Ela Grade 8 Reviewed 07 15 11
Ela Grade 8 Reviewed 07 15 11
Ela Grade 8 Reviewed 07 15 11
A$ REA%&'G
Reading genres ( Read and ma)e generali*ati+ns ,r+m te-ts! within a grade.a//r+/riate s/an +, te-t c+m/le-ity$ ( 0se a range +, 1e,+re! during! and a,ter reading strategies t+ dee/en their understanding +, the auth+r2s message$ ( Read ,icti+n! n+n,icti+n! drama! and /+etry! within a grade.a//r+/riate s/an +, te-t c+m/le-ity$ ( Analy*e the e,,ect +, the 3ualities +, a character +n the /l+t and +n the res+luti+n +, the c+n,lict$ ( Evaluate the structural elements +, the /l+t$ ( E-/lain h+w di,,erent /+ints +, view can a,,ect the +verall theme +, the w+r)$ ( Analy*e the literary devices that de,ine a writer2s style and use th+se elements t+ inter/ret the te-t$ ( &denti,y and analy*e recurring themes that a//ear ,re3uently acr+ss traditi+nal and c+ntem/+rary w+r)s$ ( %escri1e the use +, dicti+n! ,igurative language! re/etiti+n! rhyme! and t+ne t+ c+nvey meaning in /+etry$ ( Read multi/le in,+rmati+nal te-ts! within a grade a//r+/riate s/an +, te-t c+m/le-ity$ ( Create and revise 3uesti+ns that can 1e answered 1y using te-t structures and in,+rmati+n ,+und within te-ts$ ( Evaluate the a//r+/riateness +, the evidence /resented ,+r an auth+r2s c+nclusi+ns and evaluate whether the auth+r ade3uately su//+rts in,erences$ ( %raw c+nclusi+ns a1+ut in,+rmati+n ,r+m multi/le te-ts and su//+rt them with evidence ,r+m the te-ts$ ( 0se s/eci,ic strategies such as rereading +r c+nsultati+n t+ clear u/ c+n,using /arts +, a te-t$
4age 1 +,
AOS 43 Curriculum
A$ REA%&'G 5CO'6&'0E%7
Reading genres (continued) ( Evaluate the in,+rmati+n in /ersuasive te-ts! within a grade.a//r+/riate s/an +, te-t c+m/le-ity$ ( &denti,y +rgani*ati+nal /atterns such as c+m/are8c+ntrast! /r+/+siti+n8 su//+rt! and /r+1lem8s+luti+n$ ( Analy*e the auth+r2s /ers/ective! n+ting instances +, 1ias! stere+ty/ing! and generali*ati+ns$ ( Evaluate /+siti+ns /resented and ta)e a su//+rted stand$ ( %etermine the theme +, a selecti+n$ Vocabulary ( %em+nstrate +wnershi/ +, a//r+/riate v+ca1ulary 1y e,,ectively using a w+rd in di,,erent m+des +r ,+r di,,erent /ur/+ses$ Fluency ( 9luently and accurately read te-t! within a grade.a//r+/riate s/an +, te-t c+m/le-ity! using a//r+/riate /acing! /hrasing! int+nati+n! and e-/ressi+n$
:$ ;R&6&'G
The writing process ( Revise dra,ts t+ im/r+ve ,+cus and e,,ect and v+ice! inc+r/+rating! when a//r+/riate! /eer ,eed1ac)$ ( Edit ,+r c+rrect grammar! usage! and mechanics$ ( 4r+duce legi1le ,inal dra,ts$ ( 0se stylistic devices t+ clari,y! enhance! and devel+/ ideas 5dial+gue! dialect! ,igurative language! descri/tive language7$
4age " +,
AOS 43 Curriculum
:$ ;R&6&'G 5CO'6&'0E%7
Writing for a ariety of purposes ( %etermine a /ur/+se ,+r writing$ ( %ecide which in,+rmati+n t+ include t+ achieve the desired /ur/+se$ ( 4r+duce writing t+ achieve a s/eci,ic /ur/+se$ ( ;rite narratives that c+nvey c+m/le- ideas! +1servati+ns! events! +r re,lecti+ns$ ( Esta1lish a /l+t 5+r +ther narrative structure7! /+int +, view! setting! c+n,lict! clima-! and res+luti+n$ ( %evel+/ characters$ ( ;rite academic essays that state a clear /+siti+n! su//+rting the /+siti+n with relevant evidence$ ( Summari*e and /ara/hrase and8+r e-/lain in,+rmati+n ,r+m reading! listening! +r viewing$ ( ;rite thesis.driven essays that 1uild a l+gical argument e-cluding e-trane+us in,+rmati+n and di,,erentiating 1etween ,acts and +/ini+ns$ ( ;rite /ersuasive essays addressed t+ a s/eci,ic audience ,+r a /articular /ur/+se$ ( Em/l+y a variety +, /ersuasive techni3ues! including /resenting alternate views +1<ectively +r addressing /+tential c+unterclaims in a thesis.driven essay t+ in,luence the +/ini+n! 1elie,! +r /+siti+n +, +thers$ ( ;rite d+cuments related t+ career devel+/ment and sim/le 1usiness letters and <+1 a//licati+ns$ ( C+nvey s/eci,ic re3uests ,+r detailed in,+rmati+n$
4age 3 +,
AOS 43 Curriculum
!anguage ( 0se ,+rms +, n+uns! /r+n+uns! ver1s! ad<ectives and their m+di,iers! adver1s! /re/+siti+ns! transiti+ns! c+n<uncti+ns and inter<ecti+ns$ ( 0se c+m/+und.c+m/le- sentences$ ( 0se active and /assive v+ices e,,ectively 5dial+gue7$ ( A//ly the rules +, ca/itali*ati+n! /unctuati+n! and s/elling t+ c+mmunicate e,,ectively$
4age 4 +,
AOS 43 Curriculum