Obat Anti Angina

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Antiangina drugs

Definition Antiangina drugs are medicines that relieve the symptoms of angina pectoris (severe chest pain). Purpose The dull, tight chest pain of angina occurs when the heart's muscular wall is not getting enough oxygen. By relaxing the blood vessels, antiangina drugs reduce the heart's work load and increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood that reaches the heart. These drugs come in different forms, and are used in three main ways:

Taken regularly over a long period, they reduce the number of angina attacks. Taken just before some activity that usually brings on an attack, such as climbing stairs, they prevent attacks. Taken when an attack begins, they relieve the pain and pressure.

Not every form of antiangina drug can be used in every way. ome work too slowly to prevent attacks that are about to begin or to relieve attacks that have already started. These forms can be used only to reduce the number of attacks. !e sure to understand how and when to use the type of antiangina

drug that has been prescribed. Description Antiangina drugs, also known as nitrates, come in many different forms" tablets and capsules that are swallowed# tablets that are held under the tongue, inside the lip, or in the cheek until they dissolve# stick$on patches# ointment# and in$the$mouth sprays. %ommonly used antiangina drugs include isosorbide dinitrate (&sordil, orbitrate, and other brands) and nitroglycerin (Nitro$!id, Nitro$'ur, Nitrolingual pray, Nitrostat Tablets, Transderm$Nitro, and other brands). These medicines are available only with a physician(s prescription. Recommended dosage The recommended dosage depends on the type and form of antiangina drug and may be different for different patients. %heck with the physician who prescribed the drug or the pharmacist who filled the prescription for the correct dosage. Always take antiangina drugs e)actly as directed. The medicine will not work if it is not taken correctly. 'o not stop taking this medicine suddenly after taking it for several weeks or more, as this could cause angina attacks to return. &f it is necessary to stop taking the drug, check with the physician who prescribed it for instructions on how to taper down gradually. Precautions *emember that some forms of antiangina drugs work too slowly to relieve attacks that have already started. %heck with the physician who prescribed the medicine for instructions on how to use the type that has been prescribed. +atients who are using slower$acting forms to make attacks less fre,uent may want to ask their physicians to prescribe a fast$acting type to relieve attacks. Another method of treating the fre,uency of attacks is to increase the dosage of the long$acting antiangina drug. 'o this only with the approval of a physician. These medicines make some people feel lightheaded, di--y, or faint when they get up after sitting or lying down. To lessen the problem, get up gradually and hold onto something for support if possible. Antiangina drugs may also cause di--iness, lightheadedness, or fainting in hot weather or

when people stand for a long time or e)ercise. .se caution in all these situations. 'rinking alcohol while taking antiangina drugs may cause the same problems. Anyone who takes this medicine should limit the amount of alcohol consumed. !ecause these drugs may cause di--iness, be careful when driving, using machines, or doing anything else that could be dangerous. &f the person is taking the form of nitroglycerin that is placed under the tongue and symptoms are not relieved within three doses taken about / minutes apart, the person should go to the hospital emergency room as soon as possible. A heart attack may be in progress. ome people develop tolerance to antiangina drugs over time. That is, the drug no longer produces the desired effects. Anyone who seems to be developing a tolerance to this medicine should check with his or her physician. Anyone who has had unusual reactions to antiangina drugs in the past should let his or her physician know before taking the drugs again. The physician should also be told about any allergies to foods, dyes, preservatives, or other substances. 0omen who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who may become pregnant should check with their physicians before using antiangina drugs. 1lder people may be especially sensitive to the effects of antiangina drugs and thus more likely to have side effects such as di--iness and lightheadedness. Before using antiangina drugs, people with any of these medical problems should make sure their physicians are aware of their conditions:

*ecent heart attack or stroke 2idney disease 3iver disease evere anemia 1veractive thyroid 4laucoma *ecent head injury.

Side effects

A common side effect is a headache just after taking a dose of the medicine. These headaches usually become less noticeable as the body adjusts to the drug. %heck with a physician if they are severe or they continue even after taking the medicine for a few weeks. .nless a physician says to do so, do not change the dose to avoid headaches. 1ther common side effects include di--iness, lightheadedness, fast pulse, flushed face and neck, nausea or vomiting, and restlessness. These problems do not need medical attention unless they do not go away or they interfere with normal activities. 1ther side effects may occur. Anyone who has unusual symptoms after taking an antiangina drug should get in touch with his or her physician. Interactions ntiangina drugs may interact with other medicines. This may increase the risk of side effects or change the effects of one or both drugs. nyone who takes antiangina drugs should let the physician know all other medicines he or she is taking. mong the drugs that may interact with antiangina drugs are:

1ther heart medicines !lood pressure medicines Aspirin Alcohol 5rgot alkaloids used in migraine headaches.

Angina pectoris A feeling of tightness, heaviness, or pain in the chest, caused by a lack of o)ygen in the muscular wall of the heart.

The above information is an educational aid only. &t is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you. This health encyclopedia is made possible by the 'r. 6oseph 7. mith Trust 7und. 'r. mith was a surgeon who resided in 0ausau from 89:; to 89/<. &n addition to his surgical practice, 'r. mith possessed a strong commitment to community service and medical education. The agreement which created the 'r. 6oseph 7. mith =edical library was signed in 6uly of 89>;.
%opyright 8999$<::?. The Thomson %orporation. All rights reserved. =y'isease'e)(T=) is a trademark of =icromede), &nc. =edical 3ibrary, ??? www.chclibrary.org +ine *idge !lvd. 0ausau, 0& />>:8, +hone" @8/$;>@$<8;>, 7a), @8/$;>@$<8;?

Antiangina drugs

Definition Antiangina drugs are medicines that relieve the symptoms of angina pectoris (severe chest pain). Purpose The dull, tight chest pain of angina occurs when the heart's muscular wall is not getting enough oxygen. By relaxing the blood vessels, antiangina drugs reduce the heart's wor load and increase the amount of oxygen!rich blood that reaches the heart. These drugs come in different forms, and are used in three main ways"

ta en regularly over a long period, they reduce the number of angina attac s. ta en #ust before some activity that usually brings on an attac , such as climbing stairs, they prevent attac s. ta en when an attac begins, they relieve the pain and pressure.

$ot every form of antiangina drug can be used in every way. %ome wor too slowly to prevent attac s that are about to begin or to relieve attac s that have already started. These forms can be used only to reduce the number of attac s. Be sure to understand how and when to use the type of antiangina drug that has been prescribed. Description Antiangina drugs, also nown as nitrates, come in many different forms" tablets and capsules that are swallowed& tablets that are held under the tongue, inside the lip, or in the chee until they dissolve& stic !on patches& ointment& and in!the!mouth sprays. 'ommonly used antiangina drugs include isosorbide dinitrate ((sordil, %orbitrate, and other brands) and nitroglycerin ($itro!Bid, $itro!)ur, $itrolingual %pray, $itrostat Tablets, Transderm!$itro, and other brands). These medicines are available only with a physician's prescription. Recommended dosage

The recommended dosage depends on the type and form of antiangina drug and may be different for different patients. 'hec with the physician who prescribed the drug or the pharmacist who filled the prescription for the correct dosage.

Always ta e antiangina drugs exactly as directed. The medicine will not wor if it is not ta en correctly. )o not stop ta ing this medicine suddenly after ta ing it for several wee s or more, as this could cause angina attac s to return. (f it is necessary to stop ta ing the drug, chec with the physician who prescribed it for instructions on how to taper down gradually. Precautions *emember that some forms of antiangina drugs wor too slowly to relieve attac s that have already started. 'hec with the physician who prescribed the medicine for instructions on how to use the type that has been prescribed. +atients who are using slower!acting forms to ma e attac s less fre,uent may want to as their physicians to prescribe a fast!acting type to relieve attac s. Another method of treating the fre,uency of attac s is to increase the dosage of the long!acting antiangina drug. )o this only with the approval of a physician. These medicines ma e some people feel lightheaded, di--y, or faint when they get up after sitting or lying down. To lessen the problem, get up gradually and hold onto something for support if possible. Antiangina drugs may also cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting in hot weather or when people stand for a long time or exercise. .se caution in all these situations. )rin ing alcohol while ta ing antiangina drugs may cause the same problems. Anyone who ta es this medicine should limit the amount of alcohol consumed. Because these drugs may cause di--iness, be careful when driving, using machines, or doing anything else that could be dangerous. (f the person is ta ing the form of nitroglycerin that is placed under the tongue and symptoms are not relieved within three doses ta en about / minutes apart, the person should go to the hospital emergency room as soon as possible. A heart attack may be in progress. %ome people develop tolerance to antiangina drugs over time. That is, the drug no longer produces the desired effects. Anyone who seems to be developing a tolerance to this medicine should chec with his or her physician.

Anyone who has had unusual reactions to antiangina drugs in the past should let his or her physician now before ta ing the drugs again. The physician should also be told about any allergies to foods, dyes, preservatives, or other substances.

0omen who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who may become pregnant should chec with their physicians before using antiangina drugs. 1lder people may be especially sensitive to the effects of antiangina drugs and thus more li ely to have side effects such as di--iness and lightheadedness. Before using antiangina drugs, people with any of these medical problems should ma e sure their physicians are aware of their conditions"

recent heart attac or stroke idney disease liver disease severe anemia overactive thyroid glaucoma recent head in#ury

Side effects A common side effect is a headache #ust after ta ing a dose of the medicine. These headaches usually become less noticeable as the body ad#usts to the drug. 'hec with a physician if they are severe or they continue even after ta ing the medicine for a few wee s. .nless a physician says to do so, do not change the dose to avoid headaches. 1ther common side effects include di--iness, lightheadedness, fast pulse, flushed face and nec , nausea or vomiting, and restlessness. These problems do not need medical attention unless they do not go away or they interfere with normal activities. 1ther side effects may occur. Anyone who has unusual symptoms after ta ing an antiangina drug should get in touch with his or her physician. Interactions Antiangina drugs may interact with other medicines. This may increase the ris of side effects or change the effects of one or both drugs. Anyone who ta es antiangina drugs should let the physician now all other medicines he or she is

ta ing. Among the drugs that may interact with antiangina drugs are"

other heart medicines blood pressure medicines aspirin alcohol ergot al aloids used in migraine headaches

Antiangina )rugsBrand $ame (2eneric $ame)+ossible 'ommon %ide 3ffects (nclude"'alan (calan %*, isoptin, isoptin %*, verelan)'onstipation, di--iness, fatigue, headache, fluid retention, low blood pressure, nausea'ardene (nicardipine hydrochloride) )i--iness, headache, indigestion, nausea, rapid heartbeat, sleepiness, swelling of feet, flushing'ardi-em (diltia-em hydrochloride))i--iness, fluid retention, headache, nausea, rash'orgard (nadolol)Behaviorial changes, di--iness, drowsiness, tiredness(mdur, (smo, 4ono et (isosorbide mononitrate) 5eadache(sordil (isosorbide dinitrate) 5eadache, di--iness, low blood pressure6opressor (metroprolol tartrate))epression, diarrhea, itching, rash, tiredness$itro!Bid, $itro!)ur, $itrolingual %pray, $itrostat Tables, Transderm! $itro (nitroglycerin))i--iness, flushing, headache$orvasc (amlodipine besylate))i--iness, fatigue, fluid retention, headache, palpitations+rocardia, +rocardia 76, Adalat (nifedipine)'onstipation, di--iness, hearburn, low blood pressure, moodiness, nausea, swellingTenormin (atenolol))i--iness, fatigue, nausea, slowed heartbeat Key Terms Angina pectoris A feeling of tightness, heaviness, or pain in the chest, caused by a lac of oxygen in the muscular wall of the heart.

Comparati e study of the therapeutic effect of antiangina agents!

8Article in Bulgarian9 "alamo #$ Tseno I$ Kusitase %$ &rumo %$ Daskalo T' The therapeutic effect of obsidan (:/ to :/; mg<:= h), cordanum (>/ to ?;; mg<:= h), nitropenton (?; mg<:= h), combination of obsidan with nitropenton, prenylamin (@A; mg<:= h), stenopril (@A; mg<:= h), cordaron (B;; mg<:=h) and corvaton (=

mg<:= h) was studied according to clinical asessment in @:> patients with stenocardia and in == of them by loading tests (veloergometry or treadmill). According to the clinical assessment !! very good (abating of stenocardia paroxysms) and good effect (less fre,uent paroxysms nitroglycerin necessary every one!two days) was established in A: per cent of those treated with obsidan, in >A per cent of the treated with cordanum, in AB per cent of those treated with the combination obsidan with nitropenton, in == per cent of the treated with nitropenton, in =: per cent of the treated with prenylamin, in =B per cent pf the treated with stenopril, in > out of C patients treated with cordaron as well as in > out of C patients treated with corvaton. According to the data from the loading tests!!very good (increase of capacity, not limited by pain and %T depression) and good effect (considerable increase of capacity but limited by pain and %T depression) was found in >> per cent of the patients administered obsidan, in B> per cent of those administered cardanum and in ?? per cent of the patients administered tenopril and prenylamin. Beta!!bloc ers significantly excel the therapeutic effect of stenopril, prenylanin and nitropenton, both according to clinical assessment (+ D ;,;: to p D ;,;;@) and to the data from the loading tests (+ D ;,;:). Beta!bloc ers dosage was individually determined but A; per cent of the patients with a favourable effect by obsidan or cordanum had received B;! @:; mg<:= h and @/; mg<:= h respectively. The individual effect of the patients is presented so that even the small number of cases observed with cordaron and corvaton treatment shows it reasonable to include new preparations in antianginose treatment. +ublication Types" 'linical Trial +4()" >;;?C@> 8+ub4ed ! indexed for 43)6($39 (A"A angina D#)I(ISI angina (angina pektoris) merupa an nyeri dada sementara atau suatu perasaan terte an, yang ter#adi #i a otot #antung mengalami e urangan o sigen. ebutuhan #antung a an o sigen ditentu an oleh beratnya er#a #antung ( ecepatan dan e uatan denyut #antung). a tivitas fisi dan emosi menyebab an #antung be er#a lebih berat dan arena itu menyebab an mening atnya ebutuhan #antung a an o sigen. #i a arteri menyempit atau tersumbat sehingga aliran darah e otot tida dapat memenuhi ebutuhan #antung a an o sigen, ma a bisa ter#adi iskemia dan

menyebab an nyeri.

(nformasi +enyebab,2e#ala, +engobatan, )iagnosis, +encegahan dan lain lain hanya ada di medicastore.com EPIDEMIOLOGI
Penyakit oronari !antung

+enyakit disebabkan oleh kerosakan pada koronari arteri dalam jantung dipanggil penyakit koronari jantung. +enyebab utama masalah yang membawa maut ini ialah arthrosklerosis. &aitu satu keadaan di mana timbunan lemak menyempitkan bahagian dalam saluran darah dan menghalang pengaliran darah ke jantung. Arthroskelorosis mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk membentuk serta keadaannya bertambah buruk dan boleh menyebabkan kematian jika tidak dihalang. 'iantara tanda$tanda penyakit koronari jantung adalah sesak nafas bila kepenatan, degupan jantung yang luarbiasa, angina pektoris, sakit jantung, lemah jantung dan kematian mengejut.

!e"ak#"e"ak Pem$unu% +enyakit kardiovascular adalah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan jantung.

&a merupakan punca utama kesakitan dan kematian yang disahkan oleh doktor =alaysia. +ada tahun 89;;, <9.>A dari angka kematian yang disahkan oleh doktor di emenanjung =alaysia adalah disebabkan oleh penyakit yang membunuh ini. 'i antara tahun 89;8 hingga 89;9, kadar kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit ini di emenanjung =alaysia bertambah dari 8/.? bagi 8::,::: kepada ?@ bagi 8::,:::. 2emasukan ke hospital bagi penyakit ini telah bertambah dari 8:,89: kepada B>,B9B di antara 89B/ dan 89;9, pertambahan sebanyak /?>A dalam masa <> tahun.

&agaimana Ter"adinya Sakit !antung Angina (sakit dada bila kepenatan) terjadi akibat berlakunya arthrosklerosis di mana saluran yang membekalkan darah ke otot$otot jantung menyempit dan pengaliran darah terhalang. erangan sakit jantung terjadi apabila darah membeku di kawasan arthrosklerosis dan menghalang sepenuhnya pengaliran darah ke otot$otot jantung. Tanda$tanda serangan sakit jantung termasuklah kesakitan di bahagian jantung, berpeluh, loya dan kesukaran untuk pernafasan. 'alam kes$kes serangan sakit jantung tertentu ia tidak menunjukkan tanda$tanda biasa.

'aktor#faktor Ter"adinya Penyakit !antung oronari 6ika anda mempunyai keturunan yang mengidap penyakit jantung. 6ika anda berusia ?/ tahun ke atas dan mempunyai masalah berat badan. 6ika anda merokok. 6ika anda gagal mengawal tekanan darah anda. 6ika anda mengidap penyakit kencing manis. 6ika anda menghadapi masalah mengawal tekanan. 6ika pemilihan makanan anda tidak betul makanan anda mengandungi kadar kolesterol dan lemak yang tinggi. 6ika anda kurang bersenam.
:9 =ar <::/ 8:":B":> 0&!Sega(a yang per(u Anda keta%ui mengenai oroner ) ateterisasi !antung* Apaka% Angiografi oroner



Angiografi koroner adalah suatu prosedur sinar$) (C$*ay) untuk memeriksa pembuluh darah arteri jantung (arteri koroner) dengan kamera khusus untuk melihat apakah pembuluh darah koroner mengalami penyempitan atau penyumbatan. +rosedur ini ini merupakan suatu prosedur yang penting bila dokter menduga atau mengetahui anda penderita penyakit



'okter yang melakukan prosedur ini, dengan hanya melakukan pembiusan lokal, akan memasukkan sebuah selang plastik penjang dan tipis ke dalam sebuah pembuluh darah arteri di lipat paha atau tangan anda. elang yang tipis dan fleksible ini disebut 2ateter, sehinga proseur tersebut juga sering dikenal sebagai ateterisasi !antung. !egitu kateter masuk ke dalam arteri di lipat paha atau tangan Anda, dokter akan memasukkan kateter tersebut sampai ke Aorta (pembuluh darah utama yang keluar dari jantung), tempat muara dari arteri koroner. elanjutnya diinjeksikan suatu bahan khusus ke dalam arteri koroner dan diambil dengan gambar )$ray nya. 'engan demikian dokter dapat

melihat masalah apa yang ada Apa yang dapat diketa%ui dari Angiografi





Angiografi koroner dapat mendeteksi adanya penyakit jantung koroner dan merupakan satu$ satunya metode yang akurat ( tandar 5mas $ 'iagnosis +asti) untuk memperlihatkan bagian$bagian pembuluh darah koroner yang mengalami penyempitan atau penyumbatan oleh p(ak aterosk(erosis+ Apaka% penyakit !antung oroner +enyakit jantung koroner adalah suatu penyakit dari arteri koroner. Arteri koroner merupakan pembuluh darah yang mensuplai jantung dengan darah agar jantung dapat terus bekerja memompa. Arteri koroner terletak diluar jantung dan muaranya keluar dari Aorta. P(ak Aterosk(erosis +enyempitan atau sumbatan di pembuluh darah koroner disebabkan oleh adanya deposit yang terdiri dari lemak, sel$sel otot polos pembuluh darah koroner dan matriks ekstraselular lainnya (disebut juga plak aterosklerosis) di dinding arteri koroner. +lak ini terbentuk secara perlahan$lahan (bertahun$tahun) dari lapisan dinding pembuluh yang terus bertumbuh ke dalam lumen pembuluh, dan bukan merupakan suatu endapan atau timbunan yang menempel di dinding pembuluh. !ila plak ini sudah besar, maka lumen arteri menjadi menyempit dan aliran darah ke otot jantung akan berkurang. Dal ini dapat menyebabkan sakit dada (Angina +ectoris) atau serangan jantung (Deart Attack). Angina biasanya timbul bila jantung harus bekerja lebih keras dari normal, seperti selama latihan atau saat emosi. !agian jantung yang disuplai oleh arteri yang menyempit tidak mendapat cukup oksigen dan menyebabkan sakit dada. +ada serangan jantung, arteri yang

menyempit tiba$tiba menjadi tersumbat total karena terbentuknya bekuan darah di arteri yang menyempit. !agian otot jantung yang disuplai oleh arteri tersebut tidak menerima oksigen sama sekali dan dapat mengalami kerusakan secara permanen jika aliran darah tidak diperbaiki secara cepat. .ntuk mengobati Angina dan untuk mencegah suatu serangan jantung, perlu diketahui pembuluh darah koroner yang mengalami penyempitan dan seberapa parah agar dokter Anda dapat memutuskan pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Anda.

Apaka% ada resikonya , eperti pada banyak pemeriksaan medis lainnya, ada beberapa resiko, tetapi masalah yang serius jarang dijumpai. 2ebanyakan orang tidak mempunyai masalah, dan jika dokter Anda telah merekomendasikan pemeriksan ini berarti manfaat yang akan didapat dari pemeriksan ini jauh lebih melampaui resiko yang mungkin terjadi. =asalah yang dapat terjadi adalah memar kecil disekitar tempat penusukkan (masuknya kateter) yang biasanya hilang dalam beberapa hari, benjolan di arteri tempat penusukkan atau iritasi serabut saraf di sekitarnya (dapat menyebabkan mati rasa atau kesemutan lokal yang bersifat sementara). =asalah lain yang juga jarang dijumpai adalah reaksi alergi terhadap bahan kontras. =asalah yang lebih serius dapat terjadi, terutama pada pasien dengan resiko tinggi, dan hal ini dapat didiskusikan dengan dokter Anda. Persiapan Angiografi oroner ecara umum hal$hal dibawah ini secara rutin dilakukan" a. ebelum Anda menjalankan prosedur di rumah sakit, dokter akan meminta beberapa pemeriksaan untuk membantu menilai kasus Anda, seperti tes darah, elektrokardiogram, uji latih jantung berbeban (treadmill) dan atau rontgen dada. b. Anda biasanya datang ke rumah sakit padi hari dan mungkin dirawat untuk satu malam berikutnya, Anda akan diminta untuk berpuasa (tidak boleh makan dan minum) selama ? sampai > jam sebelum prosedur c. !ila Anda sudah berada di rumah sakit, dokter dan atau perawat akan memberikan penjelasan tentang prosedur yang akan dilakukan dan menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang Anda tanyakan. elanjutnya Anda akan diminta untuk menandatangi formulir persetujuan untuk prosedur.


Anda akan dicukur pada daerah dimana kateter akan dimasukkan, semua perhiasan akan dilepas dan memakai pakaian khusus. elama prosedur Anda akan tetap sadar. oroner

Prosedur Angiografi

Angiografi koroner dilakukan dalam suatu laboratorium khusus yang disebut laboratorium kateterisasi (E%ath 3abE) yang menyerupai ruang operasi. 'isana Anda akan dibaringkan di meja dan dihubungkan dengan suatu alat yang memonitor irama jantung Anda secara terus$ menerus. ebuah daerah kecil di pergelangan lengan atau lipat paha Anda (tergantung daerah yang akan digunakan) akan dicukur dan dibersihkan. 'aerah terseut akan ditutup dengan kain steril. 'okter akan menginjeksi obat anestesi lokal dilipat paha atau tangan Anda. elanjutnya kateter dimasukkan ke dalam arteri. 'igunakan anestesi lokal karena Anda harus tetap sadar selama pemeriksaan untuk mengikuti instruksi dokter. 2ateter dimasukkan melalui pembuluh darah utama tubuh (Aorta), ke muara arteri koroner di jantung. 2ebanyakan orang tidak merasakan sakit selama pemeriksaan, karena tidak ada serabut saraf dalam pembuluh darah, maka Anda tidak dapat merasakan gerakan kateter dalam tubuh. 2etika kateter sudah ada di arteri koroner, sejumlah bahan kontras diinjeksikan ke dalam kateter. 4ambar sinar$) selanjutnya diambil saat bahan kontras berjalan melalui arteri koroner. 4ambar ini terlihat di monitor televisi dan direkam dalam film. !eberapa kateter yang berbeda dipelrukan untuk memeriksa arteri koroner. eluruh pemeriksaan memerlukan waktu sekitar ?: menit. etelah kateter dimasukkan akan ditekan agar darah tidak keluar. Anda selanjutnya tidak diperkenankan menggerakkan kaki atau tangan selama >$B jam. !ila pendarahan sudah berhenti, umumnya pasien dapat diperbolehkan pulang. elanjutnya dokter Anda akan menjelaskan hasil Angiografi. &nformasi pemeriksaan tentang jantung dan pembuluh darah koroner akan digunakan untuk menentukan pengobatan Anda dimasa yang akan datang. Pengo$atan Penyakit !antung oroner

Tergantung dari jumlah dan beratnya kelainan pada pembuluh koroner, pengobatan untuk penyakit jantung koroner biasanya meiputi paling tidak satu dari dibawah ini " O$at#o$atan 'engan obat$obatan dapat melebarkan pembuluh darah, memperlambat denyut jantung, menurunkan tekanan darah atau mengurangi sakit dada (angina). &ni semua mengurani beban kerja jantung pada sebagian kasus mungkin jenis pengobatan ini yang diperlukan.


oroner )PT-A . P-I*

.ntuk memperbaiki aliran darah ke jantung dengan menggunakan balon spesial untuk membuka pembuluh darah yang menyempit. !ila diperlukan, E tentE dapat dipasang pada daerah penyempitan, prosedurnya seperti pada Angiografi koroner. &eda% Pintas oroner +embuluh darah yang sehat dari dada atau kaki atau lengan dicangkok ke pembuluh darah koroner yang tiak dapat berfungsi dengan baik. 'arah selanjutnya dapat mengalir

melalui jalan lain dengan melewati bagian yang mengalami penyempitan atau penyumbatan. umber " 2linik 6antung Fascular iloam 4leneagles Dospital $ 3ippo 2arawaci Tanggerang

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