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3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter
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Te$t Si%e-- 10-- 11-- 12-- 13-- 14-- 15-- 1-- 1!-- 1"-- 1#-- 20-- 21-- 22-- 23-- 24 --------------- The Sultan's Bought Bride B& Jane Porter Contents P'()(*+, C-.PT,' (/, C-.PT,' T0( C-.PT,' T-',, C-.PT,' 1(+' C-.PT,' 123, C-.PT,' S24 C-.PT,' S,3,/ C-.PT,' ,2*-T C-.PT,' /2/, C-.PT,' T,/ C-.PT,' ,),3,/ C-.PT,' T0,)3, C-.PT,' T-2'T,,/ C-.PT,' 1(+'T,,/ ,P2)(*+, "Can we make love?" /i5olette as6ed7 82s it illegal to 9e inti:ate 9e;ore the <edding=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 1/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 82t's not illegal.8 @ali6's liAs 9rushed the 5o:er o; her :outh. 82; it <ere7 2'd 5hange the la<. 8 She shuddered against hi:. -e held her in his thrall. -e <as Ao<er;ul 9ut he neBer used ;or5e. -e didn't need to. 8Cou're traAAed78 he said7 stud&ing her l&ing 9eneath hi:. 8@& Arisoner.8 8So <hat are &ou going to do to :e=8 -is ga%e settled on her :outh. 8@a6e &ou tal6.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 2/1"3 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 3/3/2010 For duty, for money .. for passion! >is5oBer three lin6ed stories ;ro: rising star author Jane PorterD @eet the 'o&als-the >u5asse ;a:il&: Chantal7 /i55olette and Joelle. SteA inside their <orld and <at5h as three 9eauti;ul7 indeAendent and Ber& di;;erent Arin5esses ;:d their o<n <a& to loBe and haAAiness <ith e$5iting7 arrogant and very strong :enD The Princess Brides trilog&: The Sultan's Bought Bride (#24!" The #ree$'s %oyal &istress (#2424" The 'talian's (irgin )rin*ess (#24+," .Baila9le onl& ;ro: -arleEuin PresentsF DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 3/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter # DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 1or C.J. Car:i5hael Than6 &ou ;or eBer&thing7 Carla. 2 a: so Ber& lu56& to 5all &ou :& Ber& good ;riend. Jane PROLO!" ''C(+'', not going to go.8 Prin5ess /i5olette tossed the heaB& Aar5h:ent AaAer into the gar9age 5an. ''Cou Gust Ai56 uA the Ahone and tell the sultan-or shei6h-or <hateBer he is that &ou're not doing this disgustingl& 9ar9ari5 arranged :arriage thing again. 1or heaBen's sa6e. Chantal7 &ou're a <o:an-not a hu:an sa5ri;i5eD8 Chantal's :outh 5urBed7 9ut the tight s:ile didn't tou5h her gra& e&es7 or her tense e$Aression. ''-e's <ealth&7 /i5. There's a 5han5e he :ight 9e a9le to 9u& )ill&'s ;reedo:7 and i; this is the <a&-8 ''2t's not the <a&D .9solutel& not the <a&. Cou 9arel& surBiBed one hellish :arriage. -o< 5ould &ou eBen 5onsider another=8 'Be5ause our 5ountr& needs it. (ur AeoAle need it.8 Chantals sli: shoulders li;ted7 ;ell7 as did her Boi5e. ''@& daughter needs it.8 Chantal's resignation 6illed /i5. -er sister had lost her sAirit7 her 9a569one7 her 5ourage. The last 5ouAle o; &ears had Birtuall& annihilated the elegant Arin5ess7 the eldest o;the >u5asse ro&al grand5hildren. -.ou haBe needs7 too.8 /i5 shot 9a56. 8.nd &ou need to 9e treated 6indl&7 loBingl&7 <ith resAe5t. .nother :arriage o; 5onBenien5e-to another Ala&9o&-<ill onl& 5rush &ou.8 /i5's e:otions ran high. 2; Chantal 5ouldn't light an&:ore7 then / i5 <ould haBe to do it ;or her. 8.nd 2 6no< &ou <ant to helA )ill&7 9ut &our daughter needs to 5o:e ho:e to @elio7 Chantal She doesn't need another ;oreign 5ountr&7 another ;oreign 5ulture7 or another ;oreign nann& sa&ing no prin*ess, you *an 't prin*ess, don 't smile prin*ess, /e don 't approve of laughter, prin*ess!- Chantal <in5ed. ''Cou're not helAing. /i5.8 /i5 droAAed to her 6nees7 and <raAAed her ar:s around Chantal's legs7 holding her sister 5lose. 8So let rre helA. )et rre do so:ething ;or a 5hangeD8 Chantal's line dar6 9ro<n e&e9ro< ar5hed and she li;ted one o; /i5olette's long 9lond 5urls. ''Cou'll :arr& the sultan=8 Chantal gentl& :o56ed. 8Co:e on7 /i5. Cou'd neBer agree to a :arriage o; 5onBenien5e. .nd &ou're not eBen 5lose to 9eing read& to settle do<n. Cou're still so<ing all &our <ild oats.8 /i5olette Aressed her 5hee6 to Chantal's 6nees. ''2': not so<ing <ild oats. 2':Gust dating-8 -er sister laughed and lugged on the long 9lond 5url ''Cou don't date7 loBe. Cou hunt and destro&.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... $/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Cou :a6e rre sound li6e the Ter:inatorD 2 don't destro& :en. 2 Gust haBen't ;ound @r. 'ight &et. 8 8.nd ho< are &ou going to ;ind the right :an <hen &ou sleeA <ith all the <rong ones=8 ''2 don't sleeA <ith eBer&9od&.8 'But &ou do li6e se$.8 /i5 e&ed her sister thought;ull&. 8+h-oh7 9ig sis doesn't aAAroBe.8 'Big sis <orries a9out .2>S. 3enereal disease. -erAes. Pregnan5&.8 But that <asn't reall& <hat Chantal <orried a9out7 <as it= Chantal <asn't thin6ing a9out /i5olette 5ontra5ting a disease. She <as <orr&ing a9out her sister's reAutation. ''2s this <here &ou :a6e the *ood *irls >on't sAee5h=8 '0ell7 @other's not here.8 '0hi5h Aro9a9l& :a6es &ou glad 9e5ause @other <asn't a *ood *irl7 eitherD8 Chantal sti;;ened. '>on't sAea6 o; @other that <a&7 and :ore i:Aortantl&7 &ou 6no< <e all need to :a6e good :arriages. This has 9een the Alan ;or ;iBe &ears.8 Be5ause their 6ingdo:7 5onsisting o; t<o s:all islands in the @editerranean Sea. @eGia and @elio7 <ould 9e sAlit at &ear's end. @eGia <ould reBert to 1ren5h rule7 @elio to SAanish rule i; the ro&al >u5asse ;a:il& 5ouldn't Aa& their ta$es and trade agree:ents. Chantal had 9een the one to suggest :arriages o; 5onBenien5e. 2;the three Arin5esses all :ade good :arriages the& 5ould saBe @elio and @eGia7 in;using the e5ono:& <ith ne< :one&7 ne< allian5es7 ne< po/er. So Chantal had 9een the ;irst to :arr& to Prin5e .r:and Tln9audet o; )a Croi$ and it'd 9een a night:are ;ro: the start. So7 no. /i5 hadn't 9een oBerl& an$ious to :arr&7 9ut that <asn't to sa& she <ouldn't do her Aart. ''Cou don't thin6 2 5an :arr& <ell an&:ore7 do &ou=8 2; Chantal had heard the hurt in /i5's Boi5e she gaBe no indi5ation. ''2 don't 6no< an&thing a9out &our reAutation7 9ut 2 do 6no< <e all haBe a resAonsi9ilit& to ta6e 5are o;@elio. Su55ession deAends on us. @elio's se5urit&7 and sta9ilit&7 :ust 5o:e through us. 0eare the ne$t generation. 8 ''2'Be neBer shir6ed :& duties. 0hile &ou'Be 9een gone 2'Be ta6en oBer &our 5harities along <ith :ine. 8 8Charities are all Ber& <ell and ni5e7 9ut it's :one& <e need. &illions o; dollars. .nd &ou haBe had t<o AroAosals7 /i5.8 ''Cears ago.8 ',$a5tl&D .nd nothing sin5e. Be5ause all the ,uroAean ro&als 6no< &ou'Be 9een Boted 9& the Aress as the >u5asse Arin5ess least li6el& to settle do<n.8 The 5riti5is: rang in /i5olette's ears. 2t still ran6led /i5 that Chantal 5ontinued to Aer5eiBe dut& ... resAonsi9ilit& ... as the 9est o; Aersonal Birtues. ''Cou're sa&ing &our sultan7 Hing /uri <ould neBer AroAose to so:eone li6e rre=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %/1"3 3/3/2010 '0ell7 he didn't7 did he=8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter / i5 stared at Chantal ;or a long :orrent7 reali%ing that eBen i; dut&- 9ound Chantal <anted to go to Bara6a to rreet the Sultan7 /i5 <ouldn't let her. Chantal had 9een through 100 :u5h in the Aast ;e< &ears. /oone 9ut /i5 6ne< a9out Chantal's AriBate hell ,Ben Joelle7 their &oungest sister7 6ne< little a9out the a9use Chantal su;;ered at the hands o; her late hus9and. 'There's no reason ;or an& o; us to :arr& the sultan78 / i5 said a;ter a :o:ent. '0e 5an get hi: to helA us <ithout giBing uA our ;reedo:7 and &es. 2 do Balue :& ;reedo:8 -er ga%e lo56ed <ith Chantal' s. '0e'll get )ill& ;ree. 0e'll 9ring her ho:e.8 Chantal shoo6 her head. ''-er grandAarents <ill neBer let her go-8 'The& <ill i; Aressured AroAerl&.8 / i5' s ga%e held her sister's. 8The& <ill i; Hing / uri insists. Cou did sa& he <as i::ensel& Ao<er;ul 8 8.nd <ealth&.8 Chantal <hisAered. 88So 2'll go to Hing /uri and as6 ;or his helA. -e <on't sa& no to his ;uture 9ride7 <ill he=8 '/i5-8 ''2'll go7 Aretend to 9e &ou7 get hi: to ;ull in loBe <ith rreI-8 -1i*.- ''-e's a :an7 Chantal 2 6no< ho< to :anage :en.8 ''2t's not going to <or6. Cou'll neBer 9e a9le to Aass &oursel; o;; as rre. Cou're 9lond. 2': dar6-8 ''2'll d&e :& hair. .s a 9runette 2 5ould Aass ;or &ou.8 /i5 suddenl& laughed7 e:Ao<ered. ''2'll snea6 in7 snea6 out. -e <on't eBen 6no< <hat's haAAened.8 8(h7 /i57 this is a disaster <aiting to haAAenD8 '/ ot i;l': s:art78 she ans<ered s:ugl&. 'Trust :e. 2 5an do this. 2'll Aut together a Alan7 and &ou 6no< :e7 Chantal 0hen 2 <ant so:ething7 2 al<a&s <in.8 C-.PT,' (/, H2/* @.)2H '(@./ /+'27 sultan o; Bara6 a7 stood on the an5ient har9or <all 5onstru5ted nearl& seBen hundred &ears ago7 in the shade o; a si$teenth 5entur& Portuguese ;ortress and <at5hed the ro&al >u5asse &a5ht sail into his har9or7 she's AurAle and gold 9anners -&ing high. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &/1"3 3/3/2010 -is Arin5ess <as here. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is thi56 lashes lo<ered as he heard his 9and stri6e uA a song o;'<el5orre7 and he <ondered at her thoughts7 the thoughts o; the 9eauti;ul >u5asse Arin5ess <ho'd le;t her ho:e ;or his. -er <orld <as 0estern7 his <as ,astern. She :ust ;eel so:e ;ear. -e ;elt ;ear ;or her. She <as 5o:ing to a <orld ;ur di;;erent ;ro: her o<n. -er li;e <ould neBer 9e the sa:e. >id she eBen 6no< it &et= Standing on the glea:ing <ooden de56 o;the %oyal Star, the >u5asse &a5ht na:ed a;ter /i5's late :other. /i5olette adGusted the long dar6 head 5oBering she'd donned7 and listened 10 the shiA's ;lags snaA in the hot a;ternoon <ind7 eBen as her o<n 9od& 5ra56led <ith tension. She <as deter:ined. 1o5used. She 6ne< <hat she had 10 do. -er Alan <ould <or6. There <as no reason it shouldn't. She'd arriBe in Bara6a7 Aretend to 9e Chantal7 Aro5eed <ith the <edding7 and then on5e Chantal and )ill& <ere sa;e in .:eri5a7 the <edding <ould 9e 5alled o;;. Si:Ale. >oa9le. 0ith her narro<ed ga%e on the hori%on7 the ;or:ida9le stone <alls o; .tiE7 Bara6a's 5aAital 5it&7 too6 shaAe. The ;orti;ied ra:Aart ;a5ing the sea aAAeared to 9e 5enturies old7 9u;;eted 9& stor: and sea7 and 5ountless :arauding neigh9ors. /i5 5ould easil& i:agine those ruthless neigh9ors-The *ree6s. The 'o:ans. The Tur6s. The Portuguese. The 1ren5h. ,Ber&9od& <anted to o<n so:ething. 2; not a <o:an7 then a Aie5e o; land. She 5ould Gust Ai5ture the sailors7 the soldiers7 the adBenturers gra99ing uA 5hun6s o; soil and sand. .n&thing ;or Ao<er. /i5 stilled the <aBe o; irritation. She had to 9e 5are;ul7 needed to 6eeA tight rein on her te:Aer. She had to 9e 5har:ing7 not angr&. S<eet-te:Aered7 not ;eist&. 2t <as Bital Hing @ali6 /uri 9elieBe she <as reall& Chantal Pulling the head s5ar; 5loser to her ;a5e7 5on5ealing her :outh and nose7 she dre< a deeA 9reath and 5hased a<a& all thoughts o; 5onEuerors and 6ings. 2nstead she studied the loo:ing Aort <ith the dots o; green Aal: trees shado<ing the glaring <hile <alls o;the inner 5it&. 1or a :o:ent. /i5's 5uriosit& uAstaged her e:otions. 0as this <here she'd sta& during the ne$t 5ouAle o; <ee6s= >id the sultan liBe in the har9or 5it& o; .tiE= (r <as his Aala5e else<here ... AerhaAs tu56ed inland7 Arote5ted 9& the :assiBe dunes o;the Sahara= .nd as her ga%e ;o5used on the distant hori%on7 :usi5 <a;ted oBer the <ater. She sAotted the enor:ous 5ro<d gathered on the ra:Aart <alls. -undreds and hundreds o; AeoAle <aited ;or her. So mu*h for snea$ing in and out. Beneath /i5's long ro9e7 so:ething she'd 5heer;ull& Aut on as it aided her disguise7 her toes 5urled inside her slee6 leather Au:As7 the shoes :at5hing her hidden laBender sil6 suit Aer;e5tl&7 the suit Bintage designer- so:ething ;ro: her :other's 5olle5tion7 and she shoo6 her head at Chantal's 5hoi5es all oBer again. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 0h& on earth <ould so:eone li6e Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri 5hoose Chantal ;or his 9ride= .nd <h& on earth <ould Chantal eBen 5onsider sa&ing &es to &et another un;aith;ul hus9and= /i5 had sAent all last <ee6 on the 2nternet7 Aoring oBer :edia ar5hiBes. She'd done her resear5h and she 6ne< Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri ;or <hat he <as. . handso:e7 9ut irredee:a9le Ala&9o&. 1ro: the ;e< grain& Ahotos she'd 9een a9le to Aull uA7 he <as 5ertainl& attra5tiBe. -e had hard7 :as5uline ;eatures7 a thi56 head o;hair7 and aAAarentl& a stunning h9ido. The gossiA :aga%ines 5lai:ed the sultan7 @ali6 /uri7 <as The CasanoBa o; .ra9ia. .55ording to seBeral sour5es 5lose to the sultan7 Hing / uri had :astered sedu5tion7 turned loBe:a6ing into an art7 and 6eAt nu:erous :istresses- all in sAlendid st&le. 1ine. -e <as a <orld-5lass loBer. -e sAoiled his :istresses. .;ter Chantals e$Aerien5e <ith one :aniAulatiBe and un;aith;ul hus9and7 she 5ertainl& didn't need another <ho'd neBer 6eeA his Bo<s o;;idelit&7 :u5h less lo&alt&. /i5 grit her teeth. Chantal deserBed a Arin5e o;a :an7 not a sultan una9le to 6eeA his ro&al trousers onD The 9and's 9right notes Garred her7 eBen as the& ;illed the air. T<o <ee6s7 three <ee6s7 she told hersel;7 lighting her te:Aer7 not a da& :ore. The&'d leaBe ;or the +nited Slates as soon as it 5ould 9e arranged. She'd AroAose a <edding in her :other's ho:e to<n7 so:ething Ber& s:all and AriBate7 &et :eaning;ul7 and on5e the& <ere in Baton 'ouge. /i5 <ould 5all the <edding o;;. 2; she handled this right-;lattering the sultan7 giBing hi: the 6ind o; attention she 6ne< ho< to giBe a :an-the <hole 5harade <ould 9e nothing 9ut a ;e:inine es5aAade. The engage:ent <ould 9e short. S<eet. )ainless. ''Cour -ighness=8 The shiA's 5aAtain had aAAeared at her side. '0e haBe arriBed.8 /i5 turned to the 5aAtain7 a :an she'd 6no<n nearl& hal; her li;e. -e'd aged in the Aast de5ade7 9ut then hadn't the& all= .nd he didn't 6no< <hat she 6ne<: this <ould 9e his last Bo&age as 5aAtain o;the %oyal Star. The %oyal Star <as 9eing Aut uA ;or au5tion on the shiA's return to @elio. ',$5ellent.8 '0e'Be Gust a9out :oored7 Cour -ighness. .re &ou read& to dise:9ar6=8 ''Ces.'' .nd then she s<allo<ed around the ;ier5e lu:A in her throat as she loo6ed uA into CaAtain .nderson's <eathered ;a5e7 the 5reases at his e&es deeA ;ro: &ears o; sEuinting against the sun. 8.nd :a& 2 than6 &ou ;or &our &ears o;lo&al serBi5e7 CaAtain= Cou'Be 9een trul& :agni;i5ent. 8 ''2t's 9een :& Aleasure. Cour -ighness.8 -e 9o<ed. '0e'll see &ou on &our return horre.8 0ith the stringed instru:ents Alu56ing7 dru:s and ta:9ourines 9eating7 /i5 steAAed onto the gang<a& and hal;<a& a5ross7 5olor;ul 5on;etti strea:ed do<n. 2t <asn't AaAer 5on;etti7 the 9its o; orange and red and Ain6 <ere ;lo<er Aetals and the s<eet s5ented Aetals dri;ted onto her 5oBered head and shoulders. 2t <as li6e entering a drea: <orld-the :usi57 the 5olors7 the hint o; sAi5e in the air. /i5 had the strongest sensation that this ne< <orld <ould soon da%%le her <ith its e$oti5 se5rets. B& the ti:e she rea5hed the end o;the gang<a&7 titre had slo<ed. 1a5es 9lurred. PeoAle <ere 5heering and DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... (/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 5laAAing 9ut none o; it sounded real The language <as di;;erent7 the ;a5es <eren't ;a:iliar7 there <as nothing here that rese:9led the li;e she'd 6no<n. -er ga%e sear5hed the 5ro<d7 tr&ing to ;ind a land:ar6. .. a Aersonal tou5hstone. She ;ound none. 2nstead the heat 9eat at her7 hot and hu:id and oAAressiBe7 and the noise rang in her ears7 too loud7 too insistent7 and ;or a hal; se5ond eBer&thing s<a: 9e;ore her e&es7 a 9lur o; orange and 5ri:son7 sharA7 dis5ordant sound7 and she 9lin6ed on5e7 tr&ing to 5lear her head7 tr&ing to ;ind hersel; again. /i5 griAAed the gang<a& railing and tried not to d<ell on the ;a5t that she7 Tough *irl7 <as su;;ering ;ro: a 5ase o; nerBes. 1o5us7 she le5tured hersel; 1ind a ;a5e in the 5ro<d. *et &our legs under &ou. Pull &oursel; together. .nd she did. She ;ound a re:ar6a9le ;a5e in the 5ro<d. 2t 9elonged to a :an o; 5ourse7 she'd al<a&s had a so;t sAot ;or the oAAosite se$7 and this :an 5ertainl& 5aught her interest7 Eui56ened her Aulse. .rresting7 <as the ;irst <ord that 5arre to :ind. >ar6l& arresting. She li6ed his strong hard ;a5e <ith the dar6 sunglasses7 the thi56 9la56 hair <hi5h ;ra:ed his <ide 9ro<. She eBen li6ed the <a& he <ore his soAhisti5ated dar6 suit7 <ith his 5risA <hite shirt oAen at the 5ollar. -e loo6ed 5ool7 5al:7 di;;erent ;ro: the others. -er ga%e 5lung to hi:7 grate;ul ;or the nor:al5&. /o ro9es7 no 5a:el7 no 5hanting ;ro: hi:. *ood. -is sunglasses shaded his e&es and added to his :&stiEue. She tried to i:agine <hat his e&es <ould 9e li6e. >ar6= Sa9le 9ro<n= *olden7 AerhaAs= 2t reall& didn't :atter7 not <ith that thi567 slightl& <aB& hair7 and a ;a5e that :ade her thin6 o;liAs ... 6isses. -is Ga< <as as 9road as his 9ro<7 his nose rather long 9ut his liAs 5urBed ;aintl&7 The& <ere very ni5e liAs. Then he Aulled o;;his sunglasses and she inhaled a little7 intrigued 9& his e$Aression. 2t <as arrogant. Proud. Challenging. -e loo6ed li6e a :an <ho enGo&ed a good light. 2nteresting. She enGo&ed a good light7 too. /othing turned her on as :u5h as a :an <restling <ith her7 rolling her 9eneath hi:7 Ainning her hands to the 9ed. @::7 it'd 9een too long. Too 9ad the& <eren't in @elio. 0hat she <ouldn't giBe ;or a night alone <ith hi:. She'd li6e to test his Aride as <ell as taste his intensit&. -e'd 9e great ;un on 9oard the %oyal Star, or ;or a night Ala&ing in near9& @onte Carlo7 9ul there <as no <a& an&thing <as going to haAAen here. She <as Chantal7 she re:inded hersel;7 ending the 9rie; ;antas&7 and she <as in Bara6a to dis5uss a <edding. Cons5ious o; a thousand Aair o; e&es resting on her7 5&:9als still 5langing in her ears. / i5 <ished the sultan <ould steA ;or<ard and get the introdu5tions oBer. 1 or a :o:ent no one :oBed7 then a s:all7 Ber& stout ro9ed :an <ith dar6 :usta5he and 9eard :oBed to<ard her. ''Prin5ess Chantal @arie >u5asse=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 10/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The :an 9arel& rea5hed her shoulder. /i5 <as tall7 taller than either o; her sisters7 9ut this :an <ould haBe 9een short standing ne$t to eBen the: ''Ces.'' -e 9o<ed. ''@a& 2 Aresent to &ou7 -is 'o&al -ighness7 Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri7 sultan o; Bara6 a7 Arin5e o; .tiE.8 The 5ro<d shi;ted e$Ae5tantl& and their tension sent arro<s o; dread straight through her :iddle. 1or a hal; se5ond she regretted agreeing to this7 <ishing she'd sta&ed 5o:;orta9le and ignorant at ho:e. Then she straightened her shoulders and the ;ront ro< o; the 5ro<d oAened7 allo<ing a tall :an in a dar6 suit to Aass through. 2im. /o7 she silentl& 5ried7 not him. .n&one 9ut hi:. But he <as :oBing to<ard her. slo<l&7 languidl&7 and her legs <ent <ea6. This <as not a good thing. She s<allo<ed7 tried to see Aast his sunglasses <hi5h <ere again hiding his ga%e7 9ut instead loo6ed at his :outh. The :outh that had :ade her thin6 o; liAs 7 and 6issing and ... se$. -er :outh dried. She suAAressed a <aBe o; horror. She'd seen the Sultan's Ai5ture on the 2nternet and she <ra56ed her 9rain7 tr&ing to Aut together the grain& Ahotos <ith this :an 9ut it didn't ;it. She'd i:agined a shorter :an7 heaBier set7 easil& :anaged and rather sAoiled ... This :an didn't loo6 easil& :anaged at all '-is 'o&al -ighness.8 the short :an intoned <ith a deeA 9o<. -er heart thudded7 turned oBer7 and her legs ;elt EuiBer&. ''Cour -ighness=8 she :ur:ured7 hearing the dou9t in her o<n Boi5e. The sultan 5losed the distan5e 9et<een the: and studied her ;or a long silent :o:ent. /i5olette <as the ;irst to loo6 a<a&7 glan5ing do<n to the ground to hide her 5on;usion. But the Sultan <ouldn't let her es5aAe. -e tilted her 5hin uA <ith his lingers7 again ga%ed 5lo<n into her ;a5e7 and then aAAarentl& satis;ied7 he 6issed her on ea5h 5hee6. -S3salamu ali$um,- he said so9erl&7 his Boi5e so deeA she had to strain to hear hi:. ''Pea5e on &ou.8 the short :an translated <ith another 9o<. '-is -ighness <el5o:es &ou to his 9eloBed Bara6a. )and o;a thousand drea:s.8 )and o;a thousand drea:s. 2nteresting. .nd rather AroBo5atiBe7 too. 'Than6 &ou.8 she :ur:ured7 her 5hee6s still hot ;ro: the 9rush o;his liAs7 and her 9rain ra5ing to assi:ilate eBer&thing she <as lea:ing-su5h as the ;a5t that the sultan didn't sAea6 ,nglish. '0ould &ou Alease tell -is >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 11/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -ighness that 2 a: ;lattered 9& the <ar: <el5o:e his AeoAle haBe giBen rre=8 The translator Aassed the :essage on 9e;ore turning 9a56 to /i5olette. ''-is -ighness thin6s it <ould 9e good to gel &ou out o;the sun. -is 5ar is <ailingGust there78 and he Aointed to a dar6 li:ousine 9ehind the:7 surrounded 9& uni;or:ed guards. The translator sat on one long seat in the li:ousine <hile /i5olette and the silent sultan sat on the other. She and Hing /uri didn't sAea6 during the 9rie; driBe7 and although he 9arel& loo6ed at her. /i5 had neBer ;elt so un5o:;orta9l& a<are o; an&one 9e;ore. She <as 5ons5ious o;the <a& he sat7 ;eet Alanted7 6nees Aarted7 thigh :us5les honed. She ;elt the <a& he 9reathed- slo<7 deeA 9reaths as i;he o<ned the Ber& air. -is ;ragran5e <as light and &et the ;aint hint o; sAi5e :ade her <ant :ore. -e shi;ted a9ruAtl&7 his ar: e$tending on the 9a56 o;the 9la56 leather uAholster& seat7 his hand Are5ariousl& near her shoulder. /i5 shinnnered <ith sudden heat7 her s6in Ari56ling all oBer. She ;elt ea5h ;ine hair on her naAe rise7 and her rrAAles tighten. Bi%arre. 2:Aossi9le. She hadn't resAonded to a :an this strong sin5e ... sin5e ... She shoo6 her head7 not <anting to go there. 2t <as 9ad enough tr&ing to 5oAe <ith her da%ed senses <ithout thro<ing :e:ories o; >aniel into the :i$. ''Cour luggage <ill ;ollo<78 the translator Bolunteered a;ter a ;e< tense :inutes. 'But i; there is an&thing &ou reEuire 9e;ore &our luggage arriBes7 &ou need onl& as6.8 /i5 nodded Ger6il&7 grate;ul ;or the Arote5tiBe head s5ar;7 6no<ing her 5he56s <ere as hot as the rest o; her. 'Than6 &ou.8 The& rea5hed the outer gates o;the Aala5e7 and /i5 dis5oBered the sultan's Aala5e <as a5tuall& a :oderni%ed ;ort7 although to /i5's :ind7 the huge and ri5hl& e:9ellished :ain gale see:ed :ore suita9le ;or de5oration than de;ense. (n5e inside the ornate gale7 a :iniature 5it& aAAeared7 gardens7 5ourt&ards7 <hile stone 9uildings ea5h elegant and uniEue7 nearl& all ;ronted 9& endless <hile :ar9le 5ohu:s. *uards in <hile trousers7 <hile shirts7 9la56 9oots and <hite ro9es 9o<ed as Hing /uri led /i5oletle and the translator a5ross the 5entral 5ourt&ard to the 5entral 9uilding. The 9uilding the& entered <as larger than the others and the ;a5ade grander7 9ut the large 5arBed doors ;ailed to hint at the grandeur inside. The great doors <ere gilded7 and in the interior the 5eiling soared7 at least t<o stories in height7 eBer& sur;a5e 5oBered in gold7 :osai5 :urals7 and 9ron%e detailing. *old7 treasure7 and i:Aossi9le 9eaut&. .<ed. /i5olette ;ollo<ed Hing /uri into an elegant salon7 ri5h 5ri:son 5arAets 5oBered the :ar9le ;loor. The Hing gestured to one o;the lo< 5ou5hes in the :iddle o;the roo: /i5oletle grate;ull& san6 do<n on the edge o; one 5ou5h7 the 5ushion 5oBered in stunning ru9& sil67 5o5ooned 9& the lu$ur& and elegan5e. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 12/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''e;reshrrents=8 the translator o;;ered as a serBing girl entered <ith a silBer tra&. The srrell o; dar6 ri5h ;ragrant 5o;;ee :ade /i5's :outh <ater. She'd neBer needed ;orti;&ing as :u5h as she did no<. ''Please.'' Still standing. Hing /uri ga%ed at /i5olette <ith unnerBing ;o5us. Then he 9ro6e the silen5e7 and <hen he sAo6e7 his Boi5e <as so deeA and s:ooth that his <ords sounded li6e hone&ed 5and&. The translator e$Alained the sultan's <ords. '-is -ighness trusts &our Gourne& <as sa;e.8 She nodded7 ;or5ing a 5al: s:ile. ''Ces7 than6 &ou.8 '/ 0 Aro9le:s on &our Gourne&=8 The sultan added. /i5 listened to the sultan's Boi5e in her head7 lingering oBer his s&lla9les. -e had the :ost unusual Boi5e. >eeA. -us6&. .gain her Aulse lur5hed7 her heart linding it hard to settle into a stead& rh&th:. 'The triA <as uneBent;ul8 she ans<ered7 6no<ing she'd 9elter ;ind her ;ooling ;ast7 2; she 5ouldn't 5ontrol her resAonse to hi:. ho< 5ould she Aossi9l& 5ontrol him4 -2amadullah, 8Hing /uri ans<ered7 the 5o:er o;his :outh 5urBed in a s:all AriBate s:ile. She ;or5ed her attention a<a& ;ro: the Sultan's loBel& :outh. 'errerr9er his strea: o; :istresses7 she told hersel; 'e:e:9er his reAutation. '0hat does hamadullah :ean=8 ''2t rreans. 'Than6s 9e to *od'.8 /i5 :ulled oBer the Hing's resAonse. Hing /uri sAo6e again7 and the translator hastened to e$Alain. ''2t is 5usto:ar& here to e$Aress gratitude to *od ;or our 9lessings. 8 /i5 shot Hing /uri a Eui56 glan5e. -is liAs 5urBed ;ra5tionall&. -ollo<s aAAeared 9eneath his strong 5hee69ones. 8.nd :& arriBal is a 9lessing=8 '0ithout a dou9t.8 The translator ans<ered7 sAea6ing ;or the sultan. She shot Hing /uri &et another <ar& glan5e. She'd thought she <as AreAared ;or this triA7 thought her Alan <as 9ullet Aroo;7 9ut no< that she <as here7 and he <as here7 and the& <ere together ... this <asn't at all ho< she'd i:agined it. She'd Ai5tured hi: ra6ish. -andso:e 9ut a little thi56 in the Go<ls7 a little Aaun5h& at the <aist. She'd told hersel;he'd ;lirt outrageousl&7 5orre on too strong7 and Aro9a9l& <ear ;lash& 5lothes7 9ut that <asn't the :an ;a5ing her no<. The sultan loo6 a seat 5lose to her on one o;the lo< 5ou5hes. 0hen he rea5hed ;or his 5o;;ee7 his long ar: nearl& 9rushed her 6nee and she shiBered in<ardl&7 tensing all oBer again. -ad she hoAed he'd tou5h her= -ad she ;eared he'd tou5h her= DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 13/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The sultan <as sAea6ing .ra9i5 again7 and / i5 glan5ed ;ro: Hing / uri to the translator and 9a56. The Hing's Aro;ile <as 9eauti;ul -e <as 9eauti;ul >e;initiBel& :ale. '-is -ighness e$Aresses his satis;a5tion that &ou are here. -e sa&s that he and his AeoAle haBe <aited a Ber& long litre ;or this da&.8 /i5's ;ingers tightened around her s:all esAresso 5uA7 tr&ing to 6eeA her 5al:. The Hing <as Ara5ti5all& re5lining7 and his e&es7 a 5ool silBer& green-gra&7 rested on her as i;he ;ound her a9solutel& ;as5inating7 Than6 *od Chantal <asn't here. Hing /uri <ould haBe sedu5ed her7 :arried her7 and a9andoned her in no ti:e. 2;he <as a :an <ho liBed o;;his 5onEuests7 then Chantal7 so 9ro6en 9& :arriage and li;e7 <ouldn't 9e enough o; a 5onEuest. ''2 loo6 ;or<ard to getting to 6no< -is -ighness.8 / i5 said in her :ost 5are;ul di5tion. 8.nd to dis5ussing :& ideas ;or the <edding.8 -.our ideas=88 The interAreter as6ed. /i5 5ouldn't hide her i:Aatien5e. ''Ces. (; 5ourse. 2t's :& <edding. 2 haBe ideas a9out my <edding.8 /o one sAo6e ;or a :o:ent7 and Hing /uri's dar6 head tiAAed7 his 9la56 lashes droAAed as he studied her. -is 5ool ga%e e$a:ined her ;a5e7 ta6ing in ea5h ;eature7 the 5urBe o; 9one7 the Ber& shaAe and te$ture o; her liAs. The translator e$Aressed her thoughts to Hing / uri Then the sultan sAo6e7 and the translator turned to her. 'The 6ing understands that &ou haBe Gust arriBed7 and eBer&thing ;eels Euite ne< and alien7 9ut he also as6s &ou to trust hi: <ith the <edding details so the& <ill 5o:Al& <ith his 9elie;s and our 5usto:s.8 ''Please tell -is -ighness that 2'd li6e to trust hi: <ith the <edding details7 9ut a <edding is Euite a Aersonal eBent7 and 2 insist 2 9e Aart o;Alanning it.88 'The 6ing than6s &ou ;or &our 5on5erns7 and assures &ou that &ou need not <orr&7 or 9e trou9led. .s the <edding details are set7 there is nothing ;or &ou to do in the ne$t t<o <ee6s 9ut rela$ and ;a:iliari%e &oursel; <ith our li;e here in Bara6a. 8 /othing to do in the ne$t t<o <ee6s 9ut rela$= /i5 Au%%led oBer the 6ing's ans<er. '0hat's haAAening in t<o <ee6s=8 The translator 9o<ed his head. 8The <edding. Cour -ighness. 8 The <edding alread& Alanned. The 5ere:on& here. 2n t<o <ee6s. 2t 5ouldn't 9e. Surel& this <as a language Aro9le:7 an issue <ith the translation. ''2': a;raid <e're losing so:ething here. .re &ou telling rre that the <edding date-and all the detail-has alread& 9een set=8 ''Ces.'' /i5olelte tou5hed the liA o; her tongue to her uAAer liA. She'd 9een in Bara6a7 Hing @ali6 /uri's /orth .;ri5an >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 14/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 6ingdo:7 less than t<o hours and alread& things <ere <ildl& out o; 5ontrol 0hat had haAAened to her Alan= 0hat a9out the Euiet7 AriBate 5ere:on& she'd drea:ed uA in .:eri5a= ''-o< 5an it 9e set4 - The ro9ed translator 9o<ed his head Aolitel&. ''-is -ighness has 5hosen a date 9lessed 9& the religious and 5ultural 5alendar. 8 /i5olelte glan5ed Aast the stout translator to Hing /uri re5lining on the so;a7 This <as going to 9e ;ur :ore di;;i5ult than she'd anti5iAated. Hing /uri <as the 6ind o; :an she'd assiduousl& aBoided-s:art7 suaBe7 soAhisti5ated-and ;ur too :u5h in 5ontrol 'But the 6ing hasn't 5onsulted :& 5alendar.8 she said ;ir:l&7 turning to<ard the sultan7 :eeting his ga%e dire5tl& to 5onBe& her disAleasure. ''-e 5an't set a <edding date <ithout :& inAut.8 The translator nodded again7 his e$Aression graBe7 and still un;ailingl& Aolite. ''2t is 5usto:ar& ;or the 6ing to 5onsult <ith his sAiritual adBisors.8 'The 6ing is Ber& religious then=8 The translator Aaused7 aAAeared :orrentaril& at a loss ;or <ords 9e;ore re5oBering. 8The 6ing is the 6ing. The ruler o;Bara6a-8 0hat nonsense <as this= 8.nd 2 a: Prin5ess Chantal o; the ro&al >u5asse ;a:il&.8 -er te:Aer <as getting the 9est o; her. She hated dou9le-sAea67 esAe5iall& hated ro&al dou9le-sAea6. This is one reason she'd al<a&s dated 5onnnoners. )lay5oys, her sister's Boi5e e5hoed in her head. ''PerhaAs &ou'd 5are to re:ind &our 6ing that nothing is set until 2 sa& it's set.8 The translator hesitated. -e didn't <ant to translate this. /i5olette's Ga< hardened. 'Tell hi:. )lease. - ''Cour -ighness-8 the translator Arotested. She shi;ted i:Aatientl&7 set her 5uA on the lo< <ood ta9le. ''PerhaAs it <as a :ista6e 5o:ing to Bara6a. 2'd assu:ed Hing @ali6 /uri <as edu5ated. CiBili%ed-8 '0estern=8 the 6ing 5on5luded7 languidl& rising ;ro: his so;a to again do:inate the ro&al 5ha:9er. /i5's Ga< droAAed eBen as her sto:a5h ;liAAed. So he sAo6e ,nglish. But o; 5ourse he sAo6e ,nglish. She'd dis5oBered on the 2nternet that he'd gone to ($;ord ;or heaBen's sa6e. Cet he'd allo<ed all introdu5tions7 all a<6<ard 5onBersation7 to 9e :ade Bia the translator. -e'd had their ;irst :eeting 5ondu5ted li6e an interBie<. '0h& did <e haBe a translator=8 she de:anded7 head tilting7 s5ar; sliding 9a567 reBealing her long dar6 hair. -e didn't loo6 a 9it aAologeti5. ''2 thought it :ight :a6e &ou :ore 5o:;orta9le.8 0rong. 2t <as to :a6e hi: :ore 5o:;orta9le. . AassiBe disAla& o; Ao<er. /i5 s5raAed her teeth together. Thin6 li6e Chantal7 she re:inded hersel; Be Chantal >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 15/143 3/3/2010 But Chantal's 9e5o:e a door:at. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter .nd &et it's Chantal he <ants7 not &ou. The sultan <as <aiting ;or her to sAea6. -er e&es ;lashed ;ire eBen as she struggled to retain her ;li:s& s:ile7 nodding her head the <a& she'd seen Chantal nod gra5iousl& so :an& ti:es on o;;i5ial state 9usiness. '-o< 5onsiderate.8 she said ;ro: 9et<een 5len5hed teeth7 rising as <ell ''2 reall& ought to ... than6 &ou.8 Hing /uri's liAs 5urBed ;aintl&. ''@& Aleasure.8 -e li;ted his hand in a s:all i:Aerial gesture and the translator dis5reetl& e$ited the roo: The& <ere 9oth standing7 ;ur too 5lose ;or /i5's 5o:;ort7 and the sultan studied her ;ier5e e$Aression ;or a long r::ent 9e;ore 6notting his hands 9ehind his 9a56 and slo<l& 5ir5ling her. 2t <as an e$a:ination. . stud& 9e;ore a Aur5hase. )i6e a 5a:el at an oAen-air :ar6et7 she thought uneasil&7 as he 5ir5led a se5ond li:e7 his ha<6li6e ga%e :issing nothing. '>o 2 :eet &our aAAroBal7 Hing /uri=8 She 5ho6ed7 her sar5as: lost as her Boi5e 9ro6e. This <as not going to 9e a t<o-<ee6 Ba5ation. She <as s5ared. /ot ;or Chantal7 9ut ;or hersel; Hing /urihad a Alan7 and as the <ild 9eating o; her heart re:inded her7 his Alan <as s<i;tl& anniliilating her o<n. C#$PT"R T%O T)* 6ing 5ontinued his e$a:ination7 5o:ing round ;ull 5ir5le a se5ond li:e 9e;ore sloAAing in ;ront o; her7 Gust in5hes a<a&. /i5 held her 9reath7 lighting ;or Aoise7 tr&ing not to 9lin6 or ;lin5h 9ut 6eeA all resAonses hidden eBen though he did so:ething 5ra%& to her senses. -er head s<a: and her Aulse Eui56ened and right no< she ;ound hersel; ;as5inated 9& a do%en little things li6e the line o;his Ga<7 the shado< o;his 9eard7 the deeA hollo< at his throat- ''Cou're taller than 2 e$Ae5ted. 88 he said7 9rea6ing the taut silen5e. She'd inherited her ;ather's height7 as <ell as his 9lond hair7 and her height had 9een a Aro9le: ;or a lot o; :en. 8So are &ou.8 -is e&es narro<ed thought;ull&. ''Cour 5oloring is a little o;;7 too.8 -e shrugged. 'But then 2 suAAose AeoAle al<a&s loo6 di;;erent on teleBision.8 ''Cou are disaAAointed.8 (ne o;his ;lat 9la56 e&e9ro<s li;ted. '>id 2 sa& that=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 1%/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5's te:Aer ;lared &et again7 and she didn't understand it. /or:all& :en didn't trou9le her. @en didn't uAset her. She <as usuall& so adeAt at handling the: She understood the <a& the& thought7 the things the& <anted7 ho< 9est to soothe their ;ragile7 ru;;led egos. But the sultan didn't aAAear ;ragile7 or egotisti5al7 and so ;ar: she hadn't a 5lue ho< to deal <ith hi: @ali6 5al:l& rret /i5olette's ;urious 9lue ga%e. The Arin5ess had 5hee69ones and an attitude7 he thought7 s:iling ;aintl&7 -e didn't 6no< <h& it :ade hi: s:ile. The altitude he'd e$Ae5ted-she <as one o;the 9eauti;ul >u5asse sisters a;ter all-9ut the 5hee69ones intrigued hi: 2n the Arin5ess the 5hee69ones <ere s5ulAtural7 ar5hite5tural So:ething one <anted to tou5h7 tra5e7 5aress. She'd onl& Gust arriBed and &et he <anted to la6e her ;a5e in his hands and stro6e the sensuous 5urBe o; 5hee69one that stret5hed ;ro: her hairline to Gust a9oBe her ;ull :outh. But then7 she didn't Gust haBe 5hee69ones. She had liAs7 too. )oBel&7 ;ull liAs and <ide <inged e&e9ro<s that re:inded hi: o; t<o 9irds ;&ing ;ree. 0here <as the restrained regal ;a5e o; Chantal= This <asn't the ;a5e o;a gentle Arin5ess. The ;a5e 9e;ore hi: had an edge o; sensualit&7 and ;ier5eness. -e had no dou9t that this <o:an 5ould 9e strong7 Ber& strong7 and he'd 9e a ;ool to let her long so;t 5urls and so;t ;ull liAs tell hi: other<ise. -e 6ne< ;ro: his o<n :other that the :ost deli5ate 9eauties 5ould hide a tiger's heart. '>id &ou 9ring no one <ith &ou=8 he as6ed7 9rea6ing the tension. '/o se5retar& or Balet= /o one to handle &our so5ial 5alendar=8 /i5 shrugged. ''2 didn't thin6 it ne5essar&. Cour -ighness. 2 haBe 5leared :& 5alendar7 :ade :&sel; 5o:Aletel& aBaila9le to &ou.8 '-o< thought;ul8 ''2 tr&78 she said de:urel&7 9o<ing her head7 :issing @ali6's sAe5ulatiBe e$Aression. She <as uA to so:ething7 he thought7 loo6ing at her 9ent head7 her dar6 9ro<n hair shin&7 sil6&. -er hair <as long and she <ore it Aulled in a lo<.7loose Aon&tail The st&le ;lattered her high 5hee69ones 9ut so:eho< did little to so;ten her strongGa<. She had a thinGa< and 5hin ;or a <o:an. She <as a <o:an a55usto:ed to getting her <a&. 'But o; 5ourse &ou need helA78 he said a;ter a :o:ent7 6no<ing <h& she'd traBeled alone7 and understanding it had little to do <ith the >u5asse ;a:il&'s strained ;inan5es. 2t <asn't that she 5ouldn't a;;ord helA. -e guessed she <anted to 9e in5ognito. She didn't <ant an& ;a:iliar sta;; assisting her. The Arin5ess7 he thought7 <as Ala&ing a ga:e. 8Sin5e &ou <eren't a9le to 9ring an&one ;ro: ho:e7 2': haAA& to AroBide sta;;;or &ou78 he o;;ered s&:Aatheti5all&. ''2 haBe a ;e< AeoAle in :ind7 and all haBe undergone rigorous training as <ell as a thorough s5reening ;or se5urit&.8 The deeAness7 the ri5hness o;his Boi5e still sent little sho56 <aBes through her. /i5 ;ell the tre:ors on the inside7 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 1!/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter <ondered ho< an& :an's Boi5e 5ould 9e so hus6&. ''2 don't reall& need a sta;;7 Cour -ighness. 8 -e 9rushed aside her Arotest. ''Cou haBe a Ber& 9us& s5hedule. Prin5ess. Cou haBe :an& ;i:5tions7 and :an& a5tiBities Alanned. 2t is Bital &ou haBe helA organi%ing &our 5alendar7 as <ell as &our <ardro9e.8 She 9lushed. She'd neBer 9een serious a9out ;ashion7 and the ;e< s:art Aie5es she had <ere gi;ts ;ro: Barious 1ren5h and 2talian designers. ''2 9rought Ber& little in the <a& o; <ardro9e. 8 -er Aolished s:ile hid her inner tur:oil -e <as not going to 9e eas& to negotiate <ith. ''2 thought this <as Gust a Areli:inar& Bisit. *et a5Euainted7 set the date-8 -e thrust his hands into his trouser Ao56ets7 loo6ing alar:ingl& 0estern. 'But o; 5ourse the date is set. 0e dis5ussed this-8 '/ o. Cour -ighness7 <e neBer dis5ussed this. Cou :ight haBe suggested a short engage:ent7 9ut no date <as eBer set.8 She loBed that she 5ould 9e ;ir:. /oone had eBer 9een a9le to 9ull& her. ''2 <ould haBe re:e:9ered.8 -e gestured 5asuall&7 and shrugged. ''egardless. 2 thin6 t<o <ee6s is su;;i5ient titre7 5onsidering the ;a5t that <e 9oth are an$ious to :oBe ;or<ard <ith our liBes. (ne o; the ;irst sta;; :e:9ers &ou'll :eet is &our <edding Alanner-8 'T<o <ee6 engage:ent=8 she interruAted7 to: 9et<een laughter and indignation. T<o <ee6 engagerrent ;or a Arin5ess= ''2t is i:Aossi9le to AreAare ;or a <edding in ;ourteen da&s.8 ''2t's t<o <ee6s ;ro: Saturda& <hi5h :a6es it eighteen da&s.8 The issue <asn't ;ourteen da&s or eighteen da&s. The issue <as not getting :arried ... or at least7 not getting :arried his <a&. 2;he <anted a <edding7 she'd giBe hi: a <edding7 she Gust <asn't a9out to 9e a 9ride7 traAAed in Bara6a. ''2 haBe thoughts on the <edding7 Cour -ighness. 2'Be :ade sorre Areli:inar& arrangerrents o; :& o<n.8 ''Cou haBe=8 ''Ces. .s :& :other <as .:eri5an7 2 thought <e'd ;l& to the Stales ;or the a5tual <edding.8 She sa< his in5redulous e$Aression and hurried on. ''2'd hoAed to :arr& in :& :other's Aarish 5hur5h7 Gust outside Baton 'ouge7 )ouisiana.8 -is Ga< lightened. ''2'Be neBer eBen 9een to )ouisiana. -aBe &ou=8 8'/o7 <hi5h is <h& 2 <ant to go. 2'd li6e :& :other's ;a:il& to 9e a9le to attend-8 'The& 5an attend the <edding here. 8 'The&'re-8 she s<allo<ed hard7 8-Aoor. Cour -ighness. @ost haBe neBer 9een outside their 5ount&7 :u5h less on an airAlane to a ;oreign 5ountr&.8 8So <e'll send :& Get. Pro9le: solBed.8 The Sultan <al6ed to a 9ureau hugging a ;ar <all7 retrieBed so:ething ;ro: the toA dra<er and returned to her side. ''Cour s5hedule78 he 5ontinued7 handing her an aAAointrrent 5alendar. 8.s &ou 5an see7 &ou'll 9e Euite 9us& helAing Alan and AreAare ;or the <edding here. So:e things &ou'll do on &our o<n. @an& things <e'll do together-8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 1"/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 'Hing /uri78 she interruAted7 ;ingers 9urning ;ro: the 9rie;tou5h o;their hands7 8;orgiBe :e ;or 9eing o9tuse7 9ut 2 don't understand <h& <e 5an't at least dis5uss :& ideas ;or the <edding.8 -e li;ted his head7 :et her ga%e7 his 5ool silBer ga%e still 'But o; 5ourse <e 5an dis5uss &our ideas78 he said a;ter a :o:ent. ''2 thin6 its essential to in5orAorate as :an& o; &our ;a:il& traditions into our 5ere:on& here. This is e$a5tl& <hat 2 <ish &ou to tell &our <edding Alanner. Cou'll 9e :eeting <ith her later toda&-8 'Toda&=8 'Tonight.8 -e shrugged. 'But to ensure &ou're not oBer<hel:ed7 &our assistant7 .lea7 and the <edding Alanner <ill dis5uss &our agenda7 :a6e sure &ou're 5o:;orta9le <ith &our Barious duties7 as <ell as ans<er an& Euestion &ou :ight haBe <ith &our s5hedule. 2 thin6 &ou'll ;ind 9oth <o:en :ost helA;ul8 She suAAressed a <aBe o; Aani5. . <edding Alanner. . Aersonal assistant. -o< :an& handlers did she need= ''2': Euite 5aAa9le o; handling the AreAarations :&sel;8 ''2 reali%e &ou haBe a great deal o; e$Aerien5e at Alanning re5eAtions and the sort7 9ut &ou're to 9e :& <i;e. Jueen o; Bar a6a. 2t <ouldn't do to haBe &ou inundated <ith ;atiguing details. 2'Be 9rought in the :ost 5o:Aetent Aro;essionals aBaila9le. 2 6no< &ou'll li6e &our sta;;-8 'But 2 don't need a sta;;D'' ''Cou do.8 -e s:iled al:ost 9eneBolentl&. ''2t'll helA &ou :anage the stress.8 ''2 don't ;eel an& stress.8 -e s:iled eBen :ore 9eneBolentl&. ''Cou <ill8 .5tuall&7 she had lied. She <as ;eeling un9elieBa9le stress at the :o:ent. 2; she 5ouldn't get out o; Bara6 a ... i; she 5ouldn't get her sister and )ill& to the States ... i;the <edding <ent ;or<ard <ithout an es5aAe route ... To hide her <orr&7 /i5 oAened the 9ound leather 5alendar and s6innned the Aages7 noting the Barious na:es and dates <ritten in. @eet Aersonal assistant7 ;irst .ra9i5 lesson7 ;irst lilting ;or <edding go<n7 sele5tion o;<edding ring7 se5ond .ra9i5 lesson7 ;irst engage:ent Aarl&7 5ulture lesson7 third .ra9i5 lesson7 5it& tour <ith Hing /uri7 ;ourth .ra9i5 lesson. .nd on and on all the <a& until the <edding. ,ighteen da&s o; a5tiBities. ,ighteen endless da&s o; Aretending to 9e so:e9od& she <asn't. ,ighteen da&s o; a5ting as i;she <ere a9out to 9e5orre Hing /uri's Eueen. ''2 haBe so:ething s5heduled eBer& da&.8 ',$a5tl&.8 2t 9oggled her :ind. -e'd thought it all out. -e <as training her ;or the <edding. )anguage lessons7 9eaut& lessons7 Au9li5 aAAearan5es7 AriBate a5tiBities <ith her 9etrothed. 2t <as a <hirl<ind o; a5tiBit& to ensure a s:ooth <edding and transition into :arried li;e. 'Hing /uri-8 ''@ali67'' he gentl& 5orre5ted. ''@ali67'' she a:ended7 <ondering <here to eBen start <ith her 5on5erns. ''2s this all ne5essar&=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 1#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Cou're to 9e Jueen.8 ''Ces. 9ut so:e o; this 5an haAAen a;ter the <edding. The language lessons ... the 5oo6ing 5lasses ... 8 ''2t is 9etter to ta6e 5are o; as :u5h as Aossi9le no<7 9e;ore the <edding.8 -is tone allo<ed ;or no argurrent7 ''2 e$Ae5t &ou'll 9e 5arr&ing :& 5hild soon a;ter the <edding7 and 2 understand so:e <o:en do not ;eel uA to :u5h a5tiBit& in their ;irst tri:ester. @& desire is to si:Ali;& &our li;e so that a;ter the <edding &ou are ;ree to 5on5entrate on the ;a:il&.8 This <as de;initel& not Aart o;the Alan. The Alan <as to res5ue )ill& Bia 6meri*a3not get stu56 here in Bara6a <ith a <edding ring on her ;inger and a sultan's 9a9& in her <o:9. ''Cou <ant to tr& ;or 5hildren i::ediatel&='8 /i5 Ara&ed she didn't sound as horri;ied as she ;elt. /i5 loBed 6ids- other AeoAle's 6ids. She <asn't the nesting sort. 1elt no intense :aternal urges. -ad neBer 9een one to <ant to hold the 9a9ies <hen ;riends 5arre 9& the Aala5e <ith their latest. 'But surel& &ou <ant :ore 5hildren=8 @ore7 that's right. -e sa< her as a :other alread&. She had one daughter7 <hat <as oh7 ;iBe or si$ or seBen :ore= ''Ces. o; 5ourse7 9ut <e're still strangers .... 8 '0e <on't 9e in a ;e< <ee6s titre.8 -e gestured to the 5alendar she held li:Al& in her hand. ''2; &ou'll 5he56 &our s5hedule &ou'll see <e sAend a signi;i5ant a:ount o;ti:e together eBer& da&. So:e da&s <e'll 9e dining alone. So:e da&s <e'll 9e entertained. (ther da&s <e'll 9e shoAAing ;or ne5essities li6e a :arriage 9ed.8 @arriage 9ed. . ;ate <orse than death. /i5 ;elt the 9lood drain ;ro: her ;a5e. She didn't <ant a :arriage 9ed. She <asn't going to share an& 9ed <ith @ali6 'o:an /uri7 esAe5iall& no 9ed that had ''hus9and and <i;e8 hung oBer it. @a6ing loBe <as one thing. *etting :arried ;or the rest o; &our li;e <as another. +n;ortunatel&7 Hing /uri had the: on a ;ast tra56 to the 5ere:on&7 and right no<7 he <as AroBiding no looAholes. 0asn't this Gust <hat *rand;ather 'e:i had Aredi5ted= -e'd said ;or &ears that one da& /i5 <as going to :eet the :an <ho <as :ore than her :at5h. '/ ot all :en are going to roll oBer and Ala& dead Gust 9e5ause &ou snaA &our ;ingers.8 *rand;ather had said. 'There are :en <ho 5an 9e shaAed7 dire5ted7 and then there are :en <ho do the shaAing.8 @ali6 <at5hed her ;a5e7 seeing the <ariness in the Arin5ess' 9lue e&es. -e'd neBer seen a less eager 9ride in his li;e. But then7 he understood so:e o; her aAArehensions. 0hen he reali%ed he'd haBe to :arr&7 he'd had Alent& o; his o<n. -e <as :arr&ing out o; ne5essit&. The issue o; su55ession had 9e5orre :ore Aressing sin5e the assassination atte:At last &ear. -is &ounger 9rother7 Halen7 <asn't a9out to leaBe )ondon7 haBing renoun5ed all ties to Bara6a and his ro&al ;a:il&. @ali6 had sisters <ith &oung sons7 as <ell as nu:erous :ale 5ousins7 9ut none had re:ained >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 20/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter in Bara6a7 all 5hoosing 0estern 5ulture oBer their o<n. That le;t the issue o; su55ession to hi: -e needed heirs. Bo& or girl7 it didn't :atter. -e 5ould re<rite la<7 5hange the rules. The 6e& <as haBing a dire5t des5endant. .nd he'd 5hosen the Prin5ess >u5asse to 9ear h: that des5endant. ''2 don't <ant &ou to <orr&.8 he added soothingl&. ''2 shall 9e a lo&al7 :onoga:ous hus9and dedi5ated to ;ul;illing :& resAonsi9ilit& as hus9and and :ate.8 /i5's head sAun7 the <ords hus9and and :ate s<innning through her tortured 9rain. &ate ... mate ... mate. '@ost ro&als haBe seAarate 9ed 5ha:9ers.8 she said at length7 ;ingers 6notting around the 5alendar. ''2s that not the 5usto: here=8 '@& Aarents al<a&s shared their 9ed.8 8.h.8 ''Cours did not=8 he s<i;tl& re9utted. She <as losing ;o5us. Hing /uri <as too s:art7 too ;ist7 too sharA. -e <as ta6ing their dis5ussion Ala5es she reall& didn't <ant to go. '@& Aarents had a loBe :arriage.8 -er Aarents' :arriage had 9een s5andalous. Surel& he <ould haBe heard o; it eBen here. -er Aarents had :arried against the <ishes o; her ;ather's Aarents and it'd 9een sho56ing at the ti:e7 the golden 9o&. Prin5e Julien :arr&ing the trash& .:eri5an AoA star. ,Ber&one said the :arriage <ouldn't last the &ear. 2t lasted ten7 and the& <ere still together7 still haAA& together <hen the& died in the 5ar a55ident on the 5oastal road near S t. TroAe%. / i5 glan5ed at the 5alendar in her hand7 the edge o; the s:all aAAoint:ent 9oo6 Aressed to her Aal:. 8.AAarentl& 2 :eet :& sta;; in an hour and a hal;8 8.;ter &ou ;reshen uA. Tea and sand<i5hes <ill 9e serBed to &ou in &our roo: Cou'll eBen haBe titre ;or a short naA.8 Suddenl& her te:Aer snaAAed and she turned the little leather 9oo6 around7 ;lashing the Aages. ''eall&= .re &ou 5ertain= 2 don't see it in :& 5alendar.8 Hing /uri didn't eBen glan5e do<n at the 9oo6. -e si:Al& stood there7 5onsidering her. .;ter a :o:ent he said. ''2; &ou do not <ant this :arriage7 Prin5ess Chantal7 sa& so.8 The Euiet authorit& in his Boi5e e5hoed in the elegant salon. .sha:ed that she'd so 5o:Aletel& 9lo<n her 5ool /i5 slo<l& 5losed the leather 9oo67 dra<ing it against her 5hest. ''2': sorr&. 8 -e <aited until she loo6ed uA ;ro: the intri5ate Aattern o;the 5ri:son 5arAet at their ;eet. ''2 do not hold a gun to &our head. Prin5ess. This isn't o9ligator&. 2; &ou are dissatis;ied <ith 2re as a groo:7 sAea6 no<. This is the titre to 9rea6 o;; the Alans7 not one <ee6 9e;ore the 5ere:on&7 not one da& 9e;ore the 5ere:on&. The <edding is a ;ortnight a<a&. 0e haBe not &et Au9li5l& 5ele9rated. 2; &ou haBe reserBations7 tell :e. 2 <ill not Gudge &ou7 and 2 Aro:ise 2 <ill not 9e angr& or 5ruel8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 21/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is <ords strea:ed in and out her ears7 9ut the onl& thing she heard <as the Ahrase7 if you have reservations ... She only had reserBations. /othing a9out this <as right. /othing the& <ere dis5ussing <as going to 5o:e to Aass. She <as a h&Ao5rite. She <as standing here7 l&ing to hi:7 intentionall& de5eiBing hi: But ho< 5ould she tell hi: the truth= 2; she told hi: <ho she reall& <as. and <h& she <as in Bara6a7 the engagerrent <ould 9e o;; his assistan5e <ould end7 and all e;;orts to ;ree )ill& and Chantal <ould 9e ;or naught. /o7 she 5ouldn't tell hi: Couldn't stoA <hat she'd started until the& <ere in .:eri5a. Chantal and )ill& se5reted a<a& and /i5 <as 9oarding the ;irst Alane horre. '0ell=8 he Euietl& Aro:Ated7 5learl& at the end o;his Aatien5e. -e'd neBer ;orgiBe her ;or du:Aing hi: at the last :inute. -e'd neBer eBer ;orgiBe her ;a:il& ;or hu:iliating hi: .. /i5 5losed her e&es7 ;or5ed hersel; to 9lo56 out eBer&thing 9ut little )ill&'s deli5ate ;a5e. )ill&7 li6e a 9utter;l&7 so s:all7 so ;ragile7 so Aain;ul1& Bulnera9le. Just thin6ing o; )ill& traAAed in )a Croi$ :ade /i5's te:Aer ;lare. -o< 5ould AeoAle ... so5iet& ... 9e so unGust= *irls should 9e raised <ithout ;ear and inti:idation. *irls should 9e Arote5ted. She oAened her e&es7 rret @ali6's dar6 ga%e. ''@& onl& reserBation is that 2 a: to 9e :arried so ;ur ;ro: those 2 loBe.8 7ie, lie. lie. She <anted to 9e :arried in .:eri5a onl& 9e5ause the 5ountr& <as Bast. )ouisiana <as 5lannish7 and her :other's net<or6 o; old ;riends and distant relatiBes <ould de;initel& AroBide 5oBer ;or Chantal and )ill& on5e the& <ent into hiding. ''2 <ould ;eel :u5h :ore 5o:;orta9le i; &ou'd 9e <illing to 5onsider :& ... thoughts ... :& reEuest.8 -e stared at her ;or a long7 healed :o:ent7 9e;ore in5lining his head. ''2; it :eans so :u5h to &ou7 &es. 2 shall 5onsider &our thoughts7 and thin6 :ore on &our reEuest. 8 /i5olette ;ell a di%%&ing <aBe o; relie; She 5ould do this7 she told hersel; en5ouraged. She'd Aull this o;; &et. 'Than6 &ou7 Cour -ighness. 8 'But o; 5ourse. 2 <ant &ou haAA&. (ur <edding is sAe5ial The da& o;the <edding <ill 9e a national holida& in Bara6a. The 5ere:on& shall 9e teleBised7 so all our AeoAle 5an 5ele9rate <ith us.8 /o Aressure there. ',$5ellent.8 Sorre o; her relie; ;aded. Standing uA the sultan in ;ront o; hundreds o; thousands o;his AeoAle <as not her idea o; a good li:e. '0hat a ;a9ulous idea.8 'Than6 &ou.8 -is silBer ga%e glinted. '/o< let :e sho< &ou to &our suite. 2': sure &ou 5ould use so:e titre alone.8 2n her roo: /i5olette ;ished out her o<n Ao56et organi%er ;ro: the 9otto: o; her suit5ase and -iAAed Eui56l& through her s5ri99led notes. -otels7 rental 5ars7 9an6 nu:9ers7 Ahone nu:9ers7 :aAs o; do<nto<n Baton 'ouge and Bi5init&. She'd alread& <ired :one& to the Ban6 o; )ouisiana's Baton 'ouge 9ran5h7 9ought a used 5ar7 had it gassed and AreAAed <ith :aAs and an e:ergen5& road 6it7 and sAo6en to the Ariest at her :other's 5hildhood 5hur5h. ,Ber&thing <as set. ,Ber&thing <ould <or6. 2t <as si:Al& a :atter o; getting the: there. 2t seerred as though no ti:e at all had Aassed 9e;ore a 6no56 on her door ;or5ed / i5 to %iA her notes 9a56 into >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 22/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter the inner 5orrAartn5nt o; her suit5ase. She ran her ;ingers through her hair and oAening her door7 dis5oBered a 5luster o;<orren in the hall /i5oletle's ne< sta;; had arriBed. 1or t<o hours the <o:en 5hatted7 introdu5ing the:selBes7 e$Alaining ho< ea5h <ould assist the Arin5ess. The& all sAo6e e$5ellent ,nglish. The <edding Alanner <as &oung and Ber& e;;i5ient 9ut there <as little oAAortunit& to dis5uss the <edding in detail /i5olette's assistant7 .lea7 <as 9eauti;ul <ith dar6 hair and 6ind e&es and there <ere :unerous other :aids as <ell <ho ;ussed oBer the Arin5ess. /i5oletle's head sAun <ith all the na:es and Barious duties. She'd neBer had this :u5h helA in her li;e. .t rune ;i;teen7 /i5's 9edroo: door oAened again7 and an attra5tiBe &oung <o:an7 elegantl& dressed in a BiBid e:erald-green go<n <ith ela9orate gold e:9roider& at the sea:s7 entered /i5's roo: The other <o:en sitting <ith / i5 innnediatel& rose and 9o<ed. '0el5o:e7 :& lad&78 the& all 5horused7 seBeral ;ulling into deeA 5urtsies. The &oung <o:an-5lose to /i5olette's o<n age-aAAroa5hed /i5 <ith a 5ool s:ile. ''2': sorr& 2': late.8 She stoAAed 9e;ore /i57 and she too6 a :o:ent to s5rutini%e /i5olette ;ro: head to toe. ''2 a: )ad& 1ati:a. 5ousin to the sultan7 a :e:9er o;the ro&al ;a:il&7 2'Be 9een as6ed 9& :& 5ousin to helA &ou adGust to our 5usto:s.8 1ati:as <ords <ere Aolite 9ut /i5 heard the aloo;note in )ad& 1ati:a's Boi5e. )ad& 1ati:a did not intend ;or the: to 9e ;riends. But )ad& 1ati:a didn't need to ;eel threatened. /i5 had no intention o; Aer:anentl& sta&ing. The sooner she and the Sultan headed to .rreri5a7 the sooner the 5harade 5ould end. The <o:en ;inall& le;t 5lose to :idnight7 and /i5 ;ull into 9ed e$hausted. There <ere too :an& AeoAle getting inBolBed7 she thought7 5urling on her side7 too :an& AeoAle sAelled trou9le. But &ou're alread& in trou9le7 a little Boi5e :o56ed her. and she 9un5hed her hand in her sil6 5oBerlet7 6no<ing that i; she <asn't Ber& 5are;ul7 she 5ould soon 9e traAAed in .tiE ;oreBer7 :arried to the sultan7 :other to his sons. .nd *rand;ather 'e:i <ould haBe the last laugh o; all /i5.7 :arried. /i57 Jueen o; Bar a6a. 'o&al Ba9&:a6er. /i5 didn't usuall& <a6e uA in a 9ad :ood7 9ut her drea:s had 9een so intense7 so uAsetting7 that 9& the titre she headed into her :a::oth adGoining 9athroo: <ith the enor:ous <hite and sun6en tiled tu97 dread ;illed eBer& :us5le and Aore. She needed to tal6 to Chantal She needed adBi5e Eui56l&. There'd neBer 9een a 9a56 uA Alan7 and that <as a :ista6e. /i5 reali%ed no< that the& should haBe dis5ussed errergen5& :easures7 li6e other destination alternatiBes to .:eri5a7 and ho< to e$tri5ate / i5 ;ro: the engagerrent <ithout 5reating an international s5andal /ot <aiting ;or the 9ath to 5o:Aletel& ;ill7 /i5 sat in the teAid <ater7 soaAed uA <ith the s5ented 9ath gel and Eui56l& rinsed o;;9e;ore dressing. She usuall& thought ;ast on her ;eet 9ut right no< she had no ideas7 no ans<ers7 no Aossi9le es5aAe routes. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 23/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The %oyal Star had returned to @elio. She'd traBeled <ithout a great deal o; 5ash. ,Ben i; she <anted to run7 ho< on earth <ould she get out o; here= 0ell7 i; &ou reall& had to run. &ou 5ould al<a&s tell ru: the truth7 the little Boi5e 5hanted as / i5 5o:9ed her long dar6 hair7 Aulling it 9a56 into a s:ooth 5oil at her naAe. But i; &ou tell ru: the truth. )ill& re:ains in )a Croi$. 1ot if he develops feelings for you ... 2t's ho:9 le to use a :an li6e that. .et lots of men have developed feelings for you, and you've never /orried overly mu*h a5out hurting them 5efore ... . 6no56 sounded on her door. 'elieBed to es5aAe the 5on;li5t o; her 5ons5ien5e. /i5 too6 the 9o99& Ain ;ro: her :outh and tu56ed it into the 5oil o;hair at her naAe. 8Co:e in.8 @ali6 entered her roo: 8.: 2 interruAting an&thing=8 She Aulled another Ain oAen <ith her teeth and Alu56ed it into the 5oiled :ass. ''2': Gust doing :& hair.8 -e entered her roo:7 5losed her door 9ehind hi:. ''Cou do haBe 9eauti;ul hair.8 The sin5erit& o;the une$Ae5ted 5o:Ali:ent :ade her -ush. 8Than6 &ou.8 ''2'Be al<a&s loBed hair that 5olor. 2 <as ad:iring the shade &esterda&.8 / i5 didn't 6no< <hat to sa&. 2t <as a 9ottle-9ro<n7 so:ething / i5 had <ashed in hersel; ''2': ;lattered. Cour -ighness.8 ''2t's odd78 he 5ontinued7 ''9ut 2'Be neBer 9een attra5ted to 9londes.8 /i5's hand shoo67 and the 5oiled hair7 not AroAerl& an5hored7 sliAAed loose7 deli5ate Ains tu:9ling ;ree. ''Cou don't li6e 9londes=8 @en loved 9londes. '/ ot Aarti5ularl&.8 '0h& not=8 ''2 don't <ant to 9e stereot&Ai5al7 9ut...8 'But <hat=8 '0ell7 in :& e$Aerien5e. 2'Be ;ound :ost 9londes to 9e ... shallo<. Sel;-a9sor9ed. )ess intelle5tual8 /i5 9lin6ed to 5hase a<a& the Beil o; red 9e;ore her e&es. 'n his e8perien*e. 0hat 6ind o; 9londes had he :et= ''@& sister7 /i5olette7 she's a natural 9londe7 and she's e$tre:el& intelligent.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 2"/1"3 3/3/2010 ''eall&=8 -e ;ro<ned s6eAti5all&. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Ces.'' /i5 ans<ered ;ir:l&7 outraged that he 5ould hold su5h a ridi5ulous AreGudi5e against <o:en 9ased on hair 5olor. 8/i5 holds adBan5ed degrees in :athe:ati5s and s5ien5e.8 8SAea6ing o; &our sister78 he said7 5hanging toAi5s. 8That's <h& 2'Be 5o:e. .s <e're not :arried &et7 2 <ouldn't nor:all& Bisit &our roo: uninBited7 9ut sin5e &our sister 5alled. 2 thought it :ight 9e urgent.8 '0hi5h sister=8 ''2 5ould haBe s<orn she said Chantal8 ''2:Aossi9le.'' Chantal :ust haBe :ade a :ista6e and said her o<n narre. ',$a5tl&.8 -is ga%e :et hers and held. 8Chantals here.8 ''@a&9e it <as Joelle. Sounds a 9it li6e Chantal8 ''@a&9e.'' 8(r /i5.8 she added7 seeing a sAar6 o; a s:ile in his e&es7 and the 5ool :o56ing s:ile Aut her teeth on edge. 0hat <as he thin6ing= 0hat did he 6no<= '>idn't sound li6e /i5olette78 he ans<ered7 rea5hing into his Ao56et7 Aulling out the Ahone. 'This sister sounded soAhisti5ated. 'e;ined. .nd ;ro: <hat 2'Be heard7 that's not &our sister /i5.8 She tensed at his 5riti5is: -e didn't eBen 6no< /i5olette and &et he sounded as i;he <ere the ;ont o; all <isdo: But he <as holding the Ahone out to her7 as6ing her i;she <anted to ta6e it. '>o &ou <ant to 5all=8 he <as as6ing. ''2 haBe the nu:9er saBed.8 So <ho <ould haBe 5alled7 /i5 <ondered= -er grandAarents didn't eBen 6no< she <as here-so o9Biousl& the& hadn't Ahoned. Joelle 6ne< /i5 <as gone7 9ut 9elieBed she'd headed o;;;or a Bisit <ith Chantal in )a Croi$7 leaBing onl& Chantal to Ahone7 9ul that <asn't a 5all /i5 <anted to :a6e in ;ront o; Hing /uri ''2 5an Ahone later. 8 -is e$Aression didn't 5hange. -is ar: re:ained e$tended7 o;;ering the sli: Ahone. -e <as dressed 5asuall& toda&7 6ha6is7 5risA <hite shirt7 the sleeBes rolled uA a 5ouAle ti:es on his ;orear:s. ''2t 5ould 9e urgent. Just hit 'edial8 /i5 tried not to glare at hi: as she too6 the Ahone7 :oBing Aast hi: to stand at the <indo< oBerloo6ing a Arett& interior 5ourt&ard. Pressing the redial 9utton. /i5 heard the Ahone ring and al:ost innnediatel& <as 5onne5ted <ith Chantal 'Than6 goodness it's &ou78 Chantal said7 <asting no li:e on Areli:inar& greetings. ''2'Be 9een <orried si56.8 '/o reason to <orr&. ,Ber&thing's ;ine.8 7ie again. 8So ho< is it going=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 25/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5 6ne< she 5ouldn't tell Chantal the truth. Chantal <as the t&Ai5al ;irst 9o:7 9ig sister. . <orrier7 oBerl& resAonsi9le. Chantal <as also a guilt-ridden Aer;e5tionist. The last thing she needed <as one :ore reason to 9la:e hersel; ''2': ;ine. -onestl&.8 Chantal hesitated. '-o< ... ho< is he=8 /i5 tried to 5lose her e&es and 9lot out Hing /uri's Aresen5e7 9ut he <asn't eas& to dis:iss7 and eBen <ith her 9a56 turned. /i5olette ;ell his Aro$i:it&. The :an radiated energ&. 8(6a&.8 ''2s he giBing &ou an& trou9le=8 '/o.8 /i5 glan5ed oBer her shoulder7 5aught @ali6's e&es. -e'd 9een <at5hing her <ith interest. .s <ell as a:use:ent. '-o< is )ill&=8 Chantal let out a s:all 9reath. '0e're :a6ing Alans. 2'Be 9een in 5onta5t <ith :other's high s5hool ;riend7 .ndrea. She's agreed to helA us on5e <e rea5h Baton 'ouge.8 8*ood.8 There <as a :o:ent o; silen5e on the line. ''2 aAAre5iate <hat &ou're doing.8 Chantal said Euietl&. ''2': not sure it's the right thing-2 still thin6 it's a<;ull& ris6& ;or &ou-8 '/ 0 regrets.8 / i5 interruAted. '/o se5ond thoughts7 either. This is ;or )ill&. 2 loBe her dearl&. Cou 6no< that.8 ''2 do.8 8(6a&.8 /i5's heart ;ell tight There <as so :u5h at sla6e. Just hearing her sister's Boi5e :ade /i5 reali%e all oBer again ho< :u5h deAended on her. '0e'll tal6 soon.8 The 5all ended. /i5 rehuned the Ahone to Hing /uri. 8Than6 &ou. Cou're right. The 5all <as i:Aortant.8 ''2 heard &ou rrention &our daughter. 2 trust she's ;ine=8 /i5 sa< )ill&'s <ide 9lue e&es7 alread& too trou9led. 1our-&ear-old 5hildren <eren't suAAosed to <orr& so :u5h. ''Ces.'' '0hen is she going to Goin &ou=8 8Soon.8 / i5 :ustered a light s:ile. ''2 hoAe.8 -e nodded7 hesitated. ''2 don't see &ou again until later this eBening7 and 2 i:agine &ou'Be loo6ed oBer toda&'s agenda. >id &ou haBe an& Euestions=8 -is Euestion suddenl& re:inded her o; <h& she'd <o6en in su5h a lous& :ood. -e :ight e$ude ra< sensualit&7 9ut he <as nothing short o; a di5tator. ''2': not a 5hild7 Cour -ighness. 8 ''2 didn't thin6 &ou <ere.8 She ;elt her te:Aer s<ell7 her anger <as ;ueled 9& 5o:Aletel& 5ontradi5tor& e:otions. She'd neBer 9een so >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 2/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter attra5ted to an&one 9e;ore7 and &et he <as entirel& unsuita9le ;or a relationshiA7 8So <h& haBe &ou-<ithout 5onsulting rre. or as6ing ;or an& inAut-Aut :e 9a56 into s5hool= .55ording to :& s5hedule7 2 haBe 5lasses ;ro: :orning until a;ternoon7 starling <ith a t<o-hour .ra9i5 lesson in ;i;teen :inutes.8 ''2'Be done onl& <hat is ne5essar&-8 '1orgiBe :e7 Cour -ighness.8 she interruAted sharAl&7 ''9ut these are de5isions 2 should 9e :a6ing ;or :&sel; PerhaAs here :en de5ide ;or the <orren7 9ut in :& 5ountr& <o:en haBe a sa& a9out <hat haAAens in their liBes. 8 C#$PT"R T#R"" -2S 5ool silBer ga%e rested on her la5e7 his e&es tou5hing her liAs7 her nose7 her 5hee6s7 her e&es. 8. :an naturall& <ants <hat is 9est ;or his <o:an.8 She ;elt a shiBer ra5e do<n her sAine. -is <o:an. But she <asn't his <o:an. She had no intention o; eBer 9e5o:ing his <o:an. 8. <o:an ;inds it di;;i5ult to resAe5t a :an that doesn't allo< her to use her 9rain. 8 'This isn't a Aoliti5al e$er5ise7 Prin5ess Tln9audel 2': si:Al& as6ing &ou to stud& our language and 5ulture-8 8.ll da& long. 8 -is Ga< tightened. ''2t's not as i; &ou're a5tuall& in s5hool Cou'll 9e stud&ing <ith :& 5ousin 1ati:a. <ho is not onl& a :e:9er o;the ro&al ;a:il&7 and 5lose to &our age7 9ut a true Bara6an s5holar. 2 e$Ae5t that the t<o o; &ou <ill 9e5orre great7 5lose ;riends.8 *reat7 5lose ;riends= /i5 ;lashed 9a56 to last night7 and 1ati:a's 5ool <el5o:e. The Sultan <as drea:ing. 8'Ces. 2'Be :et )ad& 1ati:a7 and Cour -ighness7 :& ;rustration isn't <ith the tea5her7 9ut the lessons the:selBes. 2': 5on5erned that less than t<ent&- ;our hours a;ter arriBing 2'Be alread& lost-8 she 9ro6e o;;7 9iting 9a56 the <ord *ontrol. She <asn't uAset 9e5ause she <as going to learn a ne< language. She <as uAset 9e5ause she <as Eui56l& losing 5ontrol.. o;the <edding7 her enBiron:ent7 her indeAenden5e itsel; /i5 had sAent her entire li;e lighting to 6eeA the uAAer hand and &et less than t<ent&- ;our hours a;ter arriBing she ;elt as i; shed 9e5orre a Aossession instead o;a <o:an. /i5 struggled to ;ind a :ore diAlo:ati5 <a& to sa& <hat she <as ;eeling. ''2': as6ing &ou7 Cour -ighness7 to giBe rre :ore inAut into organi%ing :& s5hedule. 2'd ;ind the lessons and a5tiBities less o9Ge5tiona9le i; 2 had a 5hoi5e.8 'But <hat <ould &ou do di;;erentl&= ,Ber&thing 2'Be 5hosen ;or &ou is good ;or &ou.8 -e didn't get it. Be5ause he <as a :an. and a Ao<er;ul :an. he didn't understand <hat it <as li6e to 9e told <here to go. <hen to go. ho< to get there. 'But that's Are5isel& :& Aoint. Cour -ighness. 0o:en <ant to 5hoose ;or the:selBesD8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 2&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e sighed7 glan5ed at his <at5h7 and shoo6 his head. 8.s interesting as this is7 2'Be AeoAle <aiting in :& o;;i5e7 and 2': a;raid 2'Be sAent all the ti:e on this dis5ussion that 2 intend to sAend. 2 regret that &ou're unhaAA& <ith :& 5hoi5es7 9ut 2 e$Ae5t &ou'll enGo& the lessons on5e 9egun.8 .nd that <as it. -e <as done. -e turned a<a&7 headed ;or the door and /i5 <at5hed his deAarting 9a56 in astonish:ent. -e <as serious. -e <as reall& done. The ;a5t that he'd <al6 out on her 9le< her :ind. -er te:Aer surged &et again. ''2': not going to the lessons.8 she 5alled out. ''2'll loo6 :& s5hedule oBer and see i; 2 5an't adaAt the a5tiBities to 9etter suit :& needs. 8 .h7 that 5aught his attention. She suAAressed a s:ile o; satis;a5tion as he stoAAed at the door7 and slo<l& turned around. -is silBer ga%e gre< ;lint&7 his e$Aression i:Ala5a9le. 8The lessons are set.8 '/othing in li;e is set.8 She li;ted her 5hin7 te:Aer 9la%ing7 e:otions high. 8.nd 2 <on't 9e di5tated to. 2; &ou <ish a :arriage <ith a :ode: Arin5ess7 than &ou'd 9etter e$Ae5t a :ode: AartnershiA7 2 didn't traBel this ;ar to 9e5orre a ro&al door:at. 8 -is dar6 head 5o56ed7 his Ga< rigid. 8. door:at=8 he reAeated so;tl&. ''2 ;ind the des5riAtion highl& o;;ensiBe. 2 haBe nothing 9ut the ut:ost resAe5t ;or <o:en7 and the <o:en in :& li;e are 5herished and Arote5ted. .nd i; &ou learning our language is so o9Ge5tiona9le-8 ''2t's not the language7 Cour -ighnessD8 She <as <al6ing to<ard hi:. ;rustration and irritation 5oiled so lightl& inside her she 5ouldn't 6eeA still ''2'Be neBer :inded learning &our language7 9ut 2 shouldn't haBe to 9e innnediatel& innnersed in language 5ourse<or6 ;irst thing on arriBal Cour 5ountr& is 9ilingual ,Ber&one in Bara6a sAea6s 1ren5h. .nd :& 5ountr& is also 9ilingual 0e sAea6 SAanish and 1ren5h.8 -e ;olded his ar:s a5ross his 5hest. 'But 1ren5h is Aart o; our 5olonial Aast <hile .ra9i5 is the ;uture.8 She stoAAed in ;ront o;the sultan7 ar:s ;olded Gust li6e hi:. :i:i56ing his Aose. 8So <h& :arr& a ,uroAean Arin5ess7 Cour -ighness= There :ust 9e Alent& o; .ra9i5 Arin5esses i; that is indeed7 your ;uture.8 -e didn't ans<er her Euestion 9ut leaned to<ard her. 9ro< ;urro<ed7 and she instin5tiBel& held her 9reath as his liAs gra%ed her ear. ''2t's not too late to Aut &ou on a Alane and send &ou ho:e.8 She grilled her teeth7 e&es narro<ing. -o< t&Ai5al @et <ith 5on;li5t7 he'd rather send her ho:e than 5o:Aro:ise. '@a&9e &ou should. Cou're not read& ;or the realit& o; :arriage7 Cour -ighness. 8 Suddenl& his hand <as against the 9a56 o; her ne567 his ;ingers 5urled against her <ar: sensitiBe s6in. She shiBered. -e ;elt the shiBer and his lingers lightened Aer5eAti9l&. ''Cou 5an not 9larre :e entirel&7 Prin5ess. Cou'Be 5hanged. . :onth ago &ou <ere :ost eager ;or this union. T<o <ee6s ago &ou e$Aressed nothing 9ut eagerness7 <illingness.8 -e'd dra<n her 5lose7 so 5lose that she <as nearl& held against his 5hest. She 5ould ;eel his 9od&'s <ar:th7 his leashed energ&7 his innate strength. There <as no es5aAing hi: this ti:e. /ot until he 5hose to let her go. '0hat has 5aused this 5hange o; heart7 Chantal= Cou're nothing 9ut di;;i5ult toda&.8 ''2': not di;;i5ult. 2': :erel& honest.8 -e <as :anhandling her7 do:inating her7 and his arrogan5e in;uriated her. There <as no reason to traA her li6e this against hi:7 render her helAless <ith his 9od& ... his <ill ''Cet it aAAears DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 2'/1"3 3/3/2010 2': not allo<ed to haBe an oAinion.8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is ;ingers stro6ed the side o; her ne567 his thu:9 dra<ing s:all 5ir5les <hi5h she ;ound :addening. She li6ed his tou5h. She hated his do:inant strength. 2t <as as i;her 9od& loBed the Aleasure7 9ut her :ind detested his 5ontrol 8(; 5ourse &ou're allo<ed to haBe an oAinion.8 he ans<ered 5al:l&. 'But &our oAinions so ;ar e$Aress onl& disAleasure and dis5ontent-8 ''Cou 5an't sa& that 9ased on the ninet& :inutes <e'Be sAent togetherD8 -e ;or5ed her head 9a567 ensuring that she sa< his ;ull disAleasure. -is Ga< ;le$ed. -is silBer ga%e shone 9rittle. -e <as 9arel& hanging onto his te:Aer. '>o &ou eBer stoA and thin6 9e;ore &ou sAea67 Prin5ess=8 8.nd do &ou 9ull& eBer&one into doing <hat &ou <ant7 Hing /uri= 2 understand &ou're the sultan7 9ut surel&7 others-&our ;a:il&7 &our su9Ge5ts-are allo<ed a :odi5u: o; ;ree sAee5h=8 ''Cou'Be tasted :ore than ;ree sAee5h78 he retorted7 Aressing a linger against her liAs. ''2n ;a5t7 2'Be heard all 2 <ant to hear ;ro: &ou.8 '0ell7 2 <on't 9e EuietD8 she tal6ed desAite the ;inger shushing her. tal6ed to Aush hi: a<a&7 tal6ed to 6eeA ;ro: ;ulling aAart. The tension 9et<een the: <as oBer<hel:ing and /i5olette had neBer 9een so a;raid. -e e$5ited her. -e terri;ied her. She 5ould onl& i:agine ho< <ild7 ho< e$AlosiBe their loBe-:a6ing <ould 9e. ''Cou <on't=8 She s<allo<ed 5onBulsiBel&7 ;eeling Ari56l& <ith heat7 her nerBes s5rea:ing in anti5iAation. The tension 5ra56ling 9et<een the: <as unli6e an&thing she'd eBer 6no<n 9e;ore. But then7 she'd neBer 5hallenged a :an as Ao<er;ul as @ali6 /uri 9e;ore. '/o.8 She dre< a Eui567 shallo< 9reath7 tr&ing so:eho< to regain her ;ooting again. She 5ould hear Chantal in her head7 hearing Chantal's disaAAroBal Chantal <ould neBer7 eBer 5hallenge a :an li6e this. Chantal 9elieBed in ta5t7 diAlo:a5&7 Euiet strength. /i5's strength <asn't eBen 5lose to 9eing Euiet. But she <asn't here as /i5olette7 re9el :iddle daughter. She <as here as Chantal7 and Hing /uri had e$Ae5ted agreea9le Chantal -is head lo<ered7 his liAs 9rushed her 5hee6. ''2 5an not haBe a diso9edient <i;e.8 -is deeA 5ultured Boi5e Aenetrated through her7 ele5tri;ied the :ost inner Aart o; her. -er 9ell& 5len5hed in a 6not o; Aleasure and ;ear. She 5raBed7 Ah&si5all& 5raBed7 his Boi5e7 his strength7 his Ao<er. She <anted hi: to tou5h her. She <anted his hands all oBer her. Cou're :ad7 she 5ho6ed in<ardl&. Cou'Be lost &our :ind i; &ou <ant to ta6e Hing / uri on this <a&. But she did. She <anted to AroBo6e hi:. Test hi:. See ho< ;ar he'd let her go. She <ondered <here he'd dra< the line and <hat he'd do to :a6e her toe the line. Po<er. Control Su9:ission. >o:ination. She <as strong. 3er& strong. So strong that she'd neBer :et a :an >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 2#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter <ho 5ould :at5h her strength-until toda&. 8. hus9and shouldn't reEuire o9edien5e. -e should desire a sAirit o; 5ooAeration7 and :utual resAe5t. 8 -is liAs hoBered a9oBe her 5hee6. 'But a <o:an 5an't resAe5t a :an i;he lets her <al6 all oBer hi:.8 ''2 don't 9elieBe &ou'Be allo<ed rre to <al6 an&<here near &ou7 Cour -ighness.8 -e tiAAed her 5hin uA and his silBer ga%e 9urned into her e&es7 seeing the ;ire and re9ellion she 5ouldn't Aossi9l& hide. ''Cou re;use to 5aAitulate.8 -is tou5h <as :a6ing her head sAin. 'But <h& should 2 haBe to 5aAitulate= 2; &ou're serious a9out <anting a <i;e <ith an edu5ation and a sense o; sel;-<orth7 then &ou'd <el5o:e :& thoughts.8 ''2 do <el5o:e the: 2 Gust don't e$Ae5t :& 9ride to 5hallenge eBer& reEuest 2 :a6e.8 ''2': not &our 9ride &et7 and &ou're not :a6ing reEuests. Cou're :a6ing de:ands. There's a di;;eren5e. 0e 9oth 6no< it.8 She Ger6ed her head 9a567 Aut her hands to his 5hest and gaBe a ;ir: Aush. There <as no <a& she'd let h: 6nu56le her under. -is ga%e s<eAt do<n7 ;ro: her <ar: 5hee6s7 to her liAs and eBen lo<er to the ;ull s<ell o; her 9reasts. 8.nd i; 2 as6 &ou to attend language 5lasses=8 The <eight o;his ga%e on her 9reasts :ade the: a5he. 2t <as as i;he <as tou5hing her. 5aressing her. and her niAAles Aea6ed7 hardening. ''2'd 5onsider &our reEuest.8 -er Boi5e had droAAed7 gro<n hus6&. -e had to 6no< <hat he <as doing to her7 had to 6no< the sensations he <as stirring <ithin her. -is ga%e slo<l& li;ted again7 traBeling uA her ne567 oBer her ;ull7 so;t :outh7 Aast her ;lushed 5hee6s to her e&es. '/ ot eBer&thing 9et<een us needs to 9e a ;ight.8 -is in;le5tion <as nearl& as hus6& as her o<n. She ;elt <ar:th 5reeA through her7 a sedu5tiBe <ash o; a<areness ... and desire. ''2': not ;ighting no<.8 The 5o:er o;his :outh li;ted in the 9rie;est s:ile. '/o. But 2 e$Ae5t this is 9ut a :o:entar& reArieBe.8 (h7 that s:ile o; his. 2t <as dangerous. @&sterious. 2t <as as i;he 6ne< all sorts o;things a9out her that she didn't eBen 6no<. ''Cou don't li6e to ;ight=8 -e 5oughed7 5leared his throat. '/o.8 -is silBer ga%e <ar:ed7 the gra&-green deAths turning ri5h7 :olten. 'There are too :an& other things 2'd rather do <ith <o:en7 Aarti5ularl& i;she haAAens to 9e my <o:an.8 There. -is <o:an again. @ore Aossession. .nd she didn't <ant to 9e a Aossession. '/ o< let's see ho< <ell this <or6s78 he 5ontinued so;tl&7 a hus6& note o; 5o:Aulsion in his Boi5e. ''Prin5ess Chantal 2': as6ing &ou to Alease 5onsider attending the language and 5ulture 5lasses that 9egin in--8 he glan5ed at his <at5h 8-;i;teen :inutes. 2t's i:Aortant to :e that &ou ;a:iliari%e &oursel; <ith our 5ulture. Can &ou :anage to sEuee%e the lessons into &our 9us& s5hedule=8 -e reall& <asn't giBing her a 5hoi5e7 though7 and she 6ne< it. -e <as as6ing her7 9ut he <as ;ull& e$Ae5ting her to sa& &es. >an: hi: @ali6 'o:an / uri <as reall& hard to :anage. 8''2'll 5he56 :& 5alendar.8 she ans<ered >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 30/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 5risAl&. 'But i; :& :orning is oAen. 2'll do :& 9est to :a6e the ;irst lesson.8 -is e&es glea:ed. -is s:ile <as :o56ing. -e rea5hed ;or her again7 his ;ingers 5urling through her long hair. ''Cou7 Prin5ess7 haBe had too :an& 0estern :en. 8 -is <ords7 his tou5h7 his 6no<ing s:ile :ade her tre:9le in<ardl&. The Ao<er 5ontinued to shi;t. The 9oundaries seerred Ara5ti5all& inBisi9le. -e tou5hed her as i; she <as alread& his. .nd her 9od& <as resAonding to hi: as i; it <ere the :ost natural thing in the <orld. ''2 said 2'd tr&.8 -e released her leisurel&7 dra<ing his lingers ;ro: her thi56 hair eBen :ore slo<l&. ''Cou <ill 0e 9oth 6no< &ou <ill Cou're in Bara6a no<7 laeela. @& <ill7 Prin5ess7 <ill soon 9e &our 5o::and.8 Ta6ing her hand in his. he 6issed her 6nu56les. ',nGo& &our ti:e <ith 1ati:a. 2'll loo6 ;or<ard to gelling a ;ull reAort on &our lessons tonight.8 /i5 <at5hed hi: leaBe7 ;eeling a 9u99le o;h&steria ;or: in her 5hest. -o< <as she going to 5onBin5e hi: to go to .:eri5a= -o< <as she going to 5onBin5e hi: to do an&thing= -e <anted her to su9:it-not the other <a& aroundD Cou're in so :u5h trou9le7 she told hersel; ;eeling li6e a shiA <ith a hole in the ste:. She <as going to sin6. The onl& Euestion <as ho< :u5h ti:e did she haBe le;t 9e;ore she <ent do<n= /i5olette :et 1ati:a in an air& salon7 <here the <ood shutters at the tall ar5hed <indo<s <ere ;olded 9a567 allo<ing the 9right sun to 9oun5e o;; the Aale aAri5ot <alls and dren5h the :ar9le ;loor <ith its dra:ati5 9la56 and iBor& diar:nd Aattern. The language lesson see:ed to last ;oreBer7 9ut then a serBing girl 5arried in al:ond Aastries and :int tea. 1ati:a Aoured the tea7 glan5ing at /i5olette as she did so. ''Cou 6no< <e haBe a sa&ing here. Prin5ess Tln9audet. There's no es*aping death and marriage.- 1ati:a s:iled gri:l&7 handed /i5olette her lea 5uA. ''2t's true7 &ou 6no<. . girl's Ala5e is in the horre. Tending to the ;a:il&.8 /i5 shrugged7 sensing the other <o:an's hostilit& thin6ing o;the li;e Chantal had liBed so ;ur in )a Croi$7 6no<ing that the& <ere suAAosedl& dis5ussing Chantals ;uture7 not hers. ''2 don't haBe a Aro9le: <ith that7 )ad& 1ati:a. 2 haBe a daughter. 2': 5o:;orta9le 9eing horre. 2'Be liBed this <a& ;or &ears.8 1ati:a 9le< deli5atel& on her hot tea. ''Cour daughter <ill :arr& a :an 5hosen ;or her7 too7 then=8 / i5 startled7 Ai5turing her &oung nie5e 9eing ;or5ed to :arr& against her <ill /eBer. 8There's no reason ;or )ill& to do that.8 ''Cet... i; &ou are to :arr& the Sultan.8 1ati:a's s:ile <as hard7 and it :ade her dar6 e&es glea: li6e Aolished on&$7 ''&our other 5hildren <ill haBe to ;ollo< our traditions. Surel& it <ould 9e 9etter ;or )ill& to do the sa:e.8 /i5olette 5ouldn't ans<er. She ;elt 5old on the inside. S5ared. too. ''Cour 5ousin has neBer sAo6en o;this to rre.8 '/ ot &et7 no. But he <ill .;ter 2 haBe introdu5ed our 5ulture to &ou.8 1ati:a siAAed ;ro: her 5uA. 8That is :& Go97 &ou reali%e. To introdu5e &ou to our <a&s.8 /i5 stared into her s:all 5uA7 her e:otions gro<ing hot7 reAla5ing the i5e around her heart. -ad Chantal DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 31/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 5onsidered this= Than6 *od Chantal <as not here. Than6 *od she <ould not haBe to listen to this. Be tortured li6e this. Chantal and )ill& had 9een through 100 :u5h alread&. *ra5e;ull& 1ati:a set her 5uA on the lo< ta9le7 li;ted the Alate o; Aastries out to /i5olette. ''Please.'' 2t'd 9e i:Aossi9le ;or /i5 to eat no<. She'd 5ho6e on the Aastr&. -er throat <as dr& as dust. 1ati:a in5lined her head. 'Ba56 to our dis5ussion a9out &our daughter. >o &ou reall& thin6 it is ;air to her to :a6e her an out5ast= To treat her di;;erentl& than &ou'll treat &our 5hildren <ith the sultan= Please tr& to thin6 o; it ;ro: her AersAe5tiBe7 o;<hat <ould 9ene;it her :ost. -o< do &ou thin6 she <ill ;eel 9eing di;;erent= .nd ho< shall &our 5hoi5es i:Aa5t her later= Be5ause7 Prin5ess7 no Bara6an :an <ill eBer :arr& her7 and i; she 5an't :arr& here then &ou are 5hoosing to send her ;ur a<a&.8 /i5's tongue Aressed to the roo; o; her :outh. She ;ell horri9l& 5lose to 5ho6ing. 8She's four, )ad& 1ati:a. Just ;our &ears old. . little girl still 2 thin6 these de5isions don't need to 9e :ade ;or a :un9er o; &ears. 8 'Ti:e Aasses Eui56l&.8 /ot Eui56l& enough. / i5 silentl& retorted7 ;urious7 hanging on to her te:Aer-9arel&. 1ati:a's 5o:Aan& <as 9e5o:ing intolera9le. 8.nd &ou.8 /i5 said7 turning the ;o5us onto the t<enl&-tiBe-&ear old. '0hat are &our 5ousin's Alans ;or &ou= 2s there a hus9and on the hori%on7 or are &ou going to re:ain here7 deBoting &our li;e to hi: and roe=8 1ati:a's e&es narro<ed. ''2 haBen't heard <ho he has sele5ted ;or rre7 9ut 2 a: interested7 o; 5ourse. 0h&= -aBe &ou heard so:ething=8 '/o.8 1or the ;irst titre sin5e the& sat do<n together this :orning. 1ati:a e$Aressed un5ertainl&. 'But i; &ou do hear so:ething7 &ou'll tell :e=8 8(; 5ourse7 )ad& 1ati:a. 0e should helA ea5h other7 not hurt ea5h other7 don't &ou thin6=8 'eturning to her roo: /i5 glan5ed at her 5alendar7 una9le to 9elieBe that eBer& :orning <ould 9e sAent in Birtual hell <ith 1ati:a7 unnerBed 9& the ;a5t that she <as :a6ing eBer& de5ision-in5luding de5isions a9out :eals and 5o;;ee-9ased on a 5alendar. &ali$ 1un's *alendar! 2t <as an insult to her intelligen5e. . test o; her 5ontrol 2nsult or not7 /i5 6ne< that a55ording to the 5alendar7 she had Gust enough ti:e to ;reshen uA and 5hange 9e;ore dinner. .55ording to her aAAoint:ent 9oo67 she and Hing /uri <ould 9e dining alone together7 and .lea had 5lothes alread& <aiting7 a Aale Ain6 trouser set <ith a long sli: sil6 oBer5oat. /i5olette <asn't in the :ood ;or Ain67 9ut she didn't haBe the energ& to Arotest7 esAe5iall& not <hen she had :ore Aressing :atters on her :ind. @anaging her e:otions-and rea5tions-around the sultan <as an issue. )ad& 1ati:a <as alread& Aosing a Aro9le: .nd /i5olette <as no 5loser to 5onBin5ing the sultan that the <edding should 9e :oBed to Baton 'ouge than <hen she arriBed &esterda& a;ternoon. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 32/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter So thin6 o; tonight as an oAAortunit&7 she told hersel; as she <as es5orted to Hing /uri's Euarters. This isn't a 5han5e to ;ail7 9ut a 5han5e to su55eed. The& ate 0estern st&le7 sitting at a s:all ta9le in one o;the elegant 5ourt&ards. Tor5hes ilhuninated the tiled <alls7 re;le5ting o;; the an5ient :osai5s de5orating eBer& sur;a5e. >uring the rreal / i5 struggled to thin6 o; a natural <a& to 9ring uA her 5on5erns a9out the <edding-and )ad& 1ati:a-9ut no oAAortunit& Aresented itsel; But the <edding ;irst. ''2 attended the lessons toda&78 she said7 5ringing a little at her ineAt oAening. There had to 9e a 9etter <a& to aAAroa5h the toAi5 than this. '')ad& 1ati:a is 5ertainl& ... 6no<ledgea9le.8 8She is7 isn't she=8 /i5 ;or5ed hersel; on. 8She e$Aressed thoughts that trou9led :e.8 ''2ndeed='' -e <asn't 9eing Ber& helA;ul here. '>esAite her edu5ation7 she sounds Euite 5onserBatiBe7 at least in ter:s o; <o:en's roles in &our so5iet&.8 -is shoulders shi;ted and the 5andle light ;li56ered oBer his ;a5e7 his ;eatures eBen7 5ontrolled. '1ati:a has al<a&s 9een :ost 5o:;orta9le as a <o:an. She e:9ra5es the uniEue di;;eren5es 9et<een :en and <o:en.8 0as he AurAosel& taunting her= 8Sounds Aer;e5t ;or &ou. 2': surArised &ou neBer 5onsidered :arr&ing her.8 -is ga%e 5lashed <ith hers. '>id 2 sa& that=8 '>id &ou AroAose=8 '/o. 2 resAe5t her i::ensel&7 9ut she's li6e a sister to rre.8 1inall& sorre insights into his <orld. ,Ber sin5e arriBing in .tiE. /i5olette had ;loundered7 struggling to gel her ;eet on the ground. Just <ho <as @ali6 /uri= 0hat did he <ant= 0hat did he reall& 9elieBe= '-aBe &ou eBer AroAosed to an&one=8 ''2'Be <aited a long titre to :arr&. 88 -is e$Aression reBealed nothing7 and his tone <as de5eAtiBel& :ild. ''2'Be <aited a long ti:e ;or &ou. 8 '/otK-8 ''Ces7 &ou7 Prin5ess.8 She <asn't sure <hat to sa& ne$t. @a&9e she should Gust 9e glad he'd Aresented her <ith an oAAortunit& to address her <edding 5on5erns. '-aBe &ou had a 5han5e to thin6 a9out :& reEuest= 2t reall& does :ean a great deal to rre ... :arr&ing in :& :other's Aarish.8 She tried to 6eeA her tone 5asual7 although 9eneath the ta9le her lingers <ere 6notting her linen naA6in. There <ere so :an& under5urrents 9et<een the:IAersonal7 Ah&si5al7 se$ual ''Cour :other7 the .:eri5an.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 33/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2 6no< &ou <ant to 9e :arried here7 in .tiE7 9ut AerhaAs <e 5ould ;ind a 5o:Aro:ise. 2nstead o; Gust one 5ere:on&7 <e 5ould haBe t<o. 0e go to Baton 'ouge ;or :& 5hur5h 5ere:on&7 and then return here ;or a traditional Bara6an 5ere:on&. 8 'T<o 5ere:onies=8 ''2t's not unheard o;7 Cour -ighness-8 ''@ali6. Please. 0e're dis5ussing our <edding.8 The <a& he said our /edding :ade her 9lush and she nodded a<6<ardl&7 i::ediatel& a<are o;the si%e o;hi:. the strength o; hi:7 as <ell as the sense that desAite the di;;eren5es 9et<een the:7 the&'d 9e eBentuall& :at5hed in 9ed. '>ual 5ere:onies are 9eing done :ore and :ore these da&s.8 she said7 Boi5e al:ost 9rea6ing. ''2t's one <a& o; addressing the Barious asAe5ts o; 5ulture.8 -e hesitated7 liAs Aursing. ''PerhaAs. 2'Be neBer thought o; dra<ing this out7 9ut that's not to sa& <e 5ouldn't :a6e it haAAen.8 .es. /i5 ;elt hersel; e$hale in a deeA rush. But her relie;<as tinged 9& so:ething else ... an e:otion ;ar :ore Aersonal7 one that had nothing to do <ith Chantal and )ill& and onl& to do <ith her attra5tion. '0e'd :arr& here ;irst7 then.8 he added7 as i; thin6ing aloud. ''Cou're alread& here. The Alans haBe 9een :ade. .;ter the Aala5e 5ere:on&7 <e 5ould ;l& to )ouisiana7 inBite &our ;riends and ;a:il& to Goin us there.8 -is <ords AoAAed <hateBer 9rie; ;antas& she held. She <as 9eing ridi5ulous7 the da&drea: she had 9een haBing o; a la%& a;ternoon in 9ed <as eBen :ore ridi5ulous. -e <as a sultan. She <as a Arin5ess. She <asn't eBen the Arin5ess he <anted. ''Cour -ighness-8 she sa< his ;ro<n7 and Eui56l& su9stituted his narre 8-@ali6. 2 aAAre5iate &ou 5onsidering :& suggestion7 and 2': grate;ul &ou're <illing to traBel to the States7 9ut i;<e should do all that. 2'd reall& li6e to <al6 do<n the aisle ;irst...9e a 9ride in <hite.8 8. 9ride in <hite78 he e5hoed thought;ull&. .nd then re:e:9ering she <as suAAosed to 9e Chantal she ;or5ed a tight s:ile. ''2 6no< 2'Be done it 9e;ore7 9ut it's still .. traditional8 8.nd &ou're the traditional sister7 right=8 -e leaned a<a& ;ro: the ta9le and the 5andles7 haBing 9urned lo<. turned the ta9le into a shade o; rose-gold. ''Cou :entioned this :orning that the >u5asses are hal; 1ren5h= 8 2t <as a Eui56 s<it5h. -e <as Ber& good7 she thought7 rinsing o;;her ;ingers in her <ater 9o<l7 <iAing her hands dr&. -e 5ontrolled the 5onBersation. -e 5ontrolled her Ah&si5al rea5tions. -e 5ontrolled her e:otions. This <as 5ertainl& a ;irst ;or her. '1ren5h and SAanish.8 /i5 ans<ered a;ter a :o:ent's Aause7 gathering her <its a9out her. 6no<ing she needed the: :ore than eBer. -e let nothing slide. -e rerrerrnered eBer& <ord she said. 8.lthough throughout histor& :an& >u5asse 6ings too6 ,nglish 9rides. 8 ''o&al 9rides=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 3"/1"3 3/3/2010 8(nl& ro&al 9rides.8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 8So &ou <ere raised sAea6ing ... =8 '1ren5h ;or ruther7 ,nglish ;or @other7 and our nann& <as ;ro: SeBille7 so <e sAo6e SAanish <ith her.8 8.n& other languages=8 -er heart <as no longer ra5ing. She ;elt 5al:er again7 digni;ied. ''2 read )atin7 o; 5ourse7 6no< so:e *ree67 a ;air a:ount o;2talian and 5an get 9& <ith :& *er:an.8 8. linguist.8 She shrugged. ''2': a :athe:ati5ian. The& sa& language and :ath use the sa:e Aarts o; the 9rain.8 ''2nteresting.'' -is ;ingers taAAed the ta9le7 his e$Aression al:ost 9rooding. ''2 didn't reali%e 9oth &ou and /i5olette studied :athe:ati5s at uniBersit&. 2 6ne< she had-&ou'd :entioned that this :orning-9ut didn't 6no< &ou had as <ell8 / i5 gaBe hersel; a hard :enial 6i56. C ou're Chantal7 a5t li6e ChantalD But it <as AroBing harder to do than / i5 eBer e$Ae5ted. -aBing neBer <anted to 9e an&one 9ut hersel; ''2t's all the sarre gene Aool78 she said lightl&. The ta9le had 9een 5oBered 9& an elegant AurAle 5loth shot <ith gold threads so the entire ta9le see:ed to glinnner and shine in the so;t 5andlelight. 8SAea6ing o;the Aarental gene Aool7 2 :et &our ;ather on5e.8 @ali6 said7 again 5hanging the toAi57 6eeAing her ;ir:l& o;;9alan5e. Candlelight di56ered a5ross his ;a5e7 Ala&ing uA the length o;his i:Aerial nose7 the un5o:Aro:ising line o;his Ga<. ''Cears ago7 <hen 2 <as still in :& teens. 2 heard hi: address a grouA o;leaders at a ,uroAean e5ono:i5 su::it. -e <as 9rilliant.8 '-e loBed @elio.8 /i5 Ai5tured her 5ountr&'s 9eauti;ul old Aort7 the narro< tree-lined streets7 the Arett& ;ar:s tu56ed 9et<een ro56& hills. '-e <anted the 9est ;or @elio. and <as <illing to :a6e <hateBer sa5rili5es <ere ne5essar&-8 ',$5eAt ;or giBing uA &our :other.8 the sultan interruAted thought;ull&. ''Cour :other <asn't eBer negotia9le7 <as she=8 -er :other7 the .:eri5an AoA sensation ... a star <ho'd risen ;ro: the Aoorest roots i:agina9le. -er :other had gro<n uA hungr&. -ungr& ;or ;ood7 <ar:th7 loBe7 shelter. -ungr& ;or re5ognition. (nl& /i5's grandAarents hadn't seen it that <a&. The&'d thought her :other <as hungr& ;or Ao<er and the&'d done eBer&thing in their Ao<er to 9rea6 uA Julien and Star's :arriage. The&'d <anted so :u5h :ore ;or their Prin5e Julien. '-e <ould haBe giBen uA the 5ro<n i;he had to78 she ans<ered ;latl&. ''Cour grandAarents nearl& disinherited hi:78 She shoo6 her head7 ;inding it all so ludi5rous. '@& grandAarents underesti:ated :& :other.8 / i5 had neBer Bisited her :other's 9irthAla5e in )ouisiana7 9ut she 6ne< it <as 5onsidered rural 'ough. PoBert& stri56en7 5rirre ridden. >e;initel& not roots to 9e Aroud o; '@other :a& haBe 9een 9orn Aoor7 9ut she <asn't a;raid o; 5hallenges.8 /oone <or6ed harder than her :other. She had little ;or:al s5hooling7 haBing droAAed out o;'high >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 35/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter s5hool 9e;ore earning her diAlo:a7 9ut she'd drea:ed 9ig and that 5ounted ;or so:ething. @ali6's ga%e rested on /i5's -ushed ;a5e. ''Cou got along <ell <ith her=8 '3er&.8 /i5 had adored her :other. 2n so:e <a&s the& <ere one and the sa:e. 1earless. .9solutel& ;earless. ''2': glad she <asn't &our t&Ai5al Arin5ess. 2': glad she <as Aoor7 9lue 5ollar. .:eri5an. She too6 nothing ;or granted. She taught us to ta6e nothing ;or granted.8 . :aid aAAeared <ith a tra& and a stea:ing Aot o; 5o;;ee and t<o s:all 5uAs. .s the :aid Aoured the 5o;;ee /i5 <ondered ho< on earth had the& gotten onto this toAi5 in the ;irst Ala5e. 2t <as not her ;aBorite toAi5. /i5 <as too :u5h li6e her :other to understand those <ho'd 5riti5i%ed Star. @ali6 <aited ;or the :aid to leaBe again. '0ould &ou sa& &ou're the sarre 6ind o; :other to )ill&= 0hat is &our relationshiA <ith &our daughter li6e=8 .nd suddenl& /i5olette ;elt <ren5hed all oBer again7 re:e:9ering ho< eBer&thing the& <ere sa&ing7 eBer&thing the& <ere doing <as a lie. She <as suAAosed to 9e Ala&ing Chantal7 instead she 6eAt sAea6ing ;ro: the heart7 ans<ering his Euestions honestl&7 oAenl&. Thin$ li$e 9hantal ... thin$ li$e 9hantal. .nd /i5 5ould see Chantal in her :ind's e&e and 6ne< that &es7 Chantal <as a ;antasti5 :other. Chantal <as the ulti:ate :other. ''2 thin6 2': :ore Arote5tiBe than :& :other78 /i5 said a;ter a :o:ent. 8.nd )ill&7 2 thin67 is :ore trusting than :ost 5hildren7 and 5onsidera9l& :ore Bulnera9le. 8 @ali6 siAAed ;ro: his s:all 5uA. ''PerhaAs it's losing her ;ather so &oung in li;e.8 /i5 5ouldn't helA her Ga< hardening. .r:and ... .r:and ... ho< she hated Prin5e .r:and Tln9audel ''PerhaAs.'' /i5 agreed Euietl&7 9ut her Boi5e 5a:e out 5old7 ;lat. 8(r AerhaAs it's that she's Ber& 9right ;or her age7 Euite intuitiBe7 and she senses that things are not.. .as the& should 9e.8 @ali6 stared at her7 5onsidering her7 his e$Aression 5urious7 al:ost sAe5ulatiBe. .;ter a :inute ti56ed 9&7 he shi;ted in his 5hair7 leaning 9a56 to :a6e hi:sel;:ore 5o:;orta9le7 and &et the intensit& o;his ga%e :ade her 9urn ;ro: the inside out. ''1ro: <hat 2 understand7 &our ;irst :arriage <asn't a loBe :at5h.8 -er sto:a5h <as in 6nots. She 5ould hardl& 5on5entrate. ''1ar ;ro: it.8 ''Cet &ou 5a:e to Bara6a ... =8 Be5ause 2 didn't haBe a 5hoi5e7 she <anted to tell hi: Cou <ere Aressuring Chantal7 and Chantal s had enough Aressure. ''2 <ant )ill& haAA&78 she said at last7 ;eeling the <eight o;the <orld rest on her shoulders. So:eho<7 in less than ;ort&-eight hours7 he'd tied her in 6nots. She <asn't /i5. She <asn't Chantal She didn't 6no< <ho she <as an&:ore. The onl& thing she did 6no< <as that the 5he:istr& 9et<een her and Hing /uri <as <ild ... stunning ... she'd neBer had this 6ind o; resAonse to an&one and there <as no <a&-a9solutel& no <a&-she 5ould let the attra5tion gel out o; hand. C#$PT"R &O!R >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 3/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ). T,' that eBening7 a;ter returning to her roo:7 she la& in 9ed. staring at the <ood shutters <here Gust the ;aintest edge o; light 5ould 9e :ade out around the edges. She 5ouldn't sleeA. Couldn't tu: her 9rain o;;. She <as 9eginning to <orr&7 reall& <orr&. 1irst her dinner 5onBersation <ith Hing /uri Ala&ed in her head7 and then as soon as that 5onBersation ended7 she heard her last 5onBersation <ith Chantal 9egin7 the 5onBersation the& had Gust hours 9e;ore /i5 had 9oarded the %oyal Star &a5ht -'t's:ust a meet and greet, right4- 1i*olette had as$ed, drumming her fingers on her lo*$ed steamer trun$. -.ou /ouldn't a*tually marry him. 't's:ust a *han*e to say hi35ye3 and $no/ /hat you're not getting involved /ith4- 9hantal's eye5ro/s lifted. -Be *areful, Nic. This isn't one of your fun3loving #ree$s. This is ;ing 1uri3- -6 man3- -6 ;ing.- Nic shrugged. -So he's a royal, 5ut so are /e3and :ust 5e*ause a man says :ump, it doesn't mean /e have to.- So she didn't haBe to Gu:A7 9ut the <edding <as less than t<o <ee6s a<a& and she had no idea ho< she <as going to :a6e this <or6. 0hat i;she 5ouldn't get out o; Bara6 a= 0hat i;she <asn't a9le to 9rea6 o;; the engage:ent in ti:e= There <as no <a& she'd go through <ith this :arriage. 1ot even to res*ue 7illy4 The little Boi5e in /i5's head :ade her sigh7 5lose her e&es. She 6ne< she'd :arr& Blue9eard i;it'd saBe )ill&. But oh7 let there 9e another <a& ... There had to 9e another <a& ... (n5e again /i5 <o6e uA in a 9ad :ood. She hated lies. >etested h&Ao5ris&. .nd &et here she <as. a9out to 9egin another da& Aretending to 9e so:eone she <as not. .lea had 9rea6;ast <ailing outside in /i5's AriBate 5ourt&ard7 and a;ter <raAAing hersel; in one o; the long sil6 ro9es ;ro: her <ardro9e. /i5 <andered outside7 Aulling her hair into a Aon&tail high on the toA o; her head. She 5aught a gli:Ase o; hers el; in the 6oi Aond outside. Bro<n hair. )ong :ess& Aon&tail >ar6 5ir5les under the e&es. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 3&/1"3 3/3/2010 Prin5ess heading to disaster. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter .lea sat <ith /i5 <hile she had her 9rea6;ast. ''2t's going to 9e a 9us& da&.8 .lea said7 stud&ing /i5's 5alendar. ')anguage lesson. Culture lesson. Then a <edding go<n ;itting-8 '/o.8 .lea loo6ed uA ;ro: the aAAoint:ent 9oo6. '>id &ou <ant lun5h 9e;ore the ;itting=8 '/ o. /o. 2 don't <ant to go to the <edding go<n ;itting-8 ''2t's onl& s5heduled ;or an hour.8 /i5 5oBered her ;a5e <ith her hands7 ru99ed her ;orehead7 haling the heada5he that neBer see:ed to go a<a&. ''2 Gust <ish .. .1 :ean ... <h& 5an't the ;itting <ait=8 / i5 shoo6 her head. /o use 5o:Alaining. .lea hadn't :ade the s5hedule and .lea 5ouldn't 5hange her s5hedule. But .lea ;ro<ned7 ;eeling resAonsi9le. '>o &ou <ant rre to send a :essage to -is -ighness= 0ould &ou li6e to sAea6 <ith hi:=8 /i5's ga%e rested on the 5ourt&ard's la5& latti5e<or67 and her Bie< through the oAen 9edroo: door to her suite o; roo:s. The 5eiling in her 9ed5ha:9er <as high7 and Aainted gold and 9lue7 the ;loor 5oBered in gra5e;ul tile :osai5s-all loBel&7 all intended to sedu5e the senses7 su9due the <ill-9ut /i5 didn't <ant to 9e sedu5ed and su9dued. She <asn't here to 9e 5har:ed. .nd she <asn't a9out to 9e <ooed. 'These roo:s78 /i5 said7 8the&'re in5redi9l& 9eauti;ul .re all 9edroo:s in the Aala5e li6e this=8 8(h. no. Prin5ess. There are Gust a ;e< o;these sAe5ial roo:s. The& are reserBed ;or the sultan's ;aBorites.8 .lea s:oothed a Aage in the oAen aAAoint:ent 9oo6. The sultan's ;aBorites= .s in Alural 3er& ni5e. /i5's e&e9ro<s li;ted satiri5all& and she glan5ed around on5e :ore seeing the Aalatial use o; sAa5e7 large outdoor sun6en Aool7 6oi Aool and 5olor;ul :osai5s <ith ;resh e&es. 8This <as Aart o;the hare:8 '1or the sultan's 5hosen.8 .h7 <ell7 that <as :u5h 9etter7 <asn't it= /i5 thought Aushing a<a& ;ro: the ta9le7 thin6ing it ;itting that she :oBed ;ro: one e$5ru5iating test to another. Brea6;ast in the hare: ;ollo<ed 9& .ra9i5 lesson <ith the 5ousin. -o< 5ould li;e get an& 9etter= /i5 surBiBed the arduous lesson7 and then haAAil& the stud& turned to geograAh&. Toda& 1ati:a Aulled out a :aA o; Bara6 a and its neigh9oring 5ountries and /i5olette loBed learning a9out the Barious geograAhi5al Aoints o; interest- the :ountain ranges7 the riBer7 the great deserts. .9ruAtl& 1ati:a ;olded the :aA. 8'0hat do &ou 6no< a9out our <eddings=8 83er& little78 /i5 ans<ered7 <ondering <h& 1ati:a had ta6en the :aA a<a&. She'd 9een enGo&ing the lesson i::ensel& and the& still had Alent& o;ti:e le;t. .t least ;i;teen :inutes. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 3'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Cou should 6no< a9out our <eddings.8 1ati:a 5ontinued tersel&. 8The& are Ber& i:Aortant in our 5ulture7 and the& are Ber& e$AensiBe.8 1ati:a's liAs 5urled 9ut she didn't see: to 9e s:iling. '0edding 5ele9rations generall& last a <ee6. The <edding itsel; la6es Ala5e oBer seBeral da&s. Cours <ill Aro9a9l& 9e at least three da&s. ,a5h da& o;the <edding <ee6 &ou'll re5eiBe :ore gold and Ge<elr& ;ro: @ali6. .nd then ;inall& on the <edding da&7 &ou'll 9e 5arried in on a great ta9le7 5oBered in Ge<els and all the gi;ts @ali6 has giBen &ou.8 /i5olette <as aAAalled7 disgusted that she'd 9e Aaraded a9out on a ta9le li6e a roasted Aig at Christ:as. ''Cou are Ber& lu56&78 1ati:a added ;or5e;ull&. ''Cou are grate;ul ;or &our good ;ortune7 aren't &ou=8 . :ur:ur o; Boi5es sounded ;ro: the door<a& and /i5 glan5ed oBer her shoulder to see the serBants 9o<ing. Hing /uri had entered the roo: and /i5 5ouldn't 9e :ore relieBed. 8*ood :orning78 1ati:a greeted7 rising. '-o< is the lesson 5o:ing=8 he as6ed7 aAAroa5hing the:7 <earing dar6 5asual sla56s and a long-sleeBe shirt the 5olor o;9urnished 5oAAer. The shirt ;lattered his 5o:Ale$ion7 enhan5ing his ;eatures and the in6& 9la56 o;his hair. 8*ood.8 1ati:a said sti;tl&. '0e're done.8 '1ine. Then allo< :e to steal :& Arin5ess.8 -e 9ent his head7 6issed /i5olette on ea5h 5hee67 and <aBed o;; 1ati:a7 indi5ating she <as ;ree to go and turned to /i5olette. ''Cou're 5ertain the lesson <ent s:oothl&=8 She glan5ed uA into his ;a5e. -is e$Aression <as guarded. She <ondered i;he'd heard so:ething <hen he ;irst entered the roo: ''2t <ent s:oothl&. Cour 5ousin is Euite 6no<ledgea9le.8 88She is78 he agreed. 8.nd at ti:es a little ;or:al8 -e hesitated a :o:ent. ''2 thought 2 heard her sAea6 o; our <edding 5usto:s. 8 So he had heard so:ething. 8She <as des5ri9ing the 5ere:on&. I :ust ad:it7 it see:ed a little ... other<orldl& to rre.8 '0hi5h Aart=8 She ;ell heal rise to her 5hee6s and tried to shrug 5asuall&. 'The Aart <here the 9ride is draAed in gold and Ge<els and 5arried in7 re5lining on a ta9le.8 -e laughed7 the sound deeA and hus6&7 and ;ur too se$&. ''2t's not e$a5tl& the sa:e thing as <al6ing do<n an aisle in Birginal <hite7 is it=8 2t a:used hi:7 this little Ala&a5ting o; hers. The Arin5ess <as deter:ined to sti56 <ith the role7 eBen though it didn't suit her at all -e'd 6no<n she <as /i5olette ;ro: the :o:ent she arriBed7 and &et he'd gone along <ith her 5harade7 5urious to see ho< ;ur she'd let this go. -e'd heard she <as tough---sAirited-indeAendent7 and her ;ire intrigued hi: .s <ell as 5hallenged hi: She :ight 9e a Ala&er7 9ut so <as he. -e'd Ala& her garre. .nd he'd 9eat her at her o<n ga:e. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 3#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 0at5hing her ;a5e no<7 he se5retl& hoAed she <ould giBe h: a good run ;or his :one&. 0 orren had al<a&s ;allen at his ;eet7 s<eAt a<a& 9& his Ao<er and :one&. 0o:en had al<a&s 9een ... too eas&. But / i5 <asn't eas&. .nd he li6ed that. The ;a5t that she'd 5o:e to his 5ountr& and tr& to Ala& hi: .. no< that <as daring. She <as a 9orn ris6-ta6er. *ood ;or her. Too :an& AeoAle Ala&ed it sa;e throughout li;e. 8Should <e go tr& on that <edding go<n no<=8 he as6ed7 ;eeling al:ost guilt& ;or enGo&ing hi:sel; so :u5h. .nd &et it'd 9een a long ti:e sin5e he'd ;elt so enthusiasti57 or oAti:isti57 a9out an&thing. -e sa< ho< the <ord ''<edding go<n8 :ade /i5olette's Ga< 5len5h. 2t <as all he 5ould do to 6eeA his e$Aression 9lan6. ''Cou're going to a55o:Aan& :e to the ;itting=8 '0h& not=8 he ans<ered <ith a shrug. The liA o; her Ain6 tongue aAAeared7 9riell& tou5hed the edge o; her teeth. ''2s it 5usto:ar&=8 But she didn't giBe h: 5han5e to ans<er as she i::ediatel& 5ontinued. 'Be5ause so:eho< 2 5an't i:agine it's allo<ed here. .55ording to &our 5ousin 1ati:a7 the rren and <o:en are still so segregated. (n5e girls hit Au9ert&7 <o:en 9egin to lead seAarate liBes ... 8 -er Boi5e dri;ted o;;. She tried again. ''PerhaAs 2'Be :isunderstood her7 or AerhaAs 2'Be :isunderstood &ou.8 '/ o. Cou didn't :isunderstand.8 She <ailed ;or h: to ela9orate 9ut he didn't. She s<allo<ed. 'But aren't &ou .. .2'd thin6 &ou'd 9e ... as sultan ... 8 -er 5on;usion sho<ed in her e&es. '@ore traditional8 2t <as rather re;reshing to see her struggle. 3er& little gaBe Prin5ess /i5olette Aause. She'd arriBed here thin6ing she had the uAAer hand. She'd do this7 and do that7 and it <ould 9e Gust as she Alanned. But nothing in li;e <ent Gust as one Alanned. .nd the garre <as on. 8.las. 8 he sighed. ''2 a: not the :ost traditional sultan. 2'Be traBeled a great deal7 liBed a9road. 2 hoAe &ou are not disaAAointed. 8 -e ;elt her ga%e as the& <al6ed through the Aala5e7 do<n one :&sterious 5orridor and then another. She <as thin6ing7 and she <as struggling to 5o:e uA <ith so:e de;initiBe 5on5lusions 9ut so ;ur she hadn't. She 5ouldn't. She didn't reall& 6no< hi: -e s:iled on the inside. -e li6ed her. -e'd li6ed her ;or a long titre7 not that he 6ne< her <ell7 either. But he aAAre5iated <hat he sa<7 ad:ired her attitude. -e 6ne< she <as the >u5asse Arin5ess <ho didn't <ant to :arr&. -e'd heard all a9out her es5aAades7 the Aro9le:s she'd 5reated in @elio7 the heada5hes she'd giBen her 9eloBed grandAarents. -e'd heard7 too7 ho< she didn't <orr& a9out <hat others thought-she loBed her ;a:il& - 9ut she <asn't going to giBe uA hersel; Gust to Alease the:7 either. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "0/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter )i6e her7 he'd dated e$tensiBel&. -e'd neBer <orried a9out :arriage7 had 6no<n he'd haBe to :arr& one da&. a;ter all7 he <as the eldest son o;the Ao<er;ul Sultan Bara6a. and he'd assu:ed that his 9ride <ould 9e loBing7 lo&al7 duti;ul7 and he'd i:agined a Euiet <o:an ;ro: his o<n 5ountr&. But a;ter the atte:At on his li;e7 his Ariorities 5hanged. -e needed :ore than a Euiet7 o9edient 9ride. -e needed a <o:an <ho 5ould ;a5e the 5hallenges o; li;e <ith 5ourage7 intelligen5e and hu:or. The&'d rea5hed the end o;the hall7 and @ali6 oAened the door to a Ber& :ode: salon. The salon <as out;itted <ith lo< 5ou5hes 5oBered in 9right orange and Biolet BelBet ;a9ri5s7 the Aale &ello< <alls <ere sheeted in long :irrors7 and in the :iddle o;the roo: <as a s:all 5urtained Alat;or: ;or <ardro9e ;ittings. .n elegant <o:an enteral the roo:7 and she 9o<ed to Hing /uri7 and then turned to /i5olette. ''Cour -ighness78 she said7 s:iling. ''2t is an honor to rreet &ou7 and an eBen greater honor to dress &ou ;or &our <edding. Cou :ust 9e Euite e$5ited.8 ,$5ited <as the last <ord /i5 <ould haBe used to des5ri9e her e:otions at the :o:ent. >read7 disgust7 terror7 an$iet&7 ;ear...those <ere the e:otions she ;ell right no< as she steAAed uA onto the Alat;or:. '>o &ou haBe an& thoughts on the t&Ae o; go<n &ou'd li6e to <ear=8 The designer as6ed7 srun:oning t<o assistants <ho helAed 9egin <ith the rreasure:ents. /i5 ;ell Hing /uri's <at5h;ul Aresen5e7 and she glan5ed uA at the 5urtains hanging ;ro: the 5eiling. She 6ne< the 5urtains 5ould 9e 5losed7 o;;ering greater AriBa5&7 9ut no one :oBed to shut the: '/o. 2 don't reall& sAend ti:e thin6ing a9out these things.8 ''Cou'd neBer had an& ideas a9out the go<n= The 5olor7 the st&le7 the ;a9ri5.8 /i5 shoo6 her head. (n5e7 ;our or liBe &ears ago7 she and her sisters had sAent the night 9e;ore Chantals <edding to Prin5e .r:and Alanning their ;utures and /i5 and Joelle had s6et5hed their <edding dresses and des5ri9ed the 6ind o;<edding the&'d ea5h haBe. /i5 had said she'd do a SleeAing Beaut& <edding7 all Ain6 and 5oral and green7 9e5ause she'd haBe to 9e SleeAing Beaut& to get :arried-go to sleeA7 <a6e uA <ith a 6iss and get dragged to the altar ;ast 9e;ore she 6ne< <hat <as haAAening. Joelle and Chantal had laughed7 o; 5ourse7 9ut no< the idea o; 9eing dragged to the altar ;ast aAAeared in5redi9 l& real 0ith the rreasurerrents ta6en7 the designer su::oned lor ;a9ri5 sa:Ales7 and the assistants 5arried out 9olt a;ter 9olt7 disAla&ing the: ;irst 9e;ore the sultan and then draAing the: a5ross /i5olette8s shoulder. The ;a9ri5s <ere all 5ostl&-ri5h deli5atel& <oBen sil6s <ith eBen :ore deli5ate threads o; gold. The 5olors <ere e$Euisite7 sheer Aastel hues ranging ;ro: grass-green to &oung le:on7 the Ain6 o; da<n to the 5oral Alu56ed ;ro: the sea. 'This is Gust the 9eginning78 the designer said. '')ater :an& dedi5ated hands <ill e:9roider ;antasti5 Aatterns7 9ut ;irst <e :ust ;ind the right sil6 ;or &ou. 8 @ali6 had 9een <at5hing eBer&thing 5losel& ;ro: his Aosition on one Au:A6in- hued so;a. -e suddenl& sAo6e to >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 41/143 3/3/2010 the designer in .ra9i5. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The designer listened attentiBel&7 9o<ed and turning to /i57 she s:iled. ''Cou are Ber& ;ortunate. Cour -ighness7 the sultan <ishes &ou to haBe a go<n :ade ;ro: ea5h. 88 /i5 <ished eBer&one <ould stoA telling her ho< ;ortunate she <as. She did not ;eel ;ortunate. She ;ell traAAed. .nd a go<n o; ea5h 5olor <ould onl& traA her :ore. Turning7 she glan5ed at Hing /uri <here he re5lined on the Alush so;a. -is rust-5olored shirt had ;allen oAen at the 5ollar7 e$Aosing the higher Alane o;his 5hest. -e <as all hard7 honed :us5le. She tried not to i:agine ho< loBel& all that hard7 honed :us5le <ould 9e na6ed. She <as alread& ;ur too a<are o;hi:. ;ur too attra5ted to hi:. The last thing she needed <as Aroo; o;his sensualit& ... se$ualit& ... Birilit&. ''2 aAAre5iate &our generosit&. Cour -ighness7 9ut 2 do not need so :an& e$AensiBe go<ns. 88 ''2t giBes :e Aleasure to dress &ou78 he ans<ered la%il&7 a sAar6 o; Aossession in his e&es. /i5 s<allo<ed7 thin6ing she didn't li6e the AossessiBe light in his e&es7 or the e$Aense7 and <aste7 o; go<ns she8d neBer <ear. She <ouldn't 9e here long enough to <ear eBen one o;the: ''2 understand &ou are a generous :an + ''Proud7 too.8 The Ait5h o;his Boi5e :ade her sto:a5h ;liA. -e loo6ed so rela$ed7 and &et she ;ell distin5tl& uneas&. 0as she i:agining the note o; <arning in his Boi5e= Sha6en7 /i5 loo6ed do<n7 sa< the latest 9olt o;;a9ri5 <raA her 9reast and lrAs7 the sil6 a <isA& 9lue li6e the 9lue o;the s6& a;ter a hard 5leansing rain. She li6ed the 9lue. 2t :ade her ;eel al:ost 5al: 8.nd one o;the 9lue sil67 too78 he said7 9rea6ing the silen5e. 'That is :& ;aBorite so ;ur.8 The ;itting ended soon a;ter7 5on5luding in silen5e. The designer 9o<ed deeAl& to the sultan7 than6ing hi: Aro;usel&7 and then e$5used hersel; leaBing /i5 and Hing /uri alone. /i5 heard the great <ooden door so;tl& 5lose 9ehind the sea:stress. She re:ained <here she <as on the dais7 ;eeling strangel& alone7 and unusuall& ;oolish. '0hi5h <ill 9e :& <edding go<n=8 she as6ed7 steAAing o;; the Alat;or: and adGusting the 9and 5ollar on her si:Ale <hite linen oBer5oat and long sli: s6irt. The sultan 5o56ed his head. '>oes it :atter=8 /o. 2t didn't :atter. She'd onl& 9een :a6ing 5onBersation7 tr&ing to ;ill the a<6<ard silen5e. 2t <asn't as i;she'd eBer <ear the go<n an&<a&. ''Cou're angr& <ith rre.8 '/ o. /ot at all8 -e e$tended a hand to her. 8Co:e. Sit here <ith :e so <e :ight sAea6 :ore 5o:;orta9l&. '8 She :oBed to sit on a so;a a5ross ;ro: his 9ut he shoo6 his head. '-ere.8 -e Ala5ed a hand on the Au:A6in sil6 so;a <here he re5lined. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "2/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter *ingerl& she sat ne$t to hi: 8Co:;orta9le=8 he as6ed. She ignored the :o56er& underl&ing the Euestion. ''Ces.'' @a&9e he <asn't angr&7 9ut there <as so:ething on his :ind. -e adGusted one o;the gorgeous gold taAestr& Aillo<s7 Ala5ing it 9ehind her 9a56. 'Better=8 ''2 <asn't un5o:;orta9le.8 ''Ces7 9ut one 5ould al<a&s ;eel :ore Aea5e ... :ore Aleasure.8 -e ;olded his ar:s 9ehind his head7 studied her ;a5e7 her e$Aression out<ardl& serene. '>id &ou enGo& the ;itting=8 ''2 thin6 2 :entioned 9e;ore that 2': not Aarti5ularl& ;ashion 5ons5ious. 8 'But the ne<sAaAers and :aga%ines are al<a&s Aro5lai:ing &our strong sense o; ;ashion. .ren't &ou the 5lear ;aBorite in the design <orld=8 Chantal <as7 o; 5ourse. ,Ber& designer loBed to dress the Ber& slender7 and inherentl& elegant. Chantal Tln9audet7 the 9eauti;ul <ido<ed Arin5ess o; )a Croi$. Chantal had 9een 9eloBed as the eldest >u5asse daughter7 9ut on5e :arried and <ido<ed7 the Au9li5 e:9ra5ed her eBen :ore. /i5's e:otions ran riot. Chantal didn't o9sess a9out ;ashion7 She'd al<a&s 9een st&lish7 eBen soAhisti5ated. The ;a:il& used to Go6e that eBen as a 9a9& Chantal <ould tug on her 9onnet until it had a Gaunt& angle. But /i5 ;ound the Au9li5's loBe a;;air <ith 9eauti;ul7 ;ashiona9le Arin5esses 9urdenso:e. She'd rather sAend a da& ;iguring :ath Aro9le:s than go 5lothes-shoAAing. 8(ne o;the dra<9a56s o; 9eing in the Au9li5 e&e7 is the 5onstant Aressure to :aintain one's i:age. 2'Be o;ten ;elt there is too :u5h Balue Ala5ed on aAAearan5es7 Cour -ighness. 2 Aersonall& disli6e haBing to <orr& a9out 5lothes and ;ashion <hen there is so :u5h haAAening in the <orld that is o; real i:Aortan5e. 8 ''Cou al<a&s surArise rre.8 The sultan s:iled7 and it <as a genuine s:ile7 one that rea5hed his e&es and :ade the grooBes along his :outh deeAen. The <ar:th o;the s:ile <as al:ost un9eara9l& aAAealing. /i5's :outh dried. -e loo6ed so 5o:;orta9le in hi:sel;7 so Ah&si5al and se$ual at the sa:e titre. 8That's good=8 ''Ces. 8 -is s:ile ;aded 9ut the <ar:th re:ained in his e&es. -e e$uded intelligen5e7 as <ell as 5o:Aassion. -e <ore his :antle o; authorit& <ell '>o &ou 6no< <h& 2 sele5ted &ou7 Prin5ess=8 2t <as hard to 5on5entrate <ith hi: loo6ing at her li6e that. She <anted to ;o5us and &et she ;ell so :an& e:otions that she had no 9usiness ;eeling. ''2 6no< &ou <anted 9etter @editerranean Aort a55ess. 8 'But there are nu:erous @editerranean Aorts7 and :nrerous single ,uroAean Arin5esses interested in :arriage.8 -e hesitated7 sAea6ing ea5h <ord <ith 5are. ''2 5hose &ou7 9e5ause 2 resAe5t &ou. 2 9elieBe &ou are li6e :e. Cou understand the resAonsi9ilities o; 9eing a Arin5ess o;the ro&al >u5asse ;a:il&7 and &our lo&alt&7 along <ith &our sense o; dut&7 :a6e &ou an ideal :ate. 8 /i5 5ouldn't 9reathe. She ;elt the air settle in her 5hest. -e had it all <rong. She la56ed Chantal's sense o; dut&. -er lo&alt& <as to her o<n ;a:il&7 That's <h& she <as here. /ot ;or @elio. 9ut ;or Chantal and )ill&. ''Cou don't DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "3/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter <orr& 2'd run a<a& ... ;ail to ;ul;ill :& o9ligations here=8 ''Cou didn't in )a Croi$.8 /o7 Chantal hadn't run a<a&. /ot in )a Croi$7 not in @elio7 not eBer. But that's 9e5ause good Chantal7 ;irst 9orn Chantal7 had 9een a Aleaser sin5e 9irth. .ll shed eBer <anted <as to do the 8right88 thing7 and &et the thing that had driBen /i5 5ra%& <as the thought7 ho< did Chantal eBen 6no< <hat <as right4 /i5 had neBer 6no<n <hat <as right. She'd had to sear5h ;or :eaning7 as6 Euestions7 test7 Aush at ea5h and eBer& li:itation. 2n her <orld7 there'd 9een no 8right78 there had onl& 9een truth7 and truth <asn't so:ething one a55eAted 9lindl&. Truth reEuired testing. Truth reEuired Aroo; ''@arriages that are not loBe :at5hes 5an <or6. The& do <or6.8 -is Boi5e <as deeA7 his tone thought;ul ''@& Aarents had an arranged :arriage <hi5h lasted ;i;t&-so:e &ears. 88 'The& are the lu56& ones. 8 ''Cour grandAarents :arriage <as arranged. The& are still together toda&7 and &ou 5an not tell :e the& do not 5are deeAl& ;or ea5h other.8 *rand;ather 'e:i 5herished *rand:a:a .strid. The& <ere a true 5ouAle. The&'d 9een together so long no<7 ;un5tioned so <ell together7 it <as as i; the& 5ouldn't e$ist <ithout the other. ,Ber sin5e *rand:a:a had had her stro6e7 *rand;ather's health had de5lined. +ntil *rand:a:a's stro6e7 *rand;ather had 9een ro9ust. 3igorous. /ot an&:ore. 'The& do loBe ea5h other. '8 /i5 said7 ;inding her Boi5e. 8The&'re <onder;ul AeoAle7 too.8 She s<allo<ed7 re:inding hersel; that she 5ouldn't ans<er Gust as /i5olette. She had to 9e Chantal She had to thin6 li6e Chantal '0hi5h is <h& 2 a55eAted Prin5e .r:and's AroAosal8 she added hus6il&. ''2; :& grandAarents thought .r:and and 2 <ould 9e a good :at5h7 then ... 8 She shrugged7 9ut she didn't ;eel indi;;erent. .r:and <as the lo<est sort o; a :an7 the 6ind that <ould a9use a <o:an Ber9all&7 Ah&si5all&7 a :an <ho didn't ;eel strong unless he 5o:Aletel& do:inated-su9Gugated-the <o:an <ho loBed hi:. deAended on hi:. ''Cou i:Alied last night that )ill& <asn't haAA&78 @ali6 said. 'Tell :e a9out her li;e in )a Croi$.8 / i5 hesitated7 un5ertain &et again ho< :u5h she 5ould7 or should sa&. ''2t's not a AositiBe Ala5e to raise a 5hild.8 ''Cet her grandAarents are there7 and ;ro: <hat 2'Be heard7 her ;ather's ;a:il& aAAarentl& dotes on her.8 '-er ;ather's ;a:il& is o9sessiBel& 5ontrolling.8 8(9sessiBel&=8 8Co:Alete 5ontrol ;rea6s78 /i5 retorted7 una9le to hide her 9itterness. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... ""/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is e&e9ro<s ;lattened. 8.n a<;ull& .:eri5an e$Aression78 he said thought;ull&. '/ot one 2 <ould haBe eBer thought &ou'd use. Cour sister7 /i5olette7 no< she'd sa& so:ething li6e that...8 Could he 9e an&r:re 5ondes5ending= Suddenl& /i5 <as lighting :ad. She'd loBe a good ;ight7 <ould <el5o:e an oAAortunit& to sAar. 2t <as so un;air that <o:en <ere traAAed in 9ad :arriages7 una9le to ta6e a5tion 9e5ause :others <ith &oung 5hildren 5ouldn't a;;ord to <or67 Aa& ;or ;ood and shelter along <ith 5hild5are. The e5ono:i5s alone 6eAt <o:en do<n. ''Ces. she <ould7 and she does.8 / i5 ans<ered hotl&. '+n;ortunatel& 2'Be Ai56ed uA sorre o;/i5's e$Aressions. 0e'Be Gust sAent a <ee6 together in @elio.8 8.h.8 @ali6's e&es narro<ed slightl& at the 5o:ers. 'That e$Alains it.8 -e Aaused. 'Be5ause 2'Be <ondered. Cou haBen't seerred Euite &oursel; sin5e &ou arriBed. 2'd al<a&s heard &ou7 Chantal. des5n9ed as gentle7 5ontrolled7 e:otionall& 5ontained. 8 8.nd 2': not=8 -is :outh Aursed. '/o.8 'But...9ut <h&= 2 thin6 2': e$a5tl& the sa:e.8 -e shoo6 his head. ',Ben &our :anneris:s are di;;erent. Cou :oBe &our 9od& :ore. Cour gestures are sharAer7 less ... re;ined.8 (u5h. Chantal the Persian 5at. /i5 the tiger. Joelle the loBa9le ta99&. ''PerhaAs the &ears at )a Croi$ 5hanged &ou.8 -is ga%e :et hers. held. ''@ade &ou stronger. 1ier5er. .ngrier.8 8.ngrier=8 ''Cou are angr&.8 /o use eBen de9ating that one. She <as angr&. >eeAl& angr& that Chantal <ould su;;er su5h horri9le treat:ent 9& the Tlu9audets7 angr& that Chantal and )ill& <ere traAAed7 angr& that there <as no one <ho 5ould helA res5ue the:7 angr& that the <orld didn't see: to 5are Ber& :u5h <hen <o:en <ere hurt7 <hen <o:en <ere Ber9all&7 e:otionall&7 :entall& a9used. .9use should neBer 9e tolerated. ,Ber. ,Ber. Children shouldn't 9e hurt. 0 orren shouldn't 9e sEuashed7 s:ashed7 Aushed around. Just 9e5ause <o:en <ere s:aller 9oned than :en. lighter in <eight7 so;ter s6inned didn't :ean that it <as o6a& to :a6e the: steAAing stones or Aun5hing 9ags. So:eone had to do sorrething7 So:eone had to 5are enough to sa&7 enough is enough. 2'Be had enough. /o :ore. ''Cou're right. 2 a: uAset.8 / i5 said a;ter a long :o:ent. '3er& uAset.8 She 9it her 9otto: liA7 ;elt the so;tness o; the s6in in her :outh and regretted that she hadn't 9een there ;or Chantal <hen .r:and had 9ullied her. inti:idated her. /i5 <as heartsi56 that she hadn't 6no<n Chantals :iser& until too late7 until the e:otional s5ars <ere hidden 9ut not at all ;orgotten. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "$/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She dre< a slo< 9reath to 5al: hersel; tr&ing to 9u& herselt'tirre. ''2 thin6 it's eas& ;or AeoAle to ignore those in need. 2 thin6 it's eas& ;or AeoAle to 5lose their door7 shutter their <indo<7 Aretend that it's enough to ta6e 5are o; &oursel; enough to haBe a ;ull sto:a5h and 5o:;orta9le 9ed.8 @ali6's ga%e gre< intense. '0hat haAAened in )a Croi$=8 She Ai5tured Chantals gaunt ;rarr57 sad e&es7 the a9use /i5 onl& re5entl& 6ne< Chantal had su;;ered. '0hat didn't haAAen=8 C#$PT"R &'(" ''2 T.H, it &our hus9and <asn't e$a5tl& ... a good hus9and=8 @ali6's deeA Boi5e e5hoed 5on5ern. /i5 Aressed her nails into her Aal:. Surel& it <as o6a& to tell the sultan this. .;ter all7 i; she <anted h: to helA res5ue )ill&7 she needed his s&:Aath&7 and the onl& <a& he'd s&:Aathi%e <ith )ill&'s Alight <as i;he 6ne< the truth. But the truth <as hard to sa&7 Aain;ul and sharre;ul7 and / i5 6ne< Chantal <ould 9e ;urious <ith her ;or sAea6ing it aloud. )i6e :an& a9used <o:en7 Aart o; Chantal 9elieBed that so:eho< she had 9rought the Aain on hersel; that she :ust haBe done so:ething <rong along the <a&7 that .r:and's 5ruelt& <ouldn't haBe haAAened i; Chantal had 9een a 9etter <i;e7 <o:an7 :other. @ali6's long tanned ;ingers taAAed the ri: o;his glass. '>id he hit &ou=8 /i5 held her 9reath. The air ;elt hot and sharA inside her lungs7 She 5ould hear Chantal in her head7 no no no7 5ould see her sister's 9eauti;ul e&es Aleading7 don't sa& a thing7 don't tell h: <hat horri9le things 2 <ent through. -e'll thin6 less o; :e7 he'll thin6 2': 9ad7 that 2': so:eho< ... dirt&. /i5's e&es tilled <ith tears. >ar: .r:and to hell -e had no right la&ing a hand on Chantal /o right Aulling his list to her ;a5e. ''Ces.'' @ali6's e&es sear5hed /i5's. '>id he eBer tou5h &our daughter=8 '-e <as rough.8 /i5 s<allo<ed. She didn't li6e tal6ing a9out her sister's :arriage7 didn't li6e airing su5h horrid se5rets. 2t <as sha:e;ul7 she thought7 understanding ;or the ;irst ti:e <h& Chantal 5ouldn't tal6 a9out the a9use7 <h& Chantal onl& <anted to :oBe on. 1orget. '0ere .r:and's Aarents a<are o;the Aro9le:=8 -er shoulders shi;ted. 8The& 5ouldn't haBe 9een o9liBious. .r:and lost his te:Aer in ;ront o;the: ;reEuentl&.8 'But the& did nothing=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "%/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '/o. But his r:ther did 5o:e to rre on5e. She'd inti:ated that earl& in her :arriage .r:and's ruther had 9ehaBed the sarre7 9ut that it <as our dut& to ;orgiBe the:7 that the& are good rren7 The& Gust don't :anage their anger <ell8 8She <anted &ou to Aut uA <ith it sin5e she had to.8 /i5 nodded. She'd told Chantal the Ber& sarre thing. 8The& sa& a9use o;ten AerAetuates itsel;8 She ;ell a gna<ing restlessness. She needed to get uA. :oBe7 es5aAe this dread;ul dar6 e:otion ;illing her. Chantal had 9een through enough. Chantal <ould 9e saBed. Chantal <ould haBe a 5han5e at ;reedo: 2ndeAenden5e. There <as no reason ;or Chantal to eBer haBe to agree to a loBeless7 arranged :arriage again. ''2 <ant )ill& out78 / i5 s<allo<ed7 ;or5ed hersel; to ;o5us. ''2 <ant her a<a& ;ro: )a Croi$.8 She dre< a slo< 9reath. ''Cou're the onl& one <ho 5ould Aossi9l& get her out.8 '-er grandAarents <on't let her leaBe the 5ountr&=8 /i5's ga%e <as dire5t. 8The& 5an 9e Aersuaded.8 @ali6 said nothing. /i5 ;elt the lu:A in her throat gro< 9ut it onl& :ade her :ore deter:ined. )ill& <ould get out. Chantal <ould 9e ;ree. 8There are all 6inds o; Aersuasion78 she added7 glan5ing at her hands7 then uA into his ;a5e. ''2 9elieBe her grandAarents :ight a55eAt. .. 5o:Aensation ... i; &ou <ill8 'Bu& the: om" ''2t 5ould 9e Aossi9le.8 'Those are desAerate :easures.8 /i5 s:iled 9ut her e&es ;ell hard7 her s6in ;ell 5old. 8.nd 2 a: a desAerate <o:an.8 -e stood7 held out an ar: 8Co:e7 let's <al6. 2t's ;eeling a little 5lose in here.8 /i5 rose7 sliAAed her tre:9ling hands into the Ao56ets o; her sli: linen oBer5oat7 <ondering i;she'd alienated @ali6 <ith her honest&. Then so 9e it7 she i:rrediatel& ans<ered. 2;he 5ouldn't handle truth7 i;he 5ouldn't deal <ith realit&7 then he <asn't the right one ;or her. Corre5tion7 the right one to helA Chantal Be5ause she <as here ;or Chantal This <asn't a9out her ... this <asn't ;or her... (r <as it= /i5 su56ed in a 9reath7 <ondering <hat <as haAAening. She <as ;eeling a 6inshiA <ith Hing /uri a ne< sense o;9elonging. But Bara6a <asn't ho:e7 and <ouldn't 9e ho:e. -er li;e <as in sunn& @elio on the other side o; the @editerranean <ith its s5ent o; 5&Aress and oranges7 shades o; oliBe-green and dar6 green7 the ro56& 5li;;s and the sun dren5hed Aastures. @ali6's ar: rested lightl& around her as the& <al6ed ;ro: the Aala5e to one o;the e$terior 5ourt&ards7 :assiBe eBen 9& ,uroAean standards7 and the <ar:th o;his 9od& against hers -ooded her <ith hot sensation. She <anted so :u5h :ore than Gust an ar: on her <aist. She longed to ;eel hi: all the <a& against her. <anted DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter the Aressure o;his 5hest7 his hiAs7 his legs. She dre< a deeA 9reath7 e$haled eBen :ore slo<l&. The desire to 9e Aart o;hi: <as gro<ing stronger da& 9& da&. This <as a dangerous Ala5e7 she thought7 and so:eho< the sAlash o;;ountains and the sun glinting o;; 5o9alt-9lue tiles <hile the s5ent o; Gas:ine hung in the air onl& added to the a5he inside her. She glan5ed uA into his ;a5e7 her ga%e ta6ing in his hard7 regal ;eatures7 his dar6 hair 5o:9ed 9a56 ;ro: his 9road 9ro<. -e loo6ed AensiBe. Preo55uAied. '>id 2 sho56 &ou=8 she as6ed7 <ishing she didn't 5are one <a& or the other <hat he thought7 9ut she did 5are7 she 5ared Ber& :u5h. The ;a5t <as she li6ed Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri :ore than she'd li6ed an& :an in oh&ears. -e <as hard. se$&7 sensual @ale. She 6ne< 9& the <a& he tou5hed things7 he understood ;ingers7 s6in7 Aressure7 sensation. She 6ne< 9& the <a& he :oBed that he <as a<are o;'hi:sel; a<are o; others. ,Ben no< <ith his ar: lightl& around her <aist she ;elt his strength and energ& riAAle through her. hot. sensitiBe. aliBe. '/o.8 ''Cou'Be gone Euiet.8 -is Aal: Aressed against the diA in her sAine7 <ar:7 strong. /i5olette had neBer ;elt so sa;e. She'd neBer ;elt in danger 9e;ore7 9ut this <as di;;erent. @ali6 'o:an /uri <as a :an <ho 5ared a9out <o:en. Prote5ted <o:en. -e <as a :an <ho'd al<a&s do <hat <as right ;or the <o:en in his ;a:il&. ''Cou'Be giBen rre :u5h to thin6 on.8 The Aressure o;his hand eased. ''2 reali%e that &ou 5o:e here <ith uniEue needs o; &our o<n.8 0as that a Aolite <a& o; sa&ing she had an agenda= She <asn't going to den& it. .rranged :arriages <ere a9out strengthening one's Aosition7 ;or:ing an allian5e7 5reating sta9ilit&. '0e 9oth <ant so:ething78 she ans<ered ;ran6l&. 'The Euestion is7 <hat do &ou really <ant ;ro: :e= Cou alread& 6no< <hat 2 <ant ;ro: &ou.8 '>o 2=8 -e shot her a 5urious glan5e. ''2 6no< &ou <ant ;reedo: ;or )ill&7 and sta9ilit& and se5urit& ;or &our 5ountr&7 9ut <hat a9out &ou= Cou don't stri6e rre as a <o:an <ho has no drea:s ;or hersel;8 The sAlash o;the ;ountain soothed /i5's nerBes. She listened to the gurgling <ater and it sounded 5ool7 re;reshing. She ;ell :ore at Aea5e than she had in da&s. ''2t <ould 9e enough ;or :e to 6no< that :& ;a:il& is haAA&7 health&7 and sa;e.8 .nd /i5 reali%ed that it <as true. @a&9e she didn't haBe her :other's talent and desire ;or ;a:e7 9ut she had her :other's 5ourage. She <asn't a;raid to ris6 all to ensure that those around her <ould 9e Arote5ted. /i5 6ne< she <as tough. She'd al<a&s 9een strong. She didn't need aAAroBal She <anted to stand on her o<n t<o ;eet. 8.nd eEualit&.8 she said a;ter a :o:ent. ',Eualit& ;or <o:en. ,Ber&<here.8 Then re:e:9ering <here she <as7 standing in <hat had to 9e one o;the :ost lu$urious 5ourt&ards in the <orld. / i5 reali%ed she <as sAea6ing not Gust to @ali67 9ut to a sultan7 a 6ing o; a 5ountr& that had on5e 9een Aart o; the Ao<er;ul (tto:an ,:Aire7 in a 5ountr& <here rren outnu:9ered <o:en in higher edu5ation ten to one. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter PerhaAs she'd said too :u5h7 9een too honest. /i5 glan5ed uA at @ali6 again7 tensing in<ardl&7 <ailing ;or his reAri:and. 2nstead he nodded7 his e$Aression so9er. ''2 agree.8 .nother night o; restless sleeA. .nother :orning <here /i5olette did not <ant to get uA. The :ore /i5 li6ed @ali67 the :ore di;;i5ult her 5harade 9e5a:e. But .lea <asn't a9out to let /i5olette sAend the da& in 9ed. ''Prin5ess7 88 .lea said7 lugging on the 5oBers / i5o lette held oBer her head. ''Cou :ust get uA . Cou're going to 9e late.88 ''2t's Gust a language lesson.8 'But )ad& 1ati:a <ill 9e <aiting.8 7et her /ait. 8.nd 2'Be 2talian esAresso.8 .lea en5ouraged in her 5heer;ul singsong. ''Cou loBe 2talian esAresso.8 True. /i5 loBed her 5o;;ee. She 5ould drin6 5o;;ee all da&. '0hat else do 2 haBe on :& s5hedule=88 /i5 as6ed7 her Boi5e :u;;led ;ro: 9eneath the 5oBers. .lea hesitated. /i5olette 6ne< <hat that :eant7 too. 2t :eant that /i5 had another e$hausting da&7 lessons7 aAAointrrents7 lun5heons-all a55o:Aanied 9& 1ati:a. ''Cou haBe the state dinner tonight7 and the Hing <ill 9e ta6ing &ou7 o; 5ourse.8 .lea <as tr&ing her 9est to 9e en5ouraging. 8.nd the ;irst o; &our ne< go<ns are read&. Cou'll 9e a9le to <ear the dress tonight <hen Hing / uri introdu5es &ou to his aides and adBisors.8 /i5olette slo<l& lo<ered the 5oBers. .s :u5h as she <anted to sta& in 9ed and aBoid the lessons and da&'s aAAointrrents7 she 6ne< she 5ouldn't. She also <anted to see @ali6 later. Seeing h: had so:eho< 9e5orre the highlight o; her da&. SeBeral hours later7 a;ter the language lesson ended. 1ati:a loo6 /i5olette on a tour o;the Aala5e7 Aointing out unusual details li6e Are- 'o:an 9ron%es unearthed at Barious sites in Bara6a. a 9eauti;ul 9ron%e o; a &oung 9o& dating 9a56 to the start o;the i:Aerial era7 gold 5oins that had 9een :inted during the .lr:had d&nast& <hen Bara6a <as Aart o;the territor& that in5luded @oro55o. )i9&a. Tunisia. .lgeria and Aart o; SAain. 1or a little <hile /i5olette ;orgot the tension e$isting 9et<een her and 1ati:a. /i5 enGo&ed the tour7 ;inding the des5riAtion o; an5ient treasures and arti;a5ts riBeting. She'd al<a&s loBed histor&7 <as Aassionate a9out earl& 5iBili%ations and had on5e ;an5ied hersel;9e5o:ing an e$Alorer. But in the end7 a;ter uniBersit& ended7 she'd neBer used her degrees-:athe:ati5s7 histor& or other<ise. 2nstead she'd 9e5o:e a Aro;essional Arin5ess. 1or <hateBer that <as <orth. .t one Aoint during the tour7 1ati:a oAened a set o; Aale gold <ood shutters7 and the sun Aoured in. )oo6ing DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... "(/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter (+t. /i5olette sa< the 5loudless 9lue s6&7 the ;ur a<a& Aea6s o;the .lias :ountains and the not so distant date and Aal: trees. 1or a :orrent /i5olette ;elt s<eAt 9a56 in ti:e7 su56ed 9a56 one hundred7 three hundred7 a thousand &ears. -ere7 nothing <ould 5hange Eui56l&. -ere7 5ertain ele:ents <ere 5onstant-the 9urnished sun. the torrid desert7 the tri9al 5on;li5ts7 the un<aBering ;aith o;the AeoAle. Hing @ali6 'o:an / uri <as Aart o;these ele:ents. -e :ight haBe 1ren5h an5estr&7 a 0estern edu5ation7 9ut he <as as stead& and deeA as the s6& oBer the Sahara. @a&9e Chantal <ould li6e it here. @a&9e Chantal <ould 9e dra<n to @ali6 Gust as she7 /i57 <as dra<n to the sultan. @a&9e she'd :ade a :ista6e telling Chantal not to 5o:e7 that it'd 9e disastrous to a55eAt the Hing's :arriage AroAosal7 9e5ause truth;ull&7 there <as great 9eaut& here. ,Ben the ordinar& ;elt e$oti57 lu$urious7 :&sterious. TK :oBed :ore slo<l&. /oone <as hurried7 no one :oBed too Eui56l&7 sAo6e too Eui56l&7 no one seerred too 9us& to 5onBerse or s:ile-e-<ell7 e$5eAt ;or 1ati:a7 that is. Standing at the <indo<7 /i5 tried to i:agine Chantal and )ill& in .tiE7 and so:eho< the e$oti5 9eaut& oBershado<ed the t<o o;the: 2n her heart o; hearts 7 /i5 6ne< that Chantal <ould disaAAear here. Chantal <ould sa& all the AroAer things and agree and tr& to 9e Aleasing7 AroAer7 the <i;e o; a 6ing7 9ut tr&ing hard to Alease another <ould Gust di:inish Chantal ;urther. Chantal needed a li;e a<a& ;ro: no9ilit&. SerBi5e. >ut&. Chantal needed to learn ho< to 9e sel;ish. /i5's thoughts haunted her as the& ;inished the tour o;the Aala5e roo:s. The&'d Birtuall& Bie<ed the entire ela9orate sAra<l o; Billas7 suites and 5ha:9ers. There <ere 9uildings ;or eBer&thing7 roo:s reserBed ;or the ro&al ;a:il& and then the ;or:al roo:s ;or entertaining and eBen the old <ings <ere sAa5ious7 5ooll& elegant7 steeAed <ith a gra5ious :&stiEue. -eading 9a56 to /i5's suite in the Aala5e7 the& 5rossed Aaths <ith @ali6 <al6ing <ith t<o o;his adBisors. @ali6 greeted her ;or:all&7 using the Aolite .ra9i5 greeting7 6issed her on ea5h 5hee6 and then 9rie;l& introdu5ed his aides. /i5olette resAonded Aolitel&7 :ur:uring <ords o; greeting7 although she 5ouldn't rerrerr9er e$a5tl& <hat she'd said surArised 9& the ;lood o;<ar:th 5oursing through her. She didn't 6no< <h& the ;leeting tou5h o;his :outh to her s6in should :a6e her lose tra56 o; her thoughts7 and &et suddenl& she <asn't sure <hat she <as doing here7 or <h& the& <ere all together. +neasil& she glan5ed uA into @ali6's ;a5e7 and his e$Aression <as the sarre as it'd 9een <hen he'd 9rie;l& 6issed her-e-5ordial7 5onsiderate7 attentiBe. .nd so:ething :ore. Possession= /i5 gaBe hersel;a Eui56 :ental sha6e. /ot Aossession. -e didn't o<n her. She didn't 9elong here. She <asn't >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 50/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter going to sta&. Cet thin6ing o;leaBing7 and leaBing hi:7 :ade her a5he :ore than a little. -e <as taAAing so:e e:otion she usuall& 6eAt 9uried deeA inside7 and this e:otion had nothing to do <ith se$7 and eBer&thing to do <ith li;e. .nd Aossi9l& loBe. -e <as sAea6ing to her no<. as6ing a Euestion. ''-o< has &our da& 9een=8 8*ood. Than6 &ou.8 / i5 struggled to ;ind adeEuate <ords. ''2': oBer<hel:ed 9& the histor& here7 as <ell as the 9eaut&. The Aala5e is trul& e$Euisite.8 -e s:iled at her. 5reases ;unning ;ro: his e&es. ''2': glad &ou're enGo&ing &oursel;8 She li6ed the <a& he s:iled at her. 2t <as a s:all s:ile7 9arel& dis5er:9le7 9ut she re5ogni%ed it and 6ne< it <as ;or her. Possession. The <ord <hisAered through her head7 nudging her7 <orr&ing her7 re:inding her o; <hat <as at sta6e. But eBen as the <arning Boi5e <hisAered in her head7 so:ething Ae5uliar <as haAAening in her heart. She didn't ;eel li6e Chantal7 the 9etrothed. She ;elt li6e /i5olette7 the 9etrothed. She a5tuall& ;elt AossessiBe o; @ali6. But that 5ouldn't 9e. She <asn't here ;or a relationshiA7 She 5ouldn't ;or: an& 9onds7 no atta5h:ents <hatsoeBer. 2; she <anted to ;all in loBe7 let her ;ull in loBe <ith the 5ountr&7 the histor&7 the 5ulture. She ;or5ed a light note into her Boi5e. ''2 hoAe 2'll haBe a 5han5e to see :ore o;the Aala5e at a later date. 2t's trul& <onder;ul ,Ber&thing has 9een designed <ith Aer;e5tion in :ind. 8 ''PerhaAs 2'll haBe ti:e later this <ee6 to 5o:Alete the lour.8 @ali6 ans<ered7 shado<s ;or:ing 9eneath his strong 5hee69ones. 8The Aala5e is a thousand &ears old. Countless artisans haBe deBoted their liBes to e:9ellishing the Aala5e's natural 9eaut&.8 -e then nodded at the others7 indi5ating that 1ati:a and his adBisors <ere to 5ontinue on. @ali6 <aited until the others had disaAAeared 9e;ore 5ontinuing. So:e o;his ;or:alit& eased. ''Cou 5ould 9e 5o:;orta9le here then=8 ''-o< 5ould 2 not 9e= Cou'Be thought o; eBer& 5o:;ort i:agina9le.8 -is e&es <ar:ed7 the silBer glints 9rightening. 8.nd 2 haBe Euite an i:agination.8 /i5 6ne< he <asn't Gust sAea6ing o; 5reature 5o:;orts no<7 and again she ;elt as i; she'd strnn9led into another <orld7 one e$isting Gust ;or Hing / uri and her. Their 5onBersations had 9e5o:e in5reasingl& AriBate7 their re;eren5es r:re Aersonal7 their innuendos r:re 9latant. ''2': sure &ou haBe a good i:agination.8 / i5 agreed <ith r:56 seriousness. ''@ost rren thin6 the&'Be a good i:agination. 8 ''Cou dou9t :& i:agination=8 ''2': 5ertain &ou are i:aginatiBe ... ;or a :an--8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 51/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '>ou9le standards=8 8(; 5ourse.8 -e shoo6 his head. ''Cou're ;or5ing rre to resAond to &our 5hallenge.8 She tried to 6eeA a straight ;a5e. ''2': not 5hallenging &ou. Cour -ighness. 2': si:Al& stating a ;a5t.8 8. ;a5t=8 ''Ces. @ost :en thin6 the& 6no< <hat <o:en <ant7 and <o:en need-8 8(h dear7 another Aro9le:ati5 de5laration.8 -e ;olded his ar:s a5ross his 5hest. ''2 had no idea &ou <ere so 5hauBinisti5. 8 ''2': not.8 ''2ndeed7 &ou are.8 -e held uA a hand7 his gesture i:Aerial 'But unli6e &ou7 2 do not endlessl& engage in de9ate. 0ords a55o:Alish nothing. 27 Aersonall&7 Are;er a5tion.8 -er 9reath ;ell traAAed inside her lungs. She 5ould 9arel& nod. ''Ces.'' 8*ood.8 .nd :oBing ;or<ard7 he 5lasAed her ;a5e in his hands and tilted her ;a5e uA to his. The <a& his ;ingers sAla&ed a5ross her Ga<9one7 the slo< 5aress o;his thu:9 9eneath her lo<er liA7 the shre<d e$Aression in his e&es sent a shiBer through her. ,$Ae5tation. >esire. 2e /as going to $iss her. Then his head des5ended and he did 6iss her-slo<l&7 5uriousl&7 as i;he'd <ondered ;or Euite a long ti:e <hat this 6iss <ould ;eel li6e7 as i; the 6iss <as 5ru5ial to so:e little Aart o;the uniBerse. -er :outh so;tened 9eneath the Aressure o; his7 her liAs Aarting eBer so slightl& at the tingling Aressure. @ali6 srrelled o; 5edar and 5arda:o:7 s<eet7 sAi5&. -is liAs <ere 5ool and ;inn and she ;elt helAlessl& ;as5inated 9& the slo< sensual Euesting o;his liAs against hers. -e <asn't dire5ting7 5o::anding7 de:anding. -e <as si:Al& tou5hing her. letting her e$Aerien5e ... hi:. .nd it <as un9elieBa9le. -e-li6e the 6iss-<as <ar:7 sensual7 ;ragrant7 her 9od& resAonded 9& so;tening7 sending sharA sAar6l& darts through her 9ell&7 to her 9reasts7 and 9et<een her thighs. She hadn't ;elt longing li6e this in ages. She a5tuall& 5len5hed her 6nees7 surArised 9& the <aBes o;tension and sensation7 Aleasure and e$Ae5tation. @ali6 trailed one hand do<n her 5hee67 his ;ingers 5uAAing her ear7 s6innning her 5hee6 and she oAened her :outh in a silent gasA. -e <as doing eBer&thing right7 too right. -eart ha:rrering7 she 9ro6e a<a&7 too6 a Eui567 unstead& steA 9a56<ards. '/ot 9ad. 8 -er Boi5e 5a:e out 9reathless7 high. ''1or a start.8 -is e$Aression :o56ed her. -eat glo<ed in his e&es7 along <ith a rreasure o; 5on;iden5e. ''Cou <ant :ore.8 'That's not <hat 2 said-8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 52/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 'But &ou <ant :ore.8 .rrogant :an7 she thought7 and &et he had a right to 9e. -is 6iss had rrelted her 9ones7 turned her into a shiBering 9undle o; need. ''2 <ouldn't 9e adBerse to-8 and she dre< a Eui56 9reath to stead& the Aounding o; her heart 8- 5hallenging :& assu:Ations.8 '0e shall see <hat <e 5an do.8 -e s:iled. 'But un;ortunatel& <e haBe 9usiness ;irst. Cou're a<are o;tonight's re5eAtion= 2t's a Aoliti5al a;;air78 She nodded7 head still sAinning a little. ''2'll 9e :eeting &our 5a9inet :e:9ers7 and their <iBes.8 ''2 <ant the: to li6e &ou7 Prin5ess.8 -er e&es lo56ed <ith his. ''2s it i:Aortant that the& do=8 8'/ 0.8 .nd he droAAed his head7 6issed her on the 5o:er o; her :outh and <hisAered7 ''2 Gust <ant the: to li6e &ou as :u5h as 2 do.8 Ba56 in her o<n suite o; roo:s. /i5olette tre:9led as she sat in the deeA stea:ing 9ath7 e:otions stillrunning high7 tension riAAling through. @ali6's Aarting <ords7 sAo6en in his se$&7 hus6& Boi5e7 had sha6en her nearl& as :u5h as the 6iss. -e li6ed her. /ot 9e5ause she <as a ,uroAean Arin5ess. /ot 9e5ause she reAresented a Ao<er;ul allian5e. -e li6ed her 9e5ause he li6ed her. .nd that alone :ade her haAA&. She'd no intention o; 9e5o:ing an&one's <i;e7 9ut she <as Euite 5urious a9out Hing / uri- in and out o; 9ed. / i5 5ould hear .lea in the ne$t roo:7 hu::ing as she laid out / i5' s 5lothes ;or the state re5eAtion. 0ould @ali6 6iss her again later= 0ould the& eBen 9e alone later= /i5olette thought she 5ould endure Gust a9out an&thing at the dinner i;it :eant she'd haBe ten :inutes alone <ith @ali6. /o7 ten :inutes <ouldn't do. .n hour. . solid hour o;uninterruAted ti:e alone. 2t'd 9een :onths and :onths sin5e she ;elt an&thing re:otel& this strong. Cears sin5e she'd had a reall& satis;&ing loBe a;;air. Cears ago7 she'd had a ;antasti5 loBer7 and he'd ruined her ;or all others. . :an that 5ouldn't use his hands7 his :outh7 his sense o;tou5h <asn't a :an at all 2t <asn't enough to 9e Ah&si5all& endo<ed. . :an had to 6no< ho< to Alease a <o:an7 although :ost :en thought i; the& Gust 6eAt thrusting long enough the&'d rea5hed the goal Pro9le: <as7 :ost <o:en needed a hell o; a lot :ore than that. But tr& telling that to a :an. ,Ben Ala&9o&s7 ri5h gorgeous7 se$& Ala&9o&s didn't 6no< <hat turned on a <o:an :ost o;the titre. 1ortunatel&7 @ali6 didn't see: to ;all into that 5ategor&. -is 9rie; 6iss7 his tantali%ing 5aress7 5onBe&ed a <orld o;6no<ledge and e$Aerien5e she <as an$ious to tr&. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 53/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter .lea's ;ootsteAs sounded on the :ar9le ;loor as she :ade her <a& through the 9ed5ha:9er to the <al6-in 5loset a5ross ;ro: the 9ath. /i5 5ould hear her sorting through hanging 5lothes in the 5loset. ''Cello< or green=8 The &oung assistant 5alled to /i5olette. 8T<o dresses arriBed earlier this a;ternoon.8 /i5 s<iAed at the stea:ing <ater7 the Gas:ine s5ented 9ath oil ;or:ing s:aller Aools on the sur;a5e. 'The&'re not ;or the <edding=8 80 h7 no7 Prin5ess. Cou <ill haBe sAe5ial go<n ;or <edding. These are Gust ;or &ou to loo6 9eauti;ul8 '0hi5h do &ou li6e 9etter=8 /i5 as6ed7 5ontent to haBe the de5ision :ade. Sorre things she ;ought ;or. So:e things she delegated. 1ashion she delegated. 'The green7 2 thin6. The 5olor <ill loo6 stri6ing <ith &our loBel& dar6 hair.8 2er dar$ hair. /i5 suddenl& sat uA7 tou5hed the toA o; her head <here her hair had 9een Ainned uA on e$tra large 3el5ro rollers. Brunette. She <as a 9runette. 2t still see:ed strange to thin6 she'd gone dar6. 0ould she eBer 9e5o:e 9londe /i5 >u5asse again= 1our hours later7 the long dinner had ended7 and instead o;AroBiding entertain:ent. Hing /uri had en5ouraged his guests to :ingle-a de5idedl& 0estern aAAroa5h-9ut one he hoAed <ould giBe /i5olette a 5han5e to :eet :ore o;his 5a9inet :e:9ers. But loo6ing at her no<7 5ornered 9& a do%en ro9ed ladies-in5luding his 5ousin 1ati:a-@ali6 reali%ed he'd :ade a ta5ti5al error. /i5 <asn't getting a 5han5e to :eet an&one. The <o:en <ere 6eeAing her ;inn1& seEuestered in the 5o:er. @en on one side o;the roo:7 ladies on the other. @ali6 5ould i:agine the toAi5s the <o:en <ould 9e dis5ussing7 too. ConBersation <ould 9e li:ited to do:esti5 eBents-:arriage7 5hild9irth7 health o;the elders. There'd 9e tal6 a9out serBants7 dis5ussion a9out the 5ost o;;ood7 5o:Alaints that the <eather <as unusuall& hot and &et it <as too earl& ;or eBer&one to tre6 to su:ner horres. /i5 :ade a gesture7 and slight 9o<7 indi5ating she <as a9out to leaBe the others <hen 1ati:a tou5hed /i5's ar: in a silent reAri:and. @ali6 stoAAed listening to the 5onBersation around hi: and <at5hed his 5ousin sAea6 to /i5olette. 1ati:a tended to 9e oBerl& harsh <ith /i5olette. @ali6 6ne< 1ati:a didn't understand <h& he'd 5hosen a <o:an li6e /i5olette. or <h& he'd go so ;ar ;ro: their 5ulture ;or the <o:an <ho <ould 9e his :ate7 his <i;e7 <ho <ould 9ear his 5hildren. Bara6a's heirs. But he 6ne< <hat she did not-he needed so:eone li6e her. / i5 <ould tea5h their sons and daughters to set goals7 to drea: 9ig7 to ;ight ;or <hat one 9elieBed. 2t <as <hat all 5hildren should 9e taught7 he thought7 <at5hing 1ati:a's ;a5e tighten <ith irritation. She <as angr& <ith /i5olette ;or 9eing di;;erent than Bara6an <o:en7 and &et 1ati:a had 9een giBen oAAortunities to traBel7 to liBe a9road7 to ;ind a :ore 0estern hus9and. But 1ati:a didn't <ant to leaBe .tiE. She <as <aiting7 she said7 ;or the right :an. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... $"/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is lashes lo<ered as he <at5hed /i5 turn a<a&7 ;o5us on an o9Ge5t 9e&ond her shoulder and he reali%ed that /i5olette <as struggling to 5on5eal her anger. 0hat had 1ati:a said no<= Suddenl& /i5 turned her head and loo6ed at ru:. -er 9lue ga%e :et his. The 5o:er o; her :outh Aulled and her e$Aression turned <r&. SaBe :e7 her e$Aression see:ed to sa&. .nd &et she <asn't 5o:Alaining. She <as hal; a:used7 hal; resigned. The not-so-stor&9oo6-li;e o;a :ode: Arin5ess. 2t <as o9Bious she'd 9een through this 9e;ore7 :an&7 :an& ti:es. The Arin5ess at a state dinner. The Arin5ess7 guest o; honor at a 5harit& 9all7 Arin5ess7 6e¬e sAea6er at a ;i:d-raiser. She :ight 9e the ;a:il& re9el-she :ight haBe 5oBered uA her gorgeous 9lond hair <ith a ho:9le 9ro<n hair d&e- 9ut she neBer shir6ed her duties. She :ight thin6 she <asn't a AroAer Arin5ess7 9ut she understood ;a:il& and lo&alt&7 she understood <hat it <as to Arote5t and honor. She'd :a6e a Aer;e5t Eueen. )ittle did she 6no< that 9& ta6ing Chantal's Ala5e7 /i5 had giBen @ali6 eBer&thing he eBer <anted in a 9ride. @ali6 :ade his <a& a5ross the roo: and the ladies surrounding /i5olette 9o<ed and Aarted7 leaBing hi: alone <ith his 9etrothed. ',nGo&ing &oursel;=8 he as6ed7 seeing that 1ati:a alone sta&ed at /i5's side. /i5olette shot hi: an e$asAerated glan5e. ''2t's a ;ine Aart&.8 -er liAs Aursed. ''2; &ou're eight&.8 So she <as 9ored. 8Too slo< ;or &our tastes=8 ''Cour -ighness7 no one is doing an&thing.8 8.nd <hat <ould &ou li6e to do=8 ''eal 5onBersation <ouldn't hurt7 or :a&9e turn on sorre :usi5 and let AeoAle dan5e.8 -e shoo6 his head regret;ull&. '0e 5an't dan5e in :i$ed 5o:Aan&.8 Then he s:iled. 'But &ou and &our ladies 5ould dan5e i;<e :en e$5used ourselBes.8 '>an5e <ith <o:en=8 -e li6ed the <a& her 5he56s dar6ened. /i5 didn't 9lush Ber& o;ten and the Ain6 <as :ost 9e5o:ing7 esAe5iall& tonight in her litre green go<n7 the 5olor deli5iousl& 5oolon her lightl& tanned s6in7 :a6ing her loo6 as i; she <ere a :outh <atering sor9et. 8(; 5ourse. >an5ing <ith <o:en 5an 9e Euite e$5iting.8 The silBer 5har: 9ra5elet on her <rist tin6led as she gestured disAleasure. ''Cour -ighness7 2 don't dan5e <ith other <o:en.8 ''2t's not a slo< dan5e <ith <o:en. 2t's a ;ast dan5e. ,nergeti5.8 -e <as tr&ing hard not to laugh at her hand >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 55/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter hoBering 9e;ore her :outh7 her 9lue e&es <ide and indignant. 8The dan5e gets &our heart Au:Aing7 &our 9od& :oBing.8 8.ero9i5s=8 'Thin6 o; it as an .ra9i5 Bersion o; J a%%er5ise.8 -e sa< her in5redulous e$Aression. ''2 6no< <hat J a%%er5ise is. (ne o;:& sisters liBes in San 1ran5is5o. She loBes her aero9i5-5lasses-8 /i5olette started to laugh. She tried to sti;le the sound 9& 5oBering her :outh 9ut it didn't <or6. The :ore she tried to stoA laughing7 the harder she laughed. Tears tilled her e&es. She <hee%ed 9ehind her hand. 'That's Ari5eless. 8 1ati:a loo6ed on in horror 9ut @ali6 ;ound /i5's laughter se$& ... re;reshing. /i5 had laughed <ith her <hole ;a5e. -er laughter <as 5ontagious and it healed so:ething in hi: that had 9een da:aged ;ro: the atte:At on his li;e a &ear ago. -e needed to laugh. -e needed to ;eel hoAe. /i5olette gaBe hi: hoAe7 and <asn't hoAe a <onder;ul thing= -e leaned to<ard her7 AreBenting his 5ousin ;ro: hearing his <ords. '0e 5ould al<a&s leaBe78 he :ur:ured. ''2': sure <e 5ould ;ind so:e diBersions 9a56 at the Aala5e. 8 C#$PT"RS') -,. T ;lared in / i5' s e&es. -er so;t lush liAs Aarted and his o<n 9od& instantl& hardened. -e 6ne< e$a5tl& <hat she <as thin6ing. -e <as thin6ing the Ber& sa:e thing. 0hen he 6issed her earlier7 he hoAed to 5ontain his attra5tion7 5urtail so:e o;his less inln9ited thoughts7 9ut the 6iss did nothing to Euiet his i:agination. -e'd thought o; nothing 9ut her sin5e then. 0anted nothing 9ut her 9eneath hi:7 against hi:7 a9oBe hi:. 0hen <ould he 9e a9le to ta6e her to his 9ed= @a6e loBe to her AroAerl&= /ot <hile the& <ere here7 that <as ;or 5ertain. 1irst the& had to get through their good9&es7 and it too6 a good ten :inutes7 9ut the& <ere ;inall& ;inished and es5aAing to the 5ar <hen 1ati:a aAAeared and as6ed ;or a return ride ho:e. /i5 groaned in<ardl&. She'd 9een thrilled at the idea o;a long AriBate driBe horre. /o< the long driBe <ould 9e an&thing 9ut rela$ing7 or AriBate. The three settled into the 9a56 o; @ali6's <aiting li:ousine. 1ati:a and /i5olette on one side7 the sultan on the other. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 5/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 8*lad to 9e gone7 Prin5ess=8 @ali6 as6ed7 as the li:ousine Aulled a<a& ;ro: the state 9uilding. ''2 <as tired tonight78 /i5olette ad:itted <ith a s:all sigh. She'd ;elt o;;9alan5e tonight7 not Euite hersel; 2t <as the ne<ness o; eBer&thing7 she tried to tell hersel;7 the di;;erent ;ood7 the di;;erent language and 5usto:s. But deeA do<n she 6ne< her heada5he <as due to adrenaline. -er 9od& ;ell hot7 sensitiBe7 her Aulse Eui56 li6e an engine re<ed. -e'd started so:ething <ith that 6iss. /o< she Gust <anted hi: to ;inish it. 2n the di: light o;the interior @ali6 s:iled 9rie;l&7 a56no<ledging her honest&. '>o &ou ;ind it di;;i5ult 9eing the onl& ;oreigner in the roo:=8 /i5 Alu56ed at her green sil6 sleeBe7 letting the <eight o;the 5ool silBer 9eads ;ull against the 9a56 o; her hand. ''2': a55usto:ed to 9eing the onl& ;oreigner at state eBents. But 2 haBe to ad:it7 tonight 2 did ;eel.. di;;erent. 8 -.ou are di;;erent. 88 1ati:a interruAted. ''Cou don't dress li6e <o:en in Bara6a7 &ou Are;er not to ro9e and Beil &oursel;- 88 ''2'Be neBer as6ed her to7 either.8 @ali6 Euietl& reAroBed his 5ousin. ''Prin5ess >u5asse is entitled to 9e hersel; here.88 'Then ho< 5an she 9e a AroAer Eueen i;she isn't a role :odel=8 1ati:a ;lashed. ',nough. 8 he ans<ered7 5urtl&. 'This is not &our 5on5ern. 8 1ati:a droAAed her head7 9ut /i5olette sa< the anger ;lare in 1ati:a's e&es. / i5 struggled to thin6 o; so:ething to sa&. 0hat 5ould she sa&= She and 1ati:a had had a ro56& relationshiA ;ro: the Ber& ;irst :eeting. The li:ousine <ound through the Euiet 5it& streets7 turning ;ro: one <ide Aal:-lined 9ouleBard onto another. @inutes Aassed in silen5e. The air 5onditioner 9le<7 a Euiet hu: o; arti;i5iall& 5hilled air. /i5 adGusted her deli5ate <raA7 5oBering her shoulders :ore thoroughl&. 8''2s the air too 5ool=8 @ali6 as6ed. ''2t's ;ine7 than6 &ou. 88 / i5 ans<ered7 tou5hed 9& his 5on5ern. ''2t ;eels good a;ter the <ar:th o; the Aart&.8 ''2 <as <ar:7 too78 he said7 and then Aaused7 his attention ;o5used on her. / i5 ;ell his interest7 his ga%e resting on her ;a5e7 or <hat he 5ould see in the ;lashing light and shado<s. 8(ur older 9uildings <ere designed <ith high 5eilings to dra< the <ar: air uA7 9ut the ne<er goBern:ent 9uildings la56 adeEuate Bentilation. 88 /i5 s:iled deAre5alingl&. ''2 thin6 all goBernrrent 9uildings are identi5al PerhaAs the& share the sa:e ar5hite5t=8 8(r sarre sensi9ilities. 88 he agreed. 1ati:a sighed heaBil& and stirred7 and /i5 ;ell silent7 sel;-5ons5ious all oBer again. @ali6 ignored his 5ousin. 82ell rre. Chantal78 and his deeA Boi5e <as li6e BelBet against her senses-his ti:9re7 ri5h7 sensual7 i:Aossi9l& :ale. '0hen &ou're Eueen7 <hat is the ;irst thing &ou'll do=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 5!/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5olette <ished 1ati:a <ere not here7 hanging on to eBer& <ord. '>o &ou rrean as in Arogra:s=8 she as6ed7 thin6ing a9out all the 5auses near and dear to her ;a:il&'s heart 9a56 in @elio. ''Progra:s7 issues7 a5tiBities. 2':Gust 5urious to 6no< <hat &ou'd 5are a9out as Eueen. -o< &ou'd sAend &our ti:e and energ& here. 8 /i5 had her 5auses7 too7 and sin5e dis5oBering the e$tent o; Chantals :iser& in )a Croi$. /i5olette had ta6en it uAon hersel; to set uA <o:en's 5enters on ea5h o;the islands in @elio <here <o:en 5ould as6 Euestions7 reEuest helA7 eBen see6 re;uge. She'd do the sarre thing here7 too. She'd <ant to do so:ething ;or <o:en. 2t'd stunned her that Chantal had 9een Ah&si5all& a9used7 9ut no< that /i5olette's e&es <ere oAened7 she <as deter:ined to rea5h as :an& <o:en as she 5ould. 2; Chantal had su;;ered in su5h silen5e. *od onl& 6no<s the nu:9er o;<orren in need. The nu:9er o;<orren not helAed. ''2'd li6e to helA <o:en.8 /i5olette ans<ered eBenl&7 6no<ing that @ali6 <as no< a<are o; Chantal's <ret5hed li;e in )a Croi$. ''2 haBe the narre7 the Bisi9ilit&7 and the 5onne5tions- all 2 la56 is the rreans.8 '0hi5h &ou <on't la56 as Jueen o; Bar a6a. 8 / i5 thought o; the <o:en liBing in Bara6a <ho :ight 9e in desAerate need o; a helAing hand. 2; she as Jueen 5ouldn't :a6e a 5hange ;or the 9etter7 then <ho 5ould= But &ou <on't 9e Eueen7 she re:inded hersel; This is Gust a garre ... But it didn't ;eel li6e a ga:e an&:ore. /ot at all She slo<l& Aeeled o;;her long Aale green eBening gloBes. ,Ber&thing a9out her li;e here ;elt real. -er e:otions7 her hoAes7 her <orries. '-o< <ould &ou 9egin=8 @ali6 Aersisted7 aAAarentl& genuinel& interested in <anting to hear :ore. ',du5ation.8 /i5 la& the satin gloBes on toA o; her s:all 9eaded Aurse. Chantal <ould neBer suAAort this issue though. Chantal 5ouldn't ;ight ;or hersel; :u5h less an&one else. ''2'd <ant to i:AroBe edu5ation ;or girls-8 8(ur edu5ation here is e$5ellent.8 1ati:a interruAted. 8*irls are treated Ber& <ell in Bara6a. The :aGorit& attend s5hool.8 ''Ces7 &ou did7 1ati:a.8 /i5olette ans<ered gentl&. ''Cou hold a 5ollege degree7 and &our Aarents suAAorted &our edu5ational Aursuit7 9ut that's not the nor: ;or Aoorer ;a:ilies7 is it=8 /i5 didn't <ait lor 1ati:a to ans<er. 82;'2 <ere Eueen7 2'd li6e to see all 5hildren in s5hool until seBenteen7 and 2'd <ant to en5ourage girls to 5ontinue to 5ollege and Bo5ational Arogra:s so that eBer& girl has a 5hoi5e in li;e7 oAAortunit&-8 1ati:a snaAAed her lingers. 8The& have a 5hoi5e. The& 5an 5hoose :arriage7 the& aren't :arried against their <ill. Parents and :at5h:a6ers 5onsult daughters here. 0eare not 9ar9ari5 li6e so:e 5ountries. .nd a <i;e and :other is al<a&s loBed.8 .s i; sa&ing &es or no to an arranged sAouse <as ;reedo: o; 5hoi5eD DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... $'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter / i5 said nothing ;or a long :o:ent then shoo6 her head. 'There are :an& <a&s o; 9eing loBed. 0 orren should at least haBe the oAtion to 5hoose ho< the& are loBed7 and that in5ludes 5hoosing 5areer or ho:e. 0o:en shouldn't 9e ho:e 9e5ause the& haBe no other 5hoi5e7 9ut 9e5ause it's the Ala5e the& 5hoose to 9e. The Aath the& see6.8 8.nd &ou7 Prin5ess Chantal8 @ali6 interGe5ted 6indl&7 di;;using sorre o; the tension7 8are &ou doing <hat &ou <ant to 9e= -aBe &ou ;ound &our Aath=8 /i5olette :et his ga%e in the shado<s o;the 5ar. .h7 tri56& Euestion. -ad she ;ound her Aath= /o. -ad she eBer tried to ;ind her Aath 9e;ore= /o. 0h&= ''2 thin6 2': still sear5hing.8 she said a;ter a :orrent7 ;eeling ;oolish7 a<are o; 1ati:a's seething ani:osit&. 8So <hat are &ou sear5hing ;or=8 -is Euestion <as :addeningl& si:Ale. /i5 ;lashed 9a56 to the Aala5e in @5lio. her elderl& grandAarents7 her sisters gathered in her 9edroo:7 all o; the: sAra<led on her 9ed tal6ing a9out the ;uture7 <hat needed to 9e done ;or the ;uture o;their 5ountr&. '@e78 she <hisAered. 1ati:a snorted in disgust. 8T&Ai5al 0estern ans<er78 she :uttered7 turning her head a<a&7 staring Aointedl& out the 5ar <indo<. -eat 9urned through /i57 a 9lush ;looding her ;a5e. @e7 she silentl& :o56ed hersel; @e7 had 9een su5h a sel;- a9sor9ed ans<er. . 5hildish 5on5eAt. Sear5hing ;or onesel; Tr&ing to ;ind onesel; '0e're all 5alled to sear5h ;or the truth.8 @ali6 said7 and she loo6ed uA to ;ind that his e$Aression had gentled7 and there <as 5o:Aassion in his 5ool silBer ga%e. '0ithout sel;-6no<ledge7 <e are nothing7 2;<e do not 6no< ourselBes7 <e 5an not loBe ourselBes7 or an&one else ;or that :atter. 8 /i5's e&es suddenl& <atered. She 9ent her head7 ;o5used on the Aair o; Aale green gloBes draAed a5ross her s:all eBening Aurse7 telling hersel; that no :atter <hat7 she 5ouldn't7 <ouldn't7 5r& in ;ront o; 1ati:a. 'Than6 &ou.8 .rriBing 9a56 at the Aala5e. @ali6 didn't haBe to <al6 /i5olette 9a56 to her roo:s7 9ut he insisted7 and she <as glad. 0ell7 sort o; glad. -er heart ;elt Ber& heaB& at the :orrent and things she thought she 5ould do7 things she thought she 5ould ignore7 <eren't Euite so 5ut and dr& an&:ore. She <as de5eiBing a :an she greatl& ad:ired. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 5#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The Euiet o;the Aala5e7 and the sAots o; :oonlight shirr:ering on the :ar9le ;loor <raAAed around /i5olette7 :a6ing her ;eel trul& lonel& ;or the ;irst ti:e sin5e she arriBed. '>o &ou eBer <onder i;AerhaAs &ou haBe the <rong sister=8 she as6ed so;tl&7 her Boi5e 9arel& audi9le. @ali6 glan5ed do<n at her. his e$Aression one o; 5on5ern. '>o &ou thin6 2 haBe the <rong sister=8 ''2 Gust <onder i; AerhaAs 2': not reall& the one &ou <ant. .. 8 -is 9ro< ;urro<ed. ''2n ter:s o; outloo6= .ttitude=8 -er shoulders li;ted7 ;ell7 the sil6 o; her go<n sliding a5ross her s6in. ''2 don't 6no<. @a&9e 2': 5on;used <h& &ou Ai56ed :e. 0h& not one o;the others=8 The&'d rea5hed her suite o; roo:s and sto5$l outside her door. ''2 suAAose 2 5ould haBe AroAosed to Joelle instead.8 he said7 ru99ing his Ga<. 8Joelle=8 0h& Joelle= She's 9arel& an adult. 8She's too &oung ;or &ou.8 ''PerhaAs &ou're too old ;or rre.8 / i5 ;ell her 5hee6s 9u:. ''Cou're at least ten &ears older than :e7 Hing / uri8 'But let's 9e honest7 Chantal7 shall <e= 2': e$5ited a9out :arriage and the Aossi9ilit& o; haBing a ;a:il&7 Cou7 ;orgiBe rre7 see: so 9lase a9out it all 2 <ould rather haBe a &oung 9ride eager to e$Aerien5e :arriage and :otherhood than a <i;e that dreads :atri:on&.8 ''Cet there are three >u5asse Arin5esses. Cou haBen't :entioned /i5olette.8 -e <aBed a hand7 9rushing aside the suggestion. 8She <as neBer an oAtion. 8 '0h& not=8 .nother i:Aatient gesture. 8She's not suita9le-8 8 0hy not4- -e gaBe her a sharA loo6. ''2; this is uAsetting &ou. <e ought not 5ontinue the dis5ussion.8 ''2t is uAsetting :e. and <e should 5ontinue the 5onBersation 9e5ause 2 <ant to understand. /i5olette's :u5h 9eloBed 9& her AeoAle-8 ''Ces7 9ut to 9e Jueen /uri7 Eueen o; Bara6 a7 one :ust 9e :ore than great7 one :ust 9e a9oBe reAroa5h.8 .AAarentl& Chantal hadn't 9een e$aggerating <hen she'd said that /i5's reAutation <as destro&ing her 5han5es o; a good :arriage. ''Cet &ou'Be neBer eBen :et her. -o< 5an &ou 9e so 5riti5al=8 -e didn't loo6 the least 9it aAologeti5. ''2t's 5o::on 6no<ledge that she Are;ers Ala&9o&s and h9ertines.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %0/1"3 3/3/2010 Pla&9o&s= -7i5ertines4- The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 8She's not a Birgin.8 / i5 ;lushed hotl&. '/either a: 2. 8 'But &ou <ere <hen &ou :arried.8 /i5 sEuee%ed the gloBes into a 9all in her hand. .nd Joelle <as still inno5ent. >ar: hi:. 0hat <as <rong <ith a <o:an e$Aeri:enting a little= 1iguring out <hat she <anted ... needed= 0h& 5ould a :an do <hat he <anted 9ut a <o:an had to <orr& a9out reAutation= ''Cou're not a Birgin.8 -is liAs 5urBed 9ut he <asn't s:iling. ''2t's a :an's dut& to 6no< ho< to Aleasure his <i;e.8 8.nd a <o:an has no need to 6no< ho< to Aleasure a :an=8 '-er hus9and <ill tea5h her.8 'That's a9surdD8 '0h&=8 She thought o; Aoor Chantal7 :arried o;; as a t<ent&-t<o &ear old Birgin to a :an <ho didn't giBe a ;ig ;or her haAAiness7 or 5o:;ort7 and <ho :ost 5ertainl& didn't 9other to edu5ate her in the art o;loBe. /i5 <as 5ertain that Chantal had neBer had an orgas: in her li;e-and i; she'd had-it <as Aro9a9l& alone. '@& late hus9and taught rre nothing.8 'Then he ;ailed in his dut&.8 8Just as 2 a: Euite 5ertain that :an& :en then ';ail in their dut&.' @ost :en still haBe no 5on5eAt <here the 5litoris is let alone ho< to tou5h itD 8 -is stunned silen5e said :ore than <ords eBer 5ould. /i5 reali%ed she'd said ;ur7 ;ar too :u5h and she griAAed her gloBes so tightl& she ;elt ;ro%en in Ala5e. 0h& <as she so intent on 5hanging his oAinion a9out '/i5olette8= 0hat did it :atter i;he disaAAroBed o; her= )et hi: thin6 <hat he <anted to thin6. 2t <as ;oolish and irresAonsi9le to let her ego get the 9etter o;her. She had to Arote5t Chantal She had to Ala& Chantal until she'd gotten <ord that )ill& <as sa;e. ''2 said too :u5h.8 she said7 s<allo<ing hard7 reali%ing she <as s<allo<ing her Aride. But he said nothing. She'd haBe to aAologi%e again. ''2 <as <rong. @ali6. 2': sorr&. 2 shouldn't haBe 9een so ... detailed.8 ''2 didn't reali%e &ou'd had so :u5h e$Aerien5e.8 ''2': a <o:an. 2 haBe ;riends. Sisters-8 -1i*olette. - DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %1/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e'd said her na:e so disaAAroBingl& that it :ade her sto:a5h ;ree ;ull ''Cou reall& don't li6e her.8 ''2 don't 6no< her.8 /i5 nodded Aain;ull&7 her ;a5e still s5alding hot7 :ore ;ro: anger than sharre. .;ter he'd le;t7 / i5 let hersel; into her suite o; roo:s7 and <ith her insides still 5hurning <ith resentrrent7 she 5hanged into her AaGa:as7 and then <andered outside. Tr&ing to 5al: hersel; she <al6ed the length o; her AriBate 5ourt&ard <ith the deeA still Aool and the ;ountain <ith the 9eauti;ul :ar9le statue. 2t <as late out7 9ut the night <as still hot7 and the sultr& night air hung on her7 :a6ing her <ant to turn around and retreat to the 5ool dar6 suite. But she 5ouldn't go inside. She ;ell eBen :ore traAAed inside. S5ared7 too. @ali6 o55uAied her thoughts latel&-endlessl&. She <anted to Aretend it <as :ere 5uriosit&7 5ultural ;as5ination7 eBen se$ual in;atuation7 9ut deeA do<n she 6ne< her interest <as so :u5h :ore than that. -e <as an ideal ruler ;or a 5ountr& li6e Bara6a <here the 5ulture dated 9a56 thousands o; &ears and AeoAle had 9een ;or5ed to reinBent the:selBes ;ollo<ing earthEua6es7 ;ires7 tragedies. .nd *od 6no<s she didn't <ant to sha:e hi:7 not in ;ront o;his AeoAle. /ot in ;ront o;the <orld. .nd 5ertainl& not in AriBate7 either. -o< on earth <as she going to e$tri5ate hersel;;ro: this= 2t <ould 9e one thing i;he li6ed Prin5ess /i5olette. 2t <ould ease so:e o; her guilt and :iser&. But he didn't li6e /i5olette. -e'd 9een :ost 5lear ;ro: the 9eginning that he <ould not7 5ould not :a6e /i5olette >u5asse his Eueen. So :a&9e there la& the solution to her Aro9le: 2; she didn't <ant to e:9arrass hi: 9& 9rea6ing the engagerrent7 she'd ;or5e hi: into ta6ing a5tion. She'd 5ontinue the :asEuerade as long as ne5essar&7 and then7 on5e )ill& <as sa;e. /i5 <ould then reBeal the sho56ing truth-that she <as reall& that 9londe7 shallo<7 <anton Arin5ess he so desAised. -e'd neBer :arr& her then. /i5 5rossed her ar:s oBer her 5hest and tiAAed her head 9a56 to ta6e in the dar6 AurAlish s6& and 9it her liA to 6eeA ;ro: 5r&ing. She 5ouldn't 5r&. 1or heaBen's sa6eD She <asn't here to ;ind true loBe. She <as here to get a Go9 done. 2t's a Go97 she re:inded hersel; 5ra<ling into 9ed. She <as helAing those <ho needed her :ost. ,arl& the ne$t :orning 1ati:a <as ad:itted to @ali6's o;;i5e and seeing hi: still on the Ahone7 she too6 a seat on a lo< 5hair in the 5o:er and <aited Aatientl& ;or hi: to ;inish his 5onBersation. 0hen he ;inall& hung uA. he loo6ed uA at her. -e <as <earing a Aair o; dar6 ;ra:ed reading glasses. '>o &ou 6no< <h& 2 <anted to see &ou=8 1ati:a's tranEuil e$Aression 9etra&ed nothing. ''C ou <ill tell :e7 2 a: sure. 8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 2/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e studied his 5ousin a long :o:ent. 1ati:a had ta6en an al:ost i:rrediate disli6e to /i5olette and he still hadn't ;igured out i; it <as Gealous&7 inse5urit& or so:ething deeAer. ''2'Be ;elt &our hostilit& to our guest.8 1ati:a didn't eBen 9lin6. 8She's not going to :arr& &ou7 5ousin.8 '/ot i; &ou 5ontinue to inti:idate her.8 1ati:a li;ted her right hand7 a gentle dis:issal ''2 a: 9eing truth;ul <ith her7 and <ith &ou. 2 do not trust her7 @ali6. She's Ala&ing &ou.8 (ne o;his 9la56 e&e9ro<s ar5hed slightl&. -e 9arel& glan5ed her <a&. 'That's an a<;ull& 0estern e$Aression 5o:ing ;ro: &ou. 8 ''2'Be 9een to the 0est. 2'Be liBed in the 0est. 2 understand 0estern 5ulture as <ell as &ou do.8 1ati:a shoo6 her head so9erl&. '@ali6. )isten to :e.8 She stared at hi: Aointedl&7 one o; those dagger sharA stares that is ne$t to i:Aossi9le to ignore. -e :et her ga%e7 her dar6 e&es uns:iling. ')isten to :e7 5ousin.8 she added ;latl&7 no urgen5& in her Boi5e7 Gust 5onBi5tion. 8She's. /ot. *oing. To. @arr&. Cou.8 @ali6 Aulled o;;his reading glasses and droAAed the: on his des67 ru99ing his e&es as he did so. '0h& not=8 8She's too indeAendent. She's not interested in our 5ountr&7 or 5ulture7 and Euite honestl&. 2 don't thin6 she's all that interested in &ou. 8 @ali6 ;ro<ned7 Aartiall& agreeing <ith her7 Aartiall& disagreeing 6no<ing that 1ati:a had al<a&s 9een 9right7 9ut she didn't 6no< a9out 5he:istr&7 or attra5tion. She had no 5on5eAt a9out Ah&si5al desire7 and <hen it 5arre to Ah&si5al desire7 the Arin5ess <as Ber& attra5ted to hi:. /i5 :ight not <ant to :arr& ru:7 9ut she de;initel& <as interested in 9eing inti:ate <ith hi:. ''2': not <orried78 he said rising ;ro: his 5hair and :oBing to<ard 1ati:a. 8She needs rre.8 he said7 standing oBer his 5ousin. '-er 5ountr& needs <hat 2 5an o;;er.8 1ati:a shoo6 her head. 'But <hat i; she gets Gust enough ;ro: &ou that she doesn't need the rest= 0hat i; she needs less than &ou thin6 she does=8 *ood Aoint. 1ati:a had al<a&s 9een s:art. She'd e$5elled in s5hool She 5ould haBe done an&thing <ith her li;e7 9ut she'd 5hosen to re:ain here7 at the Aala5e. 0hat <ould she do <ith her li;e7 he'd o;ten <ondered. . rrerr9er o; the ro&al ;a:il&7 she <as <orth a ;ortune and <ith her ;ather dead7 her :other liBing in / e< Cor67 she 9elonged 9eneath his Arote5tion. 0ho <ould eBer 9e good enough ;or her= ''2'll haBe to 9e 5are;ul then7 <on't 2=8 he ans<ered eBenl&7 and then he s:iled at her. She <as 9eauti;ul >ar6 e&es7 high 5hee69ones7 ;ir: 5hin7 slightl& Aointed <ith :asses o;long sil6& 9la56 hair. 1ati:a loo6ed li6e their grand:other 9ut she had her ;ather's 5unning :ind. '/o< &ou 9etter go. The Arin5ess <ill 9e <aiting ;or her language lesson.8 /i5olette <as <aiting in the salon ;or 1ati:a7 9ut she <asn't thin6ing a9out her lesson. She <as thin6ing that she had the strangest se5ret. 2t <as her 9irthda& toda&7 her real 9irthda&7 9ut she 5ouldn't 5ele9rate 9e5ause no one >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 3/143 3/3/2010 6ne< <ho she reall& <as. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 2t <as rather odd thin6ing she'd rea5hed t<ent&-seBen. Suddenl& it see:ed li6e su5h an old age. Chantal had alread& 9een :arried seBeral &ears <hen she turned t<ent&-seBen. So ;ar /i5olette had done ... <hat= /othing. 1ati:a arriBed and the lesson Aro5eeded <ithout in5ident7 and then as the serBing girl arriBed7 9ringing the no< e$Ae5ted tra& o;tea and s<eet 9is5uits7 the serBing girl 5urtsied to /i5olette. ''Prin5ess7 -is -ighness <ould li6e &ou to Goin hi: ;or a late 9rea6;ast.8 the girl said. ''2': to sho< &ou the <a&.8 1ati:a's ;a5e tightened 9ut she didn't Arotest7 and /i5olette ;ollo<ed the serBing girl through the 5orridors and out to one o;the gorgeous inner 5ourt&ards reserBed ;or the sultan's Aersonal use. @ali6 <as alread& at the <rought-iron ta9le that had 9een set ;or t<o. Bright ;lo<ers ;illed a dar6 green glass Base and /i5 de5ided she'd :a6e this her 9irthda& Aart&. -e didn't eBen need to 6no< it <as her 9irthda&. 2t <as enough that she 5ould 9e <ith hi: no<. start her da& <ith his 5o:Aan&. .lread& his 5o:Aan& :eant so :u5h ... 8*ood :orning. 8 @ali6 greeted7 leaning ;or<ard to 6iss her on ea5h 5hee6. ''2'Be 9een thin6ing o; &ou.8 She shiBered as his liAs gra%ed her 5hee6. -e srrelled loBel&. She <ished she 5ould 5aAture his la5e 9et<een her hands and 6iss hi: AroAerl&. /o :ore ;leeting 6isses on the 5hee6s7 9ut a long7 deeA 6iss7 one that <ould :a6e her :elt again. ''-aBe &ou=8 -e leaned ;or<ard on the ta9le7 his 9la56 hair al:ost gloss& in the 9right light. ''2'Be also ;elt Ber& guilt&.8 '0h&=8 ''2'Be 9een un6ind <ith regards to &our sister. 2 6no< ho< 2 ;eel a9out :& 9rother and sisters and <ouldn't tolerate an&one sAea6ing harshl& a9out the:7 and &et 2 haBe 9een in5redi9l& intolerant o; /i5olette's idios&n5rasies. 1orgiBe :e.8 /i5 loo6ed a<a&7 e:9arrassed as <ell as un5o:;orta9le. 8She's not reall& so-e55entri5.8 She'd intended to reAl& :atter o;;a5tl&. 9ut to her sha:e7 her Boi5e 9ro6e. ,Ben <hen he aAologi%ed he :ade it sound as i;/i5 <as this Ae5uliar <o:an <ith 5an:9alisti5 tenden5ies. '@a&9e she's not Bara6an. 9ut she's good. .nd 6ind. .nd she doesn't sa& 5ruel things a9out AeoAle.8 /i5 dre< a <o99l& 9reath7 sha6en. 8She doesn't Gudge AeoAle7 either. .nd she <ouldn't 9e here right no<7 Gudging &ou7 or Gudging &our 5ousin 1ati:a <ho 5an't sa& a ni5e thing a9out an&one.8 1inished she sat there7 <ords sAent7 e:otion sAent7 all illusions a9out a Aart& dashed. 2t <asn't a ;un 9irthda& :orning. 2t <as another horri9le da& liBing a lie. '0ould &ou e$5use :e7 Alease=8 she <hisAered. '/o.8 -is re;usal surArised her. She Aushed a<a& ;ro: the ta9le. -e :ight 9e 6ing in Bara6a. 9ut she <as ro&alt& in ,uroAe. ''2'd li6e to return to :& lessons <ith 1ati:a.8 ',Ben though she's Gudg:ental=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %"/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2'd rather her 9e Gudg:ental than you. - '0h&=8 Tears 9urned in her e&es and she loo6ed at h: so oBer<hel:ed 9& e:otions she hadn't e$Ae5ted to ;eel that she didn't eBen thin6 she 5ould ;ind her Boi5e. '0h&=8 he de:anded &et again. The rest o;/i5's 5ontrol snaAAed. 'Be5ause 2 li6e &ou. 2 don't <ant &ou to 9e :ean. (r Aett&. 2 don't <ant &ou to 9e 5ruelGust 9e5ause /i5olette isn't &our idea o;the Aer;e5t <o:an. /o one's Aer;e5t7 Hing /uri7 and eBen those o; us <ho aren't Aer;e5t7 are still Arett& <orth& o;loBe7 and lo&alt&.8 ''2 <as aAologi%ing-8 '/ot reall&. /ot enough.8 -er liA EuiBered7 She ;elt so <ret5hed she 5ouldn't eBen 9ear it. ''2t's her 9irthda& toda&7 and 2 don't thin6 she deserBes this-8 8''2 6no< it's her 9irthda&D88 -e nearl& shouted7 his Boi5e e5hoing. 'That's <h& &ou're here <ith :e this :orning. 2 <anted to 5ele9rate <ith &ou.8 She ;ought to regain 5ontrol and her 5hest rose and ;ell <ith ea5h deeA shuddering 9reath. '-o< did &ou 6no< it's her 9irthda&= Cou don't eBen li6e her.8 -e stood7 leaned a5ross the ta9le7 5uAAing the 9a56 o; her head7 and 6issed her. 'Be5ause 2 li6e &ou.8 he said7 6issing her again. ''2 li6e &ou so :u5h 2'Be tried to learn eBer&thing 2 5an a9out &our ;a:il&7 8 The tears shi::ered in her e&es7 :a6ing it Ber& hard to see7 9ut i; she 9lin6ed7 the tears <ould ;all '-o< old is she then=8 'T<ent&-seBen.8 -e rea5hed uA <ith the tiA o; her ;inger and 5aught the tears 5linging to her lo<er lashes. 8.nd 2 6no< &ou're <orried a9out her 9e5ause she's getting old and she's still not :arried-8 /i5 9atted a<a& <ith his hand. 8She's not that old.8 'But she should 9e :arried7 shouldn't she=8 .nd to sho< her he <as teasing7 he 6issed her &et again7 a light 6iss7 9ut so:ething haAAened <hen his liAs tou5hed hers this ti:e. The restraint <as gone. The Aure intentions disaAAeared. 2nstead e:otion si%%led and the slo<7 tender 6iss 9la%ed into Aure7 ra<7 unadulterated desire. /i5 had ;elt desire7 9ut this desire too6 her 9reath a<a&7 turned her 9ell& inside out7 :ade her a5he <ith need. She rea5hed ;or hi:7 ;ingers t<ining in his shirt7 and his liAs ruthlessl& Aarted hers7 his tongue sla99ing at the so;tness o; her :outh7 lasting7 teasing7 :a6ing her a<are that he'd 9een gentle <ith her so ;ur7 9ut he 5ould also 9e ;ier5el& hungr&7 and de:anding. /i5 5lung to hi:7 <el5o:ing the intensit&7 ;inding release in the Biolen5e o; e:otion. .ll her li;e she'd 5raBed >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 5/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Aassion7 and to ;ind it here-and no<-<ith @ali6 stunned her. -e li;ted his head7 stro6ed her 5hee6. ''1orgiBe rre. Please=8 8(; 5ourse.8 .nd she :anaged a tre:ulous s:ile7 so:ething o; a ;eat 5onsidering the intense desire still 5oiling inside her. 2t hurt to 6iss. 2t hurt eBen r:re to end the 6iss. She'd neBer ;ell so un;ul;illed. 8.nd /i5 ;orgiBes &ou7 too.8 'Then <e 5an still haBe 9rea6;ast to 5ele9rate her sAe5ial da&=8 She grinned rue;ull&. ''Ces.'' 8.nd 5an <e start oBer7 Aretend nothing's haAAened=8 -er laugh <as so;t7 hus6&. &ou that good o; an a5tor=8 '>eAends. .re &ou that good o; an a5tress=8 /i5 thought o;the Aast <ee6 at the Aala5e. '/o.8 She laughed &et again7 :a6ing ;un o;herselL ''2': a te:9le a5tress. 2'Be neBer 9een Ai56ed to Ala&a lead in an& o; our s5hool theatre Arodu5tions.8 -e held her 5hair ;or her. and slid her 5hair into the ta9le on5e she <as seated. '/ot eBen though &ou <ere a Ber& ;a:ous Arin5ess=8 She :ade a ;a5e. ''2'd li6e to sa& there <as a 9ias against Arin5esses7 9ut that isn't the 5ase. @& sister7 Joelle7 is a ;antasti5 a5tress. She also inherited @o:'s Boi5e. Joelle's Boi5e is li6e an angel's. Cou haBe to hear her sing one da&-8/i5 9ro6e o;;. 9lushed. ')isten to :e. Cou'Be turned :e into a 5hatter9o$.8 -e gestured ;or 5o;;ee and a ste<ard instantl& aAAeared7 ;illing their 5uAs. ''Cou're ;ar ;ro: a 5hatter9o$7 Chantal 2 haBe to <or6 to :a6e &ou tal6.8 /i5 rea5hed out to tou5h the ;loral arrange:ent7 her ;ingertiA 9rushing a5ross one 5ri:son rose Aetal The da:as6 roses in the ;loral arrange:ent :ade the air s:ell sAi5& and s<eet. '@en li6e Euiet <o:en.8 @ali6 sAluttered on his 5o;;ee. ''2 5an't 9elieBe &ou sa& these things.8 8.t least it :a6es &ou s:ile.8 ''2': Gust glad &ou're s:iling again.8 CHAPTER SEVEN T-,2' e&es rret and held. /i5 sa< the sin5erit& in his loBel& silBer ga%e7 and ;elt little riAAles o; Aleasure hu: through her. The& <ere :a6ing s:all tal6 and &et 9elo< the sur;a5e the l2>St intense attra5tion sinnnered7 and >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... /143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter the a<areness that the& 9oth ;elt so :u5h7 ;ueled the desire. 8So <hat is on &our 5alendar toda&=88 he as6ed7 sitting 9a56 as a serBing girl set a Alate o;;resh sli5ed7 Aeeled ;ruits 9e;ore hlln-:angos7 AaAa&as7 6i<i7 Ao:egranate. The 5olors <ere BiBid7 <et. glistening. )i6e Ge<els dren5hed 9& the rain. /i5's :outh <atered. She <as hungr&. But not Gust ;or ;ood. She <anted his :outh again7 <anted his tongue and the sAi5& taste o;his s6in. ''2t's 9us&78 she ans<ered7 6no<ing Aer;e5tl& <ell that her s5hedule <as Aa56ed <ith aAAointrrents7 in5luding another ;itting ;ollo<ed 9& t<o hours in the 6it5hen <ith the :aster 5he; learning a9out Bara6a's 5uisine 9e;ore 9eing giBen her ;irst instru5tion in ho< to AreAare the sultan8s ;aBorite dishes. ''PerhaAs <e'Be 6eAt &ou too 9us&. The strain is sho<ing.8 She :ade a <r& ;a5e. 8.Aologies. Cour -ighness.8 -e s:iled. 8'>o &ou need a holida&=8 '/o 9oo6s= /o a5tiBities= /o horre<or6= 0hat <ould 2 do=8 She ;eigned sho56. ''2 suAAose &ou'd haBe to enGo& :& 5o:Aan&. 2; su5h a thing is Aossi9le.8 -e sAeared a 5ir5le o; 6i<i and Aut it in his :outh7 5he<ing slo<l&7 letting the riAe s<eet ;ruit dissolBe eBen :ore slo<l&. She <at5hed his ;ir:7 :o9ile :outh la6e the su55ulent ;ruit. <at5hed his Ga< :oBe on5e7 t<i5e7 sa< the long strong 5olu:n o;his throat s<allo< and she e$haled in a tight7 thin strea: o; air. . da& alone <ith @ali6 <asn't her idea o; rela$ing. She 5ouldn't rela$ around hi:. She'd 9egun to 5raBe 5onta5t <ith hi: too 9adl&. ''2 6no< &ou'Be :an& state aAAoint:ents-8 'Too :an&.8 he agreed sole:nl&. ''2t <ouldn't 9e ;air ;or :e to add to &our Aressures-8 'But7 laeela, &ou :ust 5o:e ;irst. Cou're to 9e :& Eueen. @& <i;e. @& loBer.8 -eat surged to /i5's 5hee6s. 2is lover. .nd she loBed the sound o;that <ord7 eBen as the i:age 5onGured uA all the Aress 5liAAings she'd read7 the stories o;his :an& :istresses s5attered around the <orld. She ;elt his ga%e 5aress her no<7 s<eeAing her 5hee6s7 do<n the 5olu:n o; her throat to rest at her 9reasts. She <as <earing a turEuoise sil6 Aantsuit7 the 5ollarless Ga56et 5onserBatiBe 9& 0estern standards7 and &et his desire :ade her ;eel na6ed. ,$Aosed. ''Ces. <ell7 o; 5ourse there ar5 the duties.8 she said hurriedl&7 ''9ut right no<7 i; &ou haBe greater Aressing 5on5erns-8 8*reater 5on5erns= Prin5ess. 2'd 9e a:iss not to 9e 5on5erned <ith &ou. 2 5an see &ou are a little lonel& toda&.8 The s:ile ;aded ;ro: his e&es. ''2 5an see &ou are a little sad. 2 thin6 &ou need sorre 5o:Aan&. 2 thin6 &ou 5ould use rre.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter +se hi: (h. indeed. She 5ould use ru: 9ut that <asn't Aart o;the Alan. The Alan <asn't to :a6e loBe. The Alan <asn't to ;ull in loBe. The Alan <asn't to get traAAed in this 5ountr& so ;ar a<a& ;ro: her o<n. '0e 5an al<a&s :eet later-;or dinner.8 She Aressed her 6nees together7 tu56ing one ;oot 9ehind the other an6le. She 5ouldn't let hersel; <ant :ore ;ro: hi: She 5ouldn't 5ontinue to let hersel; get e:otionall& inBested. ''Cou 5an tell rre <hat &ou'Be done ... 8 -er Boi5e ;aded as @ali6 leaned ;or<ard and ran the Aad o;his thu:9 oBer her liAs7 silen5ing her. ''Cou need an adBenture toda&. So:ething ne<7 so:ething ;i:7 )eaBe it to :e.8 ''@ali6.'' ''Ces7 laeela4- -er e&es 9urned and she 5losed her e&es as his hand slid along her Ga<7 and do<n7 along the side o; her ne56 to rest at her 5ollar9one. -is lingers <ere so sure and stead& against her <ar: 9are s6in that /i5 ;ound the loBel& sensation al:ost too e$5ru5iating to enGo&. '0h& don't &ou eBer loo6 :e in the e&e=8 he as6ed so;tl&7 the Aad o;his thu:9 stro6ing the hollo< o; her throat. '0hen <e tal6 li6e this7 &ou al<a&s loo6 a<a&.8 ''Cou're tou5hing :e78 she <hisAered7 and he <as right7 she 5ouldn't rreet his ga%e. -e'd stirred intense e:otions in her7 and eBen hotter desire7 and the 5o:9ination o;the t<o tried her 5ons5ien5e. -er heart a5hed al:ost 5onstantl& and her 9od& ;elt restless7 a 5easeless restlessness that 5a:e ;ro: <anting. But the <anting <as re56less7 dangerous7 and eBen /i57 <ho e:9ra5ed danger 6ne< <hat <as at sta6e here. Chantal and )ill&. ''@& tou5h shouldn't ;righten &ou.8 @ali6 said. ''Cou're not a Birgin7 not <ithout e$Aerien5e.8 She s<allo<ed7 her s6in ;la:ing <ith heal7 her 9ell& heaB&7 e:At&. ''2t's not la56 o; e$Aerien5e that :a6es :e <ar&7 and it's not &our tou5h 2 ;ear.8 She loo6ed uA into his Aer5eAtiBe Ae<ter ga%e. '0hat 2 ;ear is ... &ou.8 ''Cou ;ear :e=8 -e sounded in5redulous. 'But <h&= 2'd Arote5t &ou <ith :& li;e.8 /i5olette's heart t<isted. The Aain startled her. She hadn't ;ell su5h strong e:otion in &ears. ''@a&9e that's <hat 2': a;raid o;8 Ja< Aressed tight7 she ga%ed intentl& at his hard ;eatures7 the long aEuiline nose7 the 9road Ga<. the stu99orn set o;his 5hin. ''Cou Ala5e too :u5h trust in :e. Cou haBen't 6no<n :e long enough to o;;er &our li;e in e$5hange o; :ine. 8 -is Aal: suddenl& 5uAAed her 5hee6. 'But &ou're :& 9etrothed.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... %'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '0e haBen't e$5hanged an& <ords7 had a ;or:al de5laration. 8 ''Cou are here.8 Tears thi56ened her Boi5e7 tears she <asn't going to 5r&. 'But aAAearan5es 5an 9e de5eAtiBe.8 -is e$Aression turned thought;ul as he sat 9a56 in his 5hair. &ou thin6ing o;leaBing=8 '/o.8 'But &ou still haBe dou9ts=8 She hated tal6ing li6e this. /o< that she'd :et hi:7 gotten to 6no< hi: she didn't <ant to 9e the one to disaAAoint hi:. ''2 <as 9orn <ith dou9ts. (;the three o; us7 2 <as the Arin5ess l2>St li6el& to-8 She 9ro6e o;; reali%ing she <as a9out to :a6e another /i5olette Aronoun5e:ent7 and he <as susAi5ious o;those /i5olette Aronoun5e:ents. 'To=8 he Aro:Ated so;tl&. ''Cou don't <ant to 6no<.8 ''2 do.8 She shrugged helAlessl&7 as i; to sa&7 2 <arned &ou. '@ost li6el& to initiate <orld <ar.8 -e 5oughed. She ;le$ed her lingers7 tension 5oiling throughout her 9od&. ''2 6no<. 2': sorr&.8 '0hat 5an <e do= -o< 5an 2 helA=8 -e sounded so tranEuil7 so 5o:;orta9l& 5onBersational ''2s there so:ething that 2 5ould do= So:ething 2 5ould tell &ou=8 She 5losed her e&es7 ;ell the late :orning sun <ar: the toA o; her head7 <raA her shoulders in heat. She didn't 6no< <hat she <as doing an&:ore. >idn't 6no< ho< she'd lost 5ontrol o;the situation. She <asn't suAAosed to get inBolBed here. She <as to haBe 9een a guest...Gust a guest... 2nstead she'd started to ;eel things7 genuine things7 ;or @ali6 / uri /i5 s<allo<ed7 oAened her e&es. @ali6 should haBe 9een trou9led 9ut he loo6ed 5al:7 as i; all his 5on5ern <as ;or her instead o; hi:sel; ''2 don't <ant to-8 her :outh had gone dr& and she rea5hed ;or her glass o; Gui5e7 too6 a siA7 <elling her liAs 8-hu:iliate &ou.8 ''2': glad. 2 hate 9eing hu:iliated.8 But the 5o:er o;his liAs li;ted7 and he sounded do<nright 5aBalier. She didn't 6no< ho< he 5ould Go6e at a titre li6e this7 &et she s:iled at his hu:or7 her e:otions strung uA li6e the roAe o;;lags on the %oyal Star. 'But &ou're not going to hu:iliate :e.8 he 5ontinued 5on;identl&. ''2 6no< &ou. Cou're li6e rre. Cou understand dut&7 and resAonsi9ilit&. Cou loBe &our 5ountr&7 &our AeoAle7 and &our ;a:il&. Cou'll do <hat's 9est ;or the:8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e <as sAea6ing :atter o; ;a5tl& and she ;ound hersel; hanging on ea5h <ord7 as i; she 5ouldn't <ait to hear <hat he'd sa& ne$t. ''2; &ou giBe rre &our <ord no<78 he added. ''2 6no< the 5ere:on& <ill ta6e Ala5e. Cou <ouldn't 5an5el at the last :inute7 no< <hen it'd 9e so a<6<ard ;or 9oth our ;a:ilies7 /eBer :ind national Aride.8 1ational pride. /i5 5ouldn't sAea67 5ouldn't :a6e a sound7 and li;e see:ed to 5r&stalli%e around her-the sun shining through her glass7 ;illing the guaBa Gui5e <ith shi::ering light7 the head& s5ent o;the da:as6 roses7 the ;orlorn 5r& o; a seagull a9oBe7 a re:inder that the .tlanti5 sea <asn't so Ber& ;ar a<a&. ''Cou're ;ree78 he added eBen :ore gentl&. ''Cou're ;ree to go horre no<. 2'd neBer 6eeA &ou here against &our <ill8 -e didn't eBen 6no< <ho she <as7 she thought7 and i; she did :arr& hi:7 Aretending to 9e Chantal7 <hat <ould haAAen later <hen he ;ound out later she <asn't Chantal= 0ould he sa& ;ine7 one >u5asse is the sa:e as another7 or <ould he <ant Chantal-the good one-the o9edient one7 and diBor5e her on grounds o;;raud= >e5eAtion= But i;/i5 5on;essed the truth no<7 <hat <ould haAAen to Chantal and )ill&= 0hat i; the& <ere 5lose to getting horre to @elio= 0hat i; /i5olette ruined it ;or the: no<= She 5ouldn't i:agine that all this ... su9ter;uge ... should 9e ;or naught. ''2': not going an&<here. 8 -er Boi5e sounded rough. ''2': sta&ing right here.8 / i5 loo6ed uA at hi: and Ara&ed he <ouldn't see the tears in her e&es. ''2': on holida& toda&7 re:e:9er= .nd &ou'Be Aro:ised rre to sho< :e so:ething ne< ... so:ething ;un.8 ''2 re:e:9er.8 .;ter the rreal7 /i5olette Eui56l& 5hanged shoes7 aAAlied so:e suns5reen to her ;a5e and returned to the ;ront hall -er heart ;ell heaB& <hen she sa< 1ati:a <aiting. 1ati:a loo6ed at her. 8This <asn't :& idea.8 she said sti;tl&. /i5 5ould 9arel& nod7 ridi5ulousl& disaAAointed. Just then the 5ar and driBer Aulled to the door and @ali6 arriBal )i6e 1ati:a. he'd 5hanged into a :ella5a, and li6e his 5ousin7 his long ro9e <as :ade o; e$AensiBe ;a9ri5 <ith ornate needle<or6 lining the sea:s. '>o 2 need to 5hange=8 /i5 as6ed7 tou5hing the ne56line o; her turEuoise Ga56et. ''2 haBe a :ella5a &ou 5an <ear i; &ou'd li6e.8 @ali6 ans<ered7 lightl& 5ir5ling her <ith his ann. 'But 2 see no need ;or &ou to 5hange. Cou'll ;ind that :an& o; our &oung AeoAle ;aBor Geans and T-shirts. Bet<een our 1ren5h 5olonial Aast7 and the ;lood o;tourists in <inter7 &ou'll ;ind that our 5it& 5enter is Euite 0estern.8 ''2s that <here <e're going=8 she as6ed7 settling into the 9a56 seat. -e suddenl& sAo6e in .ra9i5 to his 5ousin7 and 1ati:a. <ho'd Gust sat do<n ne$t to /i5. relu5tantl& :oBed7 relo5ating hersel; to the oAAosite seat. @ali6 too6 the Ba5ated sAa5e ne$t to /i5. ''2s this AroAer=8 /i5 <hisAered to @ali6 as the 6ing stret5hed an ar: a5ross the 9a56 o;the seat7 his ;ingertiAs DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &0/1"3 3/3/2010 9rushing her shoulder. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2t's :& 5ar78 he ans<ered7 loo6ing do<n at her. ''Ces7 9ut &our 5ousin--8 'Hno<s &ou're to 9e :& <i;e.8 -e rea5hed ;or her hand7 6issed the 9a56 o; it. '/o< rela$. 2 <ant &ou to enGo& &oursel; Cou're not allo<ed to <orr&.8 '/ ot a9out an&thing=8 8.9out nothing7 /ot eBen )ill&. 2'Be eBer&thing under 5ontrol8 So:ething in his tone :ade the ;ine hair li;t at the naAe o; her ne56 9ut she didn't dare as6. -e'd said not to <orr&7 and ;or one hour7 she 5ould tr& to do that :u5h7 5ouldn't she= 0ith a s:all 5onBo& o; Aoli5e es5orts7 the li:ousine <ound through :nrerous aBenues7 the streets gro<ing narro<er <ith ea5h turn until the&'d rea5hed the :ar6et sEuare. @er5hants and Aeddlers had ;illed the sEuare <ith 5olor;ul 9a%aars7 their 9ooths o;;ering eBer& 6ind o;<are i:agina9le. Bas6ets :ounded <ith ;ruits and nuts. CoAAer Aots. Bolts o;;a9ri5. )eather goods. /i5 sat ;or<ard on her seat7 an$ious to see eBer&thing7 @ali6's ;ingers trailed do<n her sAine until his hand settled in the s:all o; her 9a56. ''Cou're eager to e$Alore.8 She 5ouldn't 5ontain her 5uriosit&. She loBed getting out7 doing things7 2t'd 9een hard 9eing so 5ooAed uA in the Aala5e during the Aast <ee6. ''2 a:8 The driBer Aar6ed and the se5urit& 5ir5led the li:ousine. @ali6 5li:9ed out7 e$tended a hand to /i5olette and then 1ati:a. .s /i5olette stood7 she reali%ed that nearl& all o;the <o:en 9ustling around the :ar6et <ere <earing the long *olorful:ella5a. '>o &ou still haBe the ... 5oBerall=8 she as6ed7 indi5ating his Gella9a. ''2 thin6 1ati:a and 2 <ould dra< less attention i;<e loo6ed the sarre.8 1ati:a aided /i5olette in settling the long naB& :ella5a oBer /i5's head7 5oBering her Aanlsuit. '0ould &ou 5are to haBe a loo6 around=8 @ali6 as6ed /i5 on5e she <as ;inished dressing. ''Ces.'' /i5 ans<ered7 read& to see as :u5h o;the :edina as she 5ould. She'd <anted to Bisit the 5it& hu9 eBer sin5e she arriBed. '1ati:a <ill <al6 <ith &ou78 he said. ''2'd li6e to go <ith &ou7 9ut 2 thin6 it's less 5o:Ali5ated ;or se5urit& i; 2 <ait here.8 She understood7 esAe5iall& as the :ar6et <as Ber& 5ro<ded and it'll 9e di;;i5ult ;or a grouA-:u5h less the sultan and his es5orts-to Aass through the 5ongested sEuare. .s she and 1ati:a set o;; the sun shone high a9oBe7 and a hot <ind 6i56ed uA dust7 tugged at the 5risA 5anBas >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... !1/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter a<nings7 9lo<ing the Aal: trees dense green ;ronds. /i5 <as nearl& oBer<hel:ed 9& su5h e$oti5 9eaut&-the 9lue and <hite striAed stalls7 the :assiBe 5la& Aots o; Ain6 and green oliBes7 9as6ets Ailed high <ith dried dales and aAri5ots7 the AerBasiBe sAi5e o; AeAAers7 and all the <hile the hot <ind 9rushing and <hiAAing the ;ronds so the Ber& air see:ed to <hisAer. ,$Euisite7 she thought7 ta6ing it all in. saBoring all that <as ne< and :&sterious. -Bale$!- a :an shouted7 lu:9ering Aast <ith a 5art ;ull o; goods. Bale$. /i5 s:iled. 0at5h &oursel; She'd understood the .ra9i5 <ord. Contented7 /i5 ;ollo<ed 1ati:a around the Aararreter o;the 9ustling sEuare7 the old 9uildings ;ronted 9& hundreds o; sou6s7 ea5h one selling so:ething di;;erent7 Gust as ea5h :er5hant si%ed the shoAAer uA7 setting ne< and di;;erent Ari5es. / o< and then she sloAAed to e$a:ine intriguing :er5handise and graduall& / i5 ;orgot 1ati:a's hostilit&7 losing hersel; in the Aleasure o; 9eing so:e<here altogether ne<. .s she :oBed slo<l& ;ro: one seller to another7 the sun 9eat do<n on her head7 the ra&s Aenetrating her dar6 :ella5a. Ti:e to turn 9a567 she thought. But loo6ing uA. hoAing 10 5al5h 1ati:a's e&e. /i5 reali%ed she'd lost @ali6's 5ousin so:e<here along the <a&. SurArised7 9ut not distressed. /i5 a5tuall& ;ell .. relie; Shed 9een in :an& ;oreign 5ountries7 traBeled a great deal. 2t didn't 5ross her :ind to ;eel ;ear. 2nstead7 ;or one 9rie; :o:ent7 she ;elt ;ree. /o 1ati:a7 no sultan7 no :arriage7 no <orries. .nd <ith that thought in :ind7 she <ished she had :one& on her and she'd ;ind a 5a;e so:e<here and 9u& an i5ed 5o;;ee and Gust sit in the shade and <at5h eBer&one. .tiE <as a:a%ing and /i5 loBed the :edina7 resAonding to the histor& o;the inner 5it& <ith the 5o99led streets7 <hite<ashed 9uildings and da%%ling sunlight. . hand tou5hed her ar: and /i5 turned. .n older <o:an stood 9e;ore her7 the <o:an's gra& hair Aartiall& 5oBered <ith a long s5ar; '')ost='' The elderl& <o:an as6ed. /i5 s:iled. 8. little.8 The <o:an stared uA at / i5 ;or a :inute7 her dar6 e&es Au%%led. ''Cou are a Ber& 9eauti;ul lad&7 8 she said in her halting ,nglish. 'Than6 &ou. Merci," /i5 ans<ered7 s<it5hing to 1ren5h hoAing it'd 9e easier ;or the older <o:an. 8That's loBel& o; &ou to sa&.8 The <o:an s:iled grate;ull&. ''Cou're not .:eri5an=8 she as6ed in 1ren5h. '/o.8 The older <o:an's :outh Aursed as she studied /i5's ;a5e. ''1ren5h='' '-al;8 Juarter7 a5tuall&. Julien. her ruther had 9een hal;-1ren5h7 hal;-SAanish. Suddenl& the old <o:an <agged her linger. -er ;ro<n ;aded as she s:iled7 deeA lines 5reasing her s6in. ''2 6no< <ho &ou loo6 li6e.8 She 9eaned <ider. 'The .:eri5an singer. Star.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &2/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Star. @o: .nd /i5 5ould see her :other7 long dar6 hair. -ashing e&es7 a <i56ed sense o;'hu:or7 ''Cou 6no< <ho 2': tal6ing a9out=8 The <o:an 5lasAed /i5's ar: 8SuAerstar. @arried a SAanish Arin5e.8 But @o: didn't :arr& a SAanish Arin5e. -e <as a @elian Arin5e. -er e&es ;elt gritt& and she 9lin6ed7 9la:ing the hot <ind. 8Than6 &ou. 8 She Aatted the older <o:an's hand <here it rested on her ar:7the elderl& <o:an's ;ingers thin7 the s6in deli5ate. ''2': Ber& ;lattered7 and &ou are Ber& 6ind.8 The <o:an 9ea:ed <ider7 sAa5es sho<ing 9et<een her 9otto: teeth and rea5hed uA to Aal /i5's 5hee6. -6llah ihenni$.- #od ma$e you safe. /i5's heart sEuee%ed. . lu:A tilled her throat. 8.nd &ou78 she :ur:ured as the elderl& <o:an shu;;led a<a&. She <at5hed the elderl& <o:an ;ade into the 5ro<d. 2t'd 9een &ears sin5e an&one said she loo6ed li6e her :other. 0ith her 9londe hair7 the ;a:il& al<a&s said she <as li6e Julien. 9ut /i5 rerrerrnered <hen she <as little7 her :other used to sit /i5 on her laA and 5o:9 her long hair and Aoint to their re;le5tions in the :irror. ''Cou haBe @o::&'s e&es.8 her :other <ould sa&7 dra<ing the 9oar 9ristle 9rush through /i5's 5urls. 8.nd &ou haBe @o::&'s :outh and 5hin.8 8.nd @onnn&'s nonsense78 her ;ather 5alled to the: ;ro: the 9edroo: <here he'd ineBita9l& 9e sitting in a 5hair7 or l&ing in 9ed. <ith a sta56 o; state do5u:ents. -er ;ather <as al<a&s reading7 AreAaring7 stud&ing uA on e5ono:ies7 Aoliti5s7 <orld eBents. /oone 5ared :ore a9out the ;uture than Prin5e Julien >u5asse. 2t <as odd. /i5 thought7 setting o;;7 threading her <a& through the 5ro<d7 9ut <hen her Aarents died eBer&one tal6ed a9out <hat a traged& it <as7 <hat a loss o;9eauti;ul &oung gla:orous AeoAle. .nd 9eaut& <as all Ber& ni5e and ;ine7 9ut 9eaut& <asn't their strength. Their strength had 9een their intelligen5e7 their sAirit7 their driBe. Both her ;ather and her :other <ere real AeoAle7 not gloss& AaAer dolls7 or 5oal hangers ;or e$AensiBe 5outure. 0hat a gi;t that elderl& <o:an had giBen her toda&7 <hat a loBel& 9irthda& gi;t. To 9e told she loo6ed li6e her :other. To haBe a stranger stoA her and sa& 2 see Star in &ou ... /i5 5losed her e&es7 Aressed her hands to her heart7 held all the e:otion and <elling o;loBe inside. / o< it <as titre to get 9a56 to @ali6 9e;ore he started <orr&ing7 and rounding a 5o:er lined <ith narro< stalls. /i5olette glan5ed around7 sensing she hadn't gone in the right dire5tion. 0here had she :ade a <rong tu:= /othing loo6ed ;a:iliar7 9ut then7 the :a%e o; :er5hants and 5ro<ded sou6s <as enough to disorient an&one. Standing at the 5o:er7 hands on lrAs7 /i5 9e5a:e a<are that she <as dra<ing attention. 0o:en aBoided her 9ut :en <ere 5urious. 2t <as o9Bious she <as a ;oreigner7 and eBen though she <as <earing a traditional 5oBerall7 she stood out as di;;erent. 0here <as she= 0here <as the 5entral :ar6et= 0hat <ould @ali6 sa& <hen he ;ound out she'd lost 1ati:a and <as <andering so:e<here inside the endless :edina= DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &3/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5 :oBed to<ard a <o:an to as6 ;or dire5tions 9ut the <o:an dre< her s5ar; 5loser to her ;a5e and hurried on. /i5 <rin6led her nose. That <as not the resAonse she <anted. *lan5ing le;t7 and then right7 the streets :u5h narro<er than the& had 9een earlier. 0hat she needed to do <as 9a56tra56. .. /i5 set o;;again7 returning the <a& shed 5orre7 9ut the street didn't lead to the :ar6et. 2nstead the street ended in a narro< alle&7 and alle& led to &et another alle&. This <as de;initel& not the right dire5tion. /i5 5he<ed the inside o; her liA. The sun had droAAed7 9ut the heat <as still intense7 and there <ere ;e<er AeoAle out no<. /i5 9atted a ;l& 9u%%ing her ;a5e and sighed. She 5ouldn't Aani5. She hadn't 9een gone that long. T<ent& :inutes. Thirt& at the :ost. She ru99ed the 9a56 o; her ar: a5ross her e&es7 5at5hing the da:Aness on her 9ro<. Thin6. 0hi5h <a& did &ou 5orre= 0here <as the sun= 2n Bara6a the :ar6ets-li6e the :osEues-are 9uilt ;a5ing ,ast. .ll she had to do <as orient hersel; to the ,ast and she'd ;ind her <a& a5ross. @ali6 <as <aiting at the side o;the 5ar <hen 1ati:a arriBed alone. ''2s the Arin5ess here=8 1ati:a as6ed7 9ending do<n to Aeer into the dar6ened 5ar <indo<s. -e ;elt as i;his heart stoAAed7 his :us5les turned to stone. 8She's suAAosed to 9e <ith &ou.8 1ati:a loo6ed at hi:7 <ide-e&ed7 inno5ent. ''2 thought <e <ere together. 0e <ere Gust 9ro<sing through the :ar6et-8 ''Cou lost her.8 '/o.8 -.ou lost her. 8 -is nor:all& Euiet Boi5e 9oo:ed. 1ati:a shoo6 her head. ''2 didn't. 2 thought she <as <ith :e. 2 <as sure she <as ;ollo<ing :e.8 -e snaAAed his ;ingers7 and his driBer aAAeared. 8The Arin5ess is :issing.8 -e sAo6e Eui56l&7 urgentl&. 8S+l11l11(n the se5urit& o;;i5ers7 let the: 6no< <e :ust ;ind her. 2n the :eanti:e7 2': going to 5all the Aala5e7 reEuest additional guard. 8 The 5hau;;eur 9o<ed7 hurried a<a&. 1ati:a <at5hed @ali6 5all the Aala5e on his Ahone7 tears in her e&es. ''2 didn't :ean to lose her7 5ousin. 2 <ouldn't do that.8 -e silen5ed her <ith a li;t o;his hand. ''2 don't <ant to hear it. Cou'Be had a Aro9le: <ith the Arin5ess sin5e she arriBed.8 -e turned his 9a56 on her. sAo6e to the 5aAtain o;his :ilitar& guard7 reEuesting assistan5e7 giBing the 5aAtain his lo5ation at the :ar6et sEuare. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &"/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Tears 5ontinued to <ell in 1ati:a's e&es. ''1 orgiBe rre7 5ousin.8 But he 5ouldn't loo6 at her. ''2 trusted &ou.8 he said7 his deeA Boi5e 5urt7 his tone 9itter. 8.nd &ou haBe sharred rre.8 1ati:a 5li:9ed into the 9a56 o;the li:ousine and 9uried her ;a5e in her hands. @ali6 Aa5ed 9e;ore the 5ar7 <aiting ;or the driBer to return. @ali6 intended to set o;; and loo6 ;or/i5olette hi:sel; 9ut suddenl& she <as there7 a ;lushed Arin5ess7 hot7 tired7 9ut o9Biousl& grate;ul to haBe ;ound her <a& 9a56. ''Cou're still here.8 /i5 s:iled in relie; 'Than6 goodness.8 ''2'd neBer leaBe &ou.8 ''2 6no<7 9ut 1-8 ''2'd neBer leaBe &ou.8 -is ga%e s<eAt her. a Eui56 insAe5tion to ensure she <as trul& in one Aie5e. &ou o6a&=8 ''2': ;ine. Just e:9arrassed. 2 don't 6no< ho< 2 :anaged to lose 1ati:a.8 / i5 Aaused7 glan5ed around. ''2s she 9a56 &et=8 @ali6's e$Aression dar6ened. 8She's in the 5ar.8 8*ood. 2 <as a;raid she <as out loo6ing ;or :e7 and 2 didn't <ant to Aut her in an& danger.8 /i5 shoo6 her head7 in5redulous. ''2t's hot.8 ''2t is78 he agreed7 sAotting the driBer returning through the sEuare <ith the se5urit& o;;i5ers. '')et :e ta6e 5are o; this78 he said7 indi5ating the o;;i5ers aAAroa5hing7 8and then <e'll head 9a56 to the Aala5e.8 Ba56 at the Aala5e7 /i5 returned to her suite and dis5oBered .lea <aiting <ith oAen ar:s. &ou alright7 Prin5ess=8 .l5a 5ried7 tou5hing / i5' s ar: as i; she <ere an aAAarition. .le a' s 5on5ern <as al:ost 5o:i5al ''2': ;ine.8 / i5 gri:a5ed. ''2 <as lost. The 5it& <as hot. But 2 ;ound :& <a& 9a56 and eBer&thing's o6a&.8 '0ell7 <e're going to ta6e good 5are o; &ou. 8 .lea assured /i5olette. ''1irst7 a sho<er to 5ool &ou o;; <ash a<a& the dust7 then a good soa6 in the hot tu97 a;ter that7 a :assage7 helA rela$ eBer& :us5le-8 'That's not ne5essar&7 .l5a. . sho<er is all 2 need.8 But the &oung <o:an <asn't listening. She <as alread& o;; heading into /i5olette's lu$urious 9athroo:7 oAening doors7 turning on the sho<er. 8Co:e7 Prin5ess.8 .lea 5alled a9oBe the stea:& sho<er sAra&. '')et's get &ou started.8 .n hour and a hal; later7 /i5olette <in5ed as the e$Aerien5ed :asseuse dug her el9o<s into the 6nots in /i5olette's 9a56. The :assage <asn't S<edish st&le7 /i5 thought7 <in5ing again7 9ut a;ter an hour o; stead& 6neading7 ru99ing7 t<isting. /i5 <as 9eginning to ;eel 9oneless. But graduall& the deeA tissue :assage gaBe <a& to a so;ter tou5h7 longer stro6es that soothed instead o;hurt. 'ela$ed 9e&ond 9elie; / i5 dri;ted in and out o; sleeA7 haAA& to Gust lie there and 9e :indless. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... !5/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /o <orries no<7 she thought sleeAil&. 2t'd 9e i:Aossi9le to <orr&. The :asseuse ;inished 9& <or6ing /i5's hands7 ;eet7 lightl& 6neading7 <or6ing ea5h little Goint. SteAAing ;ro: the ta9le the :asseuse held uA /i5's <ar: sil6 ro9e. ''Cour -ighness.8 /i5 dragged hersel; o;; the :assage ta9le7 her li:9s so heaB&7 she <anted to slide into 9ed. 2nstead she ;or5ed her ar:s into the ro9e's Euilted sleeBes and 9elled the tie around her <aist. 8Than6 &ou.8 ''@& Aleasure.8 The :asseuse oAened the door7 gestured to /i5's Ain6 :ar9le 9athroo: 8The stea: roo:7 Cour -ighness=8 '/ 0 than6 &ou7 not again. 2 thin6 2'll Gust sho<er.8 8.s &ou <ish.8 The :asseuse 9o<ed7 and e$5used hersel; and .lea aAAeared. '-o< do &ou ;eeK Prin5ess=8 ')oBel&.8 / i5 5oBered her :outh7 hiding her &a<n. ''2 5an't eBen 6eeA :& e&es oAen.8 ''Cou <on't haBe to. 'inse o;; the oil and then 2'll ;inish &ou o;;<ith a ni5e s5ented lotion to 6eeA &our s6in so;t. .;ter<ard. &ou 5an Aut &our ro9e 9a56 on and &ou'll ;ind re;resh:ents <aiting ;or &ou in &our sitting roo:8 /i5olette sAent ;oreBer in the sho<er7 letting the hot <ater rain 5lo<n on her head. She 5ouldn't re:e:9er <hen she last ;ell so languid. She <as rela$ed7 al:ost too rela$ed7 she didn't ;eel the slightest urgen5& ... a9out an&thing. She sha:Aooed her hair7 on5e7 t<i5e7 and then ;inished <ith the deli5ious ;ruit s5ented 5onditioner that :ade /i5's :outh <ater. .;ter ;inall& steAAing ;ro: the sho<er and to<eling dr&7 /i5 allo<ed .lea to slather her in lotion. She 5ouldn't Arotest the indulgen5e eBen i; she <anted to. She si:Al& didn't haBe the energ&. The heat ;ro: the :ar6et Ala5e7 and then the t<o hours o;Aa:Aering7 had ta6en all sAee5h a<a&. /i5 :ight as <ell haBe 9een a rag doll 0ith her hair lightl& 9lo<5d dr&7 /i5 sliAAed on a 5lean ro9e7 this one a gorgeous 5oral sil6 e:9roidered <ith gold and green threads7 and headed ;or the silting roo: <here hot :int tea and s<eets <aited. But that <asn't all that <aited. @ali6 /uri <aited as <ell /i5 ;ro%e in the door<a&7 one hand going to her 5hest7 5he56ing the draAe and 5oBerage o; her thin sil6 ro9e. ''Cour -ighness.8 ''2 thought 2'd Goin &ou ;or tea.8 She'd neBer ;elt sel;-5ons5ious around an& :an 9e;ore and &et @ali6 did so:ething to her. :ade her ;eel a9solutel& na6ed. .nd truth;ull&7 right no< she <as rather na6ed. -er sil6 ro9e didn't 5on5eal :u5h. ''2t is &our Aala5e78 she said7 tension 5urling in the Ait o; her sto:a5h. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &%/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is e&e9ro< li;ted. 8That's not the sarre thing as a &es. 2': glad to see &ou'7 is it=8 /i5 li56ed her 9otto: liA7 5ons5ious she <ore a9solutel& nothing 9eneath the ro9e7 not a 5he:ise or eBen a thong. Just s6in. 0ar:7 still slightl& da:A s6in ;ro: her hot sho<er and aAAli5ation o; 9od& lotion. .nd he 6ne< it7 she thought7 <ith a 5uriousl& e$Ae5tant shiBer. 8(; 5ourse 2'd enGo& &our 5o:Aan&.8 she said7 surArised &et again 9& her ;lutter o; nerBes. She shouldn't haBe this 6ind o; resAonse-at the Ber& least7 she shouldn't a5t on this resAonse. 8.n& 5o:Aan&=8 he teased. '/ot :& 5o:Aan&=8 -er ga%e too6 in the <a& he re5lined on the so;a 5ushions7 his o<n ro9e oAen at the 5hest7 his long :us5ular legs 5oBering the length o;the settee. -e <as gorgeous. .nd he 6ne< it. ''Cou 6no< 2 enGo& &our 5o:Aan&. 88 she ans<ered so;tl&. 8.nd :& tou5h.8 She had to 9ite the inside o; her 5hee6 to 6eeA ;ro: laughing. '>id it eBer 5ross &our :ind that &ou're still single 9e5ause &ou're arrogant and 5on5eited=8 -e s:iled. 8l'rn not 5on5eited. 88 'But arrogant=8 -7aeela, 2 <ouldn't 9e a AroAer sultan i; 2 didn't haBe a 5ertain a:ount o; 5on;iden5e. 8 C#$PT"R "'#T -2S s:ile <as slo<7 <i56ed7 and rising ;ro: the 5ou5h @ali6 <al6ed to a 5onsole Aanel on one o;the <alls. -e tou5hed a ;e< 9uttons7 and :usi5 sounded7 sAilling ;ro: hidden sAea6ers. 2t <asn't ,astern :usi57 9ut a AoAular ro56 and roll 9allad. ''Cou did sa& the other night &ou <anted to dan5e.8 She 5ouldn't tear her ga%e ;ro: the s:all s:ile Ala&ing at his liAs. -e <as tall dar67 handso:e in a 9one-:elting 6ind o; <a&. ''2 didn't thin6 &ou dan5ed <ith <o:en.8 '/ ot in Au9li5.8 She 5ouldn't sAea67 adrenaline 5oursing through her Beins and he :oBed to<ard her. his energ& leashed7 his Ao<er;ul 9od& gra5e;ul7 languid. 'But then78 he added in that deeA se$& Boi5e o; his. 8there's lots o; things 2 5an't do in Au9li5 that 2 loBe to do in AriBate.8 -e stood 9e;ore her7 ar:s loose at his sides7 his 5hest 9are. 8Corre here.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -er :outh had gro<n dr& and /i5 shoo6 her head in a desAerate Alea ;or sanit&. ''Cou haBe no dinner engagerrents tonight=8 '/one.8 She tou5hed the tiA o; her tongue to her liAs7 tr&ing to :oisten the: '/ 0 aAAointrrents=8 8Co:Aletel& ;ree.8 -is s:ile <as in his e&es. -is ar:s <ere strong7 rela$ed. -e had all night7 -e 5ould a;;ord to <ait. ''2 thought &ou'd li6e this song.8 The grouA <as one o; her ;aBorite 9ands. She'd rret the 9and :e:9ers on their last ,uroAean tour7 too. ''2 do.8 8So 5o:e here.8 She didn't 6no< <h& she 5ouldn't go to hi:. 9ut her legs <ouldn't :oBe7 her ;eet ;elt rooted to the ;loor7 and dread hu::ed through her. re:inding her that she <as not <ho or <hat she see:ed. ''Cou 5o:e to :e78 she <hisAered7 Ara&ing he <ouldn't7 Ara&ing he'd turn and <al6 a<a&. -e laughed. -e <as so 5on;ident he 5ould ;ind her insolen5e a:using. @ali6 5losed the distan5e 9et<een the:7 Aulled her against hi:. shaAing her 9od& to his. silBer ga%e glinting <ith laughter. '')i6e this7 Arin5ess=88 She shuddered at the Aress o;his thighs7 his 9od& hard7 his torso ;ir: /i5's e&es 5losed as @ali6 9ent his head7 Aulled 9a56 her ro9e and 6issed her 9are shoulder. -e :ust haBe ;ell her shudder as he 6issed the sa:e sensitiBe sAot again and this ti:e as the shiBer ra5ed through her7 he 5uAAed the side o; her 9reast7 ;eeling her niAAle harden in his hand. -er legs <ent <ea6 and she hid her ;a5e against his 5hest as the :usi5 <ound around the: <ar:7 sedu5tiBe7 inti:ate. /i5 ;ound hersel; dra<n 5loser against @ali6's 5hest7 his s:ooth hard 9i5eA Aressed to her shoulder. She li6ed his ar:s around her. She li6ed the <a& he slid his hands do<n her ri95age7 as i; 5ounting ea5h n97 shaAing ea5h n97 until he rea5hed her hiA 9ones. -e 6ne< ho< to :a6e a <o:an ;eel li6e a <o:an7 and <hen he rested his hands in the s:all o; her sAine7 she thought she 5ould sta& that <a& ;oreBer7 saBoring his <ar:7 his sAi5& ;ragran5e7 ho< eas& he <as <ith her. /o strangeness7 no a<6<ardness. /o ;or:alit&. /o ro&al ga:es. Just @ali6 and /i5. She ;elt a t<inge o; guilt. @a6e that @ali6 and Chantal But she didn't <ant to 9e Chantal an&:ore. She <anted to 9e hersel;<ith hi:. She <anted hi: to <ant Nic. 2:AulsiBel& she rea5hed uA and tou5hed his Aro:inent 5hee69one7 tra5ing the s<eeAing length o; 9one and the shaAe o;his 5hin. ,Ber&thing in his ;a5e <as strong7 eBer&thing in his e&es <as :&sterious. Cet she 6ne< he'd ans<er an& Euestion she Aut to hi:. -e'd tal6 oAenl&7 5andidl&7 a9out an& su9Ge5t she 5hose. 0hat <ould it 9e li6e to loBe &ou= She silentl& <ondered7 letting her hand return to his shoulder7 ;eeling e:otion gro< and s<ell inside her 5hest7 her heart strangel& tender. 1or a se5ond her e&es 9urned7 little Ari56s o; Aain eBer&<here. She'd loBe to sAend hours <ith hi:. She'd loBe to la6e it all so slo<. /o rush7 no hurr&7 no goal Just titre DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &'/1"3 3/3/2010 together. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She'd neBer 9een one o;those glass&-e&ed oAti:isti5s. She didn't 9elieBe in e$5ess o; hoAe7 didn't 9elieBe in ro:anti5 drea:s that 5ouldn't 9e ;ul;illed. >rea:ing ;or her <as a Are5ursor to a5tion. 2; she desired it7 she did it. 2t <asn't a 5hallenge 9ut a ;a5t7 2;there <as so:ething she <anted out o; li;e7 she <ent ;or it. 'Thin6ing a9out )ill&=8 @ali6 as6ed7 interruAting her thoughts7 his lingers Ala&ing her sAine7 sending riBulets o; ;eeling in eBer& dire5tion. /i5 shoo6 her head7 ;eeling guilt&. -e :ust thin6 she <as a te:9le :other. She sighed heaBil&. She <as in this so deeA7 <asn't she= 0hat <as she doing here= 0hat <as haAAening 9et<een the:= The& <ere on a 5ollision 5ourse <ith disaster. /i5 ;elt as i;she <ere 9eginning to su;;o5ate and she steAAed 9a567 Autting sAa5e 9et<een the: so she 5ould tr& to thin6. 8Can <e sit do<n=8 8Certainl&. 8 -e too6 a seat7 and she 6ne< he e$Ae5ted her to Goin hi:. 9ut she hesitated. 2; she sat ne$t to hi: in her little ;li:s& ro9e she :ight as <ell giBe uA the 9attle no<. 2;he tou5hed her again7 Aeeled the ro9e ;ro: her shoulders7 6issed that sensitiBe sAot on her ne567 or her 5ollar9one7 she'd hold his liAs to her s6in and as6 hi: to Gust 6eeA on going ... ''@a&9e 2 should go Aut so:e 5lothes on ;irst.8 '0h&=8 ''Cou 6no< <h&.8 -e 5o56ed his head7 stud&ing her. ''2 5an't 9elieBe &ou're so a;raid to :a6e loBe <ith rre.8 Tal6 a9out honest&. /i5olette -ushed. ''2; &ou <ere a te:9le 6isser <e <ouldn't haBe a Aro9le:8 -e ru99ed his 9ro<7 ru;tling his 5risA 9la56 hair. ''2 5ould tr& to 6iss 9adl&. 2;that's <hat <ould :a6e &ou haAA&.8 She groaned7 e$asAerated. ''2t <ouldn't.8 ''Cou're Ber& di;;i5ult to Alease7 Prin5ess.8 ''Ces. 2 6no<.8 /i5 ;ell li6e she <as losing her :ind. ',Ben :ore so than usual8 '0hat's <rong=8 She Aressed her hands to her head7 tr&ing to Euiet all the guilt& re5ri:inations7 the little Boi5es that <ouldn't let her rest. ''2 thin6 2': deBeloAing a sAlit-Aersonalit&.8 @ali6 had to <or6 Ber& hard at 6eeAing a straight la5e. ''eall&=8 ''Ces.'' DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... &(/1"3 3/3/2010 'Tell :e a9out the:8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5 Aa5ed in ;ront o;hi:. 'There's the Birtuous Chantal78 she said7 shooting hi: a s<i;t glan5e7 8and then there's the i:AulsiBe Chantal the one that reall& li6es &ou.8 8So <hat is the Aro9le:=8 She sloAAed Aa5ing. 82; 2 don't eBen 6no< <ho the real rre is7 ho< <ill &ou=8 ''2 5an tell8 -e gestured to her. 8Co:e here.8 -e <as :a6ing her nerBes dan5e7 and she :oBed to<ard hi:. dra<n to hi: desAite her 9etter Gudg:ent @ali6 rea5hed uA to 5lasA her hand7 his ;ingers lo56ing <ith hers7 and s:oothl&7 ;ir:l&7 he dre< her 5lo<n onto his laA7 and she gasAed at the na6ed tou5h o; s6in. -er thighs rested against his. and eBen though the& <ere <earing their ro9es7 the sil6 ;a9ri5 didn't 5ontain hi:. -e <as aroused and his 9od& Aressed against her7 teasing her tender ;lesh7 :a6ing her eBen :ore sensitiBe. -is hands 5urBed around her lrAs7 his ;ingers ;ir: on her hiA9ones and he tilled her lrAs ;or<ard7 and 9a567 shilling her AelBis 9et<een his large strong hands. ''Cou 9elong to :e.8 -e Ala5ed a 6iss on her :outh. ''@arried or un:arried7 Eueen or ;riend7 &ou 5an 5all us <hat &ou <ant7 9ut &ou78 and he shi;ted her again7 Aulling her ;or<ard so his ere5tion ru99ed inside her thighs7 at the aAe$ o; her thighs7 ''&ou <ere :ade ;or :e7 and 2 ;or &ou.8 -er :outh had gone dr&. She 5ouldn't thin6 o; a single thing to sa&. (; 5ourse she <asn't his7 and there <as no <a& she 9elonged to hi:7 9ut it'd 9een &ears sin5e she ;elt this ra< Ah&si5al 5raBing ;or an&one. '>o &ou do this <ith all &our <iBes=8 she as6ed 9reathlessl&. '-are:s are Aasse78 he ans<ered7 his hand rising to 5uA her 9reast through the sil6 ;a9ri57 his thu:9 stru::ing her niAAle7 Ala&ing the taut Aea6 as i;he had all the ti:e in the <orld. .nd indeed7 he did. -e <as Alanning on 6eeAing her7 :a6ing her his <i;e legall&7 and in Bara6a <iBes <ere Aer:anent. (h. i;he 6eAt tou5hing her li6e that7 she'd do Gust a9out an&thing. She lin6ed her hands around his shoulders7 needing to hang tight and as he stru:rred her niAAle his other hand Ala&ed on her hiA7 / i5 5ouldn't stand the tension <ithin her. She dragged hersel; 5loser to hi:. ''2 <ant &ou.8 -er Boi5e sounded ;aint7 9reathless7 and indeed7 she <as seeing stars7 her Bision dar6 and silBer& all at the sarre ti:e. ''2 6no<78 he said7 and he 6eAt Ala&ing her 9od&7 Ala&ing the nerBes and she <as shiBering against hi:. dan5ing a helAless dan5e. She ;elt heat rush through her in a torrential <aBe. -e'd turned her so on7 turned her into an in;erno. She ;elt her s6in Ari56le and 9urn a5ross her 5hee69ones7 along her 9ro< and eBen her liAs ;elt hot7 ;ull7 a5hing. '/ 07 @ali67 &ou don't 6no< ho< :u5h 2 <ant &ou. Cou Gust thin6 &ou do ... 8 She 9ent her head7 Aressed her ;a5e to his ne567 9reathed in his sAi5& 5ologne and the <ar: s5ent that <as hi:. and he s:elled deli5ious7 srrelled li6e eBer&thing she <anted in li;e. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '0/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter HeeA :e7 a tin& Boi5e <hisAered inside her. HeeA rre ;oreBer and neBer let rre go. 2t'd 9een sin5e >aniel7 she thought7 rea5hing ;or @ali6 again7 sliding her hands uA through his hair7 lightening her lingers againsl his s5alA7 ;eeling the 5risA 5ool strands o; @ali6's hair 9un5h in her ;ist. ''2 thin6 2 6no< <hat &ou need78 he <hisAered against her :outh7 Aulling her 5loser so that their t<o 9odies ;elt al:ost as one. .nd as 5lose as the& <ere7 it still <asn't enough. /i5 needed to 9e Aossessed 9&7 ;illed 9& hi:. There'd 9een &ears o; dates and seBeral loBers sin5e >aniel 9ut no one :ade her ;eel li6e this an&:ore7 no one :ade her <ant li6e this. This <as as hot and intense as she'd eBer 6no<n. 8Can <e :a6e loBe= 2s it illegal to 9e inti:ate 9e;ore the <edding=8 ''2t's not illegal8 -is liAs 9rushed the 5o:er o; her :outh. ''2; it <ere7 2'd 5hange the la<.8 -e li;ted her long heaB& hair ;ro: her ne567 stro6ed her sensitiBe naAe. She shuddered against hi:. -e held her in his thrall -e <as Ao<er;ul 9ut he neBer used ;or5e. -e didn't need to sAea6 harshl&7 or use strong language. -e didn't need threats or 9oasts. -e <ore his 5on;iden5e li6e his sil6en ro9e. Co:;orta9l&. /aturall&. -e'd do an&thing ;or his AeoAle. -e'd Arote5t the: at all 5osts. -e'd Arote5t her. too. @ali6 la& her do<n on the settee7 and stret5hed out oBer her. his <eight 9ra5ed on his el9o<s. ''Cou're traAAed78 he said7 stud&ing her l&ing 9eneath hi:. '@& Arisoner. 8 8So <hat are &ou going to do to :e=8 -is ga%e settled on her :outh. '@a6e &ou tal6. 88 -Tal$4- ''2 <ant to 6no< <hat &ou thin6 a9out <hen &ou go so Euiet on :e.8 -e tra5ed her liAs <ilh the tiA o;his linger7 lightl& ;ollo<ing the 9o< shaAed 5urBe o;the uAAer liA and the s<ollen lo<er liA. ''2 <ant to 6no< <hat &ou don't tal6 a9out.8 She ;ell her liAs EuiBer ;ro: his 5aress. '0h& do <e al<a&s haBe to tal6=8 'Be5ause 2 <ant to :a6e sure &ou 6no< <hat &ou're doing. 2 <ant to :a6e sure 2 6no< <hat &ou're thin6ing. Better to ;a5e the ;a5ts than run a<a& ;ro: the:8 -e <as 5aressing her ear. lightl& running his ;ingertiA along the 5urBe o; her outer ear and then gentl& along the sensitiBe lo9e. She 5ouldn't thin6 <hen he <as doing that7 5ouldn't 5on5entrate on an&thing 9ut the <a& he :ade her 9od& 9lister and 9u:. 8.ll right. .s6 :e a Euestion.8 '0hat does no one 6no< a9out &ou=88 0hat did no one 6no< a9out her= >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... "1/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She tried to 9lot out the deli5ious sensations he <as stirring <ithin her7 9& staring uA at the elegant do:ed 5eiling7 all gold and 5o9alt-9lue tiles7 and the 9ree%e outside the oAen <indo< rustled the thi56 date leaBes. 0hat did no one 6no< a9out her= 0hat had she 6eAt hidden ;ro: eBer&one ;or all these &ears= >aniel7 o; 5ourse. She'd ;allen ;or hi: so hard. -e'd <or6ed at the Aala5e. . :e5hani5al engineer. >aniel 9uilt and restored ra5e 5ars and she'd <anted it to <or6 9et<een the:7 had <anted to 9e <ith hi: as :u5h as she 5ould7 9ut their relationshiA <as doo:ed ;ro: the start. PerhaAs her ruther 5ould get a<a& <ith :arr&ing her :other7 9ut there <as no <a& she 5ould run o;;' <ith >aniel Thierr&. /o<a& she 5ould liBe <ith hi:. /o<a& she 5ould loBe hi:. But that didn't stoA her ;ro: <anting hi: <ith a desAeration that nearl& droBe her :ad. She :ight haBe run o;; <ith hi: too7 i;it hadn't 9een ;or Chantal's <edding to Prin5e .r:and. So:eho< /i5 5ouldn't run a<a& <ith >aniel <hen Chantal <as :arr&ing a :an she didn't loBe in hoAes o;Arote5ting @elio's ;uture. Chantal had 9een su5h a 9eauti;ul 9ride-not radiant the <a& :aga%ines li6ed to sa&-9ut Aoised7 ethereal in her loBeliness. 0ith her <ar: 9ro<n hair and gra& e&es she loo6ed li6e a >resden ;igurine. Per;e5t. 1la<less. Petite. -er ;ull s6irts and long Beil <ith the high diar:nd tiara 5aAtured the ;air& tal5 ele:ents o;the ro&al <edding and her Ai5ture <as on the ;ront o; nearl& t<o hundred :aga%ines the <ee6 a;ter the <edding. Chantal <as haAA&. /i5 assured hersel; not 9liss;ul7 9ut haAA& enough. Cet the ;a5t that Chantal had the strength and 5onBi5tion to go through <ith an arranged :arriage under:ined /i5's insisten5e on doing onl& <hat she Aleased. Truth <as7 she 5ouldn't run a<a& <ith her 9eauti;ul >aniel Truth <as7 there 5ouldn't 9e a ;uture <ith >aniel -e :ight 6iss her senseless7 and he :ight :a6e her laugh7 and she :ight ;eel :ost 5o:;orta9le <ith hi:. 9ut he <asn't eBen re:otel& <hat @elio needed. . :onth a;ter Chantal's laBish <edding /i5olette ended it <ith >aniel 2t <as the hardest thing she'd eBer done as an adult. 2n ;a5t7 she 5hanged her :ind on5e7 getting 9a56 together <ith hi: ;or a stolen night7 9ut later7 the ne$t da&7 she ;or5ed hersel; to 5all hi: and :a6e a 5o:Alete 9rea6. -e <as out shoAAing <hen he ans<ered his Ahone. She 5ould hear the Boi5es o; other shoAAers7 5ould hear hi: Aeriodi5all& Ala5e things in his 9as6et7 5ould hear the :undane sounds o; nor:al li;e all around hi: and it 5ut her7 reali%ing in that :o:ent it <as reall& all oBer. She'd neBer 9e Aart o;his real <orld again. She'd neBer do the ordinar& things <ith hi: that she'd <anted to do. /o triAs to the :oBies7 no snuggling under the 5oBers late on Sunda& :orning7 no going out on the sAur o;the :orrent ;or sushi or Chinese. >on't ta6e :& 5alls7 she'd said. >on't let rre 5hange :& :ind. 2n the store7 in the :iddle o;his shoAAing. >aniel <ent Euiet. -e'd said a9solutel& nothing. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '2/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She'd ;elt the tears rise7 ;ell the distan5e gro<ing 9& the se5ond. /oone had :ade her ;eel so good a9out hersel;7 and losing hlln-2eaBing hi: <as 9rea6ing her heart. She had to tal6 Eui56l& to gel the rest o;the <ords out. and the& 5a:e in a rush. ''2; &ou see :& nu:9er7 don't Ai56 uA78 she said7 holding the tears 9a56. 82; 2 sho< uA at the garage7 don't tal6 to :e. >on't let :e 5hange :& :ind.8 ''2; that's <hat &ou <ant78 he ;inall& said. 2s that <hat she <anted= /o. 2s that <hat @elio needed= Ces. She held the Ahone tighter7 5losed her e&es7 and tried to 9e resAonsi9le. Thin6 a9out *rand:a:a and *rand;ather7 she told hersel; Thin6 a9out Joelle. Thin6 a9out all the AeoAle <ho haBe <or6ed and sa5ri;i5ed to get us to this Aoint. ''2t's <hat's right.8 she said7 e:otion strangled inside o; her7 strangling her. 2; onl& he'd giBe her a good reason to thro< resAe5ta9ilit& and resAonsi9ilit& a<a&. But he didn't. -e'd 9een a 5iti%en o;@elio his <hole li;e. Ces7 he'd gone to s5hool in 'o:e7 studied 9eneath the great >e)aurent ;a:il&7 9ut <hen he'd 5orre into his o<n7 he'd returned to his island 6ingdo: and li6e eBer&one else7 he understood the 9urden on the >u5asses7 6ne< that one da& the Arin5esses <ould inherit. -e'd 6no<n ;ro: the 9eginning their relationshiA 5ould go no<here. But he'd ta6en a 5han5e. *one <ith his heart. .nd she had to ad:ire that. The odds hadn't 9een good7 9ut >aniel had let the loBe 5arr& hi: as ;ar it <ould7 and <hen it ended7 he'd 9een a :an. -e'd let her go <ithout a <ord o; 5o:Alaint. Staring uA at the gold and 9lue dorred 5eiling. /i5olette 9lin6ed 9a56 tears. *iBing uA >aniel had Aut her e:otions into a deeA7 5old storage and ;or the ;irst ti:e in a long ti:e she 5ould ad:it <hat her de5ision had 5ost her. True loBe. . 5han5e at lasting haAAiness. She ;ell @ali6's ga%e. -e'd 9een Aatientl& <aiting ;or her ans<er. ''2'Be no se5rets.8 she said at last. ''@& li;e is Au9li5 6no<ledge.8 -e leaned ;or<ard7 loo6 her 5hin in his hand7 turning her head to stare into her e&es. ''Cet &ou 5r&.8 She tensed. ''2': not 5r&ing.8 ''2 see tears. .nd sadness. Cou lost so:ething and it's neBer 9een returned.8 @& heart7 she agreed silentl&7 eBen as she :as6ed her surArise that he'd read her so a55uratel&7 that he'd nailed the e:otion and need. ''@& Aarents died <hen 2 <as ten.8 'This isn't a9out &our Aarents-8 -e <as interruAted 9& a raAid 6no56 on the door. The outer door oAened and .lea's &oung Boi5e 5ould 9e heard 5alling ;or ad:ittan5e. ''Cour -ighness7 ;orgiBe the interruAtion7 9ut &ou're needed i:rrediatel&.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '3/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter @ali6 sat uA. 5losed his ro9e. '0hat's haAAened=8 ')ad& 1 ati:a. Cour -ighness. The&''Be 5alled an a:9ulan5e ;or her. She's terri9l& ill8 /i5 <aited ;or @ali6 to return. -e did not. 2nstead he had serBants 9ring /i5olette a dinner tra& to her roo: )ater a gri:-;a5ed .lea aAAeared to helA /i5olette AreAare ;or 9ed. .lea didn't Bolunteer an& in;or:ation a9out 1ati:a7 and out o; Aoliteness. /i5 didn't as6. But on5e .lea le;t7 5arr&ing a<a& the ren:ants o; dinner. /i5olette Aa5ed her roo: She <as 5on5erned a9out 1ati:a desAite ho< the other <o:an had treated her. .nd a;ter <hat had 9een interruAted 9et<een hersel; and @ali6 she ;elt li6e she <as going 5ra%&. She <anted to :a6e loBe7 not ;ull in loBe. She <anted Aassion7 not e:otion. She <anted to 9e <ith @ali6 no<7 not 5o::itting to the ;uture. 0h& <as this so hard= She'd 9een <ith other :en 9e;ore7 had :ade loBe 9ut hadn't <orried a9out ;ulling in loBe. 0h& 5ouldn't she do that here= 0h& 5ouldn't she sta& 9ree%&7 light7 6eeA it all suAer;i5ial= Be5ause @ali6 <asn't suAer;i5ial7 that's <h&. /i5 slu:Aed on the ;oot o; her 9ed7 Aressed her ;ists to her e&es. She 5ould see hi: eBen no<. handsorre7 Aroud7 intelligent7 6ind ... *od7 he <as 6ind. -e had su5h <ar:th and dignit& and she 5ouldn't 9ear to hurt hi:. >isaAAoint hi:. But she <as. /o :atter <hat she did no<7 it'd disaAAoint. /o :atter <hat 5hoi5e7 it'd 9e <rong. -e <anted Chantal She <as /i5. -e <anted ;oreBer. She onl& 9elieBed in the :o:ent. She didn't eBen 9elieBe in :arriage ;or heaBen's sa6eD )etting her hands ;all to her sides7 /i5 inhaled slo<l&7 tr&ing to 5al: the <ild 9easts sta:Aeding inside her. Breathe7 she told hersel; Gust 9reathe. But it <as a struggle to eBen 9reathe. 2t <as su5h a struggle 9eing here7 Aretending to 9e so:eone she <asn't. She'd stoAAed tr&ing to Aretend that she <as handling the situation <ell 0hat she needed to do <as redu5e it to the :ost ele:ental ;or:7 and in this 5ase7 it <as Ah&si5al attra5tion. Se$ual attra5tion. She <anted to :a6e loBe <ith @ali6. @a&9e :a6ing loBe is Gust an es5aAe7 another ;or: o; running a<a&7 9ut at least :a6ing loBe7 she'd ;eel so:ething 9esides this ... Aani5. @a6ing loBe she'd ;eel li6e hersel; again. She hated Aretending to 9e Chantal She :issed her natural hair 5olor7 :issed her o<n strengths7 and :issed her o<n drea:s. 2;she 5ould Gust 9e5o:e /i5 again. 2;she 5ould Gust ;ind her sense o; hu:or7 and sense o; adBenture7 again. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '"/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 2; she 5ould Gust stoA <orr&ing a9out @elio7 her grandAarents7 Chantal and )ill&7 and the 6ind o; ;uture J oelle ;a5ed as <ell -er 9ro< 5reased as she stared a5ross her roo: to the door <ith the deli5ate ar5h. 2t <as a lot to <orr& a9out. But i; she 5ould Gust es5aAe the <orries ;or a <hile ... 2; she 5ould Gust 9e <ith @ali67 ;eel his ar:s around her7 Aut her 5hee6 on his 5hest. .. 2; she 5ould Gust 5lose her e&es and thin6 a9out nothing 9ut sharing the :o:ent <ith ru:. Just 9e 5lose to ru:. 0ar: s6in7 his 9od&7 his heart 9eating 9eneath her ear... .nd :a&9e his hands ta6ing hers7 Ainning her ar:s do<n against the 9ed. his :outh on hers7 his 9od& :oBing oBer... @a&9e his 9od& in hers ... @a&9e ... /i5 9it her 6nu56le7 ;eeling as i;she <ere dangerousl& 5lose to losing 5ontrol She-<ho'd needed so ;e< AeoA le in her li;e-had neBer ;elt as i; she needed an&one or an&thing li6e one long intense night in @ali6's 9ed. -e <as a 6ing. -e had to 6no< <hat she <as ;eeling. -e 5arried so :an& resAonsi9ilities on his shoulders. Surel& he 5ould giBe her so:e adBi5e. (r at least7 9e a9le to helA her ;orget. Just to 9e a Aerson. . <o:an. Just to 9e /i5olette and loBed ;or hersel; <anted ;or hersel; .. /i5 ;ell asleeA <aiting ;or sorre <ord ;ro: @ali6 and earl& the ne$t :orning7 <o6e <ith an eBen heaBier heart than 9e;ore. She had to go. That's all there <as to it. TK to go horre7 <ash out this a<;ul 9ro<n hair 5olor7 ans<er her :ail7 5he56 her e:ail7 start dating again ... She s<allo<ed hard7 hating the lu:A that ;illed her throat. She'd :iss @ali6. She li6ed loo6ing at ru:7 li6ed listening to ru:7 Gust li6ed hi: Aeriod. /i5 sho<ered7 dressed7 <ondered <here 9rea6;ast <as. )eaBing her roo: she noti5ed a s:all 5ongregation o; serBants in the hall The gathering o; serBants trou9led her. She hung 9a56 in the shado<s <at5hing the serBants sAea6. She 6ne< enough o; Aala5e li;e to 6no< that the s:all grouAs o; guards and serBants :eeting7 :ur:uring7 Aarting7 onl& to asse:9le again ;urther do<n the hall <as not nor:al Aala5e Aroto5ol So:ething <as de;initel& <rong7 and ;ro: the hushed tones o;the guards and serBants the Aro9le: had to 9e senous. -ad 1ati:a 9een si56 9e;ore7 and /i5 didn't 6no<= *uilt assailed /i5olette. 0hat i; 1ati:a had 9een re5oBering ;ro: so:ething ... in re:ission ;ro: 5an5er or leu6e:ia= DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '$/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5olette returned to her roo:7 Euietl& shut the door7 <orr&ing a9out 1ati:a <ithout reall& 6no<ing <hat 1ati:a <as ;a5ing. .lea arriBed a little later <ith 5o;;ee and a :essage ;ro: the sultan. /i5olette oAened the ;olded sheet o; AaAer. -e'd <ritten a note7 letting her 6no< that due to 1ati:a's Aoor health7 the :orning's language lesson had 9een 5an5elled. C#$PT"R *'*" @.)2H sat in a 5hair ne$t to 1ati:a's 9ed7 his hands ;olded together7 his e$Aression gri:. -is thoughts ra5ed7 5on;usion and anger. ''2 don't understand.8 1ati:a's dar6 head turned a<a&. ''2 5an't tal6 a9out it.8 ''Cou haBe to78 he shot 9a567 his deeA Boi5e 5urt7 tense. -o< 5ould she do this= 0hat on earth had she 9een thin6ing= 1ati:a <ouldn't ans<er. She 5ontinued staring at the <all and @ali6 ;elt a <elling o; helAless rage. -e rose ;ro: the 5hair7 lo<ered oBer the 9ed. 8The& <anted to 6eeA &ou oBernight at the hosAital @a&9e 2 <as <rong to 9ring &ou horre. @a&9e 2 should ta6e &ou 9a56-8 '/ 0.8 She rolled oBer7 loo6ed uA at hi:7 tears in her e&es. ''2 <on't do it again.8 She loo6ed so s:all7 so de;enseless and his anger :elted. -e loBed 1ati:a li6e a sister. The&'d gro<n uA together. -e trusted her. 'But <h& <ould &ou tr& so:ething li6e that in the ;irst Ala5e= 0hat i;helA hadn't 5orre in titre=8 -e shoo6 his head7 e$hausted7 <orn out ;ro: the night sAent at the side o; her 9ed. ''2s &our li;e reall& so un9eara9le=8 She 5oBered her ;a5e <ith her hands7 una9le to 9ear his 5ensure. ''1orgiBe rre.8 '-elA :e understand.8 She 5ried harder. @ali6 ;elt si56 at heart. ''2'Be sent ;or &our :other78 he said a;ter a long :o:ent. 8She and &our sister are 5o:ing ;ro: /e< Cor6.8 '/o7 @ali6D8 She s5ru99ed her ;a5e dr&7 struggled to sit uA7 gri:a5ing at a <aBe o; nausea. The&'d Au:Aed her sto:a5h at the hosAital and she <as o9Biousl& still sore. '@other <ill 9e ;urious. She'll 9e so uAset.8 8.nd 2': not=8 he de:anded7 not 6no<ing <hether to sha6e her or Aut his ar:s around her. ''1ati:a7 &ou 5ould haBe died.8 She shuddered. ''2t <as a :ista6e. 2 6ne< it <as a :ista6e the :o:ent 2 did it. That's <h& 2 5alled ;or helA.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '%/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 'But <h&=8 -e 5ouldn't let it droA. -e 5ouldn't let it go. Cou didn't s<allo< a 9ottle o;Aills <ithout good reason. 0hat had Aushed her oBer the edge= ''1ati:a7 &ou :ust 9e honest <ith :e. 2 insist.8 She loo6ed at hi:. then Aast ru:7 her dar6 ga%e going Ba5ant. ''Cou <ere suAAosed to :arr& rre.8 -e ;ro%e7 air 9ottled in his lungs7 0hat4 Staring do<n into 1ati:a's aBerted la5e7 he 5ould see her agon&. -er ;a5e <as still Aale7 her :outh Ain5hed7 her e&es glass&7 and he ;elt her tre:or o;;ear and anger7 hurt and 5on;usion. -er agon& <as real ',$Alain this to rre78 he said :ore gentl&7 tr&ing ;or a 5al: he didn't ;eel She <ouldn't :eet his ga%e. ''1ather said &ou <ere to 9e :& hus9and. -e said 2 <as to <ait ;or &ou.8 -is heart ;ell 1or a long :o:ent he ;elt horri9l& destru5tiBe-loo6 <hat he'd done to 1ati:a= .nd then reason set in. -e hadn't done an&thing to her 9ut treat her as a :e:9er o;his o<n ;a:il&. .nd no< he <ra56ed his 9rain7 tr&ing to thin6 o;a ti:e <hen :arriage <ith 1ati:a :ight haBe 9een dis5ussed7 9ut he 5ould rerrer:er no su5h 5onBersation. 2t <as 5o::on Ara5ti5e in Bara6a ;or 5ousins to :arr&7 ;or ;a:il& to inter:arr&. Cousins <ere 5onsidered ;aBora9le :arriage Aartners as it 5onsolidated a ;a:il&'s Ao<er. 1ati:a ;illed the silen5e <ith her slo<7 Aain;ul <ords. ''2t'd 9een <idel& assu:ed that <e <ould :arr&-8 'B& <ho:=8 ''@& ;a:il&. Cour ;a:il&.8 ''2'Be neBer heard this 9e;ore.8 She shrugged <earil&. ''@& ;ather said &our ;ather had agreed. 2t <ould 6eeA the <ealth in the ;a:il&7 si:Ali;& inheritan5e.8 -er 9od& slu:Aed7 no energ& le;t. ',Ber sin5e 2 <as s:all7 2'd 9een raised to thin6 that &ou ... and 2...8 -er Boi5e dri;ted a<a&7 she 9it her liA7 tr&ing to hold 9a56 the tears. Cou and 2 rang in his head. Cou and 2... 8So &ou too6 an oBerdose o; sleeAing Aills=8 She shrugged &et again7 her slender sAine 9ent 9eneath the <eight o; it all ''2 didn't understand <h& &ou'd de5ided to go else<here ;or &our 9ride <hen &ou haBe rre here single7 <aiting.8 .nd suddenl& he understood. /ot Gust her Aain7 9ut also her sha:e. 2n the 0est7 1ati:a <as still 5onsidered &oungM she <as Gust in her :id-t<enties7 9ut in Bara6a that <as old ;or <o:en <ho re:ained un:arried. @en didn't 9elieBe a <o:an 5ouldn't re:ain Aure-untou5hed-;or that :an& &ears and a 9ride's Aurit& <as as i:Aortant as her do<r&. 2ndeed7 a great Aart o;the <edding 5ele9ration <as the 5on;ir:ation o;the 9ride's Birginit&. @ali6 sat do<n in the 5hair ne$t to her 9ed. rea5hed ;or her hands7 held the: 9et<een his o<n. She ;elt so 5old7 her s6in 5hilled7 ''2 didn't reali%e-8 -e 9ro6e o;; heartsi56. (r did he= DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e'd 6no<n she'd al<a&s hoAed to :a6e a ro&al :arriage. But he hadn't reali%ed she'd al<a&s hoAed to :arr& hi: .. or had he= -e 5lasAed her 5old hands in his7 tr&ing to <ar: her. -is thoughts <ere 9ro6en7 disGointed. -e'd 5on;ronted her this :orning <anting to :a6e sure she understood the sha:e she'd 9rought on the ;a:il& 9& her a5tions7 and &et no< he sa< the sha:e she'd 9een enduring ;or &ears. PeoAle <ould haBe 9een <ondering7 <hisAering7 <h& a <ealth& ro&al li6e 1ati:a /uri <as still single. The& <ould haBe <ondered <h& her 5ousin <ent outside Bara6a ;or a <i;e ... the& <ould haBe gossiAed a9out 1ati:a's reAutation7 and her sharre. Sha:e. 2shuma, he thought <earil&. 2shuma <as su5h a heaB& 9urden ;or eBer&one. She 9o<ed her head7 stared al her hands. '1orgiBe :e.8 ''2 do.8 -e ;elt her tre:9le and his heart s:ote hi: -e'd un<ittingl& hurt her. /o <onder 1ati:a had 9een so angr&7 so resent;ul o; /i5olette. 1ati:a had ;eel reGe5ted. SuAAlanted. 1ati:a 5ouldn't 9ring hersel; to :eet his e&es. '0hat haBe &ou told :& ;a:il&=8 /othing &et7 than6 *od. 8Just that &ou <ere Ber& ill7 and the& needed to 5orre Eui56l&.8 8.h.8 1ati:a gentl& disengaged her hands7 Aulling distan5e 9et<een the: '0hen do the& arriBe=8 ')ater toda&.8 '0ill &ou tell @other a9out <hat 2. .. did=8 -e'd 9een as6ing hi:sel; the sarre thing. 0hat did one do in this 5ir5u:stan5e= '/o78 he de5ided Eui56l&7 and 6ne< it <as the right de5ision. There <as a9solutel& no reason to 9ring :ore sharre to her7 or on the ;a:il&. 'But &ou haBe to 6no< this 9ehaBior-<hat &ou did-isn't a55eAta9le. The 5hoi5e &ou :ade7 that's not a Balid oAtion. Cou are loBed 9& all. Cour li;e is o; great Balue-8 ''Please.'' she Aleaded7 ;resh tears <elling. ''Please don't. 2 <on't do it again. 2 <on't tr& an&thing li6e that again. 2 Gust ;ell so asha:ed7 so horri9le a9out <hat haAAened at the :ar6et &esterda&. 2'd neBer :ean to hurt the Arin5ess and &et-8 She 9ro6e o;;. shoo6 her head7 tears sAilling. ''@a&9e 2 did lose her on AurAose. 2 don't 6no< an&:ore-8 -e hugged her. That an& rrerr9er o;his ;a:il& should hurt so hurt hi: 8The Arin5ess returned sa;e. >o not <orr&7 or 9la:e &oursel; an&:ore. Cou :ust get rest. Cou need to ta6e 5are o; &oursel; 8 She nodded slo<l&7 ;atigue et5hed in the tightness at her e&es and :outh. ''@a&9e 2'll go <ith @other to /e< Cor6 ;or a<hile. @a&9e a 5hange o; Aa5e ... 8 ''2'll arrange it ;or &ou.8 @ali6 6issed her ;orehead7 and stood. ''Cou'Be nothing to <orr& a9out. 1ati:a. Just get so:e rest. ,Ber&thing <ill <or6 out.8 ''@ali6.'' -er Boi5e stoAAed hi: at the door. -e turned around to ;a5e her. 1ati:a's e&es loo6ed huge in her Aale ;a5e. ''2 ... 5an 2 as6 a ;aBor7 Alease=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... ''/1"3 3/3/2010 -e nodded. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '0ould &ou 5onsider ta6ing the Arin5ess to Ne;d ;or a ;e< da&s ... Gust <hile @other is here= 2t'd 9e easier to Aa56 and leaBe ;or /C <ithout <orr&ing a9out @other sa&ing so:ething to Prin5ess Chantal 2 6no< @other <ill 9e disaAAointed that 2 didn't-8 She 9ro6e o;;. ;ro<ned7 dre< a deeA 9reath. ''Cou see. @other had also hoAed &ou and 2...and she doesn't 6no< a9out &our engage:ent to Prin5ess Chantal8 -e nodded. ''2 understand. 2'd Alanned on ta6ing the Arin5ess there ne$t <ee67 <e'llGust go a ;e< da&s earl&. Cou're 5o:;orta9le e$Alaining :& a9sen5e to &our :other=8 1ati:a s:iled <ea6l&. ''Ces. .nd than6 &ou7 5ousin.8 @ali6 stoAAed 9& /i5olette's roo: Aersonall& to tell her the& <ere going to Bisit another ho:e o;his ;or a ;e< da&s. /i5olette sa< the shado<s in his e&es7 ;elt his strain. '-o< is 1ati:a=8 -e shoo6 his head. -is silen5e Aut 6nots in her sto:a5h. ''2; she's ill7 <e shouldn't go-8 8She'll 9e hersel; soon. 2 don't <ant &ou to <orr&. Cou haBe enough on &our :ind.8 'But-8 '/o.8 This ti:e he <as ada:ant7 his tone ;or5e;ul ''2 do not <ant to dis5uss this ;urther. -aBe .lea Aa56. Tell her &ou are going to Ne;d.8 SeBeral hours later /i5olette and @ali6 le;t nois&7 5ongested .tiE 9ehind7 traBeling in a lu$uriousl& out;itted ;our <heel driBe Behi5le7 the interior seats leather7 the <indo<s tinted7 the :iddle 5onsole 9et<een t<o o;the Aassenger seats 9uilt to house a :ini re;rigerator7 a stereo7 and a >3> Ala&er. @ali6 sat silent the ;irst hal;hour o;the triA7 staring 9lindl& out the <indo<. /i5olette 6ne< he <asn't angr& <ith her. 'ather he <as <restling internall&7 in a 9attle <ith hi:sel; 1inall& she <ouldn't let hi: sit in silen5e an& longer. -e'd had oBer an hour to 9eat hi:sel; uA. /o< he'd haBe to tal6 to her. ''2'Be neBer seen a ;our-<heel driBe Behi5le li6e this78 she said7 her Boi5e 9rea6ing the heaB& silen5e. ''2t's 5usto:8 he ans<ered7 his e$Aression eBen :ore 9rooding. 'Built ;or the desert. To handle the dunes i; ne5essar&. 8 ''2t's Euite Alush. Cou 5ould liBe in here.8 ''2; ne5essar&. 8 -e <asn't :a6ing this eas&7 9ut /i5olette doggedl& insAe5ted the entertain:ent s&ste:7 re:e:9ering the hidden sAea6ers and stereo s&ste: in her roo: al the Aala5e. ')ots o; interesting gadgets.8 8. 6ing should 9e entitled to a ;e< Ala& things.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... '(/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She 5o56ed her head7 hearing the anger and sel;-loathing in his Boi5e. 0hat had haAAened last night= 0hat had haAAened <ith his 5ousin= ''Please tell rre a9out 1ati:a.8 'There's nothing to sa&.8 Pain deeAened his Boi5e and /i5's heart a5hed. ''2'Be 9een <orried78 she said so;tl&. 8.nd 2 6no< &ou 5are a9out her Ber& :u5h.8 @ali6 5ontinued to stare out the <indo<s. The hills <ere giBing <a& to steeA red tinted :ountains. 8She's going to go to /e< Cor6 ;or a <hile7 sAend titre <ith her ;a:il& there. She agrees <ith :e that she needs a 5hange-8 8.nd until then7 <e're leaBing her alone=8 8She <on't 9e alone. -er :other and sister are arriBing ;ro: .:eri5a this a;ternoon.8 /i5 assessed the situation7 understanding suddenl& that she <as 9eing sent a<a& deh9eratel& 9e;ore 1ati:a's :other arriBed. ''Cou didn't <ant :e to rreet &our aunt. 8 '1ati:a <anted to aBoid an& Aotential Aro9le:s.8 ''@eeting &our aunt <ould haBe 5reated Aro9le:s=8 -e turned his head7 :et her ga%e. ''@& aunt <ished :e to :arr& :& 5ousin7 and 1ati:a7 <isel& <anted to saBe &ou7 and hersel; ;ro: ;urther e:9arrass:ent.8 So that e$Alained 1ati:a's hostilit&. /i5 e$haled slo<l&7 thin6ing o;the Aast <ee67 all the titre the t<o had 9een ;or5ed to sAend together. 1ati:a :ust haBe ;elt hurt7 and hu:iliated. ''2 didn't 6no<.8 -e :ade a rough sound7 i:Aatient7 angr&. ''2 didn't7 either.8 -er liAs Aarted in surArise 9ut @ali6's Aained e$Aression stilled the <ords on her liAs7 leaBing the: unsAo6en. -e loo6ed staggered eBen no<. /i5olette had neBer seen hi: so Euiet7 so 5losed. 2t <as as i;he'd gone in<ard and shut all his e:otions do<n. So:ething ho:9le :ust haBe haAAened last night.7 ''2': sorr&7 @ali6. 2 reall& a:8 ''2 a:7 too.8 /i5olette suddenl& <ondered i;AerhaAs she'd done so:ething ;ur <orse 9& 5o:ing here than Gust :asEuerading as Chantal -ad she AerhaAs destro&ed AeoAle's ;utures ... their liBes= '0as there a reason &ou 5ouldn't :arr&=8 -is Ao<er;ul shoulders shi;ted. ''2 didn't 5hoose her78 he said ;latl&7 turning to loo6 at /i5olette <ith a Aier5ing ga%e. -e stared at her hard7 staring at her as i;he 5ould see all the <a& through her. ''2 5hose &ou.8 /i5olette ;ell a <aBe o; Aani5. 1ati:a loBed @ali67 she'd hoAed to share her li;e <ith hi:7 and all the <hile /i5olette <as Ala&ing a Aart7 9iding her ti:e 9e;ore she 5ould es5aAe 9a56 to @elio. -o< <ould /i5's disaAAearan5e a;;e5t @ali6 ... 1ati:a ... the /uri ;a:il&= DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... (0/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She s<a&ed on her seat7 ;eeling di%%&7 si567 s5ared o;<hat she'd started. -er 9ree%& <ords sAo6en to Chantal returned to haunt her. ''ll snea6 in7 snea6 out7 and 9e gone 9e;ore the sultan eBen noti5es ... 0rong. 8She's going to 9e o6a&78 @ali6 said7 sensing /i5olette's Aani57 see6ing to reassure her. '>on't 9la:e &oursel; 2 5hose &ou. Cou didn't 5reate this ... Aro9le:8 /i5olette heard the e:otion in @ali6's Boi5e7 ;elt his <orr&7 his Aersonal struggle. -e 9la:ed hi:sel; -e 5ared a9out 1ati:a. -e loBed his ;a:il&. -e'd sAent his li;e tr&ing to Arote5t those he 5ared a9out. .nd in that instant. /i5 reali%ed that all those ,uroAean gossiA :aga%ines had gotten Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri <rong. -e <asn't a CasanoBa. 2t'd 9e i:Aossi9le ;or hi: to ta6e <o:en to 9ed Gust to dis5ard the: later. @ali6 5ared a9out <o:en. -e didn't ta6e adBantage o;the: She ;elt tears start to her e&es. '/o <onder &ou enGo& &our gadgets.8 She 5oBered his hand <ith hers. ''Cou should 9e entitled to a ;e< ;un to&s. 2t's not eas& 9eing Hing.8 -e li;ted her hand to his :outh7 6issed the 9a56 o; her ;ingers. -e <as tr&ing hard to lighten his :ood. ''Cou <ill enGo& Ne;d. 2t <ill 9e good ;or us to sAend a ;e< da&s in the :ounlains.8 Bui /i5 didn't <ant hi: to Aut on a haAA& ;a5e ;or her sa6e. She sear5hed his e&es. &ou going to 9e o6a&=8 )eaning ;or<ard7 he 9rushed his :outh a5ross her 5hee67 and then on5e :ore on her liAs. ''2': glad &ou're <ith rre7 laeela.- ''2': glad 2': here7 too.8 The& sAent t<o hours traBeling in and out o;the rugged red and Ain6 :ounlains7 5li:9ing slo<l&7 steadil& to the Aea6 o; one :ountain7 to des5end on the other side7 and then start 5li:9ing all oBer again. )ate a;ternoon the& rea5hed an oAen Balle&7 the 9arren ground dotted here and there <ith oases o; green. 8.rti;i5ial la6es7 8 @ali6 said7 8;or 5onnner5ial or5hards o; date trees.8 (n this side o;the :ounlains the lands5aAe loo6ed 9righter7 5learer7 and :ore unusual 2t <as the Eualit& o;;ight7 /i5 thought7 the <a& the golden ra&s hit the rose and gold sand. re;le5ting o;; the Ain6 and red granite 5li;;s. ,Ber&thing here see:ed to 5o:e ;ro: the earth7 to 9e :ade o;the earth7 and <ould eBentuall& return to the earth. The driBer aAAroa5hed a red sandstone ;ortress7 the star6 <alls high7 the AaraAet 5learl& et5hed against the 9rilliant 9lue s6&. The ;ortress lo<ered oBer the rest o;the 5it& and &et <as still d<ar;ed 9& the sno<-5aAAed r:untains 9ehind. 8So <here are <e=8 /i5's inEuisitiBe ga%e too6 in the :agni;i5ent :ountains dusted in <hite and the <eathered aAri5ot and terra5otta 9uildings 9e;ore the: 'This is Ne;d. (ne o;the oldest 5ities in Bara6a. @& ;ather's ;a:il& 5arre ;ro: here.8 .s @ali6's Behi5le entered the <alls o;the 5it&7 AeoAle une$Ae5tedl& Aoured out7 ro9ed :en and <o:en and >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #1/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter do%ens o; eager 5hildren. 8'>id the& 6no< &ou <ere 5o:ing=8 @ali6's e$Aression <as ironi5. 8So:eone :ust haBe alerted the:8 The driBer Aar6ed7 9ut 9e;ore he oAened the door ;or the:7 Aala5e guards aAAeared7 ;or:ing a Arote5tiBe 9arrier 9et<een the sultan's 5ar and the 5ro<d. @ali6 5li:9ed ;ro: the 5ar and assisted /i5olette. (n seeing the 6ing7 the AeoAle 5heered7 and @ali6 li;ted a hand in a56no<ledg:ent. @ali6 <as surArised <hen /i5olette :oBed ;or<ard7 to<ard the 5ro<d7 greeting his AeoAle. She sAo6e onl& a ;e< .ra9i5-<ords7 9ut the sin5ere Ahrases 5ouAled <ith her <ar: s:iles aAAeared to 5har: eBer&one. Standing at her side7 @ali6 <at5hed /i5olette <or6 the 5ro<d7 and <hile ''<or6'' sounded 5old7 it <as e$a5tl& <hat she <as doing. She 6ne< her Go97 he thought7 seeing ho< gra5e;ull& she handled the Aress o; AeoAle7 the hands e$tended7 the s:all 5hildren li;ted ;or her to 6iss. She 6ne< ho< long to 5hat7 ho< long to listen7 and then ho< to gentl& 9rea6 ;ree to 5ontinue :a6ing her <a& along the edge o;the 5ro<d. -e'd 6no<n she <as strong7 intelligent7 9ut he hadn't e$Ae5ted this natural <ar:th and 5ase <ith his AeoAle. She <as a true Ario5essI-regal7 ro&al-and &et she identi;ied <ith the 5onnnon :an. She <ould 9e good ;or his AeoAle. .nd Ber& good ;or hi:. But he still hadn't :ade :u5h head<a& <hen it 5a:e to 6no<ing her7 oAenl& sAea6ing <ith her. She'd learned to hide hersel; Euite <ell She AroGe5ted so :u5h <ar:th and 5har: that one didn't reali%e ho< neatl& she sidesteAAed the Aersonal until later. Prin5ess /i5olette did not <ear her heart on her sleeBe. 2nstead she 6eAt her heart 9urial Ber& deeA. But it <as her heart he <anted7 and right no< he <asn't eBen sure he had that. She <as attra5ted to hi:7 and resAonded to hi:. 9ut the ;a5t that she 5ontinued to hide her true identit& had 9egun to trou9le hi:. 0hat i;she didn't intend to go through <ith the <edding= 0hat i; she still intended to leaBe hi: at the altar7 the Gilted ro&al 9ridegroo:= The thought le;t hi: 5old. -is Ga< gritted and he ;elt i5e lodge in his 5hest7 5lose to his heart. -e <anted her. -e needed her. -e had no intention o ;lo sing her no<. -is te:Aer and e:otions ;inn1& in 5ontrol @ali6 :oBed ;or<ard7 5lai:ed /i5olette7 dra<ing her <ith hi: into his desert ho:e. '0e 5all this house the Citadel78 he said7 sho<ing /i5olette around his Ne;d desert ho:e. ''2t <as 9uilt as a ;ortress7 and although the ro&al ;a:il& has liBed here o;; and on ;or the Aast t<o hundred &ears7 it still serBes as an i:Aortant :ilitar& outAost7 one o; our stronger de;ensiBe Aositions.8 '>oes Bara6a <orr& a9out its neigh9ors=8 'The neigh9ors aren't the threat. (ur trou9les histori5all& haBe 5orre ;ro: <ithin.8 -e oAened a door7 leading to a large <alled garden do:inated 9& an an5ient argan tree. The tree's uAAer li:9s <ere enor:ous and gnarled7 li6e sAin& green dragons lighting. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #2/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The& too6 a seat in the shade and <ere i:rrediatel& serBed <ith glasses o; i5e 5old7 Ber& s<eet :int tea. @ali68s e$Aression 9e5a:e 5onte:AlatiBe and he dru::ed his lingers on the ta9le. 0hen he sAo6e ne$t7 he 5hose his <ords <ith 5are. '0e haBe a 5o:Ale$ so5iet& in Bara6a7 our 5ulture that o; Ber9er7 Boudin7 .ra97 .;ri5an. Thro< in so:e 1ren5h 5olonialis: and &ou haBe intense 5on;li5ts.8 She 5onsidered hi:. ''-o< intense=8 '0e'Be had :ore than our share o; Aoliti5al tur:oil in this 5entur&. +n;ortunatel&7 the last ;i;t& &ears haBe 9een esAe5iall& ... e$AlosiBe.8 She rea5hed ;or her glass7 siAAed the i5& 9eBerage grate;ull&. 'The tensions haBe 9oiled oBer=8 '3iolentl&. 8 ''2t see:s 2 do need to learn Bara6a's histor&. 88 / i5 said7 setting her glass do<n. -e hesitated7 staring o;; his ga%e on the red :ountains 9e&ond7 the :ani5ured Aal: trees lining the e$terior 5itadel <all 8Bara6a <as in the :idst o; a Biolent 5iBil <ar <hen 2 <as 9orn. This <ar lasted ;i;teen &ears. ,Ber&one too6 sides. @an& ;ought on 9ehal; o; the ro&al ;a:il&7 others ;ought ;or the insurgents. Cou see7 <e'd 9een under 1ren5h rule ;or so long that AeoAle <ere ;ighting si:Al& 9e5ause the& <ere angr&7 and s5ared7 and no one 6ne< <hat <as 9est. 2 <as still Gust a s:all 5hild <hen :& grand;ather <as assassinated7 9ut 2'Be neBer ;orgotten that da&.8 -is 9ro< ;urro<ed as he re:e:9ered those dar6 Biolent &ears. 8'@& grand;ather's assassination ended the <ar.8 -e turned and loo6ed at her7 his e$Aression 5uriousl& 9lan6. 8Be5ause &ou see. :& grand;ather <as uniBersall& loBed. -e <asn't suAAosed to 9e 6illed. This <asn't a ;ight against hi:. or the ;a:il&7 9ut a ;ight a9out 5ulture ... 5usto: .. a ;ight to 9e re5ogni%ed. The 5ountr& Birtuall& shut do<n the da& o; *rand;ather's ;uneral .ll the AeoAle too6 to the streets. 2'Be neBer ;orgotten the sound o;<eeAing7 thousands o; AeoAle <eeAing7 and it taught :e that nothing is :ore i:Aortant than li;e. Than ;a:il&.8 ''2': surArised &ou haBen't :arried 9e;ore then.8 ''2t didn't ;eel urgent.8 8.nd it is no<=8 -is :outh oAened as i; to sAea6 9ut instead he 5losed it7 shoo6 his head. Truth;ull&7 he'd neBer <orried a9out :arr&ing7 haBing 5hildren7 he'd 9een 5ertain it <as a :atter o; li:ing and sooner or later he'd :eet the right <o:an ... 9ut it hadn't haAAened7 and here he <as7 in his late thirties7 and <ithout a <i;e7 an heir7 or a ;a:il& o;his o<n. .nd <ith one assassination atte:At against hi: alread&. @ali6 dran6 his tea7 let the 5ool liEuid Aour do<n his throat and i5e his ra< e:otions. 2t'd 9een a di;;i5ult t<ent&;our hour Aeriod. -e <as ;eeling the strain o; 1ati:a's desAerate treasures. /i5olette's :asEuerade7 and his o<n need ;or 5losure. -e Gust <ished he 6ne< i; she' d 5orre through7 rreet hi: on her o<n ter:s. -e <anted her on her ter:s7 he <anted her heart7 her laughter7 her 5o::it:ent. But he 5ouldn't Aush her...&et. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #3/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e turned his head7 loo6ed at /i5 <hose ;eatures <ere graBe7 a deeA ;urro< 9et<een her e&e9ro<s ;ro: thin6ing hard7 listening so intentl&. 'The &ears o; <ar 5hanged the <a& 2 loo6ed at so5iet&78 he 5ontinued. ''2t i:Aa5ted the <a& 2 Bie< our 5ulture and the idea o; sta9ilit&. 2 learned earl& that <e :ust e:9ra5e 5hange7 that <ithout 5hange <e die.8 ''2 <ould haBe thought &ou'd 9e a;raid o; 5hange. .;ter all7 5hange triggered &our grand;ather's death-as <ell as that de5ade and hal; o; tur:oil (ne <ould thin6 &ou'd asso5iate 5hange <ith danger.8 -e shrugged. 'But 5haos and tur:oil surround us7 <hether or not <e 5hoose to re5ogni%e it Just 9e5ause <e don't see tur:oil7 or 9e5ause <e're not i:rrediatel& i:Aa5ted7 doesn't negate its e$isten5e. Chaos 5an haAAen at an&ti:e.8 8So &our AhilosoAh& is ... =8 Tal6ing <ith /i5 <as good ;or hi:. 8Change is good. Change is ne5essar&. 2t doesn't :ean that one 5an't reBere the Aast and resAe5t tradition7 9ut tradition is Aointless unless one 5an use tradition to tea5h7 to use as a 9en5h:ar67 to sho< one <here and ho< to ai:.8 She leaned 9a56 in the 5haise. ''Cou li6e 9eing Hing. 8 ''2 loBe 9eing Hing. 8 C#$PT"R T"* /2C 5ouldn't loo6 a<a& ;ro: his re:ar6a9le ;a5e <ith the light silBer e&es. -e <as so Euiet7 so 5ontrolled. She'd had no idea he'd 9een through so :u5h. .nother :an :ight haBe 9een angr&7 9itter7 5ruel7 9ut @ali6 had a55eAted the tragedies <ith gra5e. Bara$a, she <hisAered to hersel; Bara$a, 1ati:a had on5e told her7 :eant *ra5e and Aea5e. @ali6 had that Aea5e7 didn't he= 'There are dangers7 o; 5ourse78 he said a;ter a re;le5tiBe silen5e7 ''9ut <e all ;a5e danger at di;;erent Aoints in our li;e. The se5ret is to 9e a<are o;the danger7 to 6no< ho< one is Bulnera9le7 and then e:9ra5e truth7 and li;e7 and :oBe on.8 -e rose7 too6 her hand in his. and tugged her to her ;eet. ''Cou still loo6 hot. laeela. )et :e ta6e &ou to &our roo: Cou'll 9e Aleased to 6no< &ou haBe &our o<n AriBate s<innning Aool8 2t <as good ne<s and /i5 loo6 a long7 leisurel& s<i: 9e;ore dinner. The 9otto: and sides o;the Aool had 9een Aainted a saAAhire 9lue and as /i5 ;loated on her 9a567 she stared uA at the high Ain6 stone to<ers surrounding her. one to<er 5oBered in AurAle 9ougainBillea. <hile 5li:9ing roses draAed another to<er <all7 the Aetals the DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... ("/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Aalest shade o; Ain6. 0ithGas:ine and s<eet orange 9losso:s s5enting the air. and the setting sun Aainting the an5ient <alls a dust& red. /i5olette 5losed her e&es and ;elt...9liss. Bara$a, she <hisAered to hersel; *ra5e and Aea5e. /i5olette <as to :eet @ali6 in one o;the <alled 5ourt&ards ;or dinner. The Citadel sta;; had Alanned a sAe5ial <el5o:e suAAer ;or the Arin5ess7 and the outdoor Aarl& delighted /i5. esAe5iall& as it <as a Ber& e$5lusiBe Aart& <ith Gust t<o guests- the: . 9ig 9on;ire had 9een 9uilt in the 5ourt&ard and a tent had 9een strung uA to AroBide the sultan <ith additional AnBa5&. @ali6 had /i5 sit 9eside ru:7 5ross-legged on a red <oBen rug. and together the& dined on roasted la:97 arti5ho6es7 sa;;ron ri5e7 and endless nuts and s<eets 9e;ore sitting 9a56 to enGo& the eBening's entertain:ent: a Guggler-<ho Guggled ;ire7 talented singers7 and traditional dan5ers. The eBening <as unli6e an&thing /i5 had e$Aerien5ed in .tiE and <as 9& ;ar her ;aBorite7 She loBed eating outside7 relished the heat and glo< o;the ;ire7 and e:9ra5ed the sensuous 9eaut& o;the Ala5e. 82; 2 <as ;ro: Bara6a7 this is <here 2'd <ant to liBe78 she said7 resting her head on her 6nee7 <at5hing the -aines 5ra56le and dan5e. 8This Gust ;eels right. 2 5an't e$Alain it7 9ut it ;eels li6e ... horre.8 @ali6 loo6ed at her and a s:all :us5le Aulled in his Ga<. ''Cou sa& e$traordinar& things <hen 2 least e$Ae5t it.8 She turned her head ;ro: the ;ire7 s:iled at hi:. She ;elt Aleasantl& rela$ed7 a little 9it sleeA&. '0hat did 2 sa&=8 -e gaBe his head a slight sha6e7 dre< an i:aginar& 5ir5le on the red 9lan6et. 8This is :& ho:e7 :& sAiritual horre. 0heneBer 2 haBe dou9ts. 2 5orre here.8 '>ou9ts a9out <hat=8 -is liAs 5urBed. '@& a9ilit& to lead.8 -is s:ile turned sel;- :o56ing. 8.s <ell as :& struggle to ;ind the 9alan5e 9et<een <hat 2 need7 and <hat :& AeoAle need.8 *lan5ing at hi:. she sa< that his 9ro< had 5reased7 and shado<s haunted his e&es. -e had su5h a no9le ;a5e it hurt her to see hi: struggle. /i5olette ;elt her 5hest lighten. The deAth o; her e:otion staggered her. She <asn't suAAosed to 5are this :u5h. She <asn't suAAosed to ad:ire hi:. She <asn't suAAosed to <ant hi:. She shouldn't haBe 5orre to Ne;d7 shouldn't haBe loBed the red :ountains7 the Ain6ish <alls o;the 5itadel7 the gnarled trees that see:ed to sAring ;ro: the :iddle o;the 9oulders. She shouldn't loBe the <a& the <ind rustled the ;ronds on the date trees. Shouldn't li6e sitting on a 5arAet 9& a ;ire eating ri5e <ith her ;ingers and ;eeling Aea5e7 real Aea5e7 ;or the ;irst ti:e in &ears ... This *ouldn't haAAen. She 5ouldn't ;all in loBe <ith @ali6 or his desert or his 6ingdo: She <ouldn't let hersel; <ant the 5onBersations <ith hi:. the Euiet <ith ru:7 the li;e <ith hi:. .. -e <as too soul;ul7 too Ao<er;ul -e'd turn her li;e uAside do<n. -e'd e$Ae5t her to giBe uA eBer&thing she treasured7 in5luding her ;reedo: and her 9eloBed ;a:il& at ho:e. Tears 9urned the 9a56 o; her e&es. She ;elt as i; she 5ouldn't 9reathe AroAerl&. ''2': e$hausted.8 she said7 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #5/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 5rossing her ar:s oBer her 5hest7 oBer<helrred 9& all that she ;elt sitting here in the dar6 <ith ru:. 0hat she needed <as ti:e alone7 Euiet 10 ;igure out her <a& horre. @elio ;elt light &ears a<a&. -o< <ould she get 9a56= @ore i:Aortantl&7 ho< <ould she eBer ;orget= 2;she le;t @ali67 she'd leaBe her heart in Bara6a <ith ru:. ''2'll <al6 &ou in7 8 he said7 rising. '/ 0 need.8 / i5 said hastil&7 tr&ing to ignore the Aani5 9uilding inside o; her. 0hateBer Aretense she'd 9een a9le to :anage had ;allen 9ehind li6e .tiE's <hite <ashed stone<alls. ''Cou haBe do%ens o;Balets and 9utlers and :aids to es5ort rre to 9ed.8 ''2 6no<. 2 Aa& their salaries.8 -e s:iled sardoni5all&. 'But 2 a: the sultan7 and &ou7 laeela, are :& Arin5ess.8 -e <al6ed her through the se:idar6 5orridors7 5andles lit in high <all s5on5es7 the so;t ;li56ering &ello< light re:inding /i5olette o;a :edieBal 5astle and &et the 9lue Aaint7 and the gold and 9la56 :osai5s <ere e$oti5 instead o;;rightening. -e oAened the door o; her roo:7 5he56ed inside7 :ade sure all <as in order. ''2s there an&thing &ou need=8 '/o.8 -e said good night then7 and le;t her. /i5olette shut the door7 leaned against the door7 <ishing <ith all her :ight that @ali6 <ould haBe sta&ed. She needed to 9e <ith ru:. /eeded to 9e 5lose to ru:. ,Ben i; the& neBer :ade loBe7 she Gust <anted one night in his ar:s. She slo<l& started to undress and a 6no56 sounded on her door. (Aening the door. /i5 dis5oBered @ali6. . lu:A ;illed her throat. She <as so glad to see hi: and it'd onl& 9een a 5ouAle :inutes sin5e he le;t. 8*ot lost=8 -is 5roo6ed grin tugged on her heart. ''2 ;orgot so:ething78 he said. '0hat=8 -e <raAAed his hands around her ar:s and Aulled her against ru:. She ;ell the hard length o;his 9od& tou5h eBer& so;t 5urBe o; hers. >roAAing his head7 he 6issed her. @ali6's liAs ;ell <onder;ull& 5ool against her healed s6in and she 5losed her e&es. 'This78 he :ur:ured against her liAs. 8''Cou returned ;or a 6iss=8 '0hat is :ore i:Aortant than loBe=8 0ith the tiA o;his ;inger he outlined her 9ro< 9one and then her s:all7 straight nose. She shiBered at the tou5h7 and &et Euestioned his <ords. )oBe. But he didn't :ean love. /ot in the 0estern sense7 the <a& she 6ne< loBe. -e :eant loBe as one that is ;a:iliar7 i:Aortant7 9etrothed. .;ter all7 eBer&one had arranged :arriages in Bara6a. /oone :arried here ;or loBe. There <as a <a& o; doing things7 the 9ridegroo: Aaid a seda<, 9ride Ari5e7 to the ;a:il& o;the 9ride7 and the 9ride Aresented the groo: a do<r&7 and in her 5ase it <as the Aorts and har9ors o;@elio. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... #/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2 don't 6no<78 she ans<ered7 9ell& lightening7 nerBes Gu:Aing as he 5ontinued to tou5h her. his hand e$Aloring the 5ohu: o; her throat7 the sensitiBe sAot at the toA o; her sAine7 and no< her long hair <hi5h she'd Gust loosened. ''Cou haBe loBel& hair78 he said7 ;ingers sliding through the long strands. 'Than6 &ou.8 The <ords stu56 in her :outh. ''2': so glad &oure not a 9londe. 2 thin6 9runettes are :u5h :ore stri6ing'7 8he added7 holding a tendril uA to the light7 letting the dar6 9ro<n and ri5h au9urn highlights gli:rrer against his s6in. -e turned the long strand oBer. ''Cou haBen't eBer <anted to 9e ;air7 haBe &ou=88 -er :outh dried. ''2 don't thin6 2'd loo6 9ad as a 9londe7 and it's Gust a hair 5olor. The ;a5e <ould 9e the sa:e. The e&es. The nose-8 'The liAs78 he interruAted7 5oBering her :outh <ith his in a 6iss that stole her 9reath7 turned her inside out. This <as a 6iss. This <as so hot. This <as so hungr& and :ale. -er insides ;ell light. -er 9ell& ;elt tense. She <as a5h& eBer&<here7 <anting so:ething he <as Aro:ising <ith his 6iss 9ul so ;ur nol deliBering. She <anted hi: .ll o; hi:7 8Could &ou sta& the night=8 she <hisAered against his :outh7 one o;his hands against her 9reast7 in;la:ing her nerBes7 her s6in7 her i:agination. '0e <ere interruAted last night7 8 '0e <ere78 she agreed7 and then re:e:9ered <hat had interruAted the: She ;elt a Aang o; 5ons5ien5e7 sa< @ali6's e$Aression dar6en. -e7 too7 re:e:9ered. ''2 am sorr&. 1or her. ;or &ou-8 ''2 aAAre5iate &our sensitiBit&7 9ut in this 5ase7 &ou haBe nothing to aAologi%e ;or. 2'Be al<a&s 6no<n 2 5ould :arr& ;ro: <ithin the ;a:il&7 The oAtion neBer aAAealed to 2re.8 -e li;ted her 5hin7 6issed her :outh7 ;elt her liAs tre:9le 9eneath his. ''2t <ill 9e good ;or her to go to .:eri5a ;or a<hile. 1ati:a has :an& ;a:il& :e:9ers in /e< Cor6 and 0ashington. >.C .. and her innnediate ;a:il& 6no<s :an& ;a:ilies. She <ill ;ind the right :an. 2 a: sure o; it. 8 / i5 ;elt a sta9 o; s&:Aath& ;or his 5ousin. 2;1 ati:a trul& loBed @ali67 she <ould not ;ind hi: eas& to ;orget. ''2 hoAe so78 she <hisAered. -e 5ir5led his hands around her long hair. '0e <ere dis5ussing the night78 -er hands hoBered at the 9uttons on his shirt. ''Ces.'' '>o 2 sAend the night=8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... (&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Ces.'' .nd then as she un9uttoned the ;irst 9utton7 and the se5ond 9utton7 she rerrerr9ered one huge 9ut 5ru5ial detail She <asn't a natural 9runette. -e'd noti5e as soon as he sa< her na6ed. The hair on the rest o; her 9od& <as 9lond. 1atural 9lond. /i5's ;ingers <ere :otionless no<. 'But i; &ou're <orried a9out i:AroAriet&7 AerhaAs <e Gust sAend the night together... <ithout :a6ing loBe.8 8(r :a&9e &ou're <orried that &ou 5an't sAend a night <ith :e <ithout <anting to :a6e loBe.8 She laughed so;tl&7 e:9arrassed7 a:used. -e <as Ber& ;unn& ;or a sultan. 3er& se$&7 too. ''Cou haBe e$traordinar& 5on;iden5e.8 ''2 should. 2': Ber& good. 8 This <as getting Euite interesting. This <as the stu;; she'd 9een d&ing to 6no<. 8*ood7 ho<=8 -e laughed7 too. ''-o< do &ou thin6=8 ''2': suAAosed to 9e a Birgin.8 she ans<ered Ari:l&7 ignoring the shin:ering heal in her 5hee6s7 the languid <ar:th throughout her 9od&. She loBed the Ber9al ;oreAla& <ith hi: as :u5h as a5tuall& tou5hing. She loBed letting the desire start <ith the e&es7 the liAs7 letting <ords tease. She loBed :a6ing loBe7 9ut 9etter than :a6ing loBe7 <as the idea that :a6ing loBe 5ould 9e so da:n ;un7 ''2 9elieBe 0estern 5ulture has had all the Birgin 9irths it 5an suAAort. Cou haBe a daughter. 28: Euite sure &ou'll neBer haBe that Birginit& restored.8 8So <e 5an de;initel& do sorre things tonight7 Gust not. .. eBer& thing.8 She'd returned to un9uttoning his shirt again. She al:ost had it all the <a& un9uttoned no<7 and <ith ea5h 9utton she ;ell her desire rat5het uA another not5h. '0hat <ould Alease &ou=8 -is shirt ;ell oAen. -e loo6ed do<n at her. heat in his ga%e. ''Cou.'' /i5 san6 do<n on the edge o; her 9ed7 @ali6 to<ered a9oBe her. She tried to 6eeA ;ro: staring at the :agni;i5ent AroAortions o;his uAAer 9od&. -e'd loo6ed great in a ro9e last night7 9ut in sla56s and a shirt he loo6ed ... oh ... unreal 8.nd <hat a9out :e Aleases &ou. Cour -ighness=8 -e studied her7 5onsidered her. ''Cour :outh. 88 ''@& :outh.8 ''Cour hands.8 She griAAed a Aillo<. ''@& hands. 88 ''Cour :ind.8 She <anted to thro< the Aillo< out o; the <a& and 9eg hi: to ta6e her and to hell <ith the 5onseEuen5es. /o one had eBer li6ed her :ind 9e;ore. ''Cou li6e it 9etter than :& 9od&=88 She 6ne< she had a de5ent 9od&. DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... ('/1"3 3/3/2010 ''2 adore &our :ind. 88 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She 5ouldn't suAAress her s:ile. '0h&=88 ''2t's sharA. 2t's s:art. 2t's ;unn&.88 -is head 5o56ed. ''Cou're ;unn&. 2': haBing a ;antasti5 ti:e <at5hing &ou7 <ondering <hat &ou're going to do ne$t. Cou're Ber& daring. 8 0hat did he rrean 9& that= 0hat did he 6no<= ''Cou :ean ... :arr&ing &ou= . stranger=88 -e laughed so;tl&7 and the sound Gust :elted /i5. She ;elt so hot7 she Aressed her 6nees together7 Aushed the Aillo< to her thighs. ''Cou'll neBer ad:it the truth7 <ill &ou=8 '0hat truth=8 -e <asn't going to ans<er that one. '/eBer :ind. 2t's not i:Aortant. 2'll leaBe &ou to &our sleeA.8 @ali6 9ent do<n7 6issed her gentl& on the :outh7 a long slo< 6iss that :ade /i5's head sAin and tu::& 2liA as i;it'd ta6en ;light. -Tas5ah ala $hir. 8 #ood night. 0a$e up happy. ''Cou're not going to sta&=8 >isaAAointrrent <ashed through her in <aBes. '/ 0.8 -e sounded regret;ul and he 6issed her again7 Aarting her liAs eBer so slo<l&7 ;li56ing the inside o; her liA <ith his tongue. ''Cou <ouldn't 9e a9le to 6eeA &our hands o;; :e. .nd 2 <ouldn't 9e a9le to 6eeA :& :outh o;; &ou. .nd 2 loBe to 6iss7 laeela. ,Ber&<here.8 @ali6 returned to the ;ire outside. -ours Aassed7 and he 5ouldn't :a6e hi:sel; go to 9ed. -is guards <anted to sta& uA <ith hlln-se5urit& had 9een steAAed uA a &ear ago-and he 6ne< it <as ;or his o<n good7 9ut tonight he needed sAa5e. -e re:inded his guards that he <as <ithin the lo56ed <alls o;the Citadel7 his o<n ;ortress7 a ;ortress that hadn't 9een 5onEuered in ;iBe hundred &ears. 82; 2': not sa;e here78 he said to his rren7 8then <here=8 The& laughed 9e5ause the& <ere suAAosed to7 and the& retired. 1inall& alone. @ali6's thoughts ra5ed. -e ;ound hi:sel; thin6ing o; not Gust one thing7 9ut :an&7 and his thoughts <eren't linear. -e thought o; /i5olette7 his siren7 and 6ne< he'd :et his :at5h. -e thought o; 1ati:a and her sorro< and sha:e7 and he <ished he'd 6no<n <hat she <as e$Ae5ting7 <ished he'd tried to ;ind her a good :at5h 9e;ore. But she'd neBer <anted to :arr&. She'd told hi: :an& tines that she'd rather sta& single7 than :arr& a stranger and leaBe the Aala5e. -e thought o;his &ounger 9rother7 Halen7 no< liBing in )ondon7 haBing studied at ($;ord-Gust li6e he did-9ut unli6e @ali67 5hose to seBer his ties <ith Bara67 9e5o:e a true 5iti%en o;the +nited Hingdo:. @ali6 had neBer understood it 9ut he'd a55eAted it. But <ith Halen 5hoosing to 9e5orre a +.H. 5iti%en7 he'd ;or;eited all rights to su55ession. Halen had 9een se5ond in line ;or the throne 9ut no< ... >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... ##/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter @ali6 had 9een ;urious <ith Halen on :oral groundsI-;9e& <ere .ra9s7 their ho:e <as /orth .;ri5a-9ut it <asn't until the atte:At on @ali6's li;e a &ear ago that he understood Halen8s ;ears. Halen didn't <ant to get 5aught in Aoliti5s. -e <asn't a Aoliti5ian. -e <as a 9usiness:an. -e thriBed in the high- Ao<ered <orld o;9an6ing7 loBed the ur9an rush7 ;elt li6e he'd ;ound a true ho:e in )ondon. @ali6 5ouldn't sta& angr& <ith his 9rother. ,Ber& one deserBed a 5han5e to lead a haAA& li;e7 a li;e o; :eaning and Balue. 2; Halen ;ound that :eaning in )ondon7 <ho <as he to 5riti5i%e his 9rother= @ali6 5onte:Alated the glo<ing orange red ;ire7 and 6ne< he'd liBed a good li;e. 2t'd 9een a Ber& ;ull and interesting li;e. -e'd 9een 9lessed. .nd in the Aast seBeral &ears he'd 9een so 9us& liBing-doing-that he'd sAent Ber& little ti:e in 5onte:A lation. 2; it <eren't ;or the assassination atte:At a &ear ago7 he <ouldn't 9e as 5onte:AlatiBe as he <as no<. The threat on his li;e last <inter had ;or5ed hi: to 9e5o:e 5ogni%ant o; all that he'd 9een giBen7 o;the 9lessings heaAed on his head-<ealth7 Arestige7 edu5ation7 Ao<er7 resAe5t. 2n realit&7 he'd 9een denied little. )oo6ing 9a56 he sa< that he'd liBed large7 loBed readil& and regretted nothing. /ot true7 he thought7 stoAAing hi:sel; -e did haBe one regret. -e <as sorr& he'd <aited so long to ta6e a <i;e7 start a ;a:il&. -e <anted a 5hild. /eeded a 5hild. -e needed an heir in 5ase the unthin6a9le haAAened. .nd Euite ;ran6l&7 the unthin6a9le haAAened so:e<here in the <orld eBer& da&. . log shi;ted in the ;ire7 rolling7 and red-hot sAar6s shot uA7 into the still 9la56 night. @ali6's e&es narro<ed as he <at5hed the sAar6s 9urn 9rightl& then ;ade Gust as s<i;tl&. )i;e <as li6e that7 <asn't it= (ne <as here7 Aresent7 a55ounted ;or7 and in those hours one had &outh and li;e7 one 9elieBed in ;oreBer. (ne <anted to 9elieBe there'd 9e ;oreBer. .nd then so:ething haAAens and it 5hanges all the naiBe assu:Ations7 ;or5es one to 5on;ront the Ber& things hu:an 9eings sh& a<a& ;ro: @ortalit&. -e 5ouldn't den& his :ortalit& an& longer. -e. Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri7 had a Ari5e on his head. There'd 9een one assassination atte:At alread&. @ali6 6ne< there'd 9e another. 2t <as si:Al& a :atter o;ti:e. @ali6 5rou5hed 9& the ;ire and stared into the shi:rrering red heat7 letting the a5rid 9ite o; s:o6e <a;t around hi:7 slinging his e&es7 ;illing his nose. -e 5ould taste the s:o6e7 ;eel the s:o6e and it re:inded hi: o;his &ounger da&s. -e'd 9een to 9attle. -e'd returned ;ro: 9attle. -e'd led his 5ountr& ;or the Aast ;i;teen &ears and Bara6a had 9ene;ited ;ro: his leadershiA7 9ut he 6ne< histor&. -e'd studied histor&. ,a5h :an <as 9ut one Aart o;the <hole7 and ti:e <as a 5ontinuu: and <ould 5ontinue long Aast one :an's &ears. @ali6 6ne< he <asn't going to liBe ;oreBer7 and he 5ould a55eAt that as long as he AroBided ;or his AeoAle. .nd in this 5ase AroBiding ;or the: :eant AroBiding leadershiA7 -e needed a 5hild desAeratel&. .nd <hile the :antle o; leadershiA <ould ;ull to his 5hild. @ali6 also Bo<ed to loBe his 5hild <ith all his heart7 and all his strength. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 100/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter . rustle o; ;a9ri5 5aught his attention and @ali6 turned to see /i5olette 5oining to<ard hi: She <as <earing one o;the traditional ro9es7 and the head 5oBering had sliAAed 9a567 e$Aosing her 5hestnut hair. 8'>id &ou eBer go to 9ed=8 she as6ed hi: Goining h: at the ;ire. '/o78 he ans<ered7 straightening. She studied his Aro;ile ;or a long r::ent in the ;irelight 'Thin6ing o; 1ati:a=8 -e :ade a hoarse sound. ''2': thin6ing o; eBer&thing. 8 -e tiAAed his head 9a567 ga%ed uA into the s6&. 2t <as hours till da<n and the heaBens <ere huge7 endless7 a dar6 AurAle Aun5tuated 9& 5ountless stars. -ere in the :iddle o;the r:untains he <as r:re nature than :an. -ere he <as Aart o;the <ind7 the sun. the sand7 the air itsel; -e <asn't 6ing7 <asn't ro&al7 <as Gust a 5o:r:n :an. Sighing. @ali6 ran a hand through his hair. ''2 :iss this li;e78 he said at length. ''2 don't get a<a& ;ro: the 5it& o;ten enough.8 She said nothing7 and he ;ell her <at5h;ul ga%e. ''2 used to sAend :an& o;:& holida&s here78 he added7 ;illing the silen5e7 6no<ing she <anted h: to sAea67 that she'd Goined h: to hear <hat <as on his :ind. 'The :ountains here7 the red sand7 it's al<a&s 9een sAe5ial8 -e turned to loo6 at her. -er 9lue e&es <ere a 5lear lu5id 9lue eBen no<7 in the :iddle o;the night7 and he thought she loo6ed real7 no longer guarded. So o;ten she hid her e:otions 9ehind a :as67 and AerhaAs the&7 ro&als7 al<a&s did. The <orld <as al<a&s <at5hing so one had to 9e 5are;ul But it <as good to see her 5al:7 rather 5onte:AlatiBe7 too. ''@& 9rother and 5ousins also enGo&ed the triAs a5ross the :ountains78 he added. 8The& li6ed the nights li6e this7 <hen <e 5a:Aed out7 the night sAent huddled around the ;ire7 9ut the&Be all le;t Bara6a no<. But 2 5ould neBer 5all an& other Ala5e ho:e.8 ''Cou shouldn't haBe to. This is &our 5ountr&. Cou <ere 9orn here7 raised here-8 8.nd &ou <ere 9orn and raised in @elio 9ut &ou're ;or5ed to leaBe.8 /i5 stood still7 ;inding his <ords 9oth Aain;ul and surArisingl& honest. ''2'Be 6no<n ;or a<hile.8 she ans<ered a;ter a long :o:ent. 8(n5e <e reali%ed the situation7 <e all 6ne< <e'd haBe to leaBe.8 8.nd that doesn't 9rea6 &our heart=8 -er e&es 5losed and /i5 ;elt his deeA Boi5e seeA through her. into her heart7 into her Beins7 tou5hing her eBer&<here. .nd that doesn't 9rea6 &our heart= -o< 5ould a :an o;his Ao<er7 his Aosition 6no<= -o< 5ould a thirt&-seBen-&ear-old sultan understand the di;;i5ult& o;the de5ision7 o;the ro56& heights and deAths o; e:otion= 8(ne does <hat one :ust78 she :ur:ured7 Boi5e ;ailing her and tenderness su;;using eBer& >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 101/143 3/3/2010 9one and nerBe. The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 8(ne 5ould al<a&s re9el8 She shot ru: a s<i;t glan5e. -is ga%e <as stead&7 Aenetrating7 and she ;elt no one had eBer loo6ed at her7 or listened to her7 <ith @ali6's ;o5us. -e trul& heard her. -e Aaid attention to not Gust the <ords she said7 9ut the rreanings 9eneath7 to all the unsAo6en 9reaths and nuan5es that :ade 5onBersation Aotent. ''2': no saint. 2 haBe re9elled.8 she hesitated. ''@an&7 :an& ti:es.8 -is dar6 ga%e traBeled her ;a5e. ''Cet &ou're here no<.8 /i5 ;ell heal <ar: her ;a5e eBer& Ala5e his e&es rested. -e <as no ordinar& :an. -e Aossessed e$traordinar& strength. There <as nothing <ea6 or AassiBe a9out hi:. ''2 <ant <hat's 9est lor :& ;a:il&. 8 -e suddenl& rea5hed out. tou5hed her te:Ale <ith the Aad o; her thu:9. 8.nd not ;or &ou=8 She shiBered as his thu:9 5aressed the ar5h o; her 9ro<. ''2 need Ber& little.8 -is thu:9 stro6ed along her hairline to the 5urBe o; her Ga<. ''Cou :ight 9e surArised.8 -er ;a5e suddenl& ;elt so na6ed7 so 9are-as i;he'd Aeeled a<a& sorre ;alse sel; leaBing her real sel; e$Aosed. She <anted ru: to tou5h her again7 <anted his thu:9 to ;ind her :outh7 <anted his hands to ;ra:e her ;a5e7 <anted ru: to surround her <ith his strength. Bone to 9one. S6in to s6in. -eart to heart. /i5 9it her lo<er liA7 dra<ing the so;t s6in hard 9et<een her teeth. She Aulled a<a&7 turning ;ro: hi:. -e needed a <i;e. -e thought he'd ;ound his Eueen. .nd &et in a :atter o; da&s she intended to leaBe hi:. -e 5aught her shoulders7 <ouldn't let her retreat. ''2 see the sadness in &our e&es again7 and last night <e <ere interruAted7 9ut 2 don't thin6 <e <ill 9e again.8 'There's no sadness.8 But his ;ingers <ere ;ir: on her shoulders. '/o sadness= 0h&7 laeela, &ou haBe the Sahara in &our e&es- endless7 sAee5hless7 lonel&.8 ''2': not lonel&. '8 -o< 5ould he read her so <ell= There <ere ti:es it ;elt li6e he <as Aart o; her ... another hal; o; her ... ho< 5ould an&one-:u5h less a :an--understand her so <ell= ''C ou haBe 9een alone too long.8 )o<ering his head7 he 6issed her ;orehead7 Ber& Ber& gentl&. ''2 thin6 it is the ;ate o; 9eing su5h a 9eauti;ul Arin5ess. There is no one as 9eauti;ul as &ou-8 ''@ali6.'' >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 102/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e 5uAAed her 5hee6 <ith his hand. '')i;e in a high stone to<er.8 '/ o. 2t's not li6e that. 2 haBen't liBed li6e that. 2': not-8 She 9ro6e o;;7 s<allo<ing hard. '/ot <hat=8 -o< to tell hi: that she <asn't <ho he 9elieBed her to 9e= That all his assu:Ations <ere <rong 9e5ause she <asn't the good7 Birtuous Chantal 9ut /i57 the one <ho did <hat she <anted to do. the one <ho'd ta6en Chantal's Ala5e to 6eeA @ali6's ne5essar& :arriage ;ro: ta6ing Ala5e. ,Ber&thing he needed7 she'd AreBented. ,Ber&thing he <anted7 she'd 6eeA hi: ;ro: haBing. This <as <rong. She <as <rong. /i5 5lasAed @ali6's hand7 Aressing his Aal: :ore lightl& to her 5he56. She :et his ga%e and in his e&es she sa< 6indness. Su5h 5o:Aassion. 2t <as al:ost as i;he 6ne< she har9ored se5rets that 5ould hurt hi:. and &et he'd alread& ;orgiBen her. But it 5ouldn't 9e. -e didn't6no< ... he *ouldn'7.*ould he4 -e released her7 steAAed a<a&7 returning to the ;ire <here he Arodded a 9urning log <ith a sti56. The log rolled oBer7 <ood AoAAing7 sAar6s shooting high7 8So7 are &ou going to tell rre=8 There <as so :u5h to tell hi:. But she'd 9een Ala&ing the 5harade too long. /i5 5ouldn't ;igure a <a& out. 8Just sa& it78 he said 5ooll&. 8Can <e sit do<n=8 /i5's legs had 9egun to sha6e <ith ;ear and ;atigue. She 6ne< she had to start oAening uA a little. She'd su;;o5ate i; she didn't. -e too6 a seat on the dar6 5ri:son 5arAet <ith the gold and 9la56 threads. /i5 sal do<n near hi: and <as relieBed he didn't Aull a<a&. ''2': <orried.8 -e <aited. -er heart Aounded. She ;ell al:ost di%%&. ''2': <orried a9out the ;uture.8 The <ords tu:9led ;ro: her liAs. ''2': <orried a9out @elio. 2': <orried a9out :& grandAarents7 <orried a9out )ill&-8 8.nd us. Cou're <orried a9out us.8 ''2 a:8 -is Ga< Gutted. -e suddenl& loo6ed Ber& <ear&. ''2 a:7 too.8 ''Cou are=8 -e nodded slo<l&. ''2': also 5on5erned a9out the ;uture.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 103/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She heard the <eight o;the <orld in his Boi5e. Please don't let her 9e the 5ause o;his unhaAAiness. Please don't let her add to his 9urdens. '0h&=8 ''2 don't 9elieBe in diBor5e. 2 don't <ant to :arr& to 9e diBor5ed.8 C#$PT"R "L"("* -, did dou9t her7 then. ''2': not :ode: enough ;or us to :arr& and liBe aAart the <a& so:e ro&als do78 he added de5isiBel&. /i5 ru99ed her lingers against the Alush rug. ''2; <e :arried 2 <ouldn't <ant to liBe aAart.8 -'f /e :arried78 he said7 reAeating her <ords7 reBealing her o<n non5onnnittal <ords. ''Cou haBen't :ade uA &our :ind.8 She <anted to Arotest7 9ut her :ind sta&ed 9lan6 and she Gust loo6ed at ru:7 <ondering ho< on earth so:eone got ;ro: here to there7 ho< 5has:s <ere 5rossed7 o5eans traBeled7 :ountains 5li:9ed. She didn't haBe the strength an&:ore. >idn't haBe the 5ourage right no<7 either. The s6& loo6ed so 9ig. The stars so high. /i5 had neBer ;elt so s:all -elAlessl& she rea5hed ;or hi:. tou5hing the 9a56 o;his hand7 her ;ingers sliding oBer his. 5oBering the: ''2 <ant to 9e <ith &ou. 8 8Just tonight7 or ;oreBer=8 2;she ans<ered honestl&7 and said Gust tonight7 there'd 9e no tonight. 2;she lied and said ;oreBer7 there'd 9e tonight 9ut no ;oreBer. There <as no <a& to <in this one. -e li;ted his hand7 Aressed his ;ingers uA against hers7 and she <raAAed her ;ingers around hi:. ''2': s5ared o; :arriage. 2t terri;ies :e.8 'Be5ause o; .r:and=8 Ba56 to the ga:e7 the 5harade7 the :as6 that /i5 hated <earing. ''2'Be Gust...neBer...<anted to 9e :arried.8 She 5ouldn't 9e Chantal and hersel; an& longer. She 5ould onl& 9e hersel; She 5ould onl& sAea6 ;or hersel; ''2 Gust neBer ;antasi%ed a9out getting :arried7 haBing 9a9ies. That <as :ore Joelle and-8 She 9ro6e o;;. s<allo<ed and tried again. 'Then 2 gre< uA7 and sa< that the ;air& tale 9elongs in 9oo6s. (n5e :arried7 &our oAtions are li:ited.8 8.nd <hat are our oAtions again=8 She :arBeled at his 5al:. 8(n5e &ou :arr&7 &ou giBe uA &our ;reedo: to 5hoose. Cou don't get to 9e <ith >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 104/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter an&one else7 &ou haBe no :ore Aartners7 no :ore di;;erent Aaths-8 'But ho< :an& Aaths do &ou reall& haBe7 laeela4 .s a >u5asse Arin5ess7 &our oAtions are li:ited.8 @a&9e that's <h& she <as ;rustrated. She didn't haBe the 5hoi5e others had. 5ouldn't Gust do <hat she Aleased. >ul& and o9ligation had hung oBer her head sin5e 9irth. 'Besides78 he 5ontinued. ''2 don't ;eel li:ited. 0hen 2 <as &ounger 2 enGo&ed 9eing a 9a5helor7 9ut 2': :id<a& through :& thirties no<. 2 6no< <hat 2 <ant.8 'But it's not :e &ou <ant. /ot reall&.8 'But 2 do. 'eall&.8 'Be5ause o;@elio7 and the @editerranean Aorts.8 ''2nitiall&. 8 -er heart Aounded7 and &et she ;elt a dis5onne5t ;ro: her 9od&. '0hat a9out rre do &ou <ant=8 ',Ber&thing. 8 'Be5ause 2': a Arin5ess-8 'Be5ause &ou're s:art7 sAirited7 indeAendent7 interesting.8 /i5 didn't 6no< ho< to reAl& to that. 0hat <as she suAAosed to thin6 ... ;eel= 'But &ou <ouldn't :arr& :e i; 2 <eren't a >u5asse. 8 8.nd &ou <ouldn't :arr& rre i; 2 <eren't a /uri.8 She <as getting no<here. ''2 don't see ho< our :arriage <ould <or6. 0e're 9oth so strong and oAinionated-8 ''Cou thin6 a :arriage 9et<een a strong Aerson and a <ea6 Aerson <ould 9e 9etter= Cou thin6 <e're 9oth 9etter o;; <ith a sAineless Aartner7 one <ith ;ro%en e:otions=8 She sear5hed his e&es. >id he :ean it= Could he reall& a55eAt her-hothead7 stu99orn strea67 and all= She :oBed to <ithdra< her hand and &et he <ouldn't let her ;ingers go. '0hat are &ou a;raid o;-and it's not se$. 2 6no< that :u5h. 8 /i5 glan5ed do<n at their hands7 lingers lin6ed. 2t <as good li6e this7 5o:;orting tou5hing li6e this7 9ut the <ar:th and 5o:;ort o; Goined hands 5ould Eui56l& 9e5o:e a 9all and 5hain. 8@arriage traAs a <o:an.8 '/o.8 ''Cou're a :an7 &ou don't 6no<.8 ''2': a :an. .nd 2'd neBer traA a <o:an.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 105/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -er nails dug into her Aal:s. ''2t's not eBen a 5hoi5e rren :a6e. 2t Gust haAAens. @arriage ... :otherhood ... 5hildren. 2t 5hanges a <o:an. Cour Ariorities 5hange ... the& :ust 5hange.8 The heat in his e&es 9urned her. -e stared at her so intensel& it :ade her alrrost di%%&. ''2s that su5h a 9ad thing=8 ''2t is i; &ou Balue &our ;reedo:8 8.nd &our ;reedo: is so Balua9le=8 /i5 <as ;inding it harder and harder to 9reathe. The air ;ell heaB&7 5lose7 Aressing in on the: -e didn't understand7 he hadn't seen <hat she'd seen--her :other's 5areer ended7 her in5redi9le Boi5e and talent hidden ;ro: the <orld7 her energ& deBoted to suAAorting her ruther's e;;orts7 and then Chantal7 lo56ed a<a& in a 5hateau in )a Croi$7 traAAed. 2gnored. )ied to. ''2t is to rre.8 She loo6ed a<a&7 rerren9ering the deli5ate gold 9ird5age she'd seen earlier in the da& <ith the Arett& orange and &ello< 9irds inside. -er heart had gone out to the tin& song9irds. 2t'd 6ill her to 9e5o:e <hat Chantal had 9e5o:e. She'd rather die than 9e tra:Aled 9& a Aerson she'd trusted ... ''Cou'd 5liA :& <ings.8 she <hisAered7 ;eeling tears start to thi56en her throat. ''2'd hate it.8 She s<allo<ed the threat o;tears. 8.nd 2'd hate &ou ;or it.8 -e 9rought her hand to his :outh7 6issed her 5urled ;ingers. '-ate is su5h a strong <ord. 8 She loo6ed at hi:. her 5hest tightened7 heart 6notted. '-ate is su5h a strong ;eeling.8 -e released her hand and leaned 9a567 letting the ;ire <ar: hi:. ''Cou 6no< hate7 then=8 -er nerBes <ere ;ra&ed. She'd said things she'd neBer intended to sa&. ''2 did loBe so:eone on5e78 she said a;ter a long :o:ent's silen5e. 8.nd it 5ouldn't <or6. >en&ing the loBe <as so hard. 2t did so:ething to :e. Bro6e so:ething in rre.8 ''Cour heart78 he suAAlied so;tl&. /i5 shrugged uneasil&. She didn't 9elieBe :u5h in ro:an5e and 3alentines7 and no one had eBer said li;e <ould 9e si:Ale7 9ut she'd neBer e$Ae5ted it to get so 5hallenging so Eui56l&7 either. 8*etting oBer >aniel too6 rre &ears. 1orgetting a loBe doesn't haAAen all at on5e. 2 had to <or6 at it7 oBer and oBer. There <ere da&s 2 didn't thin6 2'd :a6e it <ithout Ai56ing uA the Ahone and 5alling hi:. 8 '>id &ou Ai56 uA the Ahone=8 '/ o. But 2 <anted to.8 She 5losed her e&es. Badly. '0hat haAAened=8 'B& the se5ond &ear 2'd learned to ride the Aain out. .nd date li6e :ad7 2 :ust haBe 9een out eBer& night o; the <ee6.8 She had to :a6e hi: understand7 had to get hi: to see. ''2': not inno5ent an&:ore. 2'Be liBed enough to 6no< the <a& the <orld <or6s7 ho< relationshiAs eBolBe. Sooner or later &ou'd <ant :e to 9e so:ething7 so:eone7 other than 2 a:8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 10/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''@a&9e &ou did haBe a 9ad ;irst :arriage7 9ut &our Aarents- the& <ere haAA&. ,Ber&one 6no<s the& <ere e$tre:el& 5lose.8 /i5 ;le$ed her lingers. ''@o: shouldn't haBe giBen uA her 5areer. 2t shouldn't haBe haAAened.8 ''2t <ould haBe 9een di;;i5ult ;or her to tour7 9e <ith &our ;ather7 and haBe a ;a:il&.8 -=8a*tly.- She shoo6 her head. 8.nd &ou :ight not thin6 it no<7 or 6no< it no<7 9ut eBentuall& 2 <ouldn't 9e <hat &ou <anted. 2 <ouldn't 9e <hat &ou needed. Cou'd tr& to 5hange rre. 2t haAAens all the ti:e. PeoAle ;all in loBe <ith one thing7 9ut eBentuall& its not enough-8 She 9ro6e o;;. @ali6 studied her ;or a long :o:ent 9e;ore getting to his ;eet7 and tugged her uA. too. '0e need a 5hange o; s5ener&. Co:e.8 The Citadel's @oorish door<a&s <ere horseshoe shaAed7 dra:ati5 ar5hes 5arBed o; <ood and stone7 ornate latti5e <or6 and elegant liligree. ,a5h o;the ar5hes in the ;ortress <as uniEue and <hen @ali6 led her through a door<a& into a 9edroo: /i5olette ;ro%e. Candles ;li56ered on the lo< round ta9le 9& the 9ed7 in the s5on5es on the <all7 in the ni5hes tu56ed around the oAulent 9edroo: '0here are <e=8 she as6ed7 <at5hing @ali6 deh9eratel& 5lose the thi56 dar6 <ood doors7 lo56ing the lat5h. ''@& 9edroo:8 -e Aressed her against the <all7 his hands ;ra:ing her ;a5e then sliding through her hair7 his ;ingers threading 9et<een the long sil6& strands. ''2 <ant &ou. 88 -is Boi5e sounded rough <ith desire. 8.nd &ou 5an trust :e. laeela. 2 <on't let &ou do<n.8 /i5 s<allo<ed7 holding the tears 9a56. -e <as tal6ing a9out .r:and. -e <as re;erring to the horri9le li;e Chantal had led in )a Croi$ 9ut he didn't understand that she <asn't that <o:an. Co:Aared to Chantal /i5 had had it eas&. -er li;e <as un5o:Ali5ated. But she 5ouldn't hold 9a56 the rush o; e:otion. She loBed the ;eel o;his 5hest against hers7 loBed the strength o; his ri9s and hiAs7 -e <as hard-nearl& as hard as the <all-and she loBed 9eing 5aught li6e this7 loBed 9eing 5oBered li6e this7 her 9od& hidden ;ro: all reserBed ;or Gust hi:. She li;ted her liAs7 <anting to ;eel hi: ta6e her :outh. 0anting to ;eel hi: ta6e her-;inall&. She <as su5h a strong Aerson7 so deter:ined7 and &et desAite all her strength and driBe7 she &earned to ;eel a 5onne5tion <ith another. .nd she ;elt that 9ond <ith hi:. -e 6issed her7 5oBering her :outh <ith his7 and <ith his hands 9ra5ed on either side o; her head she ;elt his 9od& 9rush hers7 a slo<7 la%& 5onta5t that le;t her 5raBing :ore. She Aressed uA against his long torso7 9ringing her hiAs to :eet his7 sighing <ith Aleasure <hen she ;elt the hard ridge in his trousers. @ali6 li;ted his head7 liAs 5urBing <r&l&. '>o all :en ;eel this <a& a9out &ou=8 he as6ed7 eBen as his hand trailed DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 10&/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter do<n one loose tendril o;hair7 a5ross her shoulder7 oBer her 5ollar9one7 to the Aea6 o; her 9reast. ')i6e ho<=8 ')i6e the& 5an't liBe <ithout &ou.8 -is Aal: 5oBered her right 9reast7 her sensitiBe niAAle hidden in the Aal: o;his hand. 8.s i;li;e <ouldn't 9e <orth an&thing i; &ou <eren't there.8 /i5 s<allo<ed7 tr&ing to thin6 <hen her 9od& <as :elting7 sending 5on;li5ting signals to her 9rain. >esire7 hard to sta& ;o5used on the Ara5ti5al and the Alan. ''2 don't thin6 that's the 5onnnon resAonse rren haBe to rre7 no.8 '0hat a9out the one &ou loBed all those &ears ago= 0hat <as his na:e=8 -e <as 6neading her 9reast7 ;ingers Ala&ing the so;t tissue. She ;or5ed her ;u%%& 9rain to 5lear. '>aniel=8 ''Ces.'' She tried not to gasA as he leaned into her7 his 6nee Aarting her thighs and she ;elt his hard thigh Aress against the aAe$ o; her legs7 heightening sensation not Gust there7 9ut eBer&<here. She :ight as <ell haBe 9een na6ed. -is s6in <as so <ar: against hers7 she ;ell her te:Aerature rise7 hotter and holler and as his hand 5aressed the length o; her7 shaAing ;ro: her 9reast to her <aist7 hiA7 and 9a56 again she thought she'd go uA in ;la:es an& :o:ent. /i5 shiBered as his hand returned to her 9reast7 his lingers 9urning through her thin:ella5a, her 9reast a5hing in his hand7 the niAAle hard and sensitiBe. Pressed as she <as to the <all7 his lrAs held her still so ea5h 5aress o;his lingers :ade her dan5e against hi:. shuddering <ith Aleasure. She 5ould ;eel his heat and strength throughout her 9od&. She'd 9e5orre a dan5ing girl7 tre:9ling against hi:. ar5hing helAlessl&7 needing :ore thanGust his hands on her 9reasts7 <anting his hands on na6ed s6in--her 9ell&7 her hiAs7 9et<een her legs. She <raAAed her ar:s around his shoulders7 dre< hi: 5loser. 'Blo<out the 5andles78 she 9egged in his ear. 'Blo<out the 5andles and let's Gust 9e together.8 -e striAAed her in the dar67 leisurel& re:oBing ea5h ite:7 not that the& <ere di;;i5ult to ta6e o;;. She <as <earing onl& her thin 5otton nightgo<n 5oBered 9& the 'rr>dest:ella5a. But in the dar67 <ith @ali6's hands slo<l& <andering oBer her. / i5 ;elt as i; she <ore gold and sil6 threads7 gossa:er ;a9ri5s o; great 9eaut&. She didn't sAea6. -e didn't sAea67 and his tou5h <as that o;a :an <ho had in;inite ti:e. -is <hole Aleasure see:ed 5entered on e$Aloring her. hands lightl& 5aressing the 5urBes o; her 9od&. -is liAs ;ollo<ed his hands7 his :outh 9rushing a5ross her healed s6in saBoring her so;tness7 her <ar:th7 her te$ture. 0hen he 6nelt at her ;eet7 she too6 a steA 9a56<ards. '/ot that78 she Arotested. '/ot &et.8 -e 6issed the inside o; her thigh. ''2': not doing that. /ot &et.8 She ;elt his s:ile against her thigh and it :ade her s:ile. She 6ne< hi: so <ell alread&7 5ould Ai5ture his silent a:use:ent7 the tolerant glea: in his e&e. -is 5on;iden5e 6ne< no end. 0ith hi: 6neeling at her ;eet7 his hands tra5ed the line o; her leg7 ;ro: the 5urBe o; her 9utto567 to the indentation DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 10'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter <here 5hee6 rret thigh7 and do<n the 9a56 o; her thighs to her 6nees. -is ;ingertiAs dre< inBisi9le Aatterns at the 9a56 o; her 6nees and then inside her 6nee5aAs7 light dell stro6es that :ade her ;eel so hollo< on the inside7 and then his hands <ere teasing do<n her shins7 5ir5ling her an6les7 ;inding her sensitiBe insteAs and 9et<een her toes. B& the ti:e he'd rea5hed her toes she ;elt as i; she <ere hu:n:g <ith energ&. She ;elt deli5iousl& a<a6e7 her senses alert. ,ager. Standing7 @ali6 striAAed o;;his 5lothes and rea5hing ;or /i5olette7 Aulled her into his ar:s7 letting their <ar: na6ed 9odies Gust tou5h7 and /i5 dre< a s:all 9reath7 resAonding to the 9rush o;his 9od& against hers7 a<are o; things she :ight not haBe ;elt i; the lights had 9een on. She ;ell the s:ooth hard Alane o;his 5hest7 the <a& his hiA 9one Aressed against her s6in7 the sil6& hair at the Gun5ture o;his legs. -e <as so ;ir:7 and strong7 and she loBed the <a& she ;it against hi:. loBed ho< his ar:s <raAAed around her. 0hen he li;ted her into his ar:s and headed ;or the 9ed. /i5 Aressed her ;a5e to his ne56 and inhaled the sAi5& s5ent o;the ;ragran5e sill lingering on his <ar: s6in. -is 9i5eAs Aressed against her so;t 9reast7 his hand 5lasAed her na6ed 9otto:7 and desire shot through her7 sharA7 intense7 de:anding. -e Ala5ed her in the :iddle o;his enor:ous 9ed. 9ut /i5 didn't lie AassiBel& 9eneath hi:. She en5ir5led his shoulders7 dre< hi: do<n to her7 ;ell the rigid length o;hi: nudge her thighs eBen as she o;;ered hi: her :outh. -is Ga< s5raAed a5ross her s6in7 the ne< gro<th o;his 9eard :a6ing her o<n s6in ;eel ra<7 and <ith the 5ool sil6 5oBerlet 9eneath her heated s6in7 she ;ell in5redi9l& <anton. 2n the dar67 <ith her sight denied7 all the other senses 9e5a:e highl& tuned. She 5ould s:ell the s:o6e o;the l;re in his hair7 taste the :int o;tea on his 9reath7 ;eel the ;ir: satin te$ture o;his s6in7 and the dense7 thi56 :us5le. -e didn't eBen need to as6 her to do an&thing. .s his hard 9od& tou5hed hers7 she oAened her legs ;or hi:. <anting to 9e <ith hi:7 thin6ing nothing had eBer 9een :ore natural in her li;e. -e ;illed her slo<l&7 entering her <ith re:ar6a9le 5ontrol7 ensuring she had Alent& o;'tirre to adGust to his si%e. /i5 hadn't reali%ed he <as so <ell endo<ed until the sense o;;ullness <as al:ost oBer<hel:ing. -er 9reath 5aught in her throat7 and she <raAAed her ;ingers around his uAAer ar:s tr&ing to :a6e this easier. @ali6 6issed her slo<l&. -is tongue tra5ed her liAs7 teasing the s<ollen lo<er liA7 and as her 9od& rela$ed7 he 5lasAed her 9otto:7 li;ting her hiAs7 allo<ing her to 9etter a55onnnodate hi:. -e :oBed slo<l&7 his :us5les slee6 9eneath her hands. -e san6 into her7 deeA7 stead& stro6es7 ea5h thrust o;his narro< hiAs Ao<er;ul &et 5ontrolled. She loBed the ;eelo;hi:. relished his languid gra5e7 the <ar:th o;his s6in7 the satin& te$ture o;his lo<er 9a56 and 9utto56s. -e alread& seerred to understand her 9od& inti:atel&7 tou5hing her <ith de;t s6ill7 ta6ing his titre in 9uilding the tension. She <as grate;ul he didn't ra5e to a 5on5lusion7 grate;ul that he7 too7 see:ed to ;ind their Goining ulti:atel& satis;&ing7 and &et the ;ri5tion o;their 9odies settled into a rh&th: satis;&ing and &et not7 9e5ause the Aleasure de:anded :ore. ,a5h thrust into her :ade her need another. She :et his driBing hiAs7 li;ting uA to :eet hi:7 Aush against hi: and the tension 9uilt. 8Slo<.8 she <hisAered7 ;ingers 6neading his shoulders. 8Slo<7 2 don't <ant this to-8 She 9ro6e o;;. 5losed her e&es7 tr&ing to stoA the ;irst tre:or7 not <anting to rea5h orgas: &et. not <anting >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 10#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter an&thing a9out this a:a%ing night to end7 9ut her :us5les <ere <ound too tight7 the nerBes stret5hed7 and his deeA thrusting Aushed her eBer 5loser to the 9rin6 o; no return. /i5 6issed @ali6 <ith near desAeration. She <ished she 5ould tell h: ho< right this ;elt7 ho< as 5ra%& as it sounded7 eBer&thing a9out the: :ade sense to her. She'd neBer ;elt so right <ith an&one 9e;ore. But it <as i:Aossi9le to sAea6. 0ords <ere i:Aossi9le. -e <as 5lai:ing her. his 9od& de:anding her. -e 9uried hi:sel; in her7 harder7 ;aster7 a silent Aossession <hi5h sent /i5olette oBer the edge7 shattering7 one intense 5ontra5tion a;ter another. @ali6 5a:e eBen as she did7 and she ;ell his hard 9od& surge and shudder in her ar:s7 his Ga< 5len5hed as he struggled to 5ontain his Aassion. Tears 5a:e to her e&es as she held hi: lightl&7 <raAAing her ar:s :ore 5losel& around his shoulders7 listening to the ;ier5e Aounding o;his heart 9eneath her ear. -is 9od& still thro99ed inside hers7 :a6ing her o<n 9od& Aulse in s:all a;tersho56s o; Aleasure. 2t <as su5h si:Ale loBe:a6ing. she thought7 6issing his 5hest7 right a9oBe his heart7 and &et it <as the :ost satis;&ing e$Aerien5e she'd eBer 6no<n. @ali6 shi;ted7 turning the: 9oth so she la& 5radled against his 5hest. The& la& li6e that ;or long :inutes7 utterl& Euiet. @ali6's ro&al 9ed5ha:9er <as dar6 and &et in the dar6 /i5olette sa< 5olors she'd neBer seen 9e;ore. @a6ing loBe <ith h: had 9een eBer&thing she'd eBer <anted7 and :ore. She'd neBer ;elt this 5lose to an&one7 nor so loBed. 0hen he <as in her7 Aart o; her7 she trul& ;elt as i; the& <ere one. 0ith her 5hee6 resting on his 5hest7 she let the stead& 9eat o;his heart sin6 into eBer& 9one and :us5le7 and the Aea5e sta&ed <ith her. The :inutes stret5hed. She e$haled slo<l&7 inhaled7 e$haled again7 and she thought Gust :a&9e eBer&thing <as going to <or6 out. /i5 ;ell li6e tal6ing7 reall& tal6ing. +suall& a;ter se$ she Gust <anted to get uA7 sho<er and Aut her 5lothes on. 2t <asn't that se$ had eBer 9een 9ad7 9ut a;ter<ard7 she hadn't ;elt 5o:;orta9le <ith the inti:a5& Aart. But that <as di;;erent no<. She <anted to 6no< eBer&thing he thought. 0anted to ;eel <hat he ;elt. '0as that o6a&=8 she <hisAered tentatiBel&. She ;elt a ru:9le in his 5hest. ''Ces.'' he ans<ered. '0as it o6a& ;or &ou=8 She sighed and s:iled in the dar6. ''2 thought it <as a:a%ing. 2'Be neBer ;elt an&thing li6e that 9e;ore. 8 ''2': glad it gaBe &ou Aleasure.8 -e stret5hed a little. Their 9odies <ere still da:A and her long hair ;ell in a tangled heaA a5ross his 5hest. /i5 Aushed uA on one el9o<7 loo6ed do<n at @ali6 and eBen though it <as dar6 she <anted to ;a5e hi:. ;eel his 9reath7 9e 5lose to hi:. ''2t <asn't Gust Aleasure7 it <as ... :ore. Cou gaBe :e ... 8 She didn't eBen 6no< ho< to e$Alain it7 9ut <hat the& did7 <hat the& <ere together <as Aer;e5t. / othing had eBer ;elt :ore right in her li;e. ''Ces='' But she 5ouldn't ;ind the <ords. 2nstead she 9ent her head7 ;ound his :outh7 6issed hi: tenderl&7 and as her liAs leased his. she tou5hed his 5hee67 ;eeling the sharA 9ristles o;his 9eard along his Ga<9one. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 110/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Cou're 9eauti;ul78 she <hisAered <onderingl&. letting her hand slide do<n his Ga<. to his 5hest7 her nails dragging lightl& a5ross his niAAle and the un&ielding :us5le. ''2': not.8 ''Cou are.8 ''@& nose is too 9ig78 he 5o:Alained7 Aal:ing the ;ullness o; her 9reasts7 Ala&ing her rrAAles until the& Ae99led in his hands. She ;ell her <o:9 5len5h7 ;looding her 9od& <ith <ar:th. ''2t's not78 she <hisAered7 tr&ing to ignore the ele5tri5 5urrent running through her. the da:Aness 9et<een her legs7 the ;ier5e desire 9uilding all oBer again. ''@& :::th's too <ide78 he added7 5uAAing her 9otto: in his hands and Aulling her 9a56 on toA o;hi: She shuddered at the rigid ;eel o;hi: -e'd re5oBered alread& and his ere5tion Aressed 9et<een her thighs7 the thi56 liA alread& sliding against her <ar: sli56 ;lesh. 8The 9est liAs 2'Be eBer 6issed.8 she :ur:ured hoarsel&. 8.nd the last liAs &ou'll 6iss78 he ans<ered7 <raAAing his hands around her thighs7 and Aarting her <ide. ,Ben in the dar6 /i5 gasAed. *riAAing his shoulders7 her thighs sAread <ide in his hands7 she 5ould do nothing to stoA hi: ;ro: enGo&ing her his <a&. -e <as so naturall& sensual7 so 5o:;orta9le <ith 9odies and the Ah&si5al7 that as he ru99ed her na6ed7 sensiti%ed ;lesh against his rigid sha;t she ;elt as i;there <as a <hole <orld o;loBe- :a6ing she 6ne< nothing a9out. -is tou5h de:anded trust. -is s6ill <as ;ar 9e&ond an&thing she'd eBer 6no<n 9e;ore. .gain he let his ere5tion slide a5ross her <etness7 and she 5losed her e&es7 seeing 9right sAar6s7 the Aleasure and sensation so intense. She 5ould ;eel the straining liA. the <ar: sil6en head running along her 5le;t7 and she sEuir:ed7 tr&ing to ta6e ru:. <anling to la6e hi:. (n5e7 t<i5e7 his s<ollen sha;t slid a5ross her oAening7 teasing her <here she <as so :oist and Aliant. But he <ouldn't enter her. -is liAs 9rushed her 9are shoulder. -is ;ingers 6neaded her thighs7 Aarting her <ider and <ider until she thought she'd 9rea6. '0hat are &ou doing to :e=8 she de:anded7 Aanting. ''2 <as Gust re:e:9ering a 5onBersation.8 he said7 one hand leaBing her thigh to rea5h 9et<een their 9odies. -e ;ound the da:A heat o; her. Slo<l& he slid one ;inger into her 5ore7 <hi5h ;ell as i;it had C(2re aliBe7 Aulsing around his ;inger. Cet the slo< thrust o;his ;inger gaBe no relie; The slo<7 tantali%ing tou5h onl& 5ra%ed her senses. '>o &ou rerrerr9er our 5onBersation a9out :en7 <o:en and se$=8 he 5ontinued7 turning his linger slightl&7 stirring eBer& Aossi9le nerBe ending. /i5 9u56ed against his hand. She needed :ore. *od. she needed :ore. '/o.8 ''Cou <ere sa&ing that in &our e$Aerien5e-8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 111/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2 5an't tal678 she interruAted hoarsel&7 as he slid his ;inger out o; her <ann 9od&7 and she ;elt utterl& lost7 5o:Aletel& 9ere;t. ''2 5an't eBen thin6.8 -e li;ted her uA 9& the ri9 5age7 holding her torso a9oBe hi: and his liAs ;ound her naBel7 and he li56ed his <a& ;ro: her 9ell& 9utton to her sternu:7 5o:Aletel& aBoiding her 9reasts. ''2'll helA &ou then. Cou <ere telling :e7 2 9elieBe78 he said7 letting the air 5ool her da:A hot s6in7 8that :ost rren haBe no idea ho< to tou5h a <o:an.8 /i5 sEuee%ed her e&es shut. (h dear *od. not this7 not no<. /ot that 5onBersation. -e ar5hed her 9a56<ard7 9ending her 9a56 at the <aist and as he did so7 his hard sha;t thrust against her e$Aosed ;lesh7 the deli5ate 9ud so riAe it hurt. ''Cou <ere sa&ing :en had no idea <hat <o:en <anted-8 ''@ali6D'' -e stro6ed the rigid length o;hi: against her tender ;lesh oBer and oBer. '/o< helA :e7 Prin5ess.8 he said stunningl& 5onBersational 8Just <here is this 5litoris=8 @& *od. -e <as going to :elt her 9rain. She <as losing it. She 9urned and thro99ed eBer&<here. -er s6in ;elt hot and she ;ell desAerate. ''2 eat :& <ords.8 she 5ho6ed. -)lease.- .nd then the tiA o;his ;inger ;ound her7 right at the s<eet sAot 9et<een her legs. 8.: 2 getting 5lose=8 8StoA tal6ing78 she gasAed7 9reathing shallo<l& in great gulAs o; air. -is tou5h <as e$Euisite. That deli5ious Ala& o;his ;inger. -e stoAAed tou5hing her. ''2': a;raid 2 don't 6no< <hat to do-8 She leaned oBer ru:7 5oBered his :outh in a desAerate 6iss. ''Cou do 6no<7 &ou're doing it7 Alease @ali67 Alease7 &ou're :a6ing :e :ad.8 -e 6issed her 9a567 dra<ing the tiA o; her tongue into his :outh7 and su56ing on the tiA7 tight hard rh&th:i5 su56s that had her s<inging her hiAs. .nd then 5at5hing her hiAs7 he Alunged into her7 hard7 deeA7 9ur&ing hi:sel; in her light sheath and she 5ried out7 and he Aulled her against ru:7 so that her niAAles ru99ed against the 5risA hair o;his 5hest and his hard a9do:en Aressed to her na6ed 9ell& and the heat <as intense7 the heat inside her an in;erno. She <as so hot7 so <et she <as :elting inside. She gaBe uA7 gaBe her 9od& to hi: gaBe the rest o; her resistan5e7 too. -e'd 5aAtured her <hole-heart7 :ind7 9od& and soul-and the orgas: <as sAe5ta5ular7 9ut nothing li6e the release o; 5ontrol She'd ;ound loBe. She'd ;ound the other hal; o; her soul /i5 didn't rerrerr9er ;ulling asleeA a;ter the&'d :ade loBe the se5ond ti:e. She didn't rerrerr9er an&thing 9ut the Go& and 5o:;ort o; 9eing in @ali6's ar:s. But <hen she <o6e7 da<n <as 9rea6ing7 a Aale 9lue s6in 9e&ond the shuttered <indo<. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 112/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She stirred sleeAil& and @ali6 6issed the toA o; her head. ''Cou're :ine no<78 he said7 his deeA Boi5e gru;;. ''Cou're onl& :ine.8 '@:::78 she agreed7 snuggling 5loser. ''2 6no<.8 -e stro6ed her hiA 9eneath the light sil6 5oBerlet. '/o :ore :a&9e a9out the <edding.8 '/o.8 .nd then it <as li6e a :assiBe stone ;ortress 9rea6ing. /i5 sa< light7 <a& do<n at the end o;the tunnel There <as no reason not to :arr& @ali6. She should Gust do it. 2t <as the right thing ;or eBer&one-@elio. the 5ountr&'s e5ono:&7 her ;a:il&. ''2': glad <e're getting :arried in si$ da&s.8 She 5urled against hi:7 ''2t's Gust si$ da&s7 isn't it=8 '1iBe no<.8 8Sounds good.8 She li;ted her ;a5e7 9rushed her :outh a5ross his 5hin and sighed <hen he ;ound her liAs7 6issed her deeAl&. ''2t'll 9e ni5e to get it oBer <ith. 8 ''Cou're sure=8 ''Ces.'' .nd <raAAed in his ar:s. /i5 Ai5tured the 5ere:on& the&'d haBe in .tiE. She'd <ear one o;the ne< go<ns :ade ;or her. and @ali6 <ould loo6 gorgeous no :atter <hat he <ore and the <hole Ai5ture ;elt right. ,$5eAt ;or one little 9ut 5ru5ial detail )ill&. ''2 <ant )ill& here78 /i5 said7 5lasAing @ali68s ar:. needing to ;eel his strength. 88She has to 9e here.8 8She <ill 9e. 8 '-er grandAarents7 the Tln9audets7 :ight not let her-88 'The& <ill8 -e 6issed the toA o; her head. '>on't <orr&7 laeela. 1''11 ta6e 5are o; eBer&thing.8 C#$PT"R T%"L(" /2C stret5hed7 rolling onto her side <ith a deeAl& 5ontented sigh o; Aleasure. /o< that <as 9rilliant se$. Just one night and @ali6 had sAoiled her ;oreBer. (Aening her e&es she dis5oBered @ali6 standing7 ar:s 5rossed7 <at5hing her ;ro: the ;ront o;the 9ed. She sat uA. 5o:9ed her long hair 9a567 the 5oBers at her <aist. ''Cou're dressed.8 ''2'Be 9een in :& o;;i5e <or6ing the Aast 5ouAle hours 9ut 2 returned to haBe 9rea6;ast in 9ed. 88 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 113/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -is e$Aression :ade her 9reath 5at5h in her throat. <e tal6ing orange Gui5e and s5ra:9led eggs=8 But her 9od& <as alread& resAonding7 her 9are 9reasts tingling7 the rrAAles Aea6ing. -is ga%e rested on her ;ull 9reasts. 8Sure.8 She ;elt heat rise through her7 a 9lush that Ain6ed her s6in ;ro: head to toe. ''2 rrean7 on a plate. - -is deeA laugh e5hoed7 the se$& hus6& sound 5oiling in her tu::&7 :a6ing her ;eel hotter7 e:Atier. She 5ould al:ost ;eel his hands on her7 his hard 9od& slo<l& ;illing her7 all sil6& heat and strength until she <as dissolBing around hi: Pleasure. ,ndless Aleasure7 endless sensation. ''2; &ou insist78 he :o56ed7 :oBing to ring ;or the 9rea6;ast tra&. 2t arriBed :inutes later and @ali6 too6 the tra& ;ro: the :ale ste<ard7 5arr&ing the tra& to the 9ed <here /i5 <aited. @ali6 lounged on the 9ed ne$t to her7 his Ao<er;ul 9od& at ease and 5radling her 5o;;ee. /i5 ;elt as i; the night had 9een one long7 se$ual drea: The loBe:a6ing had rea5hed a leBel o; eroti5is: /i5 had neBer e$Aerien5ed 9e;ore7 and &et it had ;elt 5o:Aletel& natural7 too. '-o< do &ou ;eel=8 he as6ed7 AoAAing a :iniature al:ond and aAri5ot Aastr& into his :outh. The :us5les deeA inside her 5len5hed. -e <as :ore :an than ten :en together. .gain heat s<eAt through her7 9urning her. '1ine. Than6 &ou.8 -e la& on his side7 his el9o< AroAAing his <eight. '-aBe &ou 5hanged &our :ind a9out the <edding=8 '/o. -aBe &ou=8 -e laughed on5e. ''2 6ne< 2 shouldn't haBe gotten inti:ate <ith &ou. /o< &ou'll haBe ;oreBer 5on;used loBe and se$.8 /i5 nearl& rolled her e&es. ''2'Be neBer 5on;used loBe and se$ 9e;ore.8 ''Ces7 9ut <as the se$ that good 9e;ore=8 Blushing all oBer again7 / i5 gaBe ru: a reAroBing loo6. '/oone's eBer :ade :e 9eg 9e;ore. 8 ''2 <ithheld nothing.8 -er 9lush deeAened. /o7 he had not. -e gaBe her eBer&thing-and :ore. ''2 <ant &ou.8 -is Boi5e suddenl& droAAed7 thro99ing <ith ra< na6ed need. ''2 <ant &ou li6e &ou <on't 9elieBe. 0hat 2 ;eel ;or &ou-<hat 2 <ant to do <ith &ou-8 -e shoo6 his head7 <arningl&. 'This is dangerous7 laeela. - She 5ouldn't 9reathe. She <anted ru: in her7 no<7 ;illing her. She ;ell ;ier5e7 de:anding7 her 9od& all rreltiog need7 a need that 5ould onl& 9e ans<ered 9& hi: ''Cou :ight 9e right a9out that. 8 -is hungr& ga%e held hers. ''2 had an idea. 8 ''Ces='' >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 114/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2 thin6 <e should get :arried in @elio.8 2t <as the last thing she'd e$Ae5ted h: to sa&. '@arr& ... in @elio=8 ''Cou 5ould haBe &our ;a:il& <ith &ou-8 ''2 thought <e <ere going to haBe Gust a traditional <edding here. Cou 6no<7 teleBise the 5ere:on&7 9ig national holida&.8 '0e'll Gust 9road5ast the 5ere:on& ;ro: there.8 Pani5 ra5ed through her. ''2t'll 9e too :u5h o; a strain on :& ;a:il&. @& grandAarents aren't <ell-8 '0hi5h is <h& <e'd go there. There'd 9e no traBelling ;or &our ;a:il&. The 5athedral is Gust do<n the street ;ro: the Aala5e.8 She leaned ;or<ard7 Alanted a desAerate 6iss on his liAs7 tr&ing to distra5t hi: '0e 5an see the: later.. . a;ter our hone&r:on. 'eall&7 @ali67 let's not 5o:Ali5ate things. 2t'd 9e too :u5h ;uss. 'o&al <eddings are su5h 9ig deals in ,uroAe.8 -e <asn't to 9e distra5ted. ''PerhaAs <e ought to thin6 a9out &our grandAarents' needs. 2 6no< ho< it ;eels to <orr& a9out one's ;a:il&. 2 6no< <hat a 5o:;ort it is <hen &ou 6no< that &our ;a:il& is loo6ed a;ter7 and 2 6no< it'd greatl& reassure &our grand;ather to 6no< that <hile ours is an arranged :arriage7 it isn't 5old7 or un9eara9le.8 >id he eBen 6no< <hat he <as doing= 8There <ould 9e so :an& AreAarations.8 'Ta6en 5are o;8 -er :outh dr&. she rea5hed ;or her Gui5e glass o;; the tra& and siAAed slo<l&7 tr&ing to giBe her :ind a 5han5e to 5lear. '0hat do &ou rrean ... ta6en 5are o;=8 8.s 2 said to &our grand;ather earlier-8 '0hat=8 -e <raAAed his hand around hers7 se5uring the glass in her ;ingers. ''Cou 9etter drin6. Cou loo6 Aale. 8 But she 5ouldn't drin6. She 5ouldn't thin67 -e urged the glass to her liAs7 tilted it against her :outh. ''Cou need so:e sugar. >rin6 uA. 2 don't <ant &ou ;ainting on :e no<7 not <hen <e'Be so :u5h to do 9e;ore <e ;l& out.8 /i5 nearl& 9it through the glass. She ;or5ed hersel; to s<allo< one :outh;ul 9e;ore she Aushed the glass a<a&. ''2 don't understand an& o; this. 8 ''Cou're a <ido<7 not a diBor5ee. Cou're entitled to a laBish se5ond <edding7 and so this :orning7 a;ter <a6ing 2'Be 9een on the Ahone. 2 5alled &our grand;ather ;irst7 and then had :& o;;i5e sta;;9egin shi;ting all <edding arrangerrents ;ro: .tiE to Porto Ter%a.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 115/143 3/3/2010 -e'd 5alled *rand;ather... The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /i5 9lin6ed. '0hat did &ou sa& to hi:=8 'That &ou <ere here7 and &ou'd agreed to :arr& rreI-8 '0ho did &ou tell h: 2 <as=8 @ali6 loo6ed at her as i;she'd lost her :ind. '0ho do &ou thin6=8 She rea5hed ;or her Gui5e7 slurAed it do<n7 and <iAing o;;her :outh she loo6ed uA at hi:. ''Cou told h: 2 <as Chantal8 ''Ces.'' 8.nd *randAaAa said ... =8 'That no7 &ou 5ouldn't 9e Chantal 9e5ause Chantal <as in )a Croi$. -e'd Gust sAo6en to her a ;e< :inutes earlier.8 /i5's e&es sear5hed his. '@ali6=8 ''Ces. laeela4- '0hat are &ou thin6ing right no<=8 'That 2 haBe an i:Aostor Arin5ess.8 Prett& a55urate des5riAtion. She set her glass do<n Ber& 5are;ull&. Than6 goodness he <asn't getting angr&. She didn't thin6 she 5ould haBe handled that on toA o; all this. ''2 a: a >u5asse Arin5ess.8 'But not Chantal8 '/ 0.8 -e s:iled at her7 rather Aleasantl& a5tuall&7 5onsidering the 5ir5u:stan5es. -er sto:a5h ;ell ;unn&. She'd drun6 the Gui5e too ;ist7 :a&9e. ''2': .. '' '/i5olette.8 She nodded a<6<ardl&. 8-o<'d &ou guess=8 -is 9la56 e&e9ro<s li;ted. &ou serious=8 ''2 Gust thought. .. 8 '0e'Be sAent the night together. 2t's 9een Arett& inti:ate7 9ut that's not ho< 2 6ne<.8 -e hesitated and her heart lur5hed si56eningl&. ''2'Be al<a&s 6no<n78 he ad:itted. '1ro: the :o:ent &ou arriBed.8 '0hat=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 11/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2'Be sAo6en <ith the real Chantal on the Ahone 9e;ore. Cou're s:art7 /i57 and &ou're 9eauti;ul7 9ut &ou're nothing li6e &our older sister.8 She la& 9a56 on the 9ed. dragged the 5oBers to her shoulders7 and stared at the 5eiling. 'That's <h& &ou 5alled grand;ather. 8 '-e 6ne< &ou <ere here all along.8 8Just li6e &ou did.8 She sEuee%ed her e&es shut. This <as Gust getting <orse and <orse. '0h& didn't &ou 5on;ront rre= 0h& didn't &ou :a6e :e 5on;ess the truth=8 -is laughter dri;ted oBer. ''2 <as ... a:used. 2 ;ound &our 5harade entertaining.8 -e didn't Gust sa& that. -e 5ouldn't haBe Gust :eant that. She'd 9een in e:otional tur:oil and he'd 9een haBing ;un= 8So <hat haAAens no<=8 '0e go to @elio and get :arried. 8 ''Cou still <ant to get :arried=8 -e :ade a rough sound7 i:Aatient7 dis9elieBing. '0hat else did he sa&7 :& grand;ather=8 'That &ou had it 5o:ing.8 @ali6's laughter <as so;t7 goading. '-e said to re:ind &ou that he'd on5e said-8 ''2'd :eet :& :at5h.8 She oAened her e&es again7 ;eeling as i; she <ere riding a roller 5oaster. 0hat <as haAAening= -o< had eBer&thing turned so ;ast= -er head <as sAinning. '@a&9e <e 5ould Gust sta& here and s6iA the 9ig <edding. 8 8S6iA the <edding=8 ''2'll 9e &our :istress. 8 The 5oBers 5a:e ;l&ing o;;her and @ali6 loorred oBer her7 his e$Aression in5redulous. @ali67 ;or all his sensualit&7 <as Euite old- ;ashioned. ''Cou didn't Gust sa& that.8 She ;elt a EuiBer shoot through her. 8(ur 5hildren 5ould still 9e &our heirs. 8 '@a6e a Arin5ess a :istress=8 he dra<led derisiBel&. ''2 don't thin6 so.8 She'd al<a&s 9een su5h a truth;ul Aerson. .ll her li;e she'd Aushed at the li:its7 re;used to a55eAt the 9oundaries7 9ut at least she'd al<a&s 9een honest. ''Cou <anted Chantal8 'But 2'Be :ade loBe to /i5.8 She shoo6 on the inside7 and she reali%ed she hadn't Gust 9een l&ing to hi: She'd 9een l&ing to hersel; She loBed hi: She'd ;allen in loBe <ith hi: '@ali6.8 She hadn't reali%ed she'd eBen sAo6en his na:e aloud until he rea5hed ;or her. lo<ering the <eight o;his >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 11!/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 9od&7 his lrAs and 5hest 5oBering the na6ed length o; her. She shuddered at the Aleasure o;his 9od& on hers and 5losed her e&es7 oBer<hel:ed 9& eBer&thing. She'd ;allen ;or hi: So hard. But ho<= (Aening her e&es she loo6ed into his silBer ga%e7 the 5ool deAth lit 9& a s:all silent s:ile7 she 6ne< ho<. -e <as a:a%ing. *orgeous and Ah&si5al7 se$ual and sensual he <as s:art. .nd Aatient. Tolerant. ''Cou don't haBe to :arr& :e Gust 9e5ause <e :ade loBe78 she said7 her Boi5e hoarse. -e 6issed the side o; her ne56. ''Cou're still running a<a&.8 '/o.8 ''Cou 5an't run. 8 ''2 5an.8 But her Boi5e <o99led. )oo6ing do<n at her7 his e&es <ar:ed to hot liEuid silBer. ''Cou 5an't78 he 5hided gentl&. ''2 <on't let &ou go.8 But she 6ne< those <ere Gust <ords. -e <as teasing her7 Ala&ing <ith her. ,nGo&ing her. .nd *od7 he did enGo& her7 didn't he= She ;elt it in eBer& nerBe and h9er o; her 9od&. She ;elt his hu:or and Aleasure7 ;ell his interest7 ;ell his 5on5ern. -e <ould al<a&s do <hat <as 9est ;or her. -e :ight sa& he'd neBer let her go7 9ut i; she <anted out7 <anted to leaBe7 he'd neBer 6eeA her <ith hi: against her <ill ''2 neBer Alanned on getting :arried.8 2t ;elt as i; the <ords <ere <rung ;ro: her. ''2 neBer Alanned on sta&ing in Bara6a.8 -is s:ile ;aded and he shi;ted his <eight7 :oBing o;; o; her. 8''2 6no<.8 The& sAent the rest o;the da& aAart7 eBen had their :eals alone7 9ut late that eBening @ali6 5a:e to her 9ed and his 6iss <as hard7 AossessiBe7 territorial @ali6 stret5hed her out 9eneath hi: and she ;ell the Bolatilit& o;their e:otions in the intensit& o;their loBe:a6ing. -e <anted her7 and he <anted her to 6no< that there <as no <a& in hell he <as letting her go. T<o da&s later the& returned to .tiE7 9ut the& <eren't sta&ing ;or :ore than a ;e< hours. @ali6 <as giBing her ti:e to Aa56 and then the&'d 9e o;;heading to @elio <here her ;a:il& <as <aiting. 2n her roo:7 / i5 as6ed .lea ;or helA. ''2 need a reall& good hair st&list.8 / i5 said7 telling .lea e$a5tl& <hat she intended to do. .lea loo6ed horri;ied 9ut /i5 ;elt 5al:. @ali6 6ne< <ho she <as. 2t <as titre to 9e5o:e a 9londe again. /i5 <as :ore than read& to rinse all signs o; Chantal a<a&. /i5 <ore a ro9e and head 5oBering on the <a& to the airAort. She <asn't read& to sho56 all o; @ali6's household sta;;. )et .lea Aass the <ord <hile /i5 <as in @elio. The& 9oarded on s5hedule7 and @ali6's ro&al Get too6 o;; ;ro: .tiE's airAort at t<o in the a;ternoon. The ;light >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 11"/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ;ro: .tiE to Porlo Ter%a in @elio <ould ta6e a9out three and a hal; hours 9ut three and a hal; hours sounded li6e ;oreBer to /i5 right no<. The&'d onl& 9een in the air a ;e< :inutes <hen @ali6 leaned ;or<ard and lugged the head 5oBering o;;. 8'Can 2 see <hat :& ;ian5ee loo6s li6e=8 She silentl& endured @ali6's insAe5tion. -is intense e$a:ination re:inded her o; her ;irst da& in Bara6a7 <hen he'd 5ir5led her t<i5e7 stud&ing her ;ro: head to toe. '>o 2 Aass=8 ''2s that &our natural 5olor=8 ''Cou don't li6e it.8 ''Cou're Ber& 9lond.8 She turned her head7 stared out the <indo< 9iting her liA. But she 5ouldn't 6eeA her te:Aer in 5he56. ''Cou don't haBe to :arr& rre.8 ''Cou 5ould alread& 9e Aregnant.8 0hat 6ind o; ans<er <as that= '0ell7 don't do :e an& ;aBorsD8 -e surArised her 9& laughing. ''2 <on't.8 -is laughter ;aded and still stud&ing her7 he as6ed. '>oes >aniel still <or6 in the Aala5e garage=8 ''Ces7 <h&=8 /i5 9lin6ed in surArise. 8.nd ho< did &ou rerrerr9er his narre=8 ''2': Ber& good <ith na:es.8 -e gaBe her a long7 leBel loo6. '>o &ou still loBe hi:=8 @ali6's silBer ga%e <as no longer 5ool -e seethed <ith e:otion. '/ o. 2 don't loBe hi:. 2': :arr&ing &ou.8 '>o &ou loBe :e=8 She Aointedl& held his 9urning ga%e. '>o &ou loBe :e=8 -e said nothing. -e Gust loo6ed at her as i;he 6ne< her7 and understood her. -e loo6ed so 6indl& and intentl& that she ;elt hot sAar6s shoot through her 9ell&7 into her Beins. -e <anted her. -e loBed her. @a&9e he hadn't said 17 &ali$ %oman Nuri, love you, 9ut the <ords7 it <as there in his 9od&7 in his e&es7 in his heart. -e :ight not eBen use the <ord loBe in the 0estern sense7 9ut the e:otion she sa< in his e&es <as the e:otion she <anted to ;eel <hen the :an she loBed loo6ed at her. She ;ell a surge o; ra< e:otion so strong it hurt. @ali6 un9u56led his seat 9elt. '')et's get so:ething to drin6 ;ro: the 9ar. 2 thin6 <e 9oth need to rela$.8 Three hours later the Get 5ir5led on5e oBer Porto Ter%a 9e;ore :a6ing its ;inal des5ent. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 11#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Sa;el& 9u56led 9a56 in her seat. /i5's 9reath 5aught in her throat as she ga%ed at Porto Ter%a ;ro: the air. 2n the late a;ternoon sunlight7 the o5ean glea:ed AurAle and turEuoise7 the sur;a5e o;the <ater sAar6ling in sheets o; silBer <hite7 and Porto Ter%a's histori5 9uildings shone a ri5h 5rea:& 9eige against 5li;;s o; dar6 green. &elia. /i5 suddenl& rea5hed ;or @ali6's hand. ''2': nerBous.8 -e gri:a5ed. ''Cou're not alone7 Arin5ess. 2 a:7 too.8 The Alane's <heels tou5hed the tar:a5 and settled into a s:ooth ta$i do<n the length o;the AriBate run<a&. The&'d arriBed at the >u5asse ;a:il&'s airAort7 a s:all ter:inal reserBed ;or the ro&al ;a:il& and Bisiting dignitaries7 and /i5's insides <ere turning oBer again. She 5ouldn't Aretend it <as e$5iterrent or haAAiness. 2t <as dread. .nd ;ear. She'd 5o:e horre to @elio to :arr&-a sultan7 no less. . 5hau;;eured @er5edes sedan <aited at the airAort ;or the: 0ithin :inutes the& <ere entering the Aala5e gates and s<eeAing uA the grand driBe<a&7 shaded 9& Aal: trees Alanted oBer a hundred &ears ago. The Aala5e <as a gra5e;ul stone 9uilding <ith a Palladian entran5e7 a do:ed 5enter 5ourt7 and elegant <ings ;lan6ing either side. @assiBe :ar9le lions guarded the ;ront door and /i5 shot @ali6 a nerBous s:ile as the& 5li:9ed the ;ront steAs. 8This is horre78 she said7 nodding at the naB& uni;or:ed sta;;:e:9ers <ho'd Eui56l& asse:9led in the hall to greet the: @ali6 too6 a :o:ent to ga%e around the grand entran5e. The Porto Ter%a Aala5e <as s:aller than :an& ,uroAean Aala5es7 and &et the 5har: la& in its st&le and s5ale. .lthough the 5entral stair5ase <as Euite grand7 and all the ;loors and 5olu:ns <ere t<o shades o; :ar9le-Ain6 and gold-the Aala5e interior <as sunn& and <ar: li6e the late a;ternoon sunshine outside. 1ootsteAs sounded a9oBe7 and Joelle aAAeared at the toA o;the stairs. '/i5oletteD8 She dashed do<n the stairs and thre< her ar:s around her sister7 <hisAering in her ear. ''Cou'Be got eBer&9od& in an uAroar. 0hat haBe &ou done=8 ''2 don't6no<.8/i5 ans<ered <ea6l&. Joelle dre< 9a567 studied /i5's ;a5e. ''Cou're reall& gelling :arried=8 /i5 didn't 6no< <hether 10 laugh or 5r&. She turned7 gestured to @ali6. 8Joelle7 the groo:'s right here.8 There <ere endless introdu5tions ;or the rest o;the eBening. . AriBate Are dinner re5eAtion <ith /i5's grandAarents7 Hing 'e:i and Jueen .strid. and then a :assiBe sit do<n dinner <ith nearl& all o;the Hing's adBisors. /i5 had no 5han5e to 9e alone <ith @ali6. -er grand;ather 6eAt @ali6 ;ir:l& at his side. /i5 <ent to sit <ith Jueen .strid on5e dishes <ere 5leared and eBer&one <as ;ree to in;or:all& so5iali%e. &ou angr& <ith :e7 *rand:a:a=8 she as6ed nerBousl&. -er grand:other's stro6e last &ear had :ade it di;;i5ult ;or her to sAea67 9ut she :anaged a s:all s:ile. '/o.8 Jueen .strid :outhed. 8*randAaAa and 2 6no< &ou.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 120/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The ne$t :orning /i5 <o6e and her ;irst thought <as that there'd 9een no <ord ;ro: Chantal The <edding <as in t<o da&s. 0here <as she= 0h& <eren't she and )ill& here= The& <ere suAAosed to 9e here. -er grand;ather said Chantal had Alanned on leaBing <ith )ill& &esterda& to helA /i5 <ith last :inute <edding details. But Chantal hadn't arriBed and /i5 <ent in sear5h o; ans<ers. *rand;ather <as <orse than no helA. -e <as the 9earer o; 9ad ne<s. 8The&'re not going to :a6e it78 he said7 :otioning ;or /i5 to :oBe ;ro: the door<a& and sit in his AriBate o;;i5e. ''2 didn't <ant to uAset &ou &esterda&7 not <hen it <as Hing /uri's ;irst da& here7 9ut aAAarentl& the Tln9audets don't thin6 it's <ise ;or )ill& to traBel so ;ur ;or su5h a short Aeriod o;ti:e.8 /i5 ;ell the old anger return. 2t <as all she 5ould do to 6eeA her Boi5e Euiet. 8Then let her 5o:e ;or a 5ouAle o; <ee6sD )ill& hasn't 9een ho:e to Porto Ter%a in nearl& t<o &ears. 2t <as all she 5ould do to 6eeA her Boi5e Euiet. T/o &ears. *randAaAa. >on't &ou <ant to see her=8 8(;5ourse 2 do.8 'Then 5all Hing PhilliAe7 tell hi: &ou and *rand:a:a insist that )ill& 5o:e-8 'The 5hild's not <ell7 /i5olette.8 Tears started to ;or: in /i5's e&es. ''2; she's not <ell it's 9e5ause )a Croi$ is 9ad ;or herD .ll 2 eBer hear is ho< ;ragile )ill& is7 ho< s:all and deli5ate ;or her age. @a&9e she needs so:eone to get her out o;there. 8 ''Cou're 9eing oBerl& dra:ati5.8 /i5 stared at hi:7 not understanding ho< he 5ould ignore the ;a5ts. -e hadn't seen his granddaughter in ;ourteen :onths. -e and *rand:a:a had gone to )a Croi$ to Bisit Chantal and )ill& a 5ouAle :onths 9e;ore )ill&'s third 9irthda&. 0ell )ill& <as ;our no<. .nd her grandAarents <ho <ere Gust an hour and a hal; a<a& 9& Alane had had no Bisit sin5e then. 0as he a;raid o;the truth= >id it :a6e hi: ;eel helAless7 Ao<erless7 or <as he Gust too tired to ;a5e the realit& an&:ore= 'The Tln9audets haBe ta6en oBer her li;e. Chantal has little sa& in )ill&'s uA9ringing. The&'Be Aushed Chantalout-8 'This isn't right. 2 don't li6e this.8 -e stood uA7 leaned on a 5o:er o;his des6. ''Cou :ustn't sAea6 o;PhilliAe and Catherine this <a&. 2'Be 6no<n the Tln9audets :& <hole li;e. Jueen Catherine and &our grand:other <ere 5lose7 5hildhood ;riends.8 / i5 s<allo<ed the lu:A lodged in her throat. 8That doesn't :ean-8 She 9ro6e o;; as her grand;ather headed to the <indo<7 <al6ing slo<l&7 Birtuall& turning his 9a56 on her. -e'd aged a de5ade in the Aast &ear. She 5ouldn't stand it. ''2': going to 9ring her horre. *randAaAa. Cou don't haBe to li6e it. Cou don't haBe to agree. Cou Gust 5an't stoA rre.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 121/143 3/3/2010 C#$PT"R T#'RT""* The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter /2C ;ound @ali6 in a Aala5e salon <ith a large grouA o; se5urit& e$Aerts-Porto Ter%a's 5hie;o;Aoli5e7 the 5aAtain ;ro: the Aala5e guard7 Alain-5lothes dete5tiBes7 se5ret serBi5e agents ;ro: a hal; do%en ;oreign 5ountries. .AAarentl& all o; ,uroAe <as sho<ing uA. Hings7 Eueens7 Arin5e7 Arin5esses7 du6e and du5hesses. There <ere Aoliti5al leaders ;ro: eBer& suAerAo<er7 industr& leaders ;ro: the 9usiness se5tor7 ;ashion s5ions7 5ele9rities <ith 5onne5tions7 eBen the .:eri5an Aresidents <i;e had Gust ;lo<n in and <as sta&ing at the Porto Pala5e -otel @elio's reBered ;iBe star hotel AroAerl&. Joelle had said that <ith the 5ere:on& ta6ing Ala5e at the Aala5e7 and the re5eAtion in the Porto Pala5e -otel's grand 9allroo:7 the sultan <as ta6ing no 5han5e <ith se5urit& and she'd 9een right. @ali6 <as ta6ing no 5han5es. She listened as @ali6 5onBersed <ith the 9lond .:eri5an se5ret serBi5e agent7 the .rreri5ans strong Te$as t<ang giBing a<a& his Ala5e o;9irth. 2t 9oggled /i5's :ind-a Cathedral <edding <ith Cardinal Juneau Aresiding ;ollo<ed 9& a re5eAtion ;or ;iBe hundred at the Pala5e -otel.. 2t <as enough to :a6e her <ant to gra9 her:ella5a and run ;or the desert. 2nstead /i5 steAAed ;ro: the shado<s7 5aught @ali6's e&e and indi5ated she needed to sAea6 <ith hi: -e Goined her in the hall a ;e< :inutes later. '0hat's haAAened=8 he as6ed7 innnediatel& seeing the stress in her ;a5e. /i5 e$Alained Eui56l&. She le;t nothing out. >ue to sorre ar5hai5 )a Croi$ la<7 Chantal 5ouldn't ta6e Prin5ess )ill&7 heir to the throne7 out o;the 5ountr& <ithout the Hing and Jueen's Aer:ission7 and The Tln9aud5ts <eren't going to let )ill& 5o:e. She also e$Alained her grand;ather's Aosition on it7 and ho< he-<ho had the Ao<er to 5hallenge the Tln9audets -re;used to do so. .;ter she'd told h: eBer&thing she ;elt the <eight return7 the heaBiness o; her heart that had 9een there ;or so long no<. She didn't <ant to hurt or hu:iliate @ali67 9ut she also 6ne< hersel; She 5ouldn't ;orget <hat had ta6en her to Bara6a in the ;irst Ala5e. ''2 <ent to Bara6a to ;ree )ill&.8 -er heart ;elt so 9ruised she 5ould 9arel& loo6 at hi: 8The onl& reason 2 Aretended to 9e Chantal <as to ;ind a <a& to get )ill& out o; )a Croi$. 2 5an't :arr& &ou i; she isn't here. 2 :ade her a promise. - -e said nothing7 his e$Aression 5al:7 unru;;led as al<a&s. ''2': as6ing &ou to helA 9ring her ho:e ;or the <edding.8 -er e&es <ere gritt& and her throat ;elt ra<. ''2 don't <ant to sa& 2 <on't :arr& &ou. 2 don't <ant to hu:iliate &ou. But she has to 9e here. That <as :& goal @ali67 that <as :& o9Ge5tiBe all along.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 122/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 8.nd 2 assured &ou that she <ould 9e.8 'But that <as 9e;ore-8 '/ othing' s 5hanged. 2 gaBe &ou :& <ord. 88 But the :orning o;the <edding arriBal and /i5 <o6e7 heart si56. Chantal <asn't here. )ill& <asn't here. @ali6 <as 5o:Aletel& un5o::uni5atiBe. 0heneBer she as6ed a9out Chantal and )ill&7 he si:Al& said. '2: doing eBer&thing 2 5an Aossi9l& do.8 But <hat e$a5tl& did that entail= 0hat had he done= 0hal hadn't he done= .nd i;he <as <or6ing so hard on getting the: here7 <h& <eren't the&= 2t :ade /i5 5ra%&. She <anted to Gu:A on a Alane <ith the Aala5e guard7 ;l& into )a Croi$ and s5ooA uA )ill& and Chantal and 9ring the: ho:e. . 6no56 sounded on /i58s 9edroo: door and Joelle's dar6 head aAAeared around the 5o:er. 82'Be got 5o;;ee.8 'Then &ou 5an 5orre in. 88 Joelle 5arried t<o 5uAs o; stea:ing 5a;e au lail to the 9ed. ''Cou're not uA &et=88 '>on't start.8 / i5 groaned7 Aushing hersel; into a sitting Aosition. ''Cou sound Gust li6e .lea.8 Joelle grinned. ''2 6no<.8 She handed /i5 her 5o;;ee 9e;ore ta6ing a seat on the ;oot o;the 9ed. ''Cou'Be told rre all a9out her. She sounds great.8 /i5 <as going to sa& so:ething sar5asti5 9ut ine$Ali5a9l& her e&es tilled <ith tears. Joelle8s s:ile disaAAeared. 8Chantal <ould 9e here i;she 5ould78 she said so;tl&7 6no<ing e$a5tl& <hat /i5 <as thin6ing. 'But &ou 5an't let Chantals a9sen5e ruin &our da&. This is &our <edding da&-8 '/ o. 2t's not.8 /i5 set her 5o;;ee do<n on the night stand. ''2': not gelling :arried.8 -1i*- -' 5an't.8 8/i57 he's great. 2t :a& haBe 9een an arranged :arriage7 9ut he's ... gorgeous7 and se$& and-8 her hand gestured as she struggled ;or <ords -3peife*t ;or &ou.8 ''2t doesn't :atter.8 She slid ;ro: the 9ed. rea5hed ;or her old <hile <oBen ro9e. 2t <as a suAer so;t 5otton ro9e she'd had ;oreBer and si:Al& loBed. 8.nd don't loo6 at rre li6e that. @ali6 6no<s.8 '>oes he=8 /i5 nodded and s<allo<ed7 9ut on the inside7 she <asn't so sure. @ali6 had to 6no< she <as serious. She <asn't going to get :arried <ithout )ill& in @elio. That had 9een the deal That <as the arrange:ent ;ro: the 9eginning. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 123/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 'There are ;iBe hundred i:Aortant AeoAle here.8 Joelle rose uA on her 6nees. 8*randAaAa and *rand:a:a <ould 9e sha:ed-8 82; *randAaAa 5an ignore Chantal's :iser&7 then he 5an learn to ignore his o<n.8 The Ahone rang7 AroBiding :o:entar& distra5tion. /i5 ans<ered the Ahone7 said a Euiet &es. and hung uA. Things <ere going to get ugl&. /i5 thought7 ta6ing a deeA 9reath. 'The <edding dress is on its <a& uA.8 There <as a Euiet raA on the door. 0hen /i5 oAened the door her heart ;ell 2t <as the designer ;ro: Bara6a. She'd Aersonall& ;lo<n the go<n in. . go<n that /i5 6ne< she <asn't going to <ear toda& a;ter all -S3salamu ali$um. 8 )ea*e on you, the designer said7 o;;ering the traditional greeting <ith a deeA 9o< and a s:ile. The <o:an 5arried the gar:ent 9ag to /i5olette's 9ed and laid it ;lat. ''2 thin6 &ou'll li6e the go<n.8 she said. 'The sultan has 9een :ost an$ious that &ou aAAroBe.8 /i5 5ould ;eel her sto:a5h start to rise. 2t <as li6e the >anu9e ;looding. She should haBe tal6ed to @ali6 this :orning7 told hi: she'd rreant <hat she said7 as6ed hi: to Aut a stoA to the 5ere:on& 9e;ore it <as too late. But the designer <as intent on the tas6 at hand7 and she un%iAAed the gar:ent 9ag7 and dre< out a slee6 <hite satin go<n <ith the narro<est shoulder straAs i:agina9le. The go<n <as 5ut al:ost straight a5ross the 5ollar9ones7 <ith a Ber& se$& hour glass shaAe7 then ;lared 9ehind the 6nees in a long sil6 train. The train :ade the dress. The train <as hoAelessl& ro:anti57 a slee6 <hite satin edged <ith a <ide 5urling ru;;le that 5urBed in on itsel; li6e i5ing on a 5a6e. 8/i578 Joelle <hisAered. ''2t's li6e the dress &ou dre< ... no sleeBes7 s6inn& straAs7 ;or: lilting 5urBes and not :u5h else.8 '/o 9eads7 no Aearls7 no la5e7 nothing sAar6l&.8/i5 re5ited nu:9l&. The designer <as <ailing an$iousl& ;or a resAonse. ''Cou're unhaAA&=8 '/o.8 But Joelle <as right7 this <as the dress she'd s6et5hed on the last night the >u5asse sisters <ere together7 the night 9e;ore Chantal :arried Prin5e .r:and. J oelle had 9een Gust a teenager7 ;i;teen or si$teen. Chantal had 9een the :ature one at t<ent&- ;our. The&'d tal6ed a9out their ;utures and Chantal had goaded the: into dra<ing their ;uture <edding go<ns. -o< long ago it see:ed. -o< di;;erent things <ere no< 5o:Aared to then. ''2 haBe to tal6 to @ali678 she 5ho6ed7 Eueas&7 di%%&7 una9le to let this 5ontinue another :o:ent longer. ''2 haBe to :a6e a Ahone 5all8 J oelle <aited7 5he<ing her thu:9 as / i5 dialed @ali6's roo:7 9ut there <as no ans<er. Cet / i5 let it ring and ring and ring until the Aala5e s<it5h9oard 5ut in7 telling /i5 <hat she alread& 6ne<-@ali6 <asn't in his roo: /i5 hung uA. Stared at the Ahone7 thin6ing. '@a&9e he's alread& 5he56ed into the suite <e're using tonight.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 124/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '/o7 he's not.8 Joelle snaAAed her ;ingers. ''2 5o:Aletel& ;orgot. -e's at the airAort :eeting the Hing and Jueen o; S<eden. The& <ere arriBing <ith rrer:ers o; SAain's ro&al ;a:il& and Hing /uri thought it'd 9e ni5e to <el5o:e the: in Aerson.8 '1our hours 9e;ore the <edding=8 Pani56ed. /i5 hung the Ahone uA. She had to rea5h hi: 9e;ore this <ent an& ;urther. She 5ouldn't Aossi9l& <al6 do<n the aisle li6e this. 8Couldn't sorre9od& else do that=8 8*randAaAa <as going to go7 9ut Hing /uri thought it <ould 9e too :u5h ;or hi: 5onsidering eBer&thing that's haAAening toda&.8 SensitiBe o; @ali67 / i5 thought7 e:otions s<inging <ildl& &et again. ''Cour -ighness78 the designer said7 dra<ing /i5olelte's attention7 8and this is to hold &our Beil8 / i5 turned around and gaAed as the designer Aresented her <ith the :ost :agni;i5ent dia:ond tiara / i5 had eBer seen. The tiara <as tall7 <ith s:all ;ragile ar5hes7 and elegant 5urBes and riAAles so that the tiara itsel; seeined to undulate li6e the desert sands o;the Sahara. 0ithin ea5h ar5h hung a Aer;e5t Ain6 tear droA dia:ond-nine in all -<ith eight s:aller teardroAs nestled in the sea o;<hite dia:onds 9elo<. The ar5hing head9and <as 5oBered in <hat loo6ed li6e a s<irling n99on o;:iniature Ain6 and <hile dia:onds. ''2n5redi9le7'' /i5 9reathed7 utterl& 5aAtiBated 9& the gorgeous Ain6 and <hite <onder7 9ut <ith tre:9ling hands she Aassed the tiara 9a56. 8Can't 6eeA it. 1ar too e$AensiBe7 o9Biousl& an heirloo:-8 ''2t <as his :other's. -is 5ousin. )ad& 1ati:a7 hand-5arried it here toda&.8 ')ad& 1ati:a's here=8 ''2ndeed. She ;le< in <ith her ;a:il& ;or the <edding7 and 9rought the 5ro<n ;or &ou. She'd 9een 6eeAing it ;or the sultan's ;uture 9ride sin5e the sultan's :other died.8 /i5 turned a<a&7 5oBered her :outh7 tried to 6eeA it together. 1ati:a7 <ho'd <aited &ears ;or @ali67 <as here toda& to lend suAAort. The designer added <ith a s:ile. ')ad& 1ati:a said to re:ind &ou that the sultan's 9eloBed :ust 9e draAed in gold and Are5ious Ge<els and 5arried on a ta9le7 9ut that &ou so:eho< haBe :anaged to :iss out on the ta9le.8 /i5 suddenl& laughed7 eBen as tears ;illed her e&es. 1ati:a <as here. @ali6's ;a:il& <as here. -o< 5ould she not sho< uA= -o< 5ould she not tell hi: in adBan5e ... Gust leaBe hi: there7 in ;ront o; liBe hundred7 standing at the altar= /i5 tried to 5all hi: oBer and oBer during the ne$t three hours 9ut he 5ouldn't 9e rea5hed7 and no one seerred to 6no< an&thing. 1inall& it <as ti:e to dress and go7 or do nothing at all The :o:ent had C(2re to :a6e a de5ision. Joelle stood in /i5olettes roo:7 <earing her Aale Ain6 :aid o; honor go<n. She'd 9een Aa5ing in the hall<a& until she 5ouldn't 9ear it an&:ore and no< she <as on the Berge o;tears. ''Cou haBe to get read&7 /i57 or <e'll >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 125/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 9e late. The 5ere:on& 9egins in thirt& :inutes.8 ''2 5an't-8 8''Cou 5anD Cou :ust.8 J oelle' s e&es <elled <ith tears. '/ i57 2 don't 6no< <hat this is a9out. 2 don't 6no< i; &ou t<o had a ;ight7 or &ou'Be Gust got 5old ;eet7 9ut he's 9een here ;or &ou7 eBer& steA o;the <a&. -e 5ares a9out &ou7 and 2 6no< &ou loBe hi:. 2t's o9Bious. 2t's all oBer &our ;a5e.8 ''2 do loBe hi:.8 There <as no dou9t in her :ind a9out that. 'But <e <eren't eBer suAAosed to 9e :arried7 <e <eren't eBer suAAosed to 9e together. -e <anted a di;;erent >u5asse-8 '/o.8 Joelle gra99ed /i5's <edding dress and shoo6 it in ;ront o; her sister. ''@a&9e he did7 :a&9e he <anted Chantal7 9ut he ;ell in loBe <ith &ou7 so get &our dress on and Aut &our tiara on &our stu99orn 9lond head and let's go. Be5ause /i57 2 6no< &ou. Cou'll neBer ;orgiBe &oursel; i; &ou hurt hi:. Cou loBe hi:7 and &ou 5an't 9ear to disaAAoint those that loBe &ou7 too.8 /i5 ;elt an i5& shiBer rush through her7 and goose 9u:As Ari56led her s6in. That <as e$a5tl& <h& she <as so uAset. /i5 had Aro:ised Chantal she'd ;ree )ill&. She'd giBen Chantal her <ord and it <as 6illing her to let Chantal do<n. . Aro:ise <as a Aro:ise. But you also promised &ali$. So it must mean it's 5etter to disappoint &ali$ than 9hantal. 8(h :& *od.8 /i5's Boi5e 5a:e out 9ro6en. '0hat haBe 2 done= 0hat a: 2 doing=8 -er 5hest ;elt li6e it <as 9urning uA7 all i5e and heat7 all un5ontrolla9le ;ire. ''2 do loBe hi:. 2 do and 2 don't <ant hi: standing there7 ;a5ing eBer&one7 <aiting ;or :e. 8 She 9lin6ed and tears ;ell ''-elA rre7 Joelle. 2 5an't 9e late.8 The distan5e 9et<een the Aala5e and 5athedral <as less than a :ile 9ut it ;elt li6e ;oreBer to /i5. She <as 5rushed that Chantal and )ill& hadn't 5o:e7 9ut she also 6ne< that @ali6 /uri <as the heart and soul o; her ;uture and there <as no <a& she'd stand hi: uA toda&. 2n the 9a56 o;the 5hau;;eured li:ousine Joelle sEuee%ed /i5's hand. &ou o6a&=8 /i5 nodded eBen though her heart ;elt li6e it :ight e$Alode. Then the 5ar rounded the 5o:er and the Cathedral 5a:e into Bie<. Than6 *od. The&'d rea5hed the 5hur5h <ith ;iBe :inutes to sAare. The Cathedral had 9een 9uilt in the BaroEue tradition7 a loBel& do:ed 5eiling Aainted <ith a glorious 9lue and gold Bision o; heaBen 5o:Alete <ith angels and all the saints ;roli56ing in eternalGo&. Hing 'e:i <as <aiting ;or the: in the 9a56 o;the Cathedral .nd /i57 <ho'd 9een 9attling ;or 5al:7 nearl& lost her 5o:Aosure <hen she sAotted her grand;ather resAlendent in his 5oronation suit7 the one he <ore ;or onl& the :ost o;;i5ial state 9usiness <ith the AurAle ri99on and :edals o; honor. 8*randAaAa78 she <hisAered7 leaning ;or<ard to 6iss hi:. She s:elled the 9ris6 a;tershaBe he'd <orn his <hole li;e7 a s5ent old- ;ashioned and &et elegant7 Gust li6e hi:. -is dar6 e&es ;il:ed <ith tears. 8Tell rre &ou're haAA&7 darling.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 12/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter She ground her teeth together7 6no<ing she'd <al6 on ;ire i;she thought it'd giBe her grandAarents Aea5e. The&'d 9een through so :u5h and she 6ne< the& <ere tired. Tired and 0orried. ''2': so haAA&.8 she <hisAered7 heart a5hing7 throat s5aling 5losed. +na9le to 9ear so :u5h e:otion. /i5 i:AulsiBel& hugged hi: again7 <anting to 5ling to her 5hildhood ;or Gust one :ore :inute. *rand;ather 'e:i to her. Hing >u5asse to eBer&one else. 8.nd 2': sorr& 2 sAo6e sharAl& to &ou the other da&. 2 ;orget &ou're eight&;iBe and 2': t<ent&-seBen so:etirres.8 ''C ou <ere right.8 / i5 ;elt her grand;ather ta6e a deeA shuddering 9reath. ''Cour ;ather <ould neBer ;orgiBe :e i; 2 let an& o;his girls :arr&7 or liBe7 unhaAAil&.8 'But 2 loBe @ali6.8 ''Cou should.8 -e dre< 9a567 and one o;the 5haAel's dar6 doors sEuea6ed. . little girl Aee6ed out around the door in a Ain6 sil6 dress e:9roidered <ith great rose- hued ;lo<ers. 8.unt /i5olette=8 The so;t 9ro<n 5urls7 the un5ertain s:ile7 the high so;t Boi5e o; a Ber& &oung 5hild7 )ill&. 'Ba9&78 /i5 5ried7 running to<ard her nie5e and s<inging her uA into her ar:s. ''@& little )ill& 9a9&7 &ou're hereD8 )ill&'s un5ertain s:ile turned AositiBel& el;in7 the sh&ness turning into laughter. ''2': not a 9a9&7 .unt /i5olette. 2': ;our &ears old. 2 sAea6 1ren5h and 2talian and 2 6no< ho< to s6i7 too.8 ''Cou 9etter stoA 5r&ing78 a ;e:inine Boi5e <hisAered in /i5's ear7 eBen as an ar: <raAAed around her <aist. ''Cou don't <ant to <al6 do<n the aisle <ith a shin& ;a5e. 88 Chantal Chantal and )ill& here. /i5 5ouldn't 9elieBe it. '0hat... ho< ... =8 88*randAaAa.8 Chantal hugged /i5 again. ''-e 5a:e ;or us this :orning. -e told PhilliAe and Catherine the& <ere <el5o:e at the <edding7 and he'd li6e the: here7 9ut eBen i; the& didn't 5o:e7 he <anted )ill& and 2 there.8 Chantal shrugged. 8So here <e are.8 8*randAaAa did that=8 Chantal nodded. '0ell7 @ali6 ;le< hi: there7 o; 5ourse. But &ou alread& 6ne< that7 didn't &ou=8 /o7 she didn't. / i5 thought7 ;ighting to 6eeA the tears ;ro: sAilling7 9ut she should haBe 6no<n. @ali6 <as a :an o;his <ord. There <as a :o:ent <hen the organ's triu:Ahant notes ;illed the glorious ;air&tale 5athedral and the sunlight strea:ed through the stained-glass <indo<s7 and /i5 stood at the 9a56 o;the 5hur5h7 holding her dearest grand;ather's ar:7 seeing her sisters and little )ill& at the ;ront o;the 5hur5h on the le;t side7 and @ali6 standing on the right7 and it <as li6e the :orrent <hen she steAAed o;; the &a5ht in .tiE. Ti:e 9lurred7 liBes 5hanged. /i5's senses s<a: as the Aast and ;uture 5arre together in a glorious glo< o; rose7 5rea: and gold. / i5 5ould srrell her ;lo<ers-a stunning 9ouEuet o; :ango 5alla lilies7 5onga roses7 the :ost elusiBe Aastel Ain6 tiAAed 5&:9idiu: or5hids7 and she re:e:9ered the <a& the ;lo<er Aetals had rained do<n on her head as she steAAed o;; the gang<a&. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 12!/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The Sl2> <as shining toda&7 Gust as it had that da&7 and as the light Aoured through the high stained-glass <indo<7 Aatterning the guests and ;loor in 9its o; 9lue and gold it <as li6e the do:ed 5eiling o;the Aala5e in Bara6a. The e$oti5 9eaut& laden <ith :&ster& and Aro:ise. .nd ;inall&7 she 5ould see @ali67 her sultan in a long 9la56 :orning 5oat7 his thi56 9la56 hair 5o:9ed 9a56 ;ro: his handso:e ;a5e. .nd <hen he turned and loo6ed at her ;ro: the ;ront o;the 5hur5h it <as li6e the Ber& ;irst :o:ent their e&es :et on the har9or <all in .tiE-:agi5. Just one loo6 and her li;e <ould neBer 9e the sarre. /i5 didn't rerrerr9er <al6ing do<n the long aisle <here ea5h Ae< <as :ar6ed <ith a sAra& o; or5hids and rose 9uds. She didn't re:e:9er the Ara&ers7 the <ords sAo6en7 the Aeriodi5 9urst o; :usi57 or the 5athedral 5hoir. The 5ere:on& <as a 9lur7 it <as all a strange and haunting 9eaut&7 a drea: <orld7 she thought7 and she didn't <a6e until @ali6 li;ted her Beil and 6issed her on her liAs. 8''-ello. Blondie78 he <hisAered7 and he s:iled at her7 a gorgeous7 <i56ed7 se$& s:ile that :elted her all oBer again. She7 <ho'd neBer i:agined hersel; :arr&ing7 had ;ound true loBe 9& Aretending to 9e so:eone else. 2:Aossi9le. 2n5redi9le. 2t <as an ending Alu56ed straight ;ro: a 5hild's stor&9oo6. The re5eAtion at the Porto Pala5e -otel de;ied des5riAtion. ,ntering the grand 9allroo: <as &et another steA into a drea: The si$t& three rol2>d ta9les <ere s6irted in lu:inous Ain6 and AurAle sil6 5oBered 9& sEuare toAAers ea5h hand 9eaded so the 5r&stals glittered and shone in the 5andlelight. The Ain6 sil6 5ushions on the 5hairs <ere tied <ith the Aalest green ri99on7 and the ;lo<er 5enterAie5es sAilled oBer in a riot o;;ragran5e and 5olor. Candles shone eBer&<here-on ta9les7 on Aedestals7 in gold s5on5es on the <all-and the 5a6e in the 5o:er <as nearl& eight ;eet tall7 ea5h one o;the nine dele5ta9le la&ers Aainted di;;erent shades o; Ain6 and aAri5ot and gold. She and @ali6 <ere inseAara9le. The& ate. The& dan5ed. The& 6issed. The& Bisited <ith guests. The& 5ut the 5a6e. The& dan5ed so:e :ore7 and this titre <hen dan5ing. /i5olette 6ne< that she had to 9e alone <ith @ali67 no<. 'ight no<. ')et's go.8 she said7 lin6ing her ;ingers <ith his. '0e'Be 9een here long enough. Surel& <e 5an snea6 out=8 -e rea5hed uA and gentl& tou5hed her earlo9e. 8Snea6 out=8 Just li6e that7 the <ords she'd sAo6en to Chantal ;our <ee6s ago. 5arre rushing 9a56. ''ll snea$ in, snea$ out. 2e /on 't even $no/ /hat's happened. 2t didn't e$a5tl& <or6 out that <a&7 did it= Bui she and @ali6 did :anage to leaBe the re5eAtion at :idnight7 e$iting Euietl& through a side door7 sliAAing into one o;the ro&al ;a:il&'s 5hau;;ered 5ars. .t the Aala5e the& Ara5ti5all& ran uA the stairs7 and /i5olette <as laughing so :u5h 9& the ti:e she rea5hed the toA o;the se5ond landing7 that she had to lean against one tall :ar9le 5oh::7 struggling to 5at5h her 9reath. @ali6 rea5hed out <ith his ar:s and traAAed her against the 5ohu:7 ''2t's 9een ;oreBer sin5e 2'Be 6issed &ou.8 '0e 6issed &esterda&.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 12"/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 'That <asn't a 6iss.8 -is liAs 9rushed her 5hee67 his nose tou5hed her ear and she shiBered as his 9reath 5aressed her s6in. ''2 <ant a 6iss <here 2 5an taste &ou ... eBer&<here.8 The hus6& note in his Boi5e sent a shot o; adrenaline through her. ''2 thin6 <e need a roo: ;or that78 she ans<ered7 gra99ing his tie and giBing it a tug7 Aulling hi: to<ard their 9edroo: suite. 2nside their roo: @ali6 too6 5ontrol >esAite his o<n i:Aatien5e7 he <ouldn't let the: ra5e. -e too6 his ti:e unhoo6ing her snug go<n7 and <ith ea5h hoo6 his :outh tou5hed her ne567 her 9a56 and sorreti:es he 6issed her7 and so:eti:es he li56ed her and so:etirres he 9it her7 and the <ait ;or the tou5h 9e5a:e harder to endure. -er 9reathing slo<ed and her 9ell& ;elt hot and tight <ith <anting. ''2t's o6a& to a55elerate things a little78 she urged7 as his hands 9e5a:e :ore deh9erate7 and the <ait 9et<een 9ites and li56s eBen longer. She 5ould ;eel the 5ool air against her healed s6in7 ;eel her 9reasts s<ell7 a5hing7 her niAAles e$tended 9egging to 9e tou5hed and &et he <as 5ontent 6issing a Berte9rae in the :iddle o; her 9a56. But he didn't hurr&. -is ;ingers trailed a5ross her s6in7 :a6ing her 9od& 9urn. She ;ell ;eBerish 9& the ti:e her dress sAilled oAen and he Aulled her 9a56<ards against hi:7 his ar:s :oBing around her <aist7 5lasAing her7 holding her to hi:. She ;ell the rigid length o;hi: against the <hite sil6 o; her Aanties. The EuiBer o; her 9od& against his7 sent a shudder through hi: and /i5 gulAed air as his hands en5ir5led her <aist and slo<l& :oBed uA7 shaAing her7 letting the ;ullness o; her 9reasts ;ill his Aal:s and then ;inding her rrAAles through the sil6 o; her 5orset. She <hi:Aered as he Ain5hed the distended niAAle. Sensation e$Aloded through her. -unger7 5raBing7 eBer& Ah&si5al desire. She <as alread& dissolBing against hi: <hen his hand slid do<n her tu::&7 to the edge o; her sil6 Aarit&7 and then lo<er7 ;inding the heat and :oisture 9et<een her thighs. She leaned against hi:. legs disgustingl& <ea67 and the teasing torrrent o;his lingers sin6ing slo<l&7 deli5iousl& into her 5rea:& heal :ade her 5lasA the 9a56 o;his thighs and hold on 10 hi: ;or dear li;e. ''2t's not ;air.8 she 5ho6ed7 struggling to get sound through her throat. ''Cou're still dressed.8 '0e'Be ti:e.8 '/ ot that :u5h.8 she ans<ered 9rea6ing a<a& to loo6 uA at hi: through heaB& lashes. ''2'Be a <edding and than6 &ou gi;t to giBe to &ou.8 >ar6 5olor tou5hed his 5hee69ones. ''2 don't <ant gi;ts.8 'But &ou'll <ant this.8 She ;ought to get 5ontrol7 astonished at the <a& she resAonded to hi:. She ;ell ullerl& <ild7 5o:Aletel& <ithout inh29ition. ''2 <ant &ou to undress ;or rre.8 -e stared at her a long :o:ent and she ;elt his ga%e rest on the ;ull 5urBes o; her 9reast. -er ;inel& 9oned 5orset Aushed eBer&thing uA. Gust 9arel& o9s5uring the niAAles7 She 5ould tell he li6ed her in the 5orset. -e li6ed her <earing Gust thigh high sto56ings and high heels and loo6ing li6e so:ething ;ro: a AinuA :aga%ine. /o <onder. -e li6ed hot se$7 too. ''Cour shirt78 she 5onnnanded. -e <at5hed her ;a5e as he started to undress. The shirt 5a:e o;; and she dran6 hi: in. -is dar6 hair glea:ed7 his uAAer 9od& 9eauti;ull& 9are7 the :us5les sine<&7 ar:s 5hiseled li6e stone. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 12#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '/o< &our 9elt78 she dire5ted 5ooll&. 'Then &our so56s7 and trousers.8 Silentl& he un9u56led his 9elt7 slo<l& dra<ing it ;ro: the looAs in his sla56s. -er heart 9egan to thud harder7 ;aster as he tossed his 9elt onto the do<n- ;illed 5haise. 0ith a li;t o;his e&e9ro<7 he un%iAAed his 9la56 trousers7 letting the :aterial ;ull oAen7 e$Aosing his taut7 ;lat a9do:en <ith the ;ine trail o; dar6 hair that disaAAeared into the lo< <aist9and o;his sil6 9o$ers. -er :outh <ent dr&. 3er& dr&. -er heart did the 5ra%iest so:ersault. -e <as hers. -ers. .s in ;oreBer. .s he steAAed ;ro: his trousers7 she told hi: to sit do<n on the 9ed. -e gaBe her a sardoni5 loo67 9ut he o9e&ed7 ta6ing a seat on the edge o;the :attress7 the :us5les in his thighs hard7 s:ooth7 li6e the s:all 6nots o; :us5le in his a9do:en. She :oBed to<ard hi:. and Aulling a hand on ea5h o;his 6nees7 she Aarled his legs to :a6e roo: ;or her. Hneeling 9et<een his legs7 she ;elt Ari:al7 po/erful,female. /i5 5aressed his thighs7 ;ell the :us5les 9un5h 9eneath her hands. -e rea5hed ;or her7 slid a hand through her long loose hair7 turning the 9londe strands oBer7 saBoring the gloss& 5o: sil6 5olor. ''Cou don't haBe to do an&thing ;or rre.8 ''2 6no<. Cou'Be :ade that a9undantl& 5lear ;ro: the 9eginning.8 She 5aressed the length o;his Euadri5eAs again7 ;eeling the <ar: s:ooth Alane o;:us5le7 and as her light tou5h slid in<ard7 along the taut :us5le o;his thigh7 she heard hi: groan. Caressing his thigh again7 she e$Alored the <idth o;his 5hiseled :us5le7 the shaAe7 the length7 the <a& one :us5le <raAAed another. She ;ell hi: shudder7 sa< his ere5tion Aress against the sil6 o;his 9o$ers7 the ;a9ri5 9arel& 5ontaining hi:. *ood. -e <as getting a taste o;his o<n rredi5ine. /i5 5aressed hi: again7 this ti:e stro6ing his 9ell&7 his 9utto56s7 the s6in 9eneath his s5rotrnn---an&thing 9ut his rigid sha;t. .nd <hen she 6ne< he <as rea5hing the edge o;his 5ontrol /i5 lugged his 9o$ers do<n and <raAAed her hand around the length o;hi:. '0hat <as that a9out a 6iss isn't a 6iss i; &ou 5an't taste eBer&thing ... =8 she :ur:ured7 lo<ering her head until her long hair ;ell ;or<ard7 9rushing his na6ed laA. She heard hi: s<allo< &et another groan. /i5 9rushed her liAs a5ross the s:ooth <ar: liA o;hi:. and ;ollo<ed the so;t 6iss <ith a li567 and she <as Gust a9out to 6iss hi: again <hen he slid his ;ingers through her hair. 8So &ou'Be ;orgiBen :e then7 laeela4- -is Boi5e 5arre out hoarse. '/o hard ;eelings a9out getting &ou here=8 -er hands stro6ed hi:. loBed hi:. ''-ard ;eelings a9out <hat=8 8*oing to Chantal7 as6ing ;or her helA. 8 -er hands stilled. ''2 don't understand.8 ''Cou loBe :e=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 130/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Ces.'' -e titled her 5hill7 loo6ed into her e&es. ''2 loBe &ou. Cou :ade rre 5o:Alete toda&. 2 ;eel <hole again.8 -e <as sa&ing the right <ords 9ut there <as an under5urrent here that <as <rong7 and /i5 <as tired enough7 <orn do<n ;ro: the <edding and all the stress and nerBes that she 5ouldn't Aut t<o and t<o together to :a6e ;our. 0hat had Chantal done= 0hat had @ali6 done= 0h& <ould /i5 need to ;orgiBe an&one= @ali6 adGusted his 9o$ers7 5oBering hi:sel; and Aulled her onto his laA. 8Chantal introdu5ed us78 he said 5al:l&. ''2 as6ed her7 too.8 '/o. Cou'd AroAosed to her. Cou sent her the ;or:al o;;er-8 /i5 9ro6e o;; a ;lutter o;;ear <inging through her. She tried to stand. @ali6 <ouldn't let her go. 8S ta& here7 8 he said7 holding her se5urel&. '0e haBe to tal6.8 But she'd gone 5old7 i5& 5old eBer&<here. -er ar:s and legs ;elt li6e Aolished :ar9le. 8That letter &ou sent her78 she <as struggling to gel the <ords out. -er liAs <ere sti;;. /u:9. But she :anaged to stagger to her ;eet. ''Cou neBer intended to :arr& her=8 '/ o. The letter <as essentiall& :& 9ait.8 Bait4 She <as 9eginning to understand ho< it'd <or6ed. 2t'd 9een a 5on. The letter had 9een a *on. /i5 too6 a steA a<a&7 not 6no<ing <here to go7 <hat to thin6. Chantal hadn't trul& set her uA7 had she= Chantal and @ali6 5ouldn't haBe set this <hole 5harade uA7 5ould the&= ''Cou neBer <anted :& sister. 8 ''Cou're the one-and the onl& one-2'Be eBer <anted. 8 C#$PT"R &O!RT""* ST./>2/* there in her straAless sil6 5orset and her insu9stantial thigh high <hite hose. /i5 sa< ho< ridi5ulous she loo6ed. -o< ridi5ulous she :ust haBe loo6ed ;or the Aast three <ee6s. -e'd 6no<n she <as /i5olette ;ro: the :o:ent the &a5ht do56ed at his har9or <all -e'd 6no<n the onl& >u5asse 5o:ing to .tiE <ould 9e /i5olette. There had neBer 9een an& other >u5asse Arin5ess ... Gust a Alan to ;or5e /i5olette to the altar and till the >u5asse 5o;;ers. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 131/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter The i5& 5old in her ;a5e gaBe <a& to a 9urning heat. She <as 9lushing no<7 e:9arrassed. .sha:ed. -ere she'd 9een ;eeling so no9le. She'd ;elt so good a9out her de5isions ... her 5o:Aro:ises. -er sa*rifi*es. She <as giBing uA her o<n 9est interests ;or the sa6e o; )ill& and Chantal's haAAiness. But no< she sa< it <as Gust a 9ig Go6e. She'd 9een set uA. Set up. -o< 5ould Chantal do this= Chantal <asn't a tri56ster. Chantal <asn't 5unning and :aniAulatiBe. -o< 5ould she sell her o<n sister out= ''Cou're angr&78 @ali6 said7 l&ing on his 9ed7 the sheet lo< on his hiA7 <at5hing her :e and Aa5e. '>an: straight.8 /i5 stared at hi: through ne< e&es. -e <as a s5he:er. . Ala&er. . Ala&9o&. (h *od7 she'd :arried Gust <hat she'd s<orn she'd al<a&s aBoid. 8She did it to helA &ou78 he said7 ar:s ;olded 9ehind his head no<. Shut uA7 she <anted to tell hi: '@arriage doesn't helA rre.8 8''2t helAs &our 5ountr&.8 Be5ause @elio gets :one&7 a serious inBestor and deBeloAer7 as <ell as a strong ar: to 6eeA 9ull&ing neigh9ors at 9a&. 8She said &ou'd all agreed to :arriages that <ould i:AroBe &our 5ountr&'s situation7 and Aosition. 8 he 5ontinued re:orselessl&. /i5 5ouldn't listen to this. The&'d 9oth tri56ed her. The&'d 9oth 6no<n she hadn't eBer <anted to :arr& 9ut the&'d ignored <hat she <anted7 <hat she'd 9elieBed7 and ;or5ed their o<n <ishes on her. '>id she 5orre to &ou7 or &ou go to her=8 -e s:iled7 as i; ;inding her Euestion tou5hing. 8Tr&ing to ;igure out <ho's the Billain=8 ''Cou're 9oth the Billain.8 she retorted gri:l&7 ''9ut &es. 2'd li6e to 6no< <ho initiated this ... sha: o; a :arriage.8 -is e$Aression gre< dar6. ''2t's not a sha: 2t's a real :arriage. )egal Consu::ated. Per:anent.8 ''Cou haBen't ans<ered :& Euestion.8 -e shrugged7 as i; the ans<er <as o9Bious. ''2 <ent to her. .;ter 2 <ent to &our grand;ather.8 -er liAs Aarted. ''Cou <ent to *rand;ather= 2n the Ber& 9eginning=8 8(; 5ourse. -e is the Hing. /oone else 5ould giBe :e Aer:ission to :arr& &ou7 and all it <ould ta6e is his Aer:ission. 8 'idi5ulousD '0hat a9out my Aer:ission= 0hat a9out :& ;ree <ill=8 2t stunned her to thin6 that *randAaAa 5ould 9e in on this7 too. 2t <as as i; the entire 6ingdo: <anted /i5olette settled7 :arried7 9ell& ;at <ith 9a9&. -e Aatted the 9ed. ''Cou 5a:e to Bara6a o; &our o<n ;ree <ill8 'Be5ause 2 thought 2 5ould goD 2 thought a 5ouAle <ee6s as a 9runette7 a ;e< state dinners7 and then Boila7 o;; to Baton 'ouge7 see Chantal and )ill& sa;e7 and then 2'd 9e 9a56 to @elio7 9a56 to 9londe7 9a56 to li;e as 2 Are;er it. 8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 132/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''Cou're shiBering7 There's no reason to let &oursel; get so <or6ed uA.8 -e sat uA. Aushed the 5oBers aside. 8Corre 9a56 to 9ed7 laeela. - She 5ouldn't eBen loo6 at hi: .ll those 5onnnents he'd :ade a9out her sister '/i5olette.8 those re:ar6s a9out her 9eauti;ul 9ro<n hair7 the digs against 9londes. -e'd 9een haBing a grand ti:e7 hadn't he= -e'd reall& enGo&ed hi:sel; and he'd Alanned it all ,Ber& little 9it o; it. ''2 5an't.8 ''Cou 5an. 8 -is Boi5e droAAed. ''Cou <ill8 ''Cou 5an't 9oss rre around. 2 neBer let &ou 9e;ore7 and 2': 5ertainl& not a9out to start no<.8 She <as shiBering7 she reali%ed7 seeing ho< goose 9u:As 5oBered her ar:s. She needed to get dressed. ''2 5an't 9elieBe <hat a ;ool 2 <as. Su5h a ro:anti5 idiot.8 '/ othing' s 5hanged.8 8/othing=8= she sAuttered7 turning to ;a5e hi: e&es <ide <ith sho56. -o< 5ould he sa& nothing had 5hanged= Their <hole relationshiA <as ... a lieD ''2 don't eBen 6no< &ou7 @ali6 /uri. 2 thought...1 thought... 8 ''Cou thought <hat= That 2 <as a ;ool7 that 2 <as Gust another :an &ou'd lead around li6e a little sAoiled Aoodle=8 ''2'Be neBer treated a :an li6e thatD8 ''C ou'Be treated eBer& :an li6e that. Cou use &our 9eaut& against :en. Cou da%%le the:7 &ou <in the:7 &ou du:A the: 2 <anted &ou7 and 2 <as <illing to ta6e sorre ris6s to <oo &ou. Cou 5an't 9e angr& 9e5ause 2 9eat &ou at &our o<n ga:e.8 >ar:ing <ords7 she thought7 lighting tears. But he <as right7 o; 5ourse. She <as ;urious <ith hlln-and hersel;;or Are5isel& that reason. She'd thought she 5ould Aull the 5harade o;;-and she'd e$Ae5ted to es5aAe ;ro: her 5harade relatiBel& uns5athed. 2nstead she <as :arried. 2nstead she'd 9e sAending the rest o; her li;e in Bara6a. ''Cou <ere so dishonest.8 She sAuttered the <ords7 riding an endless roller 5oaster o; e:otion. She <as :arried7 married, and it <as all a ... tri56. -e'd set her uA and then tri56ed her...5oer5ed her...into :arr&ing hi:7 6no<ing Aer;e5tl& <ell her ;ear o; 5onnritrrent. -e'd ;ound a <a& to get her to the altar and :ore. ''Cou <eren't honest7 either78 he ans<ered 5al:l&7 5o:Aletel& unru:;;ied 9& her ;urious out9urst7 8and 2 neBer 9larred &ou. 2 6ne< &ou. +nderstood &ou. Cou're 5o:AetitiBe. Cou li6e to <in.8 'This isn't a9out <inning.8 -7aeela, it's onl& a9out <inning.8 She 5ouldn't eBen see straight. ''Ces7 9ut t<o <rongs don't :a6e a rightD8 ''2'd Alanned to tell &ou the truth.8 '0hen=8 she de:anded7 inar5hing to<ard the 9ed. 'Be5ause 2 don't re:e:9er &ou 5o:ing 5lean7 either.8 '/o. 2 didn't 5on;ess. 2 ;igured 2'd tell &ou7 <hen &ou told :e. But &ou didn't. So 2 didn't.8 -e s:iled li6e a 5at <ith a 9ig 9o<l o; 5rea: 8/i57 darling7 &ou <anted rre. Cou haBe :e. 1oreBer.8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 133/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e reall& didn't need to add that last Aart7 she thought 9itterl&7 <anting to gra9 a Aillo< and 5oBer his s:iling la5e. 'But 2 didn't /ant to 9e :arried.8 'But i; &ou're going to 9e :arried7 aren't &ou glad &ou :arried :e=8 8So not the Aoint. Cour 'o&al -ighness.8 8So:e Aoints 9e5o:e Aointless.8 -is :assiBe shoulders shrugged 5arelessl&. -e'd 9e5o:e the ulti:ate :ale7 all 5ontented authorit&. '0e are :arried7 and <e're going to enGo& our li;e together. 0e 5ertainl& enGo& ea5h other.8 '/ ot an&:ore.8 she ;lashed7 turning a<a&7 una9le to sto:a5h this a :o:ent longer. This <hole titre7 all these <ee6s ... the night she'd sAent in his ar:s ... '0hat <as :& 9ride Ari5e=8 she <hisAered7 her ga%e on the sAar6ling lights o;the Aort. 2t <as Euiet no<7 9ut i; she hadn't :arried @ali67 it 5ould haBe 9een Gannned <ith 5ruise shiAs and Aassengers7 the Ber& thing the >u5asse ;a:il& had 9een desAerate to aBoid. -e didn't leaBe the 9ed. ''-igh.'' She s<allo<ed hard. ''-o< high=8 'T<ent&- ;iBe. 8 'T<ent&- ;iBe ... =8 ''@illion. 8 '>ollars=8 she 5ho6ed7 turning around7 staring at hi: in5redulousl&. 'Tell :e that's not dollars.8 ''2t's not dollars. 2t's Aounds. @& 9an6 in )ondon handled the transa5tion.8 /i5 slo<l& sat do<n on the <indo< sill The glass ;elt 5ool against her nearl& 9are 9a56. The <ire in the sil6 9ustier Aressed against her underar:s. 8That's it=8 she Gested7 ;eeling a9solutel& ;lattened. She'd 9een an e$tre:el& e$AensiBe <i;e. /ot to :ention e$tre:el& relu5tant. 8.nother t<ent&- ;iBe :illion <hen our ;irst 5hild turns ;i;teen.8 She 5ouldn't ta6e this in. She 5ouldn't 9elieBe an&one <ould sAend that 6ind o; :one& ... eBen i; one <anted a ro&al <i;e. '0h& ;i;teen=8 she as6ed7 giBing uA on eBen 6eeAing the ;a5ts straight. 8.t ;i;teen7 our son or daughter 5ould legall& assu:e the throne7 <ithout need o;a guardian. That's i:Aortant. *uardians o;ten atte:At to sei%e 5ontrol So ;i;teen is i:Aortant.8 She ;elt her e&es 9urn. Care;ull& she dre< a 9reath7 re;using to let eBen one tear ;or:. &ou Alanning on going so:e<here in ;i;teen &ears=8 '/o.8 ''2 see.8 But she didn't see. She didn't understand an&thing right no<. Standing7 /i5 glan5ed around ;or a ro9e7 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 134/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter so:ething to <raA aro:d her no< that she'd gro<n 5old. 2nstead she Ai56ed uA her dis5arded <edding go<n. SteAAing into the sli: s6irt7 she ;ought to 6eeA her tears ;ro: ;ulling. 0hat a te:9le end o;a 9eauti;ul da&. ',rrands=8 he as6ed Euietl&7 his tone losing all Ala&;ulness. She s<allo<ed the tears. She didn't 5are i;he <as <at5hing her7 loo6ing at her <ith that 5o:9ination o; <orr& and understanding. -e 5ould Aretend he understood her. -e 5ould Aretend he 5ared. She hi55uAAed7 stu56 her ar:s through the thin straAs and held the 9a56 o; her dress together <ith one hand. ''2 thin6 2'd Are;er sleeAing alone tonight.8 'There's no reason to do this-8 'There is78 she interruAted ;ier5el&. But she ruined her de;ian5e 9& letting her lo<er liA EuiBer. ''2': hurt. .nd angr&. 2': going to go to :& old roo: 2 need to 9e alone.8 '0h&=8 ''2 haBe to thin6.8 @ali6 slo<l& rose7 <earing nothing 9ut his 9o$er shorts. ''Cou'll Gust get angrier. 8 ''Pro9a9l&. 8 'But i;it's <hat &ou <ant...=8 ''2t is.8 -e didn't aAAroa5h her7 didn't 6iss her. 2nstead he headed ;or the 9athroo: 8*ood night78 The <orst <edding night in histor&. /i5olette told hersel;;or the hundredth ti:e7 ;ighting tears all night long. She 5ouldn't sleeA and she 5ouldn't rest and &et she <as too tired to get uA and a5tuall& do an&thing7 either. But :orning did arriBe and /i5 dragged hersel;into the sho<er7 and then Aut on a least-li6el&-to-9e-a-Arin5ess out;it- rall& Geans and a suAer so;t Ain6 5otton T-shirt. The Ain6 re:inded her o; her gorgeous ;loral 9ouEuet ;ro: &esterda&7 and her e&es stung. This /as all her fault. 0ell, 9hantal and &ali$'s, too. Chantal entered /i5's roo: <hile /i5olette <as sliding her ;eel into a Aair o;leather loa;ers. 8(ne o;the house:aids said &ou'd sleAt here last nig9t78 Chantal said7 glan5ing at /i5's 9ed. the sheets tossed on onl& one side o;the 9ed. ''Cou sleAt alone=8 8*lad the house:aids are 6eeAing eBer&one in;or:ed.8 / i5 ans<ered7 standing. She <as not in the :ood to tal6. -er heart hurt. She ;ell .. used. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 135/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter Chantal sal do<n in the ar:5hair near the <indo<7 gra5e;ull& 5rossing her legs. ''2': sorr&7 /i5.8 /i5 loo6ed a<a&7 lighting the angr& <ords that 5a:e to her liAs. She didn't <ant to ;ight <ith Chantal7 not <hen Chantal <as still so e5stati5 a9out getting )ill& ;ree ;ro: .r:and's ;a:il& in )a Croi$. 2t <as the ;irst li:e )ill& had 9een a<a& ;ro: )a Croi$ in nearl& t<o &ears. .nd no< that she <as ho:e here in the Aala5e. )ill& <ould 9e sa;e. ''Cou should haBe told K78/i5's Boi5e 5a:e out hus6&. ''2t <as a 9it underhanded-8 8. 9it=8 Chantal 9lushed. 'But 2 6ne< &ou'd li6e hi:7 /i5. 2 6no< &our t&Ae. 2 Gust <anted &ou t<o to :eet. 2 thought &ou'd hit it o;; and &ou did. .nd 2 6ne< &ou <ouldn't :arr& hi: unless &ou <anted to.8 / i5 e$haled in a rush. '0e agreed &ou'd neBer Ala& :at5h:a6er <ith :e.8 'But stoA ;or a :inute and thin6 a9out the 9ig Ai5ture.8 Chantal said7 :oBing to<ard the door. ''Cou haBen't Gust saBed one 5ountr&7 &ou'Be saBed t<o. @elio needed Hing /uri's :one&7 9ut Hing /uri needed &ou.8 Hing /uri did not need her. /i5 ;inned7 leaBing her 9edroo:7 heading outside. Hing /uri <anted a ro&al :arriage7 and heirs- don't ;orget the heirs-9ut he didn't need her. 2n this instan5e7 an& ;ertile Arin5ess <ould surel& do. She set o;;;or the <ater7 5utting through the e$tensiBe Aala5e grounds7 %ig %agging through the rose garden7 the Aerennial garden7 the ;or:al :a%e7 the little ro56 garden <ith the i:Aorted alAine ;lo<ers that one ro&al ;ro: Sal%9urg had Alanted in hoAes o;9ringing a little 9it o; .ustria to her ne< horre. But /i5 didn't Aa& attention to an& o;the glorious ;lo<ers or the Aale :orning sunlight glinting o;; the <ater. She <as thin6ing o; @ali6 and his tri56er&7 thin6ing o; Chantal <ho had traAAed her into :arriage-t<o AeoAle she resAe5ted7 t<o AeoAle she trusted. She 5ouldn't 9elieBe it. Couldn't understand it. 0h& not Gust introdu5e her and @ali6 at a Aart&7 sa&7 '/i5olette7 this is Hing /uri7 sultan o; Bara6 a7 and 2 thought &ou t<o <ould hit it o;;together...8 /i5 6i56ed a Ae99le7 <at5hed it 9oun5e7 and on rea5hing it7 6i56ed it a se5ond titre7 this 6i56 sending it ;l&ing so high and ;ur that it disaAAeared oBer the stone <all into the Aort itsel; '/i5e 6i5678 a :ale Boi5e dra<led. /i5 turned around and sAotted a :an in Geans and a thin 5ash:ere turtlene56 s<eater leaning against the <all 9ehind the: She si%ed hi: uA. sa< that he <as &oung and ;it7 and ;ro: the <a& the s<eater 5lung to his 9i5eAs7 o9Biousl& Euite :us5ular. ''2 used to Ala& ;oot9all78 she said irrita9l&. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 13/143 3/3/2010 ''2 9et &ou <ere good.8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter '3er& good.8 She <as so :ad7 so :ad at AeoAle-and :en--that she had no desire to 9e ni5e to an&one. ',nGo& the sunshine78 she said7 eager to :oBe on. But his Boi5e stoAAed her. ''2t :ust ;eel Arett& <onder;ul 9ringing a :an 9a56 to li;e.8 0hat /as that4 /i5 turned7 loo6ed at the stranger7 a s5athing retort on her liAs <hen she reali%ed that this :an sAo6e li6e @ali67 sarre 6ind o; ri5h7 5ultured tone7 sa:e hus6& Ait5hed Boi5e e$5eAt his a55ent <as :ore ,nglish7 :ore uAAer5rust7 less ... desert. -e <as dar6 li6e @ali67 too7 9ut his e&es <ere golden- a:9er-and his e$Aression <as harder7 :ore 5&ni5al -e :ight 9e <earingGeans 9ut he <as alread& an old soul Jaded. -e dre< on his 5igarette7 held the air in7 turned the 5igarette to loo6 at the 9urning tiA and then e$haling7 droAAed the 5igarette and 5rushed it out. ''2 ta6e it he didn't tell &ou a9out the- atte:At=8 '0ho=8 -is e&e9ro<s li;ted7 satiri5al ''Hing @ali6 'o:an /uri.8 .nd she suddenl& Aut it all together. ''Cou're a 5ousin or... 8 'The &ounger 9rother. 8 Halen7 she silentl& said7 understanding. ''C ou 5arre ;or the <edding. 8 -e laughed. ''2 <as the 9est :an.8 ''2 didn't-8 8See :e7 2 6no<. Cou onl& had e&es ;or :& 9rother.8 -e loo6ed at her ;or a long :o:ent. 8Congratulations on the <edding. 2 guess that :a6es us ;a:il&.8 She nodded7 5rossed her ar:s oBer her 5hest7 still angr&7 still hurt. '0hat did &ou rrean 9& the 'atte:At'=8 'The assassination atte:At.8 -is golden ga%e :et hers. ')ast &ear.8 2t seerred there <ere :an& i:Aortant things @ali6 hadn't told her. /i5 Aut a hand to her sto:a5h7 ;eeling si56. So:e9od& had tried to hurt @ali6. -er @ali6= '-e hushed it uA.8 Halen 5ontinued 5al:l&7 as i;his ne<s <ere in5onseEuential 8Bara6a's se5ret serBi5e agents arrested the shooter and @ali6 a5ted as i; nothing had haAAened. But so:ething had. (9Biousl&. -e <asn't the sa:e a;ter<ard.8 Halen's Ga< gre< tight7 and ;or the ;irst ti:e /i5olette sa< ho< Halen's 5aBalier altitude hid his deeA ;a:il& ties. 'There <as a titre 2 al:ost thought 2'd haBe to return to .tiE. Put on the old:ella5a again78 he 5ontinued lightl&7 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 13!/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 9ut his golden ga%e <as hard and angr&. ''-e'll neBer tell &ou7 9ut the atte:At 6illed so:ething in ru:7 stole his sAirit. .nd then he reali%ed that he had to AroBide ;or his 5ountr&. 2t <as his dut&.8 >ut&7 she silentl& e5hoed7 hearing @ali6's Boi5e in her head and one o;their :an&7 endless 5onBersations a9out dul& and 5hoi5e7 resAonsi9ilit& ... She too6 seBeral steAs a<a&7 leaned on the lo< stone <all oBerloo6ing the <ater. ''-e <asn't going to tell :e.8 ''Pro9a9l& not.8 Halen ans<ered 5al:l&. ''-e's a 6ing.8 /i5 ;ell the roughness o;the <all 9ite into her 6nu56les. -e <as a Hing. -e <as also a :an. . Ber& great :an. -er 5hest sEuee%ed. @ali6 should haBe told her so :an& dar: things7 She Aushed o;; the <all7 ;urious all oBer again. ''2 9etter go 9a56.8 Halen's dar6 head in5lined. ''-e'll 9e <orried a9out &ou.8 / i5 ;ell a rush o; Aain7 and Gust li6e that Halen had di;;used her anger. -o< had Halen :anaged to ;ind the 5hin6 in her ar:or so Eui56l&= She loBed @ali6. She'd neBer <ant @ali6 to <orr&-esAe5iall& not a9out her. She neBer <anted to add to his 9urden7 5reate :ore stress in his li;e. She <anted to helA hi: Prote5t hi: )oBe hi: She shoo6 her head7 struggling to s:ile 9ut 5ouldn't. -er heart had neBer ;elt so 9ruised. )ess than three <ee6s ago she'd :et @ali6 ;or the ;irst ti:e. /o< she 5ouldn't i:agine her li;e <ithout hi: '0ill <e see &ou again 9e;ore &ou return to )ondon=8 ''2 dou9t it.8 -is s:ile gentled. -6llah ihenni$.- ''@a& *od's Aea5e go <ith &ou. too7 Prin5e Halen.8 /i5 started o;;7 9a56 uA the stone Aath leading to the Aala5e gardens. 8Jueen /uri--8 Halen 5alled out. She stoAAed7 glan5ed oBer her shoulder and sa< that Halen still leaned against the lo< stone <all ''2 don't 6no< <hat he told &ou7 9ut he loBes 9londes.8 Halen's teeth ;lashed <hite. ''-e'd neBer :arr& a 9runette.8 /i5 <aBed ;are<ell7 9it 9a56 a s:ile. The /uris <ere i:Aossi9le. -o< 5ould she haBe :arried into this ;a:il&= -o< 5ould she Aossi9l& haBe agreed to :arr& anyone a;ter onl& three <ee6s= Cli:9ing the Aala5e stair5ase7 she headed ;or the elegant guest suite <hi5h had 9een giBen to the: as a 9ridal suite. The door <as unlo56ed and /i5 <al6ed in7 through the grand entr&7 the elegant sitting roo: and into the 9edroo: <here @ali6 <as still in 9ed. ,nGo&ing 9rea6;ast in 9ed. /i5 droAAed into a 5hair oAAosite the 9ed. 'Bastard.8 DI . ./Jane Porter - The Prin!ess Bride 01 ... 13'/1"3 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter -e loo6ed uA ;ro: the ne<sAaAer he <as reading in 9ed. -e <as <earing a s5holarl& Aair o; glasses and a tra& <ith ;reshl& 9a6ed 5roissants7 Gui5e and 5o;;ee sat ne$t to hi: in 9ed. 8*ood :orning7 <i;e.8 ''Cou're right. 2 don't li6e losing. 2 thought... 8 ''Cou 5ould <in.8 he 5on5luded7 Aulling his reading glasses o;;. 'But &ou did <in. Cou got 2re. .nd &ou 6no< 2 loBe &ou.8 8.nd &ou 6no< 2 <as terri;ied o; :arriage.8 She 9alled her hands. 8So ;ur7 :& earl& i:Aressions o; :arriage aren't AositiBe7 either.8 -e s:iled s&:Aatheti5all& <hi5h <as the <rong thing to do. ''2t's not ;unn&7 @ali6. Cou don't Gust :aniAulate <o:en into :arriage.8 ')et alone e$tre:el& AoAular7 eligi9le Arin5esses.8 ')et alone78 she agreed hotl&. ''2 <anted &ou.8 'But li;e doesn't <or6 li6e that.8 ''2t does. 2; &ou ;ind &our soul :ate.8 She 5rossed her legs7 shoo6 her head7 thin6ing he <as so un9elieBa9l& 5on;ident. 'But &ou'd 9e honest <ith &our soul mate, 8 she ans<ered7 her Boi5e gro<ing hus6&. ''Cou'd tell her the truth-8 8Just li6e &ou told :e the truth=8 -e set his AaAer aside. 8C(2re on7 /i57 this isn't a9out honest&. 2t's a9out Ao<er. Control Cou're angr& 9e5ause &ou <ere outs:arted.8 ''Cou didn't outs:art 2re.8 ''2 did. Cou're Gust a sore loser.8 -e Aushed the 5oBers a<a& and 5li:9ed ;ro: the 9ed. ''2 detest sore losers.8 -e <as na6ed. Beauti;ull& na6ed. ''Cou're 5heating78 she <hisAered7 ''&ou 5an't <al6 around na6ed <hen <e're ;ighting.8 -e ignored her7 Aulling her to her ;eet7 5losing the distan5e 9et<een the: She sighed as his hands slid around her <aist7 :oBing to the s:all o; her 9a56 and then lo<er7 to 5lasA her 9a56side. ''Cou're still 5heating78 she gasAed7 as his hands 5ontinued a Ber& slo<7 thorough 5aress a5ross her 9otto: ''2'Be neBer :et an&one so o9sessed <ith <inning.8 -e 6issed the side o; her ne567 then li;ted her long hair and 6issed the Aale s6in at her naAe. 'But all's ;air in loBe and <ar. .nd &ou haBe to 6no<7 laeela, 2'd do an&thing to 6eeA &ou ;ro: running.8 'But <h&7 @ali6= .nd <h& :e=8 -is hands stilled on her hiAs7 -e stared do<n at her7 his e$Aression unusuall& ;ier5e. ''2'Be 9e5o:e a realist. 2': >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 13#/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter driBen 9& Ara5ti5alit&. .nd although 2 6ne< &ou <eren't interested in :arriage. 2 ad:ired &our indeAenden5e. Cou didn't see :arriage as a :eans o; getting things. Cou <anted a relationshiA <here &ou <ere an eEual-8 ''Ces7 and &et <hat did &ou do = Cou traAAed rre into :arriage7 &ou liBe in a 5ountr& <here <o:en aren't eEual + 8.nd 2 6no< i; an&thing haAAens to :e &ou <ill stand 9& our 5hildren no :atter <hat78 he interruAted. ''2 5an i:agine no other <o:an as the :other o; :& 5hildren 2 5hose &ou7 not 9ased on 9eaut& or title7 9ut out o; resAe5t.8 /i5's e&es 9urned7 so hot and s5alding she had to loo6 a<a&. 8Surel& there <ere 9etter suited <o:en in Bara6a.8 ''2 needed a <i;e <ho <ouldn't 9e inti:idated 9& Ao<er or Aoliti5s. Cou're not Gust a Arin5ess that understands dut&7 &ou'Be studied :ath and s5ien5e7 &ou'Be traBeled e$tensiBel&. .nd 9est o; all7 &ou e:9ra5ed :& 5ountr& and our 5usto:s.8 She hated the lu:A tilling her throat. She struggled to s<allo<7 li;ting her 5hin as she did so. 8There <as an assassination atte:At last &ear. 8 -e loo6ed at her strangel&. '/oone 6no<s.8 ''Cour ;a:il& 6no<s. 8 -is e&es narro<ed. -e 5onsidered her ;or a long :o:ent. 'Halen had no right.8 >ar: these arrogant :enD 2t didn't :atter i; the& <ere a sultan or a 6ing7 the& <ere all the sa:e. .ll the& eBer thought a9out <as their reAutation. '-e loBes &ou.8 She glared at hi:. 8.lthough <h&7 2 don't 6no<. 8 -e rea5hed out to her7 5lasAed her ;a5e 9et<een his hands. ''2'Be <aited &ears to :arr&. 2 didn't thin6 2'd eBer ;ind an&one right ;or :e-9ut &ou are right ;or rre. and 2 6no< in :& soul7 <here :& hoAe and :& an5estors liBe7 that &ou are the onl& one ;or rre.8 She Aushed against his 5hest7 ;eeling the s:ooth hard :us5le 9eneath her lists. -is s6in <as <ar: and ;ragrant. -is nearness <as doing 5ra%& things to her senses. '>o &ou haBe an& idea ho< :u5h 2 loBe &ou= >o &ou haBe an& idea ho< :u5h &our li;e :eans to rre=8 She heard the 5at5h in her Boi5e7 ;ell the heart9rea6 on the inside. Hno<ing his ;a:il& histor&7 6no<ing ho< his grand;ather had died :ust add to his ;ear. ''2 don't <ant an&one to hurt &ou78 she <hisAered7 6no<ing the 9urden he 5arried7 understanding eBen 9etter the great loBe and 5o:Aassion he ;ell ;or his AeoAle. ''2 don't <ant an&one to ta6e &ou ;ro: :e.8 ''2 don't <ant an&one to ta6e :e ;ro: &ou. either7 9ut i; the unthin6a9le should haAAen7 laeela, 2 6no< &ou <ill 9e a tiger in the Aala5e. Cou <ill ;ight li6e hell ;or our 5hildren. Cou <ill do <hateBer is ne5essar& to Arote5t the: + 'But nothing is going to haAAen to &ou.8 She <raAAed her ar:s around his <aist7 9ur&ing her ;a5e against his 5hest. ''2': not going to let an&thing haAAen to &ou. 1or 9etter or <orse7 &ou are :& other hal; and i; &ou're going to giBe :e 5hildren then &ou haBe an o9ligation to sli56 around and helA raise the: +nderstand=8 >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 140/143 3/3/2010 ''2s that an order=8 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter ''2t's the ;irst edi5t ;ro: /i5olette /uri7 Jueen o; Bara6a.8 -e laughed so;tl&7 and li;ting her 5hin7 he studied her as the :orning sunshine illu:inated her ;a5e. ''Ces7 :& 9eloBed /i5olette.8 -e diAAed his head7 6issed her deeAl&7 thoroughl&. (n li;ting his head7 he gaBe her a little <i56ed s:ile. 8.nd no<7 Jueen /uri. &our hus9and7 the Hing7 and Sultan o; Bara6 a reEuests that &our 5lothes 5orre o;;. The Hing <ants &ou na6ed and 6neeling in his 9ed.8 '/ a6ed and $neeling4- She 9al6ed indignantl&. '0ell &ou 5an tell &our Hing-8 she 9ro6e o;;. and desAite 9lushing <ildl&7 her 5uriosit& got the 9etter o; her. '0h& does he <ant :e 6neeling=8 @ali6 <as tr&ing desAeratel& hard not to laugh. 8There are still a 5ouAle 5hoi5e Aositions ;or the ro&al ne<l&<eds to tr&7 in5luding the Hing's Aersonal ;aBorite7 Cat5h the Tiger.8 /i5 didn't 6no< <hether to 9e a:used or :orti;ied. ''2 5ertainl& hoAe it's nothing to do <ith the tiger's tail8 ''@ost de;initel& not. The Hing <ouldn't <ant to har: &our tail Cou haBe a 9eauti;ul tail8 .nd 6issing her again he rea5hed ;or the he: o; her Ain6 T-shirt and tugged it oBer her head. 8.nd neBer ;orget7 &ou haBe ;ree <ill Cou 5an stoA :e an&ti:e.8 Stop him4 /i5 thought7 hearing the %iAAer on her Geans go. and s<oosh as the ;aded deni: 5a:e do<n oBer her hiAs. 1ot a sno/5all's *han*e in hell. "P'LO!" The ;ire glo<ed on the so;t red sandstone <alls. The Citadel had al<a&s 9een so 9eauti;ul and :&sterious at night7 and /i5olette <at5hed ;our-&ear-old Naid's ;a5e7 the 9o&'s 9ig green e&es i:Aossi9l& <ide as @ali6 thre< another log on the ;ire and hot orange sAar6s shot uA into the dar6 s6&. @ali6 <as telling tales no<7 stories o;the 9o&s' 9raBe Bara6an an5estors7 o;the 9attles on5e <on and lost here in the dra:ati5 :ountains. Sitting on the red <ool 5arAel /i5 ;ell little .den Aress his ;a5e against her :iddle7 his heart Aounding li6e :ad through his t<o-&ear-old 5hest7 and she shot @ali6 an e$asAerated glan5e. -er hus9and <as nearl& as 9ad as the 5hildren. -e loBed 9ringing the 5hildren to Ne;d7 loBed these nights <hen the& sat out 9& the ;ire and the& Aretended to 9e no:ads and Bedouin instead o; a Ao<er;ul 6ing and his sons. ''Cou're s5aring the:7 she <hisAered to @ali6 oBer the little 9o&s' heads. ''2t's a 5a:A;ire. 0e're telling 5a:Alire stories.8 'The&'re still Gust little 9o&s.8 -is 9ro< ;urro<ed and he shot a Arote5tiBe glan5e at Naid and then .den <ho AeeAed uA at his ;ather ;ro: >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 141/143 3/3/2010 The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter 9eneath his :other's ar:. 8Should 2 stoA=8 he as6ed the 5hildren. '/o7 no78 5ried Naid. and o; 5ourse little .den 5hi:ed in7 tr&ing to 5oA& his 9rother7 <anting to 9e 9raBe li6e Naid. /i5 groaned to hersel; @ali6 6ne< 9etter than to as6 the 5hildren7 9ut then7 :en <ere rren and the& neBer 5hanged. Cet she didn't reall& <ant hi: to 5hange7 either. She loBed hi: so :u5h7 and she loBed to see @ali6 li6e this-so rela$ed7 so haAA& here in Ne;d. 0hen the& <ere here at the Citadel7 together li6e this. @ali6's 5ares see:ed to rrelt a<a& and right no<. @ali6 loo6ed nearl& as &oung and 5are;ree as the 9o&s. -e needed the 9rea67 she thought7 heart so;tening. The& should haBe :ade this triA :onths ago. But at least the& <ere here no<7 and @ali6 <as :a6ing uA ;or lost ti:e <ith his 9o&s. /i5olette 6ne< she'd done :an& good things in her li;e7 9ut nothing <as 9etter than :a6ing the 5hildren. The 5hildren had :ade her and @ali6's liBes 5o:Alete. /i5 ran her hand a5ross .den's s:all head. -is 9la56 hair <as still sil6&7 the long loose 5urls nearl& rea5hing his shoulders. So:eda& the 5urls <ould 9e 5ut. The 9a9& <ould gro< uA. Please don't let titre Aass too Eui56l&7 she said in a silent Ara&er. )et titre slo<. )et us sta& together ;or as long as <e 5an. @ali6 5aught her ga%e. -e ;elt the <ash o; her intense deBotion. ''Cou loBe &our 9o&s.8 -er 5hest su;;used <ith 9itters<eet <ar:th. ''2 do. .ll o;the:8 . log rolled oBer7 shooting uA another strea: o; sAar6s7 and /i5 thought 9a56 to the Aast ;iBe &ears7 and she 6ne< she'd 5hange nothing a9out the:7 and nothing a9out their :arriage. @ali6 <as Aer;e5t ;or her: the right 5o:9ination o; strength7 integrit& and sensualit&. -e 6eAt her on her toes. -e neBer let li;e get 9oring. .nd 9est o; all he'd taught her that so:eti:es one has to lose7 to <in. >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 142/143 3/3/2010 2SB/: #!"-1-42"-15"2-# The Sultan's Bought Bride by Jane Porter T-, S+)T./'S B(+*-T B'2>, CoA&right O 2004 9& Jane Porter. .ll rights reserBed. ,$5eAt tor use in an& reBie<7 the reArodu5tion or utili%ation o;this <or6 in <hole or in Aart in an& ;or: 9& an& ele5troni57 rre5hani5al or other :eans7 no< 6no<n or herea;ter inBented7 in5luding $erograAh&7 Ahoto5oA&ing and re5ording7 or in an& in;or:ation storage or retrieBal s&ste:7 is ;or9idden <ithout the <ritten Aer:ission o;the Au9lisher7 -arleEuin ,nterArises )i:ited7 225 >un5an @ill 'oad7 >on @ills7 (ntario7 Canada @3B3H#. .ll 5hara5ters in this 9oo6 haBe no e$isten5e outside the i:agination o;the author and haBe no relation <hatsoeBer to an&one 9earing the sa:e na:e or narres. The& are not eBen distantl& insAired 9& an& indiBidual 6no<n or un6no<n to the author7 and all in5idents are Aure inBention. This edition Au9lished 9& arrange:ent <ith -arleEuin Boo6s S... F and T@ are trade:ar6s o;the Au9lisher. Trade:ar6s indi5ated <ith F are registered in the +nited States Patent and Trade:ar6 (;;i5e7 the Canadian Trade @ar6s (;;i5e and in other 5ountries. <<<.e-arleEuin.5o: S5anned 9& Coral >2 . ./Jane Porter - ?The Prin5ess Bride 01 ... 143/143
Hou-Cheng Huang PHD, BSC, MSC, Asif S. Usmani PHD, BE, MS (Auth.) - Finite Element Analysis For Heat Transfer - Theory and Software-Springer-Verlag London (1994) PDF
Hou-Cheng Huang PHD, BSC, MSC, Asif S. Usmani PHD, BE, MS (Auth.) - Finite Element Analysis For Heat Transfer - Theory and Software-Springer-Verlag London (1994) PDF