Design and Development of 3D Printer Filament Extruder
Design and Development of 3D Printer Filament Extruder
Design and Development of 3D Printer Filament Extruder
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION comparison data of each variable showed only slight
3.1 Percentage error of recycled filament differences in mechanical properties for both materials.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the diameter for every
300 mm long of recycled filament and the percentage
error results for each diameter, respectively. According to
the data, the percentage error for each diameter does not
exceed more than 5%. Nevertheless, the diameter of
recycled filament did not follow to the size of standard
diameter filament which is 1.75 mm.
The study has shown that it is possible to recycle the
waste part of ABS material and convert it into a filament
by using the Filastruder machine. The results showed that
the original ABS obtained a higher value of maximum
load and tensile stress value which is 724N and 24MPa
respectively. Besides, the original ABS filament is a bit
Figure 3 Percentage of errors for each diameter. flexible compared to recycled ABS filament. However,
the recycled ABS filament is a 4.53% greater strain rate
than the original ABS filament. Overall, the recycled
3.2 Data of tensile strength test
ABS filament is compatible to be a new filament for any
The dog-boned shape specimens were then utilized
kind of 3D printing machine. With this, pollution from
using Instron Material Testing machine to compare the
ABS waste can be reduced.
mechanical properties for both materials. A few
specifications such as the thickness and length of the
specimen including the pulling force speed of the
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (Grant no.:
mentioned machine was set first before running the test.
The comparison of mechanical properties between
original ABS material and recycled ABS material is
based on their maximum load, tensile stress, tensile
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