I See The Rhythm of Gospel
I See The Rhythm of Gospel
I See The Rhythm of Gospel
To the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name
all my prayers are made, heard,
and answered.
To my mother, Karolyn A. Mitchell, who
taught me to have hope and to believe, and
through her prayers I have come to know
the Lord and his Divine Art.
Gospel Means
When the artist, Michele Wood, and I worked together on I See the Rhythm, about the history of African-American
music, we both felt there was so much more to explore in one musical form in particular: gospel music.
Gospel evolved from the early African-American spiritual, but no one can say exactly when and where
the spiritual got its start. Did enslaved Africans copy and change the European Christian and folk music? How
many African slaves were exposed to Christianity before they were brought to the Americas? Did those slaves bring
their own African religious songs to the New World and modify them? Did slaves create their own unique songs?
Historians are still asking these questions.
What we do know is that the African-American spiritual was born out of the brutality of slavery and evolved into
what we know today as gospel music. It is a response to the centuries of injustice and discrimination endured by
enslaved Africans.
In this book, Michele and I want to take you on a trip through time to learn more about African-American history
and gospel music. We want you to see through Micheles pictures and my words how the lives of African Americans
and our spiritinfluenced the music and how the music influenced our lives. How gospel music expressed our pain
and sorrows, uplifted our souls, and gave us the strength to endure and survive.
The good news is that African Americans and our unique culture have not only survived, weve thrived! And the
good news is gospel.
Toyomi Igus
of Africa,
There are many different peoples, countries, languages, and customs in Africa. The same is true of religions. Africans are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and some still practice their native worship rituals. For all Africans, music is devotional. In this
picture, the first panel shows a woman washing clothes in the river, while African villagers are being captured by European slavers. The dye leaking into the river from the ends of the two red scarves represents the blood shed by African people who
died in the slave trade. Many West African tribes had customs similar to baptism, which the water of the river represents. The center panel shows villagers dancing and drumming in celebration. Some tribes believe that the spirits are summoned
with the drumming.
Upon arrival in the new land, Africans tried to retain their tribal religious practices, but they lost them over time. They also lost their
languages. At first, the enslaved blacks could not communicate well with each other, but eventually they adopted the language of the slave
masters. Jesus is shown here as one of the slaves, illustrating how, even though the Bible was used to justify slavery, Jesus suffered on
behalf of all mankind. The minister on the right preaches at a plantation revival meeting. These meetings provide comfort to the
hard-working slaves. The conversion of slaves to Christianity in the 1700s is called the Great Awakening.
of a
New World,
strange beliefs,
a life of despair,
a life of grief.