The Billionaire's Proxy
The Billionaire's Proxy
The Billionaire's Proxy
!in Boo"s #$%$ &ven billionaires need a brea"$ Bet'een his (ather)s death and trying to dis*over his step+ brother)s next s*he,e to sei-e *ontrol o( their *o,pany. /onathan 0indthorpe is loo"ing (or so,e pea*e at the (a,o!s Ta!tara &state$ B!t he isn)t going to get it$ There)s no !estion that 1obyn 2a*"en-ie is a bea!ti(!l distra*tion$ /on "no's all too 'ell 3!st ho' good she loo"s4and (eels and tastes5$ %nd 3!st ho' good she is at brea"ing his heart$ 0hatever she 'ants. he isn)t going to give it to her$ 1obyn didn)t (ly to the ,iddle o( no'here to revisit the past$ 6n (a*t. she *a,e to Ta!tara to ens!re her (!t!re$ %ll that is standing in her 'ay (ro, a*hieving everything she)s al'ays 'anted is /on and the billionaire)s proxy5$ 1elated Title Clai,ing His 1!na'ay Bride Bro'se 6nsideBro'se 6nside Clai,ing His 1!na'ay Bride by Yvonne Lindsay #ilho!ette 7esire Passion List Pri*e: 89$:; <!r Pri*e: 8=$80 Yo! #ave: 80$>; Chapter <ne Chapter T'o Chapter Three Chapter ?o!r Chapter ?ive Chapter #ix Chapter #even Chapter &ight Chapter @ine Chapter Ten Chapter &leven Chapter T'elve Chapter Thirteen Chapter ?o!rteen Chapter ?i(teen Chapter #ixteen Chapter #eventeen
Chapter &ighteen Chapter @ineteen Chapter T'enty <nline 1ead Library Co,,!nity Chapter <ne Print this Page /onathan 0indthorpe loo"ed !p as the blades o( a heli*opter 'hirled into the distan*e$ %erial sightseers. he hoped. and not hi"ers 'ho ,ight 'ant to stop on their 3o!rney$ He 'as en3oying the !n*hara*teristi* solit!de o( his sel(+i,posed sabbati*al$ 6n parti*!lar. he 'as (or on*e able to en3oy not being *onstantly on edge and 'ondering 'hat on earth Bradley 'as planning next$ @ot this ti,e$ @o. this ti,e he "ne' exa*tly 'hat his avari*io!s step+brother 'as !p to and he planned to stop it$ #in*e /on)s (ather)s death a *o!ple o( ,onths ago. the *o,petition bet'een the, had ra,ped !p on so ,any levels it le(t /on 'ondering 'hether the *ontin!ed (ight 'as 'orth it$ %t his lo'est point he)d even *onsidered 'hether it 'as past ti,e (or hi, to step aside and let Bradley ass!,e (!ll *ontrol o( 0indCorp 6nd!stries$ B!t then he)d *a!ght 'ind o( Bradley)s latest s*he,e$ Bradley)s divide and *on !er ta*ti*s at the #o!th 6sland plant had already seen the de*i,ation o( one s,all to'n. (or*ing the b!l" o( the 'or"ing pop!lation to see" 3obs (!rther a(ield$ /on 'asn)t prepared to see that happen again$ 7!ty to his (a,ily)s (ir, and its e,ployees sat (ir,ly on his sho!lders and in his heart$ He 'asn)t a !itter. not by any standard$ The s!n 'as bright in the early s!,,er s"y and a gro'l (ro, the pit o( his belly told hi, it 'as ti,e to head ba*" to the *abin and prepare so,e l!n*h$ He pa*"ed !p his gear and gathered it together 'ith the tro!t he)d *a!ght (or his evening ,eal$ B!t as he approa*hed the *abin. a (risson o( *a!tion li*"ed a*ross the ba*" o( his ne*"$ 2ove,ent on the (ront de*" sent every ,!s*le in his body into (!ll alert$ 2ove,ent he instantly identi(ied as 1obyn 2a*"en-ie$ @o 'onder his instin*ts had (ore'arned hi,$ His body 'as inti,ately att!ned to hers. a (a*t that had ,ade the last six ,onths 'or"ing 'ith her on the exe*!tive (loor sheer tort!re$ His eyes ra"ed over her$ #he stood tall and sli, at the railing$ The pale pin" top she 'ore o((set her ivory *o,plexion$ #he)d r!thlessly p!lled her l!sh. golden bro'n hair in a ponytail. !n'ittingly exposing the s,ooth planes o( her !n*hara*teristi*ally pale (a*e 'ith its high *hee"bones to per(e*tion$ 6( she)d arrived by *hopper it 'as no 'onder she 'as pale$ #he loathed (lying$ #he 'as the last person he expe*ted4or 'anted4to see. tho!gh the lo'er hal( o( his body *alled hi, a liar$ %s he got *loser he ,et her *ool. bl!e+eyed stare head on$ A0hat the hell are yo! doing hereBA he gro'led$ 0itho!t 'aiting (or her response. /on sto,ped past her and p!shed open the door to the *abin$ B!t even as he did so. the enti*ing (ragran*e she 'ore 'rapped aro!nd hi, 'ith the (a,iliarity o( a lover)s *aress and teased his senses$ &very *ell in his body *len*hed. deter,ined not to (all prey to her proxi,ity$ #pi*y$ #'eet$ %ll!ring$ /!st li"e her$
<r at least 3!st li"e the 'o,an he)d tho!ght she 'as$ The (irst day he)d ,et his then+se*retary. their attra*tion to one another had been instant$ Their inevitable rea*tion. in*endiary$ B!t he hadn)t *o!nted on her ,otivation (or their a((air. ,ade pain(!lly *lear the instant Bradley had dangled a pro,ise o( pro,otion in (ront o( her pretty little !p+t!rned nose. and she)d thro'n /on over 3!st li"e that$ %nd he hadn)t appre*iated being ta"en (or a ride B!t despite the pain she)d in(li*ted. he *o!ldn)t help b!t 'onder5did she s*or*h Bradley)s sheets no' tooB /on)s step+brother had a habit o( 'or"ing Ainti,atelyA 'ith his (e,ale sta((4so,ething /on hi,sel( had avoided !ntil 1obyn *a,e along$ %nd Bradley *onstantly dropped none+too+ s!btle hints that there 'as ,ore than a p!rely pro(essional relationship bet'een the,$ <n the other hand. perhaps 1obyn 'as still holding o!t (or that pro,otion. having learned (ro, hi, that bedding the boss 'o!ldn)t instantly (!rther her *areer$ The tho!ght so!red /on)s ,o!th and *arved an a*he in his *hest$ He leaned his (ishing rod against the side o( the *abin and toed o(( his boots be(ore going inside. leaving her to stand alone o!t on the de*"$ He)d be da,ned i( he)d invite her in$ 6t 'as *h!rlish. he "ne'. b!t he gave the door a n!dge 'ith the ba*" o( his heel any'ay so it 'o!ld s'ing sh!t behind hi,$ B!t the telltale Asni*"A o( it *losing never rea*hed his ears$ ACood (ishingBA #he)d (ollo'ed hi, in all the 'ay thro!gh to the "it*hen$ #he)d al'ays been tena*io!s$ % trait he)d ad,ired4initially$ ACood eno!gh$A /on laid the (ish on the shining stainless steel *o!nter and t!rned to (a*e her$ A#o. 'hat are yo! doing here. and ho' soon *an yo! leaveBA Chapters: D
Chapter T'o Print this Page T'in spots o( *olor lit her *hee"s$ Cood. he)d gotten !nder her s"in$ % li*" o( satis(a*tion beat ba*" so,e o( the resent,ent he (elt that she)d interr!pted his holiday 'ith 'or"$ %nd it had to be 'or"$ They)d long past being anything else$ A0hatB @ot even an o((er o( a *!p o( teaBA 1obyn shot ba*"$ A6 never "ne' yo! to be r!de. /on$A A6 never pi*"ed yo! to be the "ind o( person 'ho)d do anything (or pro,otion. either$A 1obyn sti((ened her spine$ #he hadn)t exa*tly expe*ted hi, to 'el*o,e her 'ith open ar,s b!t
o!tright hostility 'as !n*hara*teristi*. even (or hi,$ A6 never lied abo!t ,y a,bitions 'ithin 0indCorp.A she said !ietly$ A@o$ @or did yo! 'ait (or o!r sheets to get *old be(ore sidling !p to Bradley$A He ,ade a (r!strated gest!re 'ith his hand$ A0hatever. it)s in the past$ 6)ll as" yo! one last ti,e$ 0hy are yo! hereBA 1obyn *he'ed her lo'er lip a ,o,ent be(ore de*iding to *!t straight to it$ 6t 'as !ite *lear that /onathan 'asn)t in a ,ood to beat aro!nd the b!sh$ #he al,ost s,iled at the p!n. ironi* *onsidering the density o( native gro'th s!rro!nding the *abin$ They 'ere a (ar *ry (ro, his top+ (loor *orner o((i*e in the *ity$ AThere)s a board ,eeting on ?riday$ 0e need yo!r proxy$A AThere 'as no noti*e o( this ,eeting be(ore 6 le(t the o((i*e last 'ee"$A #!spi*ion narro'ed his steely ga-e$ A@o. 6 "no'$ B!t sin*e the ,eeting has been *alled. and sin*e yo!)re s*hed!led to be o!t o( the o((i*e (or the next three 'ee"s. 6)ve been sent to get yo!r proxy$A 1obyn (o!ght to !ell the !iver o( apprehension that rippled thro!gh her$ His step+brother had sent her to get the proxy one 'ay or another$ Her pro,otion depended on it$ 0o!ld /on s!spe*t 'hat Bradley 'as !p toB A%nd 3!st 'ho 'ill hold itBA AYo!r brother$A A2y step+brother$ %nd the ans'er is no$A /on t!rned a'ay (ro, her and started to *lean the (ish$ A#ho!ldn)t yo! be doing that o!tsideBA He loo"ed ba*" over his sho!lder. raising one bro'$ AYo!)re still hereBA A/on. don)t be ridi*!lo!s$ /!st sign the proxy and 6)ll be on ,y 'ay$A A%nd that)s all it)ll ta"e to get rid o( yo!BA AYes$A A#ho' ,e the agenda (or the ,eeting$A 1obyn p!t her brie(*ase on the native+'ood "it*hen table and (lipped the *at*hes$ #he sorted thro!gh her papers and extra*ted the sheet he)d re !ested$ AHere yo! are$ 6 thin" yo!)ll (ind everything in order$A /on rinsed his hands and dried the, o(( be(ore ta"ing the pro((ered agenda$ He s"i,,ed the listed ite,s$ Yes. everything 'as in order$ %nd that 'as the pre*isely the proble,$ He s,elled a rat$ % Bradley+si-ed rat$ Clearly the other ,an *o!ldn)t 'ait to stri"e$ /on hadn)t even been o!t o( the o((i*e a 'ee"$ A0hat abo!t the E2atters %rising.) any indi*ators thereBA
A@ot to ,y "no'ledge$A /on st!died her (ran". bl!e+eyed stare to see i( she 'as hiding anything$ 6t appeared as i( she 'as telling the tr!th. b!t so,ething still didn)t sit right$ ACet the, to res*hed!le the ,eeting (or 'hen 6), ba*"$ 6 see nothing here that)s so !rgent it *an)t 'ait !ntil then$A /on thr!st the paper ba*" in her hands and ret!rned to (illeting the tro!t$ ALoo". the ,eeting)s s*hed!led$ %ll o( the exe*!tives have been noti(ied and have signaled their attendan*e$ %ll yo! need to do is sign the proxy$A 1obyn ,ade one last p!sh. (ighting to "eep her tone as *on*iliatory as possible$ A1eally. /on$ 0hen did yo! be*o,e so paranoidBA A<h. let ,e thin" abo!t that$A /on tapped his (illeting "ni(e against the (ish$ A%h. yes$ %bo!t 'hen yo! expe*ted ,e to sign over ,y voting po'er to a ,an 'e both "no' 'o!ld do anything to nay+ say 'hat 6 believe in. no do!bt (or a de*ision a((e*ting the *o,pany 6 r!n. 'itho!t even "no'ing 'hat he really has on his agenda$ Co ba*" to the o((i*e. 1obyn. and tell yo!r lover that yo! (ailed$ 6), not signing anything$A AHe)s not4A 1obyn *ho"ed on the 'ords$ A@ot 'hatB Yo!r loverBA /on ,ade a derisive so!nd$ AYo! (orget46 "no' ho' yo! 'or"$ Tell ,e. do yo! ever get tired o( al'ays having an eye to the ,ain *han*eBA Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter Three Print this Page 1obyn bit ba*" the 'ords that *ro'ded in her throat$ #he *o!ldn)t re(!te /on)s allegation. not 'itho!t alienating hi, even (!rther$ %nd i( that happened. he)d never sign the proxy that 'o!ld ass!re her pro,otion$ B!t no ,atter 'hat /on tho!ght. Bradley 'as not. nor ever 'o!ld be. her lover$ #he had absol!tely no tro!ble *ontrolling hersel( aro!nd hi,$ /on. ho'ever. 'as another story *o,pletely$ ?ro, the (irst ti,e they)d ,et she)d (elt an !ne !ivo*al p!ll. a tingle o( ele*tri*ity *onne*ting the, both4a tingle she (elt even no' no ,atter ho' hard she (o!ght to ignore it$ 7ressed in *as!al 3eans and a 'ell+'ashed T+shirt. his dar" hair 'ind+to!sled. he 'as a ,illion ,iles a'ay (ro, the G!een #treet sharp dresser she "ne' so 'ell$ Co,e to thin" o( it. she)d only ever seen hi, in a s!it4or na"ed$ Her insides so,ersa!lted at that tho!ght and her ,ind (looded 'ith i,ages o( hi, over her. !nder her4inside her$ #he s'allo'ed against the s!dden dryness in her throat$ Tried desperately to *ontrol the s'ell o( need that s!rged thro!gh her$
#he)d allo'ed e,otion to r!le her head on*e and she)d paid the pri*e$ #leeping 'ith the head o( 0indCorp had done nothing (or her *areer$ 6t had only set her !p (or (ail!re4and 2a*"en-ies didn)t (ail$ Hadn)t she had that dr!,,ed into her o(ten eno!gh d!ring her *hildhoodB %nd even in ad!lthood$ #he re,e,bered the loo" o( disdain(!l disappoint,ent on her parents) (a*es 'hen they)d (o!nd o!t she 'as dating her boss5$ Yo!)ll never be anything ,ore than a se*retary no'. 1obyn$ He)ll 'ant to "eep yo! right 'here yo! are. as his be*"+and+*all girl. and the other exe*!tives 'ill thin" yo!)re a 3o"e. i( not 'orse$ %nd they)d be right$ #he)d learned they 'ere right4e,otional need did not over*o,e ne*essity$ %nd it 'as ne*essary in order to *li,b the *orporate ladder$ To be a s!**ess$ To be so,eone i( she 'as ever to garner her (a,ily)s respe*t$ They)d !ietly p!t do'n her a,bitions (or years. not !nderstanding (or a ,o,ent that she 'as *!t (ro, a di((erent *loth to the,$ Both her parents 'ere a*ade,i*s4highly regarded internationally in their (ields$ 0hen she)d sho'n no s!*h bent they)d !ietly resigned the,selves to 'hat they)d seen as her ,edio*rity$ B!t she 'as da,n good at 'hat she did and she "ne' she *o!ld do better. be better$ Bradley had o((ered her the *han*e to be the person her parents *o!ld be pro!d o(. and she)d grabbed at it 'ith both hands$ #o she)d had to s!rrender to his *ondition that she brea" things o(( 'ith /on. as pain(!l as it had been$ This 'as her li(e. her (!t!re. her *han*e to be the very person she 'anted to be$ %nd that 'as (inally in her grasp$ Bradley had pro,ised it to her4as long as she ret!rned 'ith the proxy$ B!t as she stood 'ith /on)s ba*" to her. she *o!ld see her pro,otion sliding (ro, her (!t!re 'ith the speed o( light$ #o,eho' she had to *onvin*e hi, to sign the proxy$ B!t ho'B A0hat is it bet'een yo! t'o that yo! (ind it so di((i*!lt to 'or" togetherB Yo! gre' !p together didn)t yo!B Can)t yo! 3!st pi*" !p the phone and sort this o!t 'ith hi,BA /on snorted$ A@ot in this li(eti,e$ Besides. 6), here (or a brea"$A The 'ay he said the 'ord Abrea"A raised a (lag o( !nexpe*ted *on*ern$ #he 'as s!ddenly str!*" by the tiredness aro!nd his deep+set gray eyes$ He)d lost 'eight in the past *o!ple o( ,onths4 sin*e his (ather)s death on the gol( *o!rse (ro, a ,assive heart atta*"$ They said /on hi,sel( had done CP1 on his (ather !ntil the a,b!lan*e *re' had arrived$ B!t it hadn)t been eno!gh$ Having (o!ght so hard and then losing had to ta"e a toll$ That (ail!re *o,bined 'ith the sho*" o( losing a ,an everyone had tho!ght invin*ible had obvio!sly been di((i*!lt$ 0hatever their personal di((eren*es. there had been deep+seated ,!t!al respe*t bet'een (ather and son$ /on had to ,iss hi,$ 0itho!t thin"ing she stepped (or'ard and laid a hand on his ar,$ A%re yo! o"ayBA The ,!s*les in his ar, b!n*hed beneath her hand. the 'ar,th o( his s"in and the *risp hair on his (orear, ,a"ing her (ingertips pri*"le 'ith a'areness$ Her breath *a!ght in her throat as she sa' his gray eyes dar"en. his p!pils dilate5$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter ?o!r Print this Page /on p!lled a'ay (ro, the si--ling sens!ality o( her to!*h. *!rsing hi,sel( that she *o!ld still a((e*t hi, li"e that$ Hadn)t he learned his lesson 'ith her the (irst ti,eB Yo! don)t ,ix b!siness 'ith pleas!re$ 6t 'as a s!re+(ire 'ay to disaster$ A<( *o!rse 6), o"ay$ 6), on a long overd!e holiday. and (ran"ly. yo!)ve overstayed yo!r 'el*o,e$ 6 ass!,e yo!)ve arranged transport ba*" to Ta!taraBA A0ell. a*t!ally. no$ 6 haven)t$ 6 tho!ght 'e)d tal". yo!)d sign the proxy. and then 6 *o!ld *all !p the *hopper again to *o,e and get ,e$A /on rolled his eyes$ City girls$ A%nd 'hat did yo! expe*t yo!)d !seB Yo!r *ell phoneBA His short la!gh la*"ed h!,or$ ALoo" aro!nd yo!. 1obyn$ 6t ,ay have es*aped yo!r attention. b!t 'e)re ,iles (ro, any'here$ There)s no signal here$ @o re*eption$ Ta!tara provides a satellite phone (or !se in extre,e *ir*!,stan*es only$ #till. given yo!r loyalty to yo!r 3ob. it)d be 'orth it. 'o!ldn)t itBA A%nd the proxyBA 1obyn had to try one last ti,e$ AYo!)re a lot o( things. 1obyn$ Bea!ti(!l. sexy. good 'ith yo!r hands5A He gave her a on*e+over that set her teeth on edge4yet still had the ability to send (ire thro!gh her veins$ AB!t 6 "no' yo!)re not st!pid$ ?orget the proxy$ 6), not signing it$A 1obyn 'at*hed in silen*e as he po!red a sesa,e and ginger dressing in a large shallo' dish and added honey. soy sa!*e and garli* and de(tly ,ixed it 'ith li,e 3!i*e and bro'n s!gar$ A6 never tho!ght o( yo! as a go!r,et *oo".A she (inally ,anaged. as he added a dash o( hi*"ory barbe !e sa!*e and so,e s'eet *hilli sa!*e be(ore ,ixing the ,arinade and layering the (ish (illets. s"in side !p. in the dish$ AYo! never tho!ght o( ,e as anything b!t a (ast tra*" to a *orner o((i*e. no'. did yo!BA /on)s voi*e 'as pit*hed lo'. b!t there 'as no ,ista"ing the anger behind his 'ords$ AThat)s not tr!eH 64A /on p!t !p one hand to halt 'hatever she 'as going to say$ APlease$ 7on)t ins!lt ,e by trying to say yo! loved ,e$ 0e both "no' that 'hen Bradley o((ered yo! the position as his &xe*!tive %ssistant yo! bro"e things o(( bet'een !s$ Clearly 6 'asn)t going to give yo! 'hat yo! 'anted$ Pity 'as. 6 tho!ght 'hat yo! 'anted 'as ,e$A %n all+too+(a,iliar *hill str!*" deep in 1obyn)s heart$ #he *o!ldn)t re(!te his a**!sations$ Bradley had ,ade the end o( her a((air 'ith /on a *ondition o( her position. *iting a *on(li*t o( interest bet'een her role as his &% and her relationship 'ith /on$ %t the ti,e she)d tho!ght it 'as 'hat she)d 'anted$ That she)d be able to 'al" a'ay (ro, their relationship4(ro, his bed4and re,ain heart+'hole and (o*!sed on b!siness$ 6n the ,ale+oriented *li,ate o( 0indCorp. she "ne' i( she 'as going to get any'here she)d have to play by their r!les$ Her parents had al'ays played by the r!les$ #he "ne' by their exa,ple 'hat dedi*ation and
sa*ri(i*e *o!ld bring. and she 'as prepared to do it$ #he had loved /on$ Loved hi, and lost hi, 4all (or the sa"e o( a pro,otion she still hadn)t re*eived$ B!t she)d get that da,n pro,otion no'. i( only she *o!ld get past /on)s st!bbornness and have hi, sign the proxy$ A6)ll *all (or yo!r ride$A /on p!t the dish he)d prepared in the re(rigerator. *leverly hidden behind integrated 1i,! 'ood+(a*ed *abinetry$ A0aitHA %n alternative s!ddenly s!ggested itsel( to her$ A0hat i( yo! signed the proxy over to ,eBA Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter ?ive Print this Page AYo!BA 6n*red!lity *olored his voi*e$ A@o$ Besides. yo! don)t have the a!thority$A A6 'ill have the a!thority 'ith ,y pro,otion to /!nior 7ire*tor o( <perations$A 6t 'as *o,pany poli*y to let 3!nior dire*tors have responsibility (or proxies 'here pra*ti*able$ /on)s (ather had (elt it i,portant to give his 3!nior exe*!tives a taste o( the d!ty they)d be expe*ted to per(or, i( they rea*hed !pper ,anage,ent in the (ir,$ A/on. yo! *an tr!st ,e to do 'hat)s right$A A0hat yo!r boss tells yo! to do. yo! ,ean$A A@o. 'hat)s right (or 0indCorp$A 0hi*h 'as in ,ore 3eopardy than /on "ne'$ B!t ,aybe. 3!st ,aybe. she)d have a *han*e to head Bradley o((. b!t only i( she got the pro,otion4and i( /on 'o!ld give her his proxy$ 6( she 'as right abo!t 'hat Bradley had planned. she "ne' 'itho!t a do!bt that /on 'o!ld vote against his proposal$ B!t she *o!ldn)t div!lge her *on*erns to /on. not 'itho!t brea*hing the *on(identiality *la!se in her *ontra*t$ #o the only 'ay to "eep her 3ob and save the *o,pany 'as to vote (or hi,$ #he *o!ld do that (or hi,$ ?or the *o,pany$ He (ixed her 'ith a (lat stare and (or a se*ond she tho!ght she had it 'ithin her grasp$ A%nd i( Bradley *hanges his ,ind abo!t yo!r pro,otionB 6 don)t thin" so. 1obyn$ @o$A APlease. /on$A 1obyn 'aved the sheet o( paper red!ndantly in the air. (r!stration ,a"ing her 'ant to sta,p her (eet$ #he 'as *a!ght bet'een a ro*" and a hard pla*e$ 6( she straight o!t told /on her s!spi*ions. she)d lose her 3ob$ B!t i( he didn)t agree to sign the proxy over to her. everything he and 0indCorp stood (or 'ere lost$ #he had to try one ,ore ti,e$ A0hat *an 6 do to *onvin*e yo! to sign thisBA /on stilled and (a*ed her$ #!ddenly. his eyes 'ere as *old and dar" as an %ntar*ti* 'inter$ ATo *onvin*e ,eBA His voi*e 'as as deadly as (ine honed steel$ A6s that 'hat Bradley told yo! to doB Convin*e ,eB Yo! (orget. 1obyn$ 6)ve tasted yo!r *har,s. and yes. 'hile they)re ,any and
deli*io!sly varied. they)re old hat no'$ Besides. 6)ve ,ade it a habit. sin*e ,y (ather (oisted Bradley into ,y li(e. not to ta"e his leavings even i( he)s !ite happy to ta"e ,ine$A 1obyn gasped in sho*"$ #he)d heard a (e' ins!lts in her ti,e. b!t this really too" the *a"e$ ?!ry s'elled 'ithin her !ntil she *o!ld barely see straight$ A@o' 3!st a ,in!te.A she de,anded. as /on 'al"ed past her into the spa*io!s and 'ell appointed sitting roo,$ A6 resent yo!r i,pli*ation that 6)d sleep 'ith yo! to get the proxy signed$ Yo! "no' things have been pre*ario!s sin*e yo!r (ather)s death$ 0ith yo! no' in*o,,!ni*ado as 'ell. everyone)s getting restless$A A%re yo! !ite (inishedBA Her 'ords hadn)t so ,!*h as r!((led hi,$ 6( anything the loo" o( boredo, on his (a*e told her in no !n*ertain ter,s that she 'as pit*hing at 'ind,ills$ ?ail!re settled on her sho!lders 'ith the 'eight o( a leaden *loa"$ AYes$A 2ore (inished than he "ne'$ B!t there 'as no point in trying to appeal to his philanthropi* nat!re$ He)d ,ade his position patently *lear$ 1obyn 'at*hed in (r!stration as /on pi*"ed !p the b!l"y sat phone (ro, the sideboard lining the living roo, 'all and ,ade the *all that 'o!ld see to the end o( her drea,s (or pro,otion and saving the *o,pany$ #he let the deep r!,ble o( /on)s voi*e 'ash over her. not paying any attention to his 'ords4!ntil the ti,bre *hanged$ A0hat do yo! ,ean it)s a no+(ly -oneB Yo! 3!st dropped her o((5$ 6 see$ 0ell. let ,e "no' the instant there)s any *hange$A /on (l!ng her a loo" la*ed 'ith (!ry as he dis*onne*ted the *all$ AYo!)re st!*" here$A He dropped do'n into the long so(a behind hi, and sighed. r!bbing a hand a*ross his (a*e$ A0hy did yo! have to *o,e today o( all daysBA he ,!ttered. ,ore to hi,sel( than to 1obyn$ A0hat do yo! ,ean. st!*"BA /on *ra*"ed a sardoni* s,ile$ &ven "no'ing there 'as no h!,or behind it her heart s"ittered in her *hest$ #he)d al'ays been helpless in the (a*e o( his s,ile and the 'ay his eyes *rin"led slightly at the *orners$ A#ee,s there)s a h!sh+h!sh visit to Ta!tara by so,e overseas president and his 'i(e (or their 'edding anniversary$ T!rns o!t she read abo!t the lodge in a ,aga-ine and arranged it as a s!rprise$ Creat ti,ing. h!hB ?or the d!ration o( their stay. only air*ra(t engaged in the se*!rity detail are per,itted to (ly in the area$ <rders (ro, the 7iplo,ati* Prote*tion #ervi*e$A He r!bbed his hand a*ross his (a*e again in a 'eary gest!re$ A6t gets 'orse$ The visit is expe*ted to last t'o to three days$A Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter #ix Print this Page AT'o to three daysHA 1obyn *o!ldn)t hold ba*" her alar,$ AB!t that)s ridi*!lo!s$ 6 *an)t p!t ,y li(e on hold (or that long$ 6 need to be ba*" at 'or" to,orro'$ #!rely there)s so,e 'ay5A ALoo". 6), no happier abo!t the sit!ation than yo! are$ B!t short o( a ,ira*le 'e)re st!*" together$A He ,ade it so!nd li"e he)d rather have all his teeth p!lled$ %nd 1obyn had to agree$ There 'as still too ,!*h !n(inished b!siness bet'een the,4too ,!*h ani,osity$ %nd yet. here 'as another opport!nity (or her to get hi, to sign that 'ret*hed pie*e o( paper$ #he tho!ght brie(ly o( the *orresponden*e she)d seen (lying a*ross Bradley)s des" in the past *o!ple o( 'ee"s$ <( the (ig!res he)d re !ested she p!ll !p and the pro3e*tions she)d reported on$ #he)d have to be blind and st!pid not to have 'or"ed o!t 'hat Bradley had planned$ /onathan 'o!ld be vehe,ently opposed to it$ #he)d even bro!ght several o( the papers 'ith her to st!dy tonight 'hile 'rapped in the l!x!ry that Ta!tara &state boasted be(ore setting o(( (or her (light to the o((i*e early to,orro'$ 0hatever Bradley)s intentions. he 'as her boss and she had to re,ain 'ithin the bo!ndaries set by her *on(identiality *la!se$ 6t 'asn)t her pla*e to !estion4not yet any'ay4b!t to see to it that her 'or" 'as *arried o!t 'ith the !t,ost e((i*ien*y$ %nd yet. she still str!ggled 'ith 'anting to do 'hat 'as best (or 0indCorp4'itho!t *o,pro,ising hersel( or her role 'ithin the *o,pany$ 6t 'as a da,nably (ine line to tread$ 6( only she *o!ld get /on to sign the proxy over to her$ Bradley hadn)t been spe*i(i* in his instr!*tions that it 'as to be signed over to hi,. altho!gh his i,pli*ation had been *lear$ B!t she *o!ld 'ing it as long as he tho!ght the po'er had been assigned to hi,$ He)d li"ely not even 'ant to see it be(ore the ,eeting$ Then she *o!ld !se the proxy to head o(( Bradley be(ore he destroyed the *o,pany$ B!t i( she didn)t get /on to sign the 'ret*hed paper. Bradley had ,ade it *lear she)d be 'itho!t a 3ob$ 6( that happened she)d have to bear her parents) disapproval on*e again$ #he 'as (ir,ly st!*" bet'een a ro*" and a hard pla*e. not to ,ention being st!*" here no' 'ith /on$ The irony o( her sit!ation 'asn)t lost on her$ 1obyn sighed and sat in the *hair opposite /on$ A#o 'hat are 'e going to doBA /on 'at*hed as she per*hed on the edge o( the *hair. tension visible in every line o( her dele*table body$ The 'orn deni, o( her 3eans stret*hed a*ross her thighs li"e a se*ond s"in. the designer top *linging to the so(t ro!ndness o( her breasts li"e a lover)s *aress$ Li"e his *aress$ He (isted his hands in an atte,pt to rid hi,sel( o( the tingling in his (ingers4o( the long ago sensation o( the sil"en text!re o( her s"in$ This 'as i,possible$ There 'as no 'ay he *o!ld be in the *lose *on(ines o( the *abin and not be driven ,ad 'ith the need to to!*h her. to *oax ,!r,!rs o( pleas!re (ro, the s,ooth *ol!,n o( her throat$ To s'allo' her ,oans o( delight as he stro"ed her. *!pped her breasts and teased her nipples into tight b!ds o( desire$
He ,ay be ,ad as hell at her (or the 'ay she)d ended their a((air. b!t he still 'anted her$ 0anted. b!t 'o!ldn)t have$ A7oBA he replied$ ATry and stay as (ar apart (ro, one another as possible !nder the *ir*!,stan*es$A He got !p and ,ade (or the (ront door. deter,ined to in*rease the distan*e bet'een the, be(ore he did so,ething st!pid$ Li"e "iss her$ His appetite (or l!n*h had long sin*e di,inished. b!t his appetite (or 1obyn5 That 'as so,ething else entirely$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter #even Print this Page ?ro, the (ront door. /on gest!red to the phone he)d le(t on the *o((ee table bet'een the,$ AYo!)d better !se that to *all Bradley and let hi, "no' 'hat)s happened$ 6), going (or a 'al"$A ACo!ld 6 *o,e 'ith yo!BA A6), p!tting !p 'ith yo! be*a!se 6 have no *hoi*e. 1obyn$ 7on)t expe*t ,e to 'ant to spend ,ore ti,e 'ith yo! than 6 have to$A ALoo". yo!)re not the only one 'ho isn)t happy abo!t this sit!ation$ 6( yo!)d le(t a general po'er o( attorney be(ore es*aping to this5this 'ilderness. 6 'o!ldn)t have had to *o,e h!nting yo! (or yo!r proxy in the (irst pla*e$A #he 'as st!nning 'hen she 'as ,ad. he)d give her that$ The (l!sh o( *olor in her (a*e. the (lare o( *hallenge in her bl!e eyes4even her de(ensive post!re4every bit o( her 'as bea!ti(!l and dangero!sly appealing$ /on bar"ed o!t a la!gh$ AThis is hardly the 'ilderness$ %nd ,y position on a general po'er o( attorney and the proxy is *lear$ There)s no one 6 tr!st eno!gh at 0indCorp at present to represent ,y interest. so ,y interest re,ains 'ith ,e$A %nd 'ith that he 'al"ed o!t the door$ %n ho!r later /on ret!rned (ro, his 'al" *learer in his head than 'hen he)d le(t and (!ll o( ne' deter,ination to get thro!gh the next (e' days as easily as possible$ %s he entered the *abin he listened (or 1obyn. b!t heard nothing b!t the bliss(!l silen*e that had dra'n hi, here in the (irst pla*e$ He *ast his ga-e aro!nd the roo,. his eyes settling on 1obyn)s s!pine (ig!re on the *o!*h$ Her lashes lay in dar" *res*ents on pale *hee"s and her lips parted slightly on ea*h o!t'ard breath$ #o,ething hot and hard (isted in /on)s g!t as he dran" in the sight o( her laying there$ I!lnerable$ <pen$ He)d loved to 'at*h her li"e this a(ter they)d ,ade love$ 0hen she)d *ollapsed
into sleep in the a(ter,ath o( their passion$ He)d tra*e the 'ings o( her dar" bro's. (ollo' the line o( her long. straight nose and let his ga-e rest !pon her 'ide. (!ll lips$ /!st as he 'as doing no'$ %s i( she sensed hi,. 1obyn li(ted a hand to s'ipe at her (a*e then settled ba*" into sleep$ /on sp!n on his heel and headed ba*" o!tside$ There ,!st be another hill that needed *li,bing$ 6( not. the next three days 'o!ld be sheer hell$ JJJ 1obyn)s eyes (le' open as she 'as 'o"en by the sla, o( a door$ #he bolted !pright and s*r!bbed at her eyes. (or*ing the, to (o*!s on her s!rro!ndings$ #he *he*"ed her 'at*h$ Cood grie(. she)d been asleep (or nearly (o!r ho!rs$ /onathan ,!st be ba*". she reali-ed$ #he p!shed !p (ro, the *o!*h and 'andered thro!gh to the "it*hen$ Her brie(*ase. 'hi*h she)d le(t on the table earlier. had been t!*"ed a'ay against the 'all$ % s!dden pani*"ed tho!ght o**!rred to her: had she re,e,bered to lo*" it 'hen she)d p!t the proxy ba*" insideB The do*!,ents that hinted at Bradley)s plan 'ere in there$ % s'i(t *he*" *on(ir,ed her *ase 'as se*!re and a s,all sigh o( relie( es*aped her lips$ Being here 'ith /on had rattled her so ,!*h she *o!ldn)t even be *ertain she had (ollo'ed se*!rity pro*ed!res properly$ The s*ent o( ginger and s,o"ed hi*"ory 'a(ted thro!gh the open "it*hen 'indo'$ #ho!ld she go o!tside to 'here /on 'as obvio!sly barbe !ing the tro!t or stay in here and avoid *on(rontation (or at least a (e' ,ore ,in!tesB %voidan*e had never been her style$ 1obyn p!shed open the ba*" door o( the *abin and stepped into a hard 'all o( ,ale strength$ 6nstantly she p!t her hands !p in an atte,pt to regain her balan*e$ #trong hands gripped her !pper ar,s. steadying her$ #trong hands that sent spears o( ele*tri*ity si--ling thro!gh her veins$ 6nstead o( p!lling a'ay. 1obyn (elt hersel( being dra'n inexorably to'ard hi,$ To'ard the strong plane o( his *hest. against the hardness o( his abdo,en. 'ithin the *radle o( his hips$ #he *o!ldn)t help hersel(4she (lexed her hips against hi,. (elt the !ndeniable eviden*e o( his aro!sal$ Her breath hit*hed in her throat and she tilted her (a*e !p to his$ His eyes dar"ened to the *olor o( *har*oal and narro'ed$ Tension spiraled thro!gh her body leaving li*"s o( (la,e in its path$ His ,o!th lo'ered to'ard hers$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter &ight Print this Page The to!*h o( his lips 'as (a,iliar yet (oreign at the sa,e ti,e$ 6t had been so long sin*e she)d
en*o!ntered this level o( inti,a*y 'ith /on4and she)d ,issed it$ 2issed hi,$ #o very. very ,!*h$ B!t he)d *hanged$ There 'as an edge to hi, no' she hadn)t (elt be(ore$ %s he *lai,ed her lips. a sh!dder drove thro!gh her$ % *ry o( longing tore (ro, her throat. only to be absorbed by hi, as he pl!ndered her ,o!th$ Her hands (isted in the *otton o( his T+shirt. holding hi, to her as i( she never 'anted to let hi, go$ %nd she didn)t$ #he)d ,ade the 'orst ,ista"e o( her li(e 'hen she)d told hi, they 'ere over$ They 'ere (ar (ro, over$ /on)s hands lessened their iron grip on her !pper ar,s and slid gently to her sho!lders. *!pping the,$ ?or a se*ond he p!lled her *loser. his (ingers b!rning thro!gh the thin sil" o( her top$ 1obyn pressed against hi,. aligning her body along his. absorbing his heat. his desire4ans'ering it 'ith her o'n$ Tears b!rned behind her eyes$ Co!ld she begin to believe they had another *han*eB /on 'ren*hed his lips (ro, hers$ A@oHA His gro'l 'as e,phati*$ /on p!shed her (ro, hi,$ His body instantly regretted his de*ision. b!t his ,ind told hi, he 'as right to brea" the 'eb that had s!ddenly and so irrevo*ably bo!nd the, together again$ The eviden*e o( 'hat he)d seen in her brie(*ase 'as irre(!table proo( she 'or"ed hand in hand 'ith his step+brother$ L!st 'as one thing$ Betrayal !ite another$ A0ha4A A0hat part o( )no) is so hard (or yo! to !nderstand. 1obynB <h. 6)ll give yo! points (or the ele,ent o( s!rprise$ 6( yo! 'ere trying to prove a point. yo! have 'ell and tr!ly proven it$A A% pointB 6 don)t "no' 'hat yo!)re trying to say$ /on. please. *an)t 'e4A A@o. 'e *an)t$A He too" a step ba*" (ro, her$ AThe point being that 'hile 6 ,ight desire yo!. 6 don)t 'ant yo!$A #he reeled ba*" (ro, hi, as i( he)d slapped her$ 7eep inside o( hi, so,ething *ra*"ed and the sha(t o( pain that *rossed her (a*e ,irrored his o'n$ B!t 'ithin se*onds it 'as as i( he)d said nothing4her (a*e 'as *o,posed in its !s!al s,ooth serene lines$ A0ell. 6 s!ppose that)s p!tting it bl!ntly.A 1obyn ans'ered. b!t the betraying 'obble in her voi*e belied the *ool. *olle*ted exterior she pro3e*ted$ A1obyn4A A@o. serio!sly$ 7on)t 'orry$ 6 sho!ld have expe*ted it$ 6)ve p!t !s in an !ntenable position by *o,ing here and invading yo!r pea*e and !iet$ 1eally. 6 sho!ld have 3!st 'at*hed 'here 6 'as going$A #he bent to the "it*hen table and s,oothed an i,aginary spe*" o( d!st (ro, its s!r(a*e$ /on 'at*hed4biting do'n so hard his 3a' a*hed$ His p!lse still dr!,,ed a *ra-y beat in his veins$ He ,!ttered a vehe,ent *!rse and 'ent o!tside to retrieve the (ish (ro, the barbe !e hot plate
be(ore it t!rned to *har*oal$ His hand shoo" as he s*ooped the (illets into a dish and (or a ,o,ent he stood there. 'illing his body ba*" !nder *ontrol$ Clearly six ,onths separation had done nothing to ease the ra,pant need he had (or the to!*h and the taste o( 1obyn 2a*"en-ie$ The one 'o,an. above all others. he sho!ldn)t love$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter @ine Print this Page They *o,pleted their ,eal in silen*e$ He barely tasted the deli*ate (lavor o( the tro!t or the *risp (r!it (lavors o( the Pinot Cris he po!red to have 'ith their (ood$ 6nstead his senses 'ere still *lo!ded 'ith the (eel o( 1obyn in his ar,s. o( the taste o( her on his tong!e$ He *o!ld have s'orn her passion 'as gen!ine. that it hadn)t been so,e tr!,ped !p s*he,e to 'oo hi, into signing that blasted proxy$ B!t she)d so s'i(tly be*o,e aloo( straight a(ter'ards. even 'hile he)d str!ggled to bring hi,sel( ba*" !nder *ontrol. he *o!ldn)t help b!t 'onder i( she 'as *o,paring hi, to Bradley4and the tho!ght st!ng (ar deeper than he 'anted to ad,it$ The ,ere notion that his step+brother had "issed her the 'ay he)d "issed her$ Had to!*hed the 'el*o,ing *!rves o( her body. tasted her s'eetness. given her pleas!re$ 6t 'as eno!gh to drive a ,an *ra-y$ His instin*ts. his very pride. de,anded he sta,p o!t any ,e,ory o( his step+brother (ro, her ,ind and her body$ To leave the i,print o( the pleas!re he and he alone *o!ld bring her$ B!t /on hadn)t rea*hed his pla*e in the 'orld by being driven by physi*al need$ He re,inded hi,sel( o( 'hat he)d seen in 1obyn)s brie(*ase 'hen he)d shi(ted it (ro, the "it*hen table and it had (l!ng open. sending papers *as*ading to the (loor$ 1e,inded hi,sel( o( the da,ning (ig!res neatly detailed in her hand'ritten notes that *on(ir,ed his s!spi*ions abo!t 'hy his step+brother had *alled this spe*ial ,eeting in his absen*e$ <( the *on(ir,ation o( 1obyn)s d!pli*ity in the 'hole deal$ <h yes. he *o!ld resist her all right$ JJJ 0hen they)d *o,pleted dinner. 1obyn o((ered to *lean !p and /on disappeared into the ,aster bedroo,$ The sat phone 'as ,issing (ro, the *o((ee table 'here she)d le(t it yesterday. and (ro, the !iet r!,ble o( his voi*e behind the bedroo, door she ass!,ed he 'as b!sy ,a"ing so,e *alls$ 0ho to and 'hat (or she didn)t "no'. b!t so,ething niggled at the ba*" o( her ,ind$ He)d said the phone 'as pri,arily (or !se in e,ergen*y sit!ations and he)d been ada,ant abo!t his priva*y here$ #o 'ho had he (o!nd it so i,portant to tal" to this evening. and 'hyB #he spent the rest o( the evening *he*"ing the *ontents o( the 'ell+sto*"ed boo"*ase in an al*ove o(( the sitting roo,$ B!t even tho!gh she (o!nd several o( her (avorite a!thors) latest releases. she *o!ldn)t settle to anything$ Her o'n *o,pany had never bothered her be(ore. b!t here. in s!*h *lose proxi,ity 'ith the ,an 'ho had the ability to send her blood press!re soaring s"y high 'ith little ,ore than a loo". she (o!nd it di((i*!lt to "eep her ,ind o**!pied$
The so!nd o( the bedroo, door opening had her 'hirling aro!nd$ A6), t!rning in early.A /on said$ A6 tho!ght yo! ,ight 'ant to !se the bathroo, be(ore 6 hit the sheets$A 6nstantly a vision o( his na"ed (or, tangled in bed linen stra(ed her ,e,ory$ #he blin"ed hard to *lear the i,age (ro, her tho!ghts$ AThan" yo!.A she (inally ,anaged$ A6)ve le(t a T+shirt on the vanity (or yo! to sleep in$A %s opposed to sleeping na"edB #he 'ondered i( that 'as (or her bene(it. or his$ AThan"s. that)ll be great$ 7o yo! ,ind i( 6 rinse a *o!ple o( things o!t so 6 *an be (resh to,orro'BA A0hatever yo! need$A He 'as so da,ned polite and (ro-en it 'as li"e tal"ing to an android$ 6( she hadn)t been le(t so sha"en by their earlier en*o!nter she)d al,ost be te,pted to try and rattle hi, again$ %nything. even his anger. 'as better than this *o!rteo!s stranger$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter Ten Print this Page 1obyn too" her ti,e in the bathroo,. rinsing o!t her bra and panties and spreading the, on the top rail o( the sho'er stall$ /on had even p!t o!t a toothbr!sh and travel+si-ed toothpaste (or her$ @o do!bt all part o( the a**o!tre,ents provided by Ta!tara &state. b!t she appre*iated the gest!re$ #he *o,pleted her abl!tions and s,oothed the oversi-ed T+shirt over the tops o( her thighs as she 'ent ba*" thro!gh to the sitting roo,$ He)d been b!sy here. too$ He)d *overed the *o!*h 'ith a *risp. *lean 'hite sheet and a light thro' r!g$ % pillo' lay against the ar,rest$ A%ll doneBA He t!rned (ro, the 'indo' 'here he)d been ga-ing o!t into the dar"ening night$ AYeah. than"s$A A6)ll see yo! in the ,orning. then$A @o do!bt bright and early. i( the !n(ashionably early ho!r they 'ere going to bed 'as any indi*ation$ 0hat a *hange (ro, a (e' ,onths ago 'hen an early night 'o!ld have ,eant anything b!t sleep$ 1obyn lay do'n on the *o!*h and p!lled the blan"et over her$ The *o!*h had been so *o,(ortable earlier. b!t no' it 'as as i( she)d ,ade her bed on a sa*" o( *oal. and she tossed
and t!rned$ #he *o!ldn)t be ,ad that /on hadn)t o((ered her his bed. b!t it ran"led so,e'hat that he hadn)t$ The expanse o( the s!per+"ing+si-ed ,attress that she)d gli,psed at in the ,aster bedroo, o( the *abin on her 'ay to !se the bathroo, had s*rea,ed *o,(ort and l!x!ry$ % (ar *ry (ro, a light blan"et 'rapped aro!nd her here on the *o!*h$ #he to!*hed her (ingertips to her lips. reliving the "iss they)d shared earlier$ The "iss that had reignited the *onstant *raving she)d tho!ght she)d (inally ,anaged to get !nder *ontrol$ #he dragged her (ingers do'n her throat. a*ross her *hest in an atte,pt to ease the yearning inside. b!t it 'as /on)s to!*h she a*hed (or$ The night stret*hed o!t be(ore her. long and lonely$ JJJ %s i( his sleepless night hadn)t been bad eno!gh. /on stared at the re,inder that 1obyn 'ore no !nder'ear$ The (li,sy 'hite pie*es o( la*e and sheer (abri* h!ng above the sho'er stall 'ith all the s!btlety o( a ,atador)s *ape to a b!ll$ He snat*hed the, do'n and tossed the, on top o( a la!ndry ha,per$ He *ertainly didn)t need their provo*ation 'hile having his sho'er this ,orning$ /!st the tho!ght o( 1obyn asleep on the *o!*h in the next roo, 'as !ite eno!gh$ The ,orning s!n 'as already 'ar,ing the *abin and /on "ept the sho'er setting *ool as he stepped !nder the spray$ 6t 'o!ld need to be *ool any'ay a(ter the drea,s that had tort!red hi, and ens!red he)d spent ,ore o( the night a'a"e than in sl!,ber$ T'o ,ore days at ,ost. he *onsoled hi,sel($ T'o ,ore days to end!re her !nder his roo(4 tor,enting hi, 'ith her !ni !e s*ent and the gra*e(!l *!rves o( her body$ 7riving hi, *ra-y 'ith the ,e,ory o( that "iss they)d shared last night$ He bent his head and let the 'ater po!nd the ba*" o( his ne*" and his sho!lders$ 0hat on earth had driven hi, to "iss her li"e thatB #!re. she)d 'al"ed into hi,$ Big deal$ People b!,ped into one another all the ti,e$ B!t it had been a big deal$ @o sooner had her hands (lo'n to his *hest than his heart had beg!n a *ra-y tattoo and his p!lse had leapt !p several beats$ Heat had (looded his body. heat and an insidio!s longing to ta"e 'hat 'as on o((er$ ?or a split se*ond he)d (orgotten 'here her loyalties lay and he)d s!**!,bed to the need to ass!age a h!nger that had si,,ered beneath the s!r(a*e o( the *ivili-ed veneer he presented to the rest o( the 'orld$ #he)d tasted divine$ %nd he 'anted ,ore$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
/on *!rsed long and lo' as he snapped the sho'er o(( and grabbed a thi*" (l!((y to'el (ro, the rail$ He bris"ly r!bbed hi,sel( dry then draped the to'el aro!nd his hips and grabbed his shaving gear$ AYo!)re a bloody (ool.A he told his re(le*tion in the ,irror. b!t the *lear gray+eyed stare that ,et his ga-e told hi, he 'as so ,!*h ,ore than that$ That he 'as still attra*ted to 1obyn 'as !ndeniable$ 0hat he 'as going to do abo!t it. 'ell. that 'as so,ething else entirely$ He *o!ldn)t a*t on it. altho!gh it 'o!ld be the !lti,ate t'ist in the lin" bet'een 1obyn and Bradley$ Perhaps even the !lti,ate revenge on the, both$ % hollo' a*he started in his *hest$ He 'asn)t abo!t revenge$ @ot no'$ #!re. 3!sti*e 'o!ld *o,e 4b!t all in good ti,e$ 1ight no' his priority 'as 0indCorp$ The papers in 1obyn)s brie(*ase last night had *on(ir,ed his s!spi*ions abo!t his dear step+ brother)s se*ret agenda and 3!sti(ied his de*ision to plant a spy in Bradley)s depart,ent$ The *all he)d ,ade to his in(or,ant last night had ,erely ba*"ed everything !p$ His de*ision to AhideA a'ay had been spot on$ 6t had (l!shed the rats right o!t the drain pipe$ %nd one o( the, 'as sleeping on his *o!*h$ % gentle "no*" ,ade /on 'hip aro!nd$ He dre' in a hiss o( pain as a sharp sting o( steel bit into his 3a'$ He yan"ed open the door then grabbed a tiss!e to ste, the tri*"le o( blood (ro, 'here he)d ni*"ed hi,sel($ A0hatBA he gro'led as 1obyn stepped inside$ 1obyn tried to avert her eyes as she stepped into the bathroo, b!t she *o!ldn)t tear her ga-e (ro, the broad expanse o( his *hest. or (ro, the tiny droplet o( ,oist!re that tri*"led do'n his ridged abdo,en and to'ard the edge o( his to'el$ A656. !,5A she (inally ,anaged to tear her eyes (ro, hi, and spied her !nder'ear on top o( the ha,per$ A6 need these$A #he snat*hed the 'isps o( (abri* into her (ist and t!rned to leave$ A6), done in here$ Yo! *an sho'er i( yo! 'ant$A /on)s voi*e 'as (lat. e,otionless$ % (ar *ry (ro, the ,an 'ho)d "issed her senseless last night$ His *old stare ,ade her all too a'are o( the (a*t that she 'ore his T+shirt and nothing else$ Beneath the so(t *otton she (elt her nipples ta!ten and pea"$ The stain o( ,orti(i*ation b!rned her *hee"s as his ga-e dropped eno!gh to let her "no' her rea*tion hadn)t gone !nnoti*ed$ #he sa' the instant his eyes dar"ened. a *ertain sign he 'asn)t as i,,!ne to her as he)d steeled hi,sel( to be$ #he 'aited (or the sense o( satis(a*tion that sho!ld *o,e (ro, "no'ing she *o!ld still a((e*t hi, li"e this b!t instead only (elt the p!ll o( her 'o,b as her insides 'o!nd tight on the s!dden s'ell o( desire that rode thro!gh her body$ #he hated being hostage to her body)s 'ea"ness$ %nd it 'as 'ea"ness as (ar as /on 'as *on*erned$ He)d ,ade his position per(e*tly *lear last night and she)d s'eep streets be(ore she)d beg (or his attention again$ The instant he le(t the bathroo,. 1obyn *losed the door (ir,ly and leaned her (l!shed *hee" against the *ool 'ood o( the door$ % ragged breath sh!ddered thro!gh her *hest$ #he *o!ldn)t
'ait to get o!t o( here and ba*" to the *ity4a'ay (ro, the *onstant re,inder o( 'hat she *o!ld have had i( only she hadn)t been so driven$ 6n the dar" ho!rs o( the night she)d had plenty o( ti,e to thin" abo!t her *hoi*e to ter,inate her relationship 'ith /on as 'ell as to *onsider the pro,otion she)d hinged all her hopes (or the (!t!re on$ % niggle o( do!bt had beg!n to *reep in$ 0hat i( Bradley didn)t o((er her the 3!nior exe*!tive position he)d pro,isedB 0o!ld she then have thro'n everything a'ay (or nothingB #!ddenly it see,ed all the ,ore !rgent that she get ba*" to the o((i*e$ Here she had too ,!*h ti,e to thin"4to 'orry$ %nd she 'asn)t s!re i( she 'as ready to (a*e the tr!th abo!t her (eelings (or /onathan 0indthorpe$ 6( she did that. so,ething told her she 'o!ldn)t li"e 'hat she sa'$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter T'elve Print this Page #he ,!st have been !p be(ore da'n. /on de*ided as he entered the "it*hen$ #he)d *leared a'ay all eviden*e o( her bed in the sitting roo,. and by the aro,a *o,ing (ro, the *o,pa*t 'all oven. she)d already grilled ba*on and ,ade s*ra,bled eggs (or brea"(ast$ His (avorite$ #o,ething 'ar, and (a,iliar (looded his veins. so,ething he)d r!thlessly !ashed 'hen she)d bro"en o(( their relationship to ta"e !p her role as Bradley)s right hand$ 0hat 'as she !p toB Playing ho!seB Trying to re*apt!re the *loseness they)d on*e shared4 perhaps even 'ith a vie' to re"indling the love he)d tho!ght she)d re*ipro*atedB 6nstantly he es*he'ed the idea. as ,!*h as he 'ished it *o!ld be tr!e$ 6( he "ne' 1obyn at all any,ore. it 'as ,ore li"ely that she 'as trying to so(ten hi, !p to get hi, to sign that blasted proxy$ He s,iled. a 'ry *!rl o( his lips totally la*"ing in h!,or$ 0ell. she *o!ld try$ He po!red hi,sel( a *o((ee and leaned ba*" against the "it*hen *o!nter. sipping the (ragrant bre'$ % glan*e o!tside sho'ed the 'eather had deteriorated$ % le(tover o( spring)s in*le,ent *hill *a!ght in the air and a steady dri--le had beg!n to (all$ 0ell. it 'o!ldn)t ,atter to hi, 'hat the 'eather did. he)d be in his 'aders en3oying the river$ 1obyn *o!ld a,!se hersel( (or the day4no do!bt by 'or"ing thro!gh those papers in her *ase$ /on gri,a*ed$ The *o((ee s!ddenly so!red on his tong!e$ He *o!ld have borne her a,bition had it not been so heavily la*ed 'ith disloyalty at the sa,e ti,e$ % ,ove,ent at the door ,ade hi, loo" !p$ 1obyn stood there. loo"ing !neasy$ C!ilty *ons*ien*e perhapsB #he ,!st have ta"en the shortest sho'er on re*ord. he tho!ght$ His *o((ee hadn)t even beg!n to *ool in his *!p$ Her hair. !s!ally straightened and slee". had beg!n to *!rl in a *lo!d aro!nd her (a*e. ,a"ing her appear so(ter. ,ore v!lnerable$ %s i( he *o!ld give in to i,p!lse4 (orget the *has, o( s!spi*ion that ya'ned bet'een the,. and si,ply step (or'ard. tangle his (ingers in those so(t bro'n *!rls and drag her to hi, be(ore slanting his lips against hers to pl!nder her !nadorned ,o!th$ #o,ething o( his tho!ghts ,!st have re(le*ted on his (a*e be*a!se he heard the s"ip in her breathing as she ,ade eye *onta*t 'ith hi, and he sa' the s!dden 'idening o( her eyes and the
(aint (l!sh o( *olor that spread a*ross her *hee"s$ /on sla,,ed the sh!tters do'n on his 'ay'ard tho!ghts$ He needed to stay in *ontrol. espe*ially i( he 'as going to expose Bradley and his *roo"ed assistant (or exa*tly 'hat they 'ere$ AYo! haven)t started brea"(ast.A 1obyn *o,,ented !nsteadily as she ,oved to the oven. sliding o!t the dishes that had been 'ar,ing and pla*ing the, onto the table$ A6 tho!ght 6)d 'ait (or yo! seeing as ho' yo!)d gone to so ,!*h bother$A A6t 'as no bother$A 1obyn dished !p a genero!s portion o( ba*on and egg onto his plate and slid a dish 'ith b!ttered toast on it to'ard hi,$ AToastBA AThan"s$A The *ivility 'ith 'hi*h they had brea"(ast stood in star" *ontrast to the dinner they)d shared the night be(ore$ %s 'ith last night. 1obyn got !p straight a(ter eating to *lear the table$ A#o.A /on leaned ba*" in his *hair. deter,ined to provo"e so,ething (ro, her that 'asn)t this g!arded (or, o( ho,e,a"ing$ A%re yo! this do,esti*ated 'ith BradleyBA A0hatB @o$ <( *o!rse not$A 6ndignation painted a (l!sh o( pin" a*ross her *hee"s and throat$ AHe does the *oo"ing thenB #trange. he never str!*" ,e as ,!*h o( a *he($A A@o. he doesn)t$ %nd 6 don)t$ 6 told yo!$ Bradley and 6 aren)t that 'ay together$ 6), his &xe*!tive %ssistant$ That)s all$A 7id she protest too ,!*hB /on 'ondered$ He 'ished he *o!ld savor the hot (lare o( satis(a*tion that bloo,ed inside hi, at her denial o( a relationship 'ith Bradley$ B!t ho' *o!ld he believe her 'hen his ears had been poisoned by Bradley)s insin!ations4by the not+so+veiled hints at ho' ,!*h he en3oyed A'or"ingA 'ith 1obynB AYo! 'ere ,y se*retary be(ore that. tho!gh. 'eren)t yo!B %nd yet yo! 'ere so ,!*h ,ore$A Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter Thirteen Print this Page A7on)t. please.A she begged$ A7on)t s!lly 'hat 'e had together$ 6t)s not li"e that bet'een Bradley and 6$ 0hy 'on)t yo! believe ,eBA 1obyn arg!ed ba*". her heart heavy$ 0as /on)s opinion o( her really so lo'B ABelieve yo!B 6 'ant to believe yo!$ B!t *an yo! honestly tell ,e yo! 'o!ldn)t do 3!st abo!t anything to get that pro,otion yo!)re so deter,ined on getting in Bradley)s depart,entBA
A64A 1obyn hesitated$ /on pressed on$ AYo! *an)t tell ,e that this entire trip is based on yo!r loyalty to ,y dear step+ brother$ 6 "no' ho' terri(ied yo! are o( (lying and 6 also "no' it 'o!ld ta"e a he*" o( a lot to get yo! to do 'hat yo! did yesterday$ Ho' *an yo! expe*t ,e to believe there)s no ,ore to yo!r visit than dedi*ation to yo!r 3obBA AB!t 6 a, dedi*ated to ,y 3ob and to 0indCorp$ /on. give ,e yo!r proxy$ Let ,e prove to yo! 6 *an do 'hat)s best (or the *o,pany.A she i,plored$ AHo' *an 6 tr!st yo! not to side 'ith hi,BA A7id o!r relationship ,ean nothing to yo!B Yo! *an tr!st ,e$A A7id it ,ean nothing to ,eB Yo! le(t ,e (or a 3obHA AYo! never as"ed ,e to stay$A Her voi*e dipped so lo' he *o!ld barely hear her$ A0hat)s happened to yo! /onB 6 never tho!ght that 'hat happened 'ith ,e and Bradley *o!ld t!rn yo! into so,eone so angry and bitter$A Tears (illed her eyes and e,otion *ho"ed her throat$ ABitterB 6), not bitter4not any,ore$ B!t 6 don)t appre*iate being ta"en (or a (ool$ Tell ,e. 1obyn$ 7oes yo!r heart ra*e 'hen Bradley stands this *lose to yo!BA /on ,oved so !i*"ly he too" her *o,pletely by s!rprise$ He loo,ed over her. the heat o( his body radiating o!t to *ons!,e and ignite her$ A%nd 'hen he does this.A he rea*hed o!t and tra*ed one (inger over the *!rve o( her breast$ A7oes he set a (ire in yo!r bloodBA 1obyn (elt her nipple tighten into an al,ost pain(!l b!d o( desire$ @eed (looded her (ro, the top o( her head to the tips o( her toes$ @eed4and so,ething else$ #o,ething not as physi*al$ #o,ething that begged (or /on to 'ant this attra*tion bet'een the, to be ,ore than 3!st another 'ay to get ba*" at his brother$ #he desperately gathered her tho!ghts$ #he *o!ldn)t allo' hi, to *on(!se her4to (og her ,ind 'ith 'anting hi,$ He stro"ed his nail a*ross the hardened n!b that pressed against the thin (abri* o( her top and she gasped at the pleas!re+pain o( the 3olt o( sensation that speared thro!gh her at his to!*h$ /on bent his (a*e to hers. his lips bare ,illi,eters (ro, 1obyn)s$ A%nd do yo! *ry his na,e o!t 'hen yo! *o,eB <r are yo! thin"ing o( ,eBA #lapH 1obyn too" a step ba*" and n!rsed her stinging pal,$ Cod. she)d slapped hi,$ #he)d never slapped anyone in her li(e be(ore$ B!t she)d never been this angry be(ore. nor this (r!strated$ AHo' dare yo!HA 1obyn (inally ,anaged thro!gh lips that *o!ld barely ,ove$ A6), not standing (or this$ @ot any,ore$ 6)ve tried to be *ivil46)ve tried to be pro(essional$ B!t yo! "eep dragging !p the past$ Let it go. /on. or one day yo!)re going to 'a"e !p a very lonely and *yni*al old ,an$ 6), o!t o( here$ Yo! *an drive yo!rsel( *ra-y all yo! li"e 'ith yo!r st!pid all!sions on yo!r o'n$A
#he sp!n on her heel and st!,bled thro!gh to the sitting roo, and !i*"ly p!lled on the hi"ing boots she)d 'orn yesterday$ 7a,n hi, (or getting to her li"e that$ A1obynH #top$ 0here do yo! thin" yo!)re goingBA ABa*" to Ta!tara. 'here elseBA #he tied the la*es and ,ar*hed to the (ront door$ A6), s!re as hell not staying here 'ith yo!$A ALoo". 6), sorry$ 6 overstepped the ,ar"$ Yo! had every right to p!t ,e in ,y pla*e$A AYes. 6 did$ B!t yo!r apology ,eans nothing to ,e. /on$ /!st li"e 6 *learly ,ean nothing to yo! any,ore$ 6 *a,e here to help yo!. da,,itH B!t yo!)re too st!bborn and too bitter to need anybody. aren)t yo!BA Her voi*e bro"e on her 'ords. their (inality p!n*t!ated by the solid sla, o( the (ront door *losing behind her$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter ?o!rteen Print this Page %nd 3!st li"e that she 'as gone$ 6t 'as 'hat he)d 'anted all along. he tried to tell hi,sel($ B!t he "ne' he lied$ /on r!bbed his *hee"$ 2an. she pa*"ed a 'allop$ %nd he)d deserved it$ He)d goaded her ,er*ilessly and he)d had no ex*!se other than patheti* 3ealo!sy$ The tho!ght o( his step+brother to!*hing 1obyn the 'ay /on had. tasting her4it had driven hi, te,porarily insane$ % slither o( sha,e slid !n*o,(ortably do'n his spine$ He o'ed her an apology$ % big one$ %nd he had to go a(ter her$ 0hat i( she strayed o(( the tra*". or 'orse. h!rt hersel(B @o one 'o!ld "no'$ He *he*"ed aro!nd the i,,ediate peri,eter o( the *abin and there 'as no tra*e o( 1obyn$ He)d hoped to (ind her sitting on the edge o( the (ront por*h steps. 'aiting (or hi, to be reasonable$ B!t that 'asn)t 1obyn)s style$ #he 'as 'ay ,ore sel(+s!((i*ient than that. and she 'as ,ad eno!gh to 'al" all the 'ay ba*" to Ta!tara as she)d said$ @iggling *on*ern (or her *ondition ,ade hi, edgy$ #he 'asn)t dressed (or the tre" ba*" to the ,ain part o( the estate and it had t!rned *hilly$ #!re the trails 'ere ,ar"ed. b!t 'itho!t (ood and 'ater or even a rain 3a*"et. she)d be str!ggling be(ore too long$ #he had a thirty ,in!te head start on hi, b!t he "ne' he *o!ld shorten her lead$ His de*ision ,ade. he st!((ed a s,all ba*"pa*" 'ith energy bars and a *o!ple o( 'ater bottles$ He hit*hed on the pa*" and hit the gro!nd o(( the (ront de*" at a r!n$ Hope(!lly he)d *at*h !p to her be(ore she got too (ar and ,aybe she 'o!ldn)t still be so angry 'ith hi,$ %nd i( she 'as. 'ell. he)d d!*" this ti,e$ The dri--le had intensi(ied to a steady rain and the tra*" 'as slippery in pla*es$ /on *!rsed as he slid (or the third ti,e$ He)d serio!sly believed he)d have *a!ght !p to her by no' b!t she)d been in s!*h a rage it ,!st have propelled her along the trail at a (aster rate than he)d given her *redit
(or$ 6n the distan*e he *o!ld hear the roar o( the river$ The *rossing 'asn)t overly deep. b!t it *o!ld be tri*"y (or anyone 'ho 'as atte,pting it (or the (irst ti,e. let alone doing it on their o'n$ Con*ern (or 1obyn)s sa(ety sp!rred hi, along the path'ay and he bro"e thro!gh to the *learing 3!st as she rea*hed the ,iddle o( the river$ 0ater (oa,ed and b!bbled !p to her thighs and he 'at*hed 'ith his heart in his ,o!th as she 'avered slightly be(ore regaining her balan*e$ A1obynH #tay 'here yo! are$ 6)ll *o,e a*ross to yo! and lead yo! to the other side$A A6 don)t need yo!HA she yelled over her sho!lder. loo"ing ba*" at hi, as she too" another step (or'ard$ %nd that step 'as her !ndoing$ Be(ore his horri(ied ga-e she slipped on an !nstable ro*" and pit*hed into the *hilled ,o!ntain 'ater$ He sa' her hit the 'ater 'ith a (rightened *ry$ 6t 'asn)t deep and the *!rrent 'asn)t too strong here$ #he sho!ld be able to ,a"e it to her (eet 'itho!t any di((i*!lty$ Knless she)d hit her head$ /on !nhit*hed his pa*" and thre' it to the gro!nd. s!ddenly desperate to rea*h her$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter ?i(teen Print this Page The sheer *old sho*" o( the 'ater "no*"ed the breath o!t o( 1obyn)s *hest as she (o!ndered on the hard !neven s!r(a*e o( the river bed$ Ho' the 'ater *o!ld still be so (ree-ing *old de(ied belie($ #he str!ggled to "eep her head above 'ater 'hile she tried to gain a (oothold. anything to get so,e p!r*hase on the slippery ro*"s and get !pright again$ #trong hands s!ddenly hoo"ed !nder her ar,s and li(ted her *lear. holding her steady as her (eet (o!nd so,e stability in the raging 'ater$ % shiver ro*"ed thro!gh her$ #trange. the rain a*t!ally (elt 'ar,er than the river *o!rsing aro!nd her legs. and /on)s hands 'ere even 'ar,er$ ACo,e on. 6)ll ta"e yo! ba*" to the *abin$ Yo! *an)t go on li"e this$A #he 'anted to arg!e 'ith hi,. to tell hi, 'here he *o!ld sti*" his *abin. b!t the l!re o( a hot sho'er spo"e vol!,es to her (ro-en s"in and *hattering teeth$
A<"ay.A she ,anaged begr!dgingly$ They *o,pleted the 3o!rney ba*" to the *abin at a s!rprisingly !i*" pa*e$ #he 'asn)t s!re i( it 'as /on)s intention to "eep her ,oving to 'ar, her !p. or 'hether he 'as si,ply eager to get o!t o( the 'eather$ 6t 'as depressing to reali-e ho' little distan*e she)d a*t!ally traveled in her atte,pt to stri"e o!t (or Ta!tara on her o'n$ %t the rate she)d been going. even i( she)d ,ade it sa(ely a*ross the 'ater. she)d have been l!*"y to get to the lodge by evening$ #he 'as so lost in her tho!ghts. she never noti*ed the bro"en bran*h a*ross the path !ntil her (oot *a!ght in it. pit*hing headlong to'ard /on)s ba*"$ He sp!n aro!nd even as she *ried o!t and arrested her (all. p!lling her hard against his body$ #he relished the sensation o( 'ar,th and *o,(ort as his broad hand spread a*ross her ba*"$ AYo! o"ayBA he said. his voi*e gr!(($ A6)ll be o"ay$ 6), too tired to loo" 'here 6), going4and no' 6)ve ,ade yo! all 'et$A A6t)s o"ay$ 0e *an both 'ar, !p in the hot t!b 'hen 'e get ba*"$ 6t)ll do !s the 'orld o( good$A He too" her by the hand and to her sha,e she *l!t*hed onto hi, li"e a grate(!l *hild$ AHot t!bBA 1obyn didn)t re,e,ber seeing a t!b in the bathroo,$ 0hile the (ittings had been !ndeniably l!x!rio!s they hadn)t extended to a t!b$ AYeah. thro!gh the ?ren*h doors (ro, the bedroo,$ C),on. 'e)re only abo!t (ive ,in!tes a'ay$A 6t 'as the longest (ive ,in!tes o( her li(e$ The *onstant dr!, o( the rain thro!gh the dense (oliage. the slipperiness o( the path and the tiredness that assailed her all *onspired to ,a"e her (eet drag and her head s'i,$ By the ti,e the *abin *a,e into vie' it 'as all she *o!ld do to as*end the steps to the de*"$ AHere. yo! loo" shattered$A /on hoo"ed an ar, aro!nd her 'aist and led her aro!nd to the side o( the *abin$ He propped her against the 'all$ A#tay there 'hile 6 ta"e the *over o(($A 1obyn "ne' she sho!ld ,ove. do so,ething4anything4to get the soa"ing 'et *lothing a'ay (ro, her body and to re,ove the boots that had beg!n to *ha(e d!ring their tre" ba*". b!t everything 'as too ,!*h e((ort$ Cet a grip on yo!rsel(. she silently *hastised. and (or*ed hersel( to bend do'n to atte,pt to !ndo her la*es$ Her (ingers 'ere sti(( and !n*ooperative$ Long strong (ingers gently br!shed her hands a'ay and /on eased the st!bborn la*es loose on her boots and slid the 'et leather (ro, her (eet$ Her so*"s and 3eans 'ere s'i(t to (ollo'. then her top$ The sil" 'o!ld never be the sa,e again. she reali-ed 'ith a 'oe(!l tho!ght as he peeled the (abri* (ro, her !pper torso$ 0itho!t pa!sing he s*ooped her !p in his ar,s and *arried her over to the t!b. gently settling her in the 'ater$ #he dre' in a sharp breath as the heated 'ater st!ng her s"in. then *losed her eyes and relaxed her head ba*" against the *!shioned headrest on the side o( the t!b$ % s'ish in the 'ater ,ade her loo" !p$ % ne' "ind o( heat dre' s!ddenly (ro, her inner depths to bloo, a*ross her s"in$ /on stood be(ore her in the 'ater$ Li"e her. he)d stripped o(( his 'et *lothes. b!t !nli"e her. he)d re,oved his
Chapter #ixteen Print this Page /on settled onto the ben*h seat and 'el*o,ed the heated 'ater as it lapped over his s"in$ &very instin*t in his body de,anded he dra' 1obyn into his ar,s. to *o,(ort her. to 'ar, her$ #he)d s*ared the living daylights o!t o( hi, 'hen she)d (allen into the river. and her lethargy as they)d neared the *abin 'as even ,ore (rightening$ That (all had ,ade hi, (a*e (a*ts$ He still loved her$ 7eeply$ %nd he needed to (ind o!t i( she still (elt the sa,e 'ay abo!t hi,$ AYo! never as"ed ,e to stay$A Her 'ords e*hoed in his ,ind$ Had the long+standing rivalry bet'een hi, and his step+brother *lo!ded his reasonB Co!ld he have (o!ght (or 1obynB The ans'er to both 'as an !nrelenting Ayes$A He)d allo'ed his (a,ily bitterness to stand in the 'ay o( reason$ He had to separate 'hat he (elt (or 1obyn (ro, the b!siness B!t (irst he had so,e groveling to do$ A6), sorry 6 provo"ed yo! be(ore$ 6 didn)t ,ean to drive yo! a'ay.A he said$ A6 overrea*ted$ 6t 'as st!pid to r!sh o(( li"e that so !nprepared$A AYo! too" ten years o(( ,y li(e 'hen yo! (ell in the river$ Ho' are yo! (eelingBA A% bit sore.A she ans'ered. tipping her head ba*" again and *losing her eyes$ A2y (eet and *alves in parti*!lar$ @ext ti,e 6 go hi"ing 6)ll ,a"e s!re 6 train (irst$A % s,all s,ile t!gged at his lips at her atte,pt at h!,or$ AHere.A he said. rea*hing (or one o( her (eet !nder the 'ater and p!lling it to sit on the top o( his thigh. Alet ,e ,assage yo!r (eet (or yo!$ 6t)ll h!rt at (irst. b!t yo!)ll (eel better in the long r!n$A /on began a deep rhyth,i* stro"e along the !nderside o( her (oot. ,assaging !p to her an"les and then ba*" do'n again to the tips o( her toes be(ore starting over again$ ACod. that (eels good$A 1obyn groaned a deep+throated so!nd that hit hi, straight in the solar plex!s and ,ade hi, instantly hard$ Thro!gh the 'ater he *o!ld see the d!s"y pin" tips o( her nipples straining against the sheer (abri* o( her (lesh+*olored bra and he re*ogni-ed the stain o( *olor that gently spread !p her *hest and to her throat as the ,ar" o( desire$ 7espite their di((eren*es. she still 'anted hi,$ Probably abo!t as ,!*h as he 'anted her$ % gli,,er o( hope glo'ed to li(e deep in his *hest$ /on stro"ed higher !p her leg. 'or"ing into 1obyn)s *al( ,!s*les$ Her (oot (lexed in his lap. br!shing against the eviden*e o( his desire$ Her eyes (le' open$ 6nstead o( sho*" he *o!ld only see the ans'ering e*ho o( his need (or her$ He pressed his hard (lesh against the so(tness o( her
instep and sa' her p!pils dilate even (!rther. her lips part on a breath$ He rea*hed (or her other (oot. still ,aintaining eye *onta*t. and ,irrored the attention he)d paid to the a*hing ,!s*les o( her other leg$ A6 ,eant it 'hen 6 said 6), sorry.A /on said so(tly$ ATo be honest. the past six ,onths have been hell$A A?or ,e. too$ 6)ve ,issed yo!$A /on stopped ,assaging her leg and rea*hed (or'ard to p!ll her into his ar,s. hope s'elling into anti*ipation 'hen she ,ade no protest$ #he settled astride his lap4her shielded *ore only *enti,eters (ro, his aro!sal$ He li(ted a hand and s,oothed her da,p hair (ro, her (a*e$ A#ho' ,e.A he 'hispered. Asho' ,e ho' ,!*h$A ALi"e thisBA she breathed so(tly into his ear be(ore li*"ing at his lobe then trailed a series o( tiny bites do'n the *ol!,n o( his ne*"$ AYes.A he groaned as he n!--led the hollo' bet'een her ne*" and her sho!lder. (or*ing hi,sel( to hold ba*" the tide o( need that threatened to s'a,p the, both$ #he rea*hed behind her and !nsnapped her bra. sending it sailing thro!gh the air to land igno,inio!sly on the de*" then slid o(( hi, long eno!gh to slip o(( the s*rap o( (abri* that 'as her panties$ @a"ed. she shi,,ied ba*" onto his lap$ /on gripped her hips to position her at the tip o( his sha(t$ His ears (illed 'ith the addi*tive sigh o( satis(a*tion that eased (ro, her throat as he slo'ly lo'ered her onto his length$ He settled deep inside o( her. relishing the sensation o( her *la,ping against hi,. (eeling a sense o( rightness in his 'orld that had been ,issing (or six long ,onths$ 1obyn sighed as her lo'er body began to !nd!late as i( she no longer had the strength o( 'ill to *ontrol hersel($ A<h. /on. 6)ve ,issed yo! so very ,!*h$A Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter #eventeen Print this Page %nd she had ,issed hi,4in ,ore 'ays than ,erely the physi*al$ Lno'ing he)d s!spe*ted her and Bradley o( being lovers had been a pain(!l blo'$ There)d only ever been one 0indthorpe ,an (or her and it had al'ays been /onathan4no ,atter 'hat he tho!ght$ Letting hi, go had been one o( the to!ghest de*isions o( her li(e$ B!t she *o!ld no ,ore p!ll a'ay (ro, hi, at this ,o,ent than she *o!ld stop breathing$ His hands held her hips (ir,ly. halting her ,ove,ent$ 7eter,ined not to ease !p she s !ee-ed
her inner ,!s*les against hi,. !rging hi, to do 'hat they both needed to ease the *on(lagration b!ilding inside$ #he tilted her pelvis ever so slightly so her sensitive n!b r!bbed against his p!bi* bone$ 6nstantly a spiral o( pleas!re sent spas,s thro!gh her body. ,a"ing her *len*h hi, 'ith an inti,a*y that only lovers shared$ 6t 'as his tipping point$ He instantly let go o( her hips and allo'ed her body the ,ove,ent she desperately *raved4allo'ed her the pleas!re she "ne' belonged to the, both$ His broad hands slid !p to her rib *age. his th!,bs *aressing the sensitive !nderside o( her breasts then s*raping !p and over her nipples in tande,. teasing the ta!t points into an a*he that 'ent so!l deep$ #he in*reased ,o,ent!,. desperate no' to (ind release4desperate to dra' (ro, hi, the *!l,ination o( the longing she)d s!ppressed (or (ar too long$ Her *li,ax hit her hard and (ast and her voi*e rang o!t as pleas!re soared 'ithin her$ /on)s body sti((ened beneath hers and she (elt his hips thr!st against her as he s*aled the pea" 'ith her$ #he *ollapsed against hi,. letting her body ,elt into his$ #he *o!ld (eel her heart ha,,ering in her *hest. or 'as it hisB &ven the ragged breaths they dre' 'ere syn*hroni-ed$ &vent!ally /on stirred beneath her$ AC),on$ Let)s ta"e this inside$ 0e have a lot o( *at*hing !p to do$A 1obyn li(ted hersel( o(( his body on legs that barely see,ed *apable o( s!pporting her$ /on s'!ng his legs over the side o( the t!b and. as he had be(ore. s*ooped her into his ar,s$ #he didn)t (eel *old any,ore. and even the *onstant rain o!tside the sheltered de*" *o!ld not di,inish the light that shone 'ithin her no'$ /on p!shed open the ?ren*h doors leading to the bedroo, and laid her al,ost reverently on the bed$ He disappeared (or a ,o,ent. ret!rning (ro, the bathroo, 'ith t'o large (l!((y to'els. pro*eeding to dry her 'ith one$ @ot to be o!tdone. 1obyn grabbed the other to'el and dried hi, as he hovered over her body. one hand stro"ing the *oiled strength o( his sho!lders and his !pper ar,s. 'hile the other dragged the to'el a*ross the parts o( hi, she *o!ld rea*h$ He grabbed the to'el (ro, her hands and hoo"ed it loosely aro!nd her 'rists. stret*hing her ar,s !p over her head4leaving her prone to his loo". his to!*h. his ,o!th$ He settled his body bet'een her legs and 'hen he lo'ered his ,o!th to her breasts 1obyn "ne' it didn)t ,atter 'here she 'as any,ore$ %s long as she 'as 'ith /onathan. she)d *o,e ho,e$ Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter &ighteen Print this Page 7a'n *rept a*ross the no' *lear s"y. b!t /on 'as oblivio!s to its bea!ty$ 6n his ar,s 'as a
'o,an he silently a*"no'ledged he irrevo*ably loved$ Yet. he had loved her be(ore and that hadn)t been eno!gh (or her$ Had any o( that *hangedB The papers in her brie(*ase still bore ,!te testi,ony to her d!pli*ity$ %s ,!*h as he 'anted to "eep his relationship 'ith 1obyn separate (ro, the ,a*hinations o( the *o,pany. *o!ld he tr!st herB The test 'o!ld be in 'hat she de*ided to do$ #he said she)d *o,e here to help hi,$ #o no'. 'o!ld she *hoose Bradley. or hi,B 6t 'as (!ll light by the ti,e 1obyn stirred$ His body leapt to li(e as she stret*hed lang!oro!sly beside hi, b!t instead o( !rging her to (!ll 'a"e(!lness he p!shed hi,sel( o!t o( bed be(ore he s!**!,bed to her *har,s again$ 6t 'as hopeless$ He 'anted her as ,!*h no' as he)d 'anted her the ,any ti,es they)d ,ade love d!ring the night$ He *o!ld not allo' hi,sel( to be dr!gged by his addi*tion to her again$ Be(ore he *o!ld reveal his tr!e (eelings to her. he had to "no' exa*tly 'here she stood$ 6n his li(e or o!t o( it$ He drove his body a'ay (ro, hers. to'ard the bathroo,. to'ard the sobering *old spray o( the sho'er$ To'ard reason$ %s he *a,e o!t o( the bathroo, he heard the sat phone ring$ By the ti,e he dis*onne*ted the *all he *o!ldn)t de*ide i( it 'as pre*isely the ne's he needed. or i( it 'as an !n'el*o,e *oer*ion to *arve the tr!th (ro, 1obyn$ &vent!ally. he (or*ed hi,sel( ba*" to the bedroo,$ #he lay in the t!,ble o( sheets that 'ere still redolent 'ith the s*ent o( their love,a"ing$ &a*h *rease 'as a silent 'itness to their h!nger (or one another$ &a*h (old 'as a testa,ent to the passion that de,anded a*"no'ledge,ent$ /on too" a ,o,ent to steel hi,sel( (or 'hat 'as to *o,e$ Too" a ,o,ent to savor. ho'ever (leetingly. 'hat they)d shared$ He leaned (or'ard to lightly to!*h her sho!lder$ Her s"in 'as li"e satin4he 'o!ld never gro' tired o( the text!re or the ex !isite sensation that to!*hing her bro!ght hi,$ % pie*e o( hi, 'anted to (orget all abo!t the phone *all. to sin" ba*" into the bed and into the 'el*o,ing 'ar,th o( her body$ B!t he "ne' he *o!ldn)t ignore the *all or the da,ning in(or,ation she)d inadvertently bro!ght to hi,$ 6t 'as ti,e (or the, both to (a*e the tr!th$ #he t!rned into his to!*h. a so(t sigh and a s,ile on lips he 'anted to pl!nder and ta"e (or his very o'n$ A1obyn.A he p!lled a'ay (ro, her to!*h. AL!* Tanner 3!st *alled$ The presidential visit has *o,e to an early end$ They (le' o!t abo!t an ho!r ago$A AThey)ve goneBA The *lo!diness o( sl!,ber 'as rapidly repla*ed by her sharp analyti*al ,ind$ A#o the air'ays are open againBA He 'at*hed 1obyn *are(!lly4sa' the play o( e,otion a*ross her (eat!res$ 6t 'as ti,e to p!sh (or his ans'er$ To p!sh (or the tr!th he dared believe ,ight be his (or the ta"ing$ AYo! don)t have to leave$ #tay here 'ith ,e$A #he didn)t even hesitate$ A/on. 6 *an)t$ Yo! "no' 6 have to get ba*" to 'or"$A
#o. there he had it$ The tr!th$ The absol!te. irre(!table proo( their love,a"ing had ,eant nothing to her$ He ,eant nothing to her$ Pain 'arred 'ith the anger that (lared inside hi, as (ast and (!rio!s as petrol on a bon(ire$ ATo 'or"B To Bradley. yo! ,ean$A He too" a *o!ple o( steps ba*". anything to give hi, the distan*e he needed$ 1obyn re,ained silent in the bed$ The bed in 'hi*h he)d bared his heart and so!l to her$ The bed in 'hi*h they)d shared s!*h inti,a*ies that 'o!ld (orever go !nspo"en$ #he hadn)t even given staying 'ith hi, a tho!ght. /on a*"no'ledged 'ith a hollo' pain in the region o( his heart as he gathered a belt. a pair o( 3eans and a long sleeved T+shirt and thre' the, on the bed$ AHere. yo!r *lothes 'ill still be soa"ed$ Kse these and get dressed$ The *hopper 'ill be at the landing site in (orty+(ive ,in!tes$A A/on4A 1obyn rea*hed (or hi,$ A7on)t$A He sp!n a'ay (ro, the sed!*tion o( her to!*h$ AYo! ,ade yo!r *hoi*e$ 6 only hope yo! *an sleep 'ith it$A Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter @ineteen Print this Page 1obyn stood o!tside the ,eeting roo, 'aiting (or the exe*!tives to (ilter in$ 6t had been t'o long and lonely days sin*e she)d ret!rned (ro, Ta!tara$ #he)d (elt n!,b (ro, the ,o,ent she)d le(t /on)s *abin. even ,ore so 'hen she)d opened her brie(*ase on her ret!rn to %!*"land and (o!nd the proxy on the top o( the papers she)d stored in there$ #igned over to her$ 6t ,ade her si*" to reali-e that /on had obvio!sly read the in(or,ation in her *ase. and yet he)d still given her the proxy$ #he had to ad,it that the do*!,ents ,ade her loo" as i( she 'as *o,pli*it in Bradley)s s*he,e$ %nd yet /on had still given her the !lti,ate gi(t in tr!st$ Tr!st she)d thro'n ba*" in his (a*e 'hen she)d *hosen to leave$ Pain *arved a sharp line thro!gh her body$ B!t she *o!ldn)t have stayed$ #taying 'o!ld have ,eant she)d be giving !p her pro,otion. giving !p the *han*e to ,a"e so,ething o( her li(e$ #he had dinner planned 'ith her parents tonight to *elebrate$ %lready she (elt as i( she)d earned the right to bas" in their pride$ B!t 'hat abo!t /onB #he tho!ght ba*" to his re !est to stay 'ith hi, at Ta!tara$ 6t 'as a test$ % test she)d (ailed$ #ix ,onths ago. a pro,otion 'as 'hat she tho!ght she)d 'anted and she)d been so blinded by a,bition she hadn)t grasped the one thing she 'anted above all else$ /on$
B!t she *o!ld try to ,a"e it !p to hi,$ #he *o!ld ens!re that Bradley)s plans 'o!ld not *o,e to (r!ition$ #he already had a strong idea o( 'hi*h 'ay the voting 'o!ld s'ay. and /on)s proxy 'o!ld be the de*ider$ 0indCorp had al'ays prided itsel( on being (o*!sed on providing A(or @e' Mealanders. by @e' Mealanders$A Bradley)s dis*!ssions 'ith several overseas parties regarding o!tso!r*ing all o( their ,an!(a*t!ring sho'ed his *lear intention to *ease operations in @e' Mealand$ The loss o( 3obs 'o!ld be ,assive$ %nd 'itho!t ,an!(a*t!ring. /on 'o!ld have very little inp!t le(t in the *o,pany$ B!t 'ith her pro,otion she *o!ld stop all o( that$ 1obyn ti*"ed the last attendee o(( her *he*"list and (ollo'ed hi, into the ,eeting roo,$ The ,eeting 'as *alled to order and progressed thro!gh the agenda at an e((i*ient rate$ A@ext on the agenda is the ,atter o( 1obyn 2a*"en-ie)s pro,otion$A Her ears b!--ed as her *redentials 'ere la!ded. as her !ndeniable loyalty to 0indCorp 'as expo!nded$ #he *ontin!ed nervo!sly ta"ing the ,in!tes. as one by one the board voted and5 she had itH They)d voted to give her the pro,otionH ?inally she had the right to ens!re that 0indCorp *o!ld *ontin!e 'ith the *harter /onathan)s (ather had al'ays seen (or the *o,pany$ Tension gripped her as the *hair,an as"ed (or any ,atters arising$ This 'as it$ Bradley too" the (loor$ #he had to ad,it. he 'as *onvin*ing$ %s he sho'ed *harts and pro3e*ted b!dgets (or the *o,pany she *o!ld see so,e o( the exe*!tive slo'ly s'ing in his (avor$ 0hen the vote 'as *alled she 'as sho*"ed to see 3!st ho' *onvin*ing he)d been$ The (inal de*iding vote no' rested 'ith the proxy tre,bling in her hand$ Bradley loo"ed at her 'ith a s,ile$ A%ny proxiesBA AThere)s one$ <n behal( o( /onathan 0indthorpe4A 1obyn pa!sed and too" a steadying breath$ A4signed over to ,e$ %nd 6 vote against.A she en!n*iated as (ir,ly as she *o!ld$ The *o,pla*ent s,ile on Bradley)s (a*e (ro-e and t'isted !ntil his expression t!rned positively (eral$ 1obyn d!*"ed her head and stared (ixedly at the table$ % s!dden *o,,otion at the door ,ade her li(e her ga-e$ /onH He 'as hereH Her heart s"ittered in her *hest as /on)s pain(!lly (a,iliar (ig!re entered the roo,$ 0ith /on)s presen*e the proxy 'as n!ll and void$ He voted (or hi,sel( and !ne !ivo*ally !ashed Bradley)s p!sh to ,ove ,an!(a*t!ring o((shore$ Bradley)s (a*e *ontorted in anger. b!t he re,ained silent (or the rest o( the ,eeting$ 1obyn 'ent ba*" to her o((i*e and sorted thro!gh the ,ail on her des"$ #he 'as relieved that 'hile hope (or their love had been irretrievably sto,ped into s!b,ission by her a*tions. hope (or 0indCorp still thrived$ 2ove,ent at the door to her o((i*e *a!ght her attention and her heart stopped$ Had /on *o,e to tal" to herB The (l!tter o( hope sla,,ed to a halt$ 6t 'as Bradley$ He 'asted no ti,e in getting to the point. his voi*e la*ed 'ith vitriol$ A6 hope yo!r (oray into the b!sh 'ith /onathan 'as 'orth it. be*a!se that)s abo!t as *lose as yo!)ll ever get to ,anage,ent in 0indCorp again$ Yo! *an (orget abo!t yo!r pro,otion$ 6t)s *lear yo! bree*hed the ter,s o(
yo!r e,ploy,ent$ 0hy else 'o!ld /on have t!rned !p todayB Yo!)re (ired$ 6 'ant yo! to *lear yo!r des" and be o!t o( here by the end o( the day$A Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20
Chapter T'enty Print this Page #he)d al'ays "no'n Bradley *o!ld be vi*io!s b!t (iring her 'as going too (ar$ AB!t 6 didn)t tell /on abo!t yo!r plans (or 0indCorp.A she protested$ A#o yo! deny he (o!nd o!t the in(or,ation (ro, yo!BA 1obyn)s throat *losed on her 'ords o( denial$ <( *o!rse /on had (o!nd o!t (ro, her4or at least (ro, the notes in her brie(*ase$ 0hile she hadn)t told hi, in so ,any 'ords. she 'as still responsible (or hi, (inding o!t$ %nd she 'as glad$ #!ddenly the pro,otion she)d have given anything (or ,eant nothing to her any,ore$ @ot i( it ,eant she had to do the "inds o( things Bradley 'anted (or 0indCorp$ @ot i( it ,eant destroying the lives o( h!ndreds o( e,ployees and their (a,ilies. not to ,ention the livelihoods o( the to'ns in 'hi*h they lived$ #he dre' hersel( !p to her (!ll height and ,et hi, eye to eye$ A6 don)t deny he (o!nd o!t (ro, ,e$ 6t 'asn)t deliberate b!t 6), prepared to ta"e responsibility (or ,y a*tions$ Civen the sa,e opport!nity 6 'o!ld do it again$ %nd don)t 'orry abo!t trying to (ire ,e$ 6 !it$ 6 'o!ldn)t 'or" (or yo! any,ore (or all the ,oney in the 'orld$A #lo' steady appla!se arrested the, both$ Her heart l!r*hed at the sight o( /on)s sartorial elegan*e (ra,ed in her door'ay$ A0ell said. 1obyn$ B!t 6 believe ,y dear step+brother has it 'rong$ 6t)s yo! 'ho)ll be leaving. Bradley. not 1obyn$ Yo!r !nderhanded a*tion in bringing today)s ,eeting to order is in dire*t brea*h o( yo!r *onditions o( e,ploy,ent$ The exe*!tives have *alled (or yo!r resignation$A JJJ /on *losed the door to 1obyn)s o((i*e (ir,ly behind Bradley)s retreating ba*"$ He 'o!ldn)t give !p 'itho!t a (ight and /on had no do!bt there)d be a ,assive legal battle aro!nd the *orner. b!t right no' he didn)t *are$ %ll that ,attered 'as the 'o,an 'ho stood be(ore hi,$ The 'o,an 'ho)d proved her loyalty to hi,. and to 0indCorp. by voting his proxy today$ A0e need to tal".A he said. *rossing over to her des"$ A6), sorry yo! had to go thro!gh that today. b!t it 'as ne*essary to be able to sho' the board 3!st ho' !nderhanded he *o!ld be$ 6)d never have had their agree,ent to re,ove his po'ers i( it hadn)t played o!t the 'ay it did$A He dragged at the tie at his ne*" and (li*"ed open the top b!tton o( his shirt$ AYo! "ne' abo!t it all alongBA A?or the past (o!r ,onths. yes$A
AYo! !sed ,e$A A6 !sed a person 6 tho!ght 'as !sing ,e$ 6 'as blind as (ar as yo! 'ere *on*erned$ Blind and st!pid$ 6 tho!ght yo! 'o!ld vote 'ith Bradley$ 6 ,is3!dged yo! terribly and 6), sorry (or that too.A he said so(tly$ ATell ,e. i( yo! *o!ld still have that pro,otion. 'o!ld yo! ta"e itBA #he didn)t even need to thin" abo!t it$ A@o$A A6 !nderstand.A he sighed. Ab!t there)s a ,assive hole in that depart,ent no' and it needs a *o,,itted leader to shape its (!t!re$ 6 "no'. 'ith g!idan*e. yo! *an be that person$A He *o!ld see she 'as te,pted$ A6)ll give it *onsideration.A she event!ally ,!r,!red$ A%nd 'hat abo!t ,e$ 6( things 'ere di((erent 'o!ld yo! still 'ant ,e. 'o!ld yo! still give !s another *han*eBA A0hat do yo! ,eanBA He sa' her eyes lighten and shine. heard the li(t in her voi*e$ APlease. 1obyn. (orgive ,e today4(orgive ,e the past six ,onths4and 6 pro,ise yo! that every to,orro' 'ill be better$A A?orgive yo!. /onB 6), 3!st so glad that yo! *an (orgive ,e$ 6 sho!ld have stayed 'ith yo! at Ta!tara$ 6t 'as 'rong o( ,e to p!t ,y a,bitions ahead o( ,y heart$ Believe ,e. 6)ve learned ,y lesson$A /on stepped aro!nd the des" and p!lled her into his ar,s$ 6t (elt so very right$ %nd 'hen he spo"e. she "ne' she)d ,ade the right *hoi*e$ A1obyn. the past 'ee" has proven to ,e ho' ,!*h 6 love yo!$ Ho' ,!*h it 'o!ld destroy ,e to live 'itho!t yo!$ 0ill yo! ,arry ,eB 0ill yo! stand by ,e and help ,e r!n 0indCorp to be the best o( 'hat 'e both 'antBA A6s that 'hat yo! tr!ly 'antBA #he hardly dared hope$ AYes$A 6n that single 'ord he gave her the ans'er her heart *raved$ The ans'er she needed to t!rn her ba*" on the expe*tations o( her (a,ily and e,bra*e the one tr!th she held ,ost dear$ #he loved /onathan 0indthorpe and he loved her in ret!rn$ AThen. yes. 6)ll ,arry yo!$ 6 love yo! /on46)ll love yo! (orever$A TH& &@7 Chapters: D 2 = 9 ; F : 8 > D0 DD D2 D= D9 D; DF D: D8 D> 20