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JBL low frequency enclosures are designed for sound repro- facilitate loudspeaker mounting.

MA15 loudspeaker mounting

duction or reinforcement in theaters, arenas, discotheques, kits are supplied with all front mounting enclosures.
L, or other similar applications where high sound power output
and smooth low frequency response are requrred All are
ruggedly constructed of dense, high qualrty stock and braced
to elrmrnate resonances The baffle panels accept 380 mm
(15 In) dnvers and are fitted with X-20 threaded T-nuts to
Rear Loading Horns
JBL rear loading horns perform best in relatively short throw
applications (75 feet or less) where strong response to the
lowest musical frequencies is more important than high
directivity or ultimate efficiency. Rear loading horns utilize the
back waves of the loudspeaker to energize a long, compactly
folded hornThese back wavesarecoupled to the unrestricted
radiation of the loudspeakers front waves. The acoustic
loading effect of the horn reduces nonlinear distortion and
boosts low frequency efficiency dramatically. Above 150 Hz,
the enclosure design allows the loudspeaker to effectively
uncouple from the horn and operate as a simple direct
radiator, with its back wave attenuated by the horn.The upper
frequency limit is essentially that of the loudspeaker used
(a JBL 2205 or El40 is recommended). Phase inversion
of the rear waves, due to the propagation time through Frequency response curve of the 4520 taken with two 2205 loud
the horn length, further augments response in the lowest speakers installed Measured response of a typical production unit,
operating ranges. lncludlng all peaks and dips does not deviate more than 2 dB from
the above curve
NOTE: Below the lowest usable frequency given for
each model, the excursion limiting load presented by
Model 4530 Single Driver Horn
the horn is reduced.To avoid excessive cone excursion
and possible damage, power input at these very low Seven-foot folded horn provides maximum loading to 50 Hz
frequencies should be restricted. wrth usable response to 40 Hz Net werght, less driver, 54 kg
(120 lb) 1213 mm x 603 mm x 603 mm deep (47% in x
Model 4520 Dual Driver Horn 23% tn x 23% In deep)
Thirteen-foot folded horn provides maximum loading to 42 Hz,
usable response to 30 Hz. Net weight, less drivers, 98 kg
(215 lb). 1276 mm x908 mm x756 mm deep (50% in x
35% inx29% in deep).
Model 4560A Single Driver Horn
Directional horn for a single 380 mm (15 in) driver. Horn and
vented rear reflex chamber give usable response to 45 Hz
with maximum loading above 200 Hz. Dispersion pattern is
90 degrees horizontal x 60 degrees vertical at 800 Hz. Net
weight, less driver, is 41 kg (91 lb). 914 mm x762 mm x
606 mm deep (36 in x 30 in x 23% in deep).

Frequency response curve of the 4530 taken with one 2205 loud
speaker installed Measured response of a typlcal productlon umt,
lncludlng all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from
the above curve

Front Loading Horns

JBL front loading horns furnish the best pattern control and
highest conversion efficiency obtainable from low frequency
cone transducers. They are ideal for use in large halls, out-
door environments, and other similar applications in which
long throw and maximum efficiency are primeconsiderations

Within their optimum operating frequency range, the front

loading horns add 6 dB to the on-axis sensitivity of the
loudspeaker. This allows a reduction in the number of
L- loudspeakers needed and the amplifier power required
compared to direct radiating systems of equal capability.
Below the cutoff frequency (determined by horn size and
geometry), the increased directivity and efficiency of horn
loading are progressively lost. Usable response, however,
is maintained to an octave or more below cutoff due to the
action of the vented rear chamber.

The front loadrng horns may be used wrth the JBL 2220,2205,
E140, or El45 The lower resonances and longer excursron
capabrlrtres of the 2205, E140, and El45 enable these loud-
speakers to provide somewhat better deep bass response
compared to the 2220 at the expense of some midrange
sensitivity There IS, however, the possibrlity of their cones
stnking the horn throat on extreme outward excurstons
Therefore, power input at very low frequencies should be
somewhat more conservative than normally specified for
these loudspeakers

Frequency response curve of the 4560A taken with one El45 loud-
speaker installed Measured response of a typical productlon unit
Including all peaks and drps does not deviate more than 2 dB from
the above curve

Model 4550A Dual Driver Horn
Directional horn for two 380 mm (15 in) drivers. Loads
effectively above 100 Hz, with usable response to 40 Hz.
Dispersion pattern at 800 Hz is 75 degrees horizontal x
30 degrees vertical. Net weight, less drivers, is 88 kg
(195 lb). 914 mm x 1524 mm x825 mm deep (36 in x
60 inx32K in deep).


Frequency response curve of the 4550A taken with two El45 loud-
speakers Installed Measured response of a typlcal production unit
lncludtng all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from
the above curve
Direct Radiating Enclosures
Model 4508 Bass Reflex Dual Driver Models EN3, EN5. and EN8
Multipurpose Enclosures
The 4508 is a slim-profile, vented enclosure that offers
outstanding low frequency reproduction in a very compact JBL multrpurpose enclosures are designed to allow con-
package. Frequency response is uniform to 45 Hz with venrent construction of custom low frequency and full
usable response to 35 Hz. Net weight, less drivers, is 49 kg range sound systems Specrfrc component and porting
(108% lb). 1060 mm x 667 mm x464 mm deep (41% in x recommendatrons are listed In Table 1 Each enclosure
26% inxl8X in deep). IS constructed from rugged 19 mm (% in) stock and
features hand-fitted, heat-cured joints Enclosure veneers
are of furniture-qualrty black walnut and have a hand-
rubbed, oiled flnrsh. The enclosures are available in 85,
140, and 225 lrtre sizes (3, 5, and 8 cubic feet)

Frequency response curve of the 4508 taken with two El45 loud-
speakers installed. Measured response of a typical production unit,
including all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB
from the above curve.

Frequency response curve of the EN3 taken wrth one 2203 loud-
speaker Installed Measured response of a typrcal productron
unit rncludrng all peaks and dips, does not deviate more
than 2 dB from the above curve
Frequency response curve of the EN5 taken with one 2205 loud- Frequency response curve of the EN8 taken with one 2231 loud-
speaker installed. Measured response of a typical production unit, speaker Installed Measured response of a typlcal productlon unit,
including all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from lncludlng all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from
the above curve. the above curve

Table 1.
Recommended Components Low Frequency High Frequency Ultra-High Frequency Dimensions

(85 litre) 2202 or 2203 2307 2311 or 2312 2402 2405. or 2403 845 mm x489 mm x 318 mm deep
horns with 7308 IPW 33% 11-x 19% I x 12%2 I deep

(140 like) 2205,2220, El30 2307, 2311, or 2312 2402.2405. or 2403 883 mm x 521 mm x464 mm deep
or E140f 22313 horns with 2308 lens 34% I x 20% I * 18X I deep

EN8 (225 litre) 223V N/A N/A 1060 mm x 667 mm x464 mm deep
(Subwoofer) 41%inx26%1nx18% ~ndeep

1. Use 4 duct in port. 3 Use 4 duct-cover 2 duct.

2. Use 2 duct-cover 4 duct. 4. Mount 4 duct in both holes

Crossover Frequencies
The recommended crossover frequency of all JBL low JBL manufactures a complete line of high frequency trans-
frequency horns IS 800 Hz or lower The exact crossover ducers as well as dividing networks, power ampllflers, and
point chosen will depend principally on the performance other accessories designed to complement the performance
characteristics of the high frequency components used In the of the equipment described herein Contact JBL or your
system JBL Professional Products dealer for complete details

JBL continually engages in research related to product improvement

New materials, production methods, and design refinements are
introduced into existing products without notice as a routine expres-
sion of that philosophy. For this reason, any current JBL product
may differ in some respect from its publrshed description but is
always warranted to equal or exceed the original design specifications
unless otherwise stated.

Professional Division
James B. Lansing Sound, Inc., 8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A

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