Do It Like A Porn Star! (2011)
Do It Like A Porn Star! (2011)
Do It Like A Porn Star! (2011)
Do It Like A Porn Star! Shamir... were you looking up porn...? I remember my mom asking me this when I was 1 years ol! like it was yester!ay. I ha! been on the internet earlier that !ay" when some pi#tures poppe! up o$ people engaging in se%ual a#ts. I !i!n&t look long enough to see e%a#tly what they were !oing but I 'umpe! out o$ my seat an! un!er the !esk" looking $or the power swit#h to turn o$$ the #omputer. I was s#are!. I ha! ne(er seen porn be$ore in my li$e. I think I a#tually #rie!. So when my mom aske! me that" I #oul!n&t belie(e it! )$ #ourse I wasn&t looking at porn! Little !i! I know" someone else in my $amily was" whi#h is why those pi#tures #ame up in the $irst pla#e. *y mom knew it wasn&t me" she was 'ust in !enial. At the time" I thought it was my $ault those pi#tures were on the #omputer. I thought I ha! #li#ke! on something. +ut when I got ol!er" that&s when our $amily !is#o(ere! the se#ret my !a! ha! been hi!ing. ,his se#ret was one o$ the $a#tors that e(entually lea! to the breakup o$ our $amily. +ut #an porn really be the blame $or relationships en!ing an! $amilies $alling apart? -an you really blame an entire in!ustry $or your own issues? Does pornography really ha(e the power to be harm$ul? ,here are three si!es to porn. the person per$orming" the person wat#hing" an! the people in relationships with the person wat#hing. /ow is ea#h party being hurt in this worl! o$ pornography? 0ho is re#ei(ing the most pain in all o$ this? Porn a!!i#tion" or se% a!!i#tion" has be#ome a popular term re#ently. Sa$e$ states that 112 o$ a!ults ha(e a!mitte! to ha(ing an a!!i#tion to porn" yet that number might be higher. Porn has always e%iste!" but be#ause o$ the rise o$ the internet" with the #li#k o$ a mouse" you #an $in! yoursel$ in pla#es you ne(er imagine! e%iste! outsi!e o$ your imagination. )ne misspelling #an take you to sites with the most grotes3ue a#ts being per$orme!. -hil!ren #an $in! things they ne(er e(en imagine! were possible. A##or!ing to Ameri#an beha(ioral s#ientist
4imberly S. 5oung&s arti#le on Internet Se% A!!i#tion" the a!ult $ilm in!ustry #olle#ts 678 billion worl!wi!e. 61 billion o$ that #omes $rom the 9nite! States :5oung;. +ut that number only in#lu!es people paying $or porn. I$ the amount o$ porn #onsume! illegally an! unpai! $or was in#lu!e!" the number woul! be mu#h higher. Internet porn has a larger re(enue than pro$essional $ootball" baseball an! basketball $ran#hises #ombine!. It&s also larger than the #ombine! re(enues o$ A+-" -+S" an! <+- :5oung;. ,here are =. million web sites !e!i#ate! to all $orms o$ pornography whi#h garner >8 million hits !aily ? 12 in(ol(es #hil!ren :sa$e$;. ,o say that porn isn&t a big part o$ our li(es" !ire#tly an! in!ire#tly" is a lie. 5ou use! to ha(e to work har! to $in! it. <ow you ha(e to work har! to a(oi! it" says -raig @ross. @ross is the $oun!er o$ AAA-hur#h" a -hristian group that helps people o(er#ome pornography an! se% a!!i#tions. Instea! o$ stan!ing outsi!e protesting against porn" AAA-hur#h atten!s porn #on(entions an! !e(elops $rien!ships with people in(ol(e! in the porn in!ustry. )ne o$ his $rien!ships is with the notorious Bon Ceremy" one o$ the biggest a!ult stars in the nation. Surprisingly" Bon Ceremy belie(es what @ross is !oing is a goo! thing. /owe(er" he !oesn&t belie(e porn as a whole is ba!. @ross #laims porn rips apart homes an! $amilies. /owe(er" Ceremy makes a point by saying i$ a porn $ilm breaks up your marriage" you&(e got a shaky marriage to begin with. Saying porn broke up a marriage is similar to saying an al#ohol a!!i#tion ruine! a relationship. It may ha(e been one $a#tor" but what #ause! the al#ohol a!!i#tion in the $irst pla#e? Cust be#ause a relationship en!s be#ause o$ al#ohol !oesn&t mean the pro!u#ers o$ al#ohol shoul! be blame!. It&s the same with pornography. ,here are !eeper problems that nee! to be !ealt with. ,here are many people who are able to responsibly #onsume al#ohol" as with pornography. ,hese people shoul!n&t be punishe! $or others& a!!i#ti(e ten!en#ies.
Although Ceremy&s statements may be true" stu!ies about porn a!!i#tion ha(e pro(en that there are negati(e si!e e$$e#ts. Arousal through (iewing pornographi# images releases the #hemi#als !opamine" norepinephrine" o%yto#in an! serotonin into the system :Li#htenstein" 11D;. ,he e$$e#ts o$ this are similar to the e$$e#ts one e%perien#es a$ter taking !rugs" whi#h is why porn has been #alle! the new #o#aine. I$ these e$$e#ts are taking pla#e in the bo!y" one #annot !eny that pornography is ha(ing a negati(e impa#t on people&s min!s" whether they&re in relationships or not. An! unlike !rugs" whi#h users #an get out o$ their system" pornographi# images stay imprinte! in the brain" states *ary Anne Lay!en" the Se%ual ,rauma an! Psy#hopathology Program #o?!ire#tor at the 9ni(ersity o$ Pennsyl(ania. )ther e$$e#ts on the min! in#lu!e a warpe! (iew o$ what se% is suppose! to be. ,his #an #ause problems in the be!room an! in intimate situations. 0hile one person in a relationship may want to engage in #ertain se%ual a#ts" the other #oul! be against it" #ausing a problem in their se% li(es. Pornography has been #re!ite! as gi(ing normal a!ults i!eas that use! to only be per$orme! in a!ult $ilms :@ross;. Sometimes the per$orman#es !one in these $ilms !on&t translate well o$$ s#reen" #ausing e(en more !issatis$a#tion an! more solitary $antasiEing. /owe(er" there are many #ouples who say wat#hing porn has ha! a positi(e e$$e#t on their se% li(es :+ashir;. *any people ha(e use! the argument that porn treats women as ob'e#ts an! !egra!es them. /owe(er" Bon Ceremy re$utes this statement" saying that there are many a!ult $ilms putting women in the !ominant role while men are on the re#ei(ing en!. +ut be#ause men make up most o$ the (iewers o$ pornography :only one out o$ e(ery thir! person who wat#hes porn is $emale; !egra!ation o$ $emales is still the most popular an! the most !eman!e!. Pornography !istorts human se%uality an! un!ermines !ignity an! respe#t $or others by making se%ual
intima#y into little more than a spe#tator sport without lo(e" #ommitment or responsibility" says *e!ia0at#h?94. In other wor!s" pornography is $antasy" not reality. 0ith pornography you !on&t nee! another person to please you" 'ust your own imagination. Da(i! *organ" #onsultant psy#hotherapist at Lon!on&s Portman -lini# says" Pornography is not real an! the only thing human beings get nourishment $rom is reality. real relationships. 0at#hing porn !isrupts relationship between #ouples an! $amilies. )n#e one is a!!i#te!" it inter$eres with e(ery aspe#t o$ their li$e" at work" with $rien!s" an! at home. I$ a $amily member is #aring more about porn than their own lo(e! ones" intima#y problems will surely $ollow. ,his #auses harm to the $amilies an! lo(e! ones in(ol(e!. ,hey start thinking something is wrong with them. ,hese suspi#ions #oul! be true" but usually" the a!!i#t is the one with the problem" pushing the ones they lo(e $urther away. +ut what i$ two people in a relationship wat#h porn together? Bon Ceremy #laims wat#hing porn with a signi$i#ant other #an help spi#e up their se% li$e. 0hile this may be true $or some" @ross says F82 o$ people who wat#h porn !o it alone" in se#ret. Porn isn&t something people want to share. ,hey want to stay in solitu!e within their $antasies. ,hat&s why they turn to porn" either to #reate a non?e%istent se% li$e" or to es#ape the se% li$e they are alrea!y engage! in so they #an !o what they want" not what their partner wants. It is also sai! that porn #an keep a man :or woman; $rom #heating on their partner :Ceremy;. /owe(er" isn&t the $antasy o$ pleasing another person 'ust as ba! as engaging in an a#t with someone else? @ross thinks so. Internet se% a!!i#tion is 'ust another $orm o$ a!!i#tion whi#h allows people to run away $rom their own problems at home" at work" or in their so#ial li(es. It&s simply a ban!?ai! #o(ering up a !eeper problem" as Donny Pauling" an e%?porn pro!u#er says. 0hile porn #annot be the sole blame $or relationships an! $amilies $alling apart" it is !e$initely a #ontributor.
0hat about the people per$orming $or the #ameras? /ow is it harm$ul to them? People argue that the women per$orming in these $ilms are being !egra!e! but most o$ these women #hose to parti#ipate. *oni3ue Ale%an!er" a #urrent porn a#tress" uses this point to !e$en! women in porn. She #laims to ha(e #arrie! out her #areer the right way. Starting with girl?girl mo(ies" she gra!ually mo(e! up to boy?girl. She says that she hasn&t engage! in the !egra!ing mo(ies as other women ha(e !one. Ale%an!er says that many women in the porn in!ustry !on&t #hoose the right path. ,hey will !o anything in a $ilm an! then regret it later an! blame the business $or their !rug problems an! mental issues. She makes a goo! argument. *any o$ the women aren&t $or#e! to !o anything. +ut be#ause more e%treme a#ts pay more" they !e#i!e to engage in things they ne(er thought they woul!. Some people think they ha(e no one to blame but themsel(es. +ut some women in porn ha(e trie! to re(eal the se#rets o$ the in!ustry. Shelley Lubben" a $ormer porn star who went by the name Bo%y" be#ame a born?again -hristian an! anti?porn a#ti(ist a$ter she le$t the business. She began her #areer as a prostitute an! e(entually ma!e her way into porn" $eeling like she ha! no other option. She !e(elope! a !rug a!!i#tion an! #ontra#te! herpes whi#h lea! her to lea(e the in!ustry. During her stint in the business" she says she was treate! like an ob'e#t" like she #oul! easily be repla#e!" whi#h in reality is a true statement. 0hat about women like her who $eel like pornography is the only thing they #an !o? ,hese women $eel like they nee! to per$orm in the more har!#ore $ilms i$ they want to make more money an! make a li(ing. Although it&s their #hoi#e" they still $eel like there is no way out. *any porn a#tors turn to !rugs to #ope with their mental issues. *ost porn a#tors" spe#i$i#ally women" were se%ually abuse! when they were young" su#h as Lubben" whi#h #oul! be an e%planation as to why they entere! the business in the $irst pla#e. Lubben also states that they
li(e in $ear that they will #ontra#t an S,D an! grow to hate men. +ut #an a $ew e%?porn stars pro(i!e enough e(i!en#e o$ the $a#t that porn is harm$ul $or the per$ormers? Donny Pauling" a $ormer porn pro!u#er" re#ounts the numerous times that the women he woul! $ilm an! photograph #ame to him begging to get out o$ the business. /is guilt e(entually lea! him to e%it the in!ustry" lea(ing the goo! money behin!. +ut Bon Ceremy #laims almost all the women he has en#ountere! lo(e! what they were !oing an! the women Pauling met are not meant $or the business. ,he only way to know the truth is to talk to the women themsel(es. Some women" like Lubben" !enoun#e pornography" while #ountless others" in#lu!ing Sasha @rey an! Cenna Cameson" praise porn" #alling it liberating an! a $orm o$ empowerment $or women. I$ this is so" why !o so many women (iewers $eel that porn is putting a negati(e image on women? An! why are so many men !rawn to the more (iolent a#ts against women? So mu#h $o#us is put on ob'e#ti$ying women" but bestiality an! #hil! pornography is also a problem. +oth are illegal in the 9nite! States" yet Sa$e$ reports that as o$ De#ember 117" #hil! pornography was a 6> billion annual in!ustry. 0hat is (iewing these $orms o$ pornography !oing to people&s min!s? Is it #ausing a rise in pe!ophilia an! Eoophilia? ,hese are 3uestions that ha(en&t been e%plore! an! probably will ne(er be $ully answere!. Although porn is all aroun! us an! seems to be normal" it is ne(er seriously !is#usse!. ,he taboos o$ porn are slowly being li$te!" but it is still seen as some !ark se#ret that no one is suppose! to talk about e(en though" strangely" e(eryone talks about it. Pornography a!!i#tion is sometimes seen as a 'oke" but it is a serious mental problem that nee!s attention" 'ust like any a!!i#tion. People nee! to look !eeper into their li(es an! $in! the root o$ the problem be$ore they en! up hurting the people #losest to them. An! instea! o$ looking !own on the a#tors portraye! in the $ilms" rea#hing out to the ones like Shelley Lubben #oul! sa(e some girls $rom
what they&re !oing an! maybe e(en stop other women $rom entering the business. In the en!" the (iewers" the lo(e! ones o$ the (iewers" an! the per$ormers are all re#ei(ing e3ual amounts o$ pain. )ne is not worse than the other. 0e #an blame the whole pornography in!ustry $or this problem" ruining relationships" breaking up $amilies" an! #orrupting the min!s o$ #hil!ren. 0e #an make all $orms o$ pornography #onsumption illegal" as some woul! like to !o. +ut as Donny Pauling sai!" that woul! 'ust be putting a ban!?ai! on a mu#h bigger issue. It&s not porn that&s harm$ul. It&s the !eeper issues within. Porn only a!!s on to these issues. ,he woun! grows larger an! larger until a ban!?ai! #an&t $i% it.
0orks -ite! Li#htenstein" )li(ia. GItHs A!!i#ti(e as -o#aine an! Cust as Damaging. So Is 5)9B /usban! /ooke! on Internet Porn? I *ail )nline.G /ome I *ail )nline. D Culy 11D. 0eb. 7 Apr. 111. Jhttp.KKwww.!ailymail.#o.ukK$emailKarti#le?1 1 F17KIts?a!!i#ti(e?#o#aine?'ust?!amaging?So? 5)9B?husban!?hooke!?internet?porn.htmlL. *arripo!i" Mri#. GNia -<< +elie$ +log. Porn Sun!ayO.G *)NM*M<,PQAI,/ *)NM*M<,PQAI,/. 11 Qeb. 111. 0eb. 7 Apr. 111.!$aith.#omK?pR171L. GStatisti#s on Pornography" Se%ual A!!i#tion an! )nline Perpetrators an! ,heir M$$e#ts on -hil!ren" Pastors an! -hur#hes.G Qree Internet Qiltering an! Parental -ontrol So$tware ? Pornography an! Se% A!!i#tion Be#o(ery P -hristian A##ountability ? )nline Sa$ety. 0eb. 8 Apr. 111.$e$amilies.orgKs$Stats.phpL.
5oung" 4imberly S. GInternet Se% A!!i#tion.G Ameri#an +eha(ioral S#ientist. Sept. 11S. 0eb. 7 Apr. 111. Jhttp.KKabs.sagepub.#omK#ontentK7 K1K 1L. 5ou,ube ? :1 o$ 7; M% Porn Star ,ells the /ar!#ore ,ruth About Porn. Per$. Shelley Lubben. 5ou,ube ? +roa!#ast 5oursel$. Can. 11S. 0eb. 7 Apr. 111. 5ou,ube ? AAA#hur#h. <ightline Porn Debate :part 1K11;. Per$. *artin +ashir. 5ou,ube ? +roa!#ast 5oursel$. <ightline" = Aug. 11S. 0eb. 7 Apr. 111.>!DAppg9pIL.