Art Contest Extended
Art Contest Extended
Art Contest Extended
Natio!al Par" .er/i0e U1.1 #e2artme!t o3 t e I!terior New River Gorge National River P. O. Box 246 104 Main Street Glen Jean, WV 2 !46 "04#46 #0 0! $%one "04#46 #0 &1 'ax
2014 Yout Arts i! t e Par"s Art Co!test #eadli!e E$te!ded to Fe%ruar& 1' (le! )ea!* +est ,ir-i!ia* Fe%ruar& 11* 2014, Nature inspires artists of all ages- even .hen local .inter .eather thro.s a monkey!.rench into contest deadlines/ 0ue to the many school sno. days this season- the art entry deadline for Youth Arts in the Parks art contest is extended to ebruary +1. 2e hope this .ill allo. more students the opportunity to participate in this celebration of ecology through art. 3ere is list of this year4s 5outh Arts in the Parks contest art receiving stations6 ebruary +$ 7 +% and ebruary +* ! +1 at the public schools during school hours6 0ivide 8lementary School- Attn6 9hristy :ill- Propps ;idge ;d.- <ookout <iberty 3igh School- Attn6 Ton=a ;aines- +*$$ 9oal ;iver ;d.- :len 0aniels 2oodro. 2ilson 3igh School- Attn6 Sandi Sha.- %$$ Stanaford ;d.- "eckley Nicholas 9ounty 3igh School- Attn6 Pam 9ox- #$ :ri>>ly ;d.- Summersville ebruary 1 7 +1 at the National Park Service ?isitor 9enters- @6$$ am 7 '6$$ pm daily 9anyon ;im ?isitor 9enter- Attn6 Jodi rench!"urr- ayette Aine ;d.- <ansing Sandstone ?isitor 9enter- Attn6 0ave "ieri- Aeado. 9reek ;d.- Sandstone This nature art contest is open to all B 7 +( grade students in ayette- Nicholas- ;aleigh- and Summers 9ounties. Students may use a variety of mediums to create a .ork of art inspired by a spring Appalachian native to the Ne. ;iver :orge area of 2est ?irginia. 9omplete contest information- rules- list of accepted species- and entry form are available on!line at!arts!in!the! parks.htm or 9ontest art entries must be hand delivered to an art receiving station bet.een ebruary 1 and +1- ($+%. Join this celebration of nature in Appalachian through art .ith Youth Arts in the Parks/ A%out t e Natio!al Par" .er/i0e E X P E R I E N C E Y O U R AM E R I C A The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. or more information about the National Park Service- visit http6)) Cmage caption6 2ood Anemone by Baylea Amos- & th :rade- Summersville Aiddle School- ($+# 5outh Arts in the Parks participant. DDDD
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.