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NIV Inspiring Words Holy Bible Sampler

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Hope in God. PSALM 42:11


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The New Testament

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The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah Jecon ia h was the fat her of Shea lt iel,

1 This is the genea log y a of J esus the Mes Shea lt iel the fat her of Zer ubbabel,
13 Zer ubbabel the fat her of Abihud,
sia h b the son of Dav id, the son of Abra
ham: Abihud the fat her of Elia k im,
Elia k im the fat her of Azor,
2 Abraham was the fat her of Isaac, 14 Azor the fat her of Zadok,
Isaac the fat her of Jacob, Zadok the fat her of Akim,
Jac ob the father of Jud ah and his Akim the fat her of Elihud,
brothers, 15 Elihud the fat her of Elea zar,
3 Judah the fat her of Perez and Zerah,
Elea zar the fat her of Matt han,
hose mother was Tamar, Matt han the fat her of Jacob,
Perez the fat her of Hezron, 16 and Jac ob the fat her of Jos eph, the
Hezron the fat her of Ram, husband of Mary, and Mary was
4 Ram the fat her of Amm inadab,
the mother of J esus who is called
Amm inad ab the fat her of Nahshon, the Messia h.
Nahshon the fat her of Salmon,
5 Sal 17Thus t here were four t een generat ions
mon the father of Boaz, w hose
mother was Rahab, in all from Abraham to Dav id, fourteen from
Boaz the fa t her of Obed, w hose Dav id to the exi le to Babylon, and fourteen
mother was Ruth, from the exi le to the Messia h.
Obed the fat her of Jesse,
6 and Jesse the fat her of King Dav id. Joseph Accepts Jesus as His Son
18This is how the birth of Jesus the Mes
Dav id was the fat her of Solomon, w hose sia h came about d : His mother Mary was
mother had been Uria hs wife, pledged to be marr ied to Joseph, but before
7 Solomon the fat her of Rehoboa m,
they came together, she was found to be
Rehoboa m the fat her of Abijah,
pregnant t hrough the Holy Spirit. 19Because
Abijah the fat her of Asa,
8 Asa the fat her of Jehoshaphat, Joseph her husband was faithf ul to the law,

and yete did not want to expose her to pub
Jehoshaphat the fat her of Jehoram,
lic disg race, he had in mind to divorce her
Jehoram the fat her of Uzzia h,
9 Uzz ia h the fat her of Jot ham, q
20But aft er he had cons idered this, an an
Jot ham the fat her of Ahaz,
gel of the Lord appeared to him in a d ream
Ahaz the fat her of Hezek ia h,
10 Hezek ia h the fat her of Manasseh, and said, Jos eph son of Dav id, do not be

a fraid to take Mary home as your wife, be
Manasseh the fat her of Amon,
cause what is conc eived in her is from the
Amon the fat her of Josia h,
11 and Jos ia h the fat her of Jecon ia h c Holy Spir it. 21She will give b irth to a son,

and you are to give him the name Jesus,f
and his brothers at the time of the
bec ause he will save his people from t heir
ex i le to Babylon.
12 After the exi le to Baby lon: 22All this took place to fulfill what the
a1Oris an account of the origin b1OrJesus Christ. Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both mean

Anointed One; also in verse 18. c11 That is, Jehoiachin; also in verse12 d18OrThe origin of Jesus the
Messiah was like this e19Orwas a righteous man and f21 Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, which means
the Lord saves.

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876 | Matthew 1:23

Lord had said t hrough the prophet: 23The The Escape to Egypt
virg in will conceive and give birth to a son, 13When they had gone, an an gel of the
and they will call him Immanuela (which Lord appeared to Joseph in a d ream. Get
means God withus). up, he said, take the c hild and his mother
24When Joseph woke up, he did what the
and esc ape to Egypt. Stay t here unt il I tell
angel of the Lord had commanded him and you, for Herod is goi ng to search for the child
took Mary home as his wife. 25But he did not to kill him.
consummate their marr iage unt il she gave 14So he got up, took the c hild and his
birth to a son. And he gave him the name mother duri ng the n ight and left for E gypt,
Jesus. 15where he stayed unt il the death of Herod.

And so was fulf illed what the Lord had said

The Magi Visit the Messiah t hrough the prophet: Out of Egypt I c alled

2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in

Judea, during the time of King Herod,
Magib from the east came to Jer usalem 2and
my son.d
16When Herod rea li zed that he had been

outw itted by the Magi, he was fur ious, and

asked, Where is the one who has been born he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethle
king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose hem and its vicinit y who were two y ears old
and have come to worship him. and under, in accordance with the time he
3When King Herod heard this he was dis
had learned from the Magi. 17Then what was
turbed, and all Jer usalem with him. 4When said t hrough the prophet Jerem ia h was ful
he had c alled together all the peoples chief filled:
priests and teachers of the law, he a sked
them where the Messia h was to be born. 5In 18 A voice is heard in Ramah,
Bethlehem in Judea, they replied, for this is weeping and great mourning,
what the prophet has written: Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
6 But you, Bethlehem, in the land of because they are no more.e
are by no means least among the The Return to Nazareth
rulers of Judah; 19After Herod died, an angel of the Lord
for out of you will come a ruler appeared in a d ream to Joseph in E gypt
who will shepherd my people 20and said, Get up, take the c hild and his
Israel.c mother and go to the land of Israel, for t hose
7Then Herod c alled the Magi sec retly and who were trying to take the childs life are
f ound out from them the exact time the star dead.
21So he got up, took the c hild and his
had appeared. 8He sent them to Bethlehem
and said, Go and search carefully for the mother and went to the land of Israel. 22But
child. As soon as you find him, report to me, when he heard that Archelau s was reign
so that I too may go and worship him. ing in Judea in place of his fat her Herod, he
9After they had heard the king, they went was a fraid to go t here. Havi ng been w arned
on t heir way, and the star they had seen when in a d ream, he withd rew to the district of
it rose went a head of them unt il it s topped Gal i lee, 23and he went and lived in a town
over the p lace where the child was. 10When c alled Naza reth. So was fulf illed what was
they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11On said t hrough the prophets, that he would be
comi ng to the h ouse, they saw the c hild with c alled a Naza rene.
his mother Mary, and they bowed down and
worshiped him. Then they opened their John the Baptist Prepares the Way
treasures and presented him with g ifts of
gold, frank i ncense and myrrh. 12And hav
ing been w arned in a d ream not to go back
3 In those days John the Baptist came,
preaching in the wilderness of Judea
2and say i ng, Repent, for the kingdom of
to Herod, they ret urned to t heir count ry by heaven has come near. 3This is he who was
another route. spoken of t hrough the prophet Isaiah:
a23Isaiah7:14 b1Traditionally wise men c6Micah5:2,4 d15Hosea11:1 e18Jer.31:15

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Matthew 4:17 | 877

A voice of one calling in the wilderness, 2After fasti ng fort y days and fort y n
ights, he
Prepare the way for the Lord, was hung ry. 3The tempter came to him and
make straight paths for him.a said, If you are the Son of God, tell t hese
4Johns clothes were made of camels hair, stones to become bread.
4Jesus ans wered, It is written: Man shall
and he had a leather belt a round his waist.
not live on bread a lone, but on every word
His food was loc usts and wild honey. 5Peo that c omes from the m outh of God.d
ple went out to him from Jer usalem and all 5Then the devi l took him to the holy city
Judea and the w hole reg ion of the Jordan. and had him s tand on the highest point of
6Confessing t heir sins, they were bapt ized
the temple. 6If you are the Son of God, he
by him in the Jordan River. said, throw yourself down. For it is written:
7But when he saw many of the Phari sees

and Sadducees comi ng to w here he was bap He will command his angels
tizi ng, he said to them: You b rood of vipers! concerning you,
Who w arned you to flee from the coming and they will lift you up in their
w rath? 8Produce f ruit in keepi ng with repen hands,
tance. 9And do not t hink you can say to your so that you will not strike your foot
selves, We have Abraham as our fat her. I tell against a stone.e
you that out of t hese stones God can raise up 7Jesus ans wered him, It is also written:
child ren for Abraham. 10The ax is already at
Do not put the Lord your God to the test.f
the root of the t rees, and every tree that does 8Again, the devi l took him to a very high
not produce good f ruit will be cut down and
mountain and showed him all the kingdoms
t hrown into the fire.
11I bap of the world and t heir splendor. 9All this I
t ize you withb water for repen
will give you, he said, if you will bow down
tance. But after me c omes one who is more
and worshipme.
powerf ul than I, whose sandals I am not wor 10Jesus said to him, Away from me, Sat an!
thy to carr y. He will bapt ize you withb the
For it is written: Worship the Lord your God,
Holy Spirit and fire. 12His winnowi ng fork is
and s erve him only.g
in his hand, and he will clear his threshi ng 11Then the devi l left him, and angels came
f loor, gatheri ng his w
heat into the barn and
and attended him.
burning up the c haff with unquenchable
Jesus Begins to Preach
12When Jesus heard that John had been
The Baptism of Jesus
13Then Jesus came from Gali lee to the Jor
put in pris on, he with d rew to Gal i
13Leavi ng Naza reth, he went and l ived in Ca
dan to be bapt ized by John. 14But John t ried pernau m, which was by the lake in the area
to deter him, sayi ng, I need to be bapt ized of Zebu lun and Naphta l i 14to fulf ill what
by you, and do you come tome? was said t hrough the prophet Isaiah:
15Jesus replied, Let it be so now; it is prop

er for us to do this to fulfill all righteous 15 Land of Zebulun and land of

ness. Then John consented. Naphtali,
16As soon as J esus was bapt ized, he went the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan,
up out of the water. At that moment heaven Galilee of the Gentiles
was o pened, and he saw the Spirit of God de 16 the people living in darkness
scending like a dove and alighting on him. have seen a great light;
17And a voice from heaven said, This is my on those living in the land of the shadow
Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. of death
a light has dawned.h
Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness 17From that time on Jesus be g an to

4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the

wilder ness to be tempted c by the devi l.
preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
has come near.
a3Isaiah40:3 b11Orin c1 TheGreek for tempted can also mean tested. d4Deut.8:3
e6Psalm91:11,12 f7Deut.6:16 g10Deut.6:13 h16Isaiah9:1,2

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878 | Matthew 4:18

Jesus Calls His First Disciples 9 Blessed are the peacemakers,

18As Jesus was walki ng beside the Sea of for they will be called children
Gali lee, he saw two brothers, Simon called of God.
Peter and his brother And rew. They were 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted
casti ng a net into the lake, for they were fish because of righteousness,
ermen. 19Come, follow me, Jesus said, and for theirs is the kingdom of
I will send you out to fish for people. 20At heaven.
once they left t heir nets and followed him. 11Blessed are you when peo ple insult
21Going on from t here, he saw two oth
you, persec ute you and falsely say all k inds
er brothers, James son of Zebedee and his of evil a gainst you because of me. 12Rejoice
brother John. They were in a boat with t heir and be glad, because g reat is your reward in
fat her Zebedee, prepar i ng t heir nets. Jesus heaven, for in the same way they persecuted
called them, 22and immed iately they left the the prophets who were before you.
boat and t heir fat her and followed him.
Salt and Light
Jesus Heals the Sick 13You are the salt of the earth. But if the
23Jesus went throughout Gali l ee, teachi ng
salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made
in t heir synagogues, proclaim i ng the good salty again? It is no longer good for anyt hing,
news of the kingdom, and heali ng every dis except to be t hrown out and trampled un
ease and sickness a mong the people. 24News derfoot.
about him s pread all over Syria, and people 14You are the l ight of the w orld. A town
brought to him all who were ill with various built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neit her do
diseases, t hose sufferi ng severe pain, the de people l ight a lamp and put it under a bowl.
mon-possessed, t hose hav i ng seiz ures, and Instead they put it on its s tand, and it g ives
the para lyzed; and he healed them. 25Large l ight to everyone in the h ouse. 16In the same
crowds from Gali l ee, the Decapol is, a Jer usa way, let your light s hine before others, that
lem, Judea and the reg ion across the Jordan they may see your good d eeds and glor ify
followed him. your Fat her in heaven.
Introduction to the Sermon The Fulfillment of the Law
on the Mount 17Do not t hink that I have come to abolish

5 Now when Jesus saw the c rowds, he

went up on a mountainside and sat
down. His disc iples came to him, 2and he
the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulf ill them. 18For truly
I tell you, unt il heaven and e arth disappear,
began to t each them. not the smallest letter, not the least stroke
of a pen, will by any m eans disappear from
The Beatitudes
the Law unt il every t hing is accomplished.
He said: 19Therefore anyone who sets a side one of the
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, least of t hese commands and teaches others
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. accordi ngly will be called least in the king
4 Blessed are those who mourn, dom of heaven, but whoever pract ices and
for they will be comforted. teaches t hese commands will be c alled g reat
5 Blessed are the meek, in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I tell you that
for they will inherit the earth. un less your righteousness sur passes that of
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst the Pharisees and the teachers of the law,
for righteousness, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of
for they will be filled. heaven.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy. Murder
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, 21You have h eard that it was said to the
for they will see God. people long ago, You shall not murder,b and
a25 That is, the Ten Cities b21Exodus20:13

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s; grace my
is sufficient for you.

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In him
we have



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Do not be



to god

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of God ... will guard your

hearts and your

minds in Christ Jesus.

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Matthew 6:3 | 879

anyone who murders will be subject to judg made. 34But I tell you, do not s wear an oath
ment. 22But I tell you that anyone who is an at all: eit her by heaven, for it is G
ods t hrone;
gry with a brother or sistera,b will be subject 35or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by

to judgment. A gain, anyone who says to a Jer usalem, for it is the city of the Great King.
brother or sister, Raca,c is answerable to the 36And do not s wear by your head, for you
court. And anyone who says, You fool! will cannot make even one hair white or black.
be in danger of the fire of hell. 37All you need to say is simply Yes or No;
23Therefore, if you are offeri ng your gift anyt hing beyond this comes from the evil
at the altar and t here remember that your one.f
brother or sister has somet hing against you,
24leave your gift t here in f ront of the alt ar. Eye for Eye
First go and be reconc iled to them; then 38You have heard that it was said, Eye for

come and offer your gift. eye, and t ooth for t ooth.g 39But I tell you, do
25Sett le matters quickly with your adver
not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you
sary who is taki ng you to court. Do it while on the r ight c heek, turn to them the other
you are s till together on the way, or your ad cheek also. 40And if anyone w ants to sue you
versary may hand you over to the judge, and and take your s hirt, hand over your coat as
the judge may hand you over to the off icer, well. 41If anyone forces you to go one mile, go
and you may be t hrown into prison. 26Truly with them two m iles. 42Give to the one who
I tell you, you will not get out unt il you have asks you, and do not turn away from the one
paid the last penny. who wants to borrow from you.

Adultery Love for Enemies

27You have heard that it was said, You 43You have heard that it was said, Love

shall not com m it adultery.d 28But I tell you your neighborh and hate your enemy. 44But
that anyone who looks at a woma n lustf ul I tell you, love your enem ies and pray for
ly has already comm itted adultery with her t hose who persecute you, 45that you may be
in his heart. 29If your r ight eye causes you to child ren of your Fat her in heaven. He causes
stumble, g ouge it out and t hrow it away. It is his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and
better for you to lose one part of your body sends rain on the righteous and the unr igh
than for your w hole body to be t hrown into teous. 46If you love t hose who love you, what
hell. 30And if your r ight hand causes you to reward will you get? Are not even the tax col
stumble, cut it off and t hrow it away. It is bet lectors doi ng that? 47And if you g reet only
ter for you to lose one part of your body than your own people, what are you doi ng more
for your w hole body to go into hell. than others? Do not even pagans do that?
48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Fa
Divorce ther is perfect.
31It has been said, Anyone who divorc

es his wife must give her a cert ificate of di Giving to the Needy
vorce.e 32But I tell you that anyone who di
vorces his wife, except for sexua l immoralit y,
makes her the vict im of adultery, and anyone
6 Be careful not to practice your righ
teousness in f ront of others to be seen by
them. If you do, you will have no reward from
who marr ies a divorced woma n comm its your Fat her in heaven.
adultery. 2So when you give to the n eedy, do not
announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites
Oaths do in the synagogues and on the streets, to
33Again, you have h eard that it was said be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they
to the people long ago, Do not break your have received t heir reward in full. 3But when
oath, but fulf ill to the Lord the vows you have you give to the needy, do not let your left
a22The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a fellow disciple, whether man or woman;
also in verse23. b22 Some manuscripts brother or sister without cause c22 AnAramaic term of
contempt d27Exodus20:14 e31Deut.24:1 f37Orfrom evil g38 Exodus21:24; Lev. 24:20; Deut.
19:21 h43Lev.19:18

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880 | Matthew 6:4

hand know what your r ight hand is doing, Treasures in Heaven

4sothat your givi ng may be in secret. Then 19Do not s tore up for yourselves treasures
your Fat her, who sees what is done in secret, on earth, where moths and verm in destroy,
will reward you. and w here t hieves b reak in and s teal. 20But
store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
Prayer where moths and verm in do not destroy, and
5And when you pray, do not be like the
where t hieves do not break in and steal. 21For
hypoc rites, for they love to pray standi ng in where your treasure is, t here your h eart will
the synagogues and on the s treet corners to be also.
be seen by others. Trul y I tell you, they have 22The eye is the lamp of the body. If your
rec eived their rew ard in full. 6But when eyes are healthy,c your w hole body will be
you pray, go into your room, c lose the door full of l ight. 23But if your eyes are unhealthy,d
and pray to your Father, who is uns een. your w hole body will be full of darkness. If
Then your Fat her, who sees what is done then the light within you is darkness, how
in sec ret, will rew ard you. 7And when you g reat is that darkness!
pray, do not keep on babbling like pag ans, 24No one can s erve two masters. Eit her
for they t hink they will be heard bec ause of you will hate the one and love the other, or
t heir many words. 8Do not be like them, for you will be devoted to the one and despise
your Fat her k nows what you need before the other. You cannot serve both God and
you ask him. money.
9This, then, is how you s hould pray:
Do Not Worry
Our Father in heaven, 25Therefore I tell you, do not worr y a
hallowed be your name, bout
10 your kingdom come, your life, what you will eat or d rink; or a bout
your will be done, your body, what you will wear. Is not life
on earth as it is in heaven. more than food, and the body more than
11 Give us today our daily bread. clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do
12 And forgive us our debts, not sow or reap or store away in barns, and
as we also have forgiven our yet your heavenly Fat her f eeds them. Are you
debtors. not much more valuable than they? 27Can
13 And lead us not into temptation,a any one of you by worr yi ng add a sing le hour
but deliver us from the evil one.b to your lifee?
28And why do you worr y about c lothes?
14For if you forg ive other people when they See how the flowers of the f ield grow. They
sin against you, your heavenly Fat her will do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not
also forg ive you. 15But if you do not forg ive even Solomon in all his splendor was d ressed
others t heir sins, your Fat her will not forg ive like one of t hese. 30If that is how God clothes
your sins. the g rass of the f ield, which is here today and
tomorrow is t hrown into the fire, will he not
Fasting much more clothe youyou of litt le faith?
16When you fast, do not look somber as 31So do not worr y, saying, What s hall we

the hypoc rites do, for they disfigu re their eat? or What shall we d rink? or What shall
faces to show others they are fasti ng. Truly we wear? 32For the pagans run after all t hese
I tell you, they have received t heir rew ard t hings, and your heavenly Fat her k nows that
in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your you need them. 33But seek f irst his kingdom
head and wash your face, 18so that it will not and his righteousness, and all t hese t hings
be obv ious to others that you are fasti ng, but will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do
only to your Fat her, who is unseen; and your not wor r y about tomor row, for tomor row
Fat her, who sees what is done in secret, will will worr y a bout itself. Each day has e nough
reward you. trouble of its own.
a13 TheGreek for temptation can also mean testing. b13Orfrom evil; some late manuscripts one, / for yours

is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. c22 TheGreek for healthy here implies generous.
d23 TheGreek for unhealthy here implies stingy. e27Orsingle cubit to your height

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Matthew 8:4 | 881

Judging Others tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree

7 Do not j udge, or you too will be judged. cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that
2For in the same way you judge others, does not bear good fruit is cut down and
you will be judged, and with the measure t hrown into the fire. 20Thus, by t heir fruit
you use, it will be measured to you. you will recogn ize them.
3Why do you look at the speck of sawdust

in your brothers eye and pay no attent ion True and False Disciples
21Not eve ryo ne who says to me, Lord,
to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you
say to your brother, Let me take the speck Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but
out of your eye, when all the time t here is a only the one who does the will of my Fat her
plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, f irst who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on
take the plank out of your own eye, and then that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophe s y
you will see clearly to remove the speck from in your name and in your name d rive out
your brothers eye. demons and in your name perform many
6Do not give dogs what is sac red; do not mirac les? 23Then I will tell them plainly,
t hrow your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may I never knew you. Away from me, you evil
trample them under t heir feet, and turn and doers!
tear you to pieces.
The Wise and Foolish Builders
24Therefore everyone who hears t hese
Ask, Seek, Knock
and it will be given to you; seek and ords of mine and puts them into pract ice is
you will find; k nock and the door will be like a wise man who built his house on the
opened to you. 8For everyone who asks re rock. 25The rain came down, the streams
ceives; the one who seeks finds; and to the rose, and the w inds blew and beat against
one who k nocks, the door will be opened. that h ouse; yet it did not fall, because it had
9Which of you, if your son asks for b read, its foundat ion on the rock. 26But everyone
will give him a s tone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, who hears these w ords of mine and does
will give him a snake? 11If you, then, t hough not put them into pract ice is like a foolish
you are evil, know how to give good g ifts to man who b ouse on sand. 27The rain
uilt his h
your child ren, how much more will your Fa came down, the s treams rose, and the w inds
ther in heaven give good g ifts to t hose who blew and beat against that house, and it fell
ask him! 12So in everything, do to others with a g reat crash.
what you w ould have them do to you, for this 28When Jesus had finished saying t hese
sums up the Law and the Prophets. things, the crowds were a mazed at his
teach i ng, 29bec ause he taught as one who
The Narrow and Wide Gates had aut horit y, and not as t heir teachers of
ter through the narrow gate. For the law.
wide is the gate and b road is the road
that leads to destruction, and many enter Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy
t hrough it. 14But s mall is the gate and nar
row the road that leads to life, and only a few
8 When Jesus came down from the moun
tainside, large c rowds followed him. 2A
man with lepros y a came and k nelt before
him and said, Lord, if you are willi ng, you
True and False Prophets can make me clean.
15Watch out for false prophe ts. They 3Jesus reached out his hand and t ouched

come to you in s heeps clothi ng, but inward the man. I am willi ng, he said. Be clean!
ly they are ferocious w olves. 16By t heir f ruit Immed iately he was c leansed of his lepros y.
you will recogn ize them. Do people pick 4Then Jesus said to him, See that you dont

g rapes from thornbushes, or figs from this tell anyone. But go, show yours elf to the
tles? 17Likew ise, every good tree bears good priest and offer the gift Moses commanded,
f ruit, but a bad tree bears bad f ruit. 18A good as a test imony to them.
a2 TheGreek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for various diseases affecting the skin.

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882 | Matthew 8:5

The Faith of the Centurion irds have n

b ests, but the Son of Man has no
5When Jesus had entered Caper n au m, place to lay his head.
21Another disc iple said to him, Lord, f irst
a centur ion came to him, asking for help.
6Lord, he said, my serv ant lies at home let me go and bury my fat her.
22But Jesus told him, Follow me, and let
paralyzed, sufferi ng terr ibly.
7Jesus said to him, Shall I come and heal the dead bury t heir own dead.
8The cen t ur ion replied, Lord, I do not Jesus Calms the Storm
23Then he got into the boat and his dis
deserve to have you come under my roof.
But just say the word, and my serv ant will ciples fol lowed him. 24Sudden l y a fu r ious
be healed. 9For I myself am a man under storm came up on the lake, so that the w aves
aut horit y, with sold iers under me. I tell this swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleepi ng.
25The disc iples went and woke him, sayi ng,
one, Go, and he goes; and that one, Come,
and he comes. I say to my servant, Do this, Lord, save us! W ere goi ng to drown!
26He replied, You of litt le f aith, why are
and he doesit.
10When Jesus h eard this, he was a mazed you so a fraid? Then he got up and rebuked
and said to t hose followi ng him, Truly I tell the w inds and the w aves, and it was com
you, I have not found anyone in Israel with pletely calm.
such g reat f aith. 11I say to you that many 27The men were a mazed and asked,
will come from the east and the west, and What kind of man is this? Even the w inds
will take t heir places at the feast with Abra and the w aves obey him!
ham, Isaac and Jac ob in the kingdom of
heaven. 12But the subjects of the kingdom Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed
will be t hrown outside, into the darkness, Men
w here t here will be weepi ng and gnashi ng 28When he arr ived at the other side in the
of teeth. reg ion of the Gada renes, b two demon-pos
13Then J esus said to the cent ur ion, Go!
sessed men comi ng from the tombs met him.
Let it be done just as you bel ieved it would. They were so violent that no one could pass
And his servant was healed at that moment. that way. 29What do you want with us, Son
of God? they shouted. Have you come here
Jesus Heals Many to tort ure us before the appointed time?
14When J esus came into Peters house, he 30Some dist ance from them a large herd
saw Peters mother-in-law lyi ng in bed with of pigs was feeding. 31The demons begged
a fever. 15He touched her hand and the fever Jesus, If you d rive us out, send us into the
left her, and she got up and began to wait on herd of pigs.
him. 32He said to them, Go! So they came out
16When even ing came, many who were
and went into the pigs, and the whole herd
demon-possessed were b rought to him, r ushed down the steep bank into the lake
and he d rove out the spirits with a word and and died in the water. 33Those tending the
healed all the sick. 17This was to fulf ill what pigs ran off, went into the town and reported
was spoken t hrough the prophet Isaiah: all this, includi ng what had happened to the
He took up our infirmities demon-possessed men. 34Then the w hole
and bore our diseases.a town went out to meet J esus. And when they
saw him, they pleaded with him to leave
The Cost of Following Jesus t heir reg ion.
18When J esus saw the c rowd a round him,
he gave orders to c ross to the other side of the Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed
lake. 19Then a teacher of the law came to him Man
and said, Teacher, I will follow you wherev
er yougo.
20Jesus rep lied, Fox e s have d ens and
9 Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over
and came to his own town. 2Some men
rought to him a para lyzed man, lyi ng on a
a17Isaiah53:4 (see Septuagint) b28 Some manuscripts Gergesenes; other manuscripts Gerasenes

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Philippians 4:13

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Matthew 11:24 | 885

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-

I will send my messenger ahead
law of you,
36 a mans enemies will be the members who will prepare your way before
of his own household.a you.d
37Anyone who l oves t heir fat her or moth 11Trul y I tell you, a mong t hose born of wom

er more than me is not wort hy of me; anyone en t here has not risen anyone greater than
who loves their son or daughter more than John the Baptist; yet whoe ver is least in
me is not wort hy of me. 38Whoever does not the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
take up t heir c ross and follow me is not wor 12From the days of John the Baptist until
thy of me. 39Whoever f inds t heir life will lose now, the kingdom of heaven has been sub
it, and whoever loses t heir life for my sake jected to violence,e and violent people have
will findit. been raiding it. 13For all the Prophets and
40Anyone who welc omes you welc omes
the Law prophesied unt il John. 14And if you
me, and anyone who welc omes me wel are willi ng to accept it, he is the Elijah who
comes the one who sent me. 41Whoever wel was to come. 15Whoe ver has ears, let them
comes a prophet as a prophet will receive a hear.
prophets reward, and whoever welcomes a 16To what can I compare this generat ion?
righteous person as a righteous person will They are like child ren sitt ing in the market
receive a righteous persons reward. 42And if places and calli ng out to others:
anyone g ives even a cup of cold water to one
of t hese litt le ones who is my disciple, truly 17 We played the pipe for you,
I tell you, that person will certainly not lose and you did not dance;
their reward. we sang a dirge,
and you did not mourn.
Jesus and John the Baptist
18For John came neit her eating nor drink
11 Af ter Jesus had fin ished instruct i ng
his t welve disciples, he went on from
there to teach and p reach in the towns of
ing, and they say, He has a demon. 19The
Son of Man came eati ng and drinki ng, and
Gali lee. b they say, Here is a glutton and a drunka rd, a
2When John, who was in pris on, heard f riend of tax collectors and sinners. But wis
about the deeds of the Messia h, he sent his dom is p roved r ight by her deeds.
disciples 3to ask him, Are you the one who is
Woe on Unrepentant Towns
to come, or should we expect someone else?
4Jesus replied, Go back and re 20Then Jesus be g an to denounce the
port to
John what you hear and see: 5The b lind re towns in w hich most of his mirac les had
ceive s ight, the lame walk, t hose who have been performed, bec ause they did not re
leprosyc are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead pent. 21Woe to you, Choraz in! Woe to you,
are r aised, and the good news is proclaimed Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were per
to the poor. 6Blessed is anyone who does not formed in you had been performed in Tyre
stumble on account ofme. and Sidon, they would have repented long
7As Johns disc iples were leav i ng, Jesus ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22But I tell you,
began to speak to the c rowd about John: it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon
What did you go out into the wilderness to on the day of judgment than for you. 23And
see? A reed swayed by the wind? 8If not, what you, Capernau m, will you be lifted to the
did you go out to see? A man d ressed in fine heavens? No, you will go down to Hades.f For
clothes? No, t hose who wear fine c lothes are if the miracles that were performed in you
in k ings palaces. 9Then what did you go out had been performed in Sodom, it would have
to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more remained to this day. 24But I tell you that it
than a prophet. 10This is the one a bout whom will be more bearable for Sodom on the day
it is written: of judgment than for you.
a36Micah7:6 b1Greek in their towns c5TheGreek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for
various diseases affecting the skin. d10Mal.3:1 e12Orbeen forcefully advancing f23 That is, the
realm of the dead

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