Purchasing of Two Cutter Suction Dredgers: (Pre-Qualification Assessment of Tenderers)
Purchasing of Two Cutter Suction Dredgers: (Pre-Qualification Assessment of Tenderers)
Purchasing of Two Cutter Suction Dredgers: (Pre-Qualification Assessment of Tenderers)
Project title:
Table of contents: No 1 1-1 1-2 2 2-1 2-1-1 2-1-2 3 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 4 5 6 7 7-1 7-2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Description General specifications of the employer Name of the employer Employers address Projects general specifications Project description and location Project description Project location Time, location, and place of tender documents receiving and submission by tenderers Tender document delivery duration Delivery place of quality assessment documents Delivery method of quality assessment documents Receipt Place and deadline of quality assessment documents Name and address of projects consultant Tenderers announcing the validity of submitted documents Tenderers announcing its unwillingness to return any of the submitted documents Costs of invitation to tender Preparation, approval and submission of required documents Obtaining and submission of documents Documents approval method Minimum rank and qualification of the tenderer Method of the pre-qualification assessment of tenderer Introduction letter for attending in the tender meetings Insufficient space in the relevant forms Minimum acceptable score Preparation, confirmation, and submission of required documents by the tenderers (in accordance with row no. 7) Withdrawal from the assessment Tenderer general information Tenderers quality evaluation procedure Main Specifications of the Cutter Suction Dredger Definitions and terminology Guideline for completing the quality evaluation worksheets Important notes, no 1 List of the ongoing or completed projects by the tenderer Main quality evaluation criteria and standards, weighting rates, and calculation method for final point Form No 1: Tenderers design and engineering capabili es Form No 2: Documenta on of tenderers produc on capabilities Form No 3: Assessment of the tenderers procurement capabilities Form No 4: Evalua on of the tenderers capability for
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27 28 29
installation and commissioning segment Form No 5: Evalua on of tenderers planning and management capabilities Form No 6: Evalua on of tenderers work experience Form No 7: evalua on of tenderers credit and nancial capabilities
23 24 25
Tenderers Qualification Evaluation No Employer: 1 Employers name: Coastal Bypass of Ramsar Investment, Construction and Operational Company (CBRICO Co.,Ltd) Employers Address: Unit no.8 ,No.352, Shahid Nejabtjoo St., Shahid 1-2 Bahonar Ave., Tehran, Iran Project general specifications: 2-1 Project description and location: 2-1-1 Project description : Purchasing of Two Cutter Suction Dredgers 2-1-2 Project location: Mazandaran Province Ramsar City Time, location, and place of tender document receiving and submission by tenderers Tender documents will be granted to the contractors ( tenderer) 3-1 from Wednesday 02.27.2013 un l Thursday 03.14.2013 (11 working days) Delivery place of quality assessment documents: Coastal Bypass of 3-2 Ramsar Investment, Construction and Operational Company as address men oned in row number 1-2 Delivery method of quality assessment documents: by attending or 3-3 refer to www.cbrico.com Receipt Place and deadline of quality assessment documents: Tenderer shall be submitted completed quality assessment 3-4 documents to specied address in row number 1-2 from 04.09.2013 un l 04.30.2013 for duration of 17 working days. Projects consultant name and address: Sazehpardazi Iran Consul ng Company: No 6, Shahid Abtahi Str. 3-5 (20th Str.) Kurdestan Highway, Tehran (Post Box: 14395/1313) Tel: (+98 21 88635850) , Fax: (+98 21 88632190) Employer announcing the validity of submitted documents by tenderers 4-1 The tenderer announces that all the data, documents, completed forms, relevant qualification letters, etcare valid and in case the employer perceives the contrary thereof, he is eligible to reject or withdraw the tenderer at any stage of the tender procedure, the tenderers disclaim any responsibility in this regard 4-2 In case the tenderer submits incomplete, inadequate, false, distorted data, documents, etc he will have no right in the tender and the tenderer disclaim any liability in this regard. 4-3 If it is proved that tenderers have used wrong information, intimidation, bribery, tricks or any similar wrong procedure in their tender submission, they may be convicted of two years deprivation from any tender participation by the board of dispute settlements. Announcing the rejection of any request for the return of submitted documents 5-1 The employer announces that it will not accept the tenderers request for the return of any submitted document under no circumstances 1-1
Costs of tender invitation All costs and expenses for invitation to bid during the course of 6-1 tendering shall be borne by the winner of the tender Preparation, approval, and submission of requested documents Preparation and submission of documents: All the requested documents should be submitted in one volume, in 7-1 legible, accurate writing and classified in accordance with items listed in the 4 tables along with relevant approval documents (copy or otherwise as listed in 7-2) in A4 paper format 7-2 Confirmation and approval of received documents: The authorized signatories need to sign and seal all the financial papers and bonds in accordance with the latest articles of 7-2-1 association and alteration in board of managers on behalf of the tenderer Approval of the requested documents for their evaluation and rank assigning Provision of (an attested or notaries copy) or (attested copy by 7-2-2-1 tenderers authorized signatories) as described in 7-2-1 The points of those documents which have been attested as equal 7-2-2-2 to the original will be given fully The evaluation committee will designate and assign the right points to all the documents approved by the tenderer (on the basis of their 7-2-2-3 completeness, accuracy, quality and quantity). Needless to say that the tenderer will be liable for any inaccuracy or misinformation. Tenderer Qualification: The tenderers qualification should match the standards issued by marine authorities as follows: Obtaining concerned permits from their countries maritime 8-1 authorities The minimum permitted work capacity of the tenderer to take part In the tender The tenderer should complete form no.7 accurately and completely considering all his current civil and non-civil projects, to show his 8-2 free work capacity to conduct the tender project. Document submitted by the tenderers that do not have the required work capacity will not be evaluated. Evaluation procedure The evaluation method for the tenders follows a weighting method in which each category is assigned a point ranging from zero to one 9-1 hundred, the final point for each tenderer is the mean of all categories. Introduction letters to attend the tender meetings: The representative of the tenderer needs to carry an introduction 10-1 letter (signed and sealed by the authorized signatories in accordance with 7-2-1) to a end the tender mee ngs If the tenderer wishes to introduce individual(s) to attend all the 10-2 tender meetings on its behalf, he should introduce his authorized representative(s) (at most two persons) to the employer. The
representative(s) can attend all the meetings after submitting their official introducing letter to the relevant authority. In case the representatives of the tenderer are not permanent, each 10-3 new representative should carry a separate authorization letter Insufficient space in the forms: In case the tenderer finds the forms insufficient for his documents, 11-1 he can provide the details in copies made from the original form and submit all to the employer Minimum acceptable score Minimum acceptable score: the minimum point for a tender to be 12-1 proceeded in the following stages is 75% The tenderer is obliged to provide and approve all the documents listed in 7-1 and 7-2 13-1 All the pages of the companys articles of associations Companys establishment notice, notice on all the changes made 13-2 during the companys activity (such as name change, change in articles of association, capital, etc) The latest notice about board of managers changes, authorized 13-3 signatories for bonds, (note: the tenderer should put a copy of the documents required in 13-1 and 13-2 in tender envelope (B) Inability or unwillingness to take part in tender If due to any reason the tenderer cannot or is not willing to take 14-1 part in tender, he needs to inform the Employer in writing not later than 27.April,2013 at the address given in 1-2
Tenderers General Information Company name 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 No 1-11 2-11 3-11 4-14 5-11 6-11 7-11 8-11 Sample signature, date and sample seal as listed in the above E-mail: Website: Company formal address: Registration date: 6 Registration No: 4 5 6 Fax: Company type: Telephone:
Companys activity (in accordance with articles of association) Names and position of all members of the board Position Name and Family Name education Notes
In the Name of God In accordance with executive by law number (H33560 t/84136 dated 8.Oct.2007 enacted by council of ministers) concerning the implementation of tender procedures passed by I.R. of Iran Parliament no 130890 dated 6.Feb.2005, and considering the condi ons and stipulations given below and in order to ensure the high quality for the manufacturers and suppliers of the requested marine equipments, Coastal Bypass of Ramsar Investment, Construction and Operational Company intends to invite domestic and foreign tenderers to offer their technical and financial proposals for this project after passing of pre-qualification assessment. Objective: Tender subject: The purchasing of two cutter suction dredgers with the following general specifications:
Basic specifications of cutter suction dredger: Not self propelled Maximum standard dredging depth Minimum standard dredging depth Internal diameter of suction tube Internal diameter of discharge tube Total installed power Overall Length, ladder raised Length over pontoons Breadth Depth Dredge pumps Submerged pump Power of pump drive single walled, wear resistance MCR 1800 kW 25.00m 3.00m 750mm 750mm Min 4900 kW 73.00m 56.00m 16.00m 3.50m
Dredge pump driven by a diesel engine (IMO certified) via a pivoting gearbox Inboard pump Power of pump drive double walled MCR 1800 kW
Dredge pump driven through combined pump block/reduction gearbox Ball clearance of pumps 300mm
Auxiliary power (cutter, winches, spuds) A diesel engine (IMO certified) for the direct drive of the hydraulic pumps via a gearbox. Diesel engine power (1,755hp) con nuous power @ 1,800rpm Electrical Installation Board network diesel generator set Diesel engine, power= 265kW Harbor diesel generator one set, Voltage (50Hz), 3X400 VAC Cutter Power at shaft Diameter Maximum speed (approx.) Winches (ladder winch / swing winches) Two swing winches + one ladder winch are driven by a hydraulic motor via gearbox Max. Line speed Flexible Spuds Length Diameter Spud hoisting rams Ram stroke Spud tilting system 4.00m Yes 37.0 m 1,200mm 20m/min Min 750 kW Min 2200 mm 30rev/min 1300 kW
Deck crane (FWD) A deck crane (FWD) for hoisting dredge pump parts, cutter head parts and other parts from the engine room Lifting power Outreach Deck crane (AFT) SWL and outreach according to the weight of spud slings and spud hoisting cables Automatic greasing apparatus For greasing of the ladder hoisting sheaves For greasing of the two swiveling sheave blocks An electrically driven greasing device shall be fitted in E/R unit The ladder hoisting sheaves in the ladder gantry shall manually greased from the deck Hatches are in E/R unit: One over submerged dredge pump diesel engine One over the auxiliary diesel engine Classification and Flag Dredger shall be designed and built under rules and regulation of reputable classification society and Iranian flag state Equipped with Spud carriage installation + with flexible spud system Anchor booms Swivel bend Vacuum relief valve Production measuring equipment Cutter repair platform Accommoda on for 20 persons 5 MT 9.50m
DREDGING CONTROL SYSTEM Dredged Track Presentation system (DTPS) & (DGPS) Dredged Track Presentation system (DTPS) is to graphically display top view of the dredger and surrounding bottom profile. Required for positioning purpose with all accessories complete. The required specifications of the pipeline for transportation of the dredged material:
Land pipeline:
12m long pipe with 75cm diameter and 12mm thickness: 100 PCS Bend pipe connection 30: 5 PCS Bend pipe connection 60: 5 PCS Bend pipe connection 90: 5 PCS
Marine pipeline:
12m long with 75cm diameter and 12mm thickness: 150 PCS 3m long with 75cm diameter rubber joints: 150 PCS Pump output in m3 of in situ solids per effective pumping hour Pipeline length in meters Fine sand (1900 Kg / m3) Medium sand (1950 Kg / m3) Coarse sand (2000 Kg / m 3 ) Coarse sand & gravel (2100 Kg / m 3 ) 2800 2500 1000 3000 2650 2100 500 2000 4000
Terms and definitions: Employer: Coastal Bypass of Ramsar Investment, Construction and Operational Company Tenderer: Any company participating in tender invitation by obtaining relevant documents Long list: Final list of tenderers who have submitted pre-qualification assessment documents Short list: List of tenderers who have been accepted with minimum acceptable score. In the completion and submission of documents, the following points should be taken into consideration: 1- All the documents, papers, evidence, certificates etc submitted by the tenderers should be signed and sealed by an authorized official of that company. 2- Any corrected/modified part in the worksheet should be verified by authorized signatories. 3- Should any questions/concern arise, they can be sent to below addresses. Telephone contacts can be made to Mr. Ali Beike at +98 912 593 8339 Unit no.8 ,No.352, Shahid Nejabtjoo St., Shahid Bahonar Ave., Tehran, Iran, postal code 1935615559 Tel: +98-21-22723161 Fax: +98-21-22723042 Email: info@cbrico. com 4- The employer preserves the exclusive right of interpretation of documents to itself. All the documents submitted by the tenderers are regarded confidential and kept by the employer. 5- The tenderers need to submit the relevant explanations and documents related to planning, provision of raw materials, equipment and machineries, technological specifications of CSD etc 6- Evaluation standards and weighting significance for each category is described in quality evaluation worksheets. 7- The minimum score gained by a tenderer should not be less than 75% of total score. 8- The evaluation and calculation of each category including design & engineering, production, procurement, installation & commissioning, planning & management, experience and financial depends on the submission of relevant documents by tenderer. 9- Quality evaluation method is based on the weighting procedure; the tenderers who have obtained the minimum acceptable scores will be included in short list. 10- All the domestic companies should complete the evaluation worksheets in Persian language whereas foreign companies should do so in English language.
A) The provision of written documents related to each item is compulsory. In the event of documents missing, the statements written in quality evaluation worksheets would be considered null and void. B) The documents related to each category should be classified separately. C) Tenderers should avoid submitting irrelevant documents unrelated to the requirements. D) All the documents which need to be verified by former employers should be completed, signed and sealed by authorized officials from there. E) Concerning the comple on of 7 criteria listed in quality evaluation worksheets, the following issues should be taken into consideration:
1- Design and Engineering In this section, the tenderer not only should describe 5 similar projects it has carried out in the past 5 years, but also present relevant documents for them. Therefore, it is necessary to summarize the projects general information such as project employers name, number and kind of equipments and other main parameters. For the completion of equipment section, the tenderer should describe the laboratory equipments, manufacture, installation, testing, inspection, and logistic as illustrated in quality evaluation worksheets along with documents proving their ownership or lease. Organizational structure refers to the provision of management hierarchy chart, designing and engineering office. The tenderer should not only present the documents listed in the worksheet, but should also provide a list of software programs it intends to use in design and manufacturing process. In connection to training courses at the company, the tenderer should provide the details concerning the number and title of training courses held including the number of instructors, authorities used to approve the instructors, educational standards, authorities verifying the training courses, average number of trainees in each year, and mean of training hours per year.
By standard, it is meant a reference standard used for designing and building of that particular product. The standards consist of national and international standards, rules and regulations of the classification societies approved by maritime authority and flag administration.
2- Production The relevant table contains 12 rows each of which should be completed separately by the tenderer. The tenderer should provide the required maps, photos, flowcharts, tables etc For domestic companies which have no experience in construction or partnership with foreign companies, and they are to cooperate as technical or commercial partners for foreign companies in this project, the technological skill and capability refers to those equipments which they provide as technical services during construction or after-sale services to the employer. 3- Procurement In this section, the tenderer is required to provide its internal procedures for the preparation, and supplying of equipments needed for its ongoing and current project. 4- Installation and commissioning The tenderer needs to provide a list of existing relevant plans or guidelines related to installation and commissioning procedures along with organizational chart for installation and commissioning oce as given in table 4. 5- Planning and management This index consists of four parts for each of which the tenderer should provide needed documents.
Part 1: this section is related to quality control and quality assurance. The provision of quality control certificates & HSE plan is a must for this section. Part 2: in this part, all the projects of the tenderer finished without delay are listed. The interested bodies can take part in the tender as constructor, partner, or seller, however, they need to provide relevant information for projects they have managed to finish on time in the past 5 years. They should also provide a detailed schedule for similar projects completed in the past. Part 3: in this section, the tenderer gives its organizational chart along with specified positions for different officers, main key officers responsible in the project including their name, academic degree, field of study, date of graduation, work experience, starting date of work at the company, job title and position, language proficiency and computer skill. Part 4: in this section, the tenderer outlines its proposed insurance kind for this tender activity. It should also specify the insurance type, associated risks, deductibles, insurance coverage, and premium for each specified risk. The tenderer should also propose an insurance company for this tender.
6- Experience In this section, the documents showing the establishment date and type of the company are presented. These documents include: written registry declaration, articles of association, official notice in newspapers, official notice for the latest changes, introduction of the last board of directors and managing director, shareholders and their share. Company type refers to whether it is a private joint stock or joint stock or limited liability or cooperative company. The provision of first few pages of contracts for cases listed in work experience section along with a summary of technical specifications is compulsory. The maximum point will be designated when the above form is completed for 5 similar projects (supply or building cutter suction dredger) in the past 5 years (a er 2008). For each project, the presenta on of relevant insurance policies along with risks coverage, relevant franchise, premium and insurance companys name is mandatory. 7- Credit & Financial Five different criteria are introduced in this section the completion and provision of relevant documents for each index is necessary.
F) Acceptance criterion 1- The minimum score (point) for any tenderer acceptance will be 75% out of the total scores.
NO : 1 1- At this stage, all companies that are willing to participate in tender and its quality assessment, only have to receive and complete the quality assessment documents requested in the first section of the submitted documents and put them into sealed envelope after being signed and sealed (on all pages) by the authorized signatories of the company, and submit them to (CBRICO) company together with an introduction letter issued by the concerned company not later than the last working hour on Tuesday 30.4.2013 and get the relevant receipt.
(( )) :
-1 92/2/10 .
2- Since the main equipment of the vessel -2 shall be supplied from European countries, therefore to prevent the difficulties of importing such equipment to the country, local . manufacturers could participate in tender with a foreign company. Participation of local manufacturers with foreign manufacturers could be in such a way CKD that the vessel should be constructed and . completed like CKD inside the country.
3-Meanwhile, the tenderer should avoid making any call or visit to receive information about the quality assessment or do follow up in other relevant issues and any other request shall be communicated and pursued in writing and via the fax line +98 21-22723042 or call with +98 21-22723161 4- If there are not a sufficient number of qualified companies, the quality assessment will be repeated, and in this case, the companies which receive the minimum required scores do not need to participate in the next quality assessment process and the same score will be calculated and considered
-3 +98-21-22723161 +98-21-22723042 . -4 .
Needless to say, failure to provide the correct -5 and complete information or incapability of the foreign company to fulfill each one of the presented requirements, will lead to the omission of the said company from quality . assessment phase and the relevant tender. 6- All bidder companies shall submit their -6 agreement with their technical partner in which the clear cut description of duties and obligations of both parties are mentioned . together with the quality assessment documents. Needless to say, if the tenderer fails to provide . the said agreement, the buyer will be free to omit the concerned company from quality assessment Phase and its relevant tender.
Tender Subject: The purchasing of two cutter suction dredgers (CSD) for coastal bypass of ramsar project The list of completed and ongoing projects
Actual delivery Pump capacity Contract price Contract date Dredger Type
Cutter power
Delay causes
Pump power
1 2 3 4 5
1- The completion of the above form is mandatory for all tenderers. 2- The necessary documents for the verification of the above information should be provided.
Quality Evaluation Criteria of tenders, weighing percentages, and calculation method for final scores Xi score gained by each tenderer (0-100) Yi Weighting percentage of different criterion (%) Zi=(Yi*Xi) The score gained by each tenderer after applying the weighting rates Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Notes The details of requirements in each row should be prepared and annexed according with the following tables As described in note 3 Form No 1 Form No 2 Form No 3 Form No 4 Form No 5 Form No 6 Form No 7 Y8 =10
No Description
Employers site X1 visit 2 Design and X2 engineering 3 Manufacturing X3 4 Procurement X4 5 Installation and X5 commissioning 6 Management X6 7 Work X7 experience 8 Credit and financial X8 capabilities Total of scores (points) gained by the tenderer at each relevant row
Sum of Sum of scores gained by the tenderer in weighting each row after applying weighting rates rates (Wi=100) (T=.) Note 1: the maximum score dedicated to each of the rows above will be 100 Note 2: calculation method: The evaluation method for the tenders follows a weighting method in which the total sum of criteria is equal to 100% (Wi=100) and each tenderer receives for each category a point ranging from 0 to 100 (Xi), the final point for each tenderer (t= weighting mean) is equal to the sum of all points gained for each category (Xi) multiplied in its relevant weighting rate (Yi) and divided by the sum of categories weighting rates (Wi) Note 3: the score gained for row no. 1 (employers site visit). To receive the designated point, the tenderer should prepare the necessary conditions for the visit of employers three experts investigating the tenderers technical, equipments and manufacturing plants. The score will be assigned in accordance with the degree of congruence between the tenderers capabilities and employers requirements. It needs to be noted that the costs of visits will be at the tenderers expense. Note 4: the minimum score (acceptable score) for a tenderer to be further processed is 75%.
Form No 1: information and documents related to the evaluation of tenderers Design and Engineering Capabilities in its present and past contracts (the past 5 years) (weighting rate 15) Design level No Design and engineering departments Structures Piping Machinery Electrical & Instruments Protective coating Communication, 6 Navigation and Safety equipment s Total sum of scores (points) Notes: 1- The submission of initial pages of contract agreements which are used in design section along with the provision of a summary of technical specifications of the contracts listed in the above table is mandatory. 2- The maximum score will only be designated if the above list for 5 similar projects (dredger manufacturing) carried out in the past 5 years by the tenderer (since 2008). 3- The name of Design Company should be specified for all three sections. 4- The organizational chart of the Design and Engineering Department along with the resume of working staff should be attached to the submitted documents. 100 10 Software name Standard name Basic design Detailed design Designated Score 25 15 25 20 5 This section will be completed by the employer Score gained by the tenderer Notes
1 2 3 4 5
Form No 2: information and documents related to the tenderers evaluation of manufacturing capability and skill (weighting rate 15) No Description Designated score score gained by tenderer Notes
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Material handling Staff competencies and organizational chart Storage area (roofed or open space) Storage of materials and equipment (storehouses) Standards used in storage 10 Existing procedures Storage areas for each storehouse Safety plan for storehouses Coding systems for goods and equipments Equipment name and its manufacturer Materials transportation method from storage area Built year 10 to manufacturing plant Number and type of equipment Safety certificates Repair and maintenance system Pipes and plate cutting and bevelling hall (area and equipments) 6 Plate bending hall (area and equipmentS) 6 Pipes and Plates assembly hall (area and equipments) 6 Blocks and pipe spools assembly hall (area and equipments) 6 Plates and pipes handling methods in the manufacturing workshop 7 Plates welding methods and storage of welding accessories such as electrodes, 10 welding powders etcin the workshop Yards welding structure and organization 10 Yards non-destructive testing structure 9 Software and standards used in manufacturing department 10 Organizational chart along with job description of manufacturing department 10 100 Total sum of points 1- Notes: 1- The information and evidence for each row should be submitted separately 2- The tenderer is obliged to include all the documents required for the completion of the above table.
Form N0 3: Evaluation of tenderers Procurement capabilities (weighting rate 8) No 1 2 3 Description Purchase order procedure (PO) Producer for technical bid evaluation of suppliers Organizational chart for Procurement Department List of the suppliers or manufacturing companies whose 4 products have been used in the previous or current projects by the tenderer. (approved vendor list) 5 Proposed vendors list for the present project Total sum of points 30 100 30 Designated score 15 15 10 This section will be filled by the employer Score gained by tenderer Notes
Form No 4- Evaluation of tenderers installation and commissioning capability (weighting rate 7) No 1 2 3 4 5 Description Proposed organizational structure for the project Resume of the personnel of the project List of equipments and machinery for installation and commissioning of systems Calibration process for related equipments Safety procedure for installation and commissioning phase List of prepared procedures for installation and commissioning phase Total sum of points Designated point 10 20 30 This section will be 10 15 completed by employer Point gained by tenderer Notes
15 100
Form No 5- Evaluation of tenderers management and planning capability (weighting rate 10) No 5-1 5-1-1 5-1-2 Description Designated point 10 10 7 10 10 15 10 5 10 This section will be completed by employer Point gained by tenderer This section will be completed by employer Notes
Quality control and assurance Yard quality control system procedure Yard assurance manual Yard fire control and safety plan and environmental 5-1-3 pollution prevention plan 5-1-4 Presentation of obtained certificates 5-2 Project control Procedure for collection, classification and submission of 5-2-1 information to the owners representative. Provision of detailed time schedule for all the past and 5-2-2 present projects in MSP or similar software programs along with physical and financial progress chart 5-2-3 Organizational chart of the project control department 5-3 Organizational structure Presentation of the bidders company organizational chart 5-3-1 and its management structure Degrees and resumes of the companys managers of 5-3-2 design and engineering, manufacturing, commissioning and procurement departments. 5-4 Insurance Proposed insurance for the tender project (risks 5-4-1 considered along with deductibles, insurance coverage, premium) and proposed insurance company Total sum of points
13 100
1. The tenderer shall be attached documents showing by which institute/company has issued certificates relating to the ISO popular standards.
Form No 6- information and documents relating to the tenderers work experience (weighting rate 10) No Description Number and details of similar projects done by the tenderer in the past 5 years Companys establishment and its type (joint-stock, limited liability.) Employers assessment of the tenderers performance in the past 5 years (the submission of a copy for assessment form is mandatory) Periodic assessment of the tenderers performance by relevant authorities Membership in specialized relevant domestic and foreign associations A list of tenderers on-time finished projects in the past 5 years Total sum of points Notes: 1- The submission of initial pages of contract agreements which are used in work experience section along with the provision of a summary of technical specifications of the contracts listed in the above table is mandatory. 2- The maximum point will only be designated if the above form lists 5 similar projects (dredger manufacturing) carried out in the past 5 years by the tenderer (since 2008). 3- For each of the above listed projects, the submission of relevant insurance policies along with insurance coverage, deductibles, premium and name of the insurance company is compulsory. Designated point Point gained by tenderered Notes
1 2 3
4 5 6
Form No 7- Financial and Credit evaluation (weighting rate 10) No 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 Credit and financial status The average annual income tax on the basis of fixed and in payment taxes confirmed by financial agency (tax payment receipts) Fixed or in-payment premiums paid to Social Security (receipts) Gross annual income documented by fixed and temporary financial statements and approved by relevant employer (s) Fixed assets based on tax declaration or certificate for assets insurance or official ledgers Original LC by banks or authentic financial institutes for the fee of project Description The past 5 years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Notes: 1- The above table is for Iranian Tenderers only; The International Tenderers should present their financial turn-over instead. 2- The highest figure obtained in rows (1) to (4) of the above table serves as the base for calculations. 3- The provision of documents for at least one item in rows 1 to 4 is necessary. 4- The provision of requested documents in the above table is a must. 5- Considering the fact that the credit and financial evaluation of the tenders will be done on the basis of information, documents, evidences, the tender lies responsible for any wrong or distorted information.