OSP Setup and Processing
OSP Setup and Processing
OSP Setup and Processing
com Revision 1
#his document de$ines the steps to setup Outside Processing and the procedure steps to run the OSP process. First you must have setup the OSP Resource and OSP %tem. Setting up the item is &ust li'e setting up any other item e(cept you must use the Outside Processing %tem #emplate. )ou must also *e sure to let the +ist Price item attri*ute $or the re,uisition import process to wor' properly. -ow you need to setup the OSP resource. .se the navigation *elow to setup the resource. /lways setup the OSP resource with a type o$ 0/mount1 and the charge type as 0PO Receipt1 and the .O2 to 0.SD1. +in' the resource to the OSP item you setup previously. 2a'e sure the resource is costed and set the rate to 1 dollar. Once you have setup the resource and saved it3 you now need to assign it to a department. .se the screen *elow $or navigation. 4hen the department $orm opens you can ,uery up the department you wish to add the resource too. )ou can then press the R5SO.R65S *utton to open the resources $orm.
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Once you have entered your operation in$ormation3 press the Operation Resources *utton. #he screen *elow will appear. 8ere you will set the usage to the dollar amount per item it will cost $or the OSP operation. #his completes the setup o$ the OSP Routing. )ou can now release wor' orders $rom the 2RP wor'*ench to generate the re,uisitions $or the OSP items. Re$er to the 04or'*ench to Receipt1 document $or the details o$ how to process the re,uisitions into purchase orders and receipts.
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#he only di$$erences you will see are the $ollowing: 4hen the wor' orders are released $rom the wor'*ench3 i$ there are OSP operations3 then a *ac'ground process called 0re,uisition import1 will run to create the re,uisitions $or the OSP items. 4hen the OSP items are received3 they are -O# received into stoc' *ut instead into the 4or' Order. 9elow is a $low diagram o$ the OSP process.
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