Diels Alder PDF
Diels Alder PDF
Diels Alder PDF
that exists as a rapid equilibrium between an electron-deficient column. b Absolute and relative configurations assigned by chemical
and a relatively electron-rich state. With this in mind, we correlation to a known compound (Supporting Information). c Using 5
hypothesized that the reversible formation of iminium ions from mol % catalyst.
R,β-unsaturated aldehydes and amines (eq 2) might emulate the
equilibrium dynamics and π-orbital electronics that are inherent To test this hypothesis we investigated the capacity of chiral
to Lewis acid catalysis, thereby providing a new platform for the amines to enantioselectively catalyze the Diels-Alder reaction
design of organocatalytic processes. Significantly, this analysis between R,β-unsaturated aldehydes and various dienes.4,5 As
reveals the attractive prospect that chiral amines might function outlined in Scheme 1, we envisioned that condensation of
as enantioselective catalysts for a range of transformations that aldehyde 1 with an enantiopure amine would lead to the formation
traditionally utilize metal salts. of an iminium ion (2) that is sufficiently activated6 to engage a
diene reaction partner. Accordingly, Diels-Alder cycloaddition
would lead to iminium ion 3, which upon hydrolysis would
provide the enantioenriched cycloaddition product (4) while
reconstituting the chiral amine catalyst.
Our enantioselective catalytic Diels-Alder strategy was first
evaluated using cyclopentadiene with (E)-cinnamaldehyde and a
series of chiral secondary amine‚HCl salts. As revealed in Table
1, this LUMO-lowering strategy was successful using only
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Table 2. Organocatalyzed Diels-Alder Cycloadditions between Table 3. Organocatalyzed Diels-Alder Reaction between Acrolein
Cyclopentadiene and Representative Dienophiles or Crotonaldehyde and Representative Dienes
entry R time (h) yield (%) exo:endoa,b exo ee (%) endo ee (%) a,b