Hildegard Peplau

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Hildegard Peplau

Hildegard Peplau was a nursing theorist famously known as being the "mother of psychiatric nursing" and the "nurse of the century." Peplau worked as a nurse for 50 years and was a prominent member of the American Nurses Association. She recei ed a number of awards and honors! including the "hristiane #eimann Pri$e. Peplau was born in %&0& in #eading! Pennsyl ania. She graduated from the Pottstown! Pennsyl ania! School of Nursing in %&'% and then studied interpersonal psychology at (ennington "ollege in )ermont with *rieda #eichmann! +rich *romm and Harry Stack Sulli an. ,uring -orld -ar ..! she ser ed with the Army Nurse "orps in +ngland! where she worked with leading (ritish and American psychiatrists. Peplau taught the first graduate psychiatric nursing classes at /eachers "ollege! "olumbia 0ni ersity! in the early %&50s. She spent the rest of her teaching career at #utgers 0ni ersity! until her retirement in %&12. Peplau firmly belie ed that nurses should be well educated in psychiatric care in order to tend to mentally ill patients. Her summer workshops focused on teaching nurses important interpersonal ideas stemming from psychology and inter iewing methods. She studied the works of contemporary psychologists and sociologists dealing with the frustration3aggression hypothesis. Some of those studies were applied to her nursing techni4ues! while certain an5iety concepts and theories re ol ing around the hallucinatory process were adapted to her nursing practice. .n an inter iew with S. 6ee Spray in %&&&! Peplau describes how she and her nursing students de eloped critical nursing techni4ues by combining disciplines of medicine! psychology and practice7 "And the hope is! not 8ust mine but . think many people! that at some point the linkages between these two important fields! the basics 9neuroscience! biology! and brain research: and the social sciences 9the psychosocial humanistic piece:! that is! the connections and the integrations of these! will be identified and formulated." Her practice was deemed re olutionary because it re4uired the nurse to interact with the patient on more than 8ust a clinical le el7 "-e took what was published theory about groups ;; and there was 4uite a bit of it! especially in social work at that time and from that we generated a way that nurses could work with patients in a group. Now we didn<t call any of this therapy at the time. .t was called =talking with patients.< 6ater on it was called counseling! and it was into the %&50s before we called it psychotherapy." .n %&5>! Peplau published what would be her monumental work! .nterpersonal #elations in Nursing. She claimed that the nurse;patient relationship would be best taken ad antage of on both sides if it were a "shared e5perience." /he nurse should encourage patients to share any an5ieties or feelings regarding their treatment. "on ersation combined with obser ation! emotional alidation and inter ention would ha e psychologically healthy effects on patients.

Peplau<s work was credited with transforming the nursing practice into a real profession! one that was not merely a watered down ersion of medicine! but a practical and inno ati e ersion of the nurse;patient relationship. Peplau<s interpersonal process has been incorporated into the American nursing world! in both education and practice. (arbara ?. "alloway<s biography gi es an insightful perspecti e on Peplau<s career and personal life. "alloway outlines Peplau<s ambitions for the nursing field as such7 "She belie ed that nursing must be able to delineate the scope of nursing practice@ it must define and certify clinical competence@ it must ha e clear minimum re4uirements for licensure@ and! finally! it must ha e processes of certification for ad anced or speciali$ed practice." Peplau was persistent in her goals and resistant to opposition! causing much contro ersy in her career. 0ntil that point! nursing was considered a subordinate position dominated by women and thereby emphasi$ing feminine 4ualities. She was acti e in mo ing nursing education from hospitals to colleges! thereby promoting nursing as a significant area of study and reinforcing its educational standards. ,espite her many contributions to the nursing profession! before her death in %&&&! Peplau foresaw a great many changes that still needed to be made. .n an inter iew conducted that year! Peplau said7 "Nursing must continue to de elop its understanding of ad anced psychiatric nursing practice! which is humanistic and psychosocial! that whole piece about the beha ior of the patient! the relationship of the family beha ior! and the patient<s beha ior 9the generation of the illness piece:! connections between the nurse<s beha ior and the patient<s beha ior in maintenance of illness! the way in which the inter entions of the nurse can impinge on symptom reduction! and understanding the needs of the symptoms! and after that understanding laying those needs aside."

-hen the name! Hildegard +. Peplau! is mentioned in psychiatric circles there is no need for identifying e5planations. Hilda is well known to the nursing profession! and to other health disciplines. Her name is synonymous with the interpersonal relationship in nursing. Her conceptuali$ation and delineation of the process of the interaction between nurse and patient is one of her ma8or contributions to the profession. /he selection of Hilda for special recognition by the ANA "ouncil of Ad anced Practitioners in Psychiatric3 Aental Health Nursing seems a ery natural e ent in a career which has charted such a wide path through psychiatric nursing and the discipline of nursing. Her work has touched the career of each psychiatric nurse here today! either through her teaching! consultation! writing! professional organi$ation acti ities! or go ernmental ad isory endea ors. /here are many contributions in Hilda<s rich career which could be singled out for special recognition. Her e5cellence as a teacher! her consistency as a scholar! and her creati ity as a theoretician stand out as her most significant attributes.

Hilda entered the nursing profession in Pottstown! Pennsyl ania! where she earned her diploma in nursing at Pottstown Hospital. She worked in operating room super ision as a new graduate! and later mo ed to New Bork! where she did surgical nursing. She went to (ennington "ollege in )ermont and headed the nursing staff in the college infirmary and earned her (accalaureate ,egree in Psychology. She did clinical work at (elle ue@ worked in child care with ,a id 6e y@ had contact with Harry Stack Sulli an and *rieda *romm;#iechman in her e5perience at "hestnut 6odge@ and did pri ate duty in psychiatric nursing in New Bork. ,uring -orld -ar ..! she was stationed in 6ondon in a neuropsychiatric center! the '%>th Station Hospital. /his assignment afforded interchange with many outstanding people in psychiatry. Hilda earned her Aasters ,egree at /eachers "ollege! "olumbia 0ni ersity! and worked in psychiatric nursing in Highland Hospital in Ash ille! North "arolina. She was in ited back to /eachers "ollege to de elop and conduct the graduate program in psychiatric nursing. She completed her ,octorate in +ducation at "olumbia@ was on the faculty for si5 years@ then mo ed to #utgers! the State 0ni ersity in New ?ersey! to de elop and chair the graduate psychiatric nursing program. Now a professor emeritus of #utgers with a continuing acti e professional in ol ement at local! national! and international le els! Hilda defines retirement as a time to do things you want to do! not what you ha e to do. .t is no surprise that what she wants to do comprises a full;time schedule. Hilda has made the statement that nurses facilitated the mo ement of a si$eable number of people into the middle class in this country in the first half of the twentieth century! a contribution to society that is little recogni$ed. Preparation for a nursing career could be ac4uired without paying tuition! and room and board were supported in return for ser ice rendered during the training period. Boung people earned their nursing diplomas! then supported the college educations of brothers! sisters! and spouses. /his custom promoted the upward economic mobility of many families. Aany a medical education was so supported prior to -orld -ar ..7 after ac4uiring their nursing diplomas! some nurses used nursing to work their way through medical school. .n fact! it was a commonly held e5pectation that if you were in nursing and you happened to be bright! surely you would aspire to a medical career. Hilda was one of the bright ones who had no such aspirations. She isuali$ed the nursing and medical professions as sharing some commonly held goals and ser ices! but each with a different and separate health mission in meeting the health needs of people.

Hildegard Peplau Hildegard Peplau a fost un teoretician care alCptea$C cunoscut ca fiind " mama de nursing psihiatric " i " asistenta a secolului . " Peplau a lucrat ca asistentC medicalC de 50 de ani

i a fost un membru proeminent al Asociatiei Asistentilor Aedicali american . +a a primit o serie de premii si distinctii ! inclusi Premiul #eimann"hristiane . Peplau sa nCscut Dn %&0& Dn #eading ! Pennsyl ania . +a a absol it de la Pottstown ! Pennsyl ania ! Scoala de Nursing Dn %&'% i psihologie interpersonale apoi a studiat la "olegiul (ennington din )ermont cu *rieda #eichmann ! +rich *romm i Harry sti C Sulli an . En timpul al doilea rC$boi mondial ! ea a ser it cu Nurse "orpului Armata Dn Anglia ! unde a lucrat cu psihiatri de conducere britanice i americane . Peplau Dn Cat primele absol ent clase de asistenta medicala de psihiatrie la /eachers "ollege ! 0ni ersitatea "olumbia ! la Dnceputul anilor %&50 . +a a petrecut restul carierei sale didactice de la 0ni ersitatea #utgers ! pFnC la pensionare ei Dn %&12 . Peplau cre$ut cu tCrie cC asistentele medicale ar trebui sC fie bine educai Dn Dngri8ire psihiatricC ! Dn scopul de a tinde la pacientii bolna i mental . Ateliere ei de arC a5atC pe predarea asistente medicale idei interpersonale importante care re$ultC din psihologie i metode de inter ie are . A studiat lucrCrile de psihologi i sociologi contemporani care se ocupC cu ipote$a frustrare 3 agresiune . 0nele dintre aceste studii au fost aplicate tehnici de ei de ingri8ire medicala ! in timp ce anumite concepte de an5ietate i teorii care gra itea$C Dn 8urul procesului de halucinant au fost adaptate pentru a practica o asistenta medicala . Entr;un inter iu cu S. 6ee Spray Dn %&&& ! Peplau descrie modul Dn care ea i ele ii ei de asistenta medicala de$ oltat tehnici de ingri8ire medicala critice prin combinarea discipline de medicina ! psihologie si practica 7 " .ar sperana este ! nu doar a mea ! dar cred cC muli oameni ! care la un moment dat! legCturile dintre aceste douC domenii importante ! elementele de ba$C 9 Neuroscience ! biologie ! i creier de cercetare :! precum i tiinele sociale 9 piesa psiho; umanistC : ! care este ! cone5iunile si integrari de acestea ! or fi identificate i formulate . " Practica ei a fost considerat re oluionar pentru cC a necesitat asistenta medicala pentru a interaciona cu pacientul pe mai mult decFt doar un ni el clinic 7 " Am luat ceea ce a fost publicat teoria despre grupuri ; i nu a fost destul de un pic de ea ! mai ales Dn asistena socialC la acel moment i de la care am generat un mod care asistente medicale ar putea lucra cu pacientii dintr;un grup . acum nu am nici o numim de aceastC terapie la momentul . Acesta a fost numit " orbesc cu pacientii . " Aai tFr$iu a fost numit de consiliere ! i a fost Dn anii %&50! Dnainte de a ne numit psihoterapie . " En %&5> ! Peplau publicat ceea ce ar fi munca ei monumental ! #elaiile interpersonale Dn Nursing . +a a susinut cC relaia pacient ; asistenta medicala ar fi cel mai bine profitat de pe ambele pCri dacC ar fi fost o " e5perienC DmpCrtCitC . " Asistenta trebuie sC Dncura8e$e pacienii sC DmpCrtCeascC orice an5ietatii sau sentimente cu pri ire la tratamentul lor . "on ersaie combinat cu obser aie ! alidare emoional i inter enie ar a ea efecte psihologice asupra pacientilor sanatosi . Aunca Peplau a fost creditat cu transformarea practica asistenta medicala intr;o profesie reala ! una care nu a fost doar o ersiune adCpate Dn 8os de medicina ! dar o ersiune

practicC i ino atoare a relaiei pacient ; asistenta . Proces interpersonal Peplau a fost Dncorporat Dn lumea de asistenta medicala american ! atFt Dn educaie i practicC . (iografie (arbara ?. "alloway dC o perspecti C profundC asupra carierei Peplau lui i iaa personalC . "alloway sublinia$C ambiiile Peplau lui pentru domeniul de asistenta medicala ca atare 7 " +a a cre$ut cC alCptea$C trebuie sC aibC posibilitatea de a delimita domeniul de aplicare a practicii de asistenta ! acesta trebuie sC defineascC i sC certifice competena clinice ! aceasta trebuie sC aibC cerine minime clare pentru licensure ! i ! Dn cele din urmC ! ea trebuie sC au procese de certificare pentru practica a ansat sau de specialitate . " Peplau a fost persistente Dn obiecti ele ei i re$istente la opo$iie ! care cau$ea$C multe contro erse Dn cariera ei . PFnC Dn acel moment ! asistenta medicala a fost consideratC o po$iie de subordonare dominat de femei! i subliniind calitCile feminine . +a a fost acti Dn deplasarea de educatie medicala de la spitale la colegii ! promo Fnd astfel asistenta medicala ca un domeniu important de studiu i consolidarea standardelor educaionale . En ciuda multe contributiile sale la profesia de asistenta medicala ! inainte de moartea ei ! Dn %&&& ! Peplau pre C$ut un mare numCr de schimbCri care au ne oie de DncC sC fie fCcute . Entr; un inter iu reali$at Dn acel an ! Peplau a declarat 7 " Nursing trebuie sC continue sC de$ olte Dnelegerea de practici a ansate de asistenC medicalC de psihiatrie ! care este umanist i psiho;sociale ! cC Dntreaga piesC despre comportamentul pacientului ! relaia dintre comportamentul familiei ! i a pacientului comportament 9 generaia a piesei boalC : ! legCturile dintre comportamentul asistenta si comportamentul pacientului Dn Dntreinere de boalC ! modul Dn care inter eniile de asistenta poate afecta pe reducerea simptomelor ! i Dnelegerea ne oilor simptomelor ! i dupC aceea Dnelegerea de stabilire a acestor ne oi deoparte . "

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