Construction Management

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International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 325335

Risk and its management in the Kuwaiti construction industry: a contractors' perspective
Nabil A. Kartam a,*, Saied A. Kartam b

Department of Civil Engineering, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait b Project Controls, CH2M HILL Inc., Santa Ana, CA 92707, USA

Received 17 June 1999; received in revised form 15 December 1999; accepted 2 February 2000

Abstract This paper reports on the basis of a questionnaire survey of the largest Kuwaiti contractors a perspective of construction risk, and the eective actions taken for the management of such risks, particularly those of time and nances. The study, the rst in Kuwait, focuses on the assessment, allocation and management of construction risks. The paper also presents two types of risk management methods: preventive, which are eective at the early stages of the project life, and mitigative, which are remedial actions aimed at risk minimization during construction. The research found that contractors show more willingness to accept risks that are contractual and legal-related rather than other types of risks. The research results also indicated that the application of the formal risk analysis techniques in the Kuwaiti construction industry is limited. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Risk allocation; Risk impact; Risk management; Construction; Contractors

1. Introduction Risk analysis and management are important parts of the decision making process in a construction company. The construction industry and its clients are widely associated with a high degree of risk due to the nature of construction business activities, processes, environment and organization. Risk in construction has been the object of attention because of time and cost overruns associated with construction projects. Risk has been dened in various ways. Although Porter [17], Healy [10], Barrie and Paulson [2] and Perry and Hayes [16] have expressed risk as an exposure to economic loss or gain arising from involvement in the construction process; Moavenzadeh and Rosow [13] and Mason [12] have regarded this as an exposure to loss only. Bufaied [5] and Boothroyd and Emmett [4] describe risk in relation to construction as a consideration in the process of a construction project whose variation results in uncertainty in the nal cost, duration and quality of the project. In order to emphasize the major objectives of survey on risk management
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +965-481-7240; fax: +965-481-7524. E-mail address: (N.A. Kartam).

actions, risk has been dened as the probability of occurrence of some uncertain, unpredictable and even undesirable event(s) that would change the prospects for the protability on a given investment. Recent economic conditions in Kuwait tend to force a certain attitude towards risks. As a result of economical recession, the number of business failures generally increases. Such situations can explain the desire to share the risks of nancial failure. However, it should be recognized that all risks are rightfully the owner's, unless transferred or assumed by another party for fair compensation. The principal guideline in determining whether a risk should be transferred to another should be based upon whether the party assuming the risk has both the competence to assess the risk and the expertise necessary to control or minimize it. Insofar as risk analysis and management is important to the activities of the construction industry, little is known regarding the industry's response and the techniques employed for risk analysis and management in the Kuwaiti construction industry. This can be attributed to three main factors: a) the Kuwaiti economy depends largely on the oil revenues and the construction industry represents a small

0263-7863/01/$20.00 # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved. PII: S0263-7863(00)00014-4


N.A. Kartam, S.A. Kartam / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 325335

percentage of the GDP; specically 23% of the total GDP and 56% of the non-oil sector in the 1990s [7]; b) very limited research has been undertaken in the area of construction; and c) almost all the work force in this industry consists of non-Kuwaitis. The objective of this paper is to present an attitude of a typically large Kuwaiti contractor towards construction risk. The paper is concerned with the assessment and allocation of risk as well as the contribution of each risk type to project delay. The paper also investigates the best contractual arrangements and the most eective approaches towards preventing or minimizing construction risks (i.e., mitigating losses). 2. Questionnaire design This paper is based on a survey that comprised of three parts. The rst part is intended to provide insight into the current attitudes of the Kuwaiti contractors towards construction risk identication and allocation; the second part is concerned with the signicance of dierent risk categories; and the third part is related to the practical actions for managing these risks. To ensure obtaining complete and meaningful response to the questionnaire, an interview was conducted with each respondent to explain the objective of the study and to get input towards the questionnaire design, especially towards identifying risk types and management actions for controlling these risks. Accordingly, all experts have participated in the questionnaire design and then, responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire survey was designed in a concise and precise way in order to obtain all the necessary information in a multiple choice format. The investigation was undertaken by collecting the responses to a questionnaire through guided interviews with major contractors in the Kuwaiti construction industry. All contractors in Kuwait depending on their contract size are divided into four major ranks, as per the Central Tendering Committee governmental classication [8] where Rank 1 designates the largest contractors and Rank 4 represents the smallest contractors. To ensure the respondents' sucient professional qualications based on their positions, work experience and educational background, only contractors belonging to Ranks 1 and 2 were included in the survey. A total of 61 large contractors in Kuwait were surveyed; 15 of Rank 1 and 46 of Rank 2 [8]. This sample represents 94% of all contractors in Ranks 1 and 2. The overall response to the survey comprised a total of 35 completed questionnaires, giving approximately 57% response rate. However, four of the returned questionnaires were incomplete and therefore only 31 returned questionnaires could be used for analysis. The

eective response rate of 51% is considered acceptable and relatively high in the construction industry. In fact, this result has been achieved by guiding the whole questionnaire process through personal interviews with the respondents. The respondents are recognized experts in their respective organizations (mostly, directors and partners) with at least 10 years of construction experience. 3. Construction risk allocation There are dierent types of risks associated with the construction activities. These are physical, environmental, design, logistics, nancial, legal, political, construction and operation risks [16]. Table 1 illustrates 26 risk types included in the questionnaire without any particular order. These risk types were generated based on: a) an extensive literature review, especially the work of Perry and Hayes [16], Fisk [9], Akintola and Malcolm [1] and Thompson and Perry [19]; and b) consultation with the key local experts who participated in the survey. The responses to each question were divided into two groups: risk allocation and risk signicance. For risk allocation, the respondent must select the party actually taking the risk from one of the following three options: owner, contractor or shared by both the owner and contractor. The results of this part of the survey are summarized in terms of percentages of the total number of respondents who chose the appropriate selection, as given in Table 1. For example, the rst row of Table 1 shows that the risk allocation due to permits and regulations is attributed to owner, contractor and shared categories, 74%, 12% and 14%, respectively. To better understand the distribution of risk types between the owner and/or contractor, the author assumed a minimum response rate of 70%. Table 2 shows the risk allocation using such an assumption for all the risk types listed in Table 1. According to the survey, a total of 13 construction risks were allocated to the contractor, ranging from availability of labor, material and equipment (response rate 97%) to ination (response rate 70%). A total of four construction risks were allocated to the owner, ranging from delayed payment on contract (response rate 77%) to scope of work denition (response rate 71%). Responses in favor of sharing the risk ranged from change order negotiations (response rate 76%) to nancial failure of any party (response rate 72%). Five risk questions pertaining to risk allocation have undecided results. 4. Signicance of risk The degree of impact for each risk type was included in the questionnaire under the heading ``Signicance.'' The questionnaire was designed to examine practitioners'

N.A. Kartam, S.A. Kartam / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 325335 Table 1 Percentage of respondants towards risk allocation and signicance Types of risks Risk allocation Owner Permits and regulations Scope of work denition Site access Labor, material and equipment availability Productivity of labor and equipment Defective design Changes in work Diering site conditions Adverse weather conditions Acts of God Defective materials Government acts Accuracy of project program Labor disputes Accidents/Safety Ination Contractor competence Change order negotiations Third party delays Coordination with subcontractors Delayed dispute resolutions Delayed payment on contract Quality of work Financial failure Actual quantities of work War threats 74% 71% 52% 0% 0% 52% 72% 21% 6% 15% 0% 23% 3% 0% 0% 7% 16% 21% 16% 0% 29% 77% 0% 7% 18% 26% Contractor 12% 16% 22% 97% 94% 16% 10% 73% 71% 10% 74% 35% 84% 96% 90% 70% 75% 3% 58% 94% 16% 9% 85% 21% 72% 0% Shared 14% 13% 26% 3% 6% 32% 18% 6% 23% 75% 26% 42% 13% 4% 10% 23% 9% 76% 26% 6% 55% 14% 15% 72% 10% 74% Risk signicance Not (13) 10% 29% 16% 0% 0% 0% 13% 6% 32% 55% 16% 19% 3% 42% 29% 23% 6% 3% 3% 3% 6% 0% 6% 0% 6% 32% Signicant (47) 61% 32% 65% 19% 32% 23% 65% 84% 68% 26% 58% 65% 45% 52% 65% 55% 19% 87% 19% 19% 65% 16% 39% 10% 39% 26%


Very (810) 29% 39% 19% 81% 68% 77% 22% 10% 0% 19% 26% 54% 52% 6% 6% 22% 75% 10% 78% 78% 29% 84% 55% 90% 55% 42%

Table 2 Results of risk allocation Risk allocation Contractor Risk description Labor, material and equipment availability Labor disputes Productivity of labor and equipment Coordination with subcontractors Accidents/Safety Quality of work Accuracy of project program Contractor competence Defective materials Diering site conditions Actual quantities of work Adverse weather conditions Ination Risk allocation Owner Risk description Delayed payment on contract Permits and regulations Changes in work Scope of work denition Change order negotiations Acts of God War threats Financial failure Site access Defective design Government acts Third party delays Delayed disputes resolution



observations and judgments in determining the relative signicance of each risk category. Although the degree of impact varies from project to project, the questionnaire is expected to elicit a general assessment of the signicance of risk. Each respondent was required to rank each risk on a scale from 1 to 10 by considering its contributions to project delays. Rank 1 is assigned to a risk that would give the lowest contributions to delays while Rank 10 is allotted to a risk that would cause the highest contribution to delays. The rank range of 1 to 3

denotes risks that are not signicant, 4 to 7 indicates signicant risks and 8 to 10 shows very high signicant risks, as listed in the last columns of Table 1. The ndings of the survey concerning the relative signicance of the risks in the local construction practice are summarized in Table 3. The gures within the table represent the number of respondents who gave the relative contribution rank to each risk. For example, there are three respondents who ranked the risk permits and regulations, with the highest rank value of 10.


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Table 3 Contribution of risks to project delays (risk signicance) Types of risks Contribution rank to delays 1 Permits and regulations Scope of work denition Site access Labor, material and equipment availability Productivity of labor and equipment Defective design Changes in work Diering site conditions Adverse weather conditions Acts of God Defective materials Government acts Accuracy of project program Labor disputes Accidents/Safety Ination Contractor competence Change order negotiations Third party delays Coordination with sub contractors Delayed dispute resolutions Delayed payment on contract Quality of work Financial failure Actual quantities of work War threats 1 (1) 0 (0) 2 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (2) 3 (3) 2 (2) 2 (2) 0 (0) 7 (7) 0 (0) 2 (2) 1 (1) 0 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (2) 5 (5) 2 2 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2) 2 (4) 0 (0) 2 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (14) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2) 3 0 (0) 9 (27) 3 (9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (12) 2 (6) 7 (21) 12 (36) 3 (9) 2 (6) 1 (3) 6 (18) 2 (6) 5 (15) 1 (3) 1 (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (3) 0 (0) 1 (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (12) 4 14 (56) 1 (4) 5 (20) 0 (0) 2 (8) 0 (0) 4 (16) 8 (32) 10 (40) 0 (0) 1 (4) 7 (28) 4 (16) 5 (20) 5 (20) 6 (24) 2 (8) 7 (28) 2 (8) 0 (0) 2 2 2 1 1 0 (8) (8) (8) (4) (4) (0) 5 1 (5) 3 (15) 8 (40) 3 (15) 3 (15) 2 (10) 4 (20) 6 (30) 7 (35) 4 (20) 8 (40) 5 (25) 6 (30) 6 (30) 6 (30) 2 (10) 1 (5) 6 (30) 2 (10) 4 (20) 7 (35) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (5) 1 (5) 3 (15) 6 1 (6) 3 (18) 3(18) 0 (0) 4 (24) 4 (24) 5 (30) 7 (42) 4 (24) 4 (24) 5 (30) 3 (18) 1 (6) 1 (6) 3 (18) 1 (6) 0 (0) 7 (42) 8 (48) 0 (0) 2 (12) 0 (0) 4 (24) 0 (0) 1 (6) 1 (6) 7 3 3 4 3 (21) (21) (28) (21) 8 5 (40) 5 (40) 4 (32) 9 (72) 10 (80) 8 (64) 6 (48) 2 (16) 0 (0) 3 (24) 4 (32) 1 (8) 6 (48) 2 (16) 0 (0) 3 (24) 14 (112) 0 (0) 6 (48) 12 (96) 4 (32) 4 (24) 13 (104) 6 (48) 4 (32) 3 (24) 9 1 (9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (27) 4 (36) 4 (36) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (18) 3 (27) 4 (36) 0 (0) 2 (18) 3 (27) 3 (27) 2 (18) 4 (36) 8 (72) 2 (18) 9 (81) 2 (18) 2 (18) 7 (63) 3 (27) 10 3 (30) 7 (70) 2 (20) 13 (130) 7 (70) 12 (120) 1 (10) 1 (10) 0 (0) 3 (30) 2 (20) 1 (10) 6 (60) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (10) 6 (60) 1 (10) 3 (30) 4 (40) 3 (30) 14 (140) 2 (20) 20 (200) 6 (60) 7 (70) 172 195 169 265 240 261 185 167 125 143 183 163 220 125 148 174 237 180 216 243 203 274 221 282 235 189 Total weighted scores

1 (7) 1 7 5 0 0 4 5 3 4 6 8 3 7 5 2 9 3 6 1 9 4 (7) (49) (35) (0) (0) (28) (35) (21) (28) (42) (56) (21) (49) (35) (14) (63) (21) (42) (7) (63) (28)

In order to quantitatively demonstrate the relative signicance of the risks to project delays, a weighting approach is adopted. The principle is that the risk with the highest contribution rank would be assigned the largest weight. The gures in brackets in Table 3 are weighted scores for each risk at dierent contribution rank. Each individual's weighted score is obtained by multiplying the number of respondents with the corresponding weight. The gures in the last column of the table give the total weighted scores for each risk. Fig. 1 shows the relative signicance of the 26 risks obtained from the survey results in the ascending order. 5. Risk management actions Managing risks means minimizing, controlling, and sharing of risks, and not merely passing them o onto another party [9]. The methods of managing risks are retention, transfer, mitigation, and prevention of risks or any combination thereof. In the survey, two kinds of management actions are presented to the respondents: preventive action and mitigative action. Preventive actions are used to avoid

and reduce risks at the early stage of project construction, yet they may lead to submitting an excessive high bid for a project. Mitigative actions are remedial steps aimed at minimizing the eects of risks. The survey presents seven preventive and six mitigative actions. These actions were generated based on: (a) related research work on construction risk management, and (b) input, revisions and modications from local experts. The methodology was similar to the one adopted for generating the risk types described in the previous section. 5.1. Preventive actions Thompson and Perry [19] conclude that risk management is most valuable at an early stage in a project, for example at the proposal stage, where there is still some exibility available in design and planning to consider how the serious risk might be avoided. Table 4 represents the number of respondents who gave the dierent degrees of eectiveness for each of the seven preventive methods. The degree of eectiveness ranges from very

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Fig. 1. Results of the survey on risk signicance. Table 4 Relative eectiveness of preventive methods (survey results) Preventive method Eectiveness of preventive methods V. high 5 Utilize quantitative risk analyses techniques for accurate time estimation Depend on subjective judgment to produce a proper program Produce a proper schedule by getting updated project information Plan alternative methods/options as stand-by Consciously adjust for bias and add risk premium to time estimation Transfer or share risk to/with other parties Refer to previous and ongoing similar projects for accurate program 6 (30) 15 (75) 15 (75) 8 (40) 4 (20) 1 (5) 8 (40) High 4 10 (40) 11 (44) 13 (52) 12 (48) 8 (32) 11 (44) 12 (48) Moderat. 3 8 (24) 5 (15) 2 (6) 6 (18) 12 (36) 7 (21) 8 (24) Low 2 3 (6) 0 (0) 1 (2) 0 (0) 2 (4) 4 (4) 5 (5) V. low 1 3 (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (2) 4 (4) 5 (5) 2 (2) In appl. 0 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0) 1 (0) 2 (0) 0 (0) Total weighted scores

104 134 135 108 96 85 116

high (5), to very low (1), or inapplicable (0). In order to quantitatively demonstrate the relative degree of eectiveness between the methods, a weighting approach is adopted. Based on the same procedures used in the previous section, each degree of eectiveness stands for the value of its relative weight between all the options. The gures in brackets within the table are weighted scores for each method and the last column shows the total weighted scores. The rst preventive method recommended by the respondents is produce a proper schedule by getting updated project information and the last recommended

preventive method is transfer or share risk to/with other parties. 5.2. Mitigative actions Whilst some project delay risks can be reduced through various preventive actions at early stages, the delay of progress still occurs in many projects during the construction process. A recent industry study has indicated that over 80% of projects exceed their scheduled time even with the employment of software techniques for project development [20]. When delay happens,


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contractors can adopt various mitigative actions to minimize the eects of the delay. Table 5 represents the six mitigative methods being proposed to the respondents. The gures within the table represent the number of respondents who gave dierent degrees of eectiveness for each of the methods. In order to quantitatively demonstrate the relative degree of eectiveness between the methods, a weighting approach was adopted as shown previously in this paper. The gures in brackets within the table are weighted scores for each method and the last column shows the total weighted scores. The rst mitigative method recommended by the respondents is coordinate closely with subcontractors, and the last recommended mitigative method is change the construction method. 6. Implications of ndings 6.1. Risk allocation and signicance Table 2 demonstrates that half of the survey risks, i.e., 13 risks, were allocated to the contractors. This shows that the contractors accepted or shared most of the risks identied in this paper. They held the owner responsible for only four risk types, i.e., only 15% of all construction risks. The risk, availability of labor, material and equipment, received 97%, the highest response rate in favor of the contractor. This might be attributed to the fact that subcontracting is a typical practice in the Kuwaiti construction industry. However, the conditions in the subcontracts normally do not include clauses stating the number of workers that subcontractors should provide at the site. Subcontractors normally allocate their manpower to dierent projects in a selective manner so as to achieve maximum prot for their own business. This leaves the main contractor less control over the number of workers at the site. Labor disputes recorded 96%, the second highest allocation score in favor of the contractor. Yet, it was the least signicant risk category between the survey
Table 5 Relative eectiveness of mitigative methods (survey results) Remedial method

risks (Fig. 1). This result is expected since the construction industry in Kuwait is not inuenced by any power group, i.e., no labor unions exist. Thus, there is no fear from general labor strikes that would paralyze the Kuwaiti construction industry. Both coordination with subcontractors and productivity of labor and equipment risk categories gained 94% of allocation score in favor of the contractor. In fact, not only did contractors designate them as their responsibilities, but most researchers also support this position [14]. The risks that accompany safety and accidents were overwhelmingly considered to be a part of the contractor's responsibility. Only three diering opinions were identied for this category. In fact, contractors are better able to control such risks by supervising the application of safety precautions inside the construction sites. Moreover, the existence of insurance premiums for accidents and injuries can mitigate some of these risk consequences. Quality of work and accuracy of project program are the other two risk categories that were consistently allocated to the contractor, since the contractors are in a better position to control these risks. Contractor competence is conceded industry-wide as a risk to be borne by the contractor. This risk was ranked as the seventh highest signicant risk category that a contractor in Kuwait could face (Fig. 1). Actually, current sluggish economic growth and highly competitive market in Kuwait have forced contractors to reduce or even ignore their prot so as to remain competitive. Defective materials risk category is one of the major dispute sources in Kuwait, since the quality of project nishing in Kuwait is normally high and the special material is commonly acquired from overseas. Two risk categories which can ruin a contractor who is trying to perform under a lumpsum contract were reported by the respondents as risks that Kuwaiti contractors should bear. These two risks are diering site conditions and adverse weather conditions. This result reects the fact that most owners of the construction projects in Kuwait are legally protected from liability of these risks by assigning some exculpatory clauses in

Eectiveness of remedial methods V. high 5 High 4 8 (32) 16 (64) 8 (32) 15 (60) 9 (36) 10 (40) Moderat. 3 6 (18) 9 (27) 10 (30) 7 (21) 3 (9) 5 (15) Low 2 2 (4) 0 (0) 4 (8) 2 (4) 0 (0) 3 (6) V. low 1 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1) In appl. 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)

Total weighted scores

Increase manpower and/or equipment Increase the working hours Change the construction method Change the sequence of work by overlapping activities Coordinate closely with subcontractors Close suspervision to subordinates for minimizing abortive work

15 (75) 6 (30) 1 (5) 7 (35) 19 (95) 12 (60)

129 121 77 120 140 122

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their contracts. These risk categories increase the probability of uncertain, unpredictable and even undesirable factors in the construction site. However, adverse weather conditions received the second least signicant risk category among the surveyed risks. It is well known that Kuwait weather is extremely hot during summer, causing signicant delay to the progress of a project, especially in critical activities such as concreting. As a result, Kuwaiti contractors are expected to pay special attention to the cost eects of weather conditions, e.g., working in night shifts. Allocating actual quantities of work to the contractor represents a trend in the attitudes of contractors to assume more risk for the quantities of work in the bidding process as well as in submission of the in-progress work payment schedules. This attitude is important in the performance of a lumpsum contract, since the price is based on a pre-dened amount of work. The last risk category that was recorded in the contractor's side is ination. Contractors considered this risk category as an oscillating risk category where its threat increases when ination increases and vice versa. Concerning the risks that were allocated to the owner, the highest response record was 77% for delayed payment on contract. This risk category is one of the most debated ones. Under the law, this item can be claimed as part of loss and expense [11]. Permits and regulations, changes in work and scope of work denition were allocated to the owners with 74%, 72% and 71%, respectively. Allocating changes in work risk category to the owner reects a trend in which contractors are not very much concerned with obtaining payment for a change in the work, since the cost impact of change orders can be claimed later. Change order negotiations risk category joined the shared risks. This means that contractors in Kuwait feel condent to engage in negotiations for such risk category, thus such risk is suitable to be shared. War threats risk category also joined the shared risks. Recently, the unstable political events in the Arabian Gulf region reect the greatest unpredictable cost overburden that a contractor could face. As a matter of fact, the Kuwaiti government is a major client for large contractors and government projects are large enough to keep an awarded contractor busy for a number of years. Such matters could adjust the contractor's risk premium taken through long-term plans, and impose a trend of sharing such an unpredictable risk with the owner. Financial failure was awarded the highest signicance rank of the survey risks (Fig. 1). Financial risks to contractors include whether the contractor has enough cash ow on time to enable him or her to progress with the work, or nancial failure of the owner or subcontractors [1]. This result might be attributed to the recessionary period that Kuwait has been experiencing in the 1990s.

More contractors are currently failing. As a matter of fact, four of the biggest construction companies in Kuwait (representing 21% of Rank 1 total contractors) closed their operations or led bankruptcies in 1998 and 1999. As the probability of nancial failure increases contractors, understandably, prefer to share this uncontrollable risk. However, as the economy of the country improves, the signicance of this risk is expected to decrease. The survey results also show that contractors suer from insucient or incorrect design information. This result was obtained from ranking the defective design risk category as one of the ve most signicant risks to project delays. This risk joined the undecided risks, despite the fact that major allocation percent was heading towards owners who were in a better position to supply sucient and accurate drawings on the design and services. Delayed dispute resolution came in the undecided risks, despite the fact that allocation of percentages reected that contractors were more willing to become involved in dispute resolution. Table 6 presents a summary for the analysis of the risks allocation and signicance results. 6.2. Risk management actions According to the survey results (Table 4), produce a proper program using subjective judgment and produce a proper schedule for resource procurement by getting updated project information are the two most eective risk preventive actions. Judgment or subjective probability uses the experience gained from similar projects undertaken in the past by the decision maker to decide on the likelihood of risk exposures and the outcome [18]. Judgment and experience gained from previous contracts may become the most valuable information source for the use when there is limited time for preparing the project program. Construction, however, is subjected to a dynamic environment, that is why risk managers must constantly strive to improve their estimates. Even with near perfect estimates, decision making about risk is a dicult task. Thus, depending only on experience and subjective judgment may not be enough, and updated project information should be obtained and applied. Consequently, a signicant number of respondents, 90%, considered getting more updated project information at the project planning stage to be the most eective risk preventive method. Make more accurate time estimation through quantitative risk analyses techniques such as Primavera Monte Carlo program [15] was not considered to be a very highly eective preventive method for reducing the eects of risks. This tends to support Birch and McEvoy [3], that the approach of risk analysis is largely based on the use of checklists by managers, who try to think of all


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possible risks. Insucient knowledge and experience of analysis techniques, and the diculty of nding the probability distribution for risk in practice could be the two main reasons for such a result.
Table 6 Summary of the ndings of the survey on risk allocation and signicance Type of risk Permits and regulations Scope of work def. Site access/right of way Availability of labor, material and equipment Productivity of labor and equipment Defective design Changes in work Diering site conditions Adverse weather conditions Acts of God Defective materials Government acts Accuracy of program Labor disputes Accidents/Safety Ination Contractor competence Change order negotiations Third party delays Coordination with subcontractors Delayed dispute resolution Delayed payment on contract Quality of work Financial failure Summary of results

Add risk premiums to time estimation was not recommended by the practitioners to be an eective preventive method. Risk premiums in construction projects take the form of contingencies or added margins to an esti-

Actual quantities of work War threats

Its owner should be responsible for this risk. Contractors do not think of this risk as an important one. The relative signicance placed it as the eighth one from the last This risk belongs to the owner and is expected to stay that way. This was a risk with a mid-level signicance This risk should be either a shared or owner responsibility. This risk was considered to have low importance, as it ranked seventh in relative signicance This risk scored the highest in allocation to the contractor. The signicance of this risk places it within the top ve most important risks in the Kuwaiti construction industry The results overwhelmingly assigned the contractor to be responsible for this risk. Contractors assigned high signicance for this risk This risk should be either owner's responsibility or shared. Its signicance was high especially for contractors working for a lump sum contract The owner is responsible for this risk. Its signicance was ranked in the lower-mid range Surprisingly, this risk was allocated to contractors. This means that contractors in Kuwait are acting as the insurers of the owners. However, its importance was low as the relative signicance placed it as the sixth from the last The survey indicated that the contractor must assume this risk. This risk was determined to be the second lowest signicant risk of the survey The view of contractors is that this risk should be shared. It was determined to be of little signicance This risk was found to be the responsibility of contractors since they are most certainly in the best position to handle it. This risk ranked in the lower-mid range of signicance This risk should be either shared or contractor responsibility. It was found to have low signicance Contractors assign this risk to themselves. They ranked it in eighth position of signicance Contractors are responsible for this risk, and it is expected to continue as such. However, its signicance was the least among the surveyed risks Contractors believe that they have sole responsibility for this risk. Yet, its relative signicance placed it in the least ve signicant risk categories The survey showed that this risk depends on the economic condition of the country. Currently, the ination rate is low, so contractors are more willing to accept this risk Contractors assumed responsibility for their competence and ranked this risk as having high signicance This risk is usually shared and is expected to remain that way. The level of signicance was in the lower-mid range This risk should be either a shared or contractor responsibility. This risk is considered to be important, as it was assigned in the upper mid-range The survey results overwhelmingly assigned the contractor responsibility for this risk, and it is expected to continue this way. This risk was considered as one of the top ve most signicant risk categories The results of this survey indicated that this risk should be either owner or shared responsibility. Contractors assigned a relatively high signicance level to this risk The results indicated that owners should assume this risk, and that they will continue to do so. This risk is considered to be extremely important by contractors as it was ranked second in relative signicance Contractors consistently assign this risk to themselves as they only can handle this task. They also ranked it as a signicant one The survey showed that contractors must assume this critically important risk, assigning it the highest signicance rating. Yet, this risk is a result of economic conditions. While in a recessionary period, the signicance increases and the contractor desires a risk sharing approach Contractors seem to remain in favor of assuming this risk. This risk was considered important as it was ranked eighth in relative signicance This risk just came in the middle range of relative signicance of surveyed risks. Its signicance may decrease as the political circumstances in the Gulf region become more stable. A shared responsibility was the best approach

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mate to cover unforeseen eventualities [6]. The amount of the premium varies between projects and is mostly dependent upon the attendant risk and decision makers risk attitude. Yet, this result was expected since taking into consideration such risks' premiums would increase the priced bid and would consequently decrease the probability of gaining the bid due to the highly competitive Kuwaiti construction industry market. The survey also indicated that the method of transfer or share risk is considered to be ineective for preventing risks where it recorded the lowest weighted eectiveness score (Table 4). As a matter of fact, the development of the subcontracting system in the local construction industry brought a considerable increase in the number of subcontractors with multiple specialization in a construction project, where many of them have very limited technical and nancial ability. However, most general contractors need to establish a long-term working relationship with a
Table 7 Summary of the ndings of the survey on risk preventive methods Preventive method Application of risk analysis techniques Depend on subjective judgment Utilize updated project information Plan alternative methods as stand-by Add risk premium to time estimation Transfer or share risk Refer to similar projects Summary of results

particular subcontractor and material vendor. Since the long-term transaction relationship between the parties should prevail, a very few general contractors could exercise the practice of shifting risk to subcontractors. On the other hand, the most eective risk mitigative method was coordinate closely with subcontractors (Table 5). Despite that this shall be recorded as a recommendation from general contractors, it may hold an explicit announcement that subcontractors bring additional risks to general contractors. These risks include uncertainties related to a subcontractor's technical qualications, timeliness, reliability, and nancial stability [3], causing a time and/or cost increase during construction. This mitigative method was recorded as one of the most ve signicant risks in the Kuwaiti construction industry (Refer to Fig. 1). Increase manpower and/or equipment was the second most eective mitigative method for minimizing the

This method was not considered one with very high eciency in preventing risks. It was ranked as the third recommended method to be employed by practitioners This method was considered the second highest eective method for preventing risk. Yet, it cannot be regarded as a formal technique This method was the best recommended preventive method to be utilized at the early stages This method was rarely used as it was assigned the fth recommended preventive method from the contractor's point of view This method is of moderate eectiveness as a preventive method and is rarely taken into account by Kuwait local contractors General contractors did not consider this approach as an eective method as it was ranked as the last recommended preventive method The survey revealed that this method was considered of moderate eectiveness as it was ranked in the fourth place among the surveyed preventive methods

Table 8 Summary of the ndings of the survey on risk mitigative methods Mitigative method Increase manpower and equipment Increase the working hours Change the construction method Change sequence of work by overlapping activities Coordinate closely with subcontractors Summary of results This method was considered as the second eective method for mitigating losses. It reects the fact that shortage of manpower is one of the most serious risks to project delays in Kuwait Productivity is the main item adversely aected by this approach. The survey showed that contractors consider this method as a relatively eective mitigative method The practitioners have considered this method as the lowest eective remedial method to be employed for mitigating risk impacts The survey results indicated that this method was moderate in its eectiveness as a mitigative method. However non of the respondents gave it the very low eectiveness category The contractors have considered this method to be the highest eective remedial method for mitigating the losses encountered in a construction project. Thus, local subcontractors could be holding the key to projects delays This approach was ranked as the third eective mitigative method to be followed for minimizing losses. However, it unfolds the fact that most local subcontractors have lack of technical ability to fulll contracted works

Apply close supervision of abortive works


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impacts of delay while change the construction method was rarely used as a mitigative method. This could mean that the number of workers on site is one of the most important variables to project progress, since construction projects generally include many labor-intensive operations. In fact, as pointed out before, shortage of manpower in subcontractors' rms is one of the most serious risks to project delays. Therefore, increasing the work force normally speeds up progress, subject to the availability of materials and supervisors, physical constraints of the site, and construction sequence. Tables 7 and 8 summarize the ndings of the survey on the eectiveness of preventive and mitigative methods. 7. Conclusions This paper described the current views and practices of major contractors in Kuwait regarding allocation and signicance of 26 risks presented in a questionnaire survey (Table 1). It also investigated the diering eectiveness of various preventive and mitigative risk management actions being utilized in the local industry (Tables 4 and 5). The survey presented the experience of the largest Kuwaiti contractors towards construction risk according to the CTC governmental classication. Although, it is generally recognized that the risk should be transferred to the party that is in the best position to deal with it, the survey indicated that Kuwaiti local contractors are often responsible for most risk factors. Contractors considered themselves responsible to take care of the risks associated with physical and environmental problems. The risks of this type include diering site conditions and adverse weather conditions. The study also showed that the use of risk analysis techniques for managing and controlling construction risk is generally low among the largest Kuwaiti contractors, with the exception of subjective judgment and practical experience. The attitudes toward risks that are determined by economic conditions are also discussed. Financial failure has been considered to be the most signicant risk category a contractor could suer from in Kuwait. Actually, due to the reduction of oil revenues and the current unstable political situation, there are a few government projects left for bidding by large contractors. This may put some large contractors in a position where they barely recover the oce overheads. It also forces the contractors to bid in a highly competitive construction industry market. Therefore, they should normally minimize their markups to maximize their chances of winning projects, and they may not take into consideration any risk premiums or contingency allowance in an estimate. Such situation might have been quite

dierent if this survey had been conducted in the 1980s since responses are aected by the economic and political conditions of a country. The ndings also indicate that coordination with subcontractors as well as increase of manpower and equipment are considered to be the most eective risk mitigative methods utilized in the Kuwaiti construction industry market. This result has highlighted the fact that subcontracting work agreements hold the key to mitigate the losses of delay impacts that a general contractor has to bear in Kuwait. References
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N.A. Kartam, S.A. Kartam / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 325335 Nabil A. Kartam is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Kuwait University and an expert in project management, project scheduling and control, construction contracts and claims. He received the M.S.E. in construction engineering and management in 1985 from the University of Michigan, the M.S. in computer science in 1988 and the Ph.D. in civil engineering in 1989 from Stanford University. Dr. Kartam has been working as an engineer, planner, professor, and consultant for more than 15 years in the USA and Kuwait. He is the principal investigator for more than half a million dollars of industrial research in the area of advanced information technology in contract management, construction engineering, project scheduling and control, cost engineering, claim control, dispute resolution, and project life cycle optimization. In the 1990s, he has published more than 30 refereed journal papers, more than 30 conference papers, and he is a coeditor for two books published by the ASCE. He is the rst recipient for Maryland's College of Engineering of the Distinguished Lilly Teaching Award in 1991 and he is the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award from Kuwait University, College of Engineering in 1999.


Saied Kartam is a Project Control Manager at CH2M Hill Inc. at Santa Ana, California. He received the M.S. in Civil Engineering in 1991, the M.Eng. in construction engineering and management in 1993, and the Ph.D. in civil engineering in 1995 from UC-Berkeley. He performed the main tasks of scheduling development and review, productivity improvement analyses, value engineering studies, change order impact analyses, claim administration, negotiation, and settlement for many major design and construction projects in California. These projects include: the 33-mile Eastern Transportation Corridor; the Foothill Transportation Corridor; the I-405/SR-55; the $150 million Alvarado Water Treatment Expansion Project in San Diego; the Los Angeles Unied School District Project consisting of 150 schools; the $500 million Water Pipeline and Pumping Plants Project; the $700 million Coastal Pipeline Branch Project; and many residential and commercial building projects. Recently, Dr. Kartam performed activity analyses on a 30 million water treatment plant in Vallejo which led to a 35% improvement in eld productivity and a 20% reduction in project duration.

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