Liquid Liquid Extraction

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The key takeaways are that the experiment studied liquid-liquid extraction of benzoic acid from benzene into water and measured the effect of increasing the number of extraction stages. It also generated an equilibrium curve relating the concentrations of benzoic acid in the aqueous and organic phases.

The main purpose of the experiment was to draw the equilibrium curve and study the effect of number of stages for a given liquid –liquid extraction system of benzoic acid extracted from benzene into water.

The amount of extracted benzoic acid increased with increasing number of stages, with extraction percentages of 5.693%, 5.937%, and 6.0187% for one, two, and four stages respectively.


SUMMARY The main purpose of this experiment as to !ra the e"ui#i$rium %ur&e an! as extra%te!

stu!' the effe%t of num$er of sta(es for a (i&en #i"ui! #i"ui! extra%tion s'stem) In this experiment *en+oi% a%i! !isso#&e! in *en+ene $' usin( -ater it ater) Thou(h, *en+oi% a%i! as preferentia##' so#u$#e in as so#u$#e in $oth *en+ene an! ater) Moreo&er, *en+ene an! -ater

ere %omp#ete#' immis%i$#e) .o, the' forme! separate phases after mixin() -hen this mixer as sett#e! for sometimes, a portion of *en+oi% a%i! as ith NaO/ of 0)01 N %on%entrations for !ifferent mi(rate! from *en+ene to -ater phase) The amount of *en+oi% a%i! !etermine! $' titration

sta(es) In part A of this experiment, the amount of extra%te! *en+oi% a%i! in one, t o an! four sta(es ere 2)3456, 2)4576 an! 3)01876 respe%ti&e#') In this experiment the amount of extra%te! %onstitute in%rease! ith the ere in%reases of num$er of sta(es) In part * of this experiment sto%9 so#ution of !ifferent %on%entration %ontainin( :)2, 5)0, 1)2 an! 0)3 ( of *en+ene extra%te! $' usin( extra%te! phases ater as a so#&ent) In this part the %on%entration of ere 0)01:5, 0)0117, 0)0085 an! 0)00:8) The ere 0)527:1;, 0);532:;, as not exa%t#'

%orrespon!in( %on%entration of raffinate phases passe! throu(h the ori(in)

0)113511 an! 0)0:25:0) The p#otte! e"ui#i$rium %ur&e

OBSERVED DATA Part<A= .tu!' the Effe%t of Num$er of .ta(es Mass of *en+oi% a%i! >3(

?o#ume of *en+ene > 200 m# .tren(th of NaO/ > 0)01 N Ta$#e 1= O$ser&e! Data of Part<A for .in(#e .ta(e Extra%tion) Obs. No of no. Volume Volume of !ate" a##e# ,+ /+ /+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ solution (ml * 0a 0b .a .b .c .# / * 0 *++ *++ *++ *++ *++ *++ *++ Volume of e$t"act %&ase taken (ml *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ -.. */.. 01./ 0*.2 01.0 .2.2 .*.0 */.. 0*.1 .2./ 01.0 .2.2 /..1 .,.3 (nitial Bu"ette "ea#ing (ml )inal Volume of NaO' a##e# -.+ -.2 -.+ -.2 -./ -.. -.. stages of stock

Part<*= E"ui#i$rium Cur&e @eneration ?o#ume of *en+ene ta9en for ea%h sto%9 so#ution > 100 m# .tren(th of NaO/ > 0)01N

Ta$#e ;= O$ser&e! Data of Part<* for P#ottin( E"ui#i$rium Cur&e for .o#utions of Different Con%entrations) -ei(ht of *en+oi% A%i! ta9en in 100 m# *en+ene A(mB ?o#ume of ater a!!e! Am#B ?o#ume of extra%te! $en+oi% a%i! so#ution ta9en Am#B :)2 80 10 :)5 18)3 1:)5 Initia# *urette rea!in( Am#B Cina# ?o#ume of NaO/ a!!e! Am#B



















4A54U5ATED DATA Ea%h 100 m# sto%9 so#ution %ontains 1);( $en+oi% a%i!)

Ta$#e 5= Ca#%u#ate! !ata for per%ent extra%tion) O$s) No) No) of sta(es ?o#ume of NaO/ so#ution Am#B 1 ;a ;$ 5a 5$ 5% 5! : 1 ; 7)0 7)3 7)0 7)3 7): 7)5 7)5 7)0 7)3 7)0 7)3 7): 7)5 7)5 .tren(th of A"ueous #a'erD105 ANB Ea%h sta(e Tota# Amount of .o#ute in ater Amount of so#ute in $en+ene A(B Per%ent extra%te! A6B

0)0385;0 0)057088 0)05:130 0)0182:: 0)018023 0)01781; 0)01781;

0)0385;0 0)071;:8

1)151380 1)1;872;

2)345 2)457




TA*LE := Ca#%u#ate! !ata for fittin( e"ui#i$rium %ur&e) O$s) ?o#ume No) of NaO/ Am#B .tren(th of A"ueous ANB Amount of .o#ute in ater A(B Amount of so#ute in $en+ene A(B Con%entration of so#ute in ater A(<mo#ELB Con%entration of so#ute in $en+ene A(<mo#ELB

.o#ution #a'erD105

1 ; 5 :

1:)5 11)7 8)5 :)8

0)01:5 0)0117 0)0085 0)00:8

0)154238 0)11:14; 0)081008 0)0:38:8

:)530:5; ;)882808 1):1844; 0)22512;

0)01:5 0)0117 0)0085 0)00:8

0)527:1; 0);532:; 0)113511 0)0:25:0


6ART A= Effe%t of sta(es .amp#e %a#%u#ation is (i&en for one<sta(e extra%tion pro%ess= .to%9 so#ution > 100 m# *en+ene F 1); ( *en+oi% a%i!) Amount of ater a!!e! > 80 m#) Thus stren(th of NaO/ so#ution, .1 > 0)01 ?o#ume of NaO/ so#ution, ?1 > 7)0 m# ?o#ume of the samp#e so#ution, ?; > 10)0 m# No e 9no , ?1.1>?;.;
VS 7)0 0)01 = 0)007 N 10)0

1 1 Thus the stren(th of the a"ueous #a'er, S ; = V = ;

@ram e"ui&a#ent ei(ht of *en+oi% a%i!, e > 1;; (Emo# Amount of *en+oi% a%i! in a"ueous #a'er,
m = Nev = 0)007 1;; 80 = 0)0385; g 1000
Amount of acid in aqueous layer AmB 1006 Total amount of acid A M B 0)0385; = 1006 1); =2)3456

Percentage of extraction =

6ART B7 E"ui#i$rium %ur&e (eneration) .amp#e %a#%u#ation for !ata set 5= .to%9 so#ution > 100 m# *en+ene F 1)2 ( *en+oi% a%i! ?o#ume of ater a!!e! to the sto%9 so#ution > 80 m# ?o#ume of NaO/ so#ution, ?1 > 8)5 m# .tren(th of NaO/ so#ution, .1 > 0)01N ?o#ume of a"ueous #a'er, ?; > 10 m# No e 9no , ?1.1>?;.;
VS 8)5 0)01 = 0)0085 N 10)0

1 1 Thus the stren(th of the a"ueous #a'er, S ; = V = ;

@ram e"ui&a#ent ei(ht of *en+oi% a%i!, e > 1;; (Emo# Amount of *en+oi% a%i! in a"ueous #a'er,
m = Nev = 0)0085 1;; 80 = 0)081008 g 1000

Amount of *en+oi% a%i! in *en+ene > A1)2 0)081008B ( > 1):1844; ( Con%entration of *en+oi% a%i! in ater, C1 Con%entration of *en+oi% a%i! in *en+ene, C;
= 1):1844; 1000 g mol = 0)113511 100 1;; L = 0)081008 1000 g mol = 0)0085 80 1;; L

Percent extraction Vs. Number of stages

6.05 6 5.95 5.9 5.85 5.8 5.75 5.7 5.65 0 1 2 3 4 Number of stages 5 Percent extraction (%)

Ci(ure := Chan(e in per%ent extra%tion ith %han(e in num$er of sta(es

Extract phase Vs. Raffinate phase concentration curve

0.016 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Concentration of Benzoic aci in Benzene (N) Concentration of Benzoic aci in !ater (N)

Ci(ure 2= @raphi%a# representation of extra%t phase a(ainst raffinate phase

RESU5T AND D(S4USS(ON Crom the experimenta# !ata the fo##o in( resu#ts ere o$taine! for 6ART A A1B The amount of *en+oi% a%i! extra%te! in sin(#e, t o an! four<sta(e extra%tion pro%ess ere 0)0385;(, 0)071;:8( an! 0)07;;;:( respe%ti&e#') A;B The per%ent of a%i! extra%tion in sin(#e, t o an! four<sta(e extra%tion ere 2)3456, 2)4576 an! 3)01876 respe%ti&e#')

Theoreti%a##' it is e&i!ent that in t o sta(e extra%tion pro%ess the &a#ue of per%ent of extra%tion i## ha&e to $e (reater than that in %ase of sin(#e sta(e ith as ere not perfe%t) It extra%tion pro%ess) The %a#%u#ate! !ata presente! in ta$#e 5 is ex%e##ent the theoreti%a# fa%t) *ut the per%ent extra%tions 1) A sma## amount of sto%9 so#ution ;) Error as a#so o%%urre! happene! !ue to some error o%%urre! !urin( the experiment) as #ost from the s'stem !ue to #ea9a(e throu(h the stopper of the separation funne#) hi#e titration) A!!ition of a &er' sma## amount of extra so!ium h'!roxi!e so#ution %an &ar' the resu#t effe%ti&e#') Cor more perfe%t resu#t titration shou#! $e performe! se&era# times in ea%h sta(e) 5) Cor attainin( the e"ui#i$rium more time ere nee!e!, $ut the time expan!e! for sett#in( ere not enou(h for attainin( e"ui#i$rium %omp#ete#')

The experimenta# !ata o$taine! from 6ART B Con%entration of a%i! in a"ueous #a'er &ersus Con%entration of a%i! in *en+ene #a'er %ur&e is p#otte! in fi(ure 2) A%%or!in( to the NernstGs !istri$ution #a the e"ui#i$rium %ur&e is passe! as not throu(h the ori(in) *ut from fi(ure 2 it is o$ser&e! that the %ur&e !istri$ution #a %omp#ete#') Distri$ution #a has some #imitations< Constant temperature .ame mo#e%u#ar state E"ui#i$rium %on%entrations Non<mis%i$i#it' of so#&ents *ut maintainin( a## these %on!itions a## throu(h the experiment is "uiet !iffi%u#t) Thou(h $en+ene an! ater are immis%i$#e $ut mi(ht $e s#i(ht#' mis%i$#e) Temperature &ariation pro$a$#' o%%urre!) Mo#e%u#ar state !oes not remain same in %ase of asso%iation or !isso%iation) *ut in the experiment it %annot $e sure#' sai! no asso%iation or !isso%iation o%%urre!) The errors, se%tion= 1) The time (i&en for the #a'ers to $e separate! enou(h for the remo&e them from the raffinate phase) as not suffi%ient ater to !isso#&e a## the so#u$#e amount of *en+oi% a%i! an! hi%h mi(ht ha&e intro!u%e! !e&iations in the resu#ts, ma' ha&e hi%h ha&e $een summari+e! in the fo##o in(

passe! throu(h the ori(in) Thus the experimenta# resu#t !oes not satisf' the

o%%urre! !ue to some fa%tors

;) Durin( titration, !ue to the #ea9a(e in the $urette 9no$ there some #osses an! the rea!in( of the &o#ume of the NaO/ one) RE)EREN4ES


as not the a%tua#

1) Cou#son, H) M) an! Ri%har!son, H) C)= Chemi%a# En(ineerin(, &o# ;, ;n! e!), Per(amon Press, Oxfor!, A147;B) ;) Coust et a#= Prin%ip#es of Unit Operations, ;n! e!), Hohn -i#e' I .ons, .in(apore, A1480B 5) M%Ca$e, -) L), .mith, H) C), an! /arriot, P= Unit Operations of Chemi%a# En(ineerin(, 3th e!), M%@ra </i##, .in(apore, A;001B

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