Pronouns Notes

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Britcher 10/20/05

Pronouns A Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or of more than one noun. Example: he hi!h school !raduate accepted the diploma proudl". She had wor#ed hard for it. $ he pronoun she ta#es the place of the noun !raduate. he pronoun it ta#es the place of the noun diploma. Antecedent$ he word whose place a pronoun ta#es is called its antecedent. %n the a&o'e example( the noun !raduate is the antecedent of she( and diploma is the antecedent of it. )ote: A pronoun ma" also ta#e the place of another pronoun. Example: Some of the students wore red sweaters. They were cele&ratin! *alentine+s ,a". $ he pronoun they ta#es the place of the pronoun some.

here are se'eral #inds of pronouns: personal -which includes the possessive and reflexive forms.( relative( interrogative( demonstrative( and indefinite. Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns refer to 1st person -%.( 2nd person -"ou.( /rd person -it( he.. Examples: %( me( he( him( it( the"( them( "ou( she( her( we( us. -Personal. possessive pronouns$ impl" ownership. Examples: M"( mine( his( its( their( theirs( "our( "ours( her( hers( our( ours. Personal pronouns com&ined with 0self( $sel'es ma" &e used in two wa"s: 1. he ma" &e used reflexively Example: 1ac# &urned himself durin! the experiment. 2. he" ma" &e used intensively for emphasis.

Example: Maria herself is directin! the entire pla".

Reflexive and Intensive forms Example: M"self( himself( herself( oursel'es( themsel'es( "ourself( itself( "oursel'es 2elati'e Pronouns Relative pronouns are used to introduce su&ordinate clauses -clauses that cannot stand alone as sentences.. Examples: 3ho( whose( that( whom( which. 4entence Example 1: he &oo# that "ou !a'e me was the one % wanted. 4entence Example 2: he woman whose name is one the pro!ram is runnin! for ma"or. %nterro!ati'e Pronouns Interrogative pronouns are used in 5uestions. Examples: 3ho( which( whose( whom( what

4entence Example 1: 3hat will "ou !i'e her now6 ,emonstrati'e Pronouns ,emonstrati'e pronouns point out a particular person or thin!. 3hen used &efore nouns( howe'er( the" are considered ad7ecti'es -these &oo#s( those houses( that fla!.. Example: his( these( that( those. 4entence Example 1: hese are her &oo#s. 4entence Example 2: hat is the road she too#. %ndefinite Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns refer !enerall"( not specificall"( to persons( places( or thin!s. Commonly used indefinite pronouns: All( another( an"( an"&od"( an"one( &oth( each( either( e'er"&od"( e'er"one( e'er"thin!( few( man"( more( much( neither( no&od"( none( no one( one( se'eral( some( some&od"( someone( such. 4entence Example: )o&od" was there to welcome him.


Rewrite each sentence, using the correct possessive pronoun in parentheses. 1.Today (our, ours) school is sponsoring a book fair.

2.Has (your, yours) ever had such an event?

3.(Our, Ours) required a lot of preparation.

4.Actually (my, mine) teacher suggested the idea.

5.The idea of inviting famous authors was also (her, hers).

6.Peggy Parish and Steven Kellogg will talk about (their, theirs) works. 7.Peggy Parish will read from (her, hers) novel Key to the Treasure.

8.Pirate Island Adventure is also (her, hers).

9.After the fair, I will ask for (your, yours) comments.

10.Then I will give you (my, mine).

TWO KINDS OF POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS A possessive pronoun shows ownership. Use my, your, his, her, its, our, and their before nouns. Use mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs to replace nouns in a sentence.


Possessive pronouns used with nouns my your his her its our your their My book is green. Clean your desk. His bike is blue. This is her house. Its coat is shaggy. Those are our pens. Take your sweaters. Their hats are red. Possessive pronouns that stand alone mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs The green book is mine. Yours is messy. The red bike is his. Hers is the gray house. Its is the shaggy coat. Those pens are ours. Leave yours here. Those hats are theirs.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Choose the possessive pronoun that correctly completes the sentence. 4.Rosa read (her, hers) report about Carlsbad Caverns. 5.Was the report about the pioneer village (your, yours)? 6.(My, Mine) report was about our trip to the zoo. 7.Flo called (my, mine) the best. 7.(Her, Hers) was about a visit to the museum. 8.Tomorrow we will make covers for (our, ours) reports. 10.(My, Mine) is going to be a collage. 11.What will (your, yours) cover look like?

Pronouns are words that ta#e the place of nouns. 4ome pronouns ta#e the place of nouns in the su&7ect part of a sentence. Example: Louis rode the s#ate&oard. He rode the s#ate&oard. -8ouis is replaced &" 9e. 3rite the pronoun found in the &ox &elow that can ta#e the place of each noun. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: 1. 2. /. ;. 5. =. >. ?. @. 10. 11. 12. 1/. 1;. Mrs May wal#ed down the street to catch the &us. Mary and Paul are !oin! to 'isit friends. The turtles were !lad to see Aaron. Lucy dro'e the tractor on the farm. The soup was delicious< Mr !heat pla"ed the trumpet for the class. The presentation was 'er" interestin!. "rian rode the horse. #ianna petted the pupp". $ali and Susan performed in the talent show. Timmy and I &a#ed a ca#e for father. Mar% went s#iin! with Barr". Mar% and 1oe did well on the science pro7ect. Lois cleaned the house.

)ame ::::::::::::::::::::::::






,ate ::::::::::::::::::::

Pronoun Worksheet
Direction: Circle the correct pronouns given in the parentheses.

1. (I,me) will pick up the groceries. 2. (She,her) sent (I,me) a package in the mail. . !re "ou going to visit (he,him) this evening# $. %en&" is somewhere aroun&' have "ou seen (she,her)# (. )he comman&ing o**icer gave (him,he) an& (me, I) a real +awling,out. - . )he" tol& (us,we) to meet (them,the") in the parking lot. .. ()he",them) invite& (we,us) over *or cocktails. /. 0ur house is alwa"s open to (the",them). 1. !&rian chose (he,him) an& (I,me) *or teammates. 12. )here were &o3ens o* +ees +u33ing aroun& (we,us).

Pronoun Practice Exercise

Choose an ans&er for each 'uestion After completing the entire exercise( clic% on the )Turn the Page) *utton at the *ottom of this page( to see the ans&ers Identify the underlined part of speech 1. Those are omAs.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

2. he" didnAt !i'e themselves a chance to thin# &efore &e!innin! the competition.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

/. he do! that &it her &rother &elon!s to the man down the road.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

;. ,o "ou #now &hen the mo'ie starts6

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

5. he" thin# hers is the most interestin! su&mission.

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

=. he audience sat transfixed as the woman &ho had 7ust won the award fell down the stairs.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

>. Someone will need to finish doin! the lunch dishes &efore ,on fixes dinner.

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun

d. interro!ati'e

?. 9a'e "ou &een there &efore6

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

@. he studio plans to !i'e them each a fruit &as#et.

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

10. ed will choose where the" !oin! &ecause either of the options wor#s for Alicia.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

11. As hard as Mar!aret tries( most of her meal still ends up on her &i&.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

12. !ho will &e leadin! the !raduation procession this "ear6
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1/. Bla"ton "elled to his sister( CDi'e me that<C

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1;. Before lea'in! the theater( Ben7amin as#ed himself( C3h" did % waste mone" on this mo'ie6C
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

15. he 4ears ower( &hich is no lon!er the tallest &uildin! in the world( is still 5uite impressi'e.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1=. 3ould "ou slow down on that !allon of ice cream and lea'e the rest of us some6
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1>. he team is !oin! the restaurant that is closest to the stadium.

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1?. 4arah wears hi!h heels to wor# e'er" da"( &ut she doesnAt li#e them.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1@. he whole thin! ma#es a person wonder &ho would &e foolish enou!h to 7ump from a cliff.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

20. Eou ma" want to eat sea cucum&er( &ut 2o&in does not li#e it.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

Pronoun Practice Exercise Answers

Identify the underlined part of speech 1. Those are omAs.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f demonstrative pronoun d. interro!ati'e

2. he" didnAt !i'e themselves a chance to thin# &efore &e!innin! the competition.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e reflexive pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

/. he do! that &it her &rother &elon!s to the man down the road.
a. personal pronoun * relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

;. ,o "ou #now &hen the mo'ie starts6

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d interrogative

5. he" thin# hers is the most interestin! su&mission.

a personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

=. he audience sat transfixed as the woman &ho had 7ust won the award fell

down the stairs.

a. personal pronoun * relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

>. Someone will need to finish doin! the lunch dishes &efore ,on fixes dinner.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

?. 9a'e "ou &een there &efore6

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f demonstrative pronoun d. interro!ati'e

@. he studio plans to !i'e them each a fruit &as#et.

a personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

10. ed will choose where the" !oin! &ecause either of the options wor#s for Alicia.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

11. As hard as Mar!aret tries( most of her meal still ends up on her &i&.
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

12. !ho will &e leadin! the !raduation procession this "ear6
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d interrogative

1/. Bla"ton "elled to his sister( CDi'e me that<C

a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f demonstrative pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1;. Before lea'in! the theater( Ben7amin as#ed himself( C3h" did % waste mone" on this mo'ie6C
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e reflexive pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

15. he 4ears ower( &hich is no lon!er the tallest &uildin! in the world( is still 5uite impressi'e.
a. personal pronoun * relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1=. 3ould "ou slow down on that !allon of ice cream and lea'e the rest of us some6
a. personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1>. he team is !oin! the restaurant that is closest to the stadium.

a. personal pronoun * relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1?. 4arah wears hi!h heels to wor# e'er" da"( &ut she doesnAt li#e them.
a personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

1@. he whole thin! ma#es a person wonder &ho would &e foolish enou!h to 7ump from a cliff.
a personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun d. interro!ati'e

20. Eou ma" want to eat sea cucum&er( &ut 2o&in does not li#e it.
a personal pronoun &. relati'e pronoun c. indefinite pronoun pronoun e. reflexi'e pronoun f. demonstrati'e pronoun Pronoun !or%sheet
Pronouns are words that stand for nouns (names of persons, places, or things). his wor#sheet will help "ou a'oid the three most fre5uent #inds of pronoun mista#es: in pronoun a!reement( in pronoun reference( and in pronoun point of 'iew.

d. interro!ati'e

Fnderline the correct word or words in the parentheses in the sentences &elow. 1. %f an"&od" here has a cell phone -the" / he or she. should turn it off now. 2. Man" hi!h schools now re5uire -its / their. students to ta#e a computer course. /. Each of the actresses who auditioned &elie'es -she / the". should &e chosen for the role. ;. 4tudents complain that -the" / the maintenance crew. #eep-s. the li&rar" too hot. 5. 3hile Eric was addin! su!ar to his coffee( he spilled -it / the su!ar. all o'er the ta&le. =. 4omeone offered to show me a cop" of next wee#+s histor" test( &ut % said that % didn+t &elie'e in -this / cheatin!.. >. %f hi!h school 7uniors and seniors ta#e a special class to prepare them for 4A +s -"ou will / the" will. pro&a&l" ha'e a hi!her score.

?. % #now sprin! is reall" here when -% / "ou. see nei!h&orhood #ids pla"in! &ase&all. @. %f "ou want to ad'ance in this compan"( -we / "ou. must &e willin! to wor# o'ertime. Pronoun +nit , #rading Sheet -oyelle Audie ( .th grade !orld History and /nglish Pi0it0 Middle School( 1estavia Hills( AL To *e completed no later than !ed 2345356 7*8ectives9 4tudents will ,e'elop an understandin! of personal pronouns and emplo" them effecti'el" in writin!. %dentif" pronoun antecedents and ensure that pronouns a!ree with their antecedents. 8earn a&out and demonstrate control o'er the use of su&7ect and o&7ect pronouns. 8earn a&out and demonstrate control o'er the use of possessi'e pronouns. Fse correct forms of indefinite pronouns and ensure correct pronoun$'er& a!reement. %dentif" reflexi'e and intensi'e pronouns and use each correctl" in writin!. %dentif" interro!ati'e and demonstrati'e pronouns and demonstrate control o'er their use. Edit( criti5ue( and e'aluate peerAs acti'ities. Re'uirements9 Pronouns must al&ays *e identified in any activity. +se a variety of pronouns in your &riting( ma%ing sure that they refer to clearly and agree &ith their antecedents Activities must *e completed *y deadline listed for level !or% &ill *e graded in class and during :th and ;th period The amount of points you get for each activity depends on the ru*ric for that activity

All exercises and &or%sheets must *e corrected in red *efore I &ill grade them !e may grade some together in class( or a %ey might *e provided for you to correct your o&n &or% All &ritten activities must *e su*mitted &ith a peer evaluation form completed and attached Mandatory <:5 points=9 1. a#e notes on each of the four lectures in class. )otes ma" &e in written( charted( or drawn form. -1= points. Tentative dates for lectures: G @// ; points G @/; ; points G @/5 ; points G @/? ; points 2. Bomplete the followin! wor#sheets when assi!ned. -2; points. G he Pronoun 8ineup -1. ? points G Another Pronoun 8ineup -H. ? points G Iinal est on Pronoun 3or#sheet -M. ? points

Level C <65 points= Choose 65 points maximum from the follo&ing activities 3 to *e completed and graded no later than >riday( Septem*er ?( @556 1. Bomplete the followin! exercises from "our &oo#. Iollow directions as !i'en in the &oo#. -15 points.. Ex. ;( pa!e ;/=$;/> Ex. 5( pa!e ;/?$;/@

Ex. =( pa!e ;;1 2. Eou ha'e 7ust read a ma!aJine article descri&in! a &o"As wild ad'enture while campin! with his famil". 9is stor" spar#s "our ima!ination. 3rite "our own personal ad'enture stor". %n it( use a 'ariet" of pronouns. %llustrate the stor" and include a co'er. Eou must su&mit "our stor" to at least one peer for a peer e'aluation. -/0 points. /. 3rite a &rief summar" of a &oo# or a screenpla" that "ou reall" en7o". Fse a 'ariet" of pronouns while descri&in! the wor# and the author. 9i!hli!ht each different t"pe of pronoun a different color. Must su&mit with peer e'aluation. -20 points. ;. Pair up with someone and compose written sentences with indefinite pronouns. Kne of "ou starts the sentence &" writin! an indefinite pronounL the other adds a 'er& that a!rees with the su&7ect. -Ex. 4tudent 1: CMost of usC 4tudent 2: Cli#e piJJa.C. 3rite at least fi'e sentences then switch roles. ie all of the sentences to!ether to ma#e a para!raph( some additional sentences mi!ht &e necessar". 4how each partnerAs contri&utions and include a peer e'aluation of "our para!raph. -10 points. 5. 3rite a para!raph a&out a cit" "ou would li#e to 'isit. Fse reflexi'e and intensi'e pronouns. ,esi!n a &rochure for the cit"( with pictures( comments from pre'ious 'isitors( and an" extras. %nclude a peer e'aluation with para!raph. -15 points. =. 3or# with a partner. 4elect a newspaper or ma!aJine article. 9i!hli!ht and la&el the 'arious #inds of pronouns in the article( include a #e" for decodin!. Fnderline the antecedent for each pronoun. -5 points.

>. Bomplete the followin! chart: -5 points. Positive Aegative any*ody no*ody

anyone no one everyone either anything every*ody everything someone something ?. 2ead a&out 8an!ston 9u!hes. 3rite two para!raphs a&out the poet or his poetr". Fse pronouns and their antecedents in "our sentences. 4u&mit with a peer e'aluation. -25 points. @. Bomplete 2e'iew exercise B( pa!e ;;; in "our text&oo#. -5 points. 10. %ma!ine "ou are at a soccer practice. 3rite ten sentences "ou mi!ht sa" or o'erhear said. %nclude in each of the sentences( one or more of each of the followin! pronouns : she( her( the"( it( its( them( their( "our( he( his. -Ex. ,id rac" sa" whether she was comin! to practice6 4heAll come if her le! feels &etter.. Present as a cartoon. -10 points. 11. Ma#e posters for all of the different t"pes of pronouns. -10 points. 12. Bomplete pronoun wor#sheet pac#et. -20 points.

Level " <@5 points= Choose @5 points maximum from the follo&ing activities 3 to *e completed and graded no later than Tuesday( Septem*er 2( @556

1. 3rite a para!raph a&out a well$#nown person from pu&lic life( the entertainment field( or sports. B" usin! pronouns( descri&e the person without re'ealin! his or her name until the end of the para!raph. 2ead "our para!raph to a !roup of at least / to 5 people and ha'e them tr" to !uess who it is. 2ecord "our findin!s( usin! at least fi'e different indefinite pronouns. Para!raph must &e su&mitted with peer e'aluation. -15 points. 2. r" creatin! "our own &ill&oard ads. Iirst( thin# up fi'e products( ser'ices( or places to ad'ertise on &ill&oards -"ou can ma#e up items if "ou wish.. hen write at least one sentence to ad'ertise each one. %n each ad( use an indefinite pronoun and underline it. 4#etch the la"out of the &ill&oard and put "our slo!an on it. -15 points. /. Edit and e'aluate at least the wor# of two peers and correct pronoun/antecedent a!reement. Eou must use different color in# and su&mit a peer e'aluation form for each. his acti'it" can &e used twice. -5 points. ;. 3or# in a !roup of four. Each of "ou should write fi'e answers &e!innin! with pronouns( such as: 4he was the first woman to attempt a !lo&al fli!ht. 9e was the first man to wal# on the moon. ,i'ide !roup in half. Kne half sa"s the answers and see if the other half can !uess the 5uestion( such as: 3ho was Amelia Earhart6 3ho is )eil Armstron!6 2ecord "our answers and 5uestions. Present on a poster. -15 points. 5. 3rite at least ten riddles containin! personal pronouns( such as: Kne &ite of an apple caused her to ha'e one of the lon!est naps in histor" -4leepin! Beaut".. he Mueen of 4pain made it possi&le for him to disco'er the )ew 3orld -Bhristopher Bolum&us.. ,ispla" the riddles on a poster. -15 points. =. %ma!ine "ou wor# in the pu&lic relations department of a cereal compan". Eour 7o& is to write a 7in!le announcin! a new #ind of cereal. %nclude at least fi'e different possessi'e pronouns and three different contractions. Present "our 7in!le complete with decorated cereal &ox. 9a'e 7in!le written

on paper as well. -10 point. >. 3rite a letter to the person "ou most admire and as# 5uestions a&out aspects of the personAs life "ou want to #now more a&out. Fse each of the different t"pe of interro!ati'e and demonstrati'e pronouns. 4u&mit with a peer e'aluation. -10 points. ?. 3rite se'eral 5uestions "ou would li#e to as# a poet a&out a poem or poems. Fse each if the different interro!ati'e and demonstrati'e pronouns in "our 5uestions. hen( research "our poet and pro'ide answers to the 5uestions. Pro'ide a displa" of the information "ou !athered( included with "our answers and 5uestions. -20 points. @. Ma#e up a 5uiJ on the use of pronouns. 3rite ten incomplete sentences that can &e completed with a pronoun. Pro'ide two pronouns( one in the su&7ect-nominati'e. case and the in the o&7ecti'e case( in parentheses after each one . -Ex. om !a'e 8ori -her/she. 7ac#et. %nclude a #e" with the 5uiJ. -10 points. Level A <45 points. Choose a maximum of 45 points from the follo&ing activities If you choose the traditional test option( it &ill *e given on !ednesday( Septem*er 45( @556 Bou must ma%e at least an .? to get the full credit or you &ill have to reta%e the test to get half the points All other A activities must *e completed and graded no later than Thursday( Septem*er 44( @556 1. 2ead the C2ansom of 2ed BhiefC &" K. 9enr" and anal"Je how the authorAs pronoun usa!e helps him set the tone and lan!ua!e for the first person point of 'iew in the stor". 3rite at least two para!raphs and su&mit with peer e'aluation. 2. Iormulate some inter'iew 5uestions that use interro!ati'e pronouns -at least ten.. 4ur'e" a !roup of friends a&out music !roups( food choices in the cafeteria( clothin! st"les( or other topics of interest. 3hen "ou ha'e completed at least fi'e sur'e"s( write "our results in two informati'e para!raphs. Eou must use at least fi'e indefinite pronouns. 2eport "our findin!s creati'el". /. a#e pronoun test.

Pronoun +nit #rade Sheet Aame CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCC My #oal ACCCCCC "CCCCCCC CCCCCCCCC Due Date9 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Total Points /arned9 CCCCCCCCCCCC Mandatory <:5 points=9 1. 8ecture $ ;pts. each @// :::::: @/; ::::::: @/5 ::::::: @/? ::::::: 2. 3or#sheets $ ? pts. each -1. :::::::: -H. :::::::: -8. :::::::: Level C <65 points optional= 23?356 1. 2e'iew exercises ;$= from text&oo# -15. :::::::::::::: 2. Bo"As ad'enture stor" -/0. :::::::::::::: /. 4ummar" of &oo# or screen pla" -20. :::::::::::::: ;. Partner sentences with indefinite pronouns -10. :::::::::::::: 5. Para!raph of cit" "ou would li#e to 'isit -15. :::::::::::::: =. Partner locatin! pronouns in articles -5. :::::::::::::: >. Positi'e )e!ati'e Bhart -5. :::::::::::::: ?. 8an!ston 9u!hes -25. :::::::::::::: @. 2e'iew exercise B from text&oo# -5. :::::::::::::: 10. 4occer practice -10. ::::::::::::::

11. Pronoun Posters -10. :::::::::::::: 12. Pronoun 3or#sheet Pac#et -20. :::::::::::::: Level " <@5 points optional= 232356 1. Pu&lic person para!raph -15. :::::::::::::: 2. Bill&oard ads -15. :::::::::::::: /. Peer e'aluations -5. :::::::::::::: ;. Droup answers and 5uestions -15. :::::::::::::: 5. 2iddles -15. :::::::::::::: =. Bereal ad -10. :::::::::::::: >. 8etter to admired person -10. :::::::::::::: ?. Poet research -20. :::::::::::::: @. MuiJ -10. :::::::::::::: Level A <45 points optional= 23443@556 1. C2ansom or 2ed BhiefC :::::::::::::: 2. %nter'iews :::::::::::::: /. raditional est 4core: :::::::::: :::::::::::::: 2eta#e: ::::::::::

PronounEAntecedent !or%sheet 4
Fnderline the antecedent for the underlined pronoun in each sentence. %f the pronoun has no antecedent( write Nno antecedentOL if the antecedent is not clear( write Nnot clearO. Example: he &o" wore his "ellow raincoat. 1. 2. E'er"one at the part" en7o"ed her e'enin!. he car has a lea# in its transmission.

/. ;. 5. =. >. ?. @. 10. 11. 12. 1/. 1;. 15.

3earin! a hat when it snows is wise. More and more ph"sicians are &e!innin! to loo# not 7ust for illnesses &ut also for patients+ ha&its with lon!$term health implications. his is definite pro!ress. he cow twitched its tail at the fl". 4omeone from the circus led the in7ured horse out of the rin!. % !o to 9oc#e" 9omeland e'er" uesda" to watch them practice. M" aunt as#ed me to catch her do!. he audience clapped its hands. he audience applauded her performance. he student used her pen to write in her note&oo#L then she put it awa". he hosta!es ha'e &een free for months( &ut some ha'e not "et reco'ered from the experience. Ed Bla#er promoted Bill this mornin!L he will !o on the 3ashin!ton trip next wee#. ,urin! winter snowstorms( the sparrows depend on our feeder for their food. he rain continued to fall( and the mud !rew deeper until it finall" stopped.

Pronoun Antecedent !or%sheet 4 $ey

Answers: 1. 2. /. ;. 5. E'er"one at the part" en7o"ed her e'enin!. )ot clear he car has a lea# in its transmission. 3earin! a hat when it snows is wise. )o Antecedent More and more ph"sicians are &e!innin! to loo# not 7ust for illnesses &ut also for patients+ ha&its with lon!$term health implications. his is definite pro!ress. he cow twitched its tail at the fl".

=. >. ?. @. 10. 11. 12. 1/.

4omeone from the circus led the in7ured horse out of the rin!. )o antecedent % !o to 9oc#e" 9omeland e'er" uesda" to watch them practice. )o antecedent M" aunt as#ed me to catch her do!. he audience clapped its hands. he audience applauded her performance. )o antecedent he student used her pen to write in her note&oo#L then she put it awa". )ot clear he hosta!es ha'e &een free for months( &ut some ha'e not "et reco'ered from the experience. Ed Bla#er promoted Bill this mornin!L he will !o on the 3ashin!ton trip next wee#. )ot clear ,urin! winter snowstorms( the sparrows depend on our feeder for their food. he rain continued to fall( and the mud !rew deeper until it finall" stopped. )ot clear

1;. 15.


A) EBE,E) P a noun to which a pronoun refers

he car that % want is on sale.

-car P antecedent that P relati'e pronoun. heP personal pronoun. hisEherP possessi'e pronoun.

o o

he man on the &oat thin#s he is safe without a life 7ac#et.

-man P antecedent

,oes anyone ha'e his or her &oo#.

-anyone P antecedent

39K and 39KM: 2efer to persons and mem&ers of a !roup who ta#e on Chuman 5ualitiesC

o o

Please !i'e the &oo# to the student &ho has her hand raised. he police officers &ho stopped m" car were polite.

39K4E: 2efers to persons( animals and sometimes to thin!s.


he student &hose &oo#s were lost is mad.

39%B9: refers to thin!s( animals and persons considered as a !roup.


he FK &as#et&all team( &hich pla"ed toni!ht( is undefeated.

9A : Ma" refer to inanimate o&7ects( places( thin!s( ideas and animals.


he theor" that the earth is round is accepted as fact.

T!7 or more antecedent are 8oined *y a con8unction ta%e a plural pronoun


1od" and 1err" coached their -her and his. &as#et&all pla"ers.

Singular antecedents 8oined *y 7R E A7R ta%e a singular pronoun


)either om nor 1err" will present his case to 1ud!e %to.

!ith one singular and one plural antecedent 8oined *y 7R E A7R the pronoun agrees &ith the nearest antecedent
o o

Either "ou or "our pals must lea'e their car #e"s. Either "our pals or "ou must lea'e your car #e"s.

Singular indefinite pronouns ta%e a singular pronoun

o o o o

Bould someone please !i'e me her &oo#6 -to a group of all


Bould someone please !i'e me his &oo#6 -to a group of all men=. Bould someone please !i'e me his or her &oo#6 -to a group of
men and &omen=.

An"one with a famil" histor" of heart disease should ha'e his or her cholesterol chec#ed.

A!reement Practice Exercise

Choose an ans&er for each 'uestion After completing the entire exercise( clic% on the )Turn the Page) *utton at the *ottom of this page( to see the ans&ers 1. 4cientists are concerned that a num&er of species of fro!s a. seems &. seem to &e mutatin!. 2. )either the offensi'e linemen nor the 5uarter&ac# a. want &. wants to run the drill a!ain. /. 3ill the" announce whether that !roup of students a. &oards &. &oard the plane ahead of e'er"one. ;. Him&erl" is the onl" one of those executi'es a. who &. that &elie'es her product will sell this "ear. 5. )one of the animals in the shelter a. &elon! &. &elon!s to someone. =. he num&er of mutated fro!s a. is &. are increasin! e'er" "ear. >. Burtis is sure that the news media a. is &. are not helpin! the situation. ?. 1ennifer is one of those actresses who a. audition &. auditions for e'er" role she can. @. he school+s alumni a. hope &. hopes to raise enou!h mone" to complete the new win!. 10. Iindin! other contestants a. has &. ha'e &een the responsi&ilit" of the showAs producers. 11. )either of the executi'es a. want &. wants to tell the &oss that profits are down. 12. )one of them a. #nows &. #now who has the map. 1/. here a. has &. ha'e &een so man" doctors in to see him( that we don+t #now whoAs in char!e. 1;. he !o'ernor is proud to announce that more than 2(000 pounds of cheese a. has &. ha'e &een collected. 15. E'er"one at the par# a. is &. are !oin! to the concert( includin! "ou and me.

1=. ,oes an"one ha'e a. his &. her c. his or her d. their map of the cit"6 1>. 9e is the onl" one of the senators who a. has &. ha'e a!reed to testif". 1?. Kne$third of the 'illa!e a. recei'es &. recei'e water from the ri'er 7ust north of here. 1@. A !roup of the cit"As 'oters a. choose &. chooses to send in mail$in &allots rather than !o to the polls. 20. )either his sister nor her friend 4arah a. thin# &. thin#s Ben7amin should !o to Milan this summer.

A!reement Practice Exercise Answers

1. 4cientists are concerned that a num&er of species of fro!s a. seems *= seem to &e mutatin!. 2. )either the offensi'e linemen nor the 5uarter&ac# a. want *= &ants to run the drill a!ain. /. 3ill the" announce whether that !roup of students a= *oards &. &oard the plane ahead of e'er"one. ;. Him&erl" is the onl" one of those executi'es a= &ho &. that &elie'es her product will sell this "ear. 5. )one of the animals in the shelter a. &elon! *= *elongs to someone. =. he num&er of mutated fro!s a= is &. are increasin! e'er" "ear. >. Burtis is sure that the news media a. is *= are not helpin! the situation. ?. 1ennifer is one of those actresses who a= audition &. auditions for e'er" role she can. @. he school+s alumni a= hope &. hopes to raise enou!h mone" to complete the new win!. 10. Iindin! other contestants a= has &. ha'e &een the responsi&ilit" of the showAs producers.

11. )either of the executi'es a. want *= &ants to tell the &oss that profits are down. 12. )one of them a= %no&s &. #now who has the map. 1/. here a. has *= have &een so man" doctors in to see him( that we don+t #now whoAs in char!e. 1;. he !o'ernor is proud to announce that more than 2(000 pounds of cheese a= has &. ha'e &een collected. 15. E'er"one at the par# a= is &. are !oin! to the concert( includin! "ou and me. 1=. ,oes an"one ha'e a. his &. her c= his or her d. their map of the cit"6 1>. 9e is the onl" one of the senators who a= has &. ha'e a!reed to testif". 1?. Kne$third of the 'illa!e a= receives &. recei'e water from the ri'er 7ust north of here. 1@. A !roup of the cit"As 'oters a. choose *= chooses to send in mail$in &allots rather than !o to the polls. 20. )either his sister nor her friend 4arah a. thin# *= thin%s Ben7amin should !o to Milan this summer.

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