Unit - 1 Final

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Unit 5 Numerical Control

1. Fundamentals of NC Technology
2. Computer Numerical Control
3. Distributed Numerical Control
4. Applications of NC
5. NC Part Programming
History of CNC

US Air Force asks MIT to develop a "numerically controlled"

Prototype NC machine demonstrated (punched tape input)

CNC machines (computer used to link directly to controller)
Numerical Control (NC) Defined

CONTROLLER Numerical Control is a
(NC CODE) system in which actions
are controlled by the direct
insertion of numerical
MANUFACTURING data at some point. The
system must automatically
Drive Control interpret at least some
portion of the data


NC Coordinate Systems
For flat and prismatic (block-like) parts:
Milling and drilling operations
Conventional Cartesian coordinate system
Rotational axes about each linear axis

For rotational parts:

Turning operations
Only x- and z-axes
Types of Numerical Control
Conventional Numerical Control (NC)
Direct Numerical Control (DNC)
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
Computer Numerical Control
The idea of computer
numerical control is
to position a
computer right at
the machine tool.
Direct Numeric Control
Is a method where a
single computer
controls many
numerical control
machine tools.
These machine tools
may or may not be of
a similar nature
How CNC Works

Controlled by G and M codes.

These are number values and co-ordinates.
Each number or code is assigned to a particular operation.
Typed in manually to CAD by machine operators.
G&M codes are automatically generated by the computer
Types of CNC machines

Based on Motion Type:

Point-to-Point or Continuous path

Based on Control Loops:

Open loop or Closed loop

Based on Power Supply:

Electric or Hydraulic or Pneumatic

Based on Positioning System

Incremental or Absolute
Motion Control Systems

Point-to-Point systems
Also called position systems
System moves to a location and performs an
operation at that location (e.g., drilling)
Also applicable in robotics

Continuous path systems

Also called contouring systems in machining
System performs an operation during movement
(e.g., milling and turning)
Moving at maximum rate from point to point.

Accuracy of the destination is important but not the path.

Drilling is a good application.

Controls both the displacement and the
Machining profiles.
Precise control.
Use linear and circular interpolators.
Absolute vs. Incremental Positioning

Absolute positioning
Move is: x = 40, y = 50

Incremental positioning
Move is: x = 20, y = 30.
Open loop & Closed loop system
Interpolation Methods
1. Linear interpolation
Straight line between two points in
2. Circular interpolation
Circular arc defined by starting point,
end point, center or radius, and
3. Helical interpolation
Circular plus linear motion
4. Parabolic and cubic interpolation
Free form curves using higher order
Linear Interpolation

Moves the tool from

its current position
to a specific XYZ
coordinate at a
specified feed rate
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

Storage of more than one part program

Various forms of program input
Program editing at the machine tool
Fixed cycles and programming subroutines
Communications interface
Applications of CNC
CNC Application Characteristics

Batch and High Volume production

Repeat and/or Repetitive orders
Complex part geometries
Many separate operations on one part
Cost-Benefits of CNC
High investment cost
High maintenance effort
Need for skilled programmers
High utilization required

Cycle time reduction
Nonproductive time reduction
Greater accuracy and repeatability
Lower scrap rates
Reduced parts inventory and floor space
Operator skill-level reduced
CNC Turning centre
Turning Center Coordinate System

Z is the length of the part.

X is the diameter of the part.
The partially shaded circle represents
the origin.
The programmer chooses the location
of the origin on the part, usually the
back, centre or front, centre.
We will always use the back, centre
since it simplifies machine set-up.
Program to move the tool, not the
CNC Machining Centre
CNC Part Programming
1. Manual part programming
2. Manual data input
3. Computer-assisted part programming
4. Part programming using CAD/CAM
Block Format
Organization of words within a block in NC part program
Also known as tape format because the original
formats were designed for punched tape
Word address format - used on all modern CNC
Uses a letter prefix to identify each type of word
Spaces to separate words within the block
Allows any order of words in a block
Words can be omitted if their values do not
change from the previous block
Sequence and format of words:

N3 G2 X+1.4 Y+1.4 Z+1.4 F3.2 S4 T4 M2

sequence no destination coordinates feed rate tool Other function

spindle speed
preparatory function
Types of Words

N - sequence number prefix

G - preparatory words
Example: G00 = PTP rapid traverse move
X, Y, Z - prefixes for x, y, and z-axes
F - feed rate prefix
S - spindle speed
T - tool selection
M - miscellaneous command
Example: M07 = turn cutting fluid on
Example: Word Address Format
N001 G00 X07000 Y03000 M03
N002 Y06000
Cutter Offset

Cutter path must be

offset from actual
part outline by a
distance equal to
the cutter radius
Issues in Manual Part Programming
Adequate for simple jobs, e.g., PTP drilling
Linear interpolation
G01 G94 X050.0 Y086.5 Z100.0 F40 S800
Circular interpolation
G02 G17 X088.0 Y040.0 R028.0 F30
Cutter offset
G42 G01 X100.0 Y040.0 D05
NC part program code Comments
N001 G21 G90 G92 X-050.0 Y-050.0 Z010.0; Define origin of axes.
N002 G00 Z-020.0 S1989 M03; Rapid to cutter depth, turn spindle on.
N003 G01 G94 G42 Y0 D05 F398; Bring tool to starting y-value, start cutter offset.
N004 G01 X075.0; Mill lower horizontal edge of part.
N005 G01 X150.0 Y043.02; Mill angled edge at 35 degrees.
N006 G01 Y070.0; Mill vertical edge at right of part.
N007 G01 X080.0; Mill horizontal edge leading to arc.
N008 G17 G02 X050.0 Y100.0 R030.0; Circular interpolation around arc.
N009 G01 Y125.0; Mill vertical step above arc.
N010 G01 X0; Mill top part edge.
N011 G01 Y0 Mill vertical edge at left of part.
N012 G40 G00 X-050.0 Y-050.0 Z010.0 M05; Rapid move to target point, cancel offset, spindle stop.
N013 M30; End of program, stop machine.
Manual Data Input

Machine operator does part programming at

Operator enters program by responding to
prompts and questions by system
Monitor with graphics verifies tool path
Usually for relatively simple parts
Ideal for small shop that cannot afford a part
programming staff
To minimize changeover time, system should
allow programming of next job while current job
is running
Computer-Assisted Part Programming
Write machine instructions using natural language
type statements
Statements translated into machine code of the MCU
APT (Automatically Programmed Tool) Language
NC Part Programming Using
EDM Schematic
EDM wire
Wire is brass, copper
or tungsten
With wire edm you
can basically cut out
any design
Computer Aided Inspection (CAI)

comparison of a physical part to a 3D CAD model.

An automatic inspection method and apparatus using
structured light and machine vision camera is used to
inspect an object in conjunction with the geometric model
of the object
Camera images of the object are analyzed by computer to
produce the location of points on the object's surfaces in
three dimensions.
Point-cloud data is taken from a laser scanner or other 3-
D scanning device.
The software provides a graphical comparison of the
manufactured part compared to the CAD model.
Coordinate Measuring Machine

3D device that uses contact

probe to detect the surface
of object.
The probe is generally a
highly sensitive pressure
sensing device that is
triggered by any contact with
a surface.
The linear distances moved
along the 3 axes are
recorded, thus providing the
x, y and z coordinates of the
Comparison between conventional
and coordinate measuring technology

Manual, time consuming alignment Alignment of the test piece not

of the test piece necessary

Single purpose and multi-point Simple adaptation to the measuring

measuring instruments making it test by software
hard to adapt to changing
measuring task
Comparison of measurement with Comparison of measurement with
material measures, i.e., gauge mathematical or numerical value
Separate determination of size, form, Determination of size, form, location
location and orientation with and orientation in one setup using
different machines one reference system
Column type

Often referred to as universal

measuring machine instead of CMM
The column type CMM construction
provides exceptional rigidity and
These machines are usually reserved
for gage rooms rather than inspection
Horizontal arm type

Unlike the previous machines, the

basic horizontal arm-type CMM
Also referred to as layout machine
Has a moving arm, and the probe is
carried along the y-axis
Advantage- provides a large area,
unobstructed work area
Ideal configuration for measurement of
automobile parts
Gantry type

The support of workpiece is independent of the x

and y axes, both are overhead, supported by four
vertical columns rising from the floor
This setup allows you to walk along the workpiece
with the probe, which is helpful for extremely large
Gantry configuration with dual linear motor
drives, laser scales an online compensation

Two general categories

1. Contact (see figure)
Touch-trigger probe
Analog scanning probe
2. Noncontact
For inspection of printed circuit board,
measuring a clay of wax model, when
the object being measured would be
deformed by the for of stylus
laser probes
video probes
Contact probes

1. Touch trigger probe

As the sensor makes contact with the part, the difference in
contact resistance indicates that the probe has been deflected
The computer records this contact point coordinate space
An LED light and an audible signal usually indicate contact
Touch probe assemblies consist of three components; probe
head, probe and stylus

2. Analog scanning probe

Use to measure contour surfaces, complex, irregular
Remains in contact with the surface of the part as it moves
Improve the speed and accuracy
Non-contact probe

1. Laser scanning probe

Laser probes project a light beam onto the surface of a part
When the light beam is triggered, the position of beam is read
by triangulation through a lens in the probe receptor
Laser tool have a high degree of speed and accuracy

2. Video probe
The feature are measured by computer count of the pixels of
the electronic image
The camera is capable of generating multitude of
measurements points within a single video frame

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