Computer Numerical Control Programming Basics: Definitions

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Computer Numerical Control Programming Basics

CAD COMPUTER-AIDED-DESIGN Designing the part to be machined by CNC machine CAM COMPUTER-AIDED-MANUFACTURING Developing the toolpaths, feeds and speeds for the CNC Machines CNC COMPUTER-NUMERICAL-CONTROLLED Computer controlled machine controlled by a Machine Control Unit (MCU)

Programming Process
CAD - DRAW PART IN AUTOCAD OR AUTODESK INVENTOR Program Transfer Load drawing file into MasterCAM

CAM PROGRAM CUTTERS, TOOLPATHS, SPEEDS, FEEDS, ETC. IN MASTERCAM Post Processor - A software link in the CAD/CAM chain that communicates instructions from CAM to a CNC machine. . Program data transfer - PC to Machine Control Unit which runs the CNC machine CNC MACHINE PART ON A CNC MACHINE USING INSTRUCTIONS FORM CAD/CAM PROGRAMMING

CNC Machine Types

CNC Milling Center

CNC Turning Center

CNC Gantry Router

What is a CNC Machine?

CNC : Computer and Numeric Control: Conventionally, an operator decides and adjusts various machines parameters like feed , depth of cut etc depending on type of job , and controls the slide movements by hand. In a CNC Machine functions and slide movements are controlled by motors using computer programs. Programmed instructions are converted into output signals which in turn control machine operations such as spindle speeds, tool selection, tool movement, and cutting fluid flow. A numerical control, or NC, system controls many machine functions and movements which were traditionally performed by skilled machinists. Numerical control developed out of the need to meet the requirements of high production rates, uniformity and consistent part quality.

Advantages: High Repeatability and Precision e.g. Aircraft parts Volume of production is very high Complex contours/surfaces need to be machined. E.g. Turbines Flexibility in job change, automatic tool settings, less scrap More safe, higher productivity, better quality Less paper work, faster prototype production, reduction in lead times Disadvantages: Costly setup, skilled operators Computers, programming knowledge required Maintenance is difficult How CNC works: Controlled by G and M codes. These are number values and co-ordinates. Each number or code is assigned to a particular operation. Typed in manually to CAD by machine operators. G&M codes are automatically generated by the computer software. The tool or material moves. Tools can operate in 1-5 axes. Larger machines have a machine control unit (MCU) which manages operations. Movement is controlled by a motor (actuators). Feedback is provided by sensors (transducers) Closed loop? Tool magazines are used to change tools automatically.

Tool Paths, and Cutting Motions: Tool paths describe the route the cutting tool takes. Motion can be described as point to point, or contouring. Speeds are the rate at which the tool operates e.g. rpm. Feeds are the rate at which the cutting tool and work piece move in relation to each other. Expressed in IPM (inches per minute) Feeds and speeds are determined by cutting depth, material and quality of finish needed. e.g. harder materials need slower feeds and speeds. Rouging cuts remove larger amounts of material than finishing cuts. Rapid traversing allows the tool or work piece to move rapidly when no machining is taking place Point to Point and Contour Tool Paths:

Point to Point Toolpath Point to Point toolpaths cut following lines

Contour ToolPath Contour toolpaths cut follow surfaces

Linear Interpolation :( Point to Point) Linear interpolation consist of a programmed point linked together by straight lines

Circular Interpolation: (Contour) Circular interpolation is the process of programming arcs and circles. .

Circular interpolation requires endpoints, a feed rate, a center, a radius, and a direction of movement.

CNC Programming Basics

Block of Information: When running, a part program is interpreted one command line at a time until all lines are completed.

N001 G01 X1.2345 Y.06789 MO3 N001 G01 X12345 Y6789 M03 Represents the sequence number of the operation Represents linear operation (tool movement) Will move the tool or table 1.2345 in. a positive direction along the X axis Will move the tool or table 0.6789 in. along the Y axis Turns spindle on clockwise

Commands, which are also referred to as blocks, are made up of words which each begin with a letter address and end with a numerical value. Each letter address relates to a specific machine function. G and M letter addresses O - Program number (Used for program identification) N - Sequence number (Used for line identification) G - Preparatory function X - X axis designation Y - Y axis designation Z - Z axis designation R - Radius designation F Feed rate designation S - Spindle speed designation H - Tool length offset designation D - Tool radius offset designation T - Tool Designation

M - Miscellaneous function

G- CODES (Preparatory Functions) which cause some movement of the machine table or head. G00 Rapid Movement G01 Linear Interpolation (movement) G02 Circular Interpolation, CW G03 Circular Interpolation, CCW G17 XY Plane,G18 XZ Plane,G19 YZ Plane G20/G70 Inch units G21/G71 Metric Units G40 Cutter compensation cancel G41 Cutter compensation left G42 Cutter compensation right G43 Tool length compensation (plus) G43 Tool length compensation (plus) G44 Tool length compensation (minus) G49 Tool length compensation cancel G80 Cancel canned cycles G81 Drilling cycle G82 Counter boring cycle G83 Deep hole drilling cycle G90 Absolute positioning

G91 Incremental positioning

M-CODES (Miscellaneous) which turn ON or OFF different functions M00 Program stop M01 Optional program stop M02 Program end M03 Spindle on clockwise M04 Spindle on counterclockwise M05 Spindle stop M06 Tool change M08 Coolant on M09 Coolant off M10 Clamps on M11 Clamps off M30 Program stop, reset to start Important things to know: Feed rate and spindle speed Feed and Speed Codes: F and S- Specify feed and spindle speed Coolant Control: On/Off, Flood, Mist Tool Control: Tool and tool parameters Tool codes: T specify tool number Programming consists of a series of instructions in form of letter codes Preparatory Codes: G codes- Initial machining setup and establishing operating conditions

N codes- specify program line number to executed by the MCU

Axis Codes: X,Y,Z - Used to specify motion of the slide along X, Y, Z direction Program Example

O1234 N5 G90 G20 N10 M06 T3 N15 M03 S1250 N20 G00 X1 Y1 N25 Z0.1 N30 G01 Z-0.125 F5 N35 X3 Y2 F10 N40 G00 Z1 N45 X0 Y0 N50 M05 N55 M30


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