SQL - Improvement Guide

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Improvement Guide

Improve Stored Procedure Performance

Improvement Guide
Revision History
Author Revision Number Date
TCSASSEMBER 1.0 22/06/2014
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e 1 o# $
Improvement Guide
Improvement In%truction%
1. &r"!ni'!tion o# Su(mi%%ion
2. Improvement Tip%
). Re%ource Cont!ct *i%t
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e 2 o# $
Improvement Guide
1. Improvement Instructions
2. r!ani"ation of Submission
T+e %u(mi%%ion #o,,o-% director. %tructure provided (e,o-/
Re!d #ir%t #i,e.
S'( ) Improvement Guide.doc
T+i% "uide t+!t .ou !re re!din"
S0* Server 2001 E2ecution ,!n e2port -+o% e%tim!te% !re (!%ed on %m!,, d!t!3#i,e -e +!d.
Stored rocedure -it+ minor #i2e% unre,!ted to improvement o# per#orm!nce
-. Improvement .ips
Since t+ere i% not ! "ood te%t3d!t! c!%e to te%t m. !%%umption% 4%ince d!t! i% needed (. S0* E2ecution
,!nner to m!5e prediction% !(out +o- ,on" -i,, e2ecution o# %peci#ic t!%5% ,!%t6, +ere !re coup,e o# +int%
to t+e c,ient t+!t c!n +e,p t+em %o,ve t+eir pro(,em.
T+e provided procedure +!% mi%t!5e% in it -+en !pp,ied to e2i%tin" code !nd -i,, not -or5 -it+ -+!t -e
-ere provided. I7ve m!de %ome minor correction% to #i2 t+i% !nd t+e %cript i% ,oc!ted/
Inde2e% !re ver. import!nt 3 t+ere i% po%%i(i,it. t+!t %omet+in" i% not inde2ed !nd c!u%e% t+e e2ecution to
(e %,o-.
T+i% ,oo5% %,o-/
AND (@invoice IS NU !" #$IS%S(S##&% ('( F"!) Invoice *+#"#
,Invoice-.,.ro/ect- 0 ,.ro/ect-.,.ro/ect- AND
,Invoice-.,&lient- 0 ,.ro/ect-.,&lient- AND
,Invoice-.,a1ID- 0 ,.ro/ect-.,a1ID- AND
,Invoice-.,Invoice- I2# 343 5 @invoice 5 343((
AND (@method IS NU !" @method 0 ,"#.SA).#ANA6SIS'-.,Speci7ic)ethod-(
3 It pro(!(,. -on7t u%e !n. inde2 (ec!u%e o# t+e &R !nd m!.(e t+e d.n!mic 8invoice !nd 8met+od !nd
it m!. (e runnin" t+e SE*ECT %t!tement repe!ted,. intern!,,. -it+ t+e 9oin. It i% !t ,e!%t comp,ic!ted !nd
,i5e,. to con#u%e .our ,o"ic no- or in #uture modi#ic!tion%. T+!t i%, (ot+ .our o-n de%i"n, !nd t+e ,o"ic o#
t+e :uer. p,!nner.
3 ;ou !re puttin" t+i% ,o"ic o# @varia1le IS NU into t+e :uer. it%e,#. I -ou,d (ui,d t+e :uer. d.n!mic!,,.,
c+ec5in" -+et+er @varia1le IS NU out%ide o# t+e :uer..
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e ) o# $
Improvement Guide
A,, ,i5e% -it+ pre#i2ed < !re %,o-.
=+en e2ecutin" t+e procedure/
exec spSearchAnalyses
;ou c!n ri"+t c,ic5 in%ide t+e :uer. -indo- o# -+ere .ou !re e2ecutin" t+e procedure !nd c+o%e
Inc,ude Actu!, E2ecution ,!n !nd t+!n >i%p,!. E%tim!ted E2ecution ,!n/
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e 4 o# $
Improvement Guide
=+en .ou "et t+e e2ecution p,!n, .ou c!n +over over individu!, o(9ect%. !. !ttention to ?E%tim!ted
Su(tree Co%t@
;ou c!n u%e t+i% :uer. to e2ecute t+e procedure !nd to "et co%t o# e2ecution p,!n in t!(,e #orm/
S,. S/*01(AN2A(( *N
33 45.*N($ &ill not exec store proc
S,. 45.*N($ *N
exec spSearchAnalyses
S,. 45.*N($ *44
S,. S/*01(AN2A(( *44
It -i,, ,oo5 ,i5e t+i% once e2ecuted 4p!. !ttention to t+e co,umn Tot!,Su(treCo%t6/
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e A o# $
Improvement Guide
And, !"!in, ! 5e. t+in" to c!,, out +ere i% t+!t t+e%e co%t% 4e%tim!ted or ot+er-i%e6 !re (!%ed on S0*
ServerB% 5no-,ed"e o# t+e %i'e o# .our t!(,e% !% -e,, !% t+e c!rdin!,it. !nd di%tri(ution o# .our d!t!. &r, in
ot+er -ord%, t+e%e co%t% !re (!%ed upon %t!ti%tic% !(out .our d!t!. T+e.Bre not, t+ere#ore, %omet+in"
Ct!n"i(,eB ,i5e t+e num(er o# mi,,i%econd% !%%oci!ted -it+ !n oper!tion. A% %uc+, t+e (e%t -!. to t+in5 o#
t+em i% t+!t ,o-er num(er% !re (etter D un,e%% .ou -!nt to tr. !nd "et into %ome o# t+e nitt.3"ritt. det!i,%
!(out +o- t+e%e co%t% !re c!,cu,!ted 4-+ic+, !"!in, i% propriet!r. in#orm!tion or p!rt o# S0* ServerB%
C%ecret %!uceB6.
=it+ t+!t %!id, t+ereB% %ti,, ! -!. to C#r!meB t+e%e co%t% D to provide !n ide! o# -+!t co%t% rou"+,. me!n in
t+e Cre!,B -or,d.
.//-. Co%t% o# .00) !re !(out !% optimi'ed !% .ouBre "oin" to "et -+en inter!ctin" -it+ t+e
%tor!"e en"ine 4e2ecutin" %ome #unction% or oper!tion% c!n/-i,, come in !t c+e!per co%t%, (ut IBm
t!,5in" +ere !(out #u,,3(,o-n d!t!3retriev!, oper!tion%6.
./-. &(viou%,., co%t% o# .0) !re ! #u,, order o# m!"nitude "re!ter t+!n %omet+in" -it+ ! co%t o# .
00) D (ut even t+e%e :uerie% !re t.pic!,,. "oin" to (e EER; e##icient !nd :uic5 D e2ecutin" in
,e%% t+!n ! %econd in t+e v!%t m!9orit. o# c!%e%.
0uerie% -it+ ! co%t o# 1 !renBt e2!ct,. u",. or p!in#u,, 4nece%%!ri,.6 !nd -i,, t.pic!,,. t!5e !
%econd or ,e%% to e2ecute. T+e.Bre not (urnin" up ,ot% o# re%ource%, (ut t+e.Bre !,%o t.pic!,,. not
!% optimi'ed !% t+e. cou,d (e 4or t+e. !re optimi'ed D (ut t+e.Bre pu,,in" (!c5 +u"e !mount% o#
d!t! or #i,terin" !"!in%t ver. ,!r"e t!(,e%6.
0. 0uerie% -it+ ! co%t "re!ter t+!n A, (. de#!u,t, -i,, (e e2ecuted -it+ ! p!r!,,e, p,!n D me!nin"
t+!t S0* Server %ee% t+e%e :uerie% !% (ein" ,!r"e enou"+ to t+ro- mu,tip,e
proce%%or%/core%/t+e!d%3o#3e2ecution !t D in order to %peed up e2ecution. And, i# .ouBve "ot !
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e 6 o# $
Improvement Guide
-e( %ite t+!tB% #irin" o## ! :uer. -it+ ! co%t o# A or more per ever. p!"e ,o!d, #or e2!mp,e, .ouB,,
pro(!(,. notice t+!t t+e p!"e C#ee,%B ! (it %,u""i%+ ,o!din" D m!.(e (. ! %econd or t-o D !%
comp!red to ! p!"e t+!t -ou,d C%prin" upB i# it -!% runnin" ! :uer. -it+ ! co%t o#, %!., .2 or ,o-er.
So, in ot+er -ord%, :uerie% up in t+i% r!n"e %t!rt +!vin" ! notice!(,e or !ppreci!(,e Cco%tB.
2/. 0uerie% in t+i% r!n"e !re T;ICA**; "oin" to (e %omet+in" .ou c!n notice t!5in" ! %econd
or %o. 4T+ou"+, on decent +!rd-!re, t+e. c!n %ti,, end up (ein" in%t!nt!neou% !% -e,, D %o even
!t t+i% point, t+in"% %ti,, depend on ! ,ot o# #!ctor%6.
2//. 0uerie% -it+ t+i% 5ind o# co%t %+ou,d re!,,. on,. (e #or ,!r"er report% !nd in#re:uent,.
e2ecuted oper!tion%. &r, t+e. mi"+t (e %eriou% c!ndid!te% #or t+e u%e o# !ddition!, tunin" !nd
t-e!5in" 4in term% o# code !nd/or inde2e%6.
1///. 0uerie% up in t+i% r!n"e !re -+!t >BA% %t!rt to ,ovin",. c!,, C:uerie% #rom +e,,B D t+ou"+ itB%
po%%i(,e to (ump into :uerie% -it+ co%t% in t+e 10% o# t+ou%!nd% or even more D dependin" upon
t+e oper!tion% (ein" e2ecuted !nd t+e !mount o# d!t! (ein" poured over.
1. Resource 2ontact (ist
Name Resource $mai*
Improvement Guide TopCoder, Inc. 2014 !"e $ o# $

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