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Fair Process - Managing Knowldg Economy

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January 2003 by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne http://hbr.


Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy

When employees dont trust managers to make good decisions or to behave with integrity, their motivation is seriously compromised. Their distrust and its attendant lack of engagement is a huge, unrecognized problem in most organizations. This issue has always mattered, but it matters now more than ever, because knowledgebased organizations are totally dependent on the commitment and ideas of their employees. Unfortunately, neither integrity nor good judgment can be magically conferred on all the managers in an organization. But it is possible for top executives to create processes that help keep managers honestand that also help build employees trust. In this article, W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne describe one such process, which grew out of their research into the links between trust, idea sharing, and corporate performance. Their central finding is that employees will commit to a managers decisioneven one they disagree withif they believe that the process the manager used to make the decision was fair. Sounds simple, but most organizations dont practice fair process. And because they dont, they never know what theyve lost in the way of ideas and initiatives. A London policeman gave a woman a ticket for making an illegal turn. When the woman protested that there was no sign prohibiting the turn, the policeman pointed to one that was bent out of shape and difficult to see from the road. Furious, the woman decided to appeal by going to court. Finally, the day of her hearing arrived, and she could hardly wait to speak her piece. But she had just begun to tell her side of the story when the magistrate stopped her and summarily ruled in her favor. How did the woman feel? Vindicated? Victorious? Satisfied? No, she was frustrated and deeply unhappy. I came for justice, she complained, but the magistrate never let me explain what happened. In other words, although she liked the outcome, she didnt like the process that had created it. For the purposes of their theories, economists assume that people are maximizers of utility, driven mainly by rational calculations of their own self-interest. That is, economists assume people focus solely on outcomes. That assumption has migrated into much of management theory and practice. It has, for instance, become embedded in the tools managers traditionally use to control and motivate employees behaviorfrom incentive systems to organizational structures. But it is an assumption that managers would do well to reexamine because we all know that in real life it doesnt always hold true. People do care about outcomes, butlike the woman in Londonthey also care about the processes that produce those outcomes. They want to know that they had their saythat their point of view was

January 2003 by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne http://hbr.org/2003/01/fair-process-managing-in-the-knowledge-economy/ar/1

considered even if it was rejected. Outcomes matter, but no more than the fairness of the processes that produce them. Never has the idea of fair process been more important for managers than it is today. Fair process turns out to be a powerful management tool for companies struggling to make the transition from a production-based to a knowledge-based economy, in which value creation depends increasingly on ideas and innovation. Fair process profoundly influences attitudes and behaviors critical to high performance. It builds trust and unlocks ideas. With it, managers can achieve even the most painful and difficult goals while gaining the voluntary cooperation of the employees affected. Without fair process, even outcomes that employees might favor can be difficult to achieveas the experience of an elevator manufacturer well call Elco illustrates. Good Outcome, Unfair Process In the late 1980s, sales in the elevator industry headed south as overconstruction of office space left some large U.S. cities with vacancy rates as high as 20%. Faced with diminished domestic demand for its product, Elco knew it had to improve its operations. The company made the decision to replace its batch-manufacturing system with a cellular approach that would allow self-directed teams to achieve superior performance. Given the industrys collapse, top management felt the transformation had to be made in record time. Lacking expertise in cellular manufacturing, Elco retained a consulting firm to design a master plan for the conversion. Elco asked the consultants to work quickly and with minimal disturbance to employees. The new manufacturing system would be installed first at Elcos Chester plant, where employee relations were so good that in 1983 workers had decertified their own union. Subsequently, Elco would roll the process out to its High Park plant, where a strong union would probably resist that, or any other, change. Under the leadership of a much beloved plant manager, Chester was in all respects a model operation. Visiting customers were always impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm of Chesters employees, so much so that the vice president of marketing saw the plant as one of Elcos best marketing tools. Just let customers talk with Chester employees, he observed, and they walk away convinced that buying an Elco elevator is the smart choice.

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