P2P Team Andrew
P2P Team Andrew
P2P Team Andrew
After a fantastic week at the Amanzi International Youth Conference, & an enjoyable
final day spent at the Tala Game Reserve near Pietermaritzburg, the busloads of tired
people rolled into Durban in the late afternoon. Some were dropped off at the Airport, &
others at the Westville Hall, which quickly became chaotic, with bodies in varying states
of conciousness draped everywhere, intermingled with luggage, sleeping bags & various
items of clothing. Eddies of activity whittled out some, who left for airport, train or
surrogate families, or for the Durban Hall, which
would be their home for the next few days. Others
accompanied Tim to the Car Rental at Durban
Airport, & waited patiently in the teeming rain while
they were all registered as drivers for the fleet of
Avanzas & Chicos, which would be their teams’
transport for the coming 2 weeks. Those who would
be driving on the “wrong” side of the road faced the
prospect with some trepidation. Then, like a mother
duck, Tim led a procession of cars & fledgling
“South African” drivers back to the Westville Hall,
all arriving safely!
At the preliminary evening meeting that night, Matthew & Craig Blewett inspired us all
with their oratory & passion, so that we were all enthused about the upcoming 2 weeks of
P2P outreach activity. The teams spent some time apart, talking about their plans for the
1st week.
After breakfast & a Team Devotional at the Westville Hall, where most of the team were
staying, we loaded up the cars with supplies for crafts & lunch, & followed Tim out to
Umlazi. We were to spend the next few days at Leonard’s church, running kids’ programs
for the Sunday School kids & doing maintenance/renovation work on the trailer/Park
Home which he uses, together with an open-sided marquee, for church services &
activities. (Leonard had come into contact with our community through the Durban BEC,
& has weekly Bible studies with Tim.)
On this 1st day, the Craft group had brought Marie biscuits, icing sugar, food colouring &
sweets for decorating. The kids had great fun mixing the icing sugar with water to make a
paste, colouring it different colours, & then coating the
biscuits, before decorating with the sweets. After the biscuits
had dried, they were enthusiastically eaten!
The Prayer group played the action game “eating/sleeping/praying/reading”, which the
kids loved! They talked about prayer & the Kingdom, & the kids were all able to recite
the Lord’s Prayer, but few had heard about the Kingdom.
The Sports group went down to a
field in the valley below (rather wet
& muddy after all the rain) & played
various games (the kids are all avid
soccer fans, & love to play the game).
The Maintenance group measured, poked & prodded, looked serious (not surprising
given the magnitude of the problem), & then went off to track down supplies.
We had brought viennas, buns, tomato sauce, bananas & soft drinks for lunch, but had
catered for half the numbers present, so had to stretch the supplies to cater for all! It was
greatly enjoyed.
During the morning, we had been pleased to meet Leonard & his wife, who arrived to
meet us & approve what we planned to do in regard to the trailer renovations.
At the end of the sessions, we gave all the kids a sucker/lolly or a bag of chips, & said
goodbye for the day. We then had a debriefing session, & a brainstorming of ideas for the
following day.
Back at the Hall some made supper, while others went to shop for supplies for the next
day. Later we all attended Bible Class at the Durban Hall, when John Pople gave a
thought-provoking talk on Jephthah’s Daughter.
The maintenance work started in earnest as soon as everyone arrived, well before the kids
were scheduled to appear, as there was a lot to achieve that day. We had also lost Team
Lydia, who were leaving South Africa to return home, & so we had fewer hands to do the
work. We were pleased to add Jake (Cob) to our Team! It was also hotter….
We modified our groups: Sports – Stephanie & Jake/Jeremy; Drama – Nick & Jenny;
Prayer – Gabi; Crafts – Karli & Jess; Maintenance – Stephen E, Stephen H, Donna May,
Jeremy, Jake, Matt & Yonni.
The Crafts group drew pictures, with some very artistic results, & everyone was keen to
have an individual photo taken. The Prayer group heard the story of Daniel in the Lion’s
Den, & the kids again responded well to the quiz afterwards, showing that they had
listened well. Gabi adapted the action song this time to “prayer/Daniel/Darius/lion”. The
Drama & Sports groups again enjoyed various games & activities down in the field.
After lunch (same menu) had been served & enjoyed, the kids went on to their 2nd two
sessions, & the Maintenance crew worked hard to get the jobs done. Work was
progressing well: new plywood boards for interior walls were attached & primed, &
Donna May primed the door; outside painting continued as well. After the kids’ activities
were over, the other team members helped with the
After the hot & dusty work, the Team was very happy to get to Sharon’s house & enjoy
the pool & hot showers. We were later joined by other Teams & enjoyed socializing
The afternoon was mostly time off, although John spent the afternoon at Marianhill doing
a talk about the Gospel. Nick, Jenny & I took Karlie out for lunch as it was her 21st
birthday! All the Teams congregated that evening at the Dove’s, & enjoyed games,
swimming, chatting & devouring a great number of pizzas, as well as Amanda’s delicious
The Teams then went back to Westville for a braai & sports.
That evening we had a Coffee Café Outreach evening at the Westville hall organised by
Adam. Each country representative gave a brief talk, Sami gave a talk on the One Gospel,
we had food & music, & afterwards we continued to socialize until everyone dispersed.
After dropping off another car back at the Airport Car Rental, we set off in convoy,
southwards on the N2. John & Wendy were to share the driving of the Avanza, & Wendy
did the 1st section to Kokstad, after which John took over as far as our destination for the
day, “Hole in the Wall” (he got the potholes & slippery, muddy road…) We started off
with Jenny, Karlie & Nick in our car, & had lots of laughter & giggling. In the bakkie
were Jeremy, Matt, Cob, Stephen H & Jess. At Kokstad we transferred all the luggage to
the bakkie, & took Nick, Cob, Steve & Jess, while Jeremy & Matt, Jenny & Karlie went
in the bakkie.
We stopped for breaks at the Ultracity in Kokstad & then just south of Umtata, but
otherwise drove straight through, getting to Hole in the Wall at 8pm that night. Although
the road from the N2 to Coffee Bay is paved, the potholes are many, deep & bone
shaking. This, together with the persistent rain, low cloud & fog, & then the slippery
muddy dirt road for the last 10km, made the ride quite hair-raising, & kept John on his
toes! Our prayers were intensified when we had to make two attempts to get up a muddy
hill that defied our first efforts. By God’s grace we avoided the ditch & made it to the
We were very happy to meet Team Peter at the Backpackers’ Lodge, where they had been
since the previous afternoon, having finished their stint at Candu. They made supper for
us all, & we sat chatting, sharing experiences, & learning about Candu & what projects
we could do there. The accommodation was very comfortable, & we enjoyed hot showers
(the last for Team Andrew for the next 5 days!) & comfortable beds!
Everyone woke up in dribs & drabs – some hopeful souls even got up at 4am hoping to
see the sunrise, but no luck, due to the persistent cloud & fog! However the blue sky was
attempting to break through, & the rain had stopped. After toast & tea/coffee for
breakfast, we all packed up, Team Peter to hit the road for Durban, & Team Andrew to
head for Candu. We decided to leave together & go in convoy, due to the state of the
road. We were much relieved to find that the visibility was vastly improved & the road
much drier. John was feeling competitive & overtook several of Team Peter’s cars, much
to the nervousness of his passengers!
We stopped to fill up with petrol just before getting back on to the N2, & Wendy took
over the driving. Then occurred the first of 2 incidents that became the subject of much
teasing over the next few days: she was stopped for speeding…. The police officer, on
seeing her Canadian driver’s license, was very kind & let her go without a fine!
We arrived at
Candu without
incident, thanks
to God’s caring
Hand. The
turnoff was
very easy to
see, as Team
Peter had made
& erected a
sign to indicate
It was decided that the building/maintenance projects that we would undertake would be:
building a shade shelter outside, finishing the fence around the vegetable garden,
constructing a countertop at one end of the meeting hall, & making the playground safer
for the kids (a preschool/crèche is run in the Hall during the week). So after some
discussion & assessment, some of the team, together with Templeton, went off to Idutywa
(about 25km away) to get supplies. Fortunately Candu has electricity (on a pre-pay meter
system), so we were able to use power tools, although we had brought along a backup
generator (which we never needed, despite the many power outages elsewhere in the
Nick made friends with Templeton’s 17 yr old son Siyanda, & went off to herd cattle with
him; Jenny played soccer with some young boys, & Karlie had fun with a group of kids.
The sky had been blue & sunny when we arrived, but a thunderstorm soon arrived with
black clouds & sheeting rain. This didn’t put off those playing outside, & Karlie enjoyed
getting thoroughly wet! (The talk of the community was the occasion the previous week
when Team Peter, led by Shane, “showered” outside in a thunderstorm, having endured
several hot sweaty days of work without showers!)
Wendy met & chatted with several of the sisters, & it was good to get to know them.
They requested a Sisters’ Class that evening, & when asked for the topic, said “a
summary of Genesis to Revelation”! So Jenny & Wendy led it later, focusing on the
promise of the Kingdom, who Jesus is & the Old Testament promises about him, & the
love of God. Although the sisters were keen to
continue, we ended the class after 2 hours, with
promises to continue the following day. We
sang hymns in Xhosa (with English words in
parallel in the book).
The guys dug the holes for the poles for the shade shelter fairly early, before the heat
increased, & then went off to Idutywa, together with Templeton, for further supplies.
While they were away, the preschool kids arrived (about 20 or so), & Nick, Jenny &
Karlie sang songs & played games with them until they finished at about 2pm. They told
them Bible stories, such as Noah’s Ark, with lots of actions, sang songs, such as the
Colour song & Parts of the Body, & played games with balls & hoops outdoors.
Communication was somewhat of a problem as the kids’ language was Xhosa, & they
understood little English. Felicia, one of the sisters, who helps run the preschool, was
able to help a bit with translation.
After breakfast, Templeton, Nick & Wendy went into Idutywa for supplies. This was the
occasion for the 2nd of the 2 incidents previously noted: The 3 of us were having such an
interesting, animated conversation that Wendy failed to notice the sign posting the
decrease in speed as we approached Idutywa. As we came around the corner, she was
pulled over, & we got out to process the infraction. Templeton, able to speak Xhosa, was
a wonderful asset, & he took the opportunity to discuss the Gospel with the police
officers, & left them with some literature to read.
We then proceeded at a legal speed into the town, & to the Empumalaga Store. This store
was comprehensive in its stocks, & we were able to get most of our building & grocery
needs here, as well as buy more Kwh for the power meter. Wendy bought a big bag of
stewing lamb for the following day’s meal.
A most rewarding part of the visit to town was to see Templeton at work preaching, & to
be part of it ourselves. We were wearing our “Good News of the Kingdom of God” T-
shirts, & had the car magnets on the side of the car, which proclaimed the same message.
People would stop & ask us about it, & Templeton would launch into a Xhosa
explanation, & would leave them with something to read. When English was understood,
we would add our bit to the exchanges. The daily visits that Templeton made into
Idutywa with members of the team enabled much preaching, & were a positive spin-off.
When we got back, we found that the others were worried as we had been away for so
long. As we drove on to the property, Nick couldn’t wind the window down fast enough
to tell the others about Wendy’s speeding fine….
Karlie had applied the 1st coat of varnish to the kitchen countertop, & it was looking very
smart. The guys were continuing with the building operation, & it was progressing well.
After the preschool children left at about 3pm, Wendy gave a talk on Health & Hygiene,
which lasted for about 2 hours, as there were so many questions & concerns. She then
started doing individual medical consultations for the ecclesial members. This adjourned
for the day at about 8pm, & she promised to continue the following morning.
Jenny & Karlie had made pasta for dinner, & the preschool tables & chairs were set out.
After Matt’s chair collapsed under him, we made sure that we chose the sturdy ones! Jess
was feeling really unwell, so instead of a Devotional, which she had been scheduled to
give, everyone bombarded John with tough Bible questions.
After the meeting, the brethren & sisters requested a Bible Class, & so, after a break to
make coffee, John gave a class on Demons.
After further chatting & a photo session, everyone departed, John taking some local
people home by car. We then had a group prayer session, before getting settled for sleep.
Karlie was distressed to find bedbugs in her mattress, so the anti-bug spray came in
The cocks crowing at 5am were not a welcome sound, but everyone dragged themselves
out of bed by 6am, as we had to get back to Durban. The thoughts of hot showers before
the evening program in Westville were good incentives. We wished John a Happy
Birthday again, having already done so after midnight the previous night!
The cars were quickly loaded, & we had several more photos & then goodbyes to the
brethren & sisters. Amazingly, we were on the road by 7.30am. By God’s grace, the
journey went smoothly, & we arrived back in Westville in good time for everyone to
enjoy a good soak.
That evening we had the concluding program of P2P South Africa, & we all wondered
were the time had gone – it had flown by so quickly. All the Natal-based Teams were
present, & we had a review of everyone’s activities, in the form of interviews, as well as
PowerPoint presentations. So much had been experienced, & so much gained by each
individual. We were able to see what the Kempton Park & Thembisa Teams had done, as
they also sent in presentations. We concluded the meeting with a Breaking of Bread, a
very special moment of fellowship & of focus on our Lord.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a wonderful selection of South African foods, set out on
tables decorated in South African themes. The sisters of Westville had done an amazing
job! Everyone was reluctant to leave, the moment of parting too difficult after the
closeness & teamwork we had all experienced in the preceding weeks. But what
memories to take with us, & what motivation & encouragement to continue the Lord’s
work wherever we may be. We had been truly blessed!
We pray for the soon return of our Lord & the establishment of the kingdom that we have
been proclaiming! May many more hear & respond before that day……
Wendy Johnsen
Team Andrew