Sim Power Systems

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Model and simulate electrical power systems

SimPowerSystems provides component libraries and analysis tools for modeling and simulating electrical power
systems. The libraries offer models of electrical power components, including three-phase machines, electric
drives, and components for applications such as flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) and renewable energy
systems. Harmonic analysis, calculation of total harmonic distortion (THD), load flow, and other key electrical
power system analyses are automated.
SimPowerSystems models can be used to develop control systems and test system-level performance. You can
parameterize your models using MATLAB variables and expressions, and design control systems for your
electrical power system in Simulink. You can add mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and other components to
the model using Simscape and test them together in a single simulation environment. To deploy models to other
simulation environments, including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems, SimPowerSystems supports C-code
SimPowerSystems was developed in collaboration with Hydro-Qubec of Montreal.
Learn more about physical modeling.
Key Features
Libraries of application-specific models, including models of common AC and DC electric drives, flexible AC
transmission systems (FACTS), and renewable energy systems
Discretization and phasor simulation modes for faster model execution
Ideal switching algorithm for accelerated simulation of power electronic devices
Analysis methods for obtaining state-space representations of circuits and computing load flow for machines
Basic models for developing key electrical technologies
Ability to extend component libraries using the Simscape language
Support for C-code generation

SimPowerSystems model (left) of an asynchronous motor and diesel-generator uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The
Simulink scope (right) shows stator currents and speed of the asynchronous machine.

SimPowerSystems supports the development of complex, self-contained power systems, such as those in
automobiles, aircraft, manufacturing plants, and power utility applications. The models you create support your
entire development process, including hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
Modeling Electrical Power Systems
SimPowerSystems provides libraries for modeling electric machines, transformers, and power converters. You can
connect components, such as generators, transmission lines, breakers, and motors, to model electrical power
systems. Application-specific libraries are also provided, enabling you to model electric drives, aircraft power
networks, and renewable energy systems. Connecting these systems with control systems modeled in Simulink lets
you test integrated electrical power systems in a single environment.
In addition to the traditional input-output or signal flow connections used in Simulink, SimPowerSystems uses
physical connections that permit the flow of power in any direction. Models of electrical power systems built using
physical connections (or acausal models) closely resemble the network they represent, and are easy to understand
and share.
You can define your three-phase connections using individual connections for each phase, enabling you to
perform tests such as injecting a single-line-to-ground fault. You can also create single-line diagrams, where the
three phases are represented by a single line, making the diagram easy to read. SimPowerSystems components are
parameterized using the per-unit system, which is widely used in the power system industry and simplifies the
parameterization and analysis of your system.

SimPowerSystems model (left) of a permanent magnet synchronous motor and inverter sized for use in a typical hybrid
vehicle. The model includes the electrical connections (single-phase and three-phase) and signal flow connections, and
the scope (right) shows the stator currents in the PMSM.

Creating Custom Components

You can add components from other physical modeling products to your SimPowerSystems model. The
Foundation libraries in Simscape contain blocks in hydraulic, thermal, magnetic, and other physical domains.
Integrating these domains into your SimPowerSystems model using physical connections helps you model other
aspects of your system in a single environment.
The Simscape language is an object-oriented language based on MATLAB that enables you to create your own
physical modeling components and libraries. You can define custom components complete with
parameterization, physical connections, and equations represented as acausal implicit differential algebraic
equations (DAEs). Within your components Simscape language file, you can use MATLAB to analyze parameter
values, perform preliminary computations, and initialize system variables. The Simulink block and dialog box for
your custom component are automatically created from the file.
Using the Simscape language, you can control exactly which effects are captured in the models of your physical
components. This approach enables you to balance the tradeoff between model fidelity and simulation speed.

Custom Simscape implementation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor, used as a generator. The MATLAB
editor shows Simscape language source code of the electrical and mechanical equations, and the scope shows the
three-phase AC currents and DC current at the load.

Simulating Models
You can simulate your SimPowerSystems models using any of three solution methods for your power system
network, as well as an ideal switching algorithm that improves simulation performance for systems with
high-frequency switching.
Continuous methods perform highly accurate simulations of power system models, varying the step size to
capture the dynamics of your system. Discrete methods enable you to control the precision of your simulation by
selecting the size of the time step. Phasor simulation replaces the differential equations representing the network
with a set of algebraic equations at a fixed frequency, making it possible to do transient stability studies of systems
with multiple machines.
The ideal switching algorithm in SimPowerSystems enables fast and accurate simulation of systems containing
power electronic devices. This algorithm uses an improved method of calculating the state-space representation of
the system instead of relying on current sources with high-impedance snubbers to model power electronic devices.
This method gives you greater flexibility in selecting a solver and results in shorter simulation times.

SimPowerSystems interface for selecting simulation options. Continuous, discrete, and phasor simulation modes are
supported, with the option of enabling an ideal switching algorithm for faster simulation.

Analyzing Models
SimPowerSystems provides tools for analyzing models, visualizing simulation results, and calculating advanced
block parameters, enabling you to:
Display steady-state voltage and currents
Display and modify initial state values
Perform load flows and machine initialization
Perform harmonic analysis
Display impedance vs. frequency measurements
The load flow computational engine computes initial currents of synchronous and asynchronous machines. You
specify the desired steady-state machine conditions in your circuit, and SimPowerSystems computes the load flow.
The resulting rotor position, initial currents, and internal fluxes are automatically entered into the parameters for
the machines.
SimPowerSystems lets you analyze the electrical network topology and compute the equivalent state-space model
of your circuit without running a simulation. You can link the state-space model to the Linear System Analysis
app in Control System Toolbox to obtain time-domain and frequency-domain responses.

The SimPowerSystems FFT analysis tool. The frequency spectrum of a voltage waveform is displayed, and power
quality is measured by calculating total harmonic distortion.

Deploying Models
You can deploy SimPowerSystems models using code generated with Simulink Coder. The generated code lets
Run hardware-in-the-loop simulations by deploying SimPowerSystems plant models onto real-time
processors that interface directly with other hardware
Build standalone executables of SimPowerSystems models that can be integrated into C programs or other
MATLAB and Simulink models
Improve simulation speed by compiling the C code
Share models without exposing your intellectual property
Sharing Models
You can share SimPowerSystems models with Simscape users who have not purchased SimPowerSystems.
Simscape users can view, simulate, and change parameter values in SimPowerSystems models by leveraging the
Simscape Editing Modes. As a result, your team can share SimPowerSystems models with a larger group of
engineers who use Simscape.

Working with SimPowerSystems Models


Model Developer

Model User

(Purchases Simscape and


(Purchases Simscape)

Log data or change visualization
Change numerical parameters
Generate code with Simulink Coder
Change block parameterization options
Make or break physical connections

SimPowerSystems in Academia
You can use SimPowerSystems to teach how theory relates to electrical network behavior. Students can analyze
large and complex systems, and the simulation results from SimPowerSystems simulations give students a better
understanding of what can happen in a true electrical network. To demonstrate how effects such as hysteresis
influence the electrical system represented by your SimPowerSystems model, you can implement equations for
these effects in the Simscape language.
Using simulation, students can prototype in a virtual environment, which encourages them to try out new designs
and to explore the entire parameter space. Simulation enables them to optimize their designs in research projects
and student competitions.
Because SimPowerSystems is used widely across industries such as automotive, aerospace, and robotics,
graduating students who have experience with this multibody simulation tool are in demand by employers.
Learn more about engaging students with modeling and simulation.
SimPowerSystems Technologies
SimPowerSystems includes both Simscape Components and Specialized Technology libraries. You can create and
simulate systems using either library, and a single SimPowerSystems model can contain components from both
Simscape Components libraries use the full range of Simscape technology, and the component models are written
in the Simscape language. You can directly connect these models with the Simscape Foundation library
components and with components from other physical modeling products.
Specialized Technology libraries provide components and technology specifically developed for electrical power
systems. Specialized Technology models contain a large number of models that use their own electrical domain.
You ultimately connect these blocks to other Simscape elements through Simulink signals.
For more information on the difference between these two technologies, see the SimPowerSystems documentation
and Release Notes.

Product Details, Examples, and System Requirements

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2014 The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See
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