The Triple City Stamp Club Sept 2009 First Newsletter

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Where stamps can be educational and fun!

Volume 1 Issue 1 September 2009
Officers: Stuart Geisler, President/Editor, Rick Erat, Vice President/Marketing, Norm Sweeney, Vice President,
Don Levis, Corresponding Secretary, Jacq Miles Assist Editor/Recording Secretary

Greetings and Welcome to the first of many great newsletters. We

write this newsletter for the advanced collector, curious beginner, the want-to-
be investor, the old and young enthusiasts, and I-know-every- thing about stamp
hobbyist. We welcome you all to our Great New Stamp Club!!!!
Our goal is to excite and delight you, to educate, stimulate and won’t- be- late
enthusiastic people like yourself of all ages about the joys and benefits of our
wonderful world of philately!!! Its Free to join!!!

Our Club will meet every Show Date at 2:00 PM, inside the Show Room. September 20, 2009 2-8 Hawley
Street, Binghamton, NewYork, Downtown Holiday Inn Arena.

Favorite Stamp Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every month, a member of our club will be highlighted, and the area of interest
that the highlighted member collects. In this manner, all the membership will
become familiarized with different aspects of our wonderful hobby. And for
those who are just learning you can ask questions as to where you can started
collecting, investing or both.
Stuart Geisler (President) will give a small lecture and slide show on the
History of stamps and why you would enjoy collecting.
Beginners Corner???????????????????????????????????

In my monthly Investment Tip, I used the expression “Topical”. While

some collectors collect worldwide stamps, and other collectors save
stamps from a particular favorite country, some collectors collect
topics, like birds, butterflies, or trains from all over the world. These are
“Topical” collectors. Come to the meeting and learn more!!
$$$$$$$$$$MONTHLY INVESTMENT TIPS$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I know, I am beginning to sound like a
broken record but there is a GOOD
REASON I keep touting Portuguese
Colonies Stamps. There is a Portuguese
Guinea Souvenir Sheet, Scott
270a,depicting naked women and
grass huts, which is severely under
cataloged, at $67.50 mint or used. Less
than 500 of these sheets were issued,
making it a Must-Buy at $100.00 and
??????????????????BEGINNERS CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An excellent place for youngsters and beginners to learn at is at a local stamp
show. Most dealers are very accommodating to neophytes; because it is in their
best interest to educated and cultivate new collectors
==================Stamp Event Calendar==================
Nov. 14, 2008 Philly’s Phriday Philately Phest, Radisson Hotel, Roosevelt Blvd and Old Lincoln
Highway, 10am – 8pm. 7 dealers more info Call 215-722-2614 Friday!!!!!
Nov. 22, 2008 Burholme Stamp Club Meeting, Ryerss Museum and Library, 7342 Central Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19111, 1:30pm –3:00pm, Museum Library.
For more info call 215 - 722-2614 Saturday!!!!
Dec. 27, 2008 Burholme Stamp Club Meeting, Ryerss Museum and Library, 7342 Central Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19111, 1:30pm –3:00pm, Library.
For more info call 215 - 722-2614 Saturday!!!!
Jan. 24, 2009 Burholme Stamp Club Meeting, Ryerss Museum and Library, 7342 Central Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19111, 1:30pm –3:00pm, Library.
For more info call 215 - 722-2614 Saturday!!!!
Jan. 31, 2009 Stuart’s Saturday Stampede, Radisson Hotel, Roosevelt Blvd and Old Lincoln
Highway, 10am – 8pm. 7 dealers more info Call 215-722-2614 Saturday

Philately Definitions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dead Country: A country that no longer exists. Some collectors only collect dead countries.
Invert: A stamp, which has the design accidentally printed upside-down.
Fancy Cancel: A stamp that was cancelled with an unusual geometric pattern. These cancels
usually enhance the value of the stamp.
BURHOLME HOROSCOPE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
1) Aries- (3-21to 4-19) This Month would be a good time to collect stamps depicting jewelry on them.
2) Taurus (4-20 to 5-20) Collecting rocks on stamps can be very soothing and calming.
3) Gemini (5-21 to 6-21) Dealers should re-catalogue their stock this month is just might increase the value of your stamps.
4) Cancer (6-22 to 7-22) Buy your young child his or her first stamp album. When you are though collecting you’ll have
someone to leave them to whom will appreciate it as much as you do now.
5) Leo (7-23 to 8-22) This is a good time to remount your entire collection, and discard your hinges.
6) Virgo ( 8-23 to9-22) Careful examination of your collection yields miss identified stamps, which are more valuable than
you thought.
7) Libra (9-23 to 10-23) Buy yourself a good set of stamp tweezers.
8) Scorpio (10-24 to 11-21) This month is a great time to go on a stamp vacation.
9) Sagittarius (11-22 to 12-21) Time to buy new watermark fluid and check your new stamps
10) Capricorn (12-22 to 1-19) This is a good month to sell your doubles and buy new stamps.
11) Aquarius (1-20 to 2-18) Try to encourage a young person to collect stamps.
12) Pisces (2-19 to 3-20) Sheets purchased at a post office will appreciate in value quickly.

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