SAP SD Tax Configuration
SAP SD Tax Configuration
SAP SD Tax Configuration
OBJECTIVE This document will detail the configuration required on the SD side to enable computation of Service tax and ducation !ess in the output Service order" PROCEDURE: Initial Steps !reate two new Tax conditions# $S %& $ S%" Steps for creation of Tax !ondition is illustrated below * Create new condition t pes SAP Standard IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Basic Settings -> Check Calculation Procedure" 'Transaction (B)*+ Select , e!ine Condition T"#es$ Select !ondition T-pe $I./ and !lic0 on !op- as '12+ and give the !ondition t-pe as $S % and the .ame as 3Service Tax4" Select !ondition T-pe $I.5 and !lic0 on !op- as '12+ and give the !ondition t-pe as $ S% and the .ame as 3 !S on Service Tax4" O!tco"e# The two tax conditions& one for Service Tax and the second for ducation !ess on Service Tax have now been created"
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=o to Details of the Transaction 9S: 'Service Tax =L account+ and enter the !hart of accounts> Select the Tax !ode !hec0 Box if -ou want to have Tax !ode Specific =L accounts or Blan0 when the common =L accounts>
!lic0 on Posting 6e-s nter the %< as Debit and 5< as !redit"
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!lic0 on Accounts" nter the =L codes > If -ou have tax code specific =L then enter the tax and =L account" After completing select the 9S< and do the same steps for !S on Service tax" 1 separate acco!nt (or ever tax code can *e "aintained as (ollows: +o, -aintain di!!erent account based on the tax code. Since the tax code ,ill be s#eci!ic !or a #lant "ou can achie(e #osting to s#eci!ic account !or a #lant. This should be -aintained a!ter con!iguring the tax #rocedure.
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Steps are: 2 3o! )ave to de(ine t)e re4!ired tax codes. Create separate ,0- acco!nts. 5)ile creatin# t)e postin# $e + please (ollow t)e c!sto"i6in# settin#s #iven *elow:
SP%& Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Setting Tax on Sales/Purchase Basic Setting Check Calculation Procedure Define Procedures# Select TA?I.$ and clic0 on control data" The screen will look like as shown below.
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!lic0 on .ew ntries and add the following two entries in -our s-stem> Step @A< and @B< the !ondition t-pe $S % and $ S% respectivel-" The from step for $S % is /<< and @A< for the condition $ S%" )ou have to assign the accounting 0e9S: for $S % and 9S< for $ S%" A!ter adding the ne, condition t"#es the #rocedure ,ill look like as sho,n belo,
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Changes to Tax Code* SP%& Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Setting Tax on Sales/Purchase Calculation e!ine Tax Codes !or Sales and Purchases. !ountr-# I. nter the Tax code and Tax Curisdiction !ode 'If it is applicable in -our s-stem+"
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nter the /<D for the !ondition t-pe $S % and @D for $ S%" 'Please note that in the screen below have condition type ZSER in place of JSE4 and ZSTE in place of JES4"+
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Changes to Pricing Procedure* I+G Sales and istribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control e!ine Condition T"#es. Select !ondition T-pe $I./ and !lic0 on !op- as '12+ and give the !ondition t-pe as $S E and the .ame as 3Service Tax4" Select !ondition T-pe $I.5 and !lic0 on !op- as '12+ and give the !ondition t-pe as $ST and the .ame as 3 !S on Service Tax4" I+G Sales and istribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control e!ine and Assign Pricing Procedure Maintain Pricing Procedures /0/123 Select Pricin# Proced!re J81CT and clic$ on control data.
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Clic$ on 'ew Entries and add t)e step 9:& and 9/& and p!t t)e conditions JSER and JSTE respectivel ; 8or condition JSER enter t)e (ro" and to step as :&& and :%& ; 8or condition JSTE enter t)e (ro" step as 9:&; 7ar$ *ot) t)e condition as 7an!al and Statistical.
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-ST0CST Calc!lation C)an#es: Clic$ on 'ew Entries in t)e Pricin# proced!re and add t)e s!*total line 9<& and C)an#e t)e Description as =Service Tax> and #ive t)e (ro" and to step and 9:& to 9/& and "ar$ t)is total as statistical.
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Clic$ on 'ew Entries in t)e Pricin# proced!re and add t)e s!*total line 9%& and C)an#e t)e Description as =Base Price ? Service Tax> and #ive t)e (ro" and to step and 9@A to 9<& and "ar$ t)is total as statistical.
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C)an#e t)e step B@A description as =Base Price ? Service Tax 0 BED> and t)e (ro" and To step as 9%& to B&&;
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