Acoustic Lens Family1

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The JBL family of acoustical for stereophonic application.

lenses was originally


been applred to commercral acoustrc lens, as engrneered novation in high-frequency early 1930 s

sound reproductron sound reproductron

The since the

audio systems for motion

picture theater by Bell Labora-

by JBL, was the first real In-

They were first presented

to the industry in 1954.

The acoustic lens, which had been described

tory scientists Kock and Harvey in 1949, had not previously

Acoustic Lens Family

Wrthrn certain Irmrts, the acoustic distribution the lens pattern a properly lens can be made to funchigh frequency


tion as an optical lens to achreve any desired to a short horn device so that the wavefront

In JBL lens systems, the lens constituted plane wave



The slant-plate with carefully a horizontal increasing diffraction vertical the lens

acoustical calculated

lenses utilize a series of plates hyperbolic shapes which results in with The

response frequency.

pattern that does not converge at high frequencies.

The plates are spaced to allow the lens by the horn shape behind

effect to be maintained is determined


The JBL 2301 The perforated-plate of perforated cutouts describes conical lens assembly consrsts of a collectron These perforated plate openings in a by both barriers at the horn mouth element


a perforated

plate acoustic

lens for use system Above

above 1200 Hz It IS intended

for use as the high frequency band integrated

In a two or three frequency has a conical Q=4

screens are actually ring shaped with varyrng sizes of center Thus, the profile of the assembled a hyperbolic pattern The lens dIffractron

where the length of throw does not exceed 9 m (30ft) 1200 Hz. the pattern

shape with an Included (2 kHz octave band)

shape In all planes resulting determined

angle of 90 Sensltrvrty 109 dB The 2301 WIII accept 25 mm (1 In) drivers only Nominal

plate spacing

and the size of the holes in the screens lenses is well suited

The soft edge pattern of these acoustical to high quality music reproduction reinforcement applications.

systems and short-throw

Model 2301 2390 Horn (2309) Lens (2310) 2391 Horn (2307) Lens (2307) 2392 Horn (2311) Lens (2308) 2395


Width 146 mm (5% In)

Depth 173 mm (6% in)

ShippingI Weight

1 6 kg (3 5 lb)

191 mm (7& In) 178 mm 17 In)

267 mm (10% In) 505 mm (19% In)

305 mm (12 in) 117mm 14% In) 5.5 kg (12 lb)

156 mm (6% InI 156 mm (6% In) 254 mm (IO in)

197 mm (7% InI 56 mm 12% In) 1 8 kg 14 lb)

156 mm (6% In) 156 mm (6% In) 381 mm (15 in) 254 mm (10 in) 914 mm (36 in)

117mm (4% In) 56 mm (2% In) 476 mm (18% In) 1 8 kg (4 lb) 168kg (37 lb)

NOTE The sensltlvlty quoted for each horn IS the SPL measured on axls at 1 m (3 3 ft) with a 1 W Input slgnal(4 V into 16 n] warbled from the lowest recommended crossover frequency to 2500 Hz with any JBL driver

Model 2390

The JBL 2390 is a folded-plate 800 Hz. Sensitivity


lens for use above pattern is IOOP expoa baffle down a in

The JBL 2391 and 2392 horn with slant-plate is intended for use in two or three frequency where the length of throw does not exceed some integrated quencies wise, a crossover this acoustic mounted



is 107 dB. The horizontal

band systems 9 m (30 ft). In OtherAbove If

The lens is backed up by a 300 mm (12 in) rectangular nential horn. The 45 vertical dispersion controlled to function by the shape of the hornThe properly in the crossover lens requires

pattern is closely

systems, the lens may be used for frepoint of 1200 Hz is recommended. and 45 vertical. in a cabinet,

above 800 Hz for short throw applications.

region. Operation provided

to 500 Hz is feasible in motion where vertical normal position pattern control in the vertical baffle is provided

picture sound systems or is not essential, plane. When mounted

1200 Hz. the pattern is 80 horizontal lens is not mounted on a baffle board measuring if proper

it must be

at least 300 mm high dispersion horn of the

the lens is usually exposed brackets

to avoid masking kit prohardware 50 mm (2 in) to Q=2 (2 kHz

x 300 mm wide (12 in x 12 in). The sides of the lens plates must, not be obstructed is to be maintained.The only. The 2392 employs that accommodates high frequency 2391 will accept 25 mm (1 in) drivers the same lens with a shorter Q=2.5

the ends of the plates.The vides a baffle, mounting for external mounting entry may be reduced accommodate octave band).

Model MA25 mounting and all required

of the 2390 horn/lens.The Nominal

with a Model 2327 throat adaptor

50 mm (2 in) drivers. Sensitivity

25 mm (1 in) drivers.

2391 or 2392 is 108 dB. Nominal

(2 kHz octave band).

Above curves taken with 2441 compressIon driver

Above curves taken with 2425 compresslon drover

Model 2395

The JBL 2395 is a slant-plate 800 Hz. Sensitivity determined vertical 108 dB.The


lens for use above pattern of 14O is lens is backed horn.The 4.5O up

of the lens plates must not be obstructed 500 Hz IS feasible In motion vertical provided reduced pattern control in the vertical


down to

horizontal exponential

picture sound systems or where a baffle


by the shape of the plates.The

not essential, provrded

by a 300 mm (12 in) elliptical

plane The 50 mm (2 In) entry may be to accommodate Nominal Q=3 6 (2 kHz octave band).

pattern is closely controlled

by the shape of this horn. baffling for use above operation the ends

wtth a Model 2327 throat adaptor

The lens does not require additional 800 Hz. To insure proper

25 mm (I In) dnvers

high frequency

Above curves taken with 2441 compression

JBL continuously engages in research related to product improvement New materlals productIon methods and design refinements are Mroduced Into exlsllng products wthout noWe as a roul~ne express~o of that philosophy For lhls reason any current JBL product may differ in some respect from its publIshed description but WIII always eaual or exceed the orIgInal design spec~f~cal~ons unless olherwlse stated


Professional Division
JBL Incorporated 8500 Balboa Boulevard, flBL/harman P.0. Box 2200, Northndge, California 91329
SSPZ300 9 82 P 576

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