Worksheet 1

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ART Appreciation
Worksheet 1:
Fundamentals of Art

Name: Zandra Louise F. Fojas Year/Section: OBTEC I-3

Days: ___________________ Time: _________ Room: ____________

At the end of the session, you will be capable of:

1. Explaining what are the assumptions and nature of the
2. Discussing the importance of art and how studying the arts can
contribute to one’s self.
3. Identifying the influence(s) of the arts to society.

Art is part of our everyday experience. It is pervasive in the sense

that we “do” art. Each waking time is spent with either creating or
appreciating art. Art is a testimony of the human condition and essentially
a way in which we perceive the world and our humanity.
This worksheet will challenge you to focus on the arts and identify
how the arts influence you as a person and perhaps contributory to the
development of who you are.
So, relax and enjoy the journey. The tasks are designed to enable
you to reflect and realize how you and the arts are actively engaged.

A. Gearing Up: “On a Personal Journey”

Create an image using the given shapes

Did you find it easy to create an image? If your answer is yes, why did you find it easy? If
your answer is no, what challenges did you experience?

Being a visual learner, I found it a bit easy to create images and visualize something
out of the given shapes. Every time we go out, I sometimes stare at the wall and find
random patterns that I make object representations of; shadows created by objects
would sometimes look like animals, wall marks or stains would look like silhouettes of
faces or persons, and clouds would form shapes of different objects. This activity is the
same as my random experiences, the difference is that I had to draw them this time
instead of just stating what I see. This is the challenge I encountered for it has been a
while since I stopped doing traditional art. My main medium was oil pastels but I kind
of lost the interest as I got busy in school when face to face classes came back in SHS.

B. Setting the Mood: “My Curious Mind”
Exploration with Art! Write a short statement about the picture in your language of

It is not until you dive within the depths of your being that you see
the reflection of your true self. Break out of the comfort and step
into the deep waters; you won’t find your true self in your reflection
or others’ reflection of you alone.

Thinking Out Loud!

What is reflected in your statement? What is imitated in your statement?

The message aims to My statement was

signify exploration of composed with the
one’s inner self. It complexity of the
reflects that like the ant, human being in mind. I
we see our reflection in attempted to capture
the shallow waters, and that what we see in the
we are curious as to outside is just a shallow
what lies beneath. The representation of
message is that we as ourselves. This also
human beings, explore applies to the people
the intricacies of around us that we don’t
ourselves to form our know well. What we
own identity— who we know about someone
really are— aside from and vice versa is only a
how others view us. part of who they are.

How do you feel about writing your own statement?

As I was thinking about

what the message of the
picture conveyed and what
it meant to me, I felt as if I
was the ant who got curious
about my reflection and
jumped into the waters to
find out more. I imagined
being transported into an
imaginary space wherein I
saw flashbacks of my
memories. It took me a
while to process how this
related to me— I’m still in
the process of finding out
who I am and my identity
apart from what others
think of me.

C. Testing the Gear: “I Can Do This!”
Exploration with Art! Thinking about art using visual expression.

Draw your answers

What makes you happy? What relaxes you?

What makes you feel emotional? What makes you feel motivated?

What inspires you to be creative? What do you do when you are bored?

How does the arts enrich your daily life?
Since Arts is a form of creative expression, it enriches our daily life by helping us express
our thoughts and feelings healthily. As for me, playing music through the keyboard helps me
get away from stress, instead of bottling up negative feelings especially if I cannot tell these to
others. Not only is it personal, but Arts connect people as well. Those with the same interests
are brought together, while those with conflicting views are peacefully discussed or resolved
through art. It makes daily living bearable, being a part of almost everything around us.

D. Taking the Plunge: “Challenge Accepted!”

Zentangle Pattern Ideas

Exploration with ART! Write your name using the Zentangle Method:


E. Learning Anew: “A Bit Wiser”
Reflection is part of a learning process and as such this part encourages you to write what
you have realized or learned from the lesson.
1) Write about your thoughts on how you use art every day.

I use art every day as I am a student and a student-leader. Being the Public Relations
Officer of the Freshmen Assembly in PNU, I am in charge of all the publication materials
released by our page. Thus, I spend most of the time designing and editing in Canva. As
a student, I also express my creativity in activities that allow me to, specifically with
writing and designing. Outside of school, I am a keyboard player in our church in Quezon
City, so I am also deeply inclined to music as a form of my ministry in the church and
relaxation during my personal time. Aside from these, I also see art in nature; when I’m
stressed from hours of online classes, I step outside and stare at the flowers our landlady
grew. Since art is encompassing and can be seen everywhere, I sometimes find design
inspiration from random things like a pack of chips (e.g., color palette and font styles).

Criteria 3 2 1
1. Effort/Perseverance
The student showed hard work & The student finished the project, but it The students finished the
gave an effort that was beyond could have been improved with more project, but with minimal
what was expected effort effort to appear appealing
2. Understanding
(Concept) The artwork was planned The artwork was planned adequately The artwork showed little
carefully with understanding of with some concepts & instructions evidence of understanding
most concepts & instructions of concepts & instructions
3. Craftsmanship/Skill
The artwork was beautiful & With a little more effort, the work The student showed poor
patiently done; it was as good as could have been outstanding; lacks the craftsmanship; evidence of
hard work could make it finishing touches laziness or lack of interest in
the task
4. Neatness
The artwork showed no The artwork has unnecessary marks & The artwork is dirty & has
unnecessary marks & creases some crease marks many crease marks
5. Details
The artwork showed particular The artwork showed little attention to The artwork showed no
attention to the placement or the placement or arrangement of the attention to the placement
arrangement of the visual visual element or arrangement of the visual
element element
TOTAL SCORE: ____________ Grade: ____________

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