Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited: Notice Inviting Tender
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited: Notice Inviting Tender
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited: Notice Inviting Tender
BHEL takes no responsibility for any delay or loss or non-receipt of Tender documents sent by Courier/Speed Post. Date of Bid Opening will be intimated separately. BHEL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, accept any tender in full or part without assigning any reasons whatsoever. BHEL shall operate the Purchase Preference Policy of the Govt. of India as applicable.
1) Holidays: Sale of Tender Documents shall not take place on the holidays. 2) Seeking Clarifications on Tender Specification: Clarifications on the Tender Specifications, if any, may be sought by the bidders so as to reach this office at least five days before the Due date for submission. 3) Qualifying Requirements: A bidder must satisfy all the Qualifying Requirements enumerated as 1 to 5 etc. simultaneously in order to get qualified. 4) Supporting Documents: Bidders shall submit documents in support of possessing Qualifying Requirements as under duly self-certified and stamped by the authorized signatory. List of jobs done with Name of the Project, Owner of Project, Name of Customer, Order Ref. No. and Date, Brief Details of Job, Executed Value, Date of Start, Date of Completion. Photocop ies of Work Orders issued by the Customer containing details of Bill of Quantities/Schedule of Rates. Photocopies of Completion Certificate issued by Customer or Owner of Project. Photocopies of audited Profit and Loss accounts accompanied by relevant schedules for turnover figures.
5) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Refundable, Non-interest bearing EMD for each tender shall be Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lacs only). EMD shall be paid ONLY by Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited payable at Nagpur. 6) Tender Document Cost and Courier Charges: Payment shall be made by Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited payable at Nagpur or in Cash payable at the cash counter of this office. 7) Liquidated Damages/Penalty: BHEL is likely to impose Liquidated Damages and Penalty as per suitable clauses in the Tender Specifications on account of delay, violation of contract conditions and non-performance attributable to the contractor. Additional General Manager/Purchase