Mel John "MJ" Detabali Del Barrio: Employment Highlights Aotea Pathology: July 2009 To Present
Mel John "MJ" Detabali Del Barrio: Employment Highlights Aotea Pathology: July 2009 To Present
Mel John "MJ" Detabali Del Barrio: Employment Highlights Aotea Pathology: July 2009 To Present
17/29 Webb Street Te Aro Wellington Mobile: (022) 1391981 Email:meljdelbarrio !a"oo#$om EMPLOYMENT HIGHLIGHTS Aotea Pathology: July 2009 to Present Positions: Medical Laboratory Scientist - Histology Medical Laboratory Technician - Histology Job Description: Validate Immunohistochemistry stains Prepare Control Blocks for Immunohistochemistry and pecial stains !nsure the ade"uate amount of laboratory supplies e#$# chemicals and consumable Preparation of histolo$y samples recei%ed in the laboratory Performs fro&en section procedure Perform Direct Immunofluorescence procedure on skin biopsies Perform tissue embeddin$ procedures Perform microtomy procedures Perform stainin$ procedures 'ilin$ of slides and blocks (aintenance of e"uipment and )ork area Perform "uality control procedures Perform other duties as desi$nated by the mana$er
Labtests A c!land: July 2009 to July 20*0 Position: Medical Laboratory Technician "Histology#$ ll-ti%e& Job Description: Validation of tains )hich includes automated and manual methods durin$ the initial setup In%ol%ed in the initial set up and %alidation of processin$ protocols for the tissue processor Prepare control blocks !nsure the ade"uate amount of laboratory supplies e#$# chemicals and consumable Preparation of histolo$y samples recei%ed in the laboratory Performs fro&en section procedure Perform Direct Immunofluorescence procedure on skin biopsies Perform tissue embeddin$ procedures Perform microtomy procedures Perform stainin$ procedures 'ilin$ of slides and blocks
(aintenance of e"uipment and )ork area Perform "uality control procedures Perform other duties as desi$nated by the mana$er
Labtests A c!land: +o%ember 2009 to July 20*0 Position: Medical Laboratory Technician "Microbiology#Part-ti%e& Job Description: ,e$ister samples recei%ed in the laboratory Inoculate sample into appropriate culture media -nalyse urine sample usin$ manual and automated methods Perform manual microscopy for urine specimen Perform red cell morpholo$y in urine specimen (aintenance of e"uipment and )ork area Perform "uality control procedures Perform other duties as desi$nated by the mana$er
A c!land 'istrict Health (oard "Lab Pl s: +o%ember 200. to July 2009 Position: Medical Laboratory Technician-Histology Job Description: Preparation of histolo$y samples recei%ed in the laboratory Perform tissue embeddin$ procedures Perform fro&en section Perform Direct Immunofluorescence procedure on skin and renal biopsies Perform microtomy procedures Perform stainin$ procedures 'ilin$ of slides and blocks (aintenance of e"uipment and )ork area Perform "uality control procedures Perform other duties as desi$nated by the mana$er
'iagnostic Medlab Ser)ices Ne* +ealand: -u$ust 200/ to +o%ember 200. Position: Medical Laboratory Technician-Histology Job Description: Preparation of histolo$y samples recei%ed in the laboratory Perform tissue embeddin$ procedures Perform fro&en section Perform microtomy procedures Perform stainin$ procedures 'ilin$ of slides and blocks (aintenance of e"uipment and )ork area Perform "uality control procedures Perform other duties as desi$nated by the mana$er e#$# actin$ as a medical typist
,ity Go)ern%ent Hos-ital o. Ma!ati : 'ebruary 2000 to -u$ust 200/ Position: Medical Technologist I #Histology/ ,linical ,he%istry/ Microbiology/ Hae%atology/ (lood ban!/ I%% nology 0 Serology/ and Microsco-y/ (lood ,ollections& Job Description: Histology: -ssists the Patholo$ist in $ross e1amination of specimens# Perform simple $ross e1aminations on biopsies2 currettin$s2 and endometrial currettin$s# Performs histopatholo$ic and cytolo$ic techni"ues for the purpose of dia$nosis# -ssist the patholo$ist in post3mortem procedures# ,linical ,he%istry: Conducts chemical analyses of blood and other body fluids such as 4lucose2 Blood 5rea +itro$en2 Creatinine2 Blood 5ric -cid2 Cholesterol2 6ri$lycerides2 7i$h3density 8ipoprotein2 8o)3Density 8ipoprotein2 odium2 Potassium2 Chloride2 Ioni&ed Calcium2 Inor$anic Phosphate2 -spartate -minotransferase2 -lanine -minotransferase2 -lkaline Phosphatase2 8ipase2 -mylase2 8actate Dehydro$enase2 6roponin I# Hae%atology: Performs analyses of blood samples submitted to the laboratory for hematolo$ic e1aminations both on manual and automated methods such as Complete Blood Count2 Platelet Count2 Bleedin$ 6ime and Clottin$ 6ime2 Clot ,etraction 6ime2 !rythrocyte edimentation ,ate2 ,eticulocyte Count2 (alarial mear2 Peripheral Blood mear2 Prothrombin 6ime2 -cti%ated Partial 6hromboplastin 6ime# I%% nology 0 Serology: Performs 7epatitis Profile 6estin$2 6hyroid 'unction 6ests2 6umour markers 9Prostate pecific -nti$en2 Beta37uman Chorionic 4onadotropin2 C*2:# C- *:3:;2 <ther serolo$ic e1aminations such as C3reacti%e protein2 ,heumatoid 'actor2 -nti3 treptolysin <2 Den$ue Blot2 and =idal test# (lood (an!: Performs screenin$ of prospecti%e blood donors# Prepares different blood component such as Packed ,ed Blood Cells2 =ashed Packed ,ed Blood Cells2 Platelet Concentrate2 and 'resh 'ro&en Plasma# Performs compatibility test bet)een blood donors and recipients# Microbiology: Performs bacteriolo$ic e1aminations and procedures such as 4ram>s tainin$2 Bacterial Culture2 -cid3'ast tainin$2 ?<7 Preparation2 4erm 6ube2 India Ink Preparation2 biochemical and serolo$ic identification of bacteria and %iruses2 -ntibiotic usceptibility 6estin$# (lood ,ollections: ,e$ister blood re"uest@s in the laboratory lo$book# !1tract blood sample from )ards includin$ the <peratin$ room and !mer$ency room# (aintain the supplies and cleanliness of the <PD bleedin$ area and the Donor bleedin$ room# -ns)er patient "ueries# Perform other duties desi$nated by the Chief (edical 6echnolo$ist#
Massey 1ni)ersity Palmerston +orth 'ebruary 20*0 to July 20*A Grad ate 'i-lo%a in Medical Laboratory Science
,o%- ter Po*er Pl s =ellin$ton2 <ctober 20*A to Present 'i-lo%a in So.t*are 'e)elo-%ent
,entro Escolar 1ni)ersity (endiola2 (anila June *999 to (arch 200A (achelor o. Science in Medical Technology
eptember 20*2
January 20*0
(4(6 in Brain 6umour: - lice of !l)yn 6ibbs> presentation on -strocytoma2 8abtests -uckland
A4A2'S3S,HOLA2SHIPS <ctober 20*0 +o%ember 200. -otea Patholo$y 4raduate Diploma cholarship 2nd Place2 Poster Presentation in I437istolo$y2 7amilton
eptember 200A
*0th Place2 (edical 6echnolo$ist 8icensure !1aminations Professional ,e$ulations Commissions2 (anila
-bed ?ader 7<D2 Cytolo$y Department -otea Patholo$y 900; A.* :9*: 902/; :*::A::
8eanne 4iles 4eneral (ana$er outhern Community 8aboratories 90A; A:9 0900
Colleen Bauckham 2nd3in3char$e2 -natomical Patholo$y 8abtests -uckland 909; :/0/A0* 902/; 0..//90