Price List Modern Stamps: Commemorative Year Sets
Price List Modern Stamps: Commemorative Year Sets
Price List Modern Stamps: Commemorative Year Sets
3522 (15c), Die Cut 11.5 Vert..............0.60
3536 34c, Die Cut, Bklt.Sing..............1.50
3537a-3540a, 34c, Sm. Date, Any Bklt.Sing
Blk. of 4(3540c)..........................6.50
3537b-3540b, 34c, Lg. Date, Any Bklt. Sing
Blk. of 4(3540f).........................16.00 Page 10
3541-3544, 34c, Die Cut 11, Any Bklt. Sing.
Blk. Of 4......................................6.00
3549 34c, Die Cut 11.25, Bklt. Sing....0.75 1935
3549B34c, Die Cut 10.5x10.75, Bklt. Sing.
3550 34c Die Cut 9.75 Vert., Sing.....1.00
3550A34c Die Cut 9.75 Vert., Sing.....1.00 (VF-NH)
Pair.............................................2.00 Plate blocks of 6 prices are for bottom
3612 .05c , 9.75 Vert., Sing.................0.25 #s. Please add 10% for top plate #s
3613 .03c, Sing...................................0.25 SCOTT # PRICE
3614 .03c, Sing...................................0.25 752
3615 .03c, 10. Vert.., Sing...................0.25 Single................................................$0.25
Pair.............................................0.50 Pair with horizontal gutter between. 5.75
3617 23c , Die Cut 8.5 Vert., Sing......0.50 Pair with vertical gutter between.....9.50
Pair.............................................1.00 Horizontal gutter block 4 with dash15.95
3618 23c, Die Cut, 11.25x11 Bklt. Sing. Vertical Gutter block 4 with dash. . .25.95
0.50 Center cross gutter block with dashes
3619 23c, Die Cut, 10.5x11 Bklt. Sing.4.00 49.95
3620 (37c), Sing..................................0.85 Plate # block 4.................................25.95
3622 (37c), Die Cut, 11 Vert., Sing......0.75 753
Pair.............................................1.50 Single................................................$0.50
3623 (37c), Die Cut 11.25 Bklt. Sing.. 0.75 Pair with horizontal line between.....2.25
3624 (37c), Die Cut 11.5x10.75 Bklt. Sing. Pair with vertical line between ......29.95
0.75 Arrow block 4, Left or right...............4.25
3625 (37c), Die Cut 8 Bklt. Sing.........0.75 Arrow block 4, top or bottom..........55.00
3626-3629, (37c), Any Bklt. Sing..........0.75 Center line block.............................65.00
Block of 4...................................3.00 Plate # block 6.................................18.95
3629F 37c, Sing....................................0.90 754
3630 37c, Die Cut Sing.......................0.90 Single..................................................$0.50
Pair with horizontal line between........1.75
Pair with vertical line between.........1.50
Arrow block 4, left or right................3.50
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............3.00
Center line block...............................6.95 Arrow block 4, top or bottom...........12.25
Plate # block 6.................................14.95 Center line block..............................19.95
755 Plate # block 6.................................33.95
Single................................................$0.50 762..........................................................
Pair with horizontal line between.....1.75 Single................................................$1.25
Pair with vertical line between.........1.50 Pair with horizontal line between.....3.95
Arrow block 4, left or right................3.50 Pair with vertical line between.........3.50
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............3.00 Arrow block 4, left or right................8.95
Center line block...............................6.95 Arrow block 4, top or bottom............7.95
Plate # block 6.................................14.95 Center line block..............................13.95
756 Plate # block 6.................................26.95
Single................................................$0.25 763
Pair with horizontal line between.....0.40 Single................................................$1.50
Pair with vertical line between.........0.50 Pair with horizontal line between.....3.50
Arrow block 4, left or right................0.95 Pair with vertical line between.........4.50
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............1.25 Arrow block 4, left or right................8.50
Center line block...............................2.95 Arrow block 4, top or bottom..........10.50
Plate # block 6...................................3.25 Center line block..............................16.95
Plate # block 6.................................33.95
757.......................................................... ALBERT’S STAMPS
Single................................................$0.25 Box 230634, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11223-0634
Pair with horizontal line between.....0.65
Pair with vertical line between.........0.50 PRICE LIST
Arrow block 4, left or right................1.50
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............1.25 Page 11
Center line block...............................3.25 (Ordering instructions on page 17)
Plate # block 6...................................5.25
Pair with horizontal line between.....1.25 FARLEY SPECIAL PRINTING(CON’T)
Pair with vertical line between.........1.25
Arrow block 4, left or right................2.95
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............2.75
Center line block...............................4.95 764
Plate # block 6.................................13.95 Single................................................$1.75
759 Pair with horizontal line between.....4.75
Single................................................$0.85 Pair with vertical line between.........4.25
Pair with horizontal line between.....2.50 Arrow block 4, left or right..............10.95
Pair with vertical line between.........2.25 Arrow block 4, top or bottom............9.95
Arrow block 4, left or right................5.50 Center line block.............................21.95
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............4.75 . .Plate # block 6.................................37.95
Center line block...............................8.25 765
Plate # block 6.................................18.95 Single................................................$3.50
760 Pair with horizontal line between.....8.75
Single................................................$1.25 Pair with vertical line between.........9.95
Pair with horizontal line between.....3.25 Arrow block 4, left or right..............19.95
Pair with vertical line between.........3.95 Arrow block 4, top or bottom..........24.95
Arrow block 4, left or right................7.25 Center line block.............................29.95
Arrow block 4, top or bottom............8.50 Plate # block 6.................................44.95
Center line block..............................14.95 756-765(complete sets of10)
Plate # block 6.................................22.50 Singles..............................................$8.95
761 Pairs..................................................18.95
Single................................................$2.25 Blocks...............................................39.95
Pair with horizontal line between.....6.25 Pairs with horizontal line between. 37.50
Pair with vertical line between.........5.25 Pairs with vertical line between.....37.95
Arrow block 4, left or right..............13.50 Center line blocks..........................125.95
Plate # blocks 6(Bottom #)............229.95 797 - Soc. of Phil. Americans...............0.50
Plate # blocks 6(Top #)..................252.95 948 - Cent. Internat. Phil. Expo............0.50
766.......................................................... 1075 - 5th Internat. Phil. Expo.............1.50
a. Single.............................................$0.65 1311 - 6th Internat. Phil. Expo..............0.15
Block of 4.........................................2.50 1686-1689 - Bicentennial Souv.Sheets.(4)
Pair with horizontal gutter between5.25 ..............................................................12.50
Pair with vertical gutter between. .6.50 1757 - Capex ........................................1.50
Block 4 with crossed gutters.......14.95 6 Souv.Sheets(778,797,948,1075,1311,1757)
767.......................................................... ................................................................4.95
a. Single.............................................$0.55 2216 -2219 - Presidential Souv. Sheets(4)
Pair with horizontal gutter between4.95 ..............................................................19.95
Pair with vertical gutter between.....6.50 *Singles set of Presidential SS(36). . .16.95
Block 4 with crossed gutters..........14.95 2438 - 20th UPU...................................3.75
768 2433 - World Stamp Expo...................11.50
a. Single.............................................$2.75
Pair with horizontal gutter between7.25 World War II Sheets:
Pair with vertical gutter between. .8.50 1941: A World at War(2559)..........$14.50
Block 4 with crossed gutters.......19.95 1942: Into the Battle(2697)14.50
769.......................................................... 1943: Turning the Tide(2765)..........14.50
a. Single.............................................$1.75 1944: Road to Victory(2838)...........29.50
Pair with horizontal gutter between5.50 1945: Victory at Last(2981)............24.50
1941-1945 - Five WW II Souv. Sheets. 94.95
1941- 1945 - Five WW II 1/2 Sheets....47.95
Box 230634, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11223-0634
347-489-2112 RELATED ITEMS
UX178-197(20) (Legends).................$21.95
LEGENDS OF HOLLYWOOD UX200-219(20) (Civil War).................36.95
SHEETS (VF - NH ) UX221-240(20) (Comics).....................45.95
SCOTT # UX242-261(20) (Olympics).................51.95
UX264-278(15) (Endang. Spec.).........52.95
Endang. Spec. With original book....56.95
2967 - Maryilyn Monroe....................$19.95 UX264-278)(15)(Endang. Spec.) FDC. 39.95
3082 - James Dean.............................19.95 UX285-289(5) (Monsters).....................6.95
3152 - Humphrey Bogart....................19.95 UX293-296(4) (Birds)............................5.50
3226 - Alfred Hitchcock.....................19.95 UX307-311(5)............................. (Trains)
3329 - James Cagney.........................19.95 6.25
3446 - Edward G. Robinson................31.95 UX317-336(20) (Stars and Stripes).....34.95
3523 - Lucille Ball...............................19.95 UX337-356(20) (Baseball)...................28.95
3692 - Cary Grant...............................19.95 UX357-360(4) (Deer).............................6.95
3786 - Audrey Hepburn.......................19.95 UX365-374(10) (BB playing fields).....24.95
3876 - John Wayne..............................17.95 UX377-380(4) (Christmas Santas)........5.00
*3897 - Ronald Reagan(37c)...............14.95 UX382-385(4) (Teddy Bears)................5.00
UX386-389(4) (Snowmen).....................5.00 UX535-538(4)(The Art of Disney:
UX390-394(5) (Old Glory).....................6.25 Imagination) 4.50
UX395-399(5) (Southeastern Lighthouses) UX539-548(10) (Great Lakes Dunes). 15.50
6.25 UX549-553(5) (Tail Fins and Chrome). .6.00
UX401-404(4) (Christmas Music Makers) UX557-561(5) (The Simpsons)..............6.95
5.00 UX562-566(5) Gulf Coast Lighthouses 5.50
UX407-410(4) (Disney Characters).......5.00 UX567-586(20) Early Television memories
UX411-420(10) (Art of the American Indian) 24.95
24.95 UX587-596(10) Kelp Forest.................15.50
UX421-435(15) (Cloudscapes)............24.95 UX597-600(4) (Cowboys of the Silver
UX436-439(4) (Disney Char.-2nd issue)4.00 Screen) 4.50
UX440-444(5) (Sporty Cars, 1950s).....5.00 UX601-610(10) (Scenic Amer. Landscapes)
UX445-448(4) (Let’s Dance).................4.50 15.50
UX450-453(4) (Disney: Romance)........4.50 UX611-620(10) Hawaiian Rain Forest. 17.95
UX454-457(4) (Baseball Sluggers).......4.50 UX622-626(5) Pixar Films: Send a Hello6.00
UX458-477(20) (DC Comics Superheroes) UX628-632(5) Pixar Films: Mail a Smile6.00
27.95 UX634-643(10) (Scenic Am. Landscapes II)
UX478-487(10) (So. Fla. Wetlands).....34.95 15.50
UX489-503(15) (Star Wars).................22.95
UX504-508(5) (Pacific Lighthouses)....5.00
UX509-528(20) (Marvel Comics)........24.95
UX529-532(4) (Disney: Magic)..............4.00
UX535-538(4) (Disney: Imagination)....4.00
UX539-548(10) (Greak Lakes Dunes).19.95
UX549-553(5) (Tail Fins).......................5.00
UX557-560(4) (The Simpsons)..............4.00
UX562-566(5)(Gulf Coast Lighthouses)5.00
UX567-586(20) (Early TV Memories). .25.95
UX587-596(10) (Kelp Forest)..............16.95
UX597-600(4) (Cowboys of Silver Screen)
UX601-610(10) (Scenic American Lands)
UX611-620(10) (Hawaiian Rain Forest)12.95
UX622-626(5)(Send a Hello – Pixar Films)
UX445-448(4) (Let’s Dance).................4.00
UX450-453(4) (The Art of Disney: Romance)
UX454-457(4) (Baseball Sluggers).......4.00
UX458-477(20) (D.C. Comic Book Heroes)
UX478-487(10) (Southern Forida Wetland)
UX489-503(15) (Star Wars).................19.75
UX504-508(5) (Pacific Lighthouses)....5.00
UX509-528(20) (Marvel Comics)........29.95
UX529-532(4) (The Art of Disney: Magic)
Box 230634, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11223-0634
Page 17 NOTES
1. Any item may be returned for any reason
for exchange, credit or
POSTAL CARD SETS(Con’t) refund within 10 days of receipt.
2. Items sent on approval or unpaid for
SCOTT # PRICE remain the
property of Albert’s Stamps until fully
3. Due to unforseen market(supply)
conditions affecting some
issues, Albert’s stamps reserves the
right to change prices without notice
for any published list.
4. Some advertised items may be limited in
supply. Efforts will be made to supply
all items at the
advertised price. If unavailable, a refund
will be provided.
5. Albert’s Stamps is not responsible for
any typographical errors in
description or price on this price list
or in any advertisement.
1. Payment accepted by Check, Money
Order or Credit Card
2. Credit Cards only accepted for orders
greater than $50.00 .
2. P&H for USPS Mint sets is $5.95.
3. P&H for all other orders is $3.95
4. NY State Residents add local sales tax
International customers: Please
request payment
#43(Revised 6/2018)
(Valid until 9/30/2015