client; C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin

STEP 3: Initial Adempiere Setup

Build Adempiere and setup connection configuration (see next

slide for more detail)

Execute Run_Setup.bat (under C:\Adempiere) to build

Adempiere for the first time, and also setup the configuration of the system. - Click Test, if passed - Click Save to build

STEP 3: Initial Adempiere Setup (detail)

Steps 1. Navigate to C:\adempiere and execute RUN_setup.bat. If this is the first time
you are running this, a license and security keys dialogs will appear.

2. A window dialog will appear, set environment variables.

You will need to change: Database Server from <your-computer-name> to localhost Database Type from oracleXE to postgresql Database Name from xe to adempiere System Password to postgres Database Password to adempiere You may also need to change the following: Application Server Web Port to 8080 (if 80 is being used by something else) and SSL to 8443 (instead of 443)

3. Press the Test button to verify and Press the Save button to Build, wait until it
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STEP 4: Create ADempiere database

Steps 1. Create user adempiere - Open pgAdmin III, login with Superuser (potgres) - Create new login adempiere with password
adempiere and give Superuser privilege - Disconnect and reconnect again using this new login Create database adempiere - Right click on node, Databases and click New database.. - Set Name: adempiere, Owner: adempiere Restore initial database Adempiere_pg.dmp - Open Dos Prompt and type command: psql -U adempiere -d adempiere -f C:\Adempiere\data\Adempiere_pg.dmp


STEP 5: Apply Migration Script

Migration script will comes with patch. If no patch is installed, skip this step

Steps 1. Open Postgresqls SQL Editor 2. Unzip *_migra_*.zip, and for all script in folder postgresql 3. Run all migration script (.sql) in SQL Editor

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STEP 6: Run ADempiere

Start the Application Server

Execute C:\Adempiere\utils\RUN_Server2.bat and wait for the

server to fully start - it will end this phase with "INFO [Server] JBoss .... Started in xx:xx:xx ms", which will take around 2 to 3 minutes.


At this point, your installation is complete and you can move on to

launch the application.

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STEP 7: Client Installation

1. From any client machine, go to URL http://<server>/admin 2. Click on button Web Start to download and install client application 3. You may need to associate the jnlp file which the WebStart uses with the
appropriate java application. If so you will see a window like the one below. Click on "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.

4. Then you will see the Security window. Click on "Always trust content from
this publisher.

5. The very first time the application starts, you will see a license dialog. "

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Behind the scene of Client Installation

adempiereDirect.jnlp downloded from server Executed by javaws.exe to create client application Necessary components and Adempiere.properties downloaded and installed on client machine Application executed on client, note that the connection is passed here Shortcut created, point to the server to always snyc with latest version on server





2 ways to launch ADempiere

1. Through Client Application - double click on Adempeire icon

2. Through Web Browser (application server must be running) - Open browser and go to URL http://<server>/webui


Adempiere.properties is where the connection information is

being stored - With Client App, it will look at C:\Users\<name>\Adempiere.properties,
which was downloaded from server during client installation - With Web App, Web Server will look at server C:\Adempiere\Adempiere.properties

Web Browser

Application Server

Client Application

Database Server

Test Your Knowledge

1. What are the software component of Adempiere? 2. What is WebStart and its function? 3. What is needed to migrate from older version of Adempeire to the newer Version? 4. Where the DB and Server Connection information is stored?

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