New Website Design Checklist
New Website Design Checklist
New Website Design Checklist
2. Your website
This checklist will help you to structure your web design brief and also 2.1 7f you already have a business web site please state name: get you thinking about some of the issues around setting up and running a business web site. 1. Your business 1.1 A brief description of what your business does: 2.2 $urpose of website (rank in order of priority 1: top priority# 4stablish credibility via 8reate community forum ! internet presence provide membership support $rovide service to clients ! members ! prospective clients or members 1.2 Do you provide: ( es!"o# $roducts %ervices &oth products ' services Describe them in as much detail as possible: 4ncourage visitors to recommend our business ! site to others 8ommunity %ervice (not for profit# %ell our products online ; and receive orders and payment online 9orum to e-press ideas or opinions 1.( )ow many people do you employ in your business* 1.+ ,hat is your appro-imate annual turnover* 1.. Do you have products that you could sell online* ( es!"o# 1./ Do you (or will you in the future# need to recruit staff or find suppliers for your business* ( es!"o# 1.0 )ow do you (or will you# promote your business* "etworking 1eferrals $rinted directory listings e.g. ellow $ages or trade directories 2aga3ine!newspaper advertising Direct mail Telesales 4mail %earch engine and directory listings %earch engine advertising e.g. 5oogle Adwords or 6verture Advertising!referrals from other web sites our own web site Anything else* $lease state here if Anything else: 2.. 2enu!"avigation $references &usiness sites ; )ori3ontal bar navigation is recommended with drop down menu 6ther: 2.2 our color preferences for your site: 4ntertainment 7f 6ther state here: 9unction as electronic brochure (or allow downloadable brochure!spec sheets# Drive Traffic and 5enerate :eads for our &usiness 8ommunicate company brand ! image 7nformation for educational purposes Advertising or electronic commerce 6ther
2.( our font style preferences: "6T4: 9onts chosen should be <web safe< ,eb safe fonts are fonts that are almost universally available on any computer. &rowsers (7nternet 4-plorer= 9irefo-= %afari= etc.# can only display fonts on a web page if they are installed in that computer viewing the web page. 2.+ $age :ayout $reference (generally fall in ( categories# ( es!"o# 8ustom )624 page (different layout than inside pages# 2 column (good for most business sites# ( column tabloid (good for sites with news= blog#
address: +2 Dinmont Drive= 4dinburgh 4h1/ .11 e: info>Design$ tel: ?1(1 ///1.+@
2./ ,hat image do you want your website to convey* ( es!"o# $rofessional 8onservative 2odern! )ip (appeal to younger generation# $layful "ewsy 6ther: 2.0 ,ebsites you like ; or would like to model your site after:
2.1. 24"C 8ategories ! $ages A&6CT C% A1T78:4% 86"TA8T (custom ! longer email form= 5oogle map link# 86"TA8T (basic short email form= 5oogle map link# 9AEs (9reBuently Asked Euestions# D6,":6ADA&:4 $D9 9612% T4%T726"7A:% 6T)41: 2.1/ 9eatures 1eBuired ( !"# ACD76
8C%T6241% )624 "4,% (client provides content# $16DC8T% ; D of $ages: 14%6C184% ! 14:AT4D :7"F% (client provides links# 1486224"D C% ! T4:: A 9174"D 42A7: 9612 %41G784%: D of $ages: 6T)41:
&:65 ; Articles :ibrary $A 24"T 6" :7"4 via custom shopping cart integrated to client website $A 24"T 6" :7"4 via $aypal link "4,%:4TT41 %75";C$ 9612 (generates email to you# 1486224"D ! T4:: A 9174"D email form %4A18) 94ATC14 %)6$$7"5 8A1T with products for sale G7D46
%687A: "4T,61F7"5 :7"F% (twitter= linkedin= technorati= delicious= digg= facebook=flickr= feedburner= etc.# 8622C"7T 961C2 ! 8)AT A14A 42$:6 24"T A$$:78AT76" ! 14847G4 14%C24% online $)6T6 ! $16DC8T 5A::41 961C2 ; Discussion Area 242&41 A14A (%48C14 :657" A14A*# 4G4"T 8A:4"DA1 6T)41:
2.11 :ogo ,e have a logo and will provide it in digital form ,e have a logo= and reBuire some modification to the design ,e reBuire a custom logo design be created for our website 2.12 5raphics ,e will provide all photos and graphics for our website ,e will provide some photos for our website ,e can not provide any photos or graphics for our website ,e reBuire custom graphics created for our website ; with our specific reBuirements 2.1( &rand image ,e have a clearly identified brand image!color and style ,e reBuire the web designer to help us create a brand image. 2.1+ 86"T4"T 8ontent will rarely change after website is built 8ontent will change freBuently (we reBuire ability to edit our page content# &log ; ,e want the ability to add!write articles and blog posts
2.1A 8ontent (te-t and copywriting# ( !"# ,e currently have a website= we reBuest the web designer move all e-isting te-t to our new site ,e will provide written te-t to the web designer in digital form ,e have "6 content!te-t yet developed= but will be providing this to the webdesigner ,e have written content and reBuest the web designer organi3e the content and make decisions on placement and layout ,e reBuire copywriter to create content for our website 2.1@ Do you have a deadline for getting the site online* Yes, date: No, preferred time scale:
address: +2 Dinmont Drive= 4dinburgh 4h1/ .11 e: info>Design$ tel: ?1(1 ///1.+@