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Hyperworks Tutorials Define Composites

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HM-4030: Defining Composites


HyperWorks Tutorials

HM-4030: Defining Composites

In this tutorial, you will learn how to assign element material orientation using the following: System ID Vector Angle

Step 1: Retrieve the model file, composites.hm.

1. Retrieve the file, composites.hm. 2. From the Preferences menu, select User Profiles. 3. In the pop-up window, select the RADIOSS radio button. 4. From the drop-down list box, select BulkData. 5. Click OK. 6. On the Visualization toolbar, click Shaded Element and Mesh Lines ( ).

Step 2: Update all the elements to the correct element types for RADIOSS (Bulk Data).
1. On the 2D page, select the elem types panel. 2. Click the elems selector and select all. All element types (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D) are selected. 3. Click update to update the element types. 4. Click return to return to the main menu.

Step 3: Assign element material coordinate direction using system ID.

1. Go to the composites panel on the 2D page. 2. Go to the material orientation subpanel. 3. Select elems >> all. 4. Under Material orientation method, toggle to by system ID. 5. Select system and select the rectangular system on top of ball (system ID = 1). 6. Click color and choose the display color of the review vectors or lines. 7. Set size = 2.0. This value specifies, in model units, how large the review vectors are when displayed. 8. Click assign. 9. On the Collectors toolbar, click Card Edit ( 10. Set the entity selector to elems. 11. Select any element in the model. 12. Click edit. 13. Review the card. This function assigns the ID of the coordinate system to the selected elements. This can be verified by reviewing the MCID field of the CQUAD4 card populated with System ID 1 for the currently loaded RADIOSS ).

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HM-4030: Defining Composites


(Bulk Data) user profile. How each analysis code interprets this information varies. For RADIOSS (Bulk Data), refer to the CQUAD4 and PCOMP(G) bulk data cards in the Bulk Data Section of the RADIOSS Reference Manual. For visualization purposes HyperMesh also projects the x-axis of the selected coordinate system onto the face of the shell elements to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. If you later modify the system, the element material coordinate directions change implicitly. 14. Click return to exit the Card Previewer. 15. Click return to exit the Card Edit panel and return to the Composites panel.

Step 4: Assign element material coordinate direction using a system axis.

1. If not already there, go to the Composites panel, material orientation subpanel. 2. Select elems >> all. 3. Under Material orientation method, toggle to by system axis: 4. Select system and select the rectangular system on top of ball (system ID = 1) . 5. Set the switch under system to local 2-axis. 6. Set size = 2.0. This value specifies, in model units, how large the review vectors are when displayed. 7. Click color and select the display color of the review vectors or lines. 8. Click project. 9. On the collectors toolbar, click Card Edit ( 10. Set the entity selector to elems. 11. Select any element in the model. 12. Click edit. 13. Review the card. This function assigns a material angle to the selected elements, which for RADIOSS (Bulk Data) is defined as the angle between the vector direction connecting node1 and node2 of the shell element (that is, the element coordinate system x-axis) and the projection of the selected local axis onto the surface of the shell element. This can be verified by reviewing the THETA field of the CQUAD4 card populated with an angle (in degrees) for the currently loaded RADIOSS (Bulk Data) user profile. Each element in this case will have a unique THETA value as defined by the projection. How each analysis code interprets this information varies. For RADIOSS (Bulk Data), refer to the CQUAD4 and PCOMP(G) bulk data cards in the Bulk Data Section of the RADIOSS Reference Manual. For visualization purposes HyperMesh also projects the local axis of the selected coordinate system onto the face of the shell elements to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. 14. Click return to exit the Card Previewer. 15. Click return to exit the Card Edit panel and return to the Composites panel. ).

Step 5: Assign element material coordinate direction using a vector.

1. If not already there, go to the Composites panel, material orientation subpanel. 2. Select elems >> all. 3. Under Material orientation method, toggle to by vector. 4. Set the switch to vector. 5. Select the radial r vector from the spherical coordinate system on the bottom of the ball; the r-axis will flash once when you click on it. 6. Click B and select the origin of the local spherical system as the base. 7. Set size = 2.0.

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HM-4030: Defining Composites


This value specifies, in model units, how large the review vectors are when displayed. 8. Click color and select the display color of the review vectors or lines. 9. Click project. 10. On the Collectors toolbar, click Card Edit ( 11. Set the entity selector to elems. 12. Select any element in the model. 13. Click edit. 14. Review the card. This function assigns a material angle to the selected elements, which for RADIOSS (Bulk Data) is defined as the angle between the vector direction connecting node1 and node2 of the shell element (that is, the element coordinate system x-axis) and the projection of the selected vector onto the surface of the shell element. This can be verified by reviewing the THETA field of the CQUAD4 card populated with an angle (in degrees) for the currently loaded RADIOSS (Bulk Data) user profile. Each element in this case will have a unique THETA value as defined by the projection. How each analysis code interprets this information varies. For RADIOSS (Bulk Data), refer to the CQUAD4 and PCOMP(G) bulk data cards in the Bulk Data Section of the RADIOSS Reference Manual. For visualization purposes HyperMesh also projects the selected vector onto the face of the shell elements to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. 15. Click return to exit the Card Previewer. 16. Click return to exit the Card Edit panel and return to the Composites panel. ).

Step 6: Assign element material coordinate direction using an angle.

1. If not already there, go to the Composites panel, material orientation subpanel. 2. Select elems >> all. 3. Under Material orientation method, toggle to by angle. 4. Enter angle = 45.00. 5. Set size = 2.0. This value specifies, in model units, how large the review vectors are when displayed. 6. Click color and select the display color of the review vectors or lines. 7. Click set. 8. On the Collectors toolbar, click Card Edit ( 9. Set the entity selector to elems. 10. Select any element in the model. 11. Click edit. 12. Review the card. This function assigns a material angle of 45 degrees to the selected elements, which for RADIOSS (Bulk Data) is defined as the angle 45 degrees from the vector direction connecting node1 and node2 of the shell element (that is, the element coordinate system x-axis) using right hand rule. In order to use right hand rule, the normal direction of the element must be known and can be determined from the Tools page, Normals panel. This can be verified by reviewing the THETA field of the CQUAD4 card populated with a 45-degree angle for the currently loaded RADIOSS (Bulk Data) user profile. Each element in this case will have a THETA of 45 degrees. How each analysis code interprets this information varies. For RADIOSS (Bulk Data), refer to the CQUAD4 and PCOMP(G) bulk data cards in the Bulk Data Section of the RADIOSS Reference Manual. For visualization purposes HyperMesh defines a vector using RADIOSS (Bulk Data) convention on the face of the shell elements to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. This option should be used only in situations where great care has been taken to assure that the node1-node2 direction of the shell elements are initially aligned properly. 13. Click return to exit the Card Previewer. ).

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HM-4030: Defining Composites


14. Click return to exit the Card Edit panel and return to the Composites panel.

Step 7: Review ply directions.

1. Go to ply directions subpanel within the Composites panel. Make sure zone based model is selected. 2. Select elems >> by collector. 3. Select the yellow_sample collector. 4. Click select. 5. Set ply = 1. This defines the ply number to review. The yellow_sample collector has a PCOMP card image assigned to it with the following laminate definition (45/60/90)s. The PCOMP definition assigned to the yellow_sample collector can be reviewed through the card editor, as follows: 6. On the Collectors toolbar, click Card Edit ( 7. Set the entity selector to props. 8. Click props. 9. Select yellow_sample. 10. Click select. 11. Click edit. 12. Review the card. The first ply defined on the PCOMP card is the most negative z-axis ply as determined from the element normal. All ply angles on the PCOMP card are relative to the material coordinate direction set in the above exercises using right hand rule. In order to use right hand rule, the normal direction of the element must also be known and can be determined from the Tools page, Normals panel. For RADIOSS (Bulk Data), refer to the PCOMP(G) bulk data cards in the Bulk Data Section of the RADIOSS Reference Manual. 13. Click return to exit the Card Previewer. 14. Click return to exit the Card Edit panel and return to the Composites panel. 15. Set size = 2.0. This value specifies, in model units, how large the review vectors are when displayed. 16. Click color and select the display color of the review vectors or lines. 17. Click review. 18. Additional ply angles can be reviewed by reselecting elements, entering a ply ID, and clicking review. Elements that do not have ply angles assigned will not be displayed. Ply directions are set through card images in solver template; an example is PCOMP card for RADIOSS (Bulk Data). Go to HyperMesh Tutorials ).

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