Algebra Ia

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MSAD #31 Curriculum

Algebra I A
Reviewed 8.17.12

Essential Questions:How does the knowledge of integers help when working with rational and irrational numbers?How does algebra help prepare me for math in real world situations?

Mathematical Practices: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. eason abstractl! and "uantitativel!. 3. Construct viable arguments and criti"ue the reasoning of others. #. Model $ith mathematics. %. &se appropriate tools strategicall!. '. Attend to precision. (. )ook for and make use of structure. *. )ook for and e+press regularit! in repeated reasoning. Upon s ccess! l completion o! this class" st dents will be able to:

/ Demonstrate understanding of variables and e+pressions. / 0ollo$ order of operations including e+ponents. / Compare rational numbers and place them on a number line. / Solve problems using rational numbers as a process and e+plain the reasoning. / Demonstrate understanding of s"uare roots and use in problem solving. 1 Create e"uations in one variable and use them to solve problems $ith e"uations that arise from simple rational and e+ponential functions. / &se graphs and tables in problem solving $ith simple coordinate a+es using labels an d scales.

/ &se simple probabilit! in problem solving2 including simple e+periments2 simple and c ompound events2 and complementar!3mutuall! e+clusive events
MSAD #31 Curriculum

Algebra I A
Reviewed 8.17.12

Upon s ccess! l completion o! this class" st dents will be able to:

A)4.- A
/ Demonstrate understanding of properties of numbers. / 5rite and solve one6step and multi6step linear e"uations. / &se ratio and proportion in problem solving. / Solve problems involving formulas and rates of change. 1 earrange formulas to highlight a "uantit! of interest2 using the same reasoning as in s olving e"uations. 1 .+plain each step in sloving a simple e"uation and construct a viable argument to 7usti f! the solution method. / Demonstrate understanding of the coordinate plane. / Describe the difference bet$een relations and functions and use both in problem solving. / 8dentif! se"uences and patterns. / &se direct variation in problem solving. / Demonstrate understanding of absolute value and use to solve problems. / Solve s!stems of e"uations b! graphing2 substitution2 and elimination both e+actl! and appro+imatel!. / Solve problems using e+ponential function2 including gro$th and deca! models. 1 9rove that given a s!stem of t$o e"uations in t$o variables2 replacing one e"uation b! the sum of that e"uation and a multiple of the other produces a s!stem $ith the same s olutions.

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