Black Sun Rising Part 3

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Black Sun Rising

Part 3
By Jack Heart & Orage
"We shall see them again at the epoch of the Revolution." - Abb Louis Constant (liphas Lvi)

Camacotz or Camalotz killed most of the denizens of mans second creation by ripping off their heads.

Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth. Dewey Larson

Time has no power over the spirit and will of man . !. "ung In the Book of the Jaguar Priests or Chilam Balam it is written that the road from the stars will descend from the sky and the 13 Gods of Heaven and 9 Gods of Hell will come to earth !he "aya #elieved that the end was the #eginning and the #eginning the end$ in destruction would come creation and creation destruction It would ha%%en at the #lack hole &t the crossroads an image would a%%ear in the sky !he dark kingdom of 'i#al#a would manifest itself u%on the earth 'i#al#a is inha#ited #y winged creatures with the #ody of men and the heads and wings of #ats !hese creatures are #lood drinkers and hostile to man "ost fierce among them is Camacot( or Camalot( which means )*udden+Bloodletter ) Camalot( killed most of the deni(ens of mans second creation #y ri%%ing off their heads

!he Cthulhu mythos is the nightmarish legacy of H P ,ovecraft He wrote the old ones were slee%ing in the #ottomless de%ths of the oceans until the time when the right astral alignment will awaken them and they will once again walk the earth reigning over an uns%eaka#le kingdom of darkness !heir return is awaited #y a %riesthood of #at winged humanoids who #ide their time concealed #y darkness in the unknown recesses of the earth-s forgotten caves !he "ayans themselves are a %eo%le shrouded in darkness *omewhere in the ninth century "aya civili(ation suddenly ceased to with the city Cancu/n$ their center of trade in what is now Guatemala$ a#andoned in an orgy of violence !he aristocracy of Cancu/n0 thirty+one men$ woman and children were recently discovered hacked to %ieces and tossed in what was their %alace cistern !heir great king 1an "aa. was #uried 2ighty yards away in an unmarked shallow grave !he massacre took %lace around 344 C2 !he "ayan calendar 5 6ust like the story of &kakor and the true names of 7ahweh 5 is #ased on the num#er 13 !he calendar is divided into 13 Baktuns 2ach

Baktun e8uals 199$444 days :hen all 13 Baktuns are com%leted the calendar resets to (ero and the "ayan doomsday scenario takes %lace "ainstream archeologists say the "ayan calendar #egan on &ugust 11$ 3119 BC2 ;sing this genesis date the destruction of earth should have took %lace on <ecem#er =1$ =41= But in the e%ilogue of hronicles of #$a$or 1arl Brugger states >&ccording to the Chilam Balam$ the #ooks of the 6aguar %riests of the "aya$ history #egins in 3113 B C !he German "aya scholar :olfgang Cordan connects this date with a mysterious historic event of great im%ortance ? Brugger doesn-t say what that historic event would #e$ #ut :olfgang Cordan was the foremost e.%ert on "ayan hierogly%hics Historical records indicate that he died in 19@@ at the age of fifty si. while in the field doing research !hey also indicate that his friend and closest colleague was killed si. months later !he inde. cards to CordanAs ma6or work$ a com%arative dictionary of "ayan writings$ have never #een found Cordan was the lead linguist in a huge e.%edition com%osed of some ninety archeologists from Penn *tate under the direction of :illiam < Coe !he dig #egan in 19B@ and finally ended in 19@9 !he effort$ un%recedented to this day in "esoamerican archeology$ unearthed ten s8uare miles of the enigmatic "ayan city0 !ikal$ with its most im%osing structure #eing !em%le 1$ the tem%le of the giant Jaguar &lmost all #ut the most su%erficial information a#out Cordan seems to have #een %urged from academic records !he German :iki%edia editor laments that secondary sources are none.istent and there are no availa#le com%arisons of Cordons work to the current state of research on "ayan hierogly%hics Predicta#ly the editor was also una#le to find anything a#out the circumstances of CordanAs death

!he !ikal e.%edition unearthed five ste% %yramids$ three hundred and fifty houses and enough artifacts to stock a museum !em%le 1 rises a hundred and fifty+four feet a#ove the %la(a and !ikal itself is situated in the middle of an im%enetra#le Jungle cano%ied #y trees u% to a hundred and eighty feet tall &lthough the interior of !ikal-s tem%le com%le. is connected #y a finely co##led network of walkways there are no roads into the surrounding 6ungle !he frescos and artwork found on the site de%ict only %riests in acts ranging from fertility ceremonies to human sacrifice Craftsman and agricultural workers are cons%icuous #y their a#sence of re%resentation :illiam Coe is on record as remarking how it seemed unfathoma#le that such an advanced culture could #e develo%ed in such an inhos%ita#le %lace that seemed to #e una#le to su%%ort more than 6ust a few huts :olfgang Cordan s%eculates that although !ikal-s inha#itants made children-s toys with wheels they must have trans%orted their goods on sleds #ecause no working wheels were found on the site

Monument 6 on display &#out two hundred miles to the west of !ikal is Cillahermosa$ the ca%ital of the "e.ican state of !a#asco Dour of the %ieces of the now infamous monument @ are dis%layed there in the Carlos Pellicer "useum "onument @ is in actuality a well %reserved carved wooden #o. commemorating the death of !ortuguero ruler Bahlam &6aw or ,ord Jaguar It consists of seven %ieces all together &nother of the %ieces is in "etro%olitan "useum of Eew 7ork #ut the wherea#outs of the other two is unknown !he #o. was salvaged from !ortuguero$ a "ayan site discovered in 191B not far from the city &nother German "ayan scholar 5 Professor Berthold Fiese of the field+leading Bonn ;niversity5 descri#es !ortuguero as the western most em#lem %rovince of Palen8ue

2m#lem Gly%hs denote "ayan city states <r Fiese goes on to say that although short lived$ the site was one of the most im%ortant for Palen8ue He %u#lished two scientific %a%ers on the inter%retation of monument @$ one in 19G3 the other in 1934 !hey have never #een translated from German In 1981 a cement factory was built on top of Tortuguero, destroying the rest of the site. In the shadow of the cement factory the disci%les of "ichael < Coe0 racist$ CI& asset since the 1orean :ar and acknowledged #y academia as the foremost e.%ert on "ayan hierogly%hs since the >untimely? death of :olfgang Cordan$ work feverishly to inter%ret monument @ !heir incoherent %roducts run the gamut #ut they all seem to agree that Bolon 7okte >may AdescendA ye+ma$ y+emal ? Bolon 7okte is a "ayan God usually associated with war and discord #ut also creation In "ayan Bolon means nine as in the Eine Gods of Hell or the Eine ,ords of the Eight

From the Dresden Codex Bolon Yokte on the right ith the party fa!ors earing a double headdress.

"he #haraoh ears a !ery similar headdress clearly depicting the snake and the !ulture the same motif used in $%bekli "epe& life and death. "he opposing motifs repeat themsel!es again in 'merica ith #umapunku dedicated to the snake and (llantaytambo to the !ulture. In =449 yet another of those meddling German "ayan scholars wrote his master thesis on T%&T'!'(&%, T#)#S %, *(+,-%, .istory of a *ayan ity, depicted by their glyphs *ven GronemeyerAs work was however %u#lished in 2nglish$ >u%dated? of course$ in =44@ He translated the monument in si. %arts !he first %art %ays homage to Balham &6aw-s ascent to the throne !he second descri#es the *tar :ars that the "ayans$ %articularly !ikal$ incessantly waged on each other *tar :ars could only #e initiated with the rising of Cenus as the "orning *tar "ayan wars would #e held in a#eyance until this ha%%ened &s noted in the monument these wars were usually culminated with the deca%itation of the %risoners taken in them

In =413 in ;.al a few hundred miles northeast of !ortuguero on the 7ucatan Peninsula$ like ants that won-t go away at the %icnic$ German archeologists unearthed a mass grave of twenty four "ayans who had #een #eheaded and dismem#ered !he ever annoying Germans sus%ect the remains to #e that of royalty #ecause many of the skulls have 6ade inserts for teeth !he third %art says that this *tar :ar was waged #y !ortuguero against the neigh#oring town of Comalcalco$ making a mysterious allusion to a >harvest of white flower souls ? In late =411the *eattle !imes ran an article claiming that "e.ico-s Eational Institute of &nthro%ology and History had revealed that there was a reference to the "ayan doomsday scenario on a gly%h found at the Comalcalco ruin site !he inscri%tion is carved or molded onto the face of a #rick called the >Comalcalco Brick ? It has the same Calendar Found as the com%letion of the thirteenth Baktun Eo worries #ut for our intre%id hero and his (om#ie archeologists !he #rick has #een se8uestered$ %resuma#ly with the two missing %ieces of monument @ !he gly%hs are so #adly damaged on the fourth %art of monument @ that it is dou#tful whether even :olfgang Cordan himself could have made anything out of them <r Gronemeyer %asses on that one !he fifth %art descri#es the ceremonial #urning of a house$ the erection of images of Balham &6ar and the "ayan ritual of ruler #inding <r Gronemeyers translation of the critical %art reads like this from German to 2nglishH %reviously it ha%%ened$ it was com%leted for re+#irthing$ It was = days$ 9 ;inals$ 3 !uns$ 3 1atuns and 3 Baktuns #efore the thirteenth Baktun is com%leted on 9 &hau 3 1ankin !hen it will ha%%en0 darkness and Bolon+7okte will descend to theI

http)***zey+,fp-.lY Comet /son ith 0 ob1ects ne feed this time from the Chinese 2pace 3adar. "he comments) 4/5m a Chinese from China. on the up6left corner it says 7it ill collide ith -arth on Dec8 09. 0:9;7< In %art @ of Behind the BushH &leister Crowley$ 7eats$ the &nti Christ J &rmageddon I s%it in the face of #oth Dree "asonry and !almudic Judaism #y %u#lishing the thirteen letter formulae for how to derive the true names of their God whom their "agi call Cav Heh 7od Heh and Cav 7od Heh Heh >!wo names of the !etragrammaton for the first is indeed a %erfect name$ #ut the latter is thoroughly and com%letely %erfect ? >!he living creatures rush forth and return ? !hese 8uotes are from the Kohar which instructs the La#alist on how to use them Mne is for con6uring and the other #anishing !hey are 7ahweh-s %ro%er names and as far as I know no#ody-s ever %u#lished them #efore :hen Fa##i "oses de ,eNn %u#lished the Kohar he would die the ne.t year & cou%le of years later the 1nights !em%lar would #e rounded u%$ charged with heresy and #urned at the stake ,ess than a generation later the Black Plague would lay waste to 2uro%e Eo dou#t when I %u#lished %art si. of that series I made %owerful enemies #ut as they should understand #y now0 they also have %owerful enemies !he more astute readers of Black *un Fising should #e starting to see why

!he "ayans were no savages It is you that are the savage0 >!he :hite Bar#arians ? !he creation$ what is for now the world of the living$ is #ased on thirteen !he "ayans understood how to use this !he Germans$ at least their leadershi%$ knew e.actly who the "ayans were #ecause they #roke with 2m%ire at the #eginning of the twentieth century$ working together with the historical Mrdo Bucintoro$ which will #e e.%lained in later %arts !hey have the <resden Code. and have had it since it was first sent to 2uro%e #y HernOn Cort/s !hat is why they were trai%sing through the malaria infested 6ungles of the &mericas two years after Eational *ocialism assumed %ower in Germany Fevelations$ which is a La#alistic #ook that #rands the Christian religion as a creation of Judaism$ tells its goyim that 199$444 thousand shall #e saved !he 199$444 is the num#er of days in a Baktun and the Germans had the good sense to want to %rolong those days for humanity Human e.istence$ as it is known now$ is cyclic :hen a cycle is over it goes #ack to reset with almost everyone dyeing and a *tar :ars is fought over the souls to #e harvested !he "ayan %riesthood$ who were master La#alists$ knew this and had the e.act calculations for when this cycle$ the current cycle$ #egan and ended In %art 1 of this essay I said the fulcrum of the lie was that Judeo Christianity was founded #y sim%le goat herders Eow I will reveal the %ur%ose of the lie !he %ur%ose of the lie is to kee% from you the a#yssal horror of the truth 7ou are the goat 7ou are livestock farmed #y soulless alien races that in a tem%oral ether and derive their sustenance #y what is %ermanent in you0 your soul Eone will #e saved #y a cor%se on a stick and few will #e saved #y denying your %hysical senses$ fewer still #y a %antheon of gods who are among their tormentors Mnly man can save man which is why the one thing the king of these alien races fears is the *on of "an He is close now$ %oised at the doorway of time nursing an insatia#le hunger for vengeance !hat is why you are all still here and Bolon 7okte is not ,et me introduce you to reality "organ Dreeman is not a scientist$ he is a Hollywood actor 2instein-s vaunted theory of relativity is wrong 2instein was a misogynistic amor%hous #lo# of a fraud who-s only real talent was a talent ty%ical to most

frauds0 %lagiarism Ironically enough 5and these >gods? do love irony5 the most #rilliant human alive today is a rather engaging woman named ,isa Fandall 2instein would have loved that He could have hum%ed her leg while stealing her note#ooks BellAs theorem synthesi(ed from e.%eriments #ased on John *tewart Bells 19@9 %a%er titled %n the (instein /odols$y &osen parado0$ in which he tried to %rove 2instein-s theory of relativity correct #ut instead 56ust like Charles Mtis :hitman #efore him %roving the theory of evolution wrong while trying to %rove it correct5 %roved once and for all the non locality of matter$ invalidating 2instein-s s%eed limit M#6ects and events can and do interact though they are to close in time and se%arated #y to vast a distance in s%ace to #e mani%ulated even #y something traveling at the s%eed of light 2veryone who has ever had a %remonition should already know that But that is what the herd mentality does0 eliminate the common sense of the individual The fastest of all things that fly is the thought. In Luantum entanglement 2lectrons can #e emitted in %airs with their s%ins de%endent and o%%osite from each other If one is negative the other will ad6ust to %ositive :hen the electrons are se%arated the ad6ustment continues even in e.%eriments where the electrons were se%arated #y over a hundred kilometers &s soon as these %articles are e.amined with instrumentation the ad6ustment ceases and the electrons go #ack to random s%ins !his is called wave function colla%se "any modern technologies are #eginning to rely on Luantum entanglement0 state of the art technologies like Luantum com%uting$ Luantum cry%togra%hy$ and Luantum tele%ortation *cientists have already succeeded in tele%orting com%le. sets of information using the rules of Luantum entanglement
<r LuantumH :ave %article duality and the o#serverP

In the slit e.%eriment su#atomic %articles u% to the si(e of #ucky#all molecules e.hi#it the characteristics of #oth waves and %articles when according to "organ Dreeman science they should #ehave only like %articles :hen e8ui%ment delicate enough to o#serve them is added to the e.%eriment the wave function colla%ses and they will #ehave only like %articles

*ince the very first days of relativity$ science was aware of the %ro#a#ility of 2instein Fosen #ridges0 wormholes that could act as #ridges through #oth time and s%ace and violate the limitations im%osed #y the theory of relativity Dor many years it was #elieved that travel through these wormholes would #e im%ossi#le #ecause in the center was a #lack hole whose own center was a singularity which would rend anything %assing through to its smallest %ossi#le %articles In 1933 this scientific was %roven mathematically incorrect when using the e8uations of the real discoverer of relativity0 Hendrik ,orent( ,orent( %u#lished the !heory of Felativity in 1949$ a year #efore the %lagiari(er 2instein In 1933 ,orent(ian !raversa#le :ormholes #ecame a %ro#a#ility In =449 over the frigid night skies of Eorway one of these wormholes was caught on video !he %riesthood of !ikal did not need roads or wheels to travel through the 6ungle "any %eo%le have re%orted an anomalous atmos%heric condition called electronic fog Bruce Gernon gives the #est known account in his #ook The 1og :hile %iloting a %lane to "iami he was engulfed #y a fog that was %enetrated #y a s%iral tunnel He flew through the tunnel for a %eriod of what felt like a few minutes :hen he emerged the %lane was already over "iami and 94 minutes had gone #y In every far flung corner of the earth s%iral %etrogly%hs testify to %rehistoric mans awareness of these %ortals <uring significant astrological alignments sun daggers %ierce the center of some of these %etrogly%hs as if marking %eriods of time when they will o%en u% or take travelers through them to desired destinations

=ncle 2hlomos address in the ether. !here is a "ayan #all field in Chaco Canyon and <r Christy !urner has found a skull with its teeth filed into %oints like some demonic carnivore0 a %ractice seen #efore only in the "e.ican valley In any court of law on earth the evidence given in %art 3 of my Behind the Bush series would %ut a *emitic %resence in &mericas *outhwest at the same time the "ayan %riesthood was a#andoning !ikal It is a scientific fact that the <ene carry markers for Ha%lo Grou% '$ He#rew mitochondrial <E&$ in their #lood !he <ene se8uences suggest that they ac8uired the Ha%logrou% ' relatively recently$ a#out 1444 years ago ;nfortunately there is no ca%ital %unishment yet for (om#ie archeology$ so academia drones on without facing the much deserved conse8uences In %art @ of )ehind the )ush I %resented overwhelming circumstantial evidence that the *e%her 7etsirah$ the La#alistic #ook of creation$ is Luantum %hysics !here is an incor%oreal eleventh dimension called <aAat in the ancient He#rew schematics of the universe and to this very day the e.istence of an eleventh dimension is hotly de#ated in Luantum mechanics :hen that eleventh dimension is added to the e8uations$ %article %hysicists call it " theory :ith the addition of the eleventh dimension what the egg heads call elegant e8uations are made %ossi#le and they do not #low u% into infinity Infinity is the criterion for what is false in su# atomic %hysics Mne cannot have infinity in an >elegant e8uation ? In " theory$ also known as *tring !heory$ the smallest

%articles are in actuality = dimensional dancing filaments of energy that interact in 14 dimensions %lus time !he oscillation of these string+like filaments %roduces all the different %articles that constitute the universe !he oscillation of the strings themselves is contingent on the geometry of each of the dimensions they interact with *tring !heory was seen from its ince%tion as the %otential Holy Grail of science$ unifying the gravitational forces of relativity with 8uantum mechanics and the #ehavior of electromagnetism Pythagoras has #een called the father of *tring !heory #ecause he taught his followers that e.istence was %roduced from harmonic vi#rations like the string of a lyre #eing %lucked from different %ositions His theory a#out the music of the s%heres and their ratios antici%ates the discovery =G44 years later of the Mr#ital resonances which guide the %lanets through their methodical or#its "any legends and stories were s%awned #y PythagorasA legendary intellect But in a story very similar to the #irth of Jesus$ "anly Hall asserts that Pythagoras was #orn in *yria some =344 years ago and schooled #y Fa##is In %art 3 of )ehind the )ush I wrote a#out the *kinwalker Fanch and the Eational Institute of <iscovery *cience0 a front for the <e%artment Mf <efense !he <M< has little interest in ghost #usting !here is a war going on right now #etween gods and gargoyles$ demons and angels$ men and machines !hose of you who do not have access to the underground sanctuaries 6ust narrowly missed #ecoming casualties of that war$ no thanks to the <M< either & *kinwalker is 6ust what it sounds like0 you may #e slee%ing with one tonight$ watching !C with it and sitting down to meals to discuss the latest a#surdity of what it and its kind have %awned off on you as your culture 7ou are at a distinct disadvantage It knows who you are 7ou have no idea !hese are the hidden masters of the &#rahamic religions$ the malevolent sha%e shifting re%tilians of <avid Icke$ the >ultra terrestrials? of John 1eel and the >control mechanism? of Jac8ues Call/e !hey are !he Gods of 2den from :illiam Bramleys #ook and they live through human %ain and sorrow Jac8ues Call/e and John 1eel >the two most #rilliant men to ever study the ;DM %henomenon5 #oth came to almost identical conclusions In /assport to *agonia

Call/e theori(ed that the very same entities man once saw as angels$ fairies and le%rechauns he now sees as aliens and ;DM$ #ecause the entities have no true form$ they a%%ear as man e.%ects them too !hey are control mechanisms0 consciousnessAs that o%erate within the %arameters of mans %erce%tion 1eel went one ste% further when he %ostulated that these #eings live >conterminously? with the human race in dimensions that are #eyond the %eri%hery of mans %erce%tion Call/e was vehemently accused #y the ;DM community of falsifying information in one of his later #ooks$ when he referenced a flying refrigerator like o#6ect terrori(ing %easants in *outh &merica #y draining their #lood with a light #eam while they hunted overnight from #linds in the 6ungle and sle%t in their village huts Feali(ing that the whole ;DM %henomenon was a new religion for fools$ Call/e sto%%ed writing a#out it after that and %ut his %rodigious intellect to #etter uses

Dools may #elieve as they wish to the %eril of their own souls$ #ut from GQ#ekli !e%i to Mllantaytam#o$ to the rites of Baal and "oloch$ which means king in He#rew$ on to the "aya$ &nasa(i and &(tec$ these entities are all #lood drinkers

&nd it is 7ahweh0 "oloch of the Jews and Christians$ that demands that the #lood of animal-s men slaughter for meat #e reserved for him in the kosher rites of Mrthodo. Judaism !he >Chu%aca#ras? re%utedly draining the #lood of livestock in the "e.ican valley #ear an uncanny resem#lance to the Gargoyles that were festooned all over 2uro%ean architecture during and after the !em%lar-s %eriod of %reeminence *omething has #een carving u% livestock in &mericas *outhwest since the late si.ties Cattle mutilations have #een documented since *ki%%y the horse in 19@G *cientists at the *kin :alker Fanch ascertained with forensics that the mutilations on the ranch were done with a long #lade and shorter scissor+like instrument Just like the elongated claw and teeth that once graced the anatomy of certain dinosaurs

*alis#ury Cathedral

4's it is abo!e so it is belo < &t this moment flying ma6estically into the <ark Fift in the northern night sky is the constellation of Cygnus which is a ,atini(ed version of the ancient Greek word

for *wan "any claims have #een made for Cygnus aligning with ancient architecture including the %yramids #ut there are = striking things a#out Cygnus that are facts Close to <ene#$ the #rightest star in the constellation$ an emission ne#ula du%licates the sha%e of Eorth &merica right down to the Gulf of "e.ico Cygnus is also one of the ma6or sources of cosmic rays #om#arding earth !he other is the Cra# Ee#ula whose #irth was recorded #y the &nasa(i &side from neutrinos$ which don-t interact with anything$ cosmic rays are the only %articles that can %enetrate the earth-s surface down to a half a mile or more and they have #een %roven #y &merican geneticist H J "uller to alter the <E& in fruit flies Cosmic rays interact with the earth-s magnetic field which in turn interacts with the *chumann Fesonance *ome scientists have %ostulated that the *chumann Fesonance is the very life #reath of the 2arth herself$ governing all the forces of nature It effects human #ehavior and has #een linked in scientific %a%ers to suicide rates !here is also a growing awareness that it affects suns%ot activity and human health But the most striking thing of all a#out the *chuman Fesonance is the man who discovered it; :infried Mtto *chumann In 193G the occult Cril 5now organi(ed in an armaments factory called #ntriebstechnische 2er$st3tten %.!, *unich #egan its continued flying disc develo%ment %rogram with official Ea(i Party #acking under Professor : M *chumann of the !echnical ;niversity of "unich <r *chumann had worked with The All-German ociety for !etaphysics on the "enseitsflugmachine from 19==+19=9 Jenseitsflugmachine is German for )Mther+ :orld Dlight "achine) or )&fterlife Dlying "achine )

45one are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.4 "ohann 2olfgang von !oethe R1G99 + 13==$ German :riter and Philoso%herS

&n apocalypse R&ncient GreekH TUVWXYZ[\] a%ocOly%sis$ from TU^ and W_Y`Uab meaning Aun+coveringAS$ translated literally from Greek$ is a disclosure of knowledge$ i e $ a lifting of the veil or revelation !he word >a%ocaly%se? is %o%ularly understood to mean >glo#al catastro%he or calamity ? But its first meaning is >disclosure? or >unveiling? c the disclosure or unveiling of the truth I

!he unveiling of truth$ and ensuing demand for 6ustice$ is the real >a%ocaly%tic threat? to the age+old schemes

:ould you like to come alongd &nd you could hel% me sing this song &nd itAs all right$ #a#y itAs all right Foad to Eowhere #y !alking Heads

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