Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Bruno Miguel Manata de Oliveira
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Bruno Miguel Manata de Oliveira
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Bruno Miguel Manata de Oliveira
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender
Level in national Classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training Level in national classification
(C1) Proficient user (C1)
Spoken interaction Spoken production
Independent user (B2) (C1) Proficient user (B2)
Independent user
Proficient user
English French
Basic user
Basic user
Basic user
Quick adaptation to new situations and new environments Highly committed to new projects, accustomed to autonomous research Competent and responsible team worker
Flight Control and Automation Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Computer programming Robotics Advanced knowledge of the C/C++ programming languages Solid knowledge of MatLab and Simulink Experience with Assembly and Python programming languages Linux, Windows and MacOS Operating Systems Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office 3D CAD design with SolidWorks Music Jazz Guitar Former Karate practitioner associated to AKSGB (Associao de Karate Shotokan Gandara-Bairrada) Former Swimmer associated to SCC (Sociedade Columbfila de Cantanhede) B Category
Driving licence
Working Experience
March 2013 Present GMV IMA4BRAZIL Project Participation in the design of a fully functional, IMA-based platform architecture for controlling a satellite prototype with 3 DOF (especially Test Specification and Partition Design) MULTIMA Project Test Specification of a Multicore IMA system AIR (ARINC-653 Interface for RTEMS) OS Low-level debugging and development (C and SPARC-V8 Assembly) Improvement of an I/O partition for interfacing with devices external to the OS hosting board, via Ethernet, SpaceWire, MIL-STD and UART User-level experience with RTEMS, RTEMS-Impr (Qualified version of RTEMS from EDISoft) and para-virtualization
Additional Information Participation in a technical session on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for producing geographic
information , at Ordem dos Engenheiros in Coimbra