Low Voltage Products: Motor Protection Relay, SPEM

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Low Voltage Products

Motor Protection Relay, SPEM

SPEM 1 GB 01-06

Motor Pr otection Relay SPEM

In designing the SPEM motor protection relay the principle aim has not only been to fully protect the motor, but also to reduce down time to a minimum.

TCM - Thermal Capacity Memory

The SPEM relay is based on microprocessor techniques with a built in logic supervising thermal behaviour of motor. The thermal capacity memory monitors the motor current and continuously compares the data to the known thermal record of the motor, and operates when the thermal limit of the motor is exceeded. The microprosessor based construction ensures long time stability, high accuracy and disturbance free operation. The compact size enables installation in cramped places.

SPEM offers protection in the following ways: Thermal Overload Protection with complete Thermal Capacity Memory (TCM) Start-up Current Protection Under Current Protection Unbalance Protection - phase unbalance - phase failure - incorrect phase sequence Earth Fault Protection Self Supervision Fail Safe Operation

The SPEM relay is the ideal answer to problems requiring more versatile or accurate protection for a motor than can be offered by a standard thermal overload relay. SPEM relays can be used for protecting low voltage squirrel cage (AC) motors1). Use of SPEM motor protection relay: - helps in extending life time of motor - helps in optimizing motor size - helps in planning maintenance work - protects the drive from mechanical damage

Tested according to EMC-directive No: 89/336/EEC.


In the following cases please contact the manufacturer: - Frequency Converters - Star-Delta Starters - Soft Starters - Power Factor Correction Banks (PFC)



Low Voltage Products

Thermal Overload Protection

Provides reliable protection for motor starting as well as for heavy and repeated starting.

Thermal capacity

Tripping 3) 2)

100% 1)

The microprocessor is continuously calculating the thermal capacity available in the motor:

1) starting 2) overloading 3) stand still (even after tripping)

Tripping takes place, when the thermal capacity of motor is exceeded i.e. motor current is higher than 1.05 x full load current I. Refer to the thermal tripping characteristics below.

Thermal tripping characteristics:


time 3h 2h 1h 30min 20min 10min 5min 3min 2min 1min 40s 30s 20s 10s 5s 3s 2s 1s 1.05 1 2 3 4 5 6

time 3h 2h 1h 30min 20min 10min 5min 3min 2min

t6x 30s 20s 10s 5s 2s

1min 40s 30s 20s 10s 5s 3s 2s 1s 1.05 1 2 3 4 5 6

t6x 30s 20s 10s 5s 2s

I/I~ 0

I/I~ 0

Without prior load (Cold curve) Cooling time-constant = 4 x the heating time-constant
Low Voltage Products

With prior load 0.9 x l (Hot curve)

Start-Up Current Protection

The relay trips if the thermal capacity of motor is exceeded during starting. The tripping curve is defined by the preset maximum starting time (t6 time). In the hot state SPEMs TCM takes into account also the thermal history of the motor during starting.

The maximum motor starting times are available from the motor manufacturers. If the preset maximum starting time exceeds 1.7 x the real motor starting time, SPEM allows two starts in the cold state and one in the hot state.

Thermal capacity


Under Current Protection

Provides protection against a sudden loss of loads e.g. - Dry running pumps - Broken conveyer belts
This feature can be selected by means of switch S2 (I OFF/ON) on the front panel of the SPEM relay (see page 6.)


Restart inhibit
After tripping, if there is less than 60 % of motor capacity available, SPEM does not allow a new start until the motor cools down (restart inhibit). In this case, a new start is possible approximately after 30 s.

100 90 80 70 60
Typical off load current for large and medium sized motors.

Full load current

50 40 30 20 10 0

Tripping is activated if the current stays between 12...55% of full load current (I) longer than 10 s.


Unbalance Protection
Provides protection against: 1. Phase unbalance 2. Phase failure 3. Incorrect phase sequence


Low Voltage Products

In case of complete phase failure or incorrect phase sequence, the tripping time is 6 s. Otherwise according to the curve shown.

20 10
The time-lag of the unbalance / singlephasing unit.

0 0





50 (%)

Unbalance percentage

Earth Fault Protection

(SPEM40_ and SPEM50_ types)

- Provides an indication of a defect in motor winding. Motor can remain in operation if necessary from process point of view. - The maintenance of the motor can be postponed to an appropriate time.
By all means of switch S3 (I 0 / TRIP) on the front panel of SPEM, it is possible to select either tripping and signalling or only signalling in case of earth fault failure. If only signalling is selected, there will be no tripping of the SPEM relay but the signalling contact (9-10) of the relay operates. In case a tripping function is selected and the SPEM relay has tripped, it will be automatically reset after 200 ms when automatic reset is selected from switch S1 (Reset A/M). Time lag 1 second for eliminating short time failures. The tripping level for the earth fault current can be set with the potentiometer I0 / In on the front panel of the SPEM relay.

Fail Safe Operation

In case of loss of external auxiliary voltage, the motor protection relay trips and can be taken into operation after reconnection of the auxiliary voltage. After reconnection of auxiliary voltage supply, the SPEM considers the situation as 75 % of the thermal capacity of motor would have been used. Every time when the auxiliary voltage will be connected, contact 9 -10 closes for a short period of time (10 ms) giving an OK signal e.g. to PLC.

Self Supervision

The functions of the electronic circuits are continuously supervised by means of a hardware watchdog. In case of an internal fault, contact 9-10 closes giving an alarm and contact 11-12 remains in its position keeping the motor circuit closed, and enabling continuation of the process.

Low Voltage Products


t (s) 30

t6time Adjustability from 2 s to 30 s. Information from motor manufactures. Switches S1...S8 S1 Automatic or manual resetting The SPEM is always automatically reset, when tripping takes place caused by thermal overload or start-up current protection. Otherwise either manual or automatic resetting. Manual resetting by operating S1 from manual position to automatic position and back to manual position. S2 Undercurrent protection OFF/ON Whether underload protection is required or not. S3 Alarm/trip from earth fault Selection of alarm or tripping and alarm. S4...S8 Full load current (l q) preset. Operation of dipswitches to ON-position by moving to the right. Selectable from 60 % up to 122 % with accuracy of + / - 1 %. Steps are: 60 % (fixed) 32 % 16 %


12 OK 11
~ 0

> I I<



MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY t 6 x (s) 10 20 Reset A/M I< OFF / ON Io / Trip 2 30 2 I 0 / I 0n 4 0.4 0.5 I~ 0= 8 0.3 +60 16 [% In] 0.2 0.6 32

Earth fault (SPEM 40_ and SPEM 50_types). Adjustability from 20 % to 60 % of rated zero sequence (SPEM 40_) or residual (SPEM 50_) current. See table on the page 8.

8% 4% 2%

Setting of full load current preset in percentage (l %) and adjustement of current transformers.
The functions (except earth fault protection) are based on full load current, which is the maximum allowed continuous on load current of the motor. The presets, in percent, can be calculated from the following formula: l% = l l CT x 100 % Example: ABB motor M2BA 315 SMC 4B3 Pn = 160 kW, ln = 282 A, 400 V used with 5 % overload allowed by the manufacturer Full load current: l = 282 A x 1.05 = 296 A SPEM type selected from the table on page 9, SPEM40 B310 (with earth fault protection) setting value: l = 296 A x 100 % = 95 % 310 A Select switches S8 and S4. Fixed 60% no need to select. (60 + 32 +2) % = 94 % < 95 % The t6 time for the motor: M2BA 315 SMC 4B3 is 15 s (information from motor manufacturer).
6 Low Voltage Products

I % = full load current preset in percentage I = maximum allowed continous on load current = full load current I CT = rated primary current of current transformer

Front panel indicators

Failure indications: When there is a failure, the relay trips and the yellow OK LED goes out and the correspondant red LED failure indication shows. Indicates when relay permits starting (steady yellow light).

When the relay is reset (manually or automatically), the OK LED lights again. Failure indications go out, when the motor is restarted.

MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY t 6 x (s) 10 20 Reset A/M I< OFF / ON Io / Trip 2 30 2 I 0 / I 0n 4 0.4 0.5 I~ 0= 8 0.3 +60 16 [% In] 0.2 0.6 32

Tripping caused by: Thermal overload, start-up current - Steady red light on the middle LED - Always automatically reset - The tripped indication cancels when the motor is restarted

12 OK 11
~ 0

> I I<

Phase unbalance - Irregular red flash of the middle LED - Automatic or manual reset - The tripped indication cancels when the motor is restarted Under current - Steady red flash of the middle LED - Automatic or manual reset - The tripped indication cancels when the motor is restarted


Earth fault - Steady red light on the lower LED - Automatic or manual reset - The earth fault indication cancels when the motor is re started or if the fault disappears.

SPEM function chart

PROTECTION THERMAL OVERLOAD - overload - start-up current UNDER CURRENT UNBALANCE - phase interrupt - single phase - incorrect phase sequence EARTH FAULT I 0 / In % Alarm Trip Lower potentiom. S3 S3 Steady light Lower LED x Upper LED x x x x Self resetting x x Self resetting PRESETTING I % S4..S8 Upper potentiom. Steady flash Irregular flash Middle LED Middle LED x x x x x x x x INDICATION Steady light Middle LED FUNCTION Tripping Alarm x x RESETTING Automatic Manual x -

t6 / s

OFF/ON S2 I % (S4...S8) I % (S4...S8)

SELF SUPERVISION Internal fault FAIL SAFE OPERATION Failure of auxiliary voltage


Low Voltage Products

Motor Protection Relay SPEM

Technical Data
Thermal overload unit
Setting of full load current I Resolution of full load setting Setting of maximum stall time at 6 times ln, t6x Cooling time constant at zero current (standstill) see table on the next page 2% 2...30 s 4 x heating time constant 12...55 % of I 10 s 1s

Undercurrent unit
Operating value Operating time Resetting time

Phase unbalance unit

Basic sensitivity, fully stabilized to phase current levels between In and 4 x ln, typical value Operating time at pickup level Operating time at full unbalance Resetting time 30 % 30 s 6s 1s 0.2...0.6 x l0n 1s 0.2 s SPEM_B_ SPEM_C_ 220...240 V AC 110...120 V AC 3 VA 230 V AC 30 A 5A 5 A AC - 10 ...+ 55 C - 40 ...+ 70 C

Earth fault unit 1)

Zero-sequence / residual 2) current setting I0 Operating time Resetting time

Auxiliary power supply U aux

Supply voltage on standard relay (operation range 0.85 x U min ...1.10 x U max) Power consumption

Output contact ratings

Rated voltage, make and break Make and carry for 1 s Continuous load Breaking capacity

Environmental conditions
Specified ambient service temperature Transport and storage temperature range

1) 2)

In types SPEM 40_ and SPEM 50_. Rated residual current in types SPEM 50_ is 1 A (with continuous withstand capability 2A and thermal withstand for 1 second 40 A).

Type designation key SPEM 4 0 B 1 0 5 Nom. current with CT ln 0 1 1 3 4 5 6 0 8 1 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 60 A 105 A 185 A 310 A 400 A 500 A

ln - range 4,5...63 A 63...111 A 111...186 A 186...310 A 240...400 A 300...500 A

Aux. supply U aux B C 220...240 V 110...120 V

Earth fault protection 3 4 5 8 No earth fault protection Zero-sequence earth fault protection (by measuring only the phase currents) Earth fault protection by using the residual current transformer. Low Voltage Products

Motor Protection Relay SPEM

Ordering Information
Motor Protection Relays SPEM
The connection cable between SPEM and current transformer can be shortened but not made longer. Cable length approm. 75 cm. Supply voltage 230 V 50...60 Hz. Current transformer included.
Rated Rated current current range ln [A] ln [A] Max. setting of l / [%] Earth fault protection Rated zero Rated sequence residual current l n [A] current l n [A] Type Order number

60 105 185 310 400 500 60 105 185 310 400 500 60 105 185 310 400 500

4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500 4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500 4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500

106 106 102 100 100 100 106 106 102 100 100 100 106 106 102 100 100 100

60 105 185 310 400 500 -

1 1 1 1 1 1

SPEM30B060 SPEM30B105 SPEM30B185 SPEM30B310 SPEM30B400 SPEM30B500 SPEM40B060 SPEM40B105 SPEM40B185 SPEM40B310 SPEM40B400 SPEM40B500 SPEM50B060 SPEM50B105 SPEM50B185 SPEM50B310 SPEM50B400 SPEM50B500

1SCA022388R3210 1SCA022388R5090 1SCA022388R5170 1SCA022388R5250 1SCA022388R5330 1SCA022388R5410 1SCA022388R6140 1SCA022388R6220 1SCA022388R6310 1SCA022388R6490 1SCA022388R6570 1SCA022388R6650 1SCA022388R6730 1SCA022388R6810 1SCA022388R6900 1SCA022388R7030 1SCA022388R7110 1SCA022388R7200


Low Voltage Products


Supply voltage 110 V 50...60 Hz. Current transformer included.

Rated Rated current current ln [A] range ln [A] Max. setting of l / [%] Earth fault protection Rated zero Rated sequence residual current l n [A] current l n [A] Type Order number

60 105 185 310 400 500 60 105 185 310 400 500 60 105 185 310 400 500

4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500 4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500 4.563 63111 111186 186310 240400 300500

106 106 102 100 100 100 106 106 102 100 100 100 106 106 102 100 100 100

60 105 185 310 400 500 -

1 1 1 1 1 1

SPEM30C060 SPEM30C105 SPEM30C185 SPEM30C310 SPEM30C400 SPEM30C500 SPEM40C060 SPEM40C105 SPEM40C185 SPEM40C310 SPEM40C400 SPEM40C500 SPEM50C060 SPEM50C105 SPEM50C185 SPEM50C310 SPEM50C400 SPEM50C500

1SCA022388R5500 1SCA022388R5680 1SCA022388R5760 1SCA022388R5840 1SCA022388R5920 1SCA022388R6060 1SCA022388R7380 1SCA022388R7460 1SCA022388R7540 1SCA022388R7620 1SCA022388R7710 1SCA022388R7890 1SCA022388R7970 1SCA022388R8010 1SCA022388R8190 1SCA022388R8270 1SCA022388R8350 1SCA022388R8430

Motor Protection Relay SPEM

Connection Diagrams
Primary windings for lower rated currents
Only for types SPEM_060
Current range ln [A] 4.5...7.5 7.2...12.0 12.0...20.0 18.0...36.0 36.0...63.6 Turns around current transformer [turns] 8 5 3 2 1 Max. setting of l / [%] 100 100 100 120 106





Low Voltage Products

Motor Protection Relay SPEM

Connection Diagrams
Direct on line starters
L1 L2 L3
F1 F2 F3


3 4

5 6



1 2 3 4 5 6

S1 S2

9 10 11 12

S1 S2





S1 S2

S1 O S2 I H1 1

21 22 13

U aux


V1 U1

14 14 A1


M 3~



1 2




Connection diagram with a separate residual current transformer

L1 L2 L3
F1 F2 F3


3 4

5 6 S1


9 10 11 12


1 2 3 4 5 6


S1 S2




S1 S2
V1 U1

S1 O S2 I
1 2

21 22

U aux






M 3~



14 A1




Low Voltage Products


Motor Protection Relay SPEM

Dimension Drawings
SPEM_60...400 SPEM_500

115 EN 50022

EN 50022

115 228


98 28,5 75,5 22,5



22 111 44

76 192 O6
MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY t 6 x (s) 20 Reset A/M I< OFF / ON Io / Trip 2 30 2 I 0 / I 0n 4 0.4 0.5 I~ 0= 8 0.3 +60 16 [% In]





82 245 82

82 O7



30 I 0 / I 0n 0.4 0.5

66 55

60 43 55

MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY t 6 x (s) 20 Reset A/M I< OFF / ON Io / Trip 2 4 I~ 0= 8 0.3 +60 16 [% In]





~ 0>







> I I<


The technical data and dimensions are valid at the time of printing. We reserve the right to subsequent alternations.



~ 0


100 55 6080



I I<



The technical data and dimensions are valid at the time of printing. We reserve the right to subsequent alterations.

ABB Control Oy P.O. Box 622 FIN-65101 VAASA, Finland Telephone +358 10 22 4000 Telefax +358 10 22 45708 http://www.abb.com/LVswitches


ISO 9001

SPEM1GB 01_06 Waasa Graphics Oy, Vaasa Finland

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