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Pneumatic Key Way Cutter (Slotting Machine)

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FABRICATION OF PEUMATIC BASED KEYWAY ATTACHMENT FOR CONVENTIONAL LATHE Abstract Mechanical engineering without production and manufacturing

is meaningless and inseparable. Production and manufacturing process deals with conversion of raw materials inputs to finished products as per required dimensions specifications and efficiently using recent technology In order to perform different operation in a lathe such as different type of turning, chamfering, polishing, grooving, thread cutting, filling, knurling etc. In this project we have to decide that the keyway operation can be done using conventional lathe with help of keyway attachment. Our project is based on the need for the work holding devices. his fabrication which will enable the operation keyway process easier. In generally the slotting!milling operation can be performed by slotting machine but in this case the keyway operation can be done using conventional lathe through keyway attachment using pneumatic cylinder.

Our project have the following objectives ". o reduce the lead time. #. o increase the productivity by using keyway attachment which is attached in the lathe$ %. &ven an unskilled technician can use them '. (o need for purchasing special machine for keyway ie. )lotting!milling *ith these features, we sincerely hope that our project serve as a valuable project. *e welcome the correction, comments based on our project.

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Advanta ! "4 /i5ture cost is low #4 (o need of purchase special machine for this %4 Production cost is low D"sadvanta ! "4 ,ccuracy is little bit low


PNEUMATIC CYLINDER )troke length 6 "78mm +iameter 6 78mm Pressure 6 "8bar %$PNEUMATIC CYLINDER

Pneumatic cylinders 9sometimes known as air cylinders4 are mechanical devices which use the power of compressed gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear motion. :ike hydraulic cylinders, pneumatic cylinders use the stored potential energy of a fluid, in this case compressed air, and convert it into kinetic energy as the air e5pands in an attempt to reach atmospheric pressure. his air e5pansion forces a piston to move in the desired direction. he piston is a disc or cylinder, and the piston rod transfers the force it develops to the object to be moved. &ngineers prefer to use pneumatics sometime because they are quieter, cleaner, and do not require large amounts or space for fluid storage. ;ecause the operating fluid is a gas, leakage from a pneumatic cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the surroundings, making pneumatics more desirable where cleanliness is a requirement. /or e5ample, in the mechanical puppets of the +isney iki .oom, pneumatics are used to prevent fluid from dripping onto people below the puppet.

/igure 9i4

& &$ DOUBLE'ACTIN( CYLINDER +ouble<acting cylinders 9+,24 use the force of air to move in both e5tend and retract strokes. hey have two ports to allow air in, one for out<stroke and one for in<stroke. )troke length for this design is not limited, however, the piston rod is more vulnerable to buckling and bending. ,ddition calculations should be performed as well by using design data hand book using some relations between cylinder and pressure we can accurately find out bending and buckling of tie rod. &$#$ )D VIEW*

/igure 9ii4

= +$ TWO WAY DIRECTIONAL VALVE , two<way directional valve consists of two ports connected to each other withpassages, which are connected and disconnected. In one e5treme spool position, port, is open to port ;> the flow path through the valve is open. In the other e5treme,the large diameter of the spool closes the path between , and ;> the flow path isblocked. , two<way directional valve gives an on<off function. 9/low path open and /low path closed4.

/igure 9iii4

PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION OF ENER(Y* he reason for using pneumatics, or any other type of energy transmission on amachine, is to perform work. he accomplishment of work requires the applicationof kinetic energy to a resisting object resulting in the object moving through adistance. In a pneumatic system, energy is stored in a potential state under the formof compressed air. *orking energy 9kinetic energy and pressure4 results in apneumatic system when the compressed air is allowed to e5pand. /or e5ample, atank is charged to "88 P)I, with compressed air. *hen the valve at the tank outletis opened, the air inside the tank e5pands until the pressure inside the tank equals theatmospheric pressure. ,ir e5pansion takes the form of airflow. o perform any applicable amount of work then, a device is needed which cansupply an air tank with a sufficient amount of air at a desired pressure. his deviceis positive displacement compressor.

C,ntr,- ,. Pn!/0at"c En!r 1*

*orking energy transmitted pneumatically must be directed and under completecontrol at all times. If not under control, useful work will not be done and machineryor machine operators might be harmed. One of the advantages of transmittingenergy pneumatically is that energy can be controlled relatively easily by usingvalves. 2$)$ C,ntr,- ,. Pr!ss/r!* Pressure in a pneumatic system must be controlled at two points < after thecompressor and after the air receiver tank. 2ontrol of pressure is required after thecompressor as a safety for the system. 2ontrol of pressure after an air receiver tankis necessary so that an actuator receives a steady pressure source without wastingenergy.

WORKIN( he pneumatic machine includes a table with support arms to hold , he table also includes the two way directional valve. he two way directional valve is connected to the compressor. he compressor has a piston for a movable member. he piston is connected to a slotting tool, ,t inlet and outlet ports, valves allow air to enter and e5it the chamber. *hen the compressor is switched O(, the compressed air is flow to inlet of the pneumatic cylinder. *hen the pneumatic hand operated lever is moved forward, the piston starts moving in the forward direction. he keyway cutter tool which are then forced against the job9 work piece4 , cutting 9 )lotting4 the material. *hen the pneumatic hand operated lever is moved backward, the key way cutter tool will come to the original position 9i.e., the key way cutter tool will move backwards4. ,fter the material is cut, adjust the pneumatic hand lever to the mid position 9i.e., normal position4 and then the compressor is switched O//.

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