J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68 (17), 6788-6970
J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68 (17), 6788-6970
J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68 (17), 6788-6970
This approach introduces hydrogen at C-5 of the furano chromatography in 80% yield. The results are sum-
pyrimidine (IUPAC nomenclature numbering of the marized in Table 1.
bicyclic ring, Figure 1), limiting access to nucleoside A p-tolyl derivative 1a was treated with N-bromo-
analogues with different substitutents at this position.19 succinimide (NBS) (1.9 equiv) in a similar manner to
Here we report a type of new chemistry that opens a access a bromoderivative 4 and compare reactivity of an
valuable route to a new series of iodo- and bromofurano- analogous reagent. Reaction time was prolonged com-
pyrimidine nucleosides (3, 4), with a potential for biologi- pared to iodination; full conversion and precipitation
cal activity.20 We have synthesized the halo-functional- occurred after 5 h. Although it is known that substituted
ized bicyclic structures for the following reasons: (i) vinyl furans undergo oxidative ring opening with NBS in
halides 3 and 4 are key synthons; palladium-catalyzed acetone,29 bicyclic 5-bromofuranopyrimidine 4a was iso-
reactions will allow for introduction of a variety of lated, after workup, in 79% yield. However, the bromo-
substituents at C-5 of the furanopyrimidine, thus provid- cyclization is sensitive to the quality of the reagents.
ing access to a wide range of functionalized 5,6-disubsti- Sometimes cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond was ob-
tuted furano nucleosides;7,21 (ii) nucleosides 3 or 4 served in repeated experiments, especially when acetone
combine halovinyl- and furanopyrimidine fragments,22 was not of high purity. In that case the bromocyclized
both with well-documented high activity.17,18,23 nucleoside base was isolated, as determined by 1H and
13C NMR.
Halogens were introduced via electrophilic 5-endo-dig
cyclization of 5-alkynyluridines. 4-Alkylphenyls17,18a and
cyclopropyl24 were selected as model R substituents. (19) Conversion of alkynyl uridines to 5-aryl substituted furano
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TABLE 1. Preparation of Halofuranopyrimidines 3 and
4 via Cyclization of 1