B5DT1E1 (INDIVIDUAL TASK) - Low Proficiency
B5DT1E1 (INDIVIDUAL TASK) - Low Proficiency
B5DT1E1 (INDIVIDUAL TASK) - Low Proficiency
5 De$onstrate the a(i#ity to use #anguage in a variety o* situations using #arge#y appropriate #anguage conventions% B5DT+ &riting artic#es B5DT1E1 A(#e to !rite an artic#e on a particu#ar topic: .sing the correct *or$at /n 0 paragraphs /n not #ess than +5, !ords
5anguage conventions : Enco$pass the )no!#edge o* standard Eng#ish conventions !hich inc#ude punctuation capita#i6ation usage7!hen it is appropriate /inappropriate to use certain !ords ho! to use po#ite *or$s etc8 spe##ing gra$$ar sentences and paragraphs structure in their ora# and !ritten !or)%
Based on the picture and notes !rite an article on Maintaining a "#ean Environ$ent%
An eyesore isnt it1 Keep rivers and lakes clean. Dont thro! ru((ish into rivers or #a)es 2ish and !ater p#ants die &ater unsa*e *or drin)ing and coo)ing Reduce Reuse Recycle A## used ite$s3 paper c#othes (ott#es p#astic enve#opes etc% Turn garden !aste and *ood !aste it co$post ave !uel " ener#y &a#) or cyc#e 4 dont use the car
&hen !riting your artic#e 'ou $ay use a## the notes E#a(orate on the given notes to $a)e it $ore interesting 'ou $ay add any other re#evant in*or$ation &rite in three paragraphs Ma)e sure it is not #ess than +5, !ords &rite the correct $issing !ords in the space provided to co$p#ete the essay%
Maintaining a "#ean Environ$ent% &e are co##ective#y responsi(#e *or sa*eguarding this !or#d *or everyone present and the *uture %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and ....................... are (odies o* !ater that give us #ots o* p#easure as !e can re#a9 (y the (an)s% But i* they are po##uted !ith *#oating gar(age !e can no #onger en:oy the$% Besides ................... and ............................... die and in the #ong run the rivers and #a)es die too% So dont thro! ................................... into ............................ or .............................% Moreover the ..................... (eco$es ............................ *or drin)ing and coo)ing% -ractise the 0;s o* .......................... and ................................. This can never (e repeated o*ten enough% A## used ite$s #i)e paper c#othes (ott#es p#astics enve#opes can (e .............................. or .................................% &e cou#d reduce using them in our dai#y #i*e% Another step !e can ta)e and !hich $any o* us hard#y do is turn garden !aste and *ood !aste into ...........................% This !ay !e are he#ping to $aintain a%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% environ$ent and saving on .................................. *or our p#ants% 5ast (ut not #east save .............................. and .....................................% &a#) or .............................. to !here !e !ant to go !henever !e can% Try not to use the ..............................% 'ou are not on#y he#ping the environ$ent (ut yourse#* too as a## the !a#)ing and cyc#ing !i## )eep you ............................... and ...........................% &e shou#d appreciate the !onder*u# country !e #ive in and $ade us proud to (e a responsi(#e Ma#aysian%
ANS&E; <E' :
Maintaining a "#ean Environ$ent% &e are co##ective#y responsi(#e *or sa*eguarding this !or#d *or everyone present and the *uture% ;ivers and #a)es are (odies o* !ater that give us #ots o* p#easure as !e can re#a9 (y the (an)s% But i* they are po##uted !ith *#oating gar(age !e can no #onger en:oy the$% Besides *ish and !ater p#ants die and in the #ong run the rivers and #a)es die too% So dont thro! ru((ish into rivers or #a)es% Moreover the !ater (eco$es unsa*e *or drin)ing and coo)ing% -ractise the 0;s o* ;educe ;euse and ;ecyc#e% This can never (e repeated o*ten enough% A## used ite$s #i)e paper c#othes (ott#es p#astics enve#opes can (e reused or recyc#ed% &e cou#d reduce using them in our dai#y #i*e% Another step !e can ta)e and !hich $any o* us hard#y do is turn garden !aste and *ood !aste into co$post% This !ay !e are he#ping to $aintain a c#ean environ$ent and saving on *erti#isers *or our p#ants% 5ast (ut not #east save *ue# and energy% &a#) or cyc#e to !here !e !ant to go !henever !e can% Try not to use the car% 'ou are not on#y he#ping the environ$ent (ut yourse#* too as a## the !a#)ing and cyc#ing !i## )eep you *it and hea#thy% &e shou#d appreciate the !onder*u# country !e #ive in and $ade us proud to (e a responsi(#e Ma#aysian%