Allegro AMS Simulator
Allegro AMS Simulator
Allegro AMS Simulator
Cadence simulation technology for PCB design is available in the following product: Cadence Allegro AMS Simulator
On larger designs especially, PCB design teams need fast and reliable simulation to achieve convergence. Cadence simulation technology for PCB design offers a single, unied design environment for both simulation and PCB design. With integrated analog and event-driven digital simulation, teams benet from improved speed without sacricing accuracy. Using advanced analysis capabilities, designers can automatically maximize the performance of circuits.
The products are tightly integrated with Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL and Cadence OrCAD Capture. The simulation technology can also interface with MathWorks MATLAB Simulink package in a powerful co-simulation environment (SLPS). (See Figure 1.)
Improves simulation times, reliability, and convergence on larger designs Improves speed without loss of accuracy via integrated analog and event-driven digital simulations Explores circuit behavior using basic DC, AC, noise, and transient analyses Allows system-level interfaces to be tested with actual electrical designs using SLPS Offers library selection of more than 20,000 analog and mixed-signal models
Allows for automatic identification of analog and digital signals and applies A-to-D and D-to-A interfaces Explores design relationships with what if scenarios before committing to hardware Maximizes circuit performance automatically using Optimizer Identifies and simulates functional blocks of complex circuitry using mathematical expressions, functions, and behavioral devices Determines which components are overstressed using Smoke analysis and by observing component yields using Monte Carlo analysis
Device equations
Datasheet specications
AMS Simulator advanced analysis - Smoke analysis - Sensitivity analysis - Optimizer - Monte Carlo analysis
Vendor models
PCB layout
Gerber/NC Drill, GenCAM/GenCAD, pick & place reports Purchasing/ inventory Fabrication, assembly & test
Veried BOMs
Released BOMs
Cadence simulation technology for PCB design integrates seamlessly with the Cadence front-to-back PCB design ow, making it possible to have a single, unied design environment for both simulation and PCB design.
Users can easily set up and run simulations, and then cross-probe simulation results from Probe, an industry-standard waveform viewer. Support for multiple simulation proles enables users to recall and run different simulations on the same schematic. Simulation bias results can be viewed directly on the schematic including node voltages, device power calculations, and pin and subcircuit current. Support for Checkpoint Restart allows designers to reduce simulation times when the same circuit is simulated multiple times with minor changes.
Explore circuit behavior using DC, AC, noise, transient, parameter sweeps, Monte Carlo, and DC sensitivity analyses. Allegro AMS Simulator and PSpice technology include interactive simulation controllers and two simulation solvers.
Access built-in functions that can be described parametrically or draw piecewise linear (PWL) signals freehand with the mouse to create any shape stimulus. Create digital stimuli for signals, clocks, and buses; click-and-drag to introduce and move transitions.
Users can select from more than 18,000 analog and mixed-signal models of devices made in North America, Japan, and Europe. Also included are more than 4,500 parameterized models for BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, SCRs, magnetic cores and toroids, power diodes and bridges, operational ampliers, optocouplers, regulators, PWM controllers, multipliers, timers, and sample-and-holds.
Its easy to extract a model of a supported device typesimply enter the required data from the devices datasheet.
magnetic transformers and DC inductors, and generate simulation models for transformers and inductors that can then be used in Allegro AMS Simulator circuits. The Magnetic Parts Editor also allows designers to generate data required for manufacturing the transformers or inductors. The manufacturers report that is generated by MagDesigner after the completion of the design process contains the complete data required by a vendor to develop the transformer for commercial use.
The encryption feature allows models to be encrypted using 56-bit DES algorithm.
Figure 2: Cadence simulation technology for PCB design provides a complete simulation environment including simulation waveform analysis with cross-probing and bias results displayed on the schematic
Functional blocks are described using mathematical expressions and functions, which allows designers to leverage a full set of mathematical operators, nonlinear functions, and lters. Circuit behavior can be dened in the time or frequency domain, by formula (including Laplace transforms), or by look-up tables. Error and warning messages can be specied in different conditions. Users can easily select parameters, which have been passed to subcircuits in a hierarchy, and insert them into transfer functions. New behavioral capabilities include mathematical functions like in(x), exp(x), and sqrt(x).
Cadence simulation technology and the MathWorks MATLAB Simulink package integrate two industry-leading simulation tools into a powerful co-simulation environment (SLPS). Simulink is a platform for multi-domain simulation and modelbased design of dynamic systems. The SLPS integration allows designers to perform system-level simulations that include realistic electrical models of actual components. Design and integration problems can be discovered much earlier in the design process, reducing the number of prototypes needed to execute the design. SLPS integration also lets designers of electro-mechanical systems such as control blocks, sensors, and power convertersperform integrated system and circuit simulation. (See Figure 3.)
Included are a large variety of accurate internal modelswhich typically include temperature effectsthat add exibility to simulations. Models are available with R, L, C, and bipolar transistors plus: Built-in IGBTs Seven MOSFET models, including industry-standard BSIM3v3.2 and the new EKV 2.6 model Five GaAsFET models, including Parker-Skellern and TriQuint TOM-2, TOM-3 models Nonlinear magnetic models complete with saturation and hysteresis Transmission line models that incorporate delay, reection, loss, dispersion, and crosstalk Digital primitives, including bi-directional transfer gates with analog I/O models Two battery models, which allow accurate simulation of the discharge cycle and operating conditions A device equations developers kit (DEDK) allows implementation of new internal model equations that can be used with Allegro AMS Simulator and PSpice simulation.
Figure 3: SLPS integration allows designers to interface the Allegro AMS Simulator / PSpice circuit with Simulink and then observe the waveforms after Simulink-Allegro AMS Simulator / PSpice co-simulation
This feature allows designer to store simulation states at various time-points and then restart simulations from any of the simulation states, which saves time. Designer can modify simulation settings and design parameters before starting a simulation from a pre-recorded time-state.
can use the optimizer to improve design performance, update designs to meet new specications, optimize behavioral models for top-down design and model generation, and tune a circuit to match known results in the form of measurements or curves. The optimizer includes four engines: least squares quadratic (LSQ), modied LSQ, random, and discrete.
Parametric Plotter
Once a circuit is created and simulated, the parametric plotter is used for sweeping multiple parameters. Any number of design and model parameters (in any combination) can be swept and results viewed in tabular or plot form. Designers can use the parametric plotter for allowing device/model parameters to be swept, displaying sweep results in spreadsheet format, allotting measurement results in probe UI, and evaluating post-analysis measurement.
This option makes the simulator automatically change tolerances limits of convergence to make the design converge. Designers can use this option to achieve convergence and then netune simulations by further modifying simulator options. This option is recommended for power electronic designs.
The Smoke option warns of stressed components due to power dissipation, increases in junction temperature, secondary breakdowns, or violations of voltage/current limits. Over time, these components can cause circuit failure. Designers can use Smoke to compare circuit simulation results to a components safe operating limits. If limits are exceeded, Smoke identies the problem parameters. It can also be used for creating, modifying, and conguring derate les for use with Smoke analysis. (See Figure 4.)
Pentium 4 (32-bit) equivalent or faster Windows XP Professional, Vista Enterprise Minimum 512MB (1G or more recommended for XP and Vista Enterprise requirements) 300MB swap space (or more) DVD-ROM drive 65,000 color Windows display with minimum 1024 x 768 (1280 x 1024 recommended)
The sensitivity option identies which component parameters are critical to the goals of a circuits performance by examining how each component affects circuit behavior by itself and in comparison to the other components. It allows designers to identify sensitive components and export them to the optimizer to ne-tune circuit behavior.
Figure 4: Smoke compares simulated values with manufacturers limits to highlight devices operating outside safe operating rages.
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo predicts the behavior of a circuit statistically when part values are varied within their tolerance range. Monte Carlo also calculates yield, which can be used for mass manufacturing predictions. Use Monte Carlo for calculating yield based on your specications calculating statistical data, displaying results in a probability density histogram, and displaying results in a cumulative distribution graph.
The optimizer analyzes analog circuits and systems, ne-tuning designs faster than trial-and-error bench testing. It helps nd the best component values to meet performance goals and constraints. Designers
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