Caldnewb Village of Round Square Houses

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The Village of Round and Square Houses lage and display them in the classroom. Children can
by Ann Grifalconi (Little, Brown) Locate Tos in West Africa on the map. Discuss the cli- write stories about events that occur in their homemade
Themes: African Culture/Relationships mate and vegetation. Compare it to where the children village and share them with others in the group.
Grade Level: 3-5 live. Share the book The Village of Round and Square
Length: 12 minutes, iconographic Houses with children. Then ask: How were the men, Choose a day where children will prepare their own
women, and children's responsibilities different from lunch in the classroom. Have children divide into
Summary one another? What kinds of crops were grown in the groups and take on the roles of the men, women, and
village? What did the people of the village do after the children of the village. As children prepare, serve, and
THE VILLAGE OF ROUND AND SQUARE HOUS- night's dinner? How were the tools that the villagers eat their lunch, have them act according to the ways
ES is set in a village in Africa. used for both work and play similar to/different from their roles are defined. (Remind children of the order of
ours? What would you like most/least about living in a things as they exist. For example, the men of the vil-
The houses of this African village are of two shapes, village like this? Would you rather be a man, woman, lage are served meals first. The children help prepare
square and round. The square houses shelter the men or child in this village? Why? and carry the meal. The women eat after the men, the
of the village. The round houses shelter the women children last.) After children have had some fun enjoy-
and children. As the story unfolds, the routines of the Talk with children about their daily lives with family ing their lunch this way, ask: How did you feel about
villagers, including work, play, mealtime, and bedtime members. Encourage children to describe the different what you had to do during lunch? Do you think the
routines are explored. responsibilities family members share at home, and the men, women, or children had the most fun? Why?
ways responsibilities are divided. Later, explain that Who do you think had the hardest job? What might
One night, a grandmother tells her grandchild the story the kinds of responsibilities family members have, and have happened if some people did not do their job?
of how the village came to be divded into round and the ways they are divided, vary from culture to culture. How would you have felt if you had to do everything
square houes. As she tells it, a volcano in the distance alone?
erupted and left only two houses standing, one square Ask children to listen as well as observe carefully. Tell
and one round. The villagers took this as a sign of spe- children that they will hear many different kinds of Other book based films and videos about African cul-
cial significance. The village chief assigned the men to background sounds. After viewing, see how many dif- ture are available from Weston Woods. These include:
the square house and the women to the round house. ferent sounds children can recall. (These sounds
The people of the village have been living this way, in include background music of different kinds, crickets, WHY MOSQUITOES BUZZ IN PEOPLE'S EARS
peace and harmony, ever since. wind, and a volcano erupting.) written by Verna Aardema and illustrated by Leo and
Diane Dillon
Objectives After Viewing Activities MUFARO'S BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS by John
• Children will learn about African culture Talk with children about the different kinds of materi- A STORY-A STORY written by Gail E. Haley
• Children will explore relationships among family als that might have been used to construct the round HOT HIPPO written by Mwenye Haithi and illustrated
members and square houses in the film. Then supply children by Adrienne Kennaway
• Children will investigate the importance of assuming with an assortment of art materials which might include
responsibility and working together construction paper, pipe cleaners, cardboard, tissue
paper, etc. Let children use the materials in any way
Before Viewing Activities they see fit in order to construct their own round and
square houses. Later, arrange the houses to form a vil-


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