Notes in Financial Engineering
Notes in Financial Engineering
Notes in Financial Engineering
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Forward Price
Suppose S follows dS = dt + dW. S Consider F (S, t) Sey(T t) . Observe that F S 2F S 2 F t = ey(T t) , = 0, = ySey(T t) .
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Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: dX = X dt + dW, where , 0. It is known that
E [ X (t) ] Var[ X (t) ] Cov[ X (s), X (t) ] = = = e
(tt0 )
E [ x0 ] ,
Var[ x0 ],
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Square-Root Process
Suppose X is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Itos lemma says V X 2 has the dierential, dV = 2X dX + (dX )2 = 2 V ( V dt + dW ) + 2 dt ( ) 2 = 2V + dt + 2 V dW,
a square-root process.
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also Eq. (56) on p. 513. Also consistent with Lemma 9 (p. 259).
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where C is the call price at time t with strike price X and maturity date T . In practice, like implied trees and for similar reasons, (K, T )2 may have spikes, vary wildly, or even be negative. Worse, the appearance of 2 C/X 2 in the denominator results in numerical instability.
a Dupire
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(qs rs ) ds.
Although this version may be more stable than Eq. (59) on p. 532, it is expected to suer from similar problems.
(1996); Andersen and Brotherton-Ratclie (1998); Gatheral (2003); Wilmott (2006); Kamp (2009).
a Andreasen
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I have hardly met a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. Plato (428 B.C.347 B.C.) Fischer [Black] is the only real genius Ive ever met in nance. Other people, like Robert Merton or Stephen Ross, are just very smart and quick, but they think like me. Fischer came from someplace else entirely. John C. Cox, quoted in Mehrling (2005)
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The stock price follows dS = S dt + S dW . There are no dividends. Trading is continuous, and short selling is allowed. There are no transactions costs or taxes. All securities are innitely divisible. The term structure of riskless rates is at at r. There is unlimited riskless borrowing and lending. t is the current time, T is the expiration time, and T t.
and Taleb (2005) summarizes criticisms on these assumptions and the replication argument.
a Derman
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( ) C dt = r C S dt. S
Equate the terms to nally obtain C C 1 2 2 2C + rS + S = rC. 2 t S 2 S When there is a dividend yield q , C 1 2 2 2C C + (r q ) S + S = rC. t S 2 S 2
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The Black-Scholes dierential equation can be expressed in terms of sensitivity numbers, + rS + 1 2 2 S = rC. 2 (60)
Identity (60) leads to an alternative way of computing numerically from and . When a portfolio is delta-neutral, 1 2 2 + S = rC. 2 A denite relation thus exists between and .
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[Black] got the equation [in 1969] but then was unable to solve it. Had he been a better physicist he would have recognized it as a form of the familiar heat exchange equation, and applied the known solution. Had he been a better mathematician, he could have solved the equation from rst principles. Certainly Merton would have known exactly what to do with the equation had he ever seen it. Perry Mehrling (2005)
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S (u) du.
Then the value V of the Asian option satises this two-dimensional PDE:a V V 1 2 2 2V V + rS + S +S = rV. t S 2 S 2 A The terminal conditions are ( ) A V (T, S, A) = max X, 0 T ) ( A V (T, S, A) = max X , 0 T
a Kemna
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Above, V is the instantaneous variance. They assume v depends on V and t (but not S ).
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dW1 ,
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V is the instantaneous variance, which follows a square-root process. dW1 and dW2 have correlation . The riskless rate r is constant. It may be the most popular continuous-time stochastic-volatility model.
a Heston
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d g
= =
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where = 1 and Re(x) denotes the real part of the complex number x.
by Mr. Chen, Chun-Ying (D95723006) on August 17, 2008 and Mr. Liou, Yan-Fu (R92723060) on August 26, 2008.
a Contributed
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When Professors Scholes and Merton and I invested in warrants, Professor Merton lost the most money. And I lost the least. Fischer Black (19381995)
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Delta Hedge
The delta (hedge ratio) of a derivative f is dened as f /S . Thus f S for relatively small changes in the stock price, S . A delta-neutral portfolio is hedged as it is immunized against small changes in the stock price. A trading strategy that dynamically maintains a delta-neutral portfolio is called delta hedge.
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A hedger is short 10,000 European calls. = 30% and r = 6%. This calls expiration is four weeks away, its strike price is $50, and each call has a current value of f = 1.76791. As an option covers 100 shares of stock, N = 1,000,000. The trader adjusts the portfolio weekly. The calls are replicated well if the cumulative cost of trading stock is close to the call premiums FV.a
a This
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Example (continued)
As = 0.538560, N = 538, 560 shares are purchased for a total cost of 538,560 50 = 26,928,000 dollars to make the portfolio delta-neutral. The trader nances the purchase by borrowing B = N S N f = 25,160,090 dollars net.a The portfolio has zero net value now.
takes the hedging viewpoint an alternative. See an exercise in the text.
a This
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Example (continued)
At 3 weeks to expiration, the stock price rises to $51. The new call value is f = 2.10580. So the portfolio is worth N f + 538,560 51 Be0.06/52 = 171, 622 before rebalancing.
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Example (continued)
A delta hedge does not replicate the calls perfectly; it is not self-nancing as $171,622 can be withdrawn. The magnitude of the tracking errorthe variation in the net portfolio valuecan be mitigated if adjustments are made more frequently. In fact, the tracking error over one rebalancing act is positive about 68% of the time, but its expected value is essentially zero.a The tracking error at maturity is proportional to vega.b
and Emanuel (1980). b Kamal and Derman (1999).
a Boyle
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Example (continued)
In practice tracking errors will cease to decrease beyond a certain rebalancing frequency. With a higher delta = 0.640355, the trader buys N ( ) = 101, 795 shares for $5,191,545. The number of shares is increased to N = 640, 355.
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Example (continued)
The cumulative cost is 26,928,000 e0.06/52 + 5,191,545 = 32,150,634. The portfolio is again delta-neutral.
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Option value S (1) 4 3 2 1 0 50 51 53 52 54 f (2) 1.7679 2.1058 3.3509 2.2427 4.0000 Delta (3) 0.53856 0.64036 0.85578 0.83983 1.00000
Change in delta
The total number of shares is 1,000,000 at expiration (trading takes place at expiration, too).
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Example (concluded)
At expiration, the trader has 1,000,000 shares. They are exercised against by the in-the-money calls for $50,000,000. The trader is left with an obligation of 51,524,853 50,000,000 = 1,524,853, which represents the replication cost. Compared with the FV of the call premium, 1,767,910 e0.064/52 = 1,776,088, the net gain is 1,776,088 1,524,853 = 251,235.
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Delta-Gamma Hedge
Delta hedge is based on the rst-order approximation to changes in the derivative price, f , due to changes in the stock price, S . When S is not small, the second-order term, gamma 2 f /S 2 , helps (theoretically).a A delta-gamma hedge is a delta hedge that maintains zero portfolio gamma, or gamma neutrality. To meet this extra condition, one more security needs to be brought in.
a See
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Other Hedges
If volatility changes, delta-gamma hedge may not work well. An enhancement is the delta-gamma-vega hedge, which also maintains vega zero portfolio vega. To accomplish this, one more security has to be brought into the process. In practice, delta-vega hedge, which may not maintain gamma neutrality, performs better than delta hedge.
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I love a tree more than a man. Ludwig van Beethoven (17701827) And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all. The Beatles, A Day in the Life (1967)
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n+a+b 2
nab 2
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Suh dnh is the terminal price h is such that H that is closest to, but does not exceed H . Sua dna is the terminal price a is such that X that is closest to, but is not exceeded by X .
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5K @
: 0
5K = @ 5K D @
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n+(n2h)+(2j 2h) 2
n n 2h + j
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p (1 p)
Su d
j nj
) . (65)
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Convergence of BOPM
Equation (65) results in the sawtooth-like convergence shown on p. 337. The reasons are not hard to see. The true barrier most likely does not equal the eective barrier. The same holds between the strike price and the eective strike price. The issue of the strike price is less critical. But the issue of the barrier is not negligible.
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(ln(S/H )/(j ))
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Practical Implications
Now that barrier options can be eciently priced, we can aord to pick very large ns (p. 596). This has profound consequences (to explain later).
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Combinatorial method Value Time (milliseconds) 0.30 0.90 2.00 3.60 5.60 8.00 11.10 15.00 19.40 24.70 30.20 36.70 43.70 44.10 51.60 68.70 76.70 86.90 97.20
21 84 191 342 533 768 1047 1368 1731 2138 2587 3078 3613 4190 4809 5472 6177 6926 7717
5.507548 5.597597 5.635415 5.655812 5.652253 5.654609 5.658622 5.659711 5.659416 5.660511 5.660592 5.660099 5.660498 5.660388 5.659955 5.660122 5.659981 5.660263 5.660272
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Barrier at 95.0 n Value . . . 2743 3040 3351 3678 4021 True 2.56095 2.56065 2.56098 2.56055 2.56152 2.5615 31.1 35.5 40.1 43.8 48.1 Time n
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