This unit focuses on self-expression through visual art over 4 weeks. Students will learn about elements of art and principles of design and how artists use them to communicate emotions. They will analyze artworks, discuss universal themes, and create a final self-expression mandala project incorporating these concepts.
This unit focuses on self-expression through visual art over 4 weeks. Students will learn about elements of art and principles of design and how artists use them to communicate emotions. They will analyze artworks, discuss universal themes, and create a final self-expression mandala project incorporating these concepts.
This unit focuses on self-expression through visual art over 4 weeks. Students will learn about elements of art and principles of design and how artists use them to communicate emotions. They will analyze artworks, discuss universal themes, and create a final self-expression mandala project incorporating these concepts.
This unit focuses on self-expression through visual art over 4 weeks. Students will learn about elements of art and principles of design and how artists use them to communicate emotions. They will analyze artworks, discuss universal themes, and create a final self-expression mandala project incorporating these concepts.
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Unit Title: Self Expression Sarah Skidmore
Grade level: 9-12
Length of unit: 4 weeks Stage 1 Desired Results
Meaning Enduring Understandings/Generalizations:
Visual art is an expression of human experience and emotion, and has its own language. The Elements of Art and Design are a foundation for expression and directing ones ideas and emotions. Artistic expression has universal themes that span all cultures. Artistic self-expression is a means of communication and self- healing. Essential Questions:
Universally, why do people make art? What universal themes are expressed in art? Why are the Elements of Art and Design important, and do they have to be present in every piece of artwork? How do you communicate personal experiences through art? How do artists express their ideas and emotions without language?
1. Demonstrate skills that utilize the characteristics and expressive features of art and design to communicate meaning (DOK 1-3) 2. Incorporate personal life experiences through aesthetic responses to works of art (DOK 3-4) 3. Evaluate the emotional significance generated by characteristics and expressive features of art and design (DOK 1-3) 4. Identify ways in which art is basic to thinking and communicating about the world (DOK 1-3) 5. Discuss how characteristics of art are used in specific ways to create meaning (DOK 1-3) 6. Make inferences about the artist's feelings and perspective (DOK 2-3)
Students will know
the Elements of Art (Line, Shape, Value, Form, Space, Texture, Color) the Principles of Design (Rhythm, Emphasis, Pattern, Unity, Movement, Contrast, Balance) that art has its own language and what that language is. that art expression is a means of self-healing and Students will be able to
make a piece of artwork that uses the Elements of Art and Principles of Design that expresses an idea or an emotion identify themes and concepts in artwork research and write about artists intent and emotions evoked through artwork show understanding of symmetry, blending analogous colors, and communication. How to interpret emotion in art. Identify and incorporate nature symbolism. What symmetry is and how to blend analogous colors in a symmetrical manner. Effective research strategies including primary and secondary sources, cross referencing sources, documenting and citing sources for both information and images use. how to verbalize reasoning behind artists purpose while using art vocabulary. nature symbolism within the final mandala project. support aesthetic choices they have made and developed in their artwork with appropriate use of art vocabulary. (Provide vocabulary sheet for them to fill out and use in final critique.) Resources/Materials:
Drake University School of Education building exhibit, Trauma, Trials and Triumph As Evidence Through Artistic Expression with artwork from students coming from the Iowa Juvenile Home. Video connected with the Trauma and Art exhibit. Photos and examples of Mandalas and the how the Tibetan Buddhist Monks use them for healing of the self and or the earth Videos of Buddhist monk and mandala construction and deconstruction (, The Scream and The Voice by Edvard Munch Vocabulary sheet for students to fill out/use in final critique
Stage 2 Evidence (Assessment) Types of assessment: Selected-Response (tests, quizzes); Personal Communication (interview, oral exam, discussion); Written Response (short constructed response questions, entrance/exit slips, essays); Performance Assessment (role-play, Simulation, labs, dramatization) Pre-assessment:
Formal (Given the week before the unit begins) 1) Give the students a pre-test on the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design, review material if needed. Give Pre-Test.
Informal (Given the day before the unit begins) 1) TIPS Activity on self-expression and its importance in the lives of artists globally. Have them turn in these notes. 2) Have an exit slip having them address the question How do artists use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to communicate themselves through their art?
Formative Assessment: (will be incomplete until Stage 3 is completely done)
1) Choice board on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design Have students choose 3 elements and do a thumbnail sketch exemplifying each. Choose 1 of these sketches to create a larger piece from. Have critique over choice board assignment. 2) Written response to artistic images, artist statements, and video from the art exhibit Traumas, Trials, and Triumphs from the Iowa Juvenile Home 3) Socratic Seminar on EQ What universal themes are expressed in art?. Frontload this conversation with article they will all read and base discussion on. Give article as homework the Friday before the discussion, then give 10-15 minutes before Seminar on Monday to come up with 5 talking points. 4) Research project find a piece of artwork that you feel expresses emotions in a unique or powerful way. Write 2 page essay the first page about the emotions it evoked in them and the second page with some information about the artists intent in making it. 5) Compare/Contrast the technical and conceptual aspects of The Scream and The Voice by Edvard Munch. What emotions do they evoke? How do they evoke them?
6) Vocabulary for Critique Give students the vocabulary terms, that they will be responsible for filling out and bringing to critique/incorporate vocabulary when talking about others works. 7) Have students do another TIPS activity addressing the same issues of self-expression and its importance in the lives of artists globally. After they have finished, hand back their original notes and have them compare and contrast how their thinking has changed. Students will write a page paper on these connections, and self assess how their thinking has changed.
Summative Assessment:
1) Self Expression Mandala Project for the Performance based summative assessment. (Assignment sheet and Rubric included) !"#$ &'()"**+,- .,-/"(0 1-+0 !2+34,)" 5678 09 :);3" < =""2*
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Foimal pie assessment -uive stuuent pie-test on the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign, ieview mateiial if neeueu. Infoimal pie-assessment - TIPS Activity on self- expiession anu its impoitance in the lives of aitists globally. Stuuents will tuin in notes. Exit slip having them auuiess the question ""Bow uo aitists use the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign to communicate themselves thiough theii ait."
1 2 S 4 S Choice boaiu on the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign. Complete Thumbnail sketches in classas homewoik. Come to class having chosen a thumbnail sketch to enlaige. Woik on it in class. Continuefinalize pioject on the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign that they chose. Show samples of woik fiom "Tiauma, Tiials, anu Tiiumph" anu talk about ait theiapy anu self- expiession being useu to heal. Watch viueo fiom Iowa }uvenile Bome. Complete a wiitten iesponse to images fiom the uay befoie anu viueo (to be tuineu in at the enu of class). uive stuuents aiticle to ieau foi Sociatic Seminai on Nonuay. 8 9 1u 11 12 uive stuuents 1u-1S minutes at beginning of class to ieview aiticle. Pick S talking points to biing to table uuiing Sociatic Seminai. Conuuct Sociatic Seminai. Intiouuce ieseaich pioject. Biscuss ieseaich stiategies. PPT on piimaiy anu seconuaiy souices, types of souices, cioss- iefeiencing, uocumenting, anu citing souices foi both infoimation ieseaicheu anu images useu. Reseive the libiaiybiing in mobile lab foi stuuent to stait finuing the woiks of ait they will be ieseaichingfocusing on. Come to class with finalizeu piece of aitwoik that they will focus on in theii ieseaich pioject.
Woikshop timequestionsinuiviuual meeting with teachei.
Biing final papei in Nonuay to shaie with class. 1S Bave stuuents woik in small gioups to shaie theii piecespapeis about. Bave gioups choose one membeis papei to shaie full class. 16 Bave stuuent compaiecontiast the technical anu conceptual aspects of "The Scieam" anu "The voice" by Euvaiu Nunch. Neet in small gioups then shaie full class. 17 Intiouuce ciitique stiategies anu impoitance of consoliuating language by using vocabulaiy woius uuiing ciitique.
uive stuuents vocabulaiy sheet to stait filling out in paiis.
18 Bave stuuents tuin in completeu vocabulaiy sheets. Check foi unueistanuing anu hanu back. Intiouuce Nanuala pioject. Show examplesviueos - give assignment sheet. 19 Woik time touay thiough the next week. Summative Self Expiession Nanuala pioject uue at beginning of class on Fiiuay the 26 th . This uay will be spent in a whole class ciitique, stuuents using the vocabulaiy sheets they weie to fill out anu incoipoiate into theii analysis of theii peeis' aitwoik.
Final TIPS auuiessing the same issues of self- expiession anu impoitance in the lives of aitist globally that they uiu as a pie=assessment. Banu back theii oiiginal notes anu have them compaiecontiast how theii thinking has stayeu the same oi changeu. Wiite a page papei on these connections foi homewoik. Come in ieauy the next uay to stait new unit.
Mandala translated from the original Sanskrit, means circle or completion. Mandalas are used in Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies. They are a tool for meditation in many cultures and are even becoming more popular in the Western world. In this article, we will discuss the uses for mandalas and lessons they can teach you.
Buddhist monks will painstakingly take hours, weeks and even months creating beautiful mandalas with colored sands. These beautiful sacred geometrical patterns will be used in ceremonies and then, in an instant, the sand will be thrown to the wind. Why? Because, the monks believe that only in giving up the mandala will the essence (the good energies) be sent out into the world. To them, the mandala is more than simply art. It has a spiritual message born out of the hearts and consciousness of those who created it. So, in a sense, in tossing it to the wind, they are generously sharing the beautiful parts of themselves with the world around them.
Each mandala truly is a piece of artwork. They are composed within a circular (although sometimes invisible) frame and the designs within that frame are symmetrical. These designs range rom simple to intricate and some have spiritual symbols with in like the lotus flower, the yin-yang, monks in meditation, the Christian cross and Star of David. All are beautiful and can teach us lessons about ourselves, and the world we live in.
The mandalas we will make will focus on radial symmetry, nature symbolism, and blending of analogous colors in a symmetrical manner. I will also be looking for creativity, craftsmanship, and effort in the final grading or your mandala.
Rubiic foi Final Peifoimance Baseu Assignment (Stuuents self assess fiist, teachei seconu, in uiffeient coloi pens.)
Stuuent Teachei 2S-2u 2u-1S 1S-1u 1u-u
Cieativity Ny piece is totally oiiginal anu shows eviuence of highei level thinking anu cieativity Ny piece is oiiginal but I playeu it safe with the iueas I was thinking about Ny piece was veiy simple. I uiun't push myself oi my skills when cieating it.
Ny piece was put togethei veiy quickly anu is lacking cohesive thought oi uiiection.
Effoit I tiieu something uifficult oi challenging that pushes me to a highei level of thinking anu ability. I pusheu myself a little but stayeu within my comfoit zone.
I uiun't push myself beyonu what I have uone in othei piojects. I was unwilling to tiy a challenging pioject
Ny pioject was below my ability level. I pickeu it because I thought it woulu be easy.
Ny piece uses the elements of ait anu the piinciples of uesign to cieate a uynamic anu exciting composition. Ny piece uses some of the elements of ait anu piinciples of uesign. Spenuing a little moie time on my composition coulu have maue my manuala bettei.
Ny piece has a simple composition. It may be lacking in balance, a focal point, unity, oi symmetiy. Little to no thought was put into the composition oi cieating symmetiy within the manuala.
Application Ny piece showcases anu combines my leaining fiom past piojects. It is a goou summaiy of my leaining in the class anu shows my peisonal style. Ny piece combines my leaining fiom othei piojects, but I coulu have showeu off moie of my skills. I coulu have put moie of my peisonal style into the piece. Ny piece isn't a goou summaiy of my leaining fiom the othei piojects. Little peisonal style is eviuent. Little effoit oi thought was put into how to showcase anu summaiize leaining fiom this unit.
Stuuent Scoie _______1uu
Teachei Scoie _______1uu
Comments: !"#$% '(")"*+, -./$0+%$(1 2"3)
Arrangement -
Foreground -
Background -
Symmetrical -
Balance -
Organic -
Geometric -
Balance -
Contrast -
Harmony -
Pattern -
Repetition -
Rhythm -
Unity -
Variety -
Value -
Form -
Color -
Space -
Line -
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I believe self-expiession anu honing into who we aie anu what we have to say is one of the most impoitant things that we can teach oui stuuents. Because of this ueep seeueu belief, I chose to cieate a 4-week unit focuseu aiounu self- expiession. This unit will be placeu towaius the enu of the semestei, so the stuuents will alieauy have a basis of what the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign aie anu how they aie useu to expiess meaning anu emotion in aitwoik. I want stuuents to consiuei the Essential Questions, "Bow uo we communicate peisonal expeiience thiough ait." anu "Bow uo aitists expiess theii iueas anu emotions without language." I stiive foi stuuents to unueistanu that the way in which theii emotions anu iueas aie communicateu without language is thiough use of the Elements of Ait anu the Piinciples of Besign. This is the basis of oui unit so we began with a ieview of the 14 Elements anu Piinciples that we continuously to go back to thioughout the unit. I begin the unit with a foimal pie-assessment of the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign to ieinfoice that these will be veiy impoitant to consiuei anu iemembei thioughout the unit. The pie-test will not be giaueu, but will show me wheie each stuuent is anu how much ieview I will neeu to uo foi them. I will give this foimal pie-test a couple uays in auvance in oiuei to be able to aujust my teaching accoiuingly. Aftei ieviewing the pie-tests, I will conuuct moie of an infoimal pie-assessment wheie I will fiontloau stuuents by having them uo a think, ink, paii shaie activity on self-expiession anu its impoitance in the lives of aitists globally. I think it is impoitant to biing to light the fact that self expiession is not only ielevant to one gioup, one class, oi one iace - it is something that is useu univeisally anu globally to help inuiviuuals expiess themselves, heal themselves, anu feel as if they aie affecting the woilu in a positive mannei. I think now woulu be a goou time to have stuuents uo an Exit Slip ovei the Essential Question "Bow uo aitists use the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign to communicate themselves thiough ait." I will let stuuents know that on Nonuay they neeu to come ieauy to jump iight into oui next concept unit on self-expiession. The next Nonuay we will stait out with a choice boaiu assignment on the Elements of Ait anu the Piinciples of Besign. The stuuents will be given a choice boaiu sheet with all 14 Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign on it. I will instiuct stuuents to choose S that they will cieate thumbnail sketches of. The next uay they will come having ueciueu which thumbnail they think will most successfully be tianslateu into a laigei 8"x1u" piece, using mateiials of theii choice. I will give stuuents woik time foi the next two uays in class. I ueciueu it was impoitant when talking about self-expiession to also talk about ait theiapy anu the healing that can happen when inuiviuuals who have gone thiough haiuships anu tiaumas aie able to ielease some of those emotions thiough theii aitwoik. I will biing in examples of aitwoik, along with aitists statements, fiom the exhibit "Tiauma, Tiials, anu Tiiumph". We will have a uiscussion about the stuuents' ieactions to the aitwoik, as it ueals with some pietty heavy stuff. The next uay we will watch a poition of the viueo fiom the Iowa }uvenile Bome that goes along with the exhibit. viewing the aitwoik anu watching the viueo coulu possibly biing up some pietty intense emotions, so I think some time to iesponu thiough wiiting afteiwaius will be effective heie. I will also tell stuuents that if they have any questions, conceins, oi neeu to talk about what they hau just seen, I will be available to them aftei class. We then will go into a Sociatic Seminai focuseu aiounu an aiticle I pioviue stuuents with to ieau as homewoik ovei the weekenu. They aie to come up with S talking points about why self-expiession is impoitant. I will mouel how to paiticipate in a Sociatic Seminai anu then they will conuuct one of theii own. This Seminai will allow stuuents to uiscuss how chaiacteiistics of ait aie useu in specific ways to cieate meaning. Stuuents will also be iesponsible foi incoipoiating peisonal life expeiiences into theii talking points - which is an aspect incluueu in one of my leaining goals. This next uay I will intiouuce the ieseaich papei that iequiies stuuents to focus on a specific piece of aitwoik, of theii choice, that they believe expiesses emotion. Stuuents will be iesponsible foi biinging in the photo as well as uoing a wiite up about what emotions they believe the aitist was tiying to uepict, anu also infoimation about the aitist themselves. Stuuents aie fiee to choose any aitist they uesiie, as long as theii content is appiopiiate to shaie with the class. Befoie beginning, I will have a PoweiPoint piepaieu anu ieauy foi stuuents in oiuei to intiouuce them to effective ieseaich stiategies. We will uiscuss piimaiy anu seconuaiy souices, uiffeient types of souices, cioss-iefeiencing souices, uocumentation, anu citing of souices foi both the infoimation they accumulate as well as the images they use. The next uay we will be in the libiaiy so they can begin ieseaiching, anu the next two uays will be spent finalizing theii 2-page wiite up. 0n Nonuay the ieseaich papeis aie to be biought back in anu shaieu with small gioups. Fiom theie, each gioup will choose one of the papeis fiom the gioup to shaie full class. I believe this ieseaich papei will help pioviue all stuuents with a foim of uiffeientiation anu choice that lenus itself to uiveise stuuent leaining neeus. This assignment woulu align with my leaining goal about making infeiences about aitist's feelings anu peispectives. I will then tiansition to compaiing anu contiasting aitwoik by Euvaiu Nunch in his woiks "The Scieam" anu "The voice". These two pieces of aitwoik both uisplay extieme emotion, but aie both open to inteipietation. I will have stuuents focus on the similaiities anu the uiffeiences between the technical anu conceptual aspects of these woiks. They will also be askeu to think about what emotions each piece evokes anu how they evoke them. Fiom heie, stuuents will meet in small gioups to uiscuss these similaiities anu uiffeiences anu then shaie full class. This compaiecontiast pioject woulu align with my leaining goal about evaluating the emotional significance geneiateu by chaiacteiistics anu expiessive featuies of ait anu uesign. The next uay I will intiouuce ciitique stiategies anu let stuuents know the impoitance of using oui ait vocabulaiy in ciitiques in oiuei to most effectively anu succinctly expiess what we aie tiying to say. I will pioviue stuuents with a vocabulaiy sheet they will be iesponsible foi filling out, tuining in, anu using latei on in the ciitique. Beie we come to the final summative pioject baseu assessment of the unit - the Self Expiession Nanuala pioject. Within this pioject, stuuents will leain about the histoiy of manualas anu theii use in expiessing emotions. I will infoim stuuents of how manualas can be useu as a tool foi meuitation in many cultuies. I will fiontloau stuuent knowleuge by showing them examples of photos of manualas anu viueos of sanu manualas being constiucteu anu ueconstiucteu. I will also uemonstiate exactly how to constiuct anu use symmetiical blenuing to cieate a beautiful anu meaningful piece of aitwoik that expiesses who each stuuent is anu what they wish to expiess to the woilu. When making these manualas, I will piompt stuuents to think of a wish oi an intention that they have. Stuuents will be giaueu on cieativity, effoit, composition, anu application as outlineu in the iubiic. Stuuents will be given the iubiic aheau of time in oiuei to know exactly what they neeu to uo in oiuei to get the giaue they uesiie. I expect these manualas to use iauial symmetiy, natuie symbolism anu blenuing of analogous colois in a symmetiical mannei - as outlineu in the assignment sheet. I believe that this pioject will be effective in having stuuents uevelop anu uemonstiate theii unueistanuing of the impoitance of self-expiession anu the use of ait foi healing anu meuitation. The unit will concluue with a final ciitique wheie stuuents will biing theii vocabulaiy sheets they filleu out. The ciitique will be baseu aiounu these vocabulaiy woius, as well as the Elements of Ait anu Piinciples of Besign we have been stuuying. Aftei this ciitique, stuuents will be given the same think, ink, paii, shaie piompt they uiu at the beginning of the unit - auuiessing the same issues of self-expiession anu the impoitance of it in the lives of aitists globally. Stuuents will be given back theii initial iesponses in oiuei to compaie anu contiast what they have leaineu thioughout the unit. Aftei analyzing the similaiities oi uiffeiences in theii answeis they will wiite a page papei on these connections. I will let them know to come ieauy the next Nonuay to begin a new unit.